Atmospheric Boundary-Layer processes on a variety of temporal and spatial scales strongly influence weather, air quality and climate. These processes include atmospheric turbulence, atmosphere-soil-vegetation interactions, gravity waves, boundary layer interactions with dry and moist convection, mesoscale flows, et cetera. These processes should be well-understood to enable accurate and skilled weather and air quality forecasting, as well as reliable climate model and scenario studies to serve society with high quality weather and climate information.
This session welcomes contributions on research into the understanding of boundary-layer processes and turbulence from either a conceptual, or modelling or observational perspective, their role and interactions and finally their implementation in atmospheric modelling.
Papers dealing with the following topics are invited:
• Theoretical and experimental studies of the turbulence-closure problem with emphasis on very stable stratification and convection, accounting for interactions between the mean flow, turbulence, internal waves and large-scale self-organized structures
• Boundary-layer clouds and marine, cloud-topped boundary layers: physics and parameterization within NWP and climate models
• Orographic effects: form drag, wave drag and flow blocking, gravity waves
• Challenges on the surface exchange processes, flux aggregation in atmospheric boundary layers over heterogeneous terrain
• Representation of boundary layers in atmospheric models
• Organization of deep convection across differing atmospheric scales
• Large-eddy simulation and direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows.