Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


GMPV – Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Programme group chair: Marian Holness

Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture by Janne Blichert-Toft & Arne Richter Award Lecture for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Fabian B. Wadsworth
Convener: Marian Holness
| Tue, 24 May, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room D2
Division meeting for Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology (GMPV)
Convener: Marian Holness
Wed, 18 May, 16:00–17:00 (CEST)|virtual

GMPV1 – Advances in techniques with interdisciplinary applications

Programme group scientific officers: Max Wilke, Marian Holness, David Dolejs


In this crossover session, we invite studies on the latest advancements in analytical and experimental techniques from all relevant fields dealing with geochemical processes or applying chemical/isotope data to assess the dynamics in geological systems. Relevant are all-new achievements of techniques more or less established in Earth sciences. Moreover, new techniques or experiments brand-new to Earth sciences are of particular interest. Techniques are welcome from mass spectrometry, photon/electron-based spectroscopy, including microscopy and measurements under various conditions (ambient to non-ambient) and spatial resolutions. The overarching breadth of this session will foster the exchange between the communities.

Co-organized by BG2/SSP1
Convener: Max Wilke | Co-conveners: Julien AmalbertiECSECS, Karen Appel, Daniel FrickECSECS
| Thu, 26 May, 17:00–18:30 (CEST)
Room K1

Globally, geoscience and research analytical laboratories collect ever increasing volumes of data: an acute challenge now is how to collate, store and make these data accessible in a standardised, interoperable and machine-accessible form that is FAIR. Many solutions today are bespoke and inefficient, lacking, for example, unique identification of samples, instruments, and data sets needed to trace the analytical history of the data; and there are few community agreed standards to facilitate sharing and interoperability between systems.

The push for a solution is being driven by publishers and journals who increasingly require researchers to provide access to the supporting data from a trusted repository prior to publication of manuscripts or finalisation of grants. We urgently need community development of systems to facilitate easy and efficient management of geoanalytical laboratory data. We need to address the lack of global standards, best practices and protocols for analytical data management and exchange, in order for scientists to better share their data in a global network of distributed databases. Buy-in from users and laboratory managers/technicians is essential in order to develop efficient and supported mechanisms.

This session seeks a diversity of papers from any initiative around the world that organises and structures sample/field metadata and research laboratory data at any scale to facilitate sharing and processing of geoanalytical data. We welcome papers on data and metadata standardisation efforts and papers on data management and systems that transfer data/metadata from instruments to shared data systems and relevant persistent repositories. Efforts on how to collate, curate, share and publicise sample/data collections as well as papers on the social dynamics of building sharing systems/frameworks are also welcome.

Co-organized by GI2/GMPV1
Convener: Marthe Klöcking | Co-conveners: Alexander Prent, Lucia ProfetaECSECS, Geertje ter Maat, Kirsten Elger
| Fri, 27 May, 11:05–11:48 (CEST), 13:20–14:49 (CEST)
Room 0.31/32

Remote sensing measurements, acquired using different platforms - ground, UAV, aircraft and satellite - have increasingly become rapidly developing technologies to study and monitor Earth surface, to perform comprehensive analysis and modeling, with the final goal of supporting decision systems for ecosystem management. The spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions of remote sensors have been continuously improving, making environmental remote sensing more accurate and comprehensive than ever before. Such progress enables understanding of multiscale aspects of high-risk natural phenomena and development of multi-platform and inter-disciplinary surveillance monitoring tools. The session welcomes contributions focusing on present and future perspectives in environmental remote sensing, from multispectral/hyperspectral optical and thermal sensors. Applications are encouraged to cover, but not limited to, the monitoring and characterization of environmental changes and natural hazards from volcanic and seismic processes, landslides, and soil science. Specifically, we are looking for novel solutions and approaches including the topics as follows: (i) state-of-the-art techniques focusing on novel quantitative methods; (ii) new applications for state-of-the-art sensors, including UAVs and other close-range systems; (iii) techniques for multiplatform data fusion.

Co-organized by ESSI4/GMPV1/NH6
Convener: Annalisa CappelloECSECS | Co-conveners: Sabine Chabrillat, Gaetana Ganci, Gabor KereszturiECSECS, Veronika Kopackova
| Tue, 24 May, 08:30–11:44 (CEST)
Room 0.51

This session is open to all contributions in biogeochemistry and ecology where stable isotope techniques are used as analytical tools, with foci both on stable isotopes of light elements (CHONS …) and new systems (clumped and metal isotopes). We welcome studies from both terrestrial and aquatic (including marine) environments as well as methodological, experimental and theoretical studies that introduce new approaches or techniques (including natural abundance work, labelling studies, multi-isotope approaches).

Co-organized by GMPV1/SSS5, co-sponsored by EAG
Convener: Michael E. Böttcher | Co-conveners: Kirstin Dähnke, Gerd Gleixner, Anne-Désirée Schmitt
| Tue, 24 May, 13:20–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.15

Citizen science (the involvement of the public in scientific processes) is gaining momentum across multiple disciplines, increasing multi-scale data production on Earth Sciences that is extending the frontiers of knowledge. Successful participatory science enterprises and citizen observatories can potentially be scaled-up in order to contribute to larger policy strategies and actions (e.g. the European Earth Observation monitoring systems), for example to be integrated in GEOSS and Copernicus. Making credible contributions to science can empower citizens to actively participate as citizen stewards in decision making, helping to bridge scientific disciplines and promote vibrant, liveable and sustainable environments for inhabitants across rural and urban localities.
Often, citizen science is seen in the context of Open Science, which is a broad movement embracing Open Data, Open Technology, Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Source, Open Methodology, and Open Peer Review. Before 2003, the term Open Access was related only to free access to peer-reviewed literature (e.g., Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002). In 2003 and during the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities”, the definition was considered to have a wider scope that includes raw research data, metadata, source materials, and scholarly multimedia material. Increasingly, access to research data has become a core issue in the advance of science. Both open science and citizen science pose great challenges for researchers to facilitate effective participatory science, yet they are of critical importance to modern research and decision-makers.

We want to ask and find answers to the following questions:
Which approaches and tools can be used in Earth and planetary observation?
What are the biggest challenges in bridging between scientific disciplines and how to overcome them?
What kind of participatory citizen scientist involvement (e.g. how are citizen scientists involved in research, which kind of groups are involved) and open science strategies exist?
How to ensure transparency in project results and analyses?
What kind of critical perspectives on the limitations, challenges, and ethical considerations exist?
How can citizen science and open science approaches and initiatives be supported on different levels (e.g. institutional, organizational, national)?

Co-organized by BG2/CL3.2/ERE1/ESSI3/GM12/GMPV1/HS12/NH9/OS4/SM1/SSP1
Convener: Taru Sandén | Co-conveners: Daniel DörlerECSECS, Florian HeiglECSECS, Dilek FraislECSECS, Tamer Abu-Alam
| Fri, 27 May, 08:30–11:05 (CEST)
Room N1

Recent advances in image collection, e.g. using unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs), and topographic measurements, e.g. using terrestrial or airborne LiDAR, are providing an unprecedented insight into landscape and process characterization in geosciences. In parallel, historical data including terrestrial, aerial, and satellite photos as well as historical digital elevation models (DEMs), can extend high-resolution time series and offer exciting potential to distinguish anthropogenic from natural causes of environmental change and to reconstruct the long-term evolution of the surface from local to regional scale.
For both historic and contemporary scenarios, the rise of techniques with ‘structure from motion’ (SfM) processing has democratized data processing and offers a new measurement paradigm to geoscientists. Photogrammetric and remote sensing data are now available on spatial scales from millimetres to kilometres and over durations of single events to lasting time series (e.g. from sub-second to decadal-duration time-lapse), allowing the evaluation of event magnitude and frequency interrelationships.
The session welcomes contributions from a broad range of geoscience disciplines such as geomorphology, cryosphere, volcanology, hydrology, bio-geosciences, and geology, addressing methodological and applied studies. Our goal is to create a diversified and interdisciplinary session to explore the potential, limitations, and challenges of topographic and orthoimage datasets for the reconstruction and interpretation of past and present 2D and 3D changes in different environments and processes. We further encourage contributions describing workflows that optimize data acquisition and processing to guarantee acceptable accuracies and to automate data application (e.g. geomorphic feature detection and tracking), and field-based experimental studies using novel multi-instrument and multi-scale methodologies. This session invites contributions on the state of the art and the latest developments in i) modern photogrammetric and topographic measurements, ii) remote sensing techniques as well as applications, iii) time-series processing and analysis, and iv) modelling and data processing tools, for instance, using machine learning approaches.

Co-organized by BG2/CR2/GI6/GMPV1/HS13/NH6/SSS11
Convener: Livia PiermatteiECSECS | Co-conveners: Amaury DehecqECSECS, Anette EltnerECSECS, Benoît SmetsECSECS
| Tue, 24 May, 15:10–18:30 (CEST)
Room G2

GMPV2 – The mantle-surface connection (in partnership with PS and GD)

Programme group scientific officers: Urs Schaltegger, Eleanor Jennings, Jörg Hermann


The nature of Earth’s lithospheric mantle is largely constrained from the petrological and geochemical studies of xenoliths. They are complemented by studies of orogenic peridotites and ophiolites, which show the space relationships among various mantle rock types, missing in xenoliths. Mantle xenoliths from cratonic regions are distinctly different from those occurring in younger non-cratonic areas. Percolation of melts and fluids through the lithospheric mantle significantly modifies its petrological and geochemical features, which is recorded in mantle xenoliths brought to the surface by oceanic and continental volcanism. Basalts and other mantle-derived magmas provide us another opportunity to study the chemical and physical properties the mantle. These various kinds of information, when assembled together and coupled with experiments and geophysical data, enable the understanding of upper mantle dynamics.
This session’s research focus lies on mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies of mantle xenoliths, orogenic and ophiolitic peridotites and other mantle derived rocks. We strongly encourage the contributions on petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths and other mantle rocks, experimental studies, the examples and models of mantle processes and its evolution in space and time.

Co-organized by GD2
Convener: Jacek Puziewicz | Co-conveners: Costanza Bonadiman, Michel Grégoire, Károly Hidas, Petros Koutsovitis
| Thu, 26 May, 08:30–11:30 (CEST)
Room K1

Subduction is one of the primary mechanisms of fluid and element cycling between
the surface and mantle in the Earth. During subduction, metamorphism in the
downgoing plate and the consequent expulsion of fluids and generation of melts
drives mineralogical, geochemical, and rheological changes affecting the mechanical
behaviour of the subducting zone system. These fluids and melts play a key role in
the long-term geochemical evolution of the Earth by preferentially fractionating
elements from the slab and introducing them to the mantle wedge, volcanic arc, and
forearc. This process is particularly relevant for volatiles, such as carbon, which can have a profound influence on the habitability of the Earth's surface. This session aims to bring together the petrology, geochemistry, geodynamics, tectonics, and geochronology community by linking subduction zone inputs, outputs and mechanisms over a range of length and timescales. We especially encourage studies that constrain the conditions, durations, and geochemical evolution of metamorphic, metasomatic, and magmatic processes leading to the transfer of material from the slab into the mantle wedge, forearc, arc, and deep mantle. We encourage participation from scientists from all backgrounds and levels of experience.

Co-organized by GD5/TS7
Convener: Jesse WaltersECSECS | Co-conveners: Manuel Menzel, Hugo van Schrojenstein LantmanECSECS, Francesca Miozzi, Melanie J. SieberECSECS, Carlos J. Garrido
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–16:40 (CEST)
Room K1

Subduction drives plate tectonics, generating the major proportion of subaerial volcanism, releasing >90% seismic moment magnitude, forming continents, and recycling lithosphere. Numerical and laboratory modeling studies have successfully built our understanding of many aspects of the geodynamics of subduction zones. Detailed geochemical studies, investigating compositional variation within and between volcanic arcs, provide further insights into systematic chemical processes at the slab surface and within the mantle wedge, providing constraints on thermal structures and material transport within subduction zones. However, with different technical and methodological approaches, model set-ups, inputs, and material properties, and in some cases conflicting conclusions between chemical and physical models, a consistent picture of the controlling parameters of subduction-zone processes has so far not emerged.

This session aims to follow subducting lithosphere on its journey from the surface down into the Earth's mantle and to understand the driving processes for deformation and magmatism in the over-riding plate. We aim to address topics such as: subduction initiation and dynamics; changes in mineral breakdown processes at the slab surface; the formation and migration of fluids and melts at the slab surface; primary melt generation in the wedge; subduction-related magmatism; controls on the position and width of the volcanic arc; subduction-induced seismicity; mantle wedge processes; the fate of subducted crust, sediments and volatiles; the importance of subducting seamounts, LIPs, and ridges; links between near-surface processes and slab dynamics and with regional tectonic evolution; slab delamination and break-off; the effect of subduction on mantle flow; and imaging subduction zone processes.

With this session, we aim to form an integrated picture of the subduction process, and invite contributions from a wide range of disciplines, such as geodynamics, modeling, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, and seismology, to discuss subduction zone dynamics at all scales from the surface to the lower mantle, or in applications to natural laboratories.

Co-organized by GMPV2/SM4/TS7
Convener: Ágnes Király | Co-conveners: Oğuz H Göğüş, Taras Gerya, Jeroen van Hunen
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room K1

The origin and evolution of the continental lithosphere is closely linked to changes in mantle dynamics through time, from its formation through melt depletion to multistage reworking and reorganisation related to interaction with melts formed both beneath and within it. Understanding this history is critical to constraining terrestrial dynamics, element cycles and metallogeny. We welcome contributions dealing with: (1) Reconstructions of the structure and composition of the lithospheric mantle, and the influence of plumes and subduction zones on root construction; (2) Interactions of plume- and subduction-derived melts and fluids with the continental lithosphere, and the nature and development of metasomatic agents; (3) Source rocks, formation conditions (P-T-fO2) and evolution of mantle melts originating below or in the mantle lithosphere; (4) Deep source regions, melting processes and phase transformation in mantle plumes and their fluids; (5) Modes of melt migration and ascent, as constrained from numerical modelling and microstructures of natural mantle samples; (6) Role of mantle melts and fluids in the generation of hybrid and acid magmas.These topics can be illuminated using the geochemistry and fabric of mantle xenoliths and orogenic peridotites, mantle-derived melts and experimental simulations.

Public information:

Dear collegues Dear  all.

Thank you very much for all presentations! The quality of most was very high. 

Aspecially  we shou be grateful  to Sonja Aulbach  who was a a wonderful presenter of the session.  Hope next  year the situation will be better and  more participants will be participated personally in Vienna.  There is one opened spacial issue in Minerals https://www.mdpi.com/journal/minerals/special_issues/Deep_Seated_Melts. I'll try to find the possibility for another one not so expensive.

Best wishes Igor Ashchepkov and conveners team.   

Co-organized by GMPV2/TS10
Convener: Igor Ashchepkov | Co-conveners: Sonja Aulbach, Kate Kiseeva, Evgenii Sharkov
| Fri, 27 May, 10:20–11:40 (CEST), 13:20–16:38 (CEST)
Room -2.91

GMPV3 – The early Earth (in partnership with PS and GD)

Programme group scientific officers: Richard Palin, Eleanor Jennings


Processes responsible for formation and development of the early Earth (> 2500Ma) are not well understood and strongly debated, reflecting in part the poorly preserved, altered, and incomplete nature of the geological record from this time.
In this session we encourage the presentation of new approaches and models for the development of Earth's early crust and mantle and their methods of interaction. We encourage contributions from the study of the preserved rock archive as well as geodynamic models of crustal and mantle dynamics so as to better understand the genesis and evolution of continental crust and the stabilization of cratons.
We invite abstracts from a large range of disciplines including geodynamics, geology, geochemistry, and petrology but also studies of early atmosphere, biosphere and early life relevant to this period of Earth history.

Co-organized by BG5/GMPV3/PS10
Convener: Ria Fischer | Co-conveners: Peter A. Cawood, Antoine RozelECSECS, Nicholas Gardiner, Jeroen van Hunen
| Thu, 26 May, 15:55–18:17 (CEST)
Room -2.91

Cratons form the ancient, stable cores of most of the Earth’s continents. Knowledge about the present-day architecture of cratons is the key to understand the evolution of continental plates. In addition to that, cratons concentrate many economically relevant mineral deposits, which are indispensable for a modern society. For many cratonic regions however, little is still known about the present-day lithospheric structure and how it evolved since the Archean, mainly due to their remoteness and harsh local environmental conditions. Ongoing data acquisition, as well as the usage and optimization of
remote and passive techniques have shed new light on the lithospheric architecture of cratonic regions. Recent advancements across several disciplines show that cratons are more varied and fragmented than previously assumed, which has strong implications for geodynamic interactions with the convective mantle and long-term stability.

In this session, we welcome contributions across different scales that describe the cratonic lithosphere and its evolution with time, up to the dawn of plate tectonics. We aim to address topics like: characterization and evolution of cratonic crust and lithosphere; coupling between cratonic crust and mantle; mechanisms to form, maintain and destroy cratonic roots; craton-plume interaction; the role of cratons in supercontinent configurations; connection of cratons to mineral deposits.

We would like to raise discussions within a multidisciplinary session and therefore welcome contributions across a wide range of disciplines, including, but not limited to geodynamics, geology, tectonics, seismology, gravity, geochemistry, petrology, as well as joint approaches.

Co-organized by GMPV3/SM5/TS13
Convener: Peter HaasECSECS | Co-conveners: Nicolas Luca CelliECSECS, Andrea Tommasi
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–15:55 (CEST)
Room -2.91

GMPV4 – Earth and terrestrial planets: formation and evolution (in partnership with PS and GD)

Programme group scientific officers: Chiara Maria Petrone, Eleanor Jennings


The present state of Earth and other rocky planets are an expression of dynamical and chemical processes occurring throughout their history. In particular, giant impacts, core formation and magma-ocean crystallisation and other processes occurring in the early solar system set the stage for the long-term evolution of terrestrial planets. These early processes can happen simultaneously or in recurring stages, and are ultimately followed by progressive crustal growth, long-term mantle mixing/differentiation, core-mantle interaction, as well as inner-core crystallization. The rock-record, through geochemistry and magnetism, is used to interrogate changes in the tectono-thermal regime of Earth’s interior through time, while seismic imaging and gravity data, for instance, provide a snapshot of processes occurring in the contemporary mantle, crust and core. These classes of observations may be linked through geodynamic models, whose accuracy is underpinned by the physical properties (e.g., viscosity and density) of its constituent phases (minerals, melts and fluids). Information on the fundamental thermodynamic and physical behaviour of phases is subject to constant advance via experimental and ab-initio techniques.

This session aims to provide a holistic view of the formation, dynamics, structure and composition of Earth and the evolution of terrestrial bodies by bringing together studies from geophysics, geodynamics, mineral physics, geochemistry, and petrology. This session welcomes contributions focused on data analysis, modeling and experimental work that address the formation and evolution of terrestrial planets and moons in the Solar System, and around other stars.

Co-organized by GD4/GMPV4
Convener: Paolo Sossi | Co-conveners: Simone Pilia, Ingo L. StotzECSECS, Lena Noack, Stephen J. Mojzsis
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST), 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room 1.85/86

Processes controlling the global cycles of volatiles (e.g., C, H, O, S) across reservoirs regulate planetary climate and habitability. Their cycling pathways and efficiency are dependent on numerous factors including the presence of liquid water and the tectonic mode; and involves the atmosphere, hydrosphere, crust, mantle and even the core.

On Earth, major volatile cycles are balanced to first order through ingassing and outgassing, mainly occurring at subduction zones, and major sites of volcanism (i.e., mid-ocean ridges and hotspots), respectively. In planetary interiors, volatiles are partitioned into the existing minerals, or stabilize minor phases such as diamond or various hydrous phases in the mantle and crust, something that directly influences the spatial distribution of melt formation as well as rock properties. Conversely, melt transport induces volatile exchanges between planetary reservoirs and favours outgassing. Outgassing, in turn, will regulate planetary climates, hence influencing the habitability.

The aim of this session is to bring together numerical, experimental and observational expertise from Earth and Planetary Sciences to advance the understanding of interior-atmosphere coupling and volatile exchange and evolution on Earth and terrestrial (exo)planets, as well as the role of those volatiles on the interior composition and dynamics. This session features contributions on topics including volatile cycling, melt and volatile transport, mineral-melt phase relations, geophysical detections, tectonic regimes, outgassing, atmospheric composition and planetary habitability.

Co-organized by BG7/EMRP1/GD4/GMPV4
Convener: Antonio Manjon Cabeza Cordoba | Co-conveners: Kaustubh Hakim, Meng Tian, Dennis Höning, Emma ChambersECSECS, Nestor Cerpa, Daniel Kitzmann
| Tue, 24 May, 08:30–10:00 (CEST)
Room 1.34

GMPV5 – Mineralogy: from experimental and analytical advances to mineral deposits

Programme group scientific officers: Max Wilke, David Dolejs


Mineralogy is the cornerstone of many disciplines and is used to solve a wide range of questions in geoscience. This broad session offers the opportunity to explore the diversity of methods and approaches used to study minerals and how minerals behave and evolve in their many contexts. We welcome contributions on all aspects of mineralogy, including environmental, soil science, metamorphic, plutonic, deep Earth, planetary, applied mineralogy, and so on. All approaches are welcome: analytical, experimental and theoretical.

Convener: Jannick Ingrin | Co-conveners: Catherine McCammon, Elena ZhitovaECSECS, Juraj Majzlan
| Fri, 27 May, 08:30–11:51 (CEST)
Room K1

Mineral deposits represent principal sources of metallic and non-metallic raw materials for our society. The implementation of new climate policies and the rise of green energy production and use will trigger an unprecedented demand increase for such resources. Formation of economic commodities requires component sequestration from source region, transport and focusing to structural or chemical barriers. These enrichment processes typically involve magmatic, hydrothermal, weathering or metamorphic events, which operate in diverse geodynamic settings and over various time scales. The scope of this session is to collect insights from diverse areas of mineral exploration, field, analytical or experimental studies of mineral deposits as well as resource characterization and extraction. We invite contributions from fields of economic geology, mineralogy and geochemistry in order to advance our understanding of ore-forming systems.

Co-organized by ERE4
Convener: David Dolejs | Co-conveners: Marta CodeçoECSECS, Nils Jansson
| Fri, 27 May, 13:20–16:37 (CEST)
Room K1

Lithosphere evolution, reflected in the lithosphere structure, controls the deposition of mineral resources, many of which occur in specific geodynamic settings. We invite contributions from various geophysical, geodynamic, geological, and geochemical studies, as well as from numerical modeling, which address the questions how various plate tectonics and mantle dynamics processes modify the lithosphere structure, control ore deposits, and how these processes changed during the Earth's evolution. We particularly invite contributions with focus on regional geophysical studies of the crust and upper mantle.
This session is a part of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force 1. We invite contributions from everyone interested in the topic and invite them to join the ILP TF1.

Co-organized by GMPV5/SM5/TS13, co-sponsored by ILP
Convener: Alexey Shulgin | Co-conveners: Irina M. Artemieva, Anna MakushkinaECSECS, Hans Thybo, Shuwen Dong
| Wed, 25 May, 15:10–16:20 (CEST)
Room 0.16

Minerals are formed in great diversity under Earth surface conditions, as skeletons, microbialites, speleothems, or authigenic cements, and they preserve a wealth of geochemical, biological, mineralogical, and isotopic information, providing valuable archives of past environmental conditions. Interpreting these archives requires fundamental understanding of mineral formation processes, but also insights from the geological record.

In this session we welcome oral and poster presentations from a wide range of research of topics, including process-oriented studies in modern systems, the ancient rock record, experiments, computer simulations, and high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. We intend to reach a wide community of researchers sharing the common goal of improving our understanding of the fundamental processes underlying mineral formation, which is essential to read our Earth’s geological archive.

Co-organized by BG5/GMPV5
Convener: Patrick Meister | Co-conveners: Sally Potter-McIntyre, Patricia RoeserECSECS, Michael E. Böttcher
| Thu, 26 May, 15:10–16:40 (CEST)
Room -2.32/33

The demand for raw materials and critical raw materials, to supply the needs of both society and industry, is continuously growing, imposing environmental, societal, and technological challenges.
These activities are inevitably accompanied by the production of large volumes of residues, through both exploitation and processing.
In the past, mining activity and extractive waste management were approached, mainly considering the environmental hazards and landscape degradation, but, nowadays, the development of innovative and technological processes, that allow us to reduce, reuse and recycle such industrial residues, as well as more sustainable exploitation practices, give us the opportunities to exploit the huge volumes of past mineral waste as an important source of raw materials.
Residues, such as waste rock, tailings, slags and fly ashes, often hold impressive residual mineral values, and have the potential to be converted to secondary raw materials and mineral resources, for these reasons further challenges are the geochemical, petrographic and mineralogical characterization and the modelization of waste deposits to realistically assess the prospects for sustainable exploitation. It must become the norm to maximize resource use, reduce the volume for final disposal, and also mitigate the risk of environmental damage, associated with the increasing global demand for raw materials and minerals resources.

The main topics to be discussed in this session address, but are not limited to:
- Characterization of geomaterials, their environmental interactions, and decay
- Characterization of industrial residue resources and their environmental assessment
- Secondary raw materials exploitation and valorisation

Co-organized by GMPV5/NH8
Convener: Elena Marrocchino | Co-conveners: Chiara Telloli, Richard Prikryl
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.31

GMPV6 – Fluid-rock interactions and low-temperature metamorphic processes

Programme group scientific officers: Richard Palin, Silvio Ferrero


Reactions between fluids and rocks have a fundamental impact on many of the natural and geo-engineering processes in crustal settings. Examples of such natural processes are localization of deformation, earthquake nucleation caused by high pressure fluid pulses, as well as metamorphic reactions and rheological weakening triggered by fluid flow, metasomatism and fluid-mediated mass transport. Moreover, the efficiency of many geo-engineering processes is partly dependent on fluid-rock interactions, such as hydraulic fracturing, geothermal energy recovery, CO2 storage and wastewater injection. All our observations in the rock record are the end-product of all metamorphic, metasomatic and deformation changes that occurred during the interaction with fluid. Therefore, to investigate and understand these complex and interconnected processes, it is required to merge knowledge and techniques deriving from several disciplines of the geosciences.
We invite multidisciplinary contributions that investigate fluid-rock interactions throughout the entire breadth of the topic, using fieldwork, microstructural and petrographic analyses, geochemistry, experimental rock mechanics, thermodynamic modeling and numerical modeling.

Co-organized by TS2
Convener: Francesco Giuntoli | Co-conveners: Anne PluymakersECSECS, Oliver Plümper
| Wed, 25 May, 15:10–18:05 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48

Hydrothermal systems exert crucial influence on volcanic hazards. For example, hydrothermal alteration can reduce the strength of edifice- and dome-forming rocks, increasing the likelihood of volcano spreading and flank collapse, and high pore pressures that develop within hydrothermal systems can promote phreatic/phreatomagmatic explosions and further increase volcano instability. On the other hand, hydrothermal systems also offer the opportunity to exploit minerals of economic interest, and their heat can be harnessed to produce energy. A detailed understanding of hydrothermal systems and their resulting alteration, using multidisciplinary studies, is required to better anticipate the hazards posed, to exploit the economic opportunities they provide, and to execute engineering design. We invite diverse contributions dedicated to the characterisation, imaging, monitoring, and hazard/economic assessment of volcanic hydrothermal systems. Contributions can be based on fieldwork, laboratory work, modelling, or a combination of these approaches. Because understanding hydrothermal systems requires multidisciplinary, collaborative teamwork, we welcome contributions based on any subdiscipline (e.g., geology, geophysics, geochemistry, engineering) and using any technique or method (e.g., geological mapping, magnetic, gravity, and spectroscopic methods, laboratory experiments, gas monitoring, numerical modelling). It goes without saying that we hope to have a diverse session in terms of both speakers and audience.

Convener: Claire HarnettECSECS | Co-conveners: Michael Heap, Thomas R. Walter, Marlene Villeneuve, Marina Rosas-CarbajalECSECS
| Mon, 23 May, 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room -2.16

Fluid flow in the Earth’s crust is driven by pressure gradients and temperature changes induced by internal heat. The expression of crustal fluid flow is associated with a range of structural and geochemical processes taking place in the basement but also in sedimentary covers forming the upper crust. Groundwater, hydrothermal brines and gases circulating in the subsurface interact with local structures across different tectonic and geological settings. Under near-lithostatic conditions fluids and rocks are expelled vertically to the near-surface featuring a variety of surficial geological phenomena ranging from hydrothermal systems to sedimentary and hybrid volcanism and cold seeps both on land and along continental margins. These vertical fluid flow expressions and piercement structures are characterized by complex sedimentary deformation and geochemical reactions where life can adapt to thrive in extremely harsh environments making them ideal windows to the deep biosphere. Several studies have shown that CO2- and CH4-dominaterd (or hybrid) vents played a key role in the evolution of our planet and the cycles of life during several geological eras. Furthermore, the elevated pore pressures often encountered in reservoirs at depth make piercements ideal natural laboratories to capture precursors of seismic events and dynamically triggered geological processes. Yet, the geochemical and geophysical processes associated with the evolution of these vertical fluid flow features and piercements remain poorly understood.

This session welcomes contributions from the community working at the interface between magmatic and sedimentary environments using geophysical, geochemical, microbial, geological, numerical and laboratory studies to promote a better understanding of modern and paleo fluid-driven systems in the upper crust. In particular we call for contributions from: 1) investigations of tectonic discontinuities pre-existing geological structures; 2) the geochemical reactions occurring at depth and at the surface including microbiological studies; 3) geophysical imaging and monitoring of fluid flow systems associated with vertical fluid expulsion at the upper crust; 4) experimental and numerical studies about fluid flow evolution; 5) studies of piercement dynamics related to climatic and environmental implications.

Co-organized by BG7
Convener: Matteo Lupi | Co-conveners: Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Adriano Mazzini
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.16

Fluid-mediated rock transformation, also called mineralogical replacement, are ubiquitous instances of fluid-rock interaction in the crust. With recent developments in measurement techniques, the characterization and understanding of replacement has potential to unravel fluid dynamics and migration pathways, the volume of reactive fluids involved, the deformation associated to the reaction, along with the thermodynamical properties of the reaction. The ambition of the proposed session is to draw a picture of the current state of knowledge about the driving processes of fluid-mediated transformation in the diagenetic domain and in the low metamorphic conditions, with or without associated deformation. We welcome any contribution focusing on methodological, experimental, analytical or nature-related studies of mineralogical replacements and associated phenomenon.

Co-organized by TS10
Convener: Nicolas Beaudoin | Co-conveners: Daniel Koehn, Sandra Piazolo, Christine V. Putnis, Renaud Toussaint
| Wed, 25 May, 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48
HS8.1.2 EDI

Dissolution, precipitation, and chemical reactions between infiltrating fluid and rock matrix alter the composition and structure of the rock, either creating or destroying flow paths. Strong, nonlinear couplings between the chemical reactions at mineral surfaces and fluid motion in the pores often leads to the formation of intricate patterns: networks of caves and sinkholes in karst area, wormholes induced by the acidization of petroleum wells, porous channels created during the ascent of magma through peridotite rocks. Dissolution and precipitation processes are also relevant in many industrial applications: dissolution of carbonate rocks by CO2-saturated water can reduce the efficiency of CO2 sequestration, mineral scaling reduces the effectiveness of heat extraction from thermal reservoirs, acid rain degrades carbonate-stone monuments and building materials.

With the advent of modern experimental techniques, these processes can now be studied at the microscale, with direct visualization of the evolving pore geometry. On the other hand, the increase of computational power and algorithmic improvements now make it possible to simulate laboratory-scale flows while still resolving the flow and transport processes at the pore-scale.

We invite contributions that seek a deeper understanding of reactive flow processes through interdisciplinary work combining experiments or field observations with theoretical or computational modeling. We seek submissions covering a wide range of spatial and temporal scales: from table-top experiments and pore-scale numerical models to the hydrological and geomorphological modelling at the field scale. We also invite contributions from related fields, including the processes involving coupling of the flow with phase transitions (evaporation, sublimation, melting and solidification).

Co-organized by ERE4/GM3/GMPV6
Convener: Linda Luquot | Co-conveners: Yves Meheust, Piotr Szymczak, Vittorio Di Federico, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, Oshri Borgman, Florian Doster
| Thu, 26 May, 08:30–11:40 (CEST)
Room 2.31

GMPV7 – High-temperature metamorphism and orogenesis

Programme group scientific officers: Urs Schaltegger, Richard Palin, Silvio Ferrero, Jörg Hermann


Garnet is probably the most useful mineral to understand the evolution of basement areas on Earth particularly those characterized by high-temperature metamorphism. This mineral allows us to decipher the metamorphic evolution of different rock types by the thermobarometric information stored in the variable chemical composition of zoned garnet. In addition, garnet (1) preserves mineral assemblages formed during prograde metamorphism, (2) can be used to date specific metamorphic events, and (3) forms by partial melting of a rock leading to dense restites. According to recent progress in a better understanding of the characteristics of garnet and their application and modelling to natural rocks, we invite a broad spectrum of geoscientists, including petrologists, geochemists, and structural geologists to present their studies involving garnet to this interdisciplinary symposium. These studies should include experimental aspects as well as case-studies of rocks with emphasis on garnet.

Convener: Gabriele Cruciani | Co-conveners: Silvio Ferrero, Aphrodite Indares, Hans-Joachim Massonne, Pavla Stipska
| Tue, 24 May, 15:10–18:30 (CEST)
Room D2

Metamorphic minerals provide unique records of the tectonic processes that have shaped Earth through the ages. Innovative new approaches in metamorphic petrology, chemical and isotope micro-analysis, and geochronology provide exciting new avenues to let these minerals tell their story of deformation, reaction and fluid flow. The insights from such research provide key means of testing long-standing concepts in petrology and tectonics, and shifting paradigms in these fields.

This session will highlight integrated metamorphic petrology, with application to tectonics and development of collisional orogens, cratons and subduction zones. We welcome contributions, from petrology, (petro-)chronology, to trace-element and isotope geochemistry. Through these diverse insights, the session will provide an exciting overview of current research on metamorphic and metasomatic processes, as well as the avenues for future innovation.

Co-organized by GD6/TS10
Convener: Matthijs Smit | Co-conveners: Daniela Rubatto, Lucie Tajcmanova, Tom Raimondo
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:47 (CEST)
Room D2

The goal of this session is to reconcile short-time/small-scale and long-time/large-scale observations, including geodynamic processes such as subduction, collision, rifting, or mantle lithosphere interactions. Despite the remarkable advances in experimental rock mechanics, the implications of rock-mechanics data for large temporal and spatial scale tectonic processes are still not straightforward, since the latter are strongly controlled by local lithological stratification of the lithosphere, its thermal structure, fluid content, tectonic heritage, metamorphic reactions, and deformation rates.

Mineral reactions have mechanical effects that may result in the development of pressure variations and thus are critical for interpreting microstructural and mineral composition observations. Such effects may fundamentally influence element transport properties and rheological behavior.
Here, we encourage presentations focused on the interplay between metamorphic processes and deformation on all scales, on the rheological behavior of crustal and mantle rocks, and time scales of metamorphic reactions in order to discuss
(1) how and when up to GPa-level differential stress and pressure variations can be built and maintained at geological timescales and modeling of such systems,
(2) deviations from lithostatic pressure during metamorphism: fact or fiction?
(3) the impact of deviations from lithostatic pressure on geodynamic reconstructions.
(4) the effect of porous fluid and partial melting on the long-term strength.
We, therefore, invite the researchers from different domains (rock mechanics, petrographic observations, geodynamic and thermo-mechanical modeling) to share their views on the way forward for improving our knowledge of the long-term rheology and chemo-thermo-mechanical behavior of the lithosphere and mantle.

Co-organized by GMPV7/NP3/TS2
Convener: Yury Podladchikov | Co-conveners: Lucie Tajcmanova, Shun-ichiro Karato, Evangelos MoulasECSECS, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:47 (CEST), 13:20–14:05 (CEST)
Room -2.91

GMPV8 – Advances in igneous petrology

Programme group scientific officers: Marco Viccaro, Andrea Di Muro, Chiara Maria Petrone, Brendan McCormick Kilbride


The timescale of magma formation, storage and ascent beneath active volcanoes is crucial to constrain the magma chamber dynamics and provide the basis for volcanic hazard assessment. The interpretation of rock textures is the key step of the back-analysis studies targeted at the reconstruction of the magma chamber dynamics and depends on our understandings of the crystallization kinetic processes in silicate melts. Beside crystal formation, dissolution and reaction of pre-existing crystals, are processes that commonly affect the kinetics of magma crystallization and that, however, are broadly constrained from the theoretical and the experimental point of view.
Experimental studies can shed a light on subterranean processes generating eruptions, constraining pre- and syn-eruptive physical and chemical key magmatic variables such as pressure, temperature, volatile and crystal content, melt composition and viscosity. A major goal of modern experimental studies is to constrain the physical and chemical parameters of deep magmatic reservoirs, such as those located at Moho-lower crust boundary.
This session invites contributions dealing with the nucleation and growth of minerals, the “fate of pre-existing crystals”, the effects of crystallization kinetics on mineral chemistry as well as the partitioning of trace elements between crystals and melts during high-pressure differentiation and storage of magmas. We particularly encourage submissions on experimental petrology, thermodynamic and geochemical modelling, as well as on field studies.

Convener: Barbara BonechiECSECS | Co-conveners: Cristina Perinelli, Mario Gaeta, Alessandro Fabbrizio
| Wed, 25 May, 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room -2.16

Volcanic settings host a variety of complex and interconnected processes that can significantly control their eruptive behaviour. Magmas can reside at a certain depth in the crust for a relatively long time and erupt almost instantaneously. During the time spent at depth, magmas can evolve via fractional crystallization, mingle and mix with new magmas of deeper origin and interact with the wall rocks, whereas during ascent, decompression typically triggers degassing and crystallization. Both magma chamber and conduit processes play a pivotal role in controlling the geochemical and physical properties of magmas that strongly affect the frequency and style of eruption. As investigation of such processes cannot be performed via direct observations, we analyse the texture and composition of the erupted products to acquire information about magma evolutionary processes and conduit dynamics using a variety of techniques. In addition, we can design experimental setups and numerical simulations aimed at reproducing the natural conditions of magma storage and ascent. In this session we welcome contributions that provide insights into volcanic and igneous plumbing systems (VIPS) dynamics using petrology, volcanology, thermodynamics and modelling tools. We particularly welcome studies that integrate different approaches to unravel magmatic processes and timescales that lead to eruption. Sponsored by IAVCEI VIPS commission, within the AGU-VGP/EGU-GMPV session series.

Co-sponsored by IAVCEI
Convener: Pier Paolo Giacomoni | Co-conveners: Ben Ellis, Francesca Forni, Chiara Maria Petrone, Sivio Mollo
| Tue, 24 May, 13:20–18:27 (CEST)
Room K1

GMPV9 – Volcanic processes

Programme group scientific officers: Marco Viccaro, Andrea Di Muro, Evgenia Ilyinskaya, Brendan McCormick Kilbride


The Fagradalsfjall eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland started on 19 March 2021. It provides a unique opportunity to study all aspects of a low-intensity effusive basaltic eruption in great detail using multidisciplinary approaches. The Fagradalsfjall eruption followed a several-week long period of intense seismicity and deformation associated with formation of the feeding dike. The eruption terminated on September 18, 2021, after producing a lava field covering about 4.5 km2. The eruption progressed through several phases, each characterized by different emission sources, eruptive style, intensities, and associated hazards. The eruption may be representative of the formation of a shield volcano, a process that the scientific community has had limited chances to observe in real time.

We welcome submissions on sustained low-intensity basaltic eruptions including (but not limited to) the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption; their plumbling systems, eruptive products, and impacts. We particularly encourage comparative studies across different regions that may help us to better understand the volcanic processes that are active in the Fagradalsfjall eruption.

Topics may include, for example: physical volcanology of eruptive products and eruptive behavior; lava flow modeling; acoustic studies; petrology; geochemistry and interaction with groundwater; studies of volcanic gases; crustal deformation; seismology; volcano monitoring; social effects; health effects; hazard mitigation; tectonic implications; volcano-tectonic interactions; atmosphere-climate interactions, etc.

Co-organized by AS4/NH2/SM6/TS11
Convener: Halldór Geirsson | Co-conveners: Eva EiblECSECS, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Sara Barsotti, Eniko Bali
| Thu, 26 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48

This session is devoted to the most recent eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, which started on Sept. 19, 2021, on the island of La Palma after 50 years of repose. Volcanic unrest was recorded in Oct. 2017, when a seismic swarm was located at more than 20 km depths. Nine additional swarms followed, the last one was recorded in June 2021. Geochemical anomalies followed this increased seismicity indicating a magmatic recharge at depth. On Sept. 11, 2021, a new seismic swarm was observed at shallower depths (10-12 km), indicating a possible magmatic intrusion. This was confirmed when geodetic monitoring networks on the island started showing clear signs of inflation. The seismicity increased in frequency and intensity with many felt earthquakes. Seismic activity accelerated in the morning of Sept. 19 when a strong shallow earthquake was widely felt on the western part of the island. This was the precursor of the eruption, which started at about 14:10 UTC on the same day. A series of vents opened along a fissure close to Los Llanos on the western flank of Cumbre Vieja volcano. The eruption displayed vigorous lava fountaining and powerful Strombolian explosions while lava effusion produced a compound Aa flow field. The eruption has destroyed hundreds of buildings, plantations as well as cutting vital transport routes.
This session is open to contributions aimed at geological, geophysical, geochemical and volcanological studies of the eruption and its precursors and, more in general, to studies that can help better understanding the eruptive dynamics. We also welcome contributions focused on the management of scientific communication during this crisis and the management of the volcanic emergency.

Co-organized by GI5/NH2
Convener: Luca D Auria | Co-conveners: Carmen López Moreno, Carmen Solana
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:48 (CEST), 13:20–14:50 (CEST), 15:10–16:10 (CEST)
Room D2

Glaciers and volcanoes interact in a number of ways, including instances where volcanic/geothermal activity alters glacier dynamics or mass balance, via subglacial eruptions or the deposition of supraglacial tephra. Glaciers can also impact volcanism, for example by directly influencing mechanisms of individual eruptions resulting in the construction of distinct edifices. Glaciers may also influence patterns of eruptive activity when mass balance changes adjust the load on volcanic systems, the water resources and hydrothermal systems. However, because of the remoteness of many glacio-volcanic environments, these interactions remain poorly understood.
In these complex settings, hazards associated with glacier-volcano interaction can vary from lava flows to volcanic ash, lahars, landslides, pyroclastic flows or glacial outburst floods. These can happen consecutively or simultaneously and affect not only the earth, but also glaciers, rivers and the atmosphere. As accumulating, melting, ripping or drifting glaciers generate signals as well as degassing, inflating/ deflating or erupting volcanoes, the challenge is to study, understand and ultimately discriminate these potentially coexisting signals. We wish to fully include geophysical observations of current and recent events with geological observations and interpretations of deposits of past events. Glaciovolcanoes also often preserve a unique record of the glacial or non-glacial eruptive environment that is capable of significantly advancing our knowledge of how Earth's climate system evolves.
We invite contributions that deal with the mitigation of the hazards associated with ice-covered volcanoes in the Arctic, Antarctic or globally, that improve the understanding of signals generated by ice-covered volcanoes, or studies focused on volcanic impacts on glaciers and vice versa. Research on recent activity is especially welcomed. This includes geological observations e.g. of deposits in the field or remote-sensing data, together with experimental and modelling approaches. We also invite contributions from any part of the world on past activity, glaciovolcanic deposits and studies that address climate and environmental change through glaciovolcanic studies. We aim to bring together scientists from volcanology, glaciology, seismology, geodesy, hydrology, geomorphology and atmospheric science in order to enable a broad discussion and interaction.

Co-organized by CR3/GM7/NH2/SM1, co-sponsored by IACS and IAVCEI
Convener: Eva EiblECSECS | Co-conveners: Iestyn Barr, Adelina Geyer, gioachino roberti
| Fri, 27 May, 08:30–10:00 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48

The session deals with the documentation and modelling of the tectonic, deformation and geodetic features of any type of volcanic area, on Earth and in the Solar System. The focus is on advancing our understanding on any type of deformation of active and non-active volcanoes, on the associated behaviours, and the implications for hazards. We welcome contributions based on results from fieldwork, remote-sensing studies, geodetic and geophysical measurements, analytical, analogue and numerical simulations, and laboratory studies of volcanic rocks.

Studies may be focused at the regional scale, investigating the tectonic setting responsible for and controlling volcanic activity, both along divergent and convergent plate boundaries, as well in intraplate settings. At a more local scale, all types of surface deformation in volcanic areas are of interest, such as elastic inflation and deflation, or anelastic processes, including caldera and flank collapses. Deeper, sub-volcanic deformation studies, concerning the emplacement of intrusions, as sills, dikes and laccoliths, are most welcome.

We also particularly welcome geophysical data aimed at understanding magmatic processes during volcano unrest. These include geodetic studies obtained mainly through GPS and InSAR, as well as at their modelling to imagine sources.

The session includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:

volcanism and regional tectonics;
formation of magma chambers, laccoliths, and other intrusions;
dyke and sill propagation, emplacement, and arrest;
earthquakes and eruptions;
caldera collapse, resurgence, and unrest;
flank collapse;
volcano deformation monitoring;
volcano deformation and hazard mitigation;
volcano unrest;
mechanical properties of rocks in volcanic areas.

Co-organized by G3/NH2/TS11
Convener: Virginie Pinel | Co-conveners: Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Agust Gudmundsson, Sigurjon Jonsson