CR7.1 | Advances in sea-ice modelling and Polar & Cryosphere attribution
Advances in sea-ice modelling and Polar & Cryosphere attribution
Convener: Carolin Mehlmann | Co-conveners: Alex Bradley, Clara Burgard, Anouk Vlug, Bruno Tremblay, Martin Vancoppenolle, William Hobbs
| Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.14
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
The cryosphere and polar regions have changed dramatically in recent years. Perhaps nowhere has this been more clear than in sea ice, which has seen significant decline; however, there remain challenges in developing models to understand and project further changes. Such ongoing changes in the polar regions and cryosphere have been linked to climate change but formal attribution studies have only just begun to emerge. Our new session focuses on these two aspects: sea ice modelling and the nascent field of polar & cryosphere attribution.

The first part of the session will focus on attribution studies – which involves making quantitative statements about likely causes of climate change and how climate change affects the likelihood of individual weather events – of the polar regions and cryosphere. Contributions are from a variety of aspects under the entire cryospheric and polar attribution umbrella: ranging across time scales from individual events to long term change, and from historical and paleo studies to future changes; from local to global; from ice sheets to river ice; from anthropogenically induced to focussed on a specific forcing or range of different forcings; and from methods to applications.

In the second part of the session, we will discuss new model approaches and mathematical techniques to simulate sea ice. Sea ice is governed by a variety of small-scale processes that affect the large-scale dynamics of the system. Recently, a number of new approaches have been developed including new rheologies, discrete element models and machine learning techniques to model and parametrize nonlinear relationships governing sea-ice behaviour.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 1.14

Chairpersons: Alex Bradley, Clara Burgard, Carolin Mehlmann
Virtual presentation
Daniel Otto, Gerard Roe, and John Christian

The central estimate of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is that the magnitude of anthropogenic warming since 1850 is equal to 100% of the observed warming. However, the IPCC is notably much more timid in attributing glacier mass loss to anthropogenic warming over the same period. Disagreements have arisen in previous research, primarily stemming from ambiguity in the dynamic disequilibrium of preindustrial glaciers and its lingering effects. Accounting for variability in glacier disequilibrium entering the industrial era, Roe et al., (2021) used simple glacier models and synthetic climate scenarios to estimate  a mass-loss attribution of ˜100% [90-130%, likely range] over the full industrial era. Our work further assesses this claim for a case study of glaciers in North America and the Alps using: i) realistic ice dynamics, ii) observed glacier geometries, iii) ensembles of last-millennium reconstructions (LMR) and GCM simulations, and iv) a comprehensive sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. In addition to CMIP6 past1000 simulations, we use recently developed LMR paleoclimate reconstructions, specifically adapted for melt-season temperatures. By using millennial-scale climate time series, we avoid the need for an accurate initial condition. We simulate glacier mass-balance and length fluctuations over the last millennium for a variety of potential climate histories to produce an uncertainty envelope for each glacier’s preindustrial state. For our case-study of glaciers, we find that all: i) exhibited slow growth over the last millennium, ii) have lost mass over the industrial era, and that iii) the magnitude of industrial-era mass loss for each glacier greatly exceeds natural variability over the last millennium. Given that 100% of industrial-era temperature change is attributable to anthropogenic activity, these results imply that mass loss for these glaciers can be confidently attributed to anthropogenic warming since the beginning of the industrial era (1850 vs. the IPCC’s 1990). Work is ongoing to expand the analysis scope to a larger network of well-observed glaciers, with potential for a global assessment in the future.

How to cite: Otto, D., Roe, G., and Christian, J.: Assessing the attribution of alpine glacier mass loss to anthropogenic warming over the last millennium using ensemble paleoclimate reconstructions and GCM simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10630,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
John Erich Christian, Alexander Robel, Ginny Catania, Vincent Verjans, and Ziad Rashed

Many marine-terminating outlet glaciers have retreated rapidly in recent decades, but these changes have not been formally attributed to anthropogenic climate change. A key challenge for such an attribution assessment is that if glacier termini are sufficiently perturbed from bathymetric highs, ice-dynamic feedbacks can cause rapid retreat even without further climate forcing. In the presence of internal climate variability, attribution thus depends on understanding whether (or how frequently) these rapid retreats could be triggered by climatic noise alone.

We present simulations with idealized glaciers to analyze glacier variability in the presence of topographic thresholds, and to demonstrate a framework for attribution. We find that when termini are positioned near bed peaks in a noisy climate, rapid retreat is a stochastic phenomenon. We therefore assess the likelihood of rapid retreat, using ensembles of many simulations with independent realizations of random climate variability. Synthetic experiments show that century-scale climate trends substantially increase the likelihood of retreat. The strength of this effect is related to the timescales over which ice dynamics integrate forcing, implying that the time of onset of anthropogenic forcing is a key factor to constrain for attribution studies. We close by discussing broader considerations for framing attribution studies on marine-terminating glacier retreat, and ongoing work towards applying this framework to glaciers in Greenland.

How to cite: Christian, J. E., Robel, A., Catania, G., Verjans, V., and Rashed, Z.: A probabilistic framework for quantifying the role of anthropogenic climateforcing in marine-terminating glacier retreats, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11044,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Kaitlin Naughten, Paul Holland, and Jan De Rydt

Mass loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, driven by interactions with the ocean causing melting of ice shelves, is currently Antarctica’s largest contribution to sea level rise. It is not well known how ice shelf melting may evolve in the future, and to what degree this response can be tempered by climate change mitigation. Here we present the most comprehensive future projections of the Amundsen Sea region to date: nearly 4000 years of ice-ocean simulations considering different fossil fuel scenarios and pathways of internal climate variability. All scenarios exhibit significant and widespread future warming of the Amundsen Sea ocean and increased melting of its ice shelves. Even under the most ambitious scenario, where global warming is limited to 1.5°C, the Amundsen Sea warms three times faster than in the historical period. The warming is driven by an increase in onshore transport of warm Circumpolar Deep Water, causing the present-day oscillations between warm and cold periods to converge towards a state of permanent warmth. Until the 2070s, all scenarios are statistically indistinguishable in terms of Amundsen Sea warming; after that, it is only the extreme RCP 8.5 scenario which diverges from the others. Furthermore, the additional ice shelf melting in RCP 8.5 is concentrated in regions which are less glaciologically important for sea level rise. These results suggest that climate mitigation has limited power to prevent West Antarctic ice loss, and that a substantial baseline of future sea level rise is already committed. 

How to cite: Naughten, K., Holland, P., and De Rydt, J.: Substantial future ice shelf melting projected in West Antarctica regardless of fossil fuel scenario, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2651,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hugues Goosse, Sofia Allende Contador, Cecilia M. Bitz, Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Clare Eayrs, Thierry Fichefet, Kenza Himmich, Pierre-Vincent Huot, François Klein, Sylvain Marchi, François Massonnet, Bianca Mezzina, Charles Pelletier, Lettie Roach, Martin Vancoppenolle, and Nicole P.M. van Lipzig

The seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice extent is largely controlled by the evolution of the insolation received at the top of the atmosphere. However, sea ice processes and feedbacks with the ocean and the atmosphere can modulate this seasonal cycle. Here, the atmospheric feedbacks are quantified in a series of idealized sensitivity experiments performed with an eddy-permitting (1/4°) NEMO-LIM3 Southern Ocean configuration, including a representation of ice shelf cavities, in which the model was either driven by an atmospheric reanalysis or coupled to the COSMO-CLM2 regional atmospheric model. In these experiments, sea ice thermodynamics and dynamics as well as the exchanges with the ocean and atmosphere are strongly perturbed. This perturbation is achieved by modifying snow and ice thermal conductivities, the vertical mixing in the ocean top layers, the effect of freshwater uptake/release upon sea ice growth/melt, ice dynamics and surface albedo. We show that the changes in surface heat fluxes are very different between the configurations driven by the reanalysis and those coupled to the atmosphere. Atmospheric feedbacks enhance the response of the modelled winter ice extent to any of the perturbed processes, and the enhancement is strongest when the albedo is modified. The response of sea ice volume and extent to changes in entrainment of subsurface warm waters to the ocean surface is also greatly amplified by the coupling with the atmosphere. By contrast, the atmospheric feedbacks can damp the impact of the perturbations affecting the heat conductivity through sea ice.

How to cite: Goosse, H., Allende Contador, S., Bitz, C. M., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Eayrs, C., Fichefet, T., Himmich, K., Huot, P.-V., Klein, F., Marchi, S., Massonnet, F., Mezzina, B., Pelletier, C., Roach, L., Vancoppenolle, M., and van Lipzig, N. P. M.: Importance of atmospheric feedbacks in simulating the seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice and its response to perturbations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1531,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Lorenzo Zampieri, Nils Hutter, and Marika Holland

The parameterization of the heat conduction through sea ice and snow remains simple in state-of-the-art models. Specifically, it relies on prescribed conductivity parameters constant in time and space, therefore neglecting the substantial heterogeneity of these mediums down to the unresolved subgrid scale. This assumption clashes with robust observational evidence, which indicates that snow and ice conductivities can vary greatly depending on the environmental conditions and the history of the sea ice. The winter observations collected during the MOSAiC expedition are unique tools for advancing the quantitative understanding of heat conduction in sea ice and improving the realism of the thermodynamic parameterizations in models. Our investigation utilizes gridded helicopter-borne thermal infrared imaging, laser scanner (ALS) elevation observations, and meteorological measurements to assess the model bias and diagnose the importance of unresolved processes and topographic heterogeneity on heat conduction. We evidence different heat conduction regimes depending on the ice thickness, type (i.e., ridged or level ice), and snow patchiness. In light of these results, we will discuss strategies for an effective parametrization of these unresolved processes in sea ice models, and their harmonization with the preexisting model infrastructure. Furthermore, I will comment on the potential of emerging data-driven analysis techniques and machine learning in facilitating the formulation of parameterization at different stages of the development process.

How to cite: Zampieri, L., Hutter, N., and Holland, M.: Improving the representation of the sea ice and snow heat conduction in models through the lens of the MOSAiC dataset, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8813,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Einar Ólason, Guillaume Boutin, Anton Korosov, Pierre Rampal, Timothy Williams, Madlen Kimmritz, Véronique Dansereau, and Abdoulaye Samaké

We present a new brittle rheology and an accompanying numerical framework for large-scale sea-ice modelling. We have based this rheology on a Bingham-Maxwell constitutive model and the Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle (MEB) rheology for sea ice. The key strength of the MEB rheology is its ability to represent the scaling properties of simulated sea-ice deformation in space and time. The new rheology we propose here, which we refer to as the brittle Bingham-Maxwell rheology (BBM), represents a further evolution of the MEB rheology. We developed BBM to address two main shortcomings of the MEB rheology and numerical implementation: excessive thickening of the ice in model runs longer than about one winter and a relatively high computational cost. The BBM addresses these shortcomings by demanding that the ice deforms under convergence in a purely elastic manner when internal stresses lie below a given compressive threshold. It also improves numerical performance by introducing an explicit scheme to solve the ice momentum equation. We show that using an implementation of BBM in the neXtSIM sea-ice model, the model gives reasonable long-term evolution of the Arctic sea-ice cover. It also gives very good deformation fields and statistics compared to satellite observations.

How to cite: Ólason, E., Boutin, G., Korosov, A., Rampal, P., Williams, T., Kimmritz, M., Dansereau, V., and Samaké, A.: A new brittle rheology and numerical framework for large-scale sea-ice models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11613,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stefanie Rynders, Yevgeny Aksenov, and Andrew C. Coward

Sea ice plays a key role setting up a climate state of the Polar Oceans through moderating interactions between the ocean and atmosphere. As it is seen from satellite data, on the synoptic and sub-seasonal time-scales sea ice partly moves as a solid body – large areas of sea ice cover drift as single polygons – and partly deforms as a plastic material, shearing along the deformation lines – linear kinematic features (leads). Leads are important for the heat fluxes and also for navigational safety.

In this study we focus on winter sea ice. Currently sea ice is thinning and more deformable; thinner ice is easier to crack. We compare the effect of different rheologies on sea ice and have developed a very high resolution (1 km) Arctic model, which allows for examining lead formation. The model shows a step change in behaviour compared to the previous high-resolution configuration (3 km). Specifically, we compare the EVP and EAP sea ice rheologies; these show substantial differences in the number and orientation of leads. EAP produces diamond patterns which has so far been difficult to create in models. The stand-alone sea ice model simulations will be coupled to ocean to examine eddy interaction.

We acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821926 (IMMERSE project) and from the LTS-S CLASS Programme (grant NE/R015953/1). The work reflects only the authors’ view; the European Commission and their executive agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the work contains. This work also used the ARCHER-II UK National Supercomputing Service and JASMIN, the UK collaborative data analysis facility.

How to cite: Rynders, S., Aksenov, Y., and Coward, A. C.: Arctic sea ice dynamics at 1km resolution with SI3, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15574,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Carolin Mehlmann, Giacomo Capodaglio, and Sergey Danilov

Linear Kinematic Features (LKFs) are found everywhere in the Arctic sea-ice cover. They are strongly localized deformations often associated with the formation of leads and pressure ridges. Viscous-plastic sea-ice models start to produce LKFs at high spatial grid resolution, typically with a grid spacing below 5km.  Besides grid spacing, other aspects of a numerical implementation, such as discretization details, may affect the number and definition of simulated LKFs. To explore these effects, simulations with different sea-ice models such as MPAS, CICE, ICON, FESOM and MITgcm are compared in an idealized configuration.

We found that the nonconforming finite-element  CD-grid discretization produces more LKFs than the CD-grid approximation based on a sub-grid discretization. Furthermore the nonconforming finite-element approach simulates the same number of LKFs as conventional Arakawa A-grid, B-grid, and C- grid methods, but on grids with less degrees of freedom ( a  coarser mesh). This is due to the fact that CD-grid approaches have a higher number of degrees of freedom to discretize the velocity field. Due to its enhanced resolving properties, CD-grid methods are an attractive alternative to conventional discretizations. 

How to cite: Mehlmann, C., Capodaglio, G., and Danilov, S.: Simulating deformation structure in viscous-plastic sea-ice models with CD-grid approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11737,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Till A. S. Rasmussen, Jacob W. Poulsen, Mads H. Ribergaard, Stefan Rethmeier, Elizabeth C. Hunke, and Anthony P. Craig

Earth system models (ESM) strive to describe more and more details. This is often accomplished with the use of more complex descriptions or higher resolution. The limitation of this approach is often the computer system at hand. In many cases, ESM’s are written with a focus on the physical system development and less on how to structure the code according to infrastructure on the computer. This presentation focuses on the sea ice dynamics, and particularly on the solver for the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic (EVP) equations. The EVP approach introduces artificial elastic waves that are iteratively dampened. Hundreds of iterations are necessary to reach a solution. In the traditional implementation, each iteration requires communication between the processors using MPI calls.

An analysis of the existing solver’s performance was first carried out based on the sea ice model CICE. Three performance challenges were identified with the current implementation: Two challenges relate to the parallelization itself, namely 1) General imbalance issues due to the nature of the challenge and 2) MPI synchronization after each sub-cycling. The third issue relates to the data structures chosen and their corresponding memory access patterns. This study aim at removing all three limiting factors by adjusting the memory access patterns and by adjusting the parallelization approach so that we can avoid the costly MPI synchronization after each sub-cycle, which enables the use of parallel instructions, which are available in modern hardware. The adjusted implementation runs significantly faster.

EVP is just one component out of many others in sea ice/ESM model (and other modelling systems). The refactoring includes a novel integration that shows how the EVP solver can be integrated into various model systems via the MPMD pattern and hence also runs on heterogeneous systems.

How to cite: Rasmussen, T. A. S., Poulsen, J. W., Ribergaard, M. H., Rethmeier, S., Hunke, E. C., and Craig, A. P.: Refactorization of the EVP solver, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15209,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Saskia Kahl and Carolin Mehlmann

Currently climate models represent sea ice by a continuums approach. The continuums assumption implies that statistical averages can be taken over a large number of floes.  But the application of continuum rheological models at or below the scale of individual floes is only appropriate if the mode of failure of a single floe is the same as the mode of failure of an aggregate of floes. Continuum models have been developed for a grid resolution of 100 km. In last years computing power has increased and sea-ice models are often run at high mesh resolutions where a grid cell may no longer contain a representative sample of sea-ice floes.

We are addressing these shortcomings of current continuum sea-ice models by developing a hybrid model. The idea of the hybrid approach is to nest a Discrete Element Model into a continuum sea-ice model in order to predict sea ice on fine spatial scales in a region of interest. To facilitate the coupling between the continuum and Discrete Element Model a Particle-in-Cell scheme is used which ensures mass conservation in the hybrid approach. We analyze the coupling of the continuums and particle mechanics and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

How to cite: Kahl, S. and Mehlmann, C.: On the development of a hybrid sea-ice model by combining particle and continuums mechanics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7098,, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Chairpersons: Anouk Vlug, Clara Burgard, Carolin Mehlmann
Polar & Cryosphere attribution
Abolfazl Jalali Shahrood, Amirhossein Ahrari, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

Extreme hydrologic events are influenced mainly by the river ice processes in cold climates. River ice break-up is particularly notable in Arctic regions since it commonly occurs around the time of the spring freshet. The most significant hydrologic events in the Nordic and Arctic rivers occur following the spring ice jam break-ups. The break-up patterns dominate the hydrology and ecology of downstream parts of a river. Rivers that are already receiving a lot of snowmelt runoff discharge may experience backwater carried on by jammed ice. Neighborhoods along rivers could flood due to the high water, which commonly exceeds open-water peak values in many locations. When ice jams are broken up, the physical action of the ice also results in significant infrastructure and property damage, and disruptions to transportation systems and hydropower production have additional financial costs. Consequently, understanding the ice jam break-up patterns in a riverine system is essential for mitigating such damages. In this study, Tornio River's ice break-up patterns are analyzed since 2002. Tornio River is a transboundary, and Arctic river on the border of Sweden and Finland which discharges into the Gulf of  Bothnia. Tornio river and its main tributaries show different behavior regarding the melting season due to their geographical location, morphology, and delay in reaching the positive temperature phase.

The nine gauges over Tornio River’s tributaries, including Abiskojokk, Abisko, Karesuvanto, Lannavaara, Junosuando, Kallio, Pajala, Naamijoki, and Kukkolankoski have been monitored from 1st Oct 2002 to  30th Sep 2020. For this purpose,  daily temperature and flow data have been collected from MODIS (assimilated and gap-filled), Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), and Finnish open hydrology data (provided by SYKE). Furthermore, to observe the events visually and to verify the break-up patterns, Sentinel -1 radar data were used in Google Earth Engine within its period of availability (2016-2020). A tool was developed to estimate the freezing period based on the slope of the annual flow pattern and the consecutive dates following the same slope to find the break-up. The results indicate that, on average, ice in Kukkolankoski, Pajala, Kallio, Naamijoki, and Junosuando stations which are located in lower latitudes, breaks up earlier than Abiskojokk, Abisko, Karesuvanto, and Lannavaara which are relatively situated in higher latitudes. The higher the latitude, the later the ice tends to melt, as it was hypothesized. Additionally, the breakup dates show more dispersed results in Karesuvanto, Kallio, and Abiskojokk than in other stations. It indicates that the breakup pattern in the three mentioned stations is not as stable as in other locations and their pattern changes over time. The results of temperature data show almost the same pattern but with a delay prior to discharge results. On average, 10 days after reaching the positive temperature phase in each station the ice melts.

How to cite: Jalali Shahrood, A., Ahrari, A., and Torabi Haghighi, A.: River ice break-up pattern in Arctic river, Case study: Tornio River and its main tributaries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6665,, 2023.

Alexander Bradley, David Bett, C. Rosie Williams, Robert Arthern, Paul Holland, and Jan De Rydt

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is thinning and losing mass at an accelerating rate. However these changes have yet to be formally attributed to anthropogenic climate change, primarily because of the potential for positive feedbacks on ice sheet mass loss which may have been triggered even within the limits of natural internal climate variability. This begs the question: has the thinning, mass loss, and ultimately sea level rise from Antarctica resulted from anthropogenic changes? Or, is the ongoing mass loss simply the result of a positive feedback playing out on the long timescales on which ice sheets evolve? We have developed a framework to address this question, in which forcing is applied via variable ice-shelf basal melt rates with large internal variability. This framework is suitable, in particular, for use in systems with strong feedback potential. An idealised example shows that this framework permits statistically robust attribution statements to be made, even in systems that are highly susceptible to feedbacks, demonstrating the feasibility of such attribution studies for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Bradley, A., Bett, D., Williams, C. R., Arthern, R., Holland, P., and De Rydt, J.: (How) can we attribute West Antarctic ice mass loss to climate change?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8309,, 2023.

Anouk Vlug, Ben Marzeion, Matthias Prange, Larissa van der Laan, and Fabien Maussion

Glacier evolution over the past century is, in part, caused by prior changes in the climate, resulting from both internal variability in the climate system and changes in external forcings. Therefore, the focus in this study is on the last millennium, to gain more insight into the build-up of the little ice age and the following glacier retreat. The role of the individual climate forcings (volcanic, greenhouse gasses (GHG), orbital, land cover and land use change (LULCC), solar and anthropogenically induced ozone and aerosols) is addressed through simulations with the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM), using climate time series from the Community Earth System Model Last Millennium Ensemble (CESM-LME) as forcing. Our study is novel in both experimental set-up and in that it is the first global glacier attribution study on this time scale, simulating more than a small selection of glaciers.

How a glacier evolves is dependent on the state the glacier is in and on the climate. We take both these aspects into consideration in our global glacier last millennium attribution study. Instead of letting the glaciers freely evolve in the attribution experiments, we prescribe the glacier geometry based on a factual case, in order to avoid mass change being attributed based on the wrong glacier state (e.g. a glacier that has disappeared instead of an existing glacier). To create a factual case, the Last Millennium Re-analysis (LMR) is used as forcing in OGGM. This has the additional benefit that it gives the opportunity to address spin-up issues, as the LMR starts in 0 CE and the CESM-LME 850 years later.

Finally, the preliminary results show that changes in the volcanic forcing had a relatively minor role on the long term global glacier evolution over the last millennium. Instead LULCC and orbital forcing seem to have had a significant influence leading up to the little ice age maximum extent, and the GHG to the recent glacier retreat. Without anthropogenic forcing the glaciers would still be growing instead of retreating, as a result of GHG emissions.

How to cite: Vlug, A., Marzeion, B., Prange, M., van der Laan, L., and Maussion, F.: The influence of climate forcings on global glacier evolution over the last millennium, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9580,, 2023.

Advances in sea-ice modelling
M. Katharina Stolla, Hauke Schmidt, and Dirk Notz

We investigate the reasons for the intermodel spread of simulated Arctic September sea-ice sensitivity. Previous studies have found that Arctic September sea-ice area declines linearly with cumulative CO2 emissions both in observations and climate-model simulations. However, the models’ sensitivity differs substantially, with the models generally underestimating the sensitivity of sea-ice area to CO2 emissions. We here examine the reasons for the large intermodel spread in order to be also able to understand the general underestimation.

We identify a chain of processes contributing to the overall sea-ice sensitivity and investigate the simulation of each sub-process separately in each CMIP6 model. The process chain considers the global-mean temperature response to CO2 increase, Arctic amplification, the increase in incoming longwave radiation, the total non-shortwave heat flux in the Arctic, and the resulting sea-ice loss. In addition, we separately examine the impact of the simulated incoming longwave radiation for the spread of sea-ice sensitivity. Doing so, we find that clouds play a minor role for the spread of simulated incoming longwave radiation but that temperature rise and water vapour content in the Arctic are relevant.

Based on these analyses, we identify three processes whose different representation in climate models likely is the main cause for the intermodel spread of simulated sea-ice sensitivity, and which need to be improved to improve the modeled sensitivity of Arctic sea ice: firstly the global-mean temperature response to CO2 increase, secondly the Arctic amplification and thirdly local sea-ice processes. The first two factors highly impact the evolution of temperature in the Arctic which affects the incoming longwave radiation and thus the evolution of sea ice.

How to cite: Stolla, M. K., Schmidt, H., and Notz, D.: Understanding the Intermodel Spread of Simulated Arctic September Sea-Ice Sensitivity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8019,, 2023.

Noé Pirlet, Thierry Fichefet, Martin Vancoppenolle, Clément Rousset, Casimir de Lavergne, and Pierre Mathiot

The coastal polynyas of the Southern Ocean play a crucial role in the formation of dense water and have an impact on the stability of ice shelves. Therefore, it is important to accurately simulate them in climate models. To achieve this goal, the relationship between grounded icebergs, landfast ice, and polynyas appears to be central. Indeed, grounded icebergs and landfast ice are the main drivers of coastal polynyas. However, we do not fully understand how much Antarctic landfast ice impacts coastal polynyas in the model. Moreover, at a circumpolar scale, there are no observations of grounded icebergs available. To address these gaps in knowledge, we conducted a study using the global ocean--sea ice model NEMO4.2-SI³ at a 1° resolution. We ran two simulations for the period 2001-2018, with the only difference being the inclusion or exclusion of landfast ice information based on observations. All other factors, including initial conditions, resolution, and atmospheric forcings, were kept the same. We then compared the results of these simulations with observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) to evaluate the performance of the new simulation. Our analysis allowed us to determine the extent to which prescribing the distribution of landfast ice and setting the sea ice velocity to zero on landfast ice regions influenced various aspects of the sea ice, such as polynyas, landfast ice, and sea ice distribution in the model. In the future, we plan to refine this technique by using higher resolution (1/4 degree) and testing more complex methods, such as assimilating icebergs and physical parameterization.

How to cite: Pirlet, N., Fichefet, T., Vancoppenolle, M., Rousset, C., de Lavergne, C., and Mathiot, P.: How much does Antarctic landfast ice affect coastal polynyas?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5178,, 2023.

Piotr Minakowski and Thoams Richter

In this study, we numerically compare two elasto-visco-plastic sea ice models: the Maxwell Elasto Brittle (MEB) and the Brittle Bingham Maxwell (BBM). We examine the linear kinematic features and overall deformation of sea ice in two idealised scenarios: when the ice is compressed in one direction and when it is affected by a moving cyclone. We also provide a detailed analysis of the different parameters used in the models and their effect on the simulation results.

The models are solved using a higher-order explicit discontinuous Galerkin discretization, implemented in a software package neXtSIM_DG: next generation sea-ice model with DG. Numerical implementation is available at 

How to cite: Minakowski, P. and Richter, T.: Higher-order Numerical Simulation of Elasto-visco-plastic Sea Ice Models on Idealised Benchmarks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11390,, 2023.

Mohr-Coulomb yield curve and non-normal flow rule for sea ice viscous-plastic models
Damien Ringeisen, Bruno Tremblay, Jean-François Lemieux, and Martin Losch
Yuqing Liu, Martin Losch, Bruno Tremblay, and Damien Ringeisen

Wind imparts energy via surface stress to sea ice where it leads to internal stress and motion. The ocean also exerts a drag that slows down ice motion, but the internal stress dissipates part of the energy in convergent and shear motion (ridging). This internal dissipation is an important part of the energy balance. Floe-floe interactions within sea ice play an essential role in the kinetic energy dissipation in winter when the sea-ice is compact. In large-scale sea ice models, these interactions are parameterized by the rheology. The main goal of this work is to investigate the influence of the viscous plastic rheology, in particular the shape of the yield curve on the kinetic energy dissipation within sea ice. Different yield curves (standard ellipse, Mohr–Coulomb with an elliptic plastic potential, Truncated Ellipse Method, and teardrop) are implemented in a sea ice model with viscous-plastic rheology and a grid spacing of 4.5 km. Also, the impact of model resolution is explored for one rheological model with simulations with grid spacings of 36, 9 and 4.5 km. The results suggest that a yield curve with more shear strength leads to smaller sea ice drift, and thus, to smaller wind energy input and energy loss due to ocean drag. Furthermore, in simulations with the elliptical yield curve with tensile strength, the sea ice is thicker than in those without tensile strength. The simulations with the Teardrop yield curve and the Mohr–Coulomb yield curve have the largest frictional dissipation in shearing and ridge deformation, respectively. In summary, the impact of the different yield curve on the net energy dissipation is small, but simulations with similar yield curves have similar kinetic energy dissipation within the ice. Finally, the higher the resolution of the simulation, the more the deformation and hence the dissipation is localized along shear lines. More localization leads to smaller mean drift and hence less kinetic energy input and loss by ocean drag. Because of the smaller energy input, the net dissipation by internal stress is also reduced for higher resolution.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Losch, M., Tremblay, B., and Ringeisen, D.: Sea ice kinetic energy dissipation with different yield curves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1202,, 2023.