CL3.2.5 | Techniques and advances in climate emulation, economics and integrated assessment
Techniques and advances in climate emulation, economics and integrated assessment
Convener: Luke Jackson | Co-conveners: Christopher Smith, Kalyn DorheimECSECS, Benjamin Sanderson, Felix Pretis, David Stainforth
| Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–17:55 (CEST)
Room 0.49/50
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
vHall CL
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 08:30
Understanding and quantifying the impact of climate change on natural and socio-economic outcomes supports decision making across scales including national and international energy, agriculture, and health policy. However economic, econometric and integrated assessment models of climate impacts rely on multiple components, including climate models, damage functions, and policy responses, each of which comes with its own modelling challenges and uncertainties. Owing to the overall complexity of the coupled socio-economic-Earth system, many individual components must be simplified while robustly capturing the large-scale dynamics of the system. The climate component is a case in point, with reduced-complexity modelling, including regional climate, extremes, and impacts, an emerging field in its own right.

We invite research on all aspects of the development and application of simple climate and climate-economic models. This includes but is not limited to: the development and results of emulators; the role of simple climate models in integrated assessment and scenario generation; the development and results of economic, econometric and integrated assessment models of climate change; strategies to replicate socio-economic and/or natural spatio-temporal variability, feedbacks, tipping points, and policy effects evidenced in complex Earth System and Socio-economic models; and uses of economic and simple climate models in outreach, education and policymaking.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 0.49/50

Chairpersons: Christopher Smith, Luke Jackson, David Stainforth
Virtual presentation
Douglas McNeall, Eddy Robertson, and Andy Wiltshire

Land surface models are widely used to study climate change and its impacts, but uncertainties in input parameter settings and model errors hamper their use. We use Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) techniques to constrain the input parameters of JULES-ES-1.0, the land surface component of the UK Earth system model UKESM1.0. We use an ensemble of historical simulations of the land surface model to rule out ensemble members and corresponding input parameter settings that do not match modern observations of the land surface and carbon cycle. Using a Gaussian Process emulator trained on the ensemble to predict the model output, we can repeat this process for parts of parameter space where the model is not yet tested. We use history matching - an iterated approach to constraining JULES-ES-1.0 - running an initial ensemble and training the emulator, before choosing a second wave of ensemble members consistent with historical land surface and carbon cycle observations. We rule out 88% of the initial input parameter space as being statistically inconsistent with observed land surface behaviour. We use the emulator to perform 3 types of sensitivity analysis to identify the most (and least) important input parameters for controlling the global output of JULES-ES-1.0, and provide information on how parameters might be varied to improve the performance of the model, eliminate model biases, and make better carbon cycle projections.

How to cite: McNeall, D., Robertson, E., and Wiltshire, A.: Constraining the carbon cycle in JULES-ES-1.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12656,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Shahine Bouabid, Dino Sejdinovic, and Duncan Watson-Parris

Emulators, or reduced complexity climate models, are surrogate Earth system models that produce projections of key climate quantities with minimal computational resources. Using time-series modeling or more advanced machine learning techniques, statistically-driven emulators have emerged as a promising venue, producing spatially resolved climate responses that are visually indistinguishable from state-of-the-art Earth system models. Yet, their lack of physical interpretability limits their wider adoption. In fact, the exploration of future emission scenarios still relies on one-dimensional energy balance models which can lack the flexibility to capture certain climate responses.

Here, we propose a statistically-driven emulator that hinges on an energy balance model. Using Gaussian processes, we formulate an emulator of temperature response that exactly satisfies the physical thermal response equations of an energy balance model. The result is an emulator that (1) enjoys the flexibility of statistical machine learning models and can be fitted against observations to produce spatially-resolved predictions (2) has physically-interpretable parameters that can be used to make inference about the climate system. This model shows skilfull prediction of annual mean global distribution of temperature, even over scenarios outside the range of observed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols during training — improvement in RMSE of 27% against the energy balance model and of 60% against a physics-free machine learning model. In addition, the Bayesian nature of our formulation provides a principled way to perform uncertainty quantification on the predictions.

We outline how the probabilistic nature of this emulator makes it a natural candidate for detection and attribution studies and discuss extension to a precipitation emulator also incorporating physical constraints. We hope that by combining the ability of machine learning techniques to capture complex patterns with the interpretability of energy balance models, our work will produce a reliable tool for efficiently and accurately exploring future climates.

How to cite: Bouabid, S., Sejdinovic, D., and Watson-Parris, D.: Probabilistic climate emulation with physics-constrained Gaussian processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15660,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Fusion of a Statistical Emulator and Climate Model to Embed High Resolution Variability into a Coarse Resolution Climate Simulation
Daniel Giles, Cyril Morcrette, and Serge Guillas
On-site presentation
Benchmarking CMIP6 Earth System Models using MESMER-M climate emulator trained on observational data
Tristan Pelser, Shruti Nath, Quentin Lejeune, Lea Beusch, Lukas Gudmundsson, Sonia I. Seneviratne, and Carl F. Schleussner
On-site presentation
Yann Quilcaille, Lukas Gudmundsson, and Sonia Seneviratne

Climate extremes are among the most impactful consequences of climate change. Moreover, droughts and fires may also hinder envisioned solutions to mitigate climate change, by reducing the efficiency of bio-energies with carbon capture storage and afforestation. Though, investigating such issues would benefit from a tool allowing fast computation of spatial climate extremes, for coupling to other models and exploration of scenarios. Here, we present an approach for emulating such extremes that are based on extensions of the spatially-resolved climate model emulator MESMER-X. In particular, we consider four annual indicators of the Canadian Fire Weather Index and the annual mean soil moisture derived from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 for training and emulation. To emulate these indicators, we consider extensions to the framework that include the Gaussian and the Poisson distributions, non-linear evolutions of the parameters of the distribution and lagged effects. We show that the emulator reproduces the trajectories and the statistics of these annual indicators for fire weather and droughts accurately. By doing so, we show that the theoretical framework of MESMER-X can be applied for a large number of annual indicators of climate extremes.

How to cite: Quilcaille, Y., Gudmundsson, L., and Seneviratne, S.: Spatially-resolved emulations of droughts and fire weather using MESMER-X, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14884,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sarah Schöngart, Quentin Lejeune, Lukas Gudmundsson, Shruti Nath, Sonia Seneviratne, and Carl-Friedrich Schleußner

Emulators of Earth System Models (ESM) are runtime efficient models that mimic the behavior of an ESM using simple statistical methods. Because of their low complexity, emulators allow to quickly generate thousands of realizations of high-resolution data. Thus, they have proven to be valuable tools for exploring the emission space, quantifying different sources of uncertainty, and investigating extreme events. In this contribution, we introduce an extension to the Modular Earth System Model Emulator (MESMER) for generating monthly precipitation fields. Precipitation is emulated based off monthly temperature such that also the joint precipitation-temperature characteristics match the distribution of the underlying climate model. The emulation consists of two steps. First, the logarithm of precipitation at each location is assumed to depend linearly on temperatures at selected other locations nearby. The selected locations and the linear coefficients are optimized using a Lasso Regression. This step thus yields a deterministic precipitation response that encodes spatiotemporal relationships between precipitation at a given location and temperature at surrounding locations. Second, the residual variability is assumed to be independent from temperature and is modelled as a multi-dimensional noise process containing spatial correlations. The emulator is trained and tested on CMIP6 data. We show that the emulation set-up performs well in simulating the annual cycle, long-term trends in monthly precipitation as well as spatial patterns and natural variability of the underlying climate model. This offers a promising avenue for, as a next step, extending the MESMER emulation framework to other variables.

How to cite: Schöngart, S., Lejeune, Q., Gudmundsson, L., Nath, S., Seneviratne, S., and Schleußner, C.-F.: Extending MESMER-M to jointly emulate Earth System Model temperature and precipitation realizations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16600,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yi Liu, Wenju Cai, Xiaopei Lin, Ziguang Li, and Ying Zhang

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most consequential climate phenomenon affecting global extreme weathers often with devastating socioeconomic impact. However, quantifying the impact on global economy has been a challenge and has so far focused on tangible loss such as reduced agriculture outputs and infrastructure damage. Elusive are issues to what extent the impact affects the macroeconomy, how long the impact lasts, and how the impact may change in a warming climate. Using a smooth nonlinear climate-economy model fitted with historical data, here we find a damaging impact from El Niño in which acceleration of impact lasts for three years after an initial shock, with a total effect an order of magnitude greater than previous estimates; impact from La Niña is not symmetric and far weaker. We attribute a loss of US$2.1T and US$4.0T in global economy to the 1997-98 and 2015-16 El Niño events, but a gain of only US$0.08T from the 1998-99 La Niña event. In a warming climate, economic loss grows exponentially with increased ENSO variability. Under a high-emission scenario, changes in ENSO variability cause an additional median loss of US$33T to global economy at a 3% discount rate aggregated over the last 80 years of the 21st century, but possibly as large as US$375T, highlighting an exacerbated economic damage from future ENSO under global warming. Further, the additional loss lessens with lower emissions and achieving the Paris Agreement reduces the additional loss by half, pointing to a strong incentive for mitigation.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Cai, W., Lin, X., Li, Z., and Zhang, Y.: Nonlinear El Niño impact on global economy in a warming climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1022,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Hideo Shiogama, Jun’ya Takakura, and Kiyoshi Takahashi

Since many new generation earth system models (ESMs) have been suggested to be ‘hot models’ that overestimate future global warming, the IPCC AR6 used the constrained range of global warming instead of that in the raw ensemble. However, it is not clear how this advance in climate science can contribute to reducing climate-related uncertainties in impact assessments. Here, we show that the climate-related uncertainty of the economic impact of climate change in the world can be observationally constrained. By applying an impact emulator of Takakura et al. (2021,, we estimate the economic impacts in nine sectors based on 67 ESMs’ future climate change projections. The impacts in eight sectors are closely related to the recent past trend of global mean temperature. Observational constraints lower the upper bound of the aggregate economic impact simulated by the single emulator from 2.9% to 2.5% of the world gross domestic product and reduce 31% of variance under the RCP4.5 or SSP2-4.5 scenarios. Please see Shiogama et al. (2022, for more details.

How to cite: Shiogama, H., Takakura, J., and Takahashi, K.: Observational constraints on economic impact assessments of climate change simulated by an impact emulator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3013,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kevin Schwarzwald and Nathan Lenssen

Uncertainty in climate projections is driven by three components: scenario uncertainty, inter-model uncertainty, and internal variability. Although econometric climate impact studies increasingly take into account the first two components, little attention has been paid to the contribution of internal variability. Policymakers generally respond to short-term challenges on time horizons of days to decades, when internal variability is largest in projections of climate variables. Underestimating this uncertainty due to internal variability can lead to underestimating the socioeconomic costs of climate change and therefore estimates of the social cost of greenhouse gases. Using large ensembles from seven Coupled General Circulation Models with a total of 414 model runs, we partition the climate uncertainty in classic empirical dose-response models relating county-level corn yield, mortality, and per-capita GDP to temperature in the continental United States. Internal variability represents more than 50\% of the total climate uncertainty in certain projections, including mortality projections for the early 21st century, though its relative influence decreases for projections farther in the future. These findings suggest that uncertainty due to internal variability must be included for accurate uncertainty quantification in projections of temperature-driven impacts including early- and mid- 21st century projections, projections in regions with high internal variability such as the Upper Midwest United States, and for impacts driven by non-linear relationships. We conclude with recommendations on how to account for differing sources of climate uncertainty when constructing projections of the socioeconomic impacts of climate change impact.

How to cite: Schwarzwald, K. and Lenssen, N.: Understanding the Sources of Climate Uncertainty in Projections of Climate Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9745,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Edward Byers, Michaela Werning, Volker Krey, and Keywan Riahi

Climate model emulation has long been and is increasingly applied to the results of integrated assessment modelling (IAM)models (IAMs), to determine the climate outcomes, primarily global mean surface temperature (GMST), of emissions pathways. Originally provided at the global level, more recently approaches have been developed to reproduce a growing number of climate variables, also with spatial, even gridded, resolution. Here we build on these approaches to demonstrate a workflow and post-processing package, that takes the GMST trajectory, e.g. from a simple climate model (SCM) and calculates a range of climate impacts and exposure indicators based on the GMST trajectory. To do this, we built a database of post-processed climate impacts from global climate [WM1] CMIP6 & ISIMIP-3 GCMs and impacts [WM2] models, and also calculated population and land area exposure to the indicators through time and for spatial units, e.g. countries. Indicators include temperature and precipitation extremes, heatwaves, degree days, drought intensity, water stress, and indicators of hydrological variability. Using a high-resolution temperature time timeslice approach, GMST trajectories are then mapped to the impact and exposure indicators to produce gridded maps of climate impacts through time, and trajectories of climate exposure by spatial unit. Using this approach we demonstrate the rapid post-processing of SCM [WM3] results such that ensembles of global IAM [WM4] mitigation pathways, such as those from AR6, can be accompanied by a new suite of climate impacts and risk information – and discuss related uncertainties and avenues for further research to incorporate vulnerabilities.

How to cite: Byers, E., Werning, M., Krey, V., and Riahi, K.: Closing the loop between integrated assessment and climate risk research – rapid climate risk emulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14279,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: David Stainforth, Christopher Smith, Luke Jackson
On-site presentation
William F. Lamb, Thomas Gasser, Giacomo Grassi, Jan Minx, Matthew Gidden, Carter Powis, Oliver Geden, Gregory Nemet, Yoga Pratama, Keywan Riahi, Stephen Smith, and Jan Steinhauser

Steep emissions reductions are needed in the coming decades to limit warming to 2°C or lower, followed by multiple gigatons of annual carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the second half of the 21st century. In this presentation we make a first assessment of the “CDR gap” and ask whether countries are preparing for the CDR scale-up challenge. We find that most countries pledge only a small expansion of CDR by 2030 in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), while only a subset have proposed CDR in their long-term mitigation strategies. There is a significant gap between these proposed CDR levels and levels in scenarios that limit warming to 2°C or lower. While some scenarios have low CDR requirements, these require even steeper emissions reductions that we are not on track to achieve. Most countries prioritize conventional CDR on land (i.e. the management of forest sinks) which has low permanence and may raise land use conflicts. Conventional CDR on land will be extremely difficult just to maintain, let alone expand to meet net zero emissions targets. By contrast, countries focus far less in their NDCs and long-term strategies on novel CDR methods such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, direct air capture, or blue carbon. For these technologies to make a meaningful contribution to long-term climate mitigation, urgent support is required in the formative phases of their development. Above all, rapid emissions reductions are needed to reduce our dependence on CDR and prevent a widening CDR gap by 2050.

How to cite: Lamb, W. F., Gasser, T., Grassi, G., Minx, J., Gidden, M., Powis, C., Geden, O., Nemet, G., Pratama, Y., Riahi, K., Smith, S., and Steinhauser, J.: The carbon dioxide removal gap: current removals and country proposals versus future requirements for limiting warming to 2°C or lower, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6660,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Felix Jäger, Yann Quilcaille, Jonas Schwaab, Michael Windisch, Florian Humpenöder, Alexander Popp, Jonathan Doelman, Detlef van Vuuren, Stefan Frank, Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik, Petr Havlik, Kanishka Balu Narayan, and Sonia Isabelle Seneviratne

Ambitious climate change mitigation scenarios typically include substantial amounts of carbon dioxide removal. Such negative emissions are projected by integrated assessment models (IAMs) to be partly provided by afforestation and reforestation. At present, only few IAMs incorporate climate information or natural forest disturbances of any kind on forest dynamics. In this study we show how exposed to fire weather the afforestation areas in the IAM projections are. We illustrate that IAM mitigation scenarios lack climate information to arrive at more realistic projections of carbon stocks in forests, more reliable land use distributions and more realistic forestation costs. In this work we combine forest fractional cover from IAM land use projections and fire weather index (FWI) from multi-model climate projections, based on the latest simulations assessed in the 6th assessment report of the IPCC. With this metric we show how forests and afforestation areas are and will be affected by fire weather. We find a strong upward trend of forest mean fire weather under a 2 °C warming scenario (SSP1-2.6 for both land use and climate, roughly compatible with 2.6 W/m² climate forcing) driven by afforestation more than by fire weather intensification, increasing exposure by 27 % by the end of the century. We argue that climate information, especially climate forcing of forest disturbances (fires, hot droughts, etc.) needs to be included in the modelling framework of IAMs. Such developments would enhance the consistency between emission and climate projections. While such efforts are underway, IAM scenarios currently available likely underestimate management cost of large scale afforestation or overestimate the effectiveness and hence the remaining carbon budget for positive emissions.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Quilcaille, Y., Schwaab, J., Windisch, M., Humpenöder, F., Popp, A., Doelman, J., van Vuuren, D., Frank, S., Lessa Derci Augustynczik, A., Havlik, P., Narayan, K. B., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Fire Weather Compromises Large Scale Afforestation Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12337,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Margherita Bellanca, Marinella Davide, and Enrica De Cian

The objective of this study is to analyze how inequality affects the demand for emission reduction policies. It is generally recognized that a more equal income distribution can improve environmental quality (IPCC, 2022) influencing several mechanisms, such as the value placed on environmental public goods, the influence of social norms or the cost-benefit distribution of environmental protection. However, the focus so far has been on outputs (i.e., pollution concentration), disregarding the fact that a major component in determining the impact on the environment is the demand for – and implementation of – policies, which are the tools to actually define emission caps or incentivize green technologies.

To fill this gap, we explicitly focus on the relationship between inequality and environmental policies. Our leading research question is: how does the distribution of income affect the demand of emission reduction policies?

Our analysis covers national mitigation-related policies implemented in G20 countries between 1997 and 2021. We use the Climate Policy Database (Nascimento et al., 2022) to create indicators of policy adoption. In line with the policy density approach, we use the count of mitigation policies adopted annually by each country as dependent variable, and consider it as an approximation of climate policy demand.

To capture different aspects of income distribution, we adopt different inequality measures (WID, 2022). We consider the national income shares of specific parts of the population (Top 10%, Bottom 10%, Bottom 40%) as well as commonly used inequality indices (Gini index and Palma ratio). We also construct a composite index, which combines the Gini with the ratio of the income shares held by the top and bottom 10% (Sitthiyot & Holasut 2022). We interact our inequality indicators with GDP per capita (PPP), as we assume that the impact of inequality may differ according to the national income level.

Given the count data nature of our dependent variable, our empirical strategy is based on a fixed-effects Poisson regression model. We control for several institutional and policy-relevant variables.

Our results show that the impact of inequality on climate policy implementation depends on the country's average income level. While in wealthy countries a reduction of inequality leads to a lower number of mitigation policies, in poorer countries an increase in inequality may drive the adoption of new policies. At the same time, the effect of economic growth is also not straightforward: an increase in average income has a positive impact on policy adoption in low-inequality societies. Conversely, an average income increase has a negative impact on climate mitigation adoption in highly unequal societies.

Our findings confirm that inequality plays a key role in the adoption of national mitigation policies. These results, which are robust across multiple specifications of inequality indicators, highlight the importance of advancing knowledge on how equity and environmental challenges interact in order to get full support and progress with the climate agenda. Our results aim to inform the current policy debate on potential trade-offs between climate and equity by presenting new evidence on the interconnections between social and environmental goals.

How to cite: Bellanca, M., Davide, M., and De Cian, E.: Inequality and the adoption of climate mitigation policies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13183,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Katsumasa Tanaka, Weiwei Xiong, Philippe Ciais, Daniel Johansson, and Mariliis Lehtveer

We developed an emulator for Integrated Assessment Models (emIAM) based on a marginal abatement cost (MAC) curve approach (Xiong et al., 2022a,b). Using the output of IAMs in the ENGAGE Scenario Explorer and the GET model, we derived a large set of MAC curves: ten IAMs; global and eleven regions; three gases CO2, CH4, and N2O; eight portfolios of available mitigation technologies; and two emission sources. We tested the performance of emIAM by coupling it with a simple climate model ACC2 (Tanaka et al., 2021). We found that the optimizing climate-economy model emIAM-ACC2 adequately reproduced a majority of original IAM emission outcomes under similar conditions, allowing systematic explorations of IAMs with small computational resources. emIAM can expand the capability of simple climate models as a tool to calculate cost-effective pathways linked directly to a temperature target.

1. Tanaka, K., O. Boucher, P. Ciais, D. J. A. Johansson, J. Morfeldt (2021) Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics. Science Advances, 7, eabf9020. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abf9020. 
2. Xiong, W., K. Tanaka, P. Ciais, D. J. A. Johansson, M. Lehtveer (2022a) emIAM v1.0: an emulator for Integrated Assessment Models using marginal abatement cost curves. arXiv: 2212.12060 on 23 December 2022 (version 1).
3. Xiong, W., K. Tanaka, P. Ciais, D. Johansson, M. Lehtveer (2022b) Data for "emIAM v1.0: an emulator for Integrated Assessment Models using marginal abatement cost curves" [Data set]. Zenodo.

How to cite: Tanaka, K., Xiong, W., Ciais, P., Johansson, D., and Lehtveer, M.: emIAM v1.0: an emulator for Integrated Assessment Models using marginal abatement cost curves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11431,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Moritz Schwarz, Jonas Kurle, Felix Pretis, and Andrew Martinez

Economic forecasts of the effects of climate policy are frequently based on static economic theory and are not regularly updated. Moreover, their source code is often not public, making replication and critical evaluation difficult. The predominant models used for climate policy narratives, so called Integrated Assessment Models, are rarely estimated using empirical data and are hence highly affected by the modeller’s assumptions. To improve the estimation of likely effects of climate policy, we present the “Aggregate Model”, a data-based model for dozens of countries that flexibly estimates and forecasts economic time series and allows for the simulation of different climate policy options. Data-based models need to incorporate long-term trends and account for both structural breaks and outliers that otherwise distort the model estimates and may lead to systematic forecast error. Our model uses various techniques from the time series literature, such as indicator saturation, model selection, and testing for co-integration. These techniques are automated to a high degree, simplifying the model estimation procedure.  The Aggregate Model is distributed as an open-source R package, allowing for simple replication and modification by users through its modular structure.

How to cite: Schwarz, M., Kurle, J., Pretis, F., and Martinez, A.: Automatic and Open-Source Model with Forecasts for Climate Policy and Economics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14067,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Olivia Butters, Craig Robson, and Ben Smith

Evaluating the impacts of climate change, be that on health, critical infrastructure, biodiversity, agriculture, economic impacts or any other sectors, requires a multi-sector, multi-scenario analysis.  Such analysis is only possible though integrated impact assessment models within a framework architecture that can handle the associated complexities of generating harmonized results from a heterogenous set of models and drivers. Addressing these challenges, the OpenCLIM framework has been developed to collate existing models from across sectors to form an open, extensible framework, which explores the impacts of climate change in a consistent, -scenario and -scale approach, using Great Britain as a case study. 

Domain-based, siloed approaches are no longer suitable for assessing climate change impacts and integrated assessment platforms where compound cross-sector risks can be assessed are now integral and expected. To this end, the OpenCLIM project has developed a novel, open framework, enabling the hosting of models for assessing climate hazard risks and potential impacts. The nature of the framework enables the coupling of disparate models to explore challenges considering trade-offs between possible interventions, such as the change in risk from increased temperatures when flood management infrastructure policy is applied to reduce flood risk, or the density of new buildings is changed. 

Implemented on the DAFNI (Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure) platform, the framework uses the concepts of workflows in which models can be coupled and run with data and parameterisation passed between models while datasets are available within a shared data archive. A set of tools, or adaptors, to support coupling enable the ease of use and integration of new models into existing workflows, new workflows, or coupling of existing workflows. This flexible framework creates a powerful integrated impact assessment model, and when coupled with accessible data resources, such as climate scenarios and socio-economic datasets, offers a platform for assessing the impacts of climate change across domains. 

An example of the OpenCLIM platform is the assessment of the impact of flooding using the City Catchment Analysis Tool (CityCAT). Climate projections suggest a global increase in extreme rainfall events and the subsequent impact of flooding. Considering socio-economic changes to the urban environment, the OpenCLIM workflows couple future narratives for the urban landscape with flooding events of varying durations and intensities. Cost damage curves are then applied to assess the indicative economic cost of damages, facilitating comparisons between population density changes, climate extremes and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies/adaptation options. 

The OpenCLIM framework exemplifies an open, extendable, flexible integrated assessment model for climate impacts enabling cross-sector and compound risks to be assessed from human, nature, and economic aspects.  The concepts and tools explored and resolved within the framework, although initially with a GB focus, are applicable beyond these bounds where models and data exist.  

How to cite: Butters, O., Robson, C., and Smith, B.: OpenCLIM: A national scale framework for evaluating the effects of climate change for socio-economic scenarios and adaptation policies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14835,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hail Jung and Chang-Keun Song

Unprecedented climate change not only affects our health, but also poses a significant risk to the economic and financial systems. Limiting the global temperature rise at below 1.5 °C, as suggested by the Paris Agreement, has a significant effect on financial economics. Physical climate change, such as global warming and sea level rise, may directly reduce a firm's productivity. Climate change may also indirectly affect a firm's costs due to governmental sanctions and regulations, such as the emission trading scheme. Simultaneously, some firms strategically use climate change issues as opportunities. As climate change risks do not unidirectionally affect firms, it is important to understand how firms and managers perceive climate change effects. In this manner, we examine the effects of manager's perspectives on climate change on stock price crash risk. The analysis confirms that manager's climate change perspective is negatively associated with future stock price crash risk likelihood. Various channel tests show that investor attention and analyst coverage are potential channels through which a firm's climate change perspective improves financial stability and ultimately reduces crash risk. Our results are also robust to alternative climate change perspective measures.

How to cite: Jung, H. and Song, C.-K.: Managerial perspectives on climate change and stock price crash risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1964,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lorenzo Costantini, Francesco Laio, Luca Ridolfi, and Carla Sciarra

Innovation and technological progress are the main drivers of sustainable development and economic growth, and they both play a role in addressing climate change and related actions. These drivers rely on Research and Development (R&D), i.e., the systematic creative work aiming to increase the stock of knowledge and devoted to the creation and development of new products and procedures. Against the existing literature that differently addresses the economic implications of the R&D sector, in this work, we introduce a novel quantification of the R&D content embedded in countries’ export baskets. Considering the current need to understand the dynamics of CO2 emissions and their nexus with the economic aspects, the R&D content in nations’ export baskets is related to the country-specific terrestrial carbon emissions. To this aim, we refer the CO2 emissions embedded in nations' export baskets to the dollars the country at hand exports, defining a country-specific CO2 export intensity; in this way, we can compare economies of different sizes (for example, Germany and Paraguay). Our results show that as countries export products with an increasing R&D content, their CO2 export intensity decreases. Germany, Japan, and the United States are examples of countries exporting high R&D products and having low CO2 export intensity. China stands as an example of elevated CO2 intensity despite having a high R&D content embedded in its export basket. Fuel exporting economies (such as the Russian Federation) and the majority of developing countries have low R&D-oriented export baskets, with high CO2 export intensities. Our work provides a novel perspective of the R&D-CO2 emissions nexus, highlighting the R&D centrality in the green transition and decarbonization process.

How to cite: Costantini, L., Laio, F., Ridolfi, L., and Sciarra, C.: Investigating the R&D-CO2 nexus in the international trade, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11904,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Emily Theokritoff, Nicole van Maanen, Marina Andrijevic, Adelle Thomas, Tabea Lissner, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

In a time of ever-intensifying climate change, it is crucial to understand the timescales needed to overcome adaptation constraints, namely what makes adaptation challenging. Currently, evidence on constraints focusses on the local level and present-day dynamics. Here, we combine qualitative and case study data with national macro indicators and use the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways to look at the pace of various scenarios of future socio-economic development. We find that regardless of the scenario, long timescales will be required to overcome constraints, challenging adaptation for decades to come, in particular in countries on the frontline of climate change. The persistence of adaptation constraints calls for stringent mitigation, improved adaptation along with dedicated finance and increasing efforts to address loss and damage. Our novel approach allows to ground truth existing indicators that can be further used in climate modelling efforts (including economic models), improving the representation of adaptation and its risk reduction potential.

How to cite: Theokritoff, E., van Maanen, N., Andrijevic, M., Thomas, A., Lissner, T., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Adaptation constraints in scenarios of socio-economic development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12124,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Felix Schaumann
Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) play an important role in climate policy decision making by combining knowledge from various domains into a single modelling framework. They serve as tools for informing and evaluating policies on the basis of economic, climatic and other interdisciplinary model components. However, IAMs have been criticised for simplifying assumptions, reliance on negative emission technologies, as well as for their power of shaping discourses around climate policy. Given these controversies and the importance of IAMs for international climate policy, model evaluation is essential in order to analyse how well IAMs perform and what to expect of them. While different proposals for evaluating IAMs exist, they typically target a specific subtype of model and are mostly reliant on a combination of abstract criteria and concrete evaluation methods. I enrich these perspectives by reviewing approaches from the philosophy of modelling and analysing their applicability to three canonical models covering the wide range of IAM types: DICE, REMIND, and IMAGE. The heterogeneity of IAMs and the political and ethical dimensions of their applications imply that any single evaluation criterion can not capture the complexities of IAMs. In order to allow for the inclusion of ethical, political and paradigmatic dimensions into the evaluation procedure, I take a closer look at model expectations, which I define as the conjunction of user aims, modelling purposes and evaluation criteria. Through this lens, I find that there is indeed a mismatch between model expectations and model capabilities. While DICE is a useful tool for investigating the effects of different assumptions, it should not be expected to provide quantitative guidance. IMAGE, on the other hand, has proven to be suitable for projecting environmental impacts, but should not be expected to analyse questions that require a description of macroeconomic processes. REMIND can be used for an assessment of different theoretically possible mitigation pathways, but should not be expected to provide accurate forecasts. I argue that this identified mismatch between what models can do and what is expected of them should be tackled by adjusting expectations to what IAMs can actually deliver, not by trying to make the models live up to outsized expectations. The main vehicle for adjusting expectations is a comprehensive and informative model commentary, that is, an account of the model's appropriate domain of application, critical modelling choices and assumptions, as well as the admissible interpretations of model results. However, I find that the analysed IAMs fail to deliver such a comprehensive and informative model commentary. Expectations for IAMs are often not clearly formulated, due to hard-to-assess user aims, vague purpose statements and opaque ethical dimensions. As clear expectations should form the basis of further evaluations of IAMs, I conclude that integrated assessment modellers should place much more emphasis on their model commentaries, with a special focus on the interpretation of IAM results.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: What to expect of integrated assessment models: insights from philosophy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13832,, 2023.

Posters on site: Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X5

Chairpersons: Luke Jackson, David Stainforth, Christopher Smith
Doris Folini, Pratyuksh Bansal, Aryan Eftekhari, Felix Kübler, Aleksandra Malova, and Simon Scheidegger

Simple climate models or climate emulators (CEs) are indispensable in the context of climate economics, where the lion share of compute resources is bound to the economic part of the problem. Associated applications traditionally focused on scenarios with strongly increasing carbon emissions. Here we ask to what degree CEs developed with such applications in mind are fit for purpose when it comes to strong reduction or negative emission scenarios, as in the context of the Paris agreement.

To this end, we present and discuss an augmented version of the CE used in the seminal DICE model. Augmentation consists of additional carbon reservoirs, notably a land biosphere and / or a middle ocean reservoir, on top of the three standard carbon reservoirs representing atmosphere, upper ocean, and lower ocean. The different CEs are calibrated and tested against output of large-scale Earth System Models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, run on pre-defined emissions scenarios. For the calibration of the CE, we use the same strategy as in our previous work, i.e., two highly idealized test cases to separately calibrate the CE's carbon cycle and temperature response. In contrast to previous work, we strongly augment the set of test cases to which we expose the calibrated CE. Additional test cases address, in particular, strong mitigation as well as negative emission scenarios. As in our previous work, we demand that all test cases are well documented in the climate literature and can be easily implemented based on that literature. Based on these test cases, we discuss what added value the additional carbon reservoirs may offer with regard to the CE and associated econ studies.

How to cite: Folini, D., Bansal, P., Eftekhari, A., Kübler, F., Malova, A., and Scheidegger, S.: Simple climate emulators - fit for net-zero emission scenarios?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3471,, 2023.

Christopher Smith, Alaa Al Khourdajie, Pu Yang, and Doris Folini

Cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) such as the Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (DICE) are often used to assess the social cost of carbon (SCC), the marginal damage arising from each additional ton of emitted CO2. The climate component of such IAMs has recently come under increased scrutiny. Alongside ensuring that economists are getting climate dynamics correct, the uncertainty in the climate system should be embraced, as it greatly influences the appropriate SCC and CO2 emissions mitigation pathway.

We use DICE, replacing its native climate module with the Finite-amplitude Impulse Response (FaIR) model (v2.1). FaIR is assessed to be fit-for-purpose for evaluating emissions projections from IAMs by the IPCC, and has an advantage over the native DICE module in that carbon cycle feedbacks are included. The FaIR emulator has been calibrated to CMIP6 models and constrained such that its projections are consistent with historical global mean temperature change, atmospheric CO2 concentration and ocean heat content, and IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assessed uncertainty ranges for equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS), transient climate response and non-CO2 effective radiative forcing, constructing a 1000-member posterior ensemble from a 1.5 million member prior. Three ensembles are produced: a Nordhaus “socially optimal” ensemble with median 2100 warming of around 2.8°C, somewhat consistent with current Nationally Determined Contributions; a 2°C-consistent ensemble; and a 1.5°C-consistent ensemble. We update the economic and climate baseline in DICE/FaIR to 2023 and use a 3-year model timestep. The three scenarios are constructed solely by modifying the discount rate.

The influence of climate uncertainty is profound, having a factor of 5 uncertainty (5-95% range) in the social cost of carbon for a 1.5°C consistent ensemble, and a factor of 3 uncertainty in the business as usual case. There is also a very strong positive correlation between the SCC and the ECS, which re-confirms earlier analysis that reducing climate system uncertainty can realise net present economic benefits by guiding appropriate choices for the SCC. 

Alongside calculating a SCC for the year 2023, DICE/FaIR computes probabilistic projections of socially “optimal” CO2 pathways for each scenario that also show substantial variation depending on the climate configuration (for example, -14 to +11 GtCO2/yr in 2050 for the 1.5°C ensemble) but are broadly consistent with findings from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Working Group 3 report in the median case (such as global net zero emissions required in the 2050s to meet 1.5°C). The range of socially optimal emissions pathways consistent with a specific temperature threshold also highlights a climate-socioeconomic feedback: if climate sensitivity is high, mitigation efforts must be strong to limit future warming and climate damages. This feedback, while implicitly included in cost-benefit IAMs such as DICE, are not typically present in process-based IAMs used to construct emissions scenarios for use by the IPCC or climate models such as the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. We claim that including climate and climate uncertainty in these process-based IAMs will improve emissions scenarios.

How to cite: Smith, C., Al Khourdajie, A., Yang, P., and Folini, D.: Climate uncertainty as an integral part of integrated assessment models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8191,, 2023.

Donghyun Lee, Myles Allen, and Sarah Sparrow

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a special report on global warming of 1.5°, emphasizing the necessity of urgent and strict mitigation policies to achieve the warming levels of the Paris Agreement. To explore the possible worlds at the warming levels of the Paris Agreement, a brand-new experiment, the adaptive emission reduction approach (AERA), is launched, calibrating the future CO2 emission pathways by considering the transient climate response of the model to the cumulative emission amount of CO2 forcing equivalent (CO2-fe).

While waiting for the AERA protocol results with expensive tools, Earth System Models (ESMs), we explore the likely range of adaptive emission scenario runs by utilizing the fastest and most effective tools. Here we suggest the simple emulator, FaIR, composed of three thermal energy boxes and four carbon-cycle pools. We tested thousands of FaIR ensembles to perform the AERA algorithm and confirm the capability of FaIR to estimate the likely ranges of ESMs. Notably, this FaIR can act as the bridge for inter-mediate complexity models (e.g., HadCM3 and CLIMBER-X) to interact with the AERA algorithm by emulating the carbon-cycle characteristics part of GCMs.

Despite different climate sensitivity in ensemble members, 2450 FaIR, nine HadCM3-FaIR, and six CLIMBER-FaIR ensembles well stabilized at the target temperatures of 1.5°C and 2.0°C by 2100. The residual cumulative emission amount of CO2-fe since 2021 is about 0.71 and 1.77 TtCO2-fe for 1.5°C and 2.0°C levels. We further quantified the contributions from each anthropogenic forcings to the climate of mitigated worlds with FaIR emulations. While CO2 is the most dominant driver for 2.0°C warming (about 83% of total warming), anthropogenic aerosol plays a vital role in stabilizing a warming level at 1.5°C. The reduction of aerosols by 2100 additionally provides positive radiative forcings, and this size is equivalent to the increase in CO2-fe emission amount of 1 TtCO2-fe, which leads to the temperature rise by 0.57°C. The non-CO2 GHG (like methane or fluorinated gases) offsets the emission amount of CO2-fe about 0.57 TtCO2-fe and reduces the warming levels by 0.35°C. Despite the considerable uncertainty in climate responses to anthropogenic aerosols, our results illustrate their notable contributions, at least for the 1.5°C world. In addition, we plan to explore the forcing-driven contributions to the changes in precipitation based on the equations reflecting the favorable atmospheric energy conditions to precipitate.




How to cite: Lee, D., Allen, M., and Sparrow, S.: Quantifying the different forcing contributions to the climate under the adaptive emission scenarios., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14996,, 2023.

Tamas Bodai, Valerio Lembo, Sundaresan Aneesh, Sun-Seon Lee, Miho Ishizu, and Matthias Franz

Linear and nonlinear response functions (RF) are extracted for the climate system and the carbon cycle represented by the MPI-ESM and cGENIE models, respectively. Appropriately designed simulations are run for this purpose. Joining these RFs, we have a climate emulator with carbon emissions as the forcing and any desired observable quantity (provided the data is saved), such as the surface air temperature or precipitation, as the predictand. Like e.g. for atmospheric CO2 concentration, we also have RFs for the solar constant as a forcing — mimicking solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering. We consider two application cases. 1. One is based on the Paris 2015 agreement, determining the necessary least amount of SRM geoengineering needed to keep the global mean surface air temperature below a certain threshold, e.g. 1.5 or 2 [oC], given a certain amount of carbon emission abatement (ABA) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) geoengineering. 2. The other application considers the conservation of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS). Using a zero-dimensional simplification of a complex ice sheet model, we determine (a) if we need SRM given some ABA and CDR, and, if possible, (b) the required least amount of SRM to avoid the collapse of the GrIS. Keeping temperatures below 2 [oC] even is hardly possible without sustained SRM (1.); however, the collapse of the GrIS can be avoided applying SRM even for moderate levels of CDR and ABA, an overshoot being affordable (2.).

How to cite: Bodai, T., Lembo, V., Aneesh, S., Lee, S.-S., Ishizu, M., and Franz, M.: Development and application of a climate emulator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10813,, 2023.

Kathrin Deck, Feijia Yin, Volker Grewe, Kaushik Radhakrishnan, Benjamin Lührs, Florian Linke, and Malte Niklaß

Aviation as an important transport sector contributes to anthropogenic climate change via CO2 effects and non-CO2 effects. Non-CO2 effects include e.g., effects from NOx emissions, H2O emissions and the formation of contrails. Mitigation options include optimization of aircraft operations, e.g., re-routing, and optimization of the aircraft design, while this work focuses on the second option via providing a model for aircraft design optimization. Furthermore, we take CO2 and non-CO2 effects into account.
Previous research (e.g. Grewe et al., 2014) investigated the optimization of aircraft operations with the use of climate cost functions. With these functions, the climate impact per unit non-CO2 emission/flown distance is described depending on the type of emission, the emission location and corresponding time. An equivalent model for aircraft design purposes is currently missing. It has to cover a suitable route network with emission locations and altitudes to be able to optimize regarding the climate impact of CO2 and non-CO2 effects. Within the EU Clean Sky 2 project GLOWOPT, this concept is applied for aircraft design features, presented as climate functions for aircraft design (CFAD).
Here, we present the development routine for the CFAD. As input, emission inventories based on a long-range aircraft (A350 as baseline in this study) are used. The emission inventories cover a set of climb angles and final cruise altitudes to combine both the aircraft design parameter and geographical information of emissions. The climate impact is calculated with the climate-chemistry response model AirClim (Grewe and Stenke, 2008; Dahlmann et al., 2016) to create a response surface. The climate metric Average Temperature Response with a time horizon of 100 years is used as a measure for the climate impact. The created response surface, the CFAD, can be integrated in the aircraft design process to optimize the aircraft design. The CFAD are to be verified with additional emission inventories to evaluate the accuracy.

Grewe, V., Frömming, C., Matthes, S., Brinkop, S., Ponater, M., Dietmüller, S., Jöckel, P., Garny, H., Tsati, E., Dahlmann, K., Søvde, O. A., Fuglestvedt, J., Berntsen, T. K., Shine, K. P., Irvine, E. A., Champougny, T., and Hullah, P.: Aircraft routing with minimal climate impact: the REACT4C climate cost function modelling approach (V1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 175–201,, 2014.

Grewe, V. and Stenke, A.: AirClim: an efficient tool for climate evaluation of aircraft technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 4621–4639,, 2008.

Dahlmann, K., Grewe, V., Frömming, C., and Burkhardt, U.: Can we reliably assess climate mitigation options for air traffic scenarios despite large uncertainties in atmospheric processes?, Transportation Research Part D, 46, 40-55,, 2016.

How to cite: Deck, K., Yin, F., Grewe, V., Radhakrishnan, K., Lührs, B., Linke, F., and Niklaß, M.: Model development for climate optimized aircraft design, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5641,, 2023.

Hsin-hua Wu and Ching-pin Tung

In the debate on carbon reduction, carbon pricing has become the norm to motivate the actors to work on the issue through economic incentives. Given that more and more relevant policies such as emission allowances or taxes are being released recently and might have a direct impact on operating costs, it is far more essential for companies to identify the implicit cost of emissions.

Internal Carbon Pricing is one of the strategies increasingly used by companies to support the decision-making process to deal with the risk associated with the additional cost of emissions, which helps drive environmental efficiency, change internal behavior, and navigate greenhouse gas regulations across departments. However, there remains a lack of an appropriate approach to accurately express the implicit cost of emissions, which makes it difficult for companies to devise the internal pricing level. In addition, the collection of the pricing policy largely depends on the level of energy consumption of each department, which casts doubt on the representativeness of environmental efficiency.

This study proposes an analysis of implicit carbon pricing based on the concept of the marginal cost of emissions, which includes the additional investment needed in emissions-reducing or -removing projects and the incremental cost that come from relevant regulations that might increase with the emission level. The work calculates the marginal cost of emissions by using linear programming; economic performance serves as an objective function and the mitigation target of the company as well as the available resources constitute the constraints. Moreover, to estimate the environmental efficiency, the study introduces Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure the relative efficiency between departments and derive an efficiency score as a marginal cost adjustment factor in designing the internal pricing level.

By the calculation of the marginal cost of emissions, which is still under discussion at present, this study develops a strategy to assist companies in accurately establishing internal pricing levels, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the internal carbon pricing policy that is in line with the company's mitigation target.

How to cite: Wu, H. and Tung, C.: Implicit cost of carbon emissions: Design the internal carbon price in the decision-making process, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2779,, 2023.

Amal Sarfraz, Charles Rougé, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Jonathan Lamontagne, Abigail Birnbaum, and Flannery Dolan

Pakistan is a water-based economy and suffers from severe water scarcity in its primary river system, the Indus River Basin (IRB). The assessment of interactions among rising agricultural demand, socio-economic development and climate change is crucial to assess water scarcity in the IRB. Given the multiplicity of risks and the physical and social mechanisms that interact with them, estimating the future usage of the IRB requires models that represent plausible futures defined by a broad range of factors.

The Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM), an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM), is used to assess the complex connection and interactions between energy, water, land, climate, and the economy. GCAM divides the globe into  235 water basins, including the IRB, and 384 land use regions which are modelled based on combinations of 32 energy regions and overlapping water basins. Dolan et al. (2021) used GCAM to generate a large ensemble of 3,000 plausible future scenarios, varying parameters related to future socioeconomic conditions, climate impacts, and water supply. Each scenario represents a possible future from now until the end of the century, with detailed socio-economic, water supply and demand and land-use results at the basin level. Yet, while these experiments generate large databases, there is a need for specialised methods that extract useful information from that data.

Using the example of the IRB, we develop a methodology to leverage this type of database and (1) discover critical scenarios, i.e., scenarios with an outsized impact on water scarcity and economic costs, and (2) learn more about their characteristics, including what makes them critical. Here, we seek to identify outlier patterns by proposing a methodology that combines a machine learning technique, clustering, with dimensionality reduction. With clustering, we aim to identify hidden structures among scenarios and describe the clusters by a set of factors. Dimensionality reduction then assists us in determining which factors have the greatest impact on the critical scenarios that clustering identified.

Preliminary results suggest that our methodology is able to identify outlier scenarios for the IRB’s irrigated crops mix (dominated by cotton, wheat, rice, and sugarcane), understand the factors that make them outliers, and evaluate whether they could be critical. The analysis is also able to identify when an ensemble of scenarios becomes an outlier, and indicates that according to GCAM, the crop mix is susceptible to bifurcating in several contrasting directions after 2040. Thus, this methodology helps us to characterise the socio-economic uncertainties associated with the IRB’s water resources and their interaction with climate, land, food, and energy sectors under critical scenarios. It is being developed to have broad applicability in extracting valuable insights from a large ensemble of IAM simulations.


Dolan, F., Lamontagne, J., Link, R., Hejazi, M., Reed, P. & Edmonds, J. 2021. Evaluating the economic impact of water scarcity in a changing world. Nat Commun, 12, 1915.

How to cite: Sarfraz, A., Rougé, C., Mihaylova, L., Lamontagne, J., Birnbaum, A., and Dolan, F.: Identification and Analysis of Critical Water Futures in the Indus River Basin  , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10393,, 2023.

Dinara Zhunissova

Climate Resilience of IoT devices: A user survey perspective

Climate change is due to have significant impacts across Central Asia. At the same time, IoT is being used to construct many new industries and provide new ways of managing logistics across existing sectors. For example, Climate change will affect Central Asia's agricultural production which will occur alongside increased frequency of drought, water scarcity, and soil salinization, which will cause food insecurity in the region.  How do we move towards secure management of systems that rely on IoT in a changing climate?

In this research I want to quantifying potential risks to IoT systems, and their connected end points, according to Climate resilience. To do this our work examines concepts and theories from a variety of fields to demonstrate how it could help transport companies and organizations prevent risk in extreme weather conditions.

First, in order to understand risk perception and mitigation for stakeholders, an online survey was created and sent across both public and private sector organisations in Kazakhstan. By delving into the outcomes of this survey, we can better understand perceived risks and map processes implemented in these organisations to potential impacts. In this short presentation we will review those outcomes and discuss future strategies to enable secure resilience. 


How to cite: Zhunissova, D.: Climate Resilience of IoT devices: A user survey perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7072,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | vHall CL

Chairpersons: David Stainforth, Luke Jackson, Christopher Smith
Leeya Pressburger, Kalyn Dorheim, Trevor Keenan, Haewon McJeon, Steve Smith, and Ben Bond-Lamberty

Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have increased in the atmosphere as a direct result of human activity and are at their highest level over the last 2-3 million years, with profound impacts on the Earth system. However, the magnitude and future dynamics of land and ocean carbon sinks are not well understood; therefore, the amount of anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions that remain in the atmosphere (the airborne fraction) is poorly constrained. This work aims to quantify the sources and controls of atmospheric CO2, the fate of anthropogenic CO2 over time, and the trend and robustness of the airborne fraction. We use Hector v3.0, a coupled simple climate and carbon cycle model, with the novel ability to explicitly track carbon as it flows through the Earth system. We use a priori probability distribution functions for key model parameters in a Monte Carlo analysis of 10,000 coupled carbon-climate model runs from 1750 to 2300. Results are filtered for physical realism against historical observations and CMIP6 projection data, and we calculate the relative importance of parameters controlling how much CO2 ends up in the atmosphere. Unsurprisingly, we find that anthropogenic emissions are the dominant source of near- and long-term atmospheric CO2, composing roughly 45% of the atmosphere, which is consistent with observational studies of the airborne fraction. The overwhelming majority of model runs exhibited a negative trend in the airborne fraction from 1960-2020, implying that current-day land and ocean sinks are proportionally taking up more carbon than the atmosphere. Furthermore, when looking at the destination of anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions, only a quarter ends up in the atmosphere while more than half of emissions are taken up by the land sink on centennial timescales. This study evaluates the likelihood of airborne fraction trends and provides insights into the dynamics and destination over time of anthropogenic CO2 in the Earth system.

How to cite: Pressburger, L., Dorheim, K., Keenan, T., McJeon, H., Smith, S., and Bond-Lamberty, B.: Quantifying Airborne Fraction Trends and the Ultimate Fate of Anthropogenic CO2 by Tracking Carbon Flows in a Simple Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3680,, 2023.

Kalyn Dorheim, Abigail Snyder, and Claudia Tebaldi

Emulators of Earth System Model (ESM) outputs have the potential to become a powerful tool for the impacts research community. If successful in emulating the needed variables at the required spatial and temporal resolution, they can supply impact model(er)s with the inputs necessary to explore how future water, energy, economic, and land systems evolve under a wide range of future scenarios. This complements the availability of ESM output currently limited to a small number of future scenarios - due to the computational costs of running fully coupled climate models - since emulators are by construction computationally efficient. STITCHES is an open-source climate emulator that can produce time series of multiple ESM variables, at the ESM original temporal and spatial resolution, by recombining existing model output into new scenarios on the basis of the scenario global temperature trajectory. In this talk, we will focus on how STITCHES can be used to explore new scenarios by filling in the space between existing scenarios. We will also discuss how insights from emulators such as STITCHES may be used to inform climate modeling centers on where to prioritize resources in future scenario simulations. 

How to cite: Dorheim, K., Snyder, A., and Tebaldi, C.: STITCHES: a comprehensive option for Earth System Model emulation for impacts research, and its implications for designing future ESM scenario experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10246,, 2023.