CR5.1 | Geophysical and in situ methods in the Cryosphere
Geophysical and in situ methods in the Cryosphere
Co-organized by EMRP2/GI3/SM6
Convener: Jonas K. Limbrock | Co-conveners: Franziska Koch, Saskia Eppinger, Polona Itkin, Winnie Chu
| Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
PICO spot 4
Thu, 08:30
Earth’s cryosphere demonstrates itself in many shapes and forms, but we use similar geophysical and in-situ methods to study its wide spectrum: from ice-sheets and glaciers, to firn and snow, sea ice, permafrost, and en-glacial and subglacial environments.

In this session, we welcome contributions related to all methods in cryospheric measurements, including: advances in radioglaciology, active and passive seismology, geoelectrics, acoustic sounding, fibre-optic sensing, GNSS reflectometry, signal attenuation, and time delay techniques, cosmic ray neutron sensing, ROV and drone applications, and electromagnetic methods. Contributions can include field applications, new approaches in geophysical or in-situ survey techniques, or theoretical advances in data analysis processing or inversion. Case studies from all parts of the cryosphere, including snow and firn, alpine glaciers, ice sheets, glacial and periglacial environments, alpine and arctic permafrost as well as rock glaciers, or sea ice, are highly welcome.

This session will give you an opportunity to step out of your research focus of a single cryosphere type and to share experiences in the application, processing, analysis, and interpretation of different geophysical and in-situ techniques in these highly complex environments. This session has been running for over a decade and always produces lively and informative discussion. We have a successful history of PICO and other short-style presentations - submit here if you want a guaranteed short oral!

PICO: Thu, 18 Apr | PICO spot 4

Chairpersons: Polona Itkin, Saskia Eppinger
Ice Sheets, Ice Shelves and Glaciers
On-site presentation
Emma Pearce, Oliver Marsh, Alex Brisbourne, and Thomas Hudson

The rate of fracture-induced ice instability is an important factor contributing to uncertainties in sea level projections used for global flood mitigation planning. While the occurrence of ice fracturing at critical stress thresholds is well-documented, the detailed mechanisms controlling fracture timing, rate, and orientation are not fully understood. This gap is particularly evident in differences in fracture behaviour across varying ice types, such as meteoric ice and ice mélange. Observations on the Brunt Ice Shelf reveal a unique behaviour, where rifts deviate from the pathway predicted by the principal stresses to avoid thick blocks of meteoric ice. Their growth rate is significantly reduced when required to cross through these blocks. This stands in contrast to observations on other ice shelves, such as Larsen C, where rift propagation is slower in marine ice bands.

Here we use co-located geophysical methods, seismic and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), to assess the fracture pattern and dynamics and the relationship to ice properties at the leading edge of two active rifts, Halloween Crack and Chasm 2, on the Brunt Ice Shelf.

By determining the depth of seismic events using P to Rayleigh wave amplitude ratios, we estimate a theoretical maximum dry crevasse depth—the depth at which fracturing can occur without the presence of englacial water. Additionally, GPR data are used to precisely locate rift terminations and identify refrozen layers associated with seawater intrusion into the firn layer. Combining these data, we provide new insight into the mechanisms controlling fracture propagation within the Brunt Ice shelf. The synthesis of observations from Chasm 2 and Halloween Crack contributes to a comprehensive understanding of fracture mechanics, enhancing our knowledge of regional-scale ice dynamics.

How to cite: Pearce, E., Marsh, O., Brisbourne, A., and Hudson, T.:  Assessing the rate of ice fracture using co-located geophysical surveys on the Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13663,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq, West Greenland, located by combining borehole distributed acoustic sensing and geophones
Andrew Pretorius, Adam Booth, Andy Nowacki, Emma Smith, Sjoerd de Ridder, Poul Christoffersen, Brad Lipovsky, and Marine Denolle
On-site presentation
Ronan Agnew, Alex Brisbourne, Adam Booth, and Roger Clark

Reconstructing past ice sheets is important for understanding the response of modern ice sheets to changes in climate. The evolution of the Weddell Sea Sector’s grounding line since the last glacial maximum (LGM) to its present position remains ambiguous; previous authors have proposed hypotheses both of monotonic grounding line retreat and of rapid grounding line retreat followed by readvance. However, distinguishing these scenarios with current observations remains difficult. To explore these scenarios, we report seismic measurements of basal properties at KIR, an ice rise in the Weddell Sea Sector, West Antarctica. A three-component seismic survey enabled detection of the compressional (P) wave reflection and the converted (PS) wave reflection (an incident P wave converted to a shear wave at the base-ice reflector) from the base of KIR. Amplitude-vs-angle (AVA) analysis aims to constrain the physical properties (namely density, seismic velocity, by measuring the variation of reflectivity with incidence angle at the reflector. By jointly inverting the AVA responses of the PP wave reflection and the PS reflection, we increase the confidence in the interpretation of the base-ice properties. 

Analysis of PP and PS AVA responses at KIR indicates that the reflection arises from a material with a P wave velocity of 4.03 ± 0.05 km/s, an S wave velocity of 2.16 ± 0.06 km/s and a density of 1.44 ± 0.06 g/cm3; these properties are consistent with a reflection from a layer of entrained basal debris, with 20-30% debris by volume. The observed properties are not indicative of interference at a thin layer, as observed beneath glaciers elsewhere. The absence of deeper subglacial reflections indicates a poorly-defined boundary between this basal debris layer and the underlying subglacial material, which we therefore propose consists of frozen sediments . If this interpretation is correct, the presence of a debris layer overlying basal frozen sediment indicates a potential retreat/readvance scenario for KIR. A possible scenario is a previous episode of flow during which KIR may have been weakly grounded as an ice rumple, followed by grounding on the lee side of the bathymetric high and subsequent freezing of subglacial sediments. However, the origin of such a homogeneous and debris-rich layer remains unclear. The indication of a reflection from a basal debris layer raises questions about whether conventionally interpreted basal reflections can truly be considered as such, and whether these interpretations may mask the true nature of the underlying subglacial material. This ambiguity may be most effectively reconciled by borehole sampling.

How to cite: Agnew, R., Brisbourne, A., Booth, A., and Clark, R.: Basal debris at an Antarctic ice rise revealed by seismic amplitude-vs-angle analysis. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1383,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Tom Jordan and Carl Robinson

Airborne survey is one of the most important observational techniques in environmental science. This is especially true in polar settings where access is challenging and observational requirements, such as ice sounding radar, in situ study of turbulent atmospheric processes, cloud cover, or requirements for high resolution potential field data, limit use of satellite data. Although critical, airborne survey using traditional platforms, such as the versatile twin otter aircraft operated by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), come with a relatively high logistical, financial, and environmental (CO2) footprint. Larger UAV’s offer an alternative, but as yet un-realised, lower impact platform to deliver the same, if not more scientific data.

Through the Innovate UK SWARM project BAS is collaborating with Windracers to trial their large (10 m wing span) Ultra UAV as a platform for environmental science. Making use of the large (700 L/max 100 kg), easily accessible payload bay and a series of interchangeable payload floors this trial will be carried out in February/March 2023. The science payloads will include: Atmospheric (turbulence probe), environmental (hyperspectral and visual cameras), cryosphere (600-900 MHz accumulation radar), and potential field geophysics (gravity/magnetic sensors). The missions, between 10 and 330 km long, will be flown beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) of the operator using the Distributed Avionics autopilot, including take-off and landing, which will be overseen by an in-field safety pilot.

Here we present the first results of this trial, including our experience integrating BVLOS UAV operations with traditional aircraft in an Antarctic context and initial results and lessons learned from the four trailed instrument suites. Our demonstration will be an important milestone in the transition to widespread use of larger UAVs for environmental science. We will discuss how the reduced environmental and logistical impact can open up new opportunities in Antarctic and beyond.

How to cite: Jordan, T. and Robinson, C.: Demonstrating a large UAV for Antarctic environmental science, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5435,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julien Govoorts, Koen Van Noten, Corentin Caudron, Bergur Einarsson, Thomas Lecocq, Sylvain Nowé, Finnur Pálsson, Jonas Pätzel, and Harry Zekollari

Estimations of bedrock topography below glaciers and ice thickness are vital for quantifying freshwater availability for surrounding populations and understanding the contribution of melting glaciers to sea-level rise in the context of global warming. While active seismology is commonly used for ice thickness estimation, the utilization of passive methods remains relatively rare. Passive seismology solutions offer cost-effectiveness, non-invasiveness and continuous monitoring capabilities that present valuable benefits in glaciological research.

Over the past two decades, numerous seismic stations have been deployed on glaciers worldwide for various purposes. Through passive seismology approaches, these seismic stations could show their potential as new sources of ice thickness measurements and feed the related database. For this purpose, we analyzed data of 3-components seismic sensors from different deployments as well as data from open access databases, such as IRIS, employing the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique. HVSR has been predominantly used in microzonation studies to determine site effects and the thickness of sediments in sedimentary basins.  Even though the use of this technique in glacial seismology is quite new, HVSR has been already utilized to estimate in-situ ice thickness, to retrieve the basal properties or to detect cavities under the ice.

Our primary objective is to demonstrate the potential of the HVSR technique to retrieve in-situ ice thickness on different glaciers. Subsequently, we will compare the HVSR results with different data sources including models, ground-penetrating radar or active seismology. By performing this comparison we evaluate the limitations of the HVSR method in an icy environment. We investigate these limitations by studying the effect of other natural agents such as wind on the H/V amplitude and fundamental frequency retrieved from the HVSR curves. Having a global understanding of these influences will eventually help deciphering variations in continuous H/V monitoring.

How to cite: Govoorts, J., Van Noten, K., Caudron, C., Einarsson, B., Lecocq, T., Nowé, S., Pálsson, F., Pätzel, J., and Zekollari, H.: Analysis of H/V spectral ratio curves from passive seismic data acquired on glaciers worldwide, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10814,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emma C. Smith, Ronan Agnew, Adam D. Booth, Poul Christoffersen, Eliza J. Dawson, Lucia Gonzalez, Marianne Karplus, Daniel F. May, Nori Nakata, Andrew Pretorius, Paul Summers, Slawek Tulaczyk, Stephen Vietch, Jake Walter, and Tun Jan Young

The stability of Thwaites Glacier, the second largest marine ice stream in West Antarctica, is a major source of uncertainty in future predictions of global sea level rise. Critical to understanding the stability of Thwaites Glacier, is understanding the dynamics of the shear margins, which provide important lateral resistance that counters basal weakening associated with ice flow acceleration and forcing at the grounding line. The eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier is of interest as it is poorly topographically constrained, meaning it could migrate rapidly, causing further ice flow acceleration and drawing a larger volume of ice into the fast-flowing ice stream.  

In this study, we present an analysis of ~4000 icequakes, recorded over a two-year-period on a broadband seismic array deployed across the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier. The array consisted of seven three-component seismometers, deployed around a central station in a circle, roughly 10 km in diameter.  We use an automated approach to detect and locate “high-frequency” seismic events (10-90 Hz), the majority of which are concentrated in clusters around the ice-bed interface on the slow-moving side of the shear margin, as opposed to within the ice-stream itself. The event waveforms exhibit clear shear-wave splitting, indicative of the presence of an anisotropic ice fabric, likely formed within the shear margin, which is consistent with published radar studies from the field site. Initial analysis of the split shear-waves suggests that they can be used to better constrain the region's ice fabric, and likely used to infer past shear margin location and assess the future stability of this ice rheology.

How to cite: Smith, E. C., Agnew, R., Booth, A. D., Christoffersen, P., Dawson, E. J., Gonzalez, L., Karplus, M., May, D. F., Nakata, N., Pretorius, A., Summers, P., Tulaczyk, S., Vietch, S., Walter, J., and Young, T. J.: Icequakes beneath Thwaites Glacier eastern shear margin , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11300,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eric Larose, Noelie Bontemps, Antoine Guillemot, and Laurent Baillet

Subglacial cavities may trap a considerable quantity of liquid water, causing devastating outburst floods in densely populated mountain areas. Both active and passive geophysical methods are employed for the glacier-bedrock interface and intra-glacial characterization, including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), refraction seismic, borehole measurements, and surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR). 

Ambient seismic noise can be collected by light and dense arrays at a relatively moderate cost, and allows to access some mechanical properties of the glacier, including the detection and localization of ice cavities and, possibly, basal detachment, taking advantage of spectral anomalies in the horizontal-to-vertical-spectral ratio (HVSR) and in the Vertical-to-Horizontal spectral ratio (VHSR). Specifically, a peak in the VHSR indicates a low impedance volume beneath the surface [1,2]. As a simple picture, we can refer to the “bridge” vibrating mode, where the vertical displacement in the middle of the bridge largely dominates other components of the movement.  Antunes et al. [2] furthermore noticed that the VHSR gives information about seismic energy anomalies generated by fluids in reservoirs since the wavefield is polarized mainly in the vertical direction.
In this work, we apply the HVSR and VHSR techniques to locate a subglacial water-filled cavity in the Tête Rousse glacier (Mont Blanc area, French Alps), using 15 days of data collected in may, 2022 [3]. The results also confirm the general basal conditions of the glacier suggested by other methods, locating temperate areas of the glacier where basal detachments are possible.

We evaluate the optimal seismic noise record duration to obtain a reliable and stable mapping of the VHSR over the glacier to properly locate the main cavity (or secondary cavities). In our case, results suggest that 6 days of record are enough to detect and locate a cavity


[1] Saenger, E-H. et al: A passive seismic survey over a gas field: Analysis of low-frequency anomalies, Geophysics, 74 (2), O29–O40 (2009).

[2] Antunes V. et al: Insights into the dynamics of the Nirano Mud Volcano through seismic characterization of drumbeat signals and V/H analysis. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431 (2022).

[3] A. Guillemot, N. Bontemps, E. Larose, D. Teodor, S. Faller, L. Baillet, S. Garambois, E. Thibert, O. Gagliardini, C. Vincent: Investigating Subglacial Water-filled Cavities by Spectral Analysis of Ambient Seismic Noise : Results on the Polythermal Tête-Rousse Glacier (Mont Blanc, France), Geophys. Res. Lett. accepted (2024). DOI:10.1029/2023GL105038

How to cite: Larose, E., Bontemps, N., Guillemot, A., and Baillet, L.: Locating subglacial cavities and investigating basal conditions on glaciers with ambient seismic noise: toward acquisition optimization., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12583,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul Winberry

The Totten Glacier is a fast moving glacier that serves as a major outlet of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. During December 2018 and January 2019, we deployed a 12 station broadband seismic array near the grounding zone of the Totten Glacier. We observed a significant number ( > 10,000) of repeating basal stick-slip icequakes across the region. Much of this seismic activity was dominated by higher frequency events (20-75 Hz) similar in size and temporal character (“bursty”) to those found in previous studies, such as those on the Rutford Ice Stream and Greenland Ice Sheet. Additionally, we observe a large number of repeating events dominated by lower frequencies (< 10 Hz) that have larger magnitudes and longer inter-event time than the high-frequency seismic activity. We will provide an overview into both the temporal and spatial variability of this seismic activity and discuss implications for fast flow in the region.

How to cite: Winberry, P.: Repeating Glacier Seismicity Near the Totten Glacier Grounding Zone., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12865,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Laura Gabriel, Marian Hertrich, Raphael Moser, Christophe Ogier, Hansruedi Maurer, and Daniel Farinotti

The amount and distribution of liquid water inside a glacier are relevant for its dynamics, related natural hazards or for sediment transport. Experimentally investigating the glacier's hydrology is challenging because of restricted accessibility, investigation depth, material properties, and environmental factors. In addition, the subglacial drainage network is highly dynamic and undergoes diurnal and seasonal changes.

This contribution investigates the application of surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) to characterize the liquid water distribution within Swiss Alpine glaciers. Analogous to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in medicine, SNMR utilizes an oscillating magnetic field to excite nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms within water molecules. The subsequent spin relaxation is then analyzed, providing insights into the probed material. In simpler terms, this process allows us to directly detect liquid water in ice and gain information on its spatial distribution.

We conducted a first SNMR field survey on Rhonegletscher in the summer of 2023. During this survey, we tested various measurement configurations, including separate-loop measurements and the application of noise-compensation loops. The latter proved crucial for subsequent data processing. After carefully optimizing the processing scheme, we extracted SNMR signals in several recordings despite the poor signal-to-noise ratio. The results were compared to 1D forward-modelled data, suggesting that the average water content in the survey area lay between 0.7 and 1.2 %. In addition, we could show that a homogenous water distribution over the entire ice column cannot explain the observed data and that we need to consider more complex subsurface models including at least one additional water layer. Specifically, our ongoing research aims to identify which configurations of the subglacial water distribution (e.g., homogenous water distribution vs layered water-ice structure resulting from an englacial water channel) are distinguishable experimentally. Moreover, the study seeks to optimize measurement design and data processing methodologies to acquire information more efficiently, and effectively handle the expected low signal-to-noise ratios.

In future field campaigns, we intend to deploy SNMR for selected glaciological case studies within the Swiss Alps. A primary focus will be on efficiently detecting water pockets that may pose a potential risk of downstream flooding upon rupture. Similarly, we want to investigate the extent to which we can distinguish cold from temperate ice.

How to cite: Gabriel, L., Hertrich, M., Moser, R., Ogier, C., Maurer, H., and Farinotti, D.: Exploring englacial hydrology with surface nuclear magnetic resonance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13124,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Velnia Chacca Luna, Widmark Harrinson Jara Infantes, Manuel Antonio Cosi Fajardo, Milagros Lizbeth Aquino Morales, Leila Mamani Yampi, Sara Cachay, and Juan Carlos Torres Lázaro

The Cordillera Blanca is currently home to 384 covered glaciers, which constitutes 46.5 % of the total of 825 covered glaciers registered in the 20 glacier ranges of Peru, according to data provided by the Glacier Inventory 2023 (INAIGEM, 2023). Therefore, in the framework of climate fluctuations driven by global warming, covered glaciers stand out as crucial elements, as their level of thawing is much slower in response to climate variability and in contrast to their debris- free glacier counterparts. This characteristic consolidates them as increasingly essential and valuable water resources.

The objective of the study is to determine the physical characteristics of the Kinzl Covered Glacier, located in the Cordillera Blanca, by applying the geophysical methods of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and vertical electrical sounding (VES). The methodology employed includes georadar profiling and point soundings to understand the composition and distribution of materials and the physical properties of the glacier. From the detailed analysis of electrical soundings and georadar profiles, a correlation of both methods has been achieved through the resistivities obtained and established for similar environments, with phases of reflected signals coming from the contours of the interfaces identified in the radargrams analysed and interpreted. This correlation has provided us with a comprehensive understanding of the internal characteristics of the Kinzl Covered Glacier, where three horizons have been identified: The first horizon composed of variable surface debris, ranging from 2 to 9 metres thick, with resistivities that remain above 16k Ohm.m; the second horizon composed of massive ice with debris, fluctuating between 40k and 300k Ohm.m and with thicknesses ranging from 40-60 metres, parallel to this horizon we also have massive ice corroborated by values of 400k and 6000k Ohm.m with thicknesses exceeding 60 metres and below this we have a third horizon composed of bedrock with average resistivity between 1.2k and 9k Ohm.m. These data found in the Kinzl Covered Glacier fit with those frequently found in glacial-periglacial deposits in the Andes.

The results provide a comprehensive understanding of the internal characteristics of the Kinzl Covered Glacier, highlighting its relevance for understanding the complexity and implications for glacial dynamics. These findings are valuable for numerical modelling, glacier risk management and water resource management.

How to cite: Chacca Luna, V., Jara Infantes, W. H., Cosi Fajardo, M. A., Aquino Morales, M. L., Mamani Yampi, L., Cachay, S., and Torres Lázaro, J. C.: Applications of geophysical techniques for the analysis of the internal structure and understanding of the hydrological system of the Kinzl Covered Glacier, Cordillera Blanca, Peru , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14548,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Remote monitoring of glaciers using infrasound and seismic arrays at the Vernadsky station, Antarctic Peninsula region
(withdrawn after no-show)
Alex Liashchuk, Yurii Andrushchenko, Yurii Otruba, Vadym Zhukovskyi, and Andrii Olefir
On-site presentation
Małgorzata Chmiel, Nicoletta Caldera, Fabian Walter, Gerrit Olivier, Daniel Farinotti, Alberto Guadagnini, Dominik Gräff, Manuela Köpfli, and Florent Gimbert

The state and evolution of subglacial channels strongly impact glacier motion and as a result the mass balance of flowing ice bodies. Yet, the subglacial environment is difficult to access and thus often poorly constrained over significant temporal and spatial scales. This limits our understanding of complex subglacial hydraulic processes and consequently ice dynamics.

Seismology can help overcome these observational constraints, providing new insights into fundamental processes in the cryosphere, such as frictional sliding and subglacial water flow. However, different seismogenic processes of the cryosphere often overlap in both time and space. Differentiating between them and interpreting associated seismic signals require appropriate methodological and instrumental approaches.

Here, we investigate subglacial channel dynamics at the Rhone glacier (Switzerland) over one month in the summer of 2020, focusing on periods coinciding with glacier sliding episodes. To this end, we leverage the sensitivity of near-bed borehole geophones combined with seismic interferometry and beamforming techniques.

We show that the hydraulic tremor, generated by turbulent water flow and resulting pressure variations acting against the subglacial channel bed and walls, acts as a dominant, stable, and coherent noise source. Beamforming analysis reveals the directional stability of the hydraulic tremor and points toward the junction of two subglacial hydraulic channels from which stick-slip asperities originate. The analysis also reveals instances of sudden hydraulic tremor quieting, in agreement with previous observations before and after seismogenic sliding episodes. We explain this quieting as sudden changes in frictional conditions within the subglacial channel corresponding to a rapid transition between a fully and partially filled channel. We discuss channel properties (geometry and bed conditions) that are needed to satisfy the physical conditions for the frictional quieting mechanism. Our analysis offers new insights into the complex mechanical interactions between ice, water, and bed properties and the hydraulic control of glacier sliding.

How to cite: Chmiel, M., Caldera, N., Walter, F., Olivier, G., Farinotti, D., Guadagnini, A., Gräff, D., Köpfli, M., and Gimbert, F.: Quieting of hydraulic tremor: sudden changes in frictional conditions in subglacial channels, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16320,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Robert Mulvaney, Carlos Martín, Catherine Ritz, Luca Vittuari, Massimo Frezzotti, and Olaf Eisen

An ice core is being drilled near Little Dome C, a small promontory about 30km downstream from the summit of Dome C, to extract a continuous record of climate over the last 1.5 million years. Present and past ice flow conditions are important to interpret the ice core because the surface velocity at the drilling site is about 40 mm/yr and the oldest ice in the record was deposited in the surface about 10km upstream of the drilling site. Here we explore newly acquired and existing geophysical data to describe present ice flow and investigate signs of past changes. We present new GNSS data that describes the subtle but complex local surface velocity, and ApRES radar data that provides englacial strain-rates along the flow path from the summit of Dome C and bulk englacial crystal orientation fabric. Ice currently flows from Dome C summit along the ridge to Little Dome C, even though a subtle uphill slope, but basal conditions are variable along the path due to the strong basal topography. Of special interest is an ice unit in contact with the bedrock with variable thickness up to about 300m that is vertically stagnant and produce a strong radar reflection.  This basal unit is not present in an area of strong melting about 5km upstream from the drilling site. The crystal orientation fabric reflects the ice flow horizontal extension along the path and changes with depth on ice flow properties following climatic transitions and, more intriguing, indicate a possible change in ice flow extension at the beginning of the Holocene. We aim to facilitate detailed ice flow models to better interpret the ice core data.  

How to cite: Mulvaney, R., Martín, C., Ritz, C., Vittuari, L., Frezzotti, M., and Eisen, O.: Glaciological characterization of Little Dome C: Influence of ice flow on the future Beyond Epica – Oldest Ice Core drilling project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17767,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Johannes Aichele, Christophe Ogier, and Barthélémy Anhorn

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a major tool to investigate, map and monitor polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Alpine glaciers are often composed of temperate ice, which has significantly different backscatter properties from cold ice. Radar attenuation is much stronger in temperate ice than in cold ice, because the radar signal encounters strong scattering in temperate ice. 
A major candidate for this scattering is the presence of liquid water inclusions, which are much smaller than the radar wavelength. The large contrast between water and ice dielectric permittivity would explain the diffuse radar scattering in temperate ice. Indeed, recent numerical modelling of the radar signal in temperate ice confirmed the contribution of liquid water inclusions on the scattering of the radar signal (Ogier, 2023). 
Here, we investigate if the strong scattering caused by liquid water inclusions, which is usually treated as noise, can be in fact exploited to unravel dynamic processes inside the glacier. This strong scattering results in large radar phase variations in space, which remain constant over short timescales (hours - days), during which the glacial water content remains constant. During that timescale, however, the mountain glacier might experience sudden internal deformation due to intermittent sliding at the glacier base, also called glacier stick-slip.  This deformation might be resolved using difference imaging and the spatio-temporal properties of the radar phase.
We numerically model radar wave propagation throughout temperate ice (i.e. with the presence of liquid water inclusions) before and after an idealized glacier deformation and show, that through phase difference imaging the internal movement of the sub-wavelength scatterers can be mapped. 
Finally, we discuss how this novel type of monitoring could be applied in the field, which is planned for spring 2024.


Ogier, Christophe, Dirk-Jan van Manen, Hansruedi Maurer, Ludovic Räss, Marian Hertrich, Andreas Bauder, and Daniel Farinotti. 2023. “Ground Penetrating Radar in Temperate Ice: Englacial Water Inclusions as Limiting Factor for Data Interpretation.” Journal of Glaciology, September, 1–12.

How to cite: Aichele, J., Ogier, C., and Anhorn, B.: Stick-slip imaging through the GPR phase: Turning  temperate ice 'noise' into signal, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18639,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Florent Gimbert, Neil Ross, Tifenn Le Bris, Guilhem Barruol, Tun Jan Young, Samuel Doyle, Stephen Livingstone, Andrew Sole, Adrien Gilbert, Ryan Ing, Liz Bagshaw, Mike Prior-Jones, and Laura Edwards

Accurate knowledge of glacier bed topography is critical for quantifying ice volumes and modelling ice and subglacial hydrology dynamics. Bed topography observations are traditionally obtained from airborne and ice penetrating radar, which offers the crucial advantage of recovering the detailed glacier structure over a range of scales. A main difficulty with radar, however, is that waves can be strongly scattered and attenuated by englacial heterogeneities, in particular by water inclusions, which can potentially limit the applicability of the technique under certain conditions.

Here we present a case study on Isunguata Sermia, West Greenland, where we conducted an ice penetrating radar survey together with dense seismic array acquisitions from 87 nodes spread over a 1 km2 area. We show that, in the area of investigation, radar observations were only partially successful in identifying the ice-bed interface, likely due to the thick warm ice, presence of some surface water and near-surfacing crevassing and other englacial structures. The H/V analysis performed over the seismic array yielded surprisingly coherent estimates of ice thickness, along with its spatial variation along and across the glacier. These findings raise questions about the interpretation of traditional radar measurements under certain glacier conditions, and how dense seismic arrays could retrieve bed topography more systematically. 

How to cite: Gimbert, F., Ross, N., Le Bris, T., Barruol, G., Young, T. J., Doyle, S., Livingstone, S., Sole, A., Gilbert, A., Ing, R., Bagshaw, L., Prior-Jones, M., and Edwards, L.: Observing glacier bed topography: the H/V spectral method applied on a dense seismic array as a simple alternative to radar, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19098,, 2024.

Lake/Sea Ice
On-site presentation
Cedric Schmelzbach, Christoph Wetter, Simon Stähler, John Clinton, Zinan Lyu, Maria Mesimeri, and Frédérick Massin

Seismic events (icequakes) associated with floating ice sheets on lakes are a frequently observed phenomenon. We find at our study site on the frozen Lake St. Moritz in the Swiss Alps typically a clear diurnal pattern with hundreds to thousands of icequake signals per hour during night time, while the rate of observed events during daytime is about two orders of magnitude smaller. The seismicity rate shows a significant correlation with temperature changes. It is therefore assumed that the generation of the ice quakes is related to melting and freezing processes as well as the extension and contraction of the ice. Potentially the seismicity rate is also moderated by loading and unloading due to human activities on the ice and/or lake level changes.

These ice quakes generate seismic waves that propagate through the thin ice sheet as plate waves modulated by the air and water half-spaces above and below the ice (quasi-guided waves). One member of this wave-type family, the quasi-Scholte waves, are characterised by distinct dispersion that can be observed with seismic sensors on the ice. Furthermore, the seismic waves traveling through the ice couple into the air leading to audible seismo-acoustic signals. One particularity of the ice-air coupling is a so-called coincidence phenomenon. The particular velocity-frequency combination where the seismic wavelength in the ice matches the apparent acoustic wavelength in the air leads to a resonance phenomenon. Observation of the related coincidence frequency allows us, for example, to infer on the ice thickness from the acoustic observations with a low cost microphone above the ice only. Recording the acoustic signals with small microphone arrays enables additionally, for example, locating the source of the seismo-acoustic signal.

Combined observations of the seismic and acoustic signals provide new insights into the seismicity of lake ice which has rarely been studied in the past. The seismo-acoustic signals have the potential to provide information about the ice properties such as thickness and ice quality as well as waxing and waning processes of ice sheets. These observations are relevant for safe operations on the ice but also to complement other remote-sensing observations with autonomous in situ seismo-acoustic measurements for climate studies.

How to cite: Schmelzbach, C., Wetter, C., Stähler, S., Clinton, J., Lyu, Z., Mesimeri, M., and Massin, F.: Lake ice seismicity: seismic and acoustic observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17421,, 2024.

Chairpersons: Jonas K. Limbrock, Franziska Koch
On-site presentation
Hooshmand Zandi, Ludovic Moreau, Ludovic Métivier, and Romain Brossier

Studying Arctic sea ice is essential as it plays an important role in climate regulation, influencing weather
patterns, as well as impacting the local ecosystems and living conditions of people. Among different
methods for collecting data and studying sea ice, seismology has proved to be an efficient way to extract
the ice properties, from which the mechanical behavior of sea ice can be explored. Seismic data recorded on
sea ice, using 3-component geophones, are used as a starting point to derive useful information regarding
the ice. To devise an efficient inversion method for deriving ice properties, an effective tool would be
necessary to generate synthetic data in a way that encompasses the physics of sea ice. While there are
approximate solutions to wave propagation problem in a floating ice layer based on plate theory, which is
based on the assumptions of homogeneity of the ice layer and valid at low values of frequency×wavelength,
numerical counterparts such as wavenumber integration method and finite element method have been
also used to to create synthetic waveforms. The numerical methods have shown the limitations of these
approximate solutions in modeling wave propagation; nonetheless, the effects of these limitations on the
estimations of the location of icequakes and thickness of ice need to be investigated.

In this study, these limitations are explored. To do this, two possible scenarios that can happen in
practice are taken into account: (1) when there is high-frequency content in the source generating the
seismic data, and (2) when the physical model includes a snow layer overlying the ice layer. First, we
will show the limitations of the approximate solutions for these two cases by comparing the waveforms,
derived from these approximate solutions, with those of a numerical method at a given distance from
the source. The numerical used here is spectral element method. Then, the effects of these limitations
on the estimations of icequake location and ice thickness are explored in an inversion process, in which
synthetic data are created using the approximate solutions. Results indicate that when there are high-
frequency content in the data and a snow layer on top of the ice, the use of the approximate solutions
to generate synthetic data introduces bias in the estimation of ice thickness and source-receiver distance
in the inversion process. This bias is in the form of underestimations, smaller ice thicknesses and smaller
source-receiver distances. Furthermore, to tackle the biases associated with the inversion method based on
the approximate solutions, a novel strategy is adopted, where a database of simulations using the proposed
numerical method is built for various models of ice and snow. Here the inversion comprises of searching
in the database to find the best ice thickness and source-receiver distance for each icequake. In addition,
the database-based inversion reduces the computational cost. Thanks to this inversion strategy, and
using real data recorded on sea ice, the ice thicknesses along different source-receiver paths are estimated
efficiently, from which a 3D map of ice thickness is constructed.

How to cite: Zandi, H., Moreau, L., Métivier, L., and Brossier, R.: Sensitivity Study for Seismic Waves Guided in an Ice Pack: Influence of the Frequency Content and Snow Layer Thickness Covering the Ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8245,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Benjamin Fersch, Markéta Součková, Paul Schattan, Nora Krebs, Jannis Weimar, Carsten Jahn, Peter Martin Grosse, and Martin Schrön

The observation of near-ground cosmogenic neutrons enables the monitoring of various water storage variations at the land surface at the field scale including soil moisture and the water content of snow layers. The parabolic neutron-count versus soil moisture function is quite uniform among different locations, and soil types and requires typically a one-time-only in situ reference observation. For the detection of snowpack water equivalent (SWE) variations by cosmic-ray neutron sensing such a uniform approach has so far not been developed. Therefore, the establishment of new cosmic-ray snow monitoring sites requires substantial in situ measurements for obtaining the local relationship of SWE amounts and neutron count rates. Observations suggest that the relationship is quite uniform for grass-vegetated locations which is different to what is found for stony ground.

Within the framework of the research unit Cosmic Sense, we generated extensive in situ measurements of snow water equivalent and cosmogenic neutron count rates at various sites with differing elevations in the German and Austrian Alps. From these data, we investigate commonalities among the site conditions and if the varying patterns of the relationships can be reasonably explained by physical reasons and therefore be modeled with a unified approach.

How to cite: Fersch, B., Součková, M., Schattan, P., Krebs, N., Weimar, J., Jahn, C., Grosse, P. M., and Schrön, M.: Towards a unified description of the count rate – snow water equivalent relationship in cosmic-ray neutron sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11386,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nora Krebs, Paul Schattan, Valentina Premier, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, and Martin Rutzinger

Above-ground cosmic ray neutron sensing (CRNS) is an emerging technique for the investigation of dynamics in soil moisture, snow water equivalent (SWE), and vegetation at a spatial scale of several hectares. The measurement principle is based on the moderation of natural secondary cosmogenic neutrons by hydrogen atoms. On the earth surface hydrogen atoms are mainly bound in water molecules. However, at complex research sites the signal distinction between various water sources remains challenging. Especially in alpine terrain and at elevated topography, hydrological features are linked in an intricate patchwork, hampering signal discrimination. Satellite observations offer valuable complementary surface information and are commonly provided at a spatial resolution that meets the integrated footprint area of the CRNS detector. In this study we investigate if the interpretation of the CRNS signal can be enhanced by the use of remote sensing products. We compare three readily available fractional snow cover (FSC) products based on Sentinel (1 and 2) and MODIS and one reference FSC Sentinel-2 scene-based machine learning product at the approximate footprint resolution of CRNS, comprising a circular area of 250 m radius. The performance of all four products is assessed at five CRNS sites in the Austrian and Italian Alps that represent a variety of environmental properties, ranging from flat to steep topography, from low to high elevation and from sparse to abundant vegetation cover. At three sites, the presence and absence of snow can be validated by local snow height measurements. The analysis shows that remote sensing snow cover information can be extracted on around 80% of the analyzed days, demonstrating the use of FSC products for the estimation of snow cover duration and timing. Comparing the four products shows overall agreements and allows to deduce product-specific thresholds for the distinction of snow-covered and snow-free situations. Further, pairing remote FSC observations with neutron count measurements provides a first indication on the complexity of local hydrogen pool dynamics and consequent requirements on the calibration routine for ambient water monitoring with CRNS. We conclude that satellite-based FSC products can be used to fortify the choice of CRNS observation location and period prior to the detector installation and for a robust and viable first-order assessment of expected CRNS site conditions. Remote sensing FSC products and CRNS measurements hold complementary data that can mutually benefit snow observations and should be explored further in the future.

How to cite: Krebs, N., Schattan, P., Premier, V., Mejia-Aguilar, A., and Rutzinger, M.: Testing four Sentinel (1 and 2) and MODIS Fractional Snow Cover products for the evaluation of five Alpine Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing sites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13683,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul Schattan, Jan Schmieder, Markus Köhli, Christine Fey, and Martin Schrön

Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) constitutes an emerging method for monitoring soil moisture and snow dynamics at intermediate spatial scales of several hectares. In complex environments such as mountain regions, however, the presence of areas with a high contrast of hydrogen content was found to cause a hysteresis in the relationship between neutron counts and water equivalent. A simulation study using the newly developed hierarchical scenario tool YULIA (Your URANOS Layer Integration Assistant) for the Monte-Carlo neutron simulation model URANOS was conducted to quantify the effect of snow-free areas on above-ground neutron sensing of the snow water equivalent (SWE). It was found that the size and distance of the snow free patches have the largest impact on the neutron flux. The simulations also showed a sensitivity of the signal towards soil moisture and SWE. Correction functions were developed and validated with observed CRNS measurements and LiDAR based distributed SWE maps. The main aim of the correction procedure is to estimate SWE under partly snow-covered conditions. Furthermore, also the soil moisture of the snow-free areas can be inferred if the SWE distribution is known. The latter can be used for other high-contrast CRNS applications like monitoring soil moisture in the presence of ponding water.

How to cite: Schattan, P., Schmieder, J., Köhli, M., Fey, C., and Schrön, M.: Applying Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing in Highly Heterogeneous Conditions: Monitoring Snow Water Equivalent in Periods with Partial Snow Coverage, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18177,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Johanna von Drachenfels, Helle Astrid Kjær, and Josephine Lindsey-Clark

A critical factor in accurate Surface Mass Balance predictions of the Greenland Ice Sheet is the availability of spatially and temporally extensive snow accumulation data (Montgomery et al., 2018). Currently, this data remains deficient due to incomplete geographical coverage and poor temporal resolution (Sheperd et al., 2012).

An innovative approach to expanding the existing dataset is the utilization of the LISA box: a portable Lightweight In-Situ Analysis system designed for fast and straightforward snow and ice core measurements (Kjær et al., 2021), which speeds up the delivery of the results. With the LISA box, the sample cores are melted, and continuous flow analysis of chemical impurities and conductivity in the meltwater reveals annual peaks and climatic horizons. This information allows for dating of the single ice and snow layers. The registration of the melt speed furthermore permits the determination of the layer thickness, while the layer density can be inferred with an additional measurement of the meltwater flowrate. By combining these insights, past accumulation rates, as indicated by the volume of annually deposited snow, can be reconstructed.

Here we present updates to the existing LISA box enhancing its abilities to further analyse for density variations in snow and firn cores.

How to cite: von Drachenfels, J., Kjær, H. A., and Lindsey-Clark, J.: Lightweight In-Situ Analysis of snow density and accumulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17134,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alexander Prokop, Florian Tolle, Jean-Michelle Friedt, and Eric Bernard

In the context of climate warming it is a common scientific goal to study and monitor surface and volume changes of glaciers and melting dynamics of its snow and ice. Therefore several measurement techniques exist to track permanently ice melting e.g. DGPS stations on glaciers, Smart stake, and snow and ice depth measurements via e.g. ultrasonic depth sensors to create time series of snow and ice loss or gain. None of the existing methods measure if actually liquid water is present and melting occurs, this is later concluded by interpretation of the geometric data. The capability of the laser sensor to do so via the reflectance value, in fact the received signal intensity, we consider as a big advantage and worth investigating further as a direct measure of snow or ice melt that helps not only to analyze glacier dynamics but is also important e.g. for providing reliable ground truth data for satellite remote sensing. When melting of snow and ice occurs, water changes the reflectance properties as due to absorption of the laser in water, only a portion of the laser is reflected. This allows determining if liquid water is present at the surface measured. We present the data collected in the last 2 melting seasons of the Austre Lovénbreen glacier near Ny Alesund, Svalbard. We show how we classify wet snow and wet ice hours with confidence and are able to compute melting rates. The single point measurement is put into context to area wide LiDAR measurements and melting dynamics of the glacier are analyzed. The data was verified against visual inspections from automatic cameras, data from an automatic weather station both located in the glacier catchment and ice melt was measured in close proximity with a SmartStake station.

How to cite: Prokop, A., Tolle, F., Friedt, J.-M., and Bernard, E.: Using received laser signal intensity to measure snow and ice surface properties automatically , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17917,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Akash Patil, Christoph Mayer, and Matthias Braun

Abstract: Accurate estimation of glacier volume-to-mass conversion relies on a thorough understanding of firn density, both in-depth and over time. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) serves as a suitable geophysical tool to trace internal reflection horizons (IRHs) and estimate the physical properties of different layers. Our goal is to characterize the IRHs as annual layers and ascertain the spatial firn density-depth profile in the accumulation zone of the Aletsch glacier.

The process involves identifying IRHs from radargrams and iteratively selecting the annual layers by excluding unreasonable layer structures. For an accurate estimation of firn density distribution, it is necessary to derive the velocity-depth profile of electromagnetic waves within the firn zone. The common mid-point (CMP) method was applied to track the velocity distribution within the firn body. Additionally, a method was introduced to estimate the velocity-depth profile for longer GPR profiles by backtracking the calculated velocity from the CMP gather.

To validate IRHs as annual firn layers, we utilized annual accumulation measurements at a nearby stake for Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) estimation. The resulting firn density-depth profile was compared to different firn densification models, considering regional meteorological information. This approach enables us to determine a reliable density-depth function for bulk SWE computations. The study also addresses uncertainties associated with selecting IRHs as annual layers and enhances the application of local volume-to-mass estimates.

How to cite: Patil, A., Mayer, C., and Braun, M.: Firn Density Distribution and Annual Snow Water Equivalent Estimates from Ground Penetrating Radar, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5751,, 2024.

Permafrost and frozen ground
On-site presentation
Judith Freienstein, Wolfgang Szwillus, Marion Leduc-Leballeur, Giovanni Macelloni, and Joerg Ebbing

Geothermal heat flow (GHF) is a key element of Solid Earth-cryosphere interactions. However, polar regions as Antarctica are only sparsely covered with heat flow determinations from boreholes, so one must rely on interpolation or regression models of GHF (e.g. machine learning) from other sources to derive a regional map. Interpolation/regression of GHF in this manner depends strongly on the available sparse boreholes, which can distort the resulting regional map.

Additional information can be gained from the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) satellite by inferring ice temperature profiles with a Bayesian inversion from remote sensing microwave radiometer data. This retrieval uses geothermal heat flow as a free parameter so that it provides a posterior distribution of the GHF needed to explain the ice temperature profiles.

We aim to reconcile geophysical geothermal heat flow models with the ice temperature profiles and improve the estimates of GHF with this coupling.

We use stationary thermal modelling where we force the ice temperature and lithospheric temperature model to converge at the base of the ice. Using stochastic inversion, we estimate the thermal parameters in the lithosphere. The posterior distribution of the retrieval as constraint for the GHF is included as prior distribution to the inversion to the stationary thermal modelling so that the GHF with the highest likelihood can be estimated.

With our approach, we can evaluate a GHF distribution that both explains the ice temperature and lithospheric temperature models and covers large parts of Antarctica.

How to cite: Freienstein, J., Szwillus, W., Leduc-Leballeur, M., Macelloni, G., and Ebbing, J.: Coupling Solid Earth and ice temperature models to estimate geothermal heat flow, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7654,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrew Gorman, Gary Wilson, Huw Horgan, Gavin Dunbar, Caitlin Hall, Jenny Black, Bob Dagg, Matthew Tankersley, and Laurine van Haastrecht

The sedimentary units beneath the Ross Ice Shelf in the vicinity of the Kamb Ice Stream grounding line on the Siple Coast of the eastern Ross Ice Shelf play an important role in evaluating past advances and retreats of grounded ice in West Antarctica through the Quaternary. This region is an ongoing focus for drilling efforts that involve melting through the ice shelf and recovering sediments from beneath the seafloor. Seismic (and to a lesser extent gravity) methods have played a critical role in establishing a stratigraphic framework for these sediment sampling endeavours. Approximately 73 km of seismic data have been collected in this region during three seasons since early 2015, complemented by finely sampled gravity transects and a coarser regional gravity grid. Data acquisition provides localised coverage of the sub-ice-shelf ocean and sediments in a region where ROSETTA-Ice airborne-gravity data identified a gravity low. Seismic acquisition parameters have varied from survey to survey, but all involve explosive charges frozen into a hot-water-drilled holes that are recorded by conventional geophones buried in the firn. Such an acquisition configuration provides imaging of the ice shelf and underlying geological units. Processed seismic data show a mostly flat layered seafloor lying beneath the ocean cavity with at least 200 m of sub-horizontally layered sedimentary strata containing several mappable unconformities that are identified as distinct reflective horizons in the seismic data as well as reflection terminations and pinchouts in overlying and underlying units. These unconformities could correspond to past glacial erosion episodes as the position of the grounding line in this region has migrated landward and oceanward. Gravity modelling suggests that the thickness of the sedimentary basins in the region are variable beyond what we see in the shallow (few hundred metre) penetration of the seafloor.

How to cite: Gorman, A., Wilson, G., Horgan, H., Dunbar, G., Hall, C., Black, J., Dagg, B., Tankersley, M., and van Haastrecht, L.: Using seismic and gravity data to constrain subglacial seafloor stratigraphy in the vicinity of the Kamb Ice Stream grounding line, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14420,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christin Hilbich, Bernd Etzelmüller, Ketil Isaksen, Coline Mollaret, Sarah Morard, Cécile Pellet, and Christian Hauck

Geophysical monitoring becomes more and more popular in permafrost environments due to its remarkable success to detect permafrost thawing and spatio-temporal changes in the ground ice content. Mostly geoelectric methods such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) are applied due to the strong differences in the electrical properties between frozen and unfrozen state. However, seismic properties also change markedly upon freezing/thawing and time-lapse refraction seismic tomography (RST) has been shown to be applicable to permafrost over smaller time scales (e.g., Hilbich 2010). The reason why only few studies employ long-term seismic monitoring in permafrost is probably due to the higher logistical effort required.

At two Swiss permafrost monitoring sites (Schilthorn and Stockhorn) yearly RST surveys are conducted using the same setup for more than 15 years, in addition to standard borehole temperature, climatic and ERT measurements ( The monitoring aim is to image the interannual changes of the thickness of the active layer as well as differences in ice content within the permafrost layer below.

Additional long-term observations are available from RST (and contemporary ERT) surveys from several mountain permafrost sites in Norway that were initially conducted to characterise permafrost conditions around boreholes drilled in 1999/2008 (Juvvasshoe/Jotunheimen), and 2007/2008 (Iskoras/Finnmark, Guolasjavri/Troms, and Tronfjell, cf. Isaksen et al. 2011, Farbrot et al. 2013). These surveys were repeated with the same geometry in 2019 after 11 years in northern Norway, and after 8 and 20 years in southern Norway. As for the Swiss sites, temperatures from all these boreholes show a clear warming trend over the last 1-2 decades (Etzelmüller et al, 2020, 2023).

We here present the observed long-term changes in electrical resistivity and seismic P-wave velocity based on a) annually repeated measurements in the Swiss Alps, and b) on long-term repetition in northern and southern Norway. The geophysical changes are related to the observed borehole temperature increase during the same period (Etzelmüller et al. 2023) and analysed with respect to climate-induced thawing. We evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of seismic monitoring compared to the more standard ERT monitoring. Finally, the results are also analysed with respect to their suitability for future ERT-seismic joint inversion approaches in a monitoring context.



Etzelmüller B, Guglielmin M, Hauck C, Hilbich C, Hoelzle M, Isaksen K, Noetzli J, Oliva M and Ramos M 2020. Twenty years of European mountain permafrost dynamics—the PACE legacy. Environ. Res. Lett. 15 104070 DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/abae9d

Etzelmüller B, Isaksen K, Czekirda J, Westermann S, Hilbich C, Hauck C 2023. Rapid warming and degradation of mountain permafrost in Norway and Iceland. The Cryosphere. 17.5477-5497.10.5194/tc-17-5477-2023.

Farbrot H, Isaksen K, Etzelmüller B, Gisnås K 2013. Ground Thermal Regime and Permafrost Distribution under a Changing Climate in Northern Norway. Permafrost Periglac.,24(1):20-38.

Isaksen K, Ødegård RS, Etzelmüller B, Hilbich C, Hauck C, Farbrot H, Eiken T, Hygen HO, Hipp T 2011. Degrading mountain permafrost in southern Norway - spatial and temporal variability of mean ground temperatures 1999-2009. Permafrost Periglac.,22(4):361-377, https://doi 10.1002/ppp.728.

Hilbich C 2010. Time-lapse refraction seismic tomography for the detection of ground ice degradation, The Cryosphere, 4, 243–259,, 2010.

How to cite: Hilbich, C., Etzelmüller, B., Isaksen, K., Mollaret, C., Morard, S., Pellet, C., and Hauck, C.: Long-term refraction seismic monitoring: a reliable method to detect ground ice loss at mountain permafrost sites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15907,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Haoliang Luo, Damien Jougnot, Anne Jost, Aida Mendieta, and Luong Duy Thanh

Macro-scale transport properties (e.g., electrical conductivity, effective excess charge density and hydraulic conductivity) can be conceptualized as capillary bundle models, in which the pore structure of porous medium is viewed as a bundle of capillary tubes of varying sizes. This approach can be used to understand and address the relationship between the petrophysical properties and the geometry of soil phases. When the temperature of porous medium decreases below the freezing temperature, the soil physical properties (transport properties) change drastically. This is attributed to the complexity of the heterogeneous formation of ice in the porous medium. Therefore, understanding better pore ice formation from microscale insights is crucial to describe the evolution of electrical conductivity with temperature in frozen porous medium. In this study, we consider that capillary radius and tortuous length follow fractal distributions, and that total conductance at the microscale scale is determined by the Gibbs-Thomson and Young-Laplace effects as well as by the surface complexation model. A new capillary bundle model is then proposed using an upscaling procedure, which considers the effects of both bulk and surface conductions. Based primarily on an electrical resistance apparatus and the NMR method, a series of laboratory experiments are carried out to study the influence of initial water saturation and salinity on electrical conductivity under unfrozen and frozen conditions. Additionally, the rationality and validity of the proposed model were successfully verified with published data in the literature and experimental data of this study. Our new physically-based model for electrical conductivity opens up new possibilities to interpret electrical and electromagnetic monitoring to easily infer changes in key variables such as liquid water content and moisture gradients.

How to cite: Luo, H., Jougnot, D., Jost, A., Mendieta, A., and Thanh, L. D.: A physically-based fractal model for predicting the electrical conductivity in partially saturated frozen porous media, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11729,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tamara Mathys, Christin Hilbich, Coline Mollaret, Christian Hauck, Tomas Saks, Ryksul Usubaliev, Bolot Moldobekov, Zhoodarbeshim Bektursunov, Muslim Azimshoev, Hofiz Navruzshoev, and Martin Hoelzle

Central Asian Mountain regions (Tien Shan and Pamir) are expected to be significantly impacted by climate change, affecting water availability and natural hazards. The cryosphere plays a crucial role in many watersheds of the region by providing water for hydropower station, irrigation, and domestic use downstream. At the same time, retreating glaciers and thawing permafrost increase the risk of natural hazards. Therefore, cryosphere monitoring systems are necessary to provide baseline data for estimating future water availability and detecting dangerous hazard zones. Despite the large areas underlain by permafrost in the Tien Shan and Pamir Mountain ranges, data on permafrost distribution, characteristics and evolution are scarce. However, quantitative estimations of permafrost subsurface components, especially water and ice contents, are needed to evaluate the consequences of current climate change on mountain permafrost environments.

Recent field-based investigations have emphasised the coupled use of geophysical techniques, e.g., by employing the Petrophysical Joint Inversion scheme (PJI, Wagner et al., 2019) that combines electrical resistivity and seismic refraction p-wave velocity data to estimate the four phases present in the subsurface (volumetric contents of air, water, ice, and rock). The traditional PJI implementation relies on Archie’s law (Archie, 1942) as one of the primary petrophysical equation to link resistivity to porosity and water content. Archie's law is generally considered valid when electrolytic conduction dominates, a condition that is not universally justified for dry and coarse blocky substrates and landforms in mountainous terrain. Recognizing this limitation, Mollaret et al. (2020) introduced the electrical Geometric Mean Model as an alternative implementation in the PJI. The Geometric Mean Model  assumes random distributions of the four phases and offers the advantage of including the fractions of ice and air in the petrophysical equation for resistivity, which are not present in Archie’s law. In this study, we assess the feasibility and effectiveness of using the Geometric Mean Model within the PJI framework across an extensive geophysical dataset comprising 22 profiles in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). Our research encompasses diverse landforms, including moraines, rock glaciers, talus slopes, and fine-grained sediments. Our goals are to (i) evaluate the performance of the Geometric Mean Model in comparison to Archies law across different landforms and (ii) address the existing data gap concerning mountain permafrost and ground ice contents in the Central Asian region.


Archie, G. E. (1942). The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics. Transactions of the AIME, 146(01), 54–62.

Mollaret, C., Wagner, F. M., Hilbich, C., Scapozza, C., & Hauck, C. (2020). Petrophysical Joint Inversion Applied to Alpine Permafrost Field Sites to Image Subsurface Ice, Water, Air, and Rock Contents. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 85.

Wagner, F. M., Mollaret, C., Günther, T., Kemna, A., & Hauck, C. (2019). Quantitative imaging of water, ice and air in permafrost systems through petrophysical joint inversion of seismic refraction and electrical resistivity data. Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), 1866–1875.

How to cite: Mathys, T., Hilbich, C., Mollaret, C., Hauck, C., Saks, T., Usubaliev, R., Moldobekov, B., Bektursunov, Z., Azimshoev, M., Navruzshoev, H., and Hoelzle, M.: Quantifying Ground Ice in Tien Shan and Pamir Permafrost: A Comprehensive Petrophysical Joint Inversion Study Applying the electrical Geometric Mean Model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21232,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Leila Maribel Mamani, W. Harrinson Jara, Velnia Chacca Luna, Juan C. Torres, Helder Mallqui, Manuel Cosi, Cristian Quispe, and Milagros Aquino


High-Andean bofedales are vegetated wetlands that play a crucial role in the context of climate change by facilitating the capture of carbon dioxide and regulating water. However, global warming has led to the glacial retreat of major snow-capped peaks, such as the Pastoruri Glacier, resulting in water scarcity that directly impacts these ecosystems. Hence, there is a pressing need to study them. This research aims to characterize the physical structure of the Ichickcollcococha bofedal, located in the Pachacoto Hydrographic Unit in the southern sector of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. The objective is to determine its water storage potential during periods of high precipitation and drought. The study employs the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) geophysical prospecting method, corroborated by vibrating wire piezometers installed in the Ichickcollcococha bofedal. This method allows for a detailed analysis of the subsurface resistive properties, generating geo-electric profiles that detail the internal structure of the bofedal.

Three horizons have been identified: the upper layer is loosely composed of organic material (vegetation, cushioned bofedales) with high moisture content, reaching a depth of approximately 1.5 meters and average resistivity values around 431 Ohm.m. The second layer extends to a depth of 11 meters with resistivities of 67 Ohm.m, corresponding to organic materials such as peat and saturated sands. The third horizon, with estimated depths of 80 meters and resistivities around 1301 Ohm.m, corresponds to underlying limestone rock. The data obtained from the Ichickcollcococha bofedal align with characteristic values of glacial-origin peat bogs.

The findings of this study provide a comprehensive understanding of the internal characteristics of the Ichickcollcococha bofedal, highlighting its contribution to the knowledge of its internal dynamics and its implications for the water potential of high-Andean bofedales. Furthermore, the results offer valuable information for modeling and water resource management.

Keywords: Bofedal, Hydric potential, geoelectric method, VES.

How to cite: Mamani, L. M., Jara, W. H., Chacca Luna, V., Torres, J. C., Mallqui, H., Cosi, M., Quispe, C., and Aquino, M.: “Determination of Hydric Potencial through Geoelectric and Piezometric methods in the Ichickcollcococha Wetland, Pachacoto Hydrographic Unit, Cordillera Blanca, Perú.” , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20308,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mirko Pavoni, Jacopo Boaga, Alexander Bast, Matthias Lichtenegger, and Johannes Buckel

Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is one of the most accurate geophysical techniques to distinguish between frozen and unfrozen ground in permafrost areas. Performing the measurements, however, requires considerable logistics and time efforts. This is mainly due to the fact that optimal galvanic contact between the electrodes and the ground surface is necessary to collect reliable ERT datasets. Therefore, the traditional steel-spike electrodes must be steadily coupled between the boulders and wet with salt water on coarse blocky surfaces. To further decrease the contact resistances, sponges soaked in salt water can be inserted between the spike and the surface of rocks. Nevertheless, this traditional coupling system is particularly time-consuming, making it challenging to collect several ERT survey lines in a single workday in mountain environments. Recently developed conductive textile electrodes were applied to facilitate the deployment of ERT arrays in rock glacier environments. Instead of hammering the steel spikes, the conductive textile electrodes can be easily pushed between the boulders and wet with less water (compared to the sponges). Consequently, this new electrode approach decreases the time needed to prepare an ERT array. In this work, we evaluate the performance of the textile electrodes by comparing these with the traditional electrode approach, considering common investigation lines. This comparative test has been carried out in three test sites, which present different lithologies, surface characteristics and using different electrode spacing. The collected datasets were statistically analysed with robust regression analysis and Wilcoxon rank-sum test to examine the accuracy and significant differences between the two electrode systems regarding contact resistances, injected electrical current, measured apparent resistivities, reciprocal error, and inverted resistivity values. The obtained results demonstrate that conductive textile electrodes are suitable to collect reliable ERT datasets and, consequently, applying this approach in future ERT measurements performed in high mountain environments with coarse blocky surfaces (e.g. rockfall deposits, blocky slopes, or rock glaciers) would allow to acquire more survey lines (e.g. realisation of pseudo-3D geometries) extending the characterisation of the subsurface.

How to cite: Pavoni, M., Boaga, J., Bast, A., Lichtenegger, M., and Buckel, J.: Conductive textile electrodes for time-efficient ERT surveys performed in coarse-blocky mountain environments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4532,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Madhuri Sugand and Andreas Hördt

Permafrost peatlands, located in the Arctic and high mountain regions, are typically known to be ice-rich. This is primarily linked to significant water content and often oversaturation, a characteristic property of peat soil. The current understanding of the effects of human-induced climate warming suggests that these regions are approaching a climatic tipping point with substantial permafrost thaw expected in the coming decades. Ice content is an important parameter for modelling permafrost evolution and at present limited studies exist that determine its in-situ spatial distribution in such areas.

The geophysical method known as high-frequency induced polarisation (HFIP) is advantageous for cryohydrological research in these environments. This method can capture the frequency-dependent polarisation of ice (also termed dielectric relaxation peak), which occurs within the range of 100 Hz to 100 kHz and is expressed by complex resistivity. Therefore, by analysing the spectral behaviour of this complex resistivity within the target frequency range the distribution and quantity of ice can be estimated.

The results from the latest field campaign conducted at Storflaket mire and Stordalen mire in Abisko, Sweden, are presented. Two-dimensional HFIP profiles were measured to resolve the near-surface unfrozen layer (no-ice) and the underlying frozen layer (ice-bearing). The measurements were performed in late summer when the depth of the unfrozen layer was at its maximum. Field data are inverted as independent frequencies to obtain the spectral variation of complex resistivity. No-ice and ice-bearing regions are classified by the presence of the relaxation peak. Subsequently, a two-component mixture model, with one component as ice and the second as the surrounding matrix, is applied to determine ice content distribution. Boundary constraints and starting parameters are chosen using the spectral analysis of the inverted complex resistivity. The model accuracy is evaluated using unfrozen layer probing and a permafrost core extracted along the HFIP profile. The HFIP-derived ice content distribution is consistent with unfrozen layer probing, i.e., the classification of no-ice and ice-bearing regions is successful. The model tends to underestimate ice content percentages compared to permafrost core laboratory measurements. This discrepancy can be explained since laboratory measurements are based on gravimetric water content and assumes all pore-water is frozen. However, it is known that residual pore-water is present in these soils even below 0°C. Additionally, it is observed that the model performs well when the ice content percentage is 10% or greater and its applicability might be limited in scenarios where the ice content is less than 10%.

The latest results are discussed in comparison with previous findings from Heliport, a permafrost mire also located in Abisko. In the Heliport study, HFIP successfully resolved the complex resistivity and ice content distribution on a larger scale. Building on the field knowledge gained at Heliport, this study incorporates improvements in electrode configuration setup, data acquisition speed, and minimising cable-earth coupling effects. The findings contribute to the understanding of the induced polarisation of permafrost peatlands, which is an underexplored area from a geophysical perspective.

How to cite: Sugand, M. and Hördt, A.: Broadband Spectral Induced Polarization in Permafrost Peatlands of Northern Sweden , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9857,, 2024.
