Programme Groups

SM2 –  Earthquakes Sources & Faults
Mechanics, structure and evolution of fault zones (co-organized)
Convener: Renaud Toussaint  | Co-Conveners: Fabrizio Agosta , Giulio Di Toro , Bob Holdsworth , Francois Renard , Steven Smith 
Fault zone processes from (integrated) geophysical imaging (co-organized)
Convener: CharLotte Krawczyk  | Co-Conveners: Stella Pytharouli , James Kirkpatrick 
Earthquake Source Rupture Models, Slip Distribution Studies, and Nucleation and Growth of Fault Systems (co-organized)
Convener: Georg Rümpker 
Research and Development in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring (co-organized)
Convener: Dr. Andreas Becker  | Co-Conveners: David Brown , Charles Estabrook , Martin Kalinowski , Lars Ceranna , Karl Koch 
Seismotectonics: New results and approaches
Convener: Elisa Buforn  | Co-Convener: Mourad Bezzeghoud 
Large continental faults and related earthquake cycle: short vs long term slip rate and their role in continental deformation (co-organized)
Convener: Mustapha Meghraoui