NH3.5 | Alpine mass movements, rockfalls, rock slides, rock avalanches and associated hazards
Alpine mass movements, rockfalls, rock slides, rock avalanches and associated hazards
Co-organized by EMRP1/GI6/GM4
Convener: Anne Voigtländer | Co-conveners: Andrea Manconi, Michael Krautblatter, Mylene Jacquemart, Axel Volkwein, Chiara Crippa
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X4
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 16:15
Mon, 14:00
Mountain regions are a complex system of different glacial, paraglacial and periglacial environments rapidly changing due to global warming. In this context, short-term landscape evolution is affected by glacier motion, by a variety of mass movements including slow rock slope deformations, rock and debris slides, rockfalls, as well as by periglacial features such as rock glaciers. These mass movements are driven be different processes, evolve at different rates and can pose different risks to lives, human activities and infrastructure. The physics of rock slope degradation and the dynamics of failure and transport define the hazards.

In this session we bring together researchers from different communities interested in a better understanding of the physical processes controlling mass movements mass around the world in glacial, paraglacial and periglacial environments, and investigating their evolution in a changing climate. Topics range from state-of-the-art methods for assessing, quantifying, predicting, and protecting against alpine slope hazards across spatial and temporal scales to innovative contributions dealing with mass movement predisposition, detachment, transport, and deposition. The selected contributions are expected to: (i) provide insights from field observations and/or laboratory experiments; (ii) apply statistical methods and/or artificial intelligence to identify and map mass movements; (iii) present new monitoring approaches (in-situ and remote sensing) applied at different spatial and temporal scales; (iv) use models (from conceptual frameworks to theoretical and/or advanced numerical approaches) for the analysis and interpretation of the governing physical processes; (v) develop strategies applicable for hazard assessment and mitigation. We also aim at triggering discussions on effective countermeasures that can be implemented to increase preparedness and risk reduction, and studies that integrate social, structural, or natural protection measures.

The session strives to build a community and to grow networks at EGU and beyond.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Anne Voigtländer, Andrea Manconi, Michael Krautblatter
Observations of past and preparatory processes
On-site presentation
Tomáš Pánek, Jakub Kilnar, Michal Břežný, and Diego Winocur

Dating the lifespan of slow-moving landslides poses a major challenge, typically limited to the most recent slope evolution within maximally 103 to 104 years. The Patagonian tableland, characterized by plateau basalts overlying weak sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks, ranks among Earth's largest landslide provinces. Certain contiguous landslide areas, shaped mainly by rotational slides and spreads, exceed 1000 km2, affecting hundreds of kilometers of mesa escarpments. Our new landslide mapping in eastern Patagonia has allowed us to establish an unprecedentedly long history of landslide evolution, utilizing cross-cutting relationships with dated chronological markers such as glacial moraines and trimlines, lacustrine and marine paleoshorelines, and lava flows. Our findings indicate that the escarpments of the Patagonian plateaus primarily evolved in a retrogressive mode. Both mesas within (or nearby) and outside Pleistocene ice limits involve landslides with topographic footprints that have persisted for over 1 Ma; the oldest documented landslide rim is overlain by a lava flow with a 40Ar/39Ar age exceeding 5 Ma. Even in the most arid parts of the Patagonian tableland, repeated landslide reactivations occurred in the Quaternary, including the Late Holocene. In the western glaciated area, this is likely due to glaciation/deglaciation pulses, while in the eastern extraglacial part, it is probably associated with wetter periods linked to the strengthening of the eastern Atlantic circulation. We conclude that the Patagonian tableland boasts the longest documented landslide topographic footprints on Earth. Future research should prioritize high-resolution (direct radiometric) dating of landslide (re)activations and their correlation with paleoenvironmental changes.

How to cite: Pánek, T., Kilnar, J., Břežný, M., and Winocur, D.: Millions of years of landslides in the Patagonian tableland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3812, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3812, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jane Walden, Mylène Jacquemart, Bretwood Higman, Romain Hugonnet, Andrea Manconi, and Daniel Farinotti

Glacier mass loss due to anthropogenic climate change has far-reaching implications, one of which is the destabilization of paraglacial slopes. The buttressing force, or the support provided by the glacier to adjacent valley walls, changes and eventually decreases to zero as glaciers dwindle. However, the processes governing this (de-)buttressing, the amount of support glaciers can provide, and to what extent glacier retreat is responsible for landslide (re-)mobilization are still poorly understood. Paraglacial landslides can be hazardous, especially in the proximity of deep water, where a catastrophic failure has the potential to produce a tsunami.

We investigated eight large (roughly 20 to 500 million m3) paraglacial landslides in southern Alaska, a region which is experiencing some of the fastest glacier retreat worldwide. The selected landslides have varying degrees of ice contact: some are still experiencing active glacier retreat and thinning, others have already lost contact with the glacier. One of the selected landslides has undergone catastrophic failure, the others have not. We reconstructed the deformation history of the eight sites using Landsat images from the 1980s to present and automated and manual feature tracking. The slope evolution was then compared to ice thinning rates, ice velocity changes, the proximity of the landslide to the glacier terminus, environmental conditions, and seismic energy. 

We found that both thinning and retreat are sufficient conditions for landslide (re-)activation. In two cases we documented periods of acceleration for slopes where ice is still present at the landslide toe but thinning rapidly. In two further cases, substantial thinning did not correspond to any detectable motion. In four cases we observed a rapid retreat of the glacier terminus as the glacier retreated progressively up-fjord which led to the sudden onset of slope motion. This acceleration suggests decreased stability, which may be important in close proximity to water-filled basins, where rapid retreat due to calving is common and catastrophic landslides can cause tsunamis if they impact the water. The association of reduced glacier-slope contact, especially at rapidly retreating termini, with accelerated slope deformation suggests that buttressing is indeed an important stabilizer for paraglacial slopes. Furthermore, the off-and-on nature of deformation suggests there are critical thresholds for buttressing that, when crossed, leave slopes prone to rapid change.

How to cite: Walden, J., Jacquemart, M., Higman, B., Hugonnet, R., Manconi, A., and Farinotti, D.: The mountains are falling and I must go: paraglacial landslide response to glacier debuttressing in southern Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3808, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alessandro De Pedrini, Andrea Manconi, Christian Ambrosi, Federico Agliardi, and Christian Zangerl

The onset and development of large rock slope failures in alpine environments are influenced by a combination of multiple factors, including lithology, inherited structural features on different scales, and the morpho-climatic history of the region. In the Southern Swiss Alps, seven large rock slope failure accumulations can be recognized along the five valleys north of Bellinzona, (Riviera, Leventina and Blenio in Canton Ticino, Calanca and Mesolcina in Canton Graubünden).  
The region exposes a predominance of crystalline rocks as orthogneiss and paragneiss with similar mechanical characteristics, an aspect that limits the lithological control on the rock slope failures. In addition, the availability of detailed geochronological documentation of both glacial retreat following the Last Glacial Maximum LGM and the major slope collapses motivated the search for a potential correlation, which, however, has not been found (De Pedrini et al. 2023). 
For this reason, slope failures in this region are potentially controlled by the peculiar structural setting. 
In this work, we aim at investigating the impact of structural geology on style of activity and timing of the rock avalanches and deep rockslides of the region. We rely on a catalog of the instabilities (Ambrosi and Czerski, 2016 and De Pedrini et al. 2023) and lineament mapping based on the visual interpretation on 0.5 to 2 m resolution hillshade (swissALTI3D multidirectional Hillshade, Federal Office of Topography swisstopo) and stereo-photogrammetry of aerial strips (Image strips swisstopo, Federal Office of Topography swisstopo). The manual tracing of lineaments is compared with an automatic lineaments tracing performed on surface models of Switzerland in the form of a classified point cloud (swissSURFACE3D, Federal Office of Topography swisstopo). Knowledge on structural lineaments and site-specific field surveys allow us to identify the proper structural setting for each large rock slope failure (already collapsed, active or dormant), and to study structural patterns that may promote slope response after deglaciation at regional scale.
The results of this analysis, aimed at the definition of the influence of glacial retreat plus the influence of structural geology, could provide an additional instrument to the comprehension of the paraglacial slope response in crystalline rocks and could thus represent an added value for long-term hazard assessment.

How to cite: De Pedrini, A., Manconi, A., Ambrosi, C., Agliardi, F., and Zangerl, C.: Influence of structural geology on rock slope failure in a paraglacial environment: insights from the Southern Swiss Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5228, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5228, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jorge Pedro Galve, Cristina Reyes-Carmona, Federico Agliardi, Mara Cannarozzi, José Vicente Pérez-Peña, Marcos Moreno-Sánchez, David Alfonso-Jorde, Daniel Ballesteros, Davide Torre, José Miguel Azañón, and Rosa María Mateos

Sierra Nevada (Spain) is a mountain range thoroughly studied from a geological-geomorphological perspective due to its anomalously high local relief and the ongoing debate about its origin and geological structure. From the standpoint of slope dynamics, several studies have carried out, but it was not until last year that deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) were described in this mountain range. Their recognition was facilitated by synergizing geomorphological assessments with data from two well-established techniques: Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) and Landscape Analysis using the normalized channel steepness index (ksn), a geomorphic index commonly used to outline landscape perturbations in tectonically-active mountain ranges. Systematic evaluation of ksn anomalies along rivers illuminated key DSGSD sectors that were studied in detail. This approach resulted in a novel inventory of 17 DSGSDs in the southwestern sector of the range, providing an initial figure of the widespread occurrence of large DSGSDs in Sierra Nevada.

In a second phase, we conducted a detailed study of two slopes affected by DSGSDs in the Poqueira catchment, which provided new insights into Sierra Nevada’s DSGSDs. There, we characterized slope deformations by detailed morpho-structural mapping supported by fieldwork and interpretation of optical and LiDAR-derived imagery, resulting in morpho-structural maps and interpretative cross-sections. Collected data allowed setting up a series of 2DFEM multistage elasto-plastic models, parametrized by laboratory data and field rock mass assessment and validated with field evidence and DInSAR data. The studied cases are characterized by multiple nested landslides that become increasingly shallow, deformed, and active towards the valley. The geometry and kinematics of DSGSDs seem to be partially influenced by the orientation of foliation, indicating rock mass anisotropy, with dip slopes mainly exhibiting translational movements and anti-dip slopes demonstrating prevalence of rotational motions. We tested our initial hypothesis that these slope instabilities in the region were initiated because the development of fluvial incision, favored by the active tectonics and uplifting of the range. Preliminary findings of our analyses suggest that fluvial incision was a key trigger of DSGSDs in Sierra Nevada, but not the only one. Model simulations emphasize that, in addition to fluvial incision, rock mass anisotropy and long-term seismic activity played a crucial role in the onset and accumulation of large deformations of high slopes across the region, favoring the occurrence of significant mass movements. Considering this, rough estimates regarding the timing of incision and seismic activity suggest that initial DSGSD onset took place over a timescale of 104-105 years.

How to cite: Galve, J. P., Reyes-Carmona, C., Agliardi, F., Cannarozzi, M., Pérez-Peña, J. V., Moreno-Sánchez, M., Alfonso-Jorde, D., Ballesteros, D., Torre, D., Azañón, J. M., and Mateos, R. M.: Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in Sierra Nevada, Spain: insights from InSAR, geomorphic and stability analyses, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10312, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marc Ostermann and Franz Blauensteiner

A fixed point in geodesy is a stable survey point that fulfils the following two conditions: The point is known in coordinates from a previous survey (by position and/or height) and the point is permanently marketed (stabilised) in nature. Fixed points serve as reference points for surveys of all kinds. To determine the coordinates of the fixed points in the modern European reference system ETRS89, not only all previously measured GNSS vectors are used, but also all terrestrial observations measured since 1906, i.e. direction, elevation angle and distance measurements (Otter et al., 2017). More than 20.000 individual RTK measurements on these fixed points by using APOS (Austrian Positioning Service) complete the measurement dataset. Approximately 60.000 triangulation points (TPs) form a three-dimensional point network throughout Austria, whereas about 70 % of all TPs have multiple measurements. Fixed points should be stable, but this is not always the case, as fixed points are often influenced in their spatial position by gravitational mass movements, among other factors.

We have interpreted the entire elevation model/hill shade of Austria (1-metre resolution, based on ALS-data) and mapped all DSGSDs that manifest themselves geomorphologically in the terrain. This data set was intersected with the fixed points in order to identify those points that lie within a DSGSD. By analysing the results of the individual fixed point survey epochs, conclusions can be drawn about deformation rates of mass movements after excluding possible sources of error and statements can be made retrospectively up to the year in which the particular point was created (Otter et al., 2017).

Overall the fixed point measurements of the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying Austria (BEV) represent a high quality and long term dataset that stands for its own and can support other slope monitoring methods. The interpretation of the dataset concerning slope deformations is not trivial but can deliver information of the range of movements over decades with uncertainties of 0 to 1.5 cm.

By combining different data sources (InSAR, ALS, in-situ measurements, fixed points, ...) we can present a preliminary, comprehensive data set on the activity status and often associated deformation rates of DSGSDs in Austria.


Otter, J.; Imrek, E.; Melzner, S. (2017) Geodätische Grundlagenvermessung als Werkzeug in der Naturgefahrenanalyse in: Wimmer-Frey, I.; Römer, A.; Janda, C. [Hrsg.] Angewandte Geowissenschaften an der GBA. Wien, S. 147–152.



How to cite: Ostermann, M. and Blauensteiner, F.: Analysing geodetic fixed point survey time series to evaluate the long-term activity of DSGSDs in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5578, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5578, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Masahiro Chigira, Satoru Kojima, Andrea Pedrazzini, Fei Li, and Michel Jaboyedoff

We investigated the geological structure and the development of DGSD in the south side of the Bedretto Valley, Swiss Alps by field survey, topographic analysis, trenching, and 14C dating.

The Bedretto valley has major slope breaks approximately 300 m above the current valley bottom, which separate the area into two domains. Above the slope breaks, and in the catchments of the tributaries of the Bedretto valley, large flexural toppling occurs with counterscarps and troughs on two ridges between tributaries. Their hinges expose on the side of each ridge to suggest that the flexural toppling reaches to the depth of 200 m. The two large flexural toppling accompanied settling down of a wedge-shaped ridge top, which is bounded by two face-to-face normal faults. Below the slope breaks and on the side slopes of Bedretto valley, smaller but sharper counterscarps and terraces, which are of the incipient stage of counterscarps, develop. These counterscarps and troughs appeared by the preferential shearing along tectonic faults, which are pervasive in the area with a ~30 m average spacing. They are nearly parallel to the steeply-dipping schistosity; the faults may originate as lateral faults but reactivated as normal gravitational faults.

Deformation of the trenched sediments suggests that the flexural toppling occurred intermittently along a fault during three events, in which the first event had the largest dip slip of 30 m, much larger than the displacements of the subsequent events.

The third event at least was probably induced by an earthquake shaking, which is strongly suggested by the injection of fault gouge into the overlying sediments in the trough. Such injection should have been caused by pore pressure build up during earthquake shaking.

How to cite: Chigira, M., Kojima, S., Pedrazzini, A., Li, F., and Jaboyedoff, M.: Development of counterscarps by flexural toppling of schist in the Bedretto valley, Swiss Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4203, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4203, 2024.

Rock fall dynamics and hazards
On-site presentation
Emanuele Marchetti, Fabrizio Troilo, Paolo Perret, Giacomo Belli, Duccio Gheri, and Claudia Sanchez

Glacier break-off events constitute a severe hazard in Alpine regions and their effects are expected to increase soon because of climate changes. Within this rapidly changing scenario, the development and implementation of new monitoring solutions and warning systems, able to detect collapses and possibly estimate the volumes, is of critical importance.

In this paper we present the analysis of avalanching activity from Planpincieux glacier (Aosta valley) through infrasound data collected by a small aperture (~ 150 m) array deployed at short distance (~ 2000 m) from the hanging front. The analysis is performed over five time periods between August 2020 and December 2022 summing up into 360 days. From a data set of confirmed events, infrasound wave parameters (intensity, peak amplitude, frequency and duration) are compared with collapse volumes estimated from photogrammetry and experimental relations are defined.

Morerover, characteristics of infrasound signals of confirmed events are used to extract signals that are likely produced by collapses from the whole dataset of infrasound detections and a volumetric flux of collapses from the front of the Planpincieux glacier is derived through time.


How to cite: Marchetti, E., Troilo, F., Perret, P., Belli, G., Gheri, D., and Sanchez, C.: Infrasound analysis of break-off events  from Planpincieux glacier, Mount Blanc, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6335, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6335, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Charlotte Wolff, Michel Jaboyedoff, Andrea Pedrazzini, and Marc-Henri Derron

Rock avalanches events pose significant concerns in mountainous regions characterised by deep and narrow valleys. This has not deterred the ongoing development in these areas, where population settlements and infrastructure continue to expand, becoming increasingly susceptible to these risks. Cima del Simano instability in the Swiss Alps, located in the narrow Blenio Valley, is a deep-seated rockslide which could trigger such events in the future. A previous work outlined several scenarios for the rockslide failure defined by a specific area, volume (ranging from 2.30x105 m3 to 4.30x106 m3), and susceptibility to happen.

Given the proximity of a major road and several villages on both sides of the Valley, there is a real need to evaluate the potential runout distance in the event of rupture and propagation of the different failure scenarios. 

Literature often presents two distinct approaches for estimating the runout distance and the impacted area, both based on the retrospective analysis of historical landslide occurrence. The first approach is through empirical equations linking volumes of failure V and Fahrböschung angles f (tanf=aV^(-b), with a and b two empirical parameters to determine). The second approach consists in numerically simulating the flow propagation by means of dedicated software and by applying specific rheological models. 

This present work suggests applying both those techniques to evaluate the area that would be affected in the case of a rock avalanche at Cima del Simano, triggered by one of the suggested scenarios. We evaluated the runout distance for different angles f estimated based on the empirical relationship, and Dan3D for simulating the propagation applying the Voellmy rheology. Four simulations were conducted by varying the friction coefficient μ [-] and the parameter of turbulence ξ [m.s-2] in order to assess the minimal and maximal possible propagation in terms of runout distance L and lateral spreading based on domain of validity of those parameters according to literature. 

The distances L obtained empirically are longer than the ones from the simulations. This can be explained by the frontal confinement of the flow slowing down the propagation. The study is completed by an evaluation for each scenario of the probability of exceeding a certain distance L using existing statistical models for f variations. 

Additionally, the numerical simulations highlight the areas in gullies where debris are deposited during the flow propagation. Those areas can be sources for subsequent debris flow events. In a second step, we conducted an analysis of areas susceptible to debris flow with Flow-R and compared them with former debris flow events for validation. 

This study aligns with risk management to assist in making informed decisions regarding the evacuation plan in the event of a rupture and propagation of an important volume at Cima del Simano. 

How to cite: Wolff, C., Jaboyedoff, M., Pedrazzini, A., and Derron, M.-H.: Rock avalanche runout prediction for suggested failure scenarios. Case study of Cima del Simano rockslide (Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17946, 2024.

On-site presentation
Federico Agliardi, Paolo Frattini, Greg M. Stock, Teseo Tosi, Camilla Lanfranconi, and Brian D. Collins

Yosemite National Park attracts millions of visitors each year with its stunning landscape, characterized by 1000 m high granite cliffs that are highly susceptible to rockfalls. Between 2010 and 2020, more than 300 rockfalls affected the 12 km long El Portal Road, used by 30% of visitors to enter the park, causing road closures and fatalities. Since National Park policies limit engineering mitigation on natural slopes, risks along roads are managed through traffic practices based on local hazard evaluation.

In this perspective we developed a probabilistic risk analysis workflow, aimed at estimating the annual probability of loss of life for people driving a vehicle along the road. The analysis was carried out for every 10-m-long segment of each travel lane, to and from Yosemite Valley. We based our analyses on 3D rockfall runout simulations performed with the Hy-STONE simulator, and on rockfall event (1857-2022) and vehicle traffic data collected by the U.S. National Park Service. Runout simulations were performed over 18 km2 with a spatial accuracy of 1 m. Simulation parameters were calibrated by back-analysis of past events and validated with field evidence. Fifteen million trajectories were simulated for five volume scenarios (0.01-100 m3), providing local information of transit frequency and kinetic energy.

A probabilistic hazard analysis was developed using the probabilistic rockfall hazard analysis (PRHA) method (Lari et al, 2014), which calculates the kinetic energy that can be exceeded in N years for each road segment. The method integrates different rockfall volume scenarios, with specific return times, in a probabilistic framework accounting for modelling uncertainties. For each considered scenario, the annual rockfall onset frequency was derived by a magnitude-frequency (MF) curve, based on the Yosemite event data from 2010-2020 and combined with a field-based talus MF curve, to redistribute frequency among blocks disaggregated during runout. The annual rockfall frequency at each slope segment was then calculated by combining the onset frequency with the transit frequency provided by runout simulations. The exposure analysis, dependent on block size, vehicle size and speed, considered the probability of a vehicle being in the path of a falling block when it reaches each road segment. Since blocks coming from different sources may converge to a common location based on the 3D topography, we reconstructed the distribution of kinetic energy at each target road segment.

The probability of exceeding specific energy values, combined with the annual frequency of rockfall occurrence, allowed deriving probabilistic hazard curves for each scenario and for the ensemble. Based on expected kinetic energy and considering the number of visitors passing along the road every day as well as assumptions on the vulnerability of vehicles, we calculated the possible annual number of casualties for each road segment and the entire road, to identify the road sectors with the highest risk. Computed risk varies in time with clear weekly and seasonal patterns depending on the number of daily visitors and the weather conditions. Our study will provide park managers with tools to make adaptive decisions for managing risk in dynamically changing conditions.

How to cite: Agliardi, F., Frattini, P., Stock, G. M., Tosi, T., Lanfranconi, C., and Collins, B. D.: Probabilistic rockfall hazard and risk analysis along the El Portal Road in Yosemite National Park (California, USA), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9085, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9085, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Mylene Jacquemart, Axel Volkwein, Chiara Crippa
On-site presentation
Francesco Lelli, Leonardo De Rosa, Lucia Simeoni, Francesco Ronchetti, Vincenzo Critelli, and Alessandro Corsini

The E45 motorway in South Tyrol (Italy) is exposed to rockfalls in many locations. For this reason, a significant number of rockfall risk reduction measures (nets, barriers, etc) has been progressively installed since its construction. Planning of further mitigation and monitoring measures can benefit from the assessment over a large-area and at adequate scale, of the exposure to rockfalls and of the associated risk, a piece of knowledge that this study has provided for a 13.5 km motorway section.

First, susceptibility mapping has been carried out using bivariate statistical methods with supporting evidences from an inventory of rockfalls occurrences covering the period 1993 to 2020. This has allowed to define potential rockfall detachment zones located upslope the E45. For each zone, rockfall runout modelling with RocPro3D software by considering 0.5 m and 2.0 m blocks diameter and high-resolution Lidar DTM has allowed to assess potential interactions between rockfall and different motorway structures (i.e. viaduct piers, tunnel entrances and road embankments). Spatial-temporal frequency of 2 m diameter rockfall (i.e. n° of rockfalls per year and unit area) has been assessed on the basis of the inventory of rockfalls occurrences and of the overall extent of slopes resulting highly susceptible to rockfalls. On such basis, the expected rockfall triggering frequency (n° events/year) in each source area has been assessed by considering its extension.  Hazard has been assessed by using an heuristic matrix-based approach that combines frequency and geomechanics (expressed by the GSI) of the rock masses. Rockfall spatial impact frequency, energy and bounce height determined by runout models have been used to establish exposure and vulnerability (i.e. expected damage level) of the motorway infrastructures. Finally, risk has been evaluated in function of hazard and vulnerability (by using combination matrices tailored to each type of interaction of rockfall – on infrastructures taken into consideration.

Results allowed us to determine and map that, out of the total 13.5 km motorway section considered, about 1.5 km for 0.5 m diameter blocks, and about 3.2 km considering 2.0 m diameter blocks, should be considered at high to very high rockfall risk. This result is also relevant with respect to the identification of priorities for more in-depth slope-scale surveys and monitoring of rockfalls in the perspective of further structural and non-structural mitigation measures implementation.

How to cite: Lelli, F., De Rosa, L., Simeoni, L., Ronchetti, F., Critelli, V., and Corsini, A.: Rockfalls risk assessment along a E45 motorway section in South Tyrol (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15711, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15711, 2024.

Models, Mechanics, and Predictions
On-site presentation
Anil Tiwari, Kalachand Sain, and Amit Kumar

The material/rock failure is not a sudden progression but is preceded by multiple progressive nucleation phases during which relaxation or rearrangement of material leads to creep and accelerates with time before any major rupture. The monitoring of Himalayan surficial dynamics is challenging and expensive to access for scientific research purposes. The unfelt destructions produced by the surficial mass movement activities can only be recognized by satellite images if other monitoring is not possible. We focused on the Chamoli region, which is the most vulnerable or hazard-prone region in the NW Himalaya. Recently, on 7th February 2021, a huge rock-ice mass detached from the Raunthi peak at a height of 5600 m in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand Himalaya. We found several pre-collapse and unfelt activities,in a post-mortem study, which were recorded at nearby highly sensitive broad-band seismic stations and radon detector instruments. The integrated study of the recorded signatures allows us to reconstruct the complete dynamic time-dependent nucleation phases, which intensify as time gets closer to the main detachment. Continuous monitoring of vulnerable regions, coupled with the identification and characterization of precursory signals, holds the fundamental clue for hazard mitigation. After the Chamoli disaster, we are more focused on monitoring unfelt activities and anomalies linked to hazards in the proximity of potentially endangered zones and also planning to deploy multi-parametric instruments such as automatic weather stations (AWS), broad-band seismometers (BBS), automatic water level recorders (AWLR) and infrasound array for real-time monitoring and integrated analysis with a view to forewarn against the hazards in the Himalayan terrain. The dense network of sensors will allow us to collect high-quality data and crucial information as a way forward for disaster mitigation and societal benefit.

How to cite: Tiwari, A., Sain, K., and Kumar, A.: Integrated Monitoring and Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Himalayan Region: Insights from the Chamoli Disaster of 2021, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-703, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-703, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesco Poggi, Francesco Caleca, Davide Festa, Olga Nardini, Francesco Barbadori, Matteo Del Soldato, Claudio De Luca, Francesco Casu, Riccardo Lanari, Nicola Casagli, and Federico Raspini

An approach for assessing the quantitative vulnerability, through empirical fragility and vulnerability curves, of masonry buildings exposed to slow-kinematic landslides is described. More in detail, the fragility curves express the probability of exceeding a given level of damage for a range of landslide intensity values. Starting from these ones, the vulnerability curve provides the mean level of damage severity to a given building (or aggregate of buildings) in relation to the landslide intensity value. The application of the vulnerability curve is exploited in the quantitative risk analysis (QRA), that quantifies the probability of a given level of loss.

The Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence has catalogued the severity damage landslide-induced to over four thousand masonry buildings gathered from in situ surveys in the northern Apennines. Moreover, to retrieve the fragility and, consequently, the vulnerability curves for buildings, the proposed method exploits the results of spaceborne Advanced Differential Interferometry SAR (A-DInSAR) analysis. In particular, such a method considers the landslide intensity value equal to the module of the vertical (up-down) and horizontal (east-west) deformation velocity obtained by properly combining ascending and descending Sentinel-1 DInSAR products, retrieved through the P-SBAS (Parallel-Small Baseline Subset) method developed at IREA-CNR.

This approach to assess the vulnerability has been integrated within the well-known QRA procedure, which is based on the application of the risk equation (R=H*V*E), where:

R is the landslide risk in terms of economic loss;

H is the hazard retrieved from the susceptibility map available for the entire Italian territory;

V is the vulnerability obtained directly from the equation of the vulnerability curve;

E is the exposure of buildings assessed from average real estate market parameters reported in the OMI (Osservatorio Mercato Immobliare).

The effectiveness of the proposed procedure has been tested over the municipality of Zeri (Massa-Carrara, Italy), where a large-scale landslide risk map has been produced. In particular, for each building of the study area, the hazard, the vulnerability, the exposure and the risk associated with it, are presented. The analysis estimates a total risk of 33.2 million euro for the Zeri municipality and the identification of specific buildings at highest risk. The provided result can be useful for the civil protection activities of the local administrator identifying areas with higher potentiality of damage on structures.

How to cite: Poggi, F., Caleca, F., Festa, D., Nardini, O., Barbadori, F., Del Soldato, M., De Luca, C., Casu, F., Lanari, R., Casagli, N., and Raspini, F.: Quantitative vulnerability assessment of buildings susceptible to slow-kinematic landslides, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16313, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16313, 2024.

On-site presentation
Liang Wang, Simon Loew, Xin Gu, and Qinghua Lei

Landslides, as a ubiquitous type of mass wasting phenomena, occur under various geological and environmental conditions and exhibit diverse failure patterns. Among various factors, weathering has been widely recognised as one of the primary drivers on landslide evolution over geological timescales. However, how weathering induces slope instabilities, including how pre-failure rock mass degradation contributes to the landslide failure development and post-failure deposition of mobilised geomaterials, has not been fully understood. In this study, we develop a novel, physics-based unified computational framework to capture weathering-induced landslide evolution over multiple time scales, from the long-term pre-failure rock mass deformation to the short-term slope rupture and post-failure runout dynamics. Weathering laws and failure criteria are coupled to capture the combined effects of time-dependent strength degradation and strain-driven damage processes, while a frictional velocity-weakening law is adopted to characterise the rapid movement of yielded masses. The non-linear governing equations of landslide dynamics are solved using an implicit particle finite element framework that can model all the landslide stages from the long-term material degradation to short-term failure and runout. We further investigate the effects of weathering conditions (type and rate), geological properties (fracture sets and rock matrix) and slope geometry (angle and shape) on the failure patterns. Our high-fidelity numerical simulations capture the emergence of diverse landslide failure patterns resulting from the complex interplay among rock lithology, fracture distribution, weathering process, and gravitational forcing. Our numerical results show that matrix-dominated weathering tends to produce shallow landslides, while fracture-dominated weathering promotes the occurrence of deep landslides. For fracture-dominated weathering, the orientation of pre-existing fractures and the slope ratio significantly control the failure mode (e.g. falling, toppling, sliding, etc.), which further affects post-failure runout behaviour. Our computational framework opens the door to investigating and understanding weathering-induced rock slope failure evolution across spatial and temporal scales.

How to cite: Wang, L., Loew, S., Gu, X., and Lei, Q.: Emergence of diverse failure patterns in weathering-induced landslides: Insights from high-fidelity particle finite element simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6969, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6969, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Yangshuai Zheng and Wei Hu

In the realm of natural Earth-surface processes, such as mass movements exemplified by rock avalanches, a substantial entrainment of bed material along their trajectory is a common occurrence, amplifying both volume and run-out distance. The heightened mobility of these rapid gravity flows has been frequently ascribed by numerous researchers to the complete or partial fluidization of path material induced by swift undrained loading. An intriguing question arises: are there additional entrainment mechanisms at play in this process? To address this query, we executed a series of flume experiments designed to replicate rock avalanches overriding a saturated bed material. Our experimental findings revealed that the overriding flow induced a state of fluidization in the bed material, rendering it viscous. Furthermore, we observed that the rapid loading by the overriding debris increased pore pressure at the base, although it did not reach the threshold of complete fluidization. Rheological analysis of the bed material unveiled significant shear-thinning behavior, with viscosity diminishing rapidly as shear strain rate increased. Consequently, we posit that the concurrent effects of excess pore pressure at the basal layer and shear-thinning rheology in the flowing mass contributed to the fluidization of bed material and the ensuing extended run-out distance. This discovery offers a plausible natural elucidation for the extraordinary mobility of rock avalanches and holds promise for refining the precision and reliability of numerical simulations through the integration of the viscous model derived from our experimental endeavors.

How to cite: Zheng, Y. and Hu, W.: Flume tests and rheological experiments provide insights into the fluidization of bed material induced by shear thinning during the entrainment of rock avalanches., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7405, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7405, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefan Hergarten

Voellmy's rheology was originally developed for snow avalanches in the 1950s. However, it has also been widely applied to rock avalanches and to debris flows. In its original form, Voellmy's rheology assumes that the effective friction is the sum of Coulomb friction and a velocity-dependent term. While the Coulomb friction term is necessary for letting avalanches stop after a finite time, it causes problems with regard to the long runout of huge rock avalanches. This long runout requires Coulomb friction coefficients much lower than typically assumed for granular media, which finally result in unrealistically smooth morphologies of the deposits. In this presentation, numerical simulations with a recently published modified version of Voellmy's rheology are shown and compared to the conventional version. The modified version assumes two distinct regimes of Coulomb friction and velocity-dependent friction with a transition at a critical velocity derived from the concept of random kinetic energy. The modified rheology explains the long runout of huge rock avalanches without assuming an artificially low Coulomb friction coefficient. Furthermore, it produces hummocky deposit morphologies even with isolated hills similar to toma hills.

How to cite: Hergarten, S.: A modified Voellmy rheology for modeling rock avalanches, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6726, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6726, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michel Jaboyedoff

One of the main problems of risk assessment is to evaluate the uncertainty of the results. One relevant solution is to provide exceedance curves based on simulations of the risk calculation (Macciotta et al., 2016; Jaboyedoff et al. 2021), as can be done with CAT models. Instead of performing a single calculation, up to 106 are performed with imputed viability based on different approaches such as observed distributions, standard probabilistic laws such as Poisson or uniform distribution, expert knowledge based on triangular distributions, etc. This can be done on the basis of a "deterministic calculation" of the risk, which allows a better assessment of the uncertainty of the risk.

Drawing upon a precedent risk calculation study within a road corridor, a novel risk calculation methodology is suggested, employing stochastic simulations to introduce variability across the parameters in the risk equation. The outcome manifests as an exceedance curve akin to those generated by catastrophe models. This approach systematically introduces uncertainty into the risk calculation, providing a simplistic means to address inadequately documented cases with limited data. This approach tends to minimise risk or call risk calculations into question.



Jaboyedoff, M., Choanji, T., Derron, M.-H., Fei, L., Gutierrez, A., Loiotine, L., Noel, F., Sun, C., Wyser, E. & Wolff, C. 2021. Introducing Uncertainty in Risk Calculation along Roads Using a Simple Stochastic Approach. Geosciences, 11, doi: 10.3390/geosciences11030143.

Macciotta, R., Martin, C.D., Morgenstern, N.R. & Cruden, D.M. 2016. Quantitative risk assessment of slope hazards along a section of railway in the Canadian Cordillera—a methodology considering the uncertainty in the results. Landslides, 13, 115-127, doi: 10.1007/s10346-014-0551-4.

How to cite: Jaboyedoff, M.: Introducing uncertainty in hazard analysis in a simple way: example of rockfalls, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18131, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18131, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lukas Prandstätter, Christian Zangerl, Christine Fey, Tatiana Klisho, and Herbert Formayer

Rockfalls and rockslides are a common hazard in alpine terrain and are major factor of alpine landscape evolution. They are characterized by a complex combination of geological, hydrological, geomechanical and meteorolocical processes and occur in a wide variety of geological and structural settings and in response to various loading and triggering processes. In the Alps in particular, extremely rapid rock avalanches reaching a volume of several 10000 m3 or more have the potential to cause serious damage to both humans and infrastructure. As global warming progresses, the meteorological and climatological factors that influence rock avalanche formation will change. Especially, in the high mountain environment rock avalanches are strongly influenced by climate change due to thawing of permafrost and the retreat of glaciers. Less obvious is the influence of climate change on the formation of rock avalanches at lower altitudes, and thus there is a need for additional research.

In this study, we investigate the impact of global warming on selected rock avalanche case studies with volumes above several tens of thousands of cubic meters. The study area covers approx. 3400 km2 in the metamorphic rock mass of the Ötztal Stubai Crystalline, the Silvretta and the Glockner Nappes as well as the units of the Engadin Window of the Tyrolian Alps, Austria.

The aim of this work is to identify the processes that led to our case studies and if these processes are influenced by climate change factors, such as changes in temperature, precipitation, freeze-thaw cycles, snow coverage, etc. The climatic factors will be investigated in terms of both their short-term and long-term influence on the trigger mechanisms.

Advanced remote sensing techniques were used on site to carry out small to large-scale investigations. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and Airborne laser scanning (ALS) enables us to create high-resolution recordings of inaccessible rock faces, supported by 3D point cloud analyzing tools. In addition, where TLS campaigns are not possible, we use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry system that provides 3D point clouds and delivers a 3D model of the site. Geological field investigations were performed to record lithological, hydrogeological and structural features. This results in a comprehensive geological model of the failure area. A 3D discontinuity network was developed based on the combined analyses of remote sensing and discontinuity mapping data, providing the basis for structural geological analyses and distinct element modelling studies.

With regard to the above criteria, we have selected several case studies. Most of the case studies are located well above 2500 m above sea level in glaciated or recently glaciated areas. For all case studies, we were able to document at least one rock avalanche event with a volume exceeding several 10000 m3. A high-resolution climate model was created for the documented events. We then began to collect and evaluate the existing literature on the individual case studies.

How to cite: Prandstätter, L., Zangerl, C., Fey, C., Klisho, T., and Formayer, H.: Climate change impact on rock avalanches in metamorphic rock masses in Tyrol, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8891, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8891, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kristian Svennevig, Stephen Hicks, Thomas Lecocq, Anne Mangeney, Clément Hibert, Niels Korsgaard, Antoine Lucas, Marie Keiding, Alexis Marboeuf, Sven Schippkus, Søren Rysgaard, Wieter Boone, Steven Gibbons, Kristen Cook, Sylfest Glimsdal, Finn Løvholt, Matteo Spagnolo, Jelle Assink, William Harcourt, and Jean-Philippe Malet and the VLPGreenland

On September 16th, 2023 at 12:35 UTC, a 25.5 M m3 rockslide occurred on the slope of Dickson Fjord in Northeast Greenland. The rockslide impacted a gully glacier, leading to a rock and ice avalanche that entered the fjord causing an up to 200 m high tsunami with observable runup up to 100 km away. The event produced an unprecedented very long period (VLP) seismic event observable on seismic stations worldwide for up to nine days. Here we focus on reconstructing the dynamics of the landslide, while detailed analysis of the VLP seismic signal is presented by Widmer-Schnidrig et al. in Session GM2.1.

Detailed analysis of the landslide reveals that a large body of metamorphic rock, with dimensions up to 150 m thick, 480 m wide, and 600 m long, dropped westwards along a foliation-parallel failure plane. The impact shattered a 200 m-wide outlet glacier, entraining 2.3 M m3 of glacier ice. The event was dynamically preconditioned by the progressive thinning of the glacier that supported the toe of the unstable slope. Subsequent investigations of satellite images and seismic records indicate that up to five minor landslides occurred in the years prior to the largest event in Sept. 2023, and one subsequent landslide has also been recorded.

Seismic signals generated by the landslide-tsunami were observed at nearby seismic stations, providing insights into its dynamics. The seismic signatures, including emergent high-frequency arrivals and low-frequency signals, match with characteristics of landslides involving glacial ice. Infrasound signals were also detected up to 3310 km away.

To reconstruct the landslide run-out, seismic waveforms from the closest stations were analyzed, resulting in a maximum force of 192×109 N, corresponding to a mass estimate of 78-103×109 kg, equating to a volume of ca. 29-38 M m3, consistent with results from photogrammetric reconstruction. The inverted run-out path indicates the initial rockslide impact with the gully wall, followed by entry into the water. The whole slide lasted c. 90 seconds. An independent numerical model to simulate the landslide force-history is in overall agreement with the seismic inversion results. Simulations of the landslide induced tsunami compare well with observations of the tsunami run-up, and also show evidence of longer lasting seiche action.

The landslide is the first glacial debuttressing landslide known from Greenland, and the first tsunamigenic landslide of this magnitude recorded in Northeast Greenland. 

How to cite: Svennevig, K., Hicks, S., Lecocq, T., Mangeney, A., Hibert, C., Korsgaard, N., Lucas, A., Keiding, M., Marboeuf, A., Schippkus, S., Rysgaard, S., Boone, W., Gibbons, S., Cook, K., Glimsdal, S., Løvholt, F., Spagnolo, M., Assink, J., Harcourt, W., and Malet, J.-P. and the VLPGreenland: Interdisciplinary insights into an exceptional giant tsunamigenic rockslide on September 16th 2023 in Northeast Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20066, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20066, 2024.


Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Anne Voigtländer, Andrea Manconi, Michael Krautblatter
Jakub Kilnar, Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, and Diego Winocur

Argentinian Patagonia is formed mostly by tableland relief created by Cenozoic basaltic efusions, general uplift and relief inversion. The tableland is vastly effected by landslides. Using TanDEM-X we manually maped 30 000 km2 of landslides in the Patagonian tableland and conducted spatial analysis of their distribution and controls. Based on relative dating to lava efusions, glaciation and paleoshorlines we propose, that the landslide activity in the region spans across several millions of years. In contrary to general knowledge of landslide distribution, most of the landslides in the Patagonian tableland are located in low-seismicity, tectonicaly stable, semiarid to arid conditions. We propose, that the leading landslide distribution control is the tableland stratigraphy: basaltic caprock overlaying weak sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks. The caprock protects the underlying weak rocks and thus it becomes elevated above the surroundings over time, forming plateaus and mesas. As long as the topography of the formed tableland becomes high enough to laterally expose underlaying weak rocks, the tableland margins becomes unstable and collapse. It starts as lateral spreading a rotational landslides and later often evolve to flow-like mass movements. Many of the plateaus and mesas in the Patagonian tableland are fringed by almost continuous landslides. Some mesas are already completly consumed by landslides. This study helps to understand distribution and evolvement of landslides in volcanic tablelands.

How to cite: Kilnar, J., Pánek, T., Břežný, M., and Winocur, D.: Failed Patagonian tableland: landslides distribution and controls, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3817, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3817, 2024.

Loess landslides triggered by diversion irrigation on the South Jingyang Platform in China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Penghui Ma and Zekun Li
Andrius Toločka and Veronika Kapustová

Large-scale deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) are common but not highly investigated phenomena around the world. In the Carpathian Mountains, they played an important role during the Quaternary evolution of typical core mountain ridges formed by crystalline basement and surrounded by Mesozoic deposits. There is evidence that most of the biggest catastrophic rock slope failures (collapses) in the Carpathian Mountains appeared exactly in areas that are affected by DSGSDs. Two DSGSD-affected slopes (Brdo and Žlebiny) on the northeast side of the Velka Fatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Slovakia) have been subjected to a detailed investigation involving geomorphic mapping, remote sensing analysis, structural data collection, and numerical modeling. To improve our understanding of these gravity-induced processes, we performed a back-analysis of collapsed DSGSDs through a 4-stage continuum-based finite-element model set up using the RS2 code (Rocscience). We used geomechanical rock data from fieldwork and previous laboratory tests, as well as interpretation in RSData software (Rocscience), to obtain the major rock mass parameters for the models. Results show that these DSGSDs are strongly predisposed by regional geological structures given by the intersection of bedding planes, joint sets, and thrust faults. The numerical modeling approach and performed back-analysis have enabled a better view of the development of these deep-seated slope failures in the Velka Fatra Mountains. It suggests a high diversity of mechanisms leading to the origin of these DSGSD cases. The main causal factors influencing their development have been bedrock structure, the lithological composition of dolomite and limestone layers, thrust faulting, and, finally, deep weathering of the rock mass. Both cases have deep basal shear zones and a few series of gravitational faults associated with complex joint sets. According to the numerical modeling results, Brdo DSGSD shows a typical scenario of a symmetrical sackung surrounded by shallow landslide areas, while Žlebiny DSGSD developed into a one-sided deep-seated slide with a few large-scale tilted rock blocks.

How to cite: Toločka, A. and Kapustová, V.: Numerical modeling of collapsed deep-seated gravitational slope deformations: insights from Velka Fatra Mts., Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5417, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5417, 2024.

Michal Břežný, Tomáš Pánek, Hans-Balder Havenith, and Alessandro Tibaldi

Rising hillslopes in the active fold-and-thrust regions present new landslide-prone slopes. However, studies investigating landslides in newly formed fold-and-thrust belts are limited. In this research, we analyse landslide occurrences in the Kura fold-and-thrust belt, a geologically active region at the southern edge of the Greater Caucasus. This area has experienced significant tectonic shaping over the last 2-3 million years, affecting Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Using satellite imagery, we identified about 1600 landslides, a quarter of which are active. These landslides, although occupying less than 1% of the land, are predominantly found at higher elevations and areas with greater relief. They mainly occur in regions elevated by tectonic forces, especially on steep anticlines and valley slopes cut by active faults. Our findings lead to a conceptual model for the temporal evolution of landslide patterns in weak sediment-based fold-and-thrust belts: 1) Initially, slow deformations at thrust fronts lead to landslides in deep valleys intersecting the uplifting hanging walls. 2) As anticlines rise and steepen, they become more prone to planar sliding when dip slopes exceed friction angle, and valley development creates additional dip slopes resulting in widespread landslides. 3) Finally, erosion lowers relief, forming badlands and reducing landslide occurence.

How to cite: Břežný, M., Pánek, T., Havenith, H.-B., and Tibaldi, A.: Landslides on the growing folds of the Kura fold-and-thrust belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6627, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6627, 2024.

Daniel Uhlmann, Michel Jaboyedoff, Ludovic Ravanel, Joëlle Hélène Vicari, and Marc-Henri Derron

Long-term topographic changes at high altitude in the Alps, at different spatial and temporal scales, are challenging to quantify, often due to lack of direct evidence. Historic rockfalls are not always visually evident and their debris is frequently consumed by surrounding glaciers, and hanging glaciers leave no moraines to mark their evolution. Remote sensing techniques such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) have become powerful tools for precisely quantifying geomorphometric changes in the 21st century. However, rates of change based on the short time intervals of data produced since the advent of these modern techniques might not reflect longer-term trends. Especially considering the acceleration of Alpine zone erosion rates driven by cryospheric warming trends, extending the record towards the beginning of the 20th century can help resolve if the current rates are anomalous or consistent with the past. To extend the record of topographic changes of rock and glacier surfaces, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques exploiting archival imagery can be used to create 3D models of past Alpine zone topography with which modern LiDAR can be combined to quantify longer-term rates of change. Combining archival SfM and recent LiDAR 3D models allows the estimation of historical erosion rates and glacier surface height change in the Mont-Blanc massif from the southeast face of Grand Pilier d’Angle (GPA; 4,243 m a.s.l.) from 1929-2021, the Brouillard Pillars (BP; 4150 m a.s.l.) from 1950-2021, the Aiguille du Midi (AdM; 3,842 m a.s.l.) from 1909-2022, and the Aiguille Verte (4,122 m a.s.l.) from 1932-2021. 1-year-interval LiDAR surveys of the GPA and AdM from 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, respectively, provide high-resolution erosion rates for a reference against the rates calculated with the SfM method. The GPA had erosion rates of 5.9±2.3mm year-1 and 8.5±0.1 mm year-1 for the 1929-2021 and 2020-2021 time-intervals, respectively. The BP had a rate of 1.0±0.39 mm year-1 for the period 1950-2022, and the AdM had a 16.4± 0.9 mm year-1 rate from 2021-2022. The 6 hanging glaciers of the AdM north face had an average surface height change of -9.39 m from 1909-2022. SfM models from archival photographs show an increase in the annual erosion rate of the GPA.

How to cite: Uhlmann, D., Jaboyedoff, M., Ravanel, L., Vicari, J. H., and Derron, M.-H.: Topographic changes in the high-altitude walls of the Mont Blanc massif: quantification at different spatial and temporal scales , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22276, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22276, 2024.

Maeva Cathala, Florence Magnin, Ludovic Ravanel, Luuk Dorren, Nicolas Zuanon, Frederic Berger, Franck Bourrier, and Philip Deline

Permafrost-affected rockwalls are increasingly impacted by the effects of climate change and rising air temperature leading to rock slope failures, threatening human lives and infrastructure. Populations and policy makers need new methods to anticipate these potential hazards and their consequences.  The aim of this study was to propose a mapping approach of susceptible release areas of rock slope failures and resulting runout distances at a regional scale to identify hotspots for hazard assessment.

To do so, we used an inventory of 1389 rock slope failures (volume > 102 m3)recorded in the Mont-Blanc massif from 2007 to 2019 and determined the topographical and permafrost conditions that are most prone to their triggering using a digital terrain model and a permafrost map. These conditions are used in a multi-criteria GIS approach to identify potential unstable slopes at the French Alps scale. Then, the potential release area map is used as input to map the runout of potential events, using a propagation model based on a normalised area dependant energy line principle. The resulting maps of release and propagation areas could be used to point out human assets and lakes which could be impacted by rock slope failure hazards. In this communication we will show how theses maps can be used to identify potential hotspots for a regional hazard assessment.

This work is a first step to identify hot spots for a regional hazard assessment where more detailed analyses will be required to evaluate potential risks at a local scale.

How to cite: Cathala, M., Magnin, F., Ravanel, L., Dorren, L., Zuanon, N., Berger, F., Bourrier, F., and Deline, P.: Mapping release and propagation areas of permafrost-related rock slope failures in the French Alps: A new methodological approach at regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8202, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8202, 2024.

Thorsteinn Saemundsson, Daniel Ben-Yehoshua, Greta Wells, Sinah Toscka, and Andrew J. Dugmore

This paper presents new estimates of the dimensions and impact of the 1967 Steinsholtshlaup in Iceland in order to understand better the event, the hazards it generated, its long-term legacy and the implications for both landscape interpretation and hazard planning in areas of contemporary valley glaciation. On 15th of January 1967 a major rockslide occurred on the northern face of the Innstihaus mountain in southern Iceland, which overlooked the valley glacier called Steinsholtsjökull. The slide occurred during intensive snowmelt, that followed heavy snow accumulation in December 1966. The landslide was a complex paraglacial response to decades of down wasting of Steinholtsjökull. Since the 19th century high stands of the Little Ice age in Iceland, Icelandic glaciers have probably lost about 16% of their mass. Warm conditions in the 1920s and 1930s drove rapid glacier retreat in southern Iceland and resulted in the formation of many pro-glacial lakes, one of which formed in front of Steinsholtsjökull as the terminus of the glacier retreated up valley and the surface down wasted.  The Innstihaus rockslide displaced the southern margin of the glacier and broke up a large amount of the glacier surface. The resulting down valley avalanche of rock incorporated glacier ice, swept into a proglacial lake and the confined pro-glacial valley of Steinsholtsdalur, creating a GLOF that left a trail of ice, rock debris and landscape transformation that entirely overprinted the pre-existing pro-glacial landscape. The Steinsholtsá river was displaced from the centre line of the valley to its southern margin. About 5km from the site of the cliff collapse, boulders up to 80m3 in size were scattered immediately beyond the confluence of the proglacial valley with a wider valley sandur. A paper published by Kjartansson in 1967 recorded the immediate aftermath of the GLOF, but left many questions unanswered, and there have been no subsequent publications. A better understanding of this event is important because, circumstances similar to those found in the Steinsholtsdalur valley prior to 1967 have developed in numerous glacial environments around Iceland’s ice caps.  As in many other montane areas, increased temperatures over the last thirty years have driven renewed and rapid retreat of valley glaciers. Across Iceland, existing proglacial lakes have expanded and many new ones have formed. These glacier fluctuations have affected the stability of neighbouring mountain slopes, which are resulting in slope deformation and mass movements. The potential for a major geomorphological incident in areas that both attract tourists year-round and have seen a recent related infrastructure development raises serious concerns and stresses an urgent need to study and monitor these environments.

How to cite: Saemundsson, T., Ben-Yehoshua, D., Wells, G., Toscka, S., and Dugmore, A. J.: The Steinsholtsjökull rockslide and GLOF in January 1967, South Iceland – a geophysical hazard likely to reoccur elsewhere in Iceland?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22438, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22438, 2024.

Adam Emmer, Oscar Vilca, Cesar Salazar Checa, Sihan Li, Simon Cook, Elena Pummer, Jan Hrebrina, and Wilfried Haeberli

Glacierized Peruvian mountain ranges are experiencing accelerated glacier ice loss, including the second highest mountain range – Cordillera Huayhuash – which has lost about 40% of its glacier area (deglaciated area of approximately 34 km2) since the 1970s. The exposure of a new land is associated with various processes including the formation and evolution of glacial lakes, changing stability conditions of mountain slopes, and rapid mass movements. In this study, we integrate the analysis of meteorological data, remotely sensed images and field observations in order to document the most recent large mass movement-induced glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) from moraine-dammed Lake Rasac (February 2023). We found that the triggering mass movement (the failure of Rasac arête ridge with an estimated volume of 1.1 to 1.5 ∙ 106 m3) occurred from the frozen rock zone with cold, deep-reaching permafrost and was preceded by several small magnitude precursory events. The stability reduction of the frozen rocks in the detachment zone most likely relates to deep warming, but not to critical conditions of warm permafrost with unfrozen water. Further, we describe the surprisingly short-distanced process chain (attenuated by the Lake Gochacotan located 3.5 km downstream from the detachment zone) and analyze the transport of large boulders with the use of hydrodynamic modelling, revealing that flow velocities > 5 m/s must have been reached in case of translational motion and > 10 m/s in case of rotational motion of the largest transported boulders (diameter > 3.5 m). This study helps us to understand (i) mechanisms, amplification and attenuation elements in GLOF process chains; and (ii) altering frequency-magnitude relationships of extreme processes in rapidly changing high mountain environments on regional scale (both large magnitude rockfalls and GLOFs). Considering the recent Peru-wide GLOF inventory published in 2022, this event corroborates the assumption of increasing frequency of large mass movement-induced GLOFs originating from warming permafrost in recent decades. 

How to cite: Emmer, A., Vilca, O., Salazar Checa, C., Li, S., Cook, S., Pummer, E., Hrebrina, J., and Haeberli, W.: Causes, consequences and implications of the 2023 Lake Rasac GLOF, Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7631, 2024.

Antonin Chale, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Marc-Henri Derron

Advanced Discontinuity Detection Algorithm for Geological Formations Using High-Density Point Cloud Data

Antonin Chale, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron

Geological hazard analysis relies on precise identification and characterization of discontinuities in rock formations, crucial for evaluating rock stability. While techniques such as Structure-from-Motion (SFM) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) have significantly advanced high-density 3D point cloud (PC) data acquisition, detecting structural irregularities in complex geological formations remains a challenge. We have developed a new discontinuity detection algorithm that emulates human visual perception. The algorithm employs multi-angle scanning, point cloud optimization techniques, and efficient multiprocessing to comprehensively survey the point cloud. Density maps are generated to identify and determine the orientation of discontinuities, proving effective in both synthetic models and real LiDAR data. The algorithm comprises three primary steps: an initial point cloud scan, density map generation, and visualization of discontinuities with their initial orientation. A secondary scan focuses on the density map, projecting data into a 2D representation to detect a second vector orientation, crucial for identifying discontinuity sets. Thanks to the previous steps we can deduce the orientation of the discontinuity sets. While the algorithm’s capability to handle both synthetic and real-world data sets highlight its potential significance in structural analysis, ongoing work aims to enhance its applicability for larger and more complex datasets. But also, the possibility of extracting the points involved in the different discontinuity sets.



Adrián J. Riquelme, A. Abellán, R. Tomás, M. Jaboyedoff, (2014)  " A new approach for semi-automatic rock mass joints recognition from 3D point clouds," Computers & Geosciences, Volume 68, 2014, Pages 38-52.

Matthew J. Lato, Malte Vöge, (2012) "Automated mapping of rock discontinuities in 3D lidar and photogrammetry models," International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 54, 2012, Pages 150-158.

How to cite: Chale, A., Jaboyedoff, M., and Derron, M.-H.: Advanced Discontinuity Detection Algorithm for Geological Formations Using High-Density Point Cloud Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10488, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10488, 2024.

Bin Gong and Tao Zhao

The rock discrete fracture analysis (RDFA) method was proposed as a combination of the rock failure process analysis method and the discrete element method. Leveraging the statistical strength theory and contact mechanics, it can effectively capture the intricate continuum-discontinuum behaviors inherent in rock mechanics, encompassing fracture and fragmentation phenomena. Enabled by a sophisticated nodal updating scheme, RDFA can dynamically adjust nodes at critical crack tips in accordance with strength criteria, facilitating accurate modeling of zero-thickness crack initiation and propagation. Noteworthy is its capacity to accommodate the inherent heterogeneity of rock masses, enabling holistic consideration of localized damage and fine crack development. Rigorously validated through the Brazilian disc and uniaxial compression tests, RDFA consistently aligns with the analytical solutions and experimental data. After that, it was applied to analyze the rockslide characteristics at the Anshan Road station in the Qingdao metro, China, and illuminated crucial insights. The results show that in the presence of 60° oriented joints with 5m spacing, the high stress concentration primarily emerged at the slope toe, leading to the localized tensile damage and the formation of a sliding surface. Subsequent rock sliding induced compression and collision among blocks, precipitating continuous failure within the sliding body. Additionally, the presence of intermittent joints notably contributed to progressive rockslide, particularly triggering the localized failures in the lower part of the slope.

How to cite: Gong, B. and Zhao, T.: Investigation into rockslides by the adaptive rock discrete fracture analysis (RDFA) method, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15526, 2024.

Roberto Sarro, Mauro Rossi, Paola Reichenbach, Pablo Vitali Miranda-Garcia, and Rosa María Mateos

The main complexity of rockfall modelling lies in the need for a series of dedicated methodological choices and assumptions. Despite specific aspects of modelling have been largely discussed in the literature, a comprehensive methodology to assess susceptibility posed by rockfalls is still missing. To fill this gap, we have proposed a novel workflow in this study, including methods for identifying source areas, deterministic runout modelling, classifying runout modelling output to establish an objective rockfall probabilistic susceptibility zonation, and comparing and validating the results. This methodology is applied to the island of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain), where rockfalls pose a significant threat to structures, infrastructure, and the population.

In the first stage, three different approaches were proposed to identify rockfall source areas, ranging from scenarios with limited data availability to those with extensive topographic, geological, and geomorphological information. The first approach employed a morphometric criterion, establishing a slope angle threshold to identify source areas. The second approach used a statistical method employing Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions (ECDF) of slope angle values. The third method employed a probabilistic modelling framework that combined multiple multivariate statistical classification models, using mapped source areas as dependent variables and thematic information as independent variables.

Subsequently, a rockfall simulation was carried out using a physically based model using the maps of the three source areas as input. A key result of the rockfall modelling simulations was the rockfall trajectory count maps. These maps, highlighting areas prone to rockfall on El Hierro, indicated the probability that a given pixel would be affected by these processes.

Then, this study also explores the strategies to validate the rockfall susceptibility model outputs, using different types of inventories. Therefore, to get susceptibility maps with a probabilistic approach, two classification methods were applied: unsupervised and supervised statistical techniques using distribution functions. The unsupervised classification used only the raster map of rockfall trajectory counts, while the supervised classification considered additional data on areas already affected by rockfalls.

Diffused metrics comparing modelled and observed values (i.e., ROC plots and correspondent AUCROC) can be used to show the performances of susceptibility models, regardless the adopted classification approach. Finally, the six susceptibility maps were compared to emphasize the impact of source area definition on the distribution of rockfall trajectories.

In summary, the methodology proposed provides guidance for an objective and reliable rockfall modelling, supporting civil protection, emergency authorities, and decision-makers in evaluating and assessing potential rockfall impacts. This contributes to enhanced rockfall hazard assessments and improved mitigation strategies on the island of El Hierro and potentially in similar geological settings globally.

How to cite: Sarro, R., Rossi, M., Reichenbach, P., Miranda-Garcia, P. V., and Mateos, R. M.: Enhancing rockfall modelling through an integrated workflow, from source area definition to susceptibility zoning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6268, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6268, 2024.

Yu-Ru Li and Wei-An Chao

The steep terrain in mountainous areas poses a significant threat to people's safety due to frequent geological hazards(e.g., rockfall and slope collapse), making effective management, monitoring, and timely issuance of alerts and warnings are crucial for highway authorities. Previous studies focus on studying the rainfall thresholds for possible rockfall occurrence. Recently, machine learning using seismic signals has been applied to detect rockfall events and monitor rockfall activity. However, supervised machine learning algorithms have relied on predefined labels, and the limited accumulation of data makes predicting model reliability challenging. The time-consuming model training can limit the practical application of the above models. In response to both aforementioned challenges, we first selected the roadside slope with relatively high activity of rockfalls and earthquakes as the study site and installed a seismic station on the crest of the slope. Then, we use an unsupervised machine learning framework to reveal patterns from unlabeled data and cluster seismic signals in continuous seismic records in the single three-component seismic station. Using continuous seismic data over one year, our approach combines a deep scattering network, features extraction, and features cluster to detect structures of signal segments. To illustrate the framework, a deep scattering network performs convolution and pooling on the three-component seismic signal data to extract multiscale information and construct scattering coefficients. For feature extraction, four different algorithms were employed: principal components analysis (PCA), independent components analysis (ICA), singular value decomposition (SVD), and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). Subsequently, we cluster the primary features using unsupervised learning algorithms such as K-means and Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). We demonstrate the group categories belonging to rockfall events with in-situ data time-lapse images and videos. An approach proposed in this study could achieve rapid model training for building on-site rockfall warning systems using only single-station seismic records. Our high capability recognition model of rockfall events is ready to be implemented globally with high rockfall activity.


Keywords: unsupervised machine learning, deep scattering network, rockfall, seismic records, on-site early warning 

How to cite: Li, Y.-R. and Chao, W.-A.: A fast unsupervised deep learning algorithm using seismic records of a single station for roadside rockfall recognition, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14088, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14088, 2024.

Tiggi Choanji, Antonin Chale, Wei Liu, Li Fei, François Noël, Marc-Henri Derron, and Michel Jaboyedoff

In this study, we back analysed a rockfall that occurred on a road in Martigny, Switzerland, on 15 March 2023 to determine the trajectory involving block fragments of approximately 43 m3 in total with block maximum 15 m3 and to identify factors that could contribute to future rockfalls in the area. A combination of remote sensing techniques such as LiDAR, photomosaic, and SfM (Structure for Motion) from drone have been performed to reconstruct the rockfall event and to predict the future potential for rockfalls. Our results suggest that the rockfall was caused by a combination of factors, including the  sliding failure mechanism occurred along a surface deeping to the valley with an angle of 54.5o, the presence of jointed and cracks in the rock with high aperture. A series of 10,000 of block propagations using the scarring model algorithm from stnParabel to produce an area of deposition in agreement with observation made in the field, with corresponding energy line from simulation average has an angle of 35.5 o. The trajectories of blocks are attributed to the high damping effects of the ground conditions and the vineyard rock fences which reduced the distance travelled by the falling rock, and the vineyard terraces slope angle lower than the average slope. While rock protections fences have been installed for protection on the falling block area, however there is a need to consider additional measures, as the rock structure in this area is larger than the width of the cliff face, which makes it more susceptible to rockfalls. Such study points out that the calibration of rockfall simulation based on only few blocks is very challenging.

How to cite: Choanji, T., Chale, A., Liu, W., Fei, L., Noël, F., Derron, M.-H., and Jaboyedoff, M.: Back analysis of the 2023 rockfall event of Martigny (Switzerland): trajectography prediction to future potential hazard along road, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16064, 2024.

Ruoshen Lin

Rock avalanches are one of the most destructive geological phenomena in mountainous regions. Understanding the dynamics and characteristics of rock avalanche movement plays a crucial role in assessing the potential hazards. However, the prediction for rock avalanche propagation is still challenging. Our study used an inventory of rock avalanches from Central Asia containing 412 historical cases from 6 countries provided by A. Strom. Considering several input parameters, the machine learning-based approach of extreme gradient boosting with grid search optimization was proposed. Input parameters including confinement type, headscarp height, mean slope angle of headscrap, length and width of the headscarp base, source volume, and maximal height drop (Hmax) are analyzed and discussed. Our proposed model can multi-output the distance of propagation L and the total impacted area, which outperformed by comparison with other machine learning models. Eleven rock avalanche events in Uzbekistan were introduced to demonstrate that the proposed model can be applied to prediction for limited parameters. For future work, we intend to propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that combines spatial inputs and metadata as input in machine learning. Spatial inputs including elevation, slope, aspect, curvature, and lithology were used for our proposed model. Additionally, the CNN-based deep learning approach might be possible to predict rock avalanches which are characterized by complex terrain with multiple source areas and diverging paths. 

How to cite: Lin, R.: Travel distance prediction for rock avalanche based on machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16109, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16109, 2024.

Christopher Gauci, Emanuele Colica, Daniel Fenech, and George Buhagiar

The Maltese Islands are exposed to a variety of environmental impacts because of their geographic position, one such impact being coastal hazards arising from erosion, exacerbated by climate change. The prevailing mitigation approach has traditionally been based on visual assessment of risk in specific sites rather than scientifically gathered information as an evidence basis for action to mitigate such risks. Constant monitoring is required to identify the probability and patterns of these events, which would assist in prediction. This was done using in situ measurements which include tiltmeter readings and topographic nail distances.  Certain sites were chosen across the Maltese islands for both installations, selected through historical research and other datasets including dangerous signage installations. Several nails were designated between primary and secondary signifying more stable to unstable cliff edge respectively. Distances using a total station were then taken from primary nails to the secondary nails for consecutive datasets. Tilt plates were installed in three areas with the nails and data recorded by positioning the tiltmeter at different directional axis. 

How to cite: Gauci, C., Colica, E., Fenech, D., and Buhagiar, G.: Monitoring techniques for rockfall hazard across Malta, Mediterranean Sea., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17618, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17618, 2024.

New approaches for the definition of rockfall hazard though innovative survey, analysis and data visualization techniques
(withdrawn after no-show)
Mirko Francioni, Mahnoor Ahmed, and Francesco Ottaviani

Posters virtual: Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Axel Volkwein, Mylene Jacquemart, Chiara Crippa
Athul Palliath, Himangshu Paul, N Purnachandra Rao, and Venkatesh Vempati

Landslides are a significant hazard, particularly for those living in mountainous regions where the terrain is steep and unstable. Unfortunately, continuous monitoring of landslides is challenging due to their unpredictable nature. However, recent advancements in high-quality, dense broadband seismic networks have made it possible to study the spatial and temporal evolution of mass wasting processes through the analysis of seismic signals. The 2021 Chamoli rockslide which originated from a glaciated ridge of the Ronti Mountain in the western Himalaya caused severe damage to a hydropower project in downslope region and a casualty of about 80 people. CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute established a regional seismic network in the Uttarakhand Himalaya which provides a great scope to understand this event in greater detail. We have performed dynamic inversion of the long period seismic waves generated by the rockslide to derive its force history. We used multistation data from Uttarakhand regional seismic network. We used IRIS syngine to generate Green’s function based on ak135 velocity model. Long period seismic waveforms from 6 stations within a distance of 80 km were chosen to perform inversion based on the signal to noise ratio and azimuthal coverage. The inversion is done using python package called lsforce. We reconstruct the force time history of the landslide, from the initial detachment of the rock mass to its impact on the ground. The peak upward vertical force corresponds to the detachment and peak downward vertical force corresponds its  the imapct  onto the ground. The result agrees with the centroid single force inversion done for the phases of detachment and impact of the landslide. The result obtained from force time history can be used to constrain parameters for the numerical simulation of the landslide to understand its dynamics in detail.  

How to cite: Palliath, A., Paul, H., Rao, N. P., and Vempati, V.: Deciphering the force history of 2021 Chamoli rockslide, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20256, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20256, 2024.