HS10.1 | General Ecohydrology
General Ecohydrology
Convener: Sara BonettiECSECS | Co-conveners: Francesca BassaniECSECS, Julian Klaus, Oriana Lucia Llanos PaezECSECS, Christoph Hinz, Simone Fatichi, Giulia Vico

Ecohydrology, i.e., the study of the interactions between water and ecosystems, is expanding rapidly as a field of research, beyond traditional discipline boundaries in terms of questions and approaches. This session aims to draw examples from this wide field, portraying the current diversity and common features of research frontiers in ecohydrological studies, as well as the range of methods employed. We thus encourage contributions showing novel results or methods when tackling questions related to the coupling of ecological, biogeochemical and hydrological processes, at scales ranging from the single organ or organisms to whole ecosystem/catchment. Contributions relative to all terrestrial and aquatic systems are welcome, including those relative to managed ecosystems, showing how human intervention alters the interactions between water and ecosystems.