BG1.3 | Biosphere under ozone, changing aerosols, clouds, and solar radiation modification
Biosphere under ozone, changing aerosols, clouds, and solar radiation modification
Convener: Yuan Zhang | Co-conveners: Inês Vieira, Hans Verbeeck, TC Chakraborty, Mike O'Sullivan, Flossie Brown, Long Cao
| Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall BG
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 14:00
Changes in cloud cover and emissions of natural and anthropogenic aerosols can significantly impact the biosphere through modifying climate (i.e., temperature, precipitation, quantity and quality of surface solar radiation), ozone production, nutrient deposition, etc. Meanwhile, the altered biosphere can further regulate the climate system by affecting mass and energy exchanges between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere through biophysical (altering surface albedo, evapotranspiration, etc.) and biochemical (changing carbon budget) processes. Clouds, aerosols, and interactions with the biosphere remain large sources of uncertainty in our understanding of the drivers of climate change. Thus, accurately describing these processes and feedbacks will help reduce uncertainties in climate projections, inform local to regional air quality control policies and better constrain the impacts of solar radiation modification strategies in geoengineering.

This session also highlights the interactions between tropospheric ozone and the vegetation. Ozone is a secondary pollutant and climate forcing agent. It is well-established that ozone damages vegetation (plant and crop) at concentrations observed in the present-day. This has the potential to change the land carbon budget and reduce crop yields, with further changes possible in the future. Therefore, in the context of climate change, it is essential to accurately measure ozone levels, its precursors, and study the ozone-vegetation interactions that influence the ecosystem carbon cycle.

This session aims to bring together researchers working on the interaction between the biosphere, clouds, aerosols and ozone. We welcome contributions from scientists investigating the mechanisms and quantifying the impacts of cloud-, aerosol- and ozone-induced changes on the biosphere, as well as their feedback to the climate system. We also welcome studies on solar radiation modification, especially those focusing on the biosphere. Studies across scales (local to global), over land or ocean and using various techniques (observational, experimental and modelling) are welcome.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Yuan Zhang, Inês Vieira
On-site presentation
Lingfeng Li, Bo Qiu, Xin Huang, Weidong Guo, Xin Miao, Jiuyi Chen, Yueyang Ni, and Xiaohui Tian

Atmospheric aerosols can scatter and absorb the incident solar radiation, and thus impact the land carbon cycle by perturbating the radiation required for photosynthesis. Atmospheric aerosols inhibit the carbon uptake by terrestrial ecosystems through reducing the total amount of incident radiation, while the increased proportion of diffuse irradiance is known to promote photosynthesis. In the past few decades, with the rapid industrialization and urbanization, China has suffered from frequent haze pollution episodes, which have brought up severe environmental problems and ecological impacts. Here, we use a regional climate model, WRF-Chem, along with the offline driven Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB4) to investigate the impact of aerosol radiation effects on land biosphere carbon uptake capacity. The results show that the current aerosol loading has led to significant decrease in the incident solar radiation in China, which severely suppresses the gross primary production (GPP) and net primary production (NPP). Then, we assessed the influences of stringent emission and pollution control policies on terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes. By comparing the simulation results based on China’s ambitious carbon neutrality policies with the reference scenario with negligible emission control, we found that the carbon neutrality scenario with rigorous pollution control increases the incident solar radiation and thereby enhancing the carbon uptake of land biosphere. Under the current state of aerosol loading, the decrease of total amount of incident radiation dominates the suppression of terrestrial carbon uptake, while aerosol diffuse fertilization effect can only partly offset the inhibition of decreased solar radiation on plant photosynthesis. Our findings improve the understanding of the interactions between aerosol pollution and the land carbon cycle, and suggest an appreciable ecological benefit and a potential terrestrial carbon sink enhancement of stringent emission and pollution control actions.

How to cite: Li, L., Qiu, B., Huang, X., Guo, W., Miao, X., Chen, J., Ni, Y., and Tian, X.: Aerosol-induced radiation effect and the potential influence of stringent emission control on terrestrial carbon uptake in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3775,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kamila Harenda, Krzysztof Markowicz, Patryk Poczta, Iwona Stachlewska, Jędrzej Bojanowski, Bartosz Czernecki, Alasdair Mac Arthur, Dirk Schüttemeyer, and Bogdan Chojnicki

The productivity of terrestrial ecosystems is determined, among other things, by solar radiation and its degree of scattering can increase or reduce it. The intensity of scattering is determined by the optical properties of the atmosphere due to the presence of particles suspended in the atmosphere, i.e. clouds and aerosols. Additionally, the amount of these substances and also the physical properties affect the radiation transfer and thus the plants ability of CO2 absorption. In the presented research, an attempt to quantify the impact of the different types of aerosols presence in the atmosphere on the amount of gross ecosystem production (GEP) in a transitional peatland in northwestern Poland was made. Three classes of cloudiness were assumed in the simulations: cloudless, medium and full cloud conditions, and an atmosphere-ecosystem model was used to assess the peatland productivity under these conditions. It was found that changes in the physical parameters of aerosols in the atmosphere can both increase and decrease the amount of CO2 uptake by peatlands by up to 8.2% and 6%, respectively. Thus, the research is extremely relevant to the global carbon balance, as peatlands are one of the largest reservoirs of organic carbon in the biosphere.

How to cite: Harenda, K., Markowicz, K., Poczta, P., Stachlewska, I., Bojanowski, J., Czernecki, B., Mac Arthur, A., Schüttemeyer, D., and Chojnicki, B.: Can the atmospheric aerosol impact on the functioning of a peatland?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12046,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bin Wang and Xu Yue

Both the quantity and quality of radiation could be altered by aerosols and cloud, and thus changing ecosystem carbon and water fluxes, as well as their coupling relationship. Although the importance of radiation quantity to ecosystems has been well studied, how radiation quality (characterized by diffuse radiation fraction, the proportion of diffuse to total radiation, Kd) affects ecosystem carbon and water cycles remains unclear due to the lack of diffuse radiation observations. In this work, taking advantage of a newly derived Kd dataset, we comprehensively explored the impact of Kd on ecosystem carbon uptake (net ecosystem exchange, NEE), carbon flux (gross primary production, GPP), water flux (evapotranspiration, ET), and water-use efficiency (GPP/ET, WUE) based on measurements at 201 global FLUXNET sites. We found that diffuse radiation is more efficient to improve NEE, GPP and ET than direct radiation at the same radiation level for all vegetation types, leading to increased ecosystem carbon uptake and water loss with Kd at the low and middle Kd levels. Furthermore, the enhancement of GPP is stronger than ET, leading to improved ecosystem WUE by diffuse radiation. By separating radiation into diffuse and direct components, we found that diffuse radiation is the most important factor for GPP, while ET is more dominated by direct radiation, indicating the complex process underlying the response of WUE to changes in Kd. This research helps improve our understandings of the responses of ecosystem carbon and water cycle to aerosol/cloud changes.

How to cite: Wang, B. and Yue, X.: Relationships between radiation quality and ecosystem carbon and water fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17190,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Daniel Harrison

For over 30 years scientists and engineers have theoretically pondered whether it was possible to mitigate global warming by atomising seawater over the ocean in a bid to favourably manipulate aerosol-cloud-radiation processes. Given the current plight of the coral ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef, marine cloud brightening is under considereation as a regional strategy to reduce environmental stress on coral reefs during marine heatwaves. Atmospheric, biogeochemical and ecological modelling suggest that the potential exists to reduce light and thermal stress during marine heatwaves causing coral bleaching. Results from recent field campaigns, the first to empirically test the concept of marine cloud brightening, support the foundational assumptions. From its inception the research program has involved consultation and participation of indigenous traditional custodians of the reef and has proceeded within the regulatory oversight of one of the world’s most actively managed marine estates. This talk will give an overview of the Australian research program including the scientific basis which underpins it and a summary of the most recent results and future directions.

How to cite: Harrison, D.: Marine cloud brightening, could it mitigate coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17057,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Matthew Henry, Jim Haywood, and Andy Jones

Solar climate intervention using Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is a proposed method of reducing global-mean temperatures to temporarily offset some of the effects of global warming while we cut greenhouse gas emissions and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. While the scientific, moral, and ethical questions surrounding solar geoengineering are undoubtedly complex, rigorous and unbiased information on its advantages and pitfalls will help us make better decisions in the future. Recent research has shown that some of the negative physical side-effects of SAI can be moderated by designing a better intervention strategy. I will present a comparison between a previously published ensemble of climate model simulations using the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) and a new ensemble using the United Kingdom Earth System Model 1 (UKESM1). This set of simulations is based on a moderate greenhouse gas emission scenario and start injection of stratospheric aerosols in year 2035 to keep the global-mean surface temperature at 1.5 degrees above preindustrial. The injection occurs at four different latitudes and a controller algorithm is used to maintain the latitudinal gradient and inter-hemispheric difference in surface temperature, thus moderating the side effects of previous injection methods. We compare the behavior of the algorithm between the two models, as well as the climate response, with a particular focus on tropical precipitation.

How to cite: Henry, M., Haywood, J., and Jones, A.: Towards a better understanding of the physical risks and tradeoffs of solar geoengineering., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12811,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lisa Emberson, Sam Bland, Pritha Pande, Jo Cook, Nathan Booth, and Divya Pandey

Ozone pollution and climate change are extremely likely to threaten future crop production in important agricultural regions around the World with the Mediterranean, South and East Asia and mid-West US being particularly at risk with implications for food security. Modelling methods used to assess risk of ozone pollution have developed in recent years away from empirical approaches based on dose-response relationships towards more process-based models. The DO3SE-Crop model has developed from an ozone deposition and effects model (having used flux-response relationships to assess damage) to a crop model capable of assessing the effect of ozone on photosynthesis and carbon allocation. Working within the AgMIP-ozone activity, DO3SE-Crop has been calibrated and evaluated against experimental ozone fumigation datasets for wheat cultivars from Spain (Mediterranean Europe), China and India and is able to assess the influence of climate variables on crop growth and yield as well as the effect of ozone on instantaneous photosynthesis and senescence. We find that the ozone effect on senescence is the primary determinant for yield loss in wheat. We are further developing the model to assess ozone effects on nutritional quality since we know that ozone is an important limiter of translocation of nitrogen to the grains. The establishment of DO3SE-Crop will allow assessments of the future impacts resulting form the combined effects of ozone and climate change on supply and nutritional aspects of food security. Importantly, this can include an assessment of the yield improvements between current and near- to mid-term future conditions for a range of adaptation options proposed for wheat in response to climate change including management of irrigation, growing season and development of new varieties from crop breeding with targeted physiological traits such as enhanced gas exchange and improved water use efficiency.

How to cite: Emberson, L., Bland, S., Pande, P., Cook, J., Booth, N., and Pandey, D.: Understanding the combined effects of ozone pollution and climate change on crop yield and nutritional quality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17374,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Liangke Liu, Guannan Geng, Junting Zhong, Yuxi Liu, Qingyang Xiao, Xiaoye Zhang, and Qiang Zhang

Air pollution is one of the most important environmental problems in China. As a major air pollutant, ozone (O3) will endanger human health and terrestrial ecosystems. It is of great practical significance to obtain a continuous full-coverage dataset of ozone with high spatio-temporal resolution to conduct mechanism research from its causes, development, diffusion, impact and other aspects. In this study, a 3-stage machine learning model was developed through multiple data fusion, and the LightGBM method is used to obtain the hourly spatio-temporal distribution dataset of the O3 concentration in China from 2013 to 2020, with a resolution of 0.25 °× 0.25°. We first revise the meteorological reanalysis data using ground observation and propose a data fusion algorithm to achieve the ground level distribution of ozone, which combines ground observation of pollutants, population data, revised reanalysis meteorological conditions, reanalysis of radiation, land and vegetation data, emission inventory and results of chemical transport model simulation.  In addition, due to the common phenomenon that the previous prediction models underestimate the extreme value of the pollution periods,therefore, we redefined the heavy pollution event and assimilated it into the 0.25 grid by using the synthetic minimum oversampling technique (SMOTE) method to improve the model performance during the extreme pollution periods.

Our model, with the 10-fold CV result of R2 = 71% and RMSE= 25.1μg·m-3, and our hourly O3 concentration results are spatially and spatially continuous with a similar distribution compare to the observation, which proves the reliability of our model. With higher time resolution, various exposure response indicators can be obtained. AOT40 calculated by high-resolution hourly ozone concentration further, which is far more accurate than it when directly predicted by daily indexs modeling.

In addition, based on the distribution of AOT40, we assessed the agricultural damage and ecological damage caused by the change of surface ozone pollution during 2013-2020. Our estimation considered the planting area and phenological period of crops that the overestimation of crop RYL in the region can be avoided. The annual avrage production loss of wheat, rice and maize in China from 2013 to 2020 is 55.0, 57.4 and 23.6 Mt, respectively. Besides, The loss of gross primary productivity was also estimated. During 2013-2020, the ozone pollution in China caused an annual average loss of 2.1%, and the loss in the south was much higher than that in the north.

How to cite: Liu, L., Geng, G., Zhong, J., Liu, Y., Xiao, Q., Zhang, X., and Zhang, Q.: Near Real-Time Distribution of Ozone in China from 2013 to 2020 and Agricultural Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6562,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stephen Sitch, Alexander W Cheesman, Flossie Brown, Paulo Artaxo, Lucas A Cernusak, Gerd Folberth, Felicity Hayes, Tim Hill, Lina Mercado, and Johan Uddling

Tropospheric ozone (O3) reduces plant productivity by entering leaves, generating reactive oxygen species and causing oxidative stress which in turn increases respiration, decreases photosynthesis, plant growth, biomass accumulation, and consequently reduces the land carbon sink. Tropical forests are potentially most vulnerable to future O3 scenarios given their high productivity, generally high stomatal conductance and environmental conditions conducive to O3 uptake (eg precursor emissions during biomass burning).

Here we present the first comprehensive set of measurements of O3 effects on plant physiology and biomass accumulation in tropical forests. We exposed twelve tropical tree species to elevated O3 concentrations in Open Top Chambers (OTCs) based at the James Cook University O3 experimental facility in Cairns, Australia, from which we generate O3 dose-response functions for each species. We test the importance of Leaf Mass per unit Area (LMA) as an indicator of O3 sensitivity.

We use these relationships to parameterize the global land-surface model JULES, and apply the model over the pan-tropical region using contemporary near-surface O3 concentration fields. For the first time we quantify the impact of O3 on contemporary tropical productivity.

How to cite: Sitch, S., Cheesman, A. W., Brown, F., Artaxo, P., Cernusak, L. A., Folberth, G., Hayes, F., Hill, T., Mercado, L., and Uddling, J.: Ozone impacts on tropical forest productivity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15707,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yimian Ma, Xu Yue, Stephen Sitch, Nadine Unger, Johan Uddling, Lina Mercado, Cheng Gong, and Zhaozhong Feng

A major limitation in modeling global O3 vegetation damage has long been the reliance on empirical O3 sensitivity parameters derived from a limited number of species and applied at the level of plant functional types (PFTs), which ignore the large interspecific variations within the same PFT. Here, we present a major advance in large-scale assessments of O3 plant injury by linking the trait leaf mass per area (LMA) and plant O3 sensitivity in a broad and global perspective. Application of the new approach and a global LMA map in a dynamic global vegetation model reasonably represents the observed interspecific responses to O3 with a unified sensitivity parameter for all plant species. Simulations suggest a contemporary global mean reduction of 4.8% in gross primary productivity by O3, with a range of 1.1%-12.6% for varied PFTs. Hotspots with damages > 10% are found in agricultural areas in the eastern U.S., western Europe, eastern China, and India, accompanied by moderate to high levels of surface O3. Furthermore, we reveal an inherent plant sensitivity spectrum for O3 which is highly linked with plant leaf trait trade-off strategy, revealing high risks for fast-growing species with low LMA, such as crops, grasses and deciduous trees.

How to cite: Ma, Y., Yue, X., Sitch, S., Unger, N., Uddling, J., Mercado, L., Gong, C., and Feng, Z.: Trait-based ozone plant sensitivity to assess global vegetation damage risks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3823,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pritha Pande, Sam Bland, Nathan Booth, Jo Cook, and Lisa Emberson

The impact of elevated ozone concentration on crop yield, like wheat, plays a significant role yet is poorly studied in Asian countries like China and India. We have developed, calibrated, and tested a mechanistic photosynthetic-stomatal conductance canopy model (DO3SE-crop) with an integrated ozone module (Anet-gsto+O3) for the region of Xiaoji, China. The key component of the model development involves phenology, leaf scale processes, leaf-to-canopy upscaling, and carbon allocation. The calibrated model for Xiaoji simulated the difference in yield losses for ambient and elevated ozone treatments for the years 2008 for four cultivars (Y2, Y15, Y16, Y19), ranging from 21-24%, compared with the observed dataset, giving R2 of 0.74 and RMSE of 0.003. The model was tested for 2009 and gave yield losses of 24-27%, with R2 of 0.60 and RMSE of 0.12, against the observed dataset. Further, our findings suggest that the difference in yield loss is due to the early decline in carbon assimilation in elevated treatment.This happens because of the early senescence in elevated treatment, which brings leaf senescence forward by 9-11 days.

How to cite: Pande, P., Bland, S., Booth, N., Cook, J., and Emberson, L.: The development and application of a mechanistic photosynthetic-stomatal conductance canopy model (DO3SE-crop), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10119,, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Yuan Zhang, Inês Vieira
Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi, Christopher Lennard, Izidine Pinto, Romaric Odoulami, Piotr Wiolski, Simone Tilmes, and TEMITOPE SAMUEL EGBEBIYI

Cropland suitability, a process of evaluating the capability of a piece of land in relation to the growing conditions of a given crop, is highly essential for agricultural planning. Projected changes in the future climate are expected to significantly affect the agricultural sector, notably agricultural production which include cropland suitability. Although, previous studies have shown Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), which involves the injection of sulfur into the stratosphere to reduce insolation of the sun and cool the planet, could mitigate the impact of climate change (hereafter GHG) on agricultural production, however there is still a lack of understanding on how Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) intervention (an SRM technique) will affect cropland suitability in West Africa. The present study examines the impact of GHG and SAI on Legumes (Cowpea, Soyabean and Groundnut) and Root and Tuber (Cassava, Potato and Yam) suitability and planting season over West Africa. The Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensembles (GLENS) simulation for the historical, GHG and SAI experiments for the period 1980-2009 and 2060-2089. Ecocrop, a crop suitability model was used to investigate the impact of GHG and SAI on the over West Africa owing to their economic importance to the region. Our findings shows while SAI offset the impact of GHG on temperature it leads to a reduction in rainfall over West Africa. Crop suitability decreases northwards over the region. SAI intervention will lead to an increase (over 12%) in highly suitable area for Cassava and Potato compared to GHG but leads to 3% decrease compared to historical period. In contrast, SAI results in decrease (6%) in suitable area for Legumes when compared to GHG impact over West Africa. In addition, SAI intervention will lead to a 1-2month early planting season for all legumes crops and Yam over West Africa but delay of about 2months for Cassava and Potato. The study will assist to improve our understanding on SAI intervention at mitigating GHG impact on Legumes and Root & Tuber crop production over West Africa. It will also help inform policy maker in their decision making of adaptation strategies to ensure food security and zero hunger and healthy nutrition in West Africa.

How to cite: Egbebiyi, T. S., Lennard, C., Pinto, I., Odoulami, R., Wiolski, P., Tilmes, S., and EGBEBIYI, T. S.: How will Solar Radiation Modification affect Cropland Suitability in West Africa?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-703,, 2023.

Yuan Zhang, Philippe Ciais, Laurent Li, and Olivier Boucher

Atmospheric aerosols can strongly affect vegetation through their cooling effect and changing diffuse radiation. The changes of vegetation further alter the climate through biophysical and biochemical feedbacks. Previous studies either investigate aerosol impacts in offline simulations to understand the vegetation response, or in fully coupled simulations to quantify the full impacts on the climate, including through atmospheric physics. So far there has been no experiment designed to separate the aerosol-induced vegetation-climate feedback from the aerosol impact itself. Existing studies on vegetation-climate feedbacks (not necessarily due to aerosol) often prescribe vegetation properties, so that the climate altered by vegetation can no longer affect the vegetation, leading to an incomplete feedback estimation. To quantify the full vegetation-climate feedback due to aerosols, we propose a new modeling framework in coupled Earth system models (ESM). In this new framework, the atmosphere module simulates the climate under both preindustrial and historical aerosol scenarios at each time step. The climates simulated under the two scenarios are both passed to the land surface module. All processes in the land surface module are separated into an organic (vegetation, part of soil) and an inorganic (energy budget, hydrology) part. The organic part is driven by the preindustrial aerosol climate, while the inorganic part is driven by the historical aerosol climate and affected by the organic part. The land surface processes provide the feedback variables for atmosphere to simulate the next time step. The feedback can be evaluated by comparing this experiment to fully coupled simulations under preindustrial and historical aerosol scenarios. Here we first introduce this framework and apply it to IPSL-CM6A-LR ESM. This new framework can have more general usages and provide opportunities to understand the land surface feedbacks in the Earth system.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Ciais, P., Li, L., and Boucher, O.: A new modeling method to quantify aerosol-induced vegetation-climate biophysical feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7323,, 2023.

Inês Vieira, Félicien Meunier, Stephen Sitch, Flossie Brown, Giacomo Gerosa, Ivan Janssens, Pascal Boeckx, Marijn Bauters, and Hans Verbeeck

Tropospheric Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant with a positive radiative forcing and many negative effects on air quality, human health and ecosystems at different scales. In fact, O3 acts as a strong oxidant in plants, negatively impacting many cellular and molecular processes, such as modifying rubisco activity, reducing stomatal conductance and inducing early leaf senescence. Furthermore, when the O3 levels at the surface are high (typically above 40 ppb), these combined effects may decrease the photosynthetic carbon gains, mainly detectable at the leaf level but also important at the tree and stand scales. In this study, we intend to evaluate the effects of O3 on Gross Primary Production (GPP) at four European forest sites (Belgium, France and Italy) using local measurements, both for O3, eddy-covariance (GPP) and meteorological variables (including air temperature (TA), relative humidity (RH), vapour pressure deficit (VPD), short-wave radiation (SW), wind and precipitation). We first applied a series of statistical analyses to identify the impact of O3 and meteorological variables on GPP for each site. In a second step, we used a process-based model that simulates GPP using the Farquhar equations parameterised for each site to quantify O3-induced GPP reductions. Our results showed that the dominant meteo factor is site dependent. The SW appears to be the most important variable for predicting GPP at all sites, contrary to TA and VPD. The Belgium and Italian sites show a correlation of 0.51(0.55) for TA and 0.38(0.48) for VPD, respectively. Whereas in the French site, the TA correlation of 0.55 exceeds the VPD correlation of 0.38. Consequently, the GPP reduction varies along the different sites. This study shows the necessity of long-term monitoring datasets to understand better the O3 impacts at several ecosystems combined with process-based models.


How to cite: Vieira, I., Meunier, F., Sitch, S., Brown, F., Gerosa, G., Janssens, I., Boeckx, P., Bauters, M., and Verbeeck, H.: Multi-site analysis of the impact of surface ozone on European forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9331,, 2023.

Flossie Brown, Stephen Sitch, Gerd Folberth, and Alexander W. Cheesman

Fire emissions include the ozone precursor NOx, which is often the limiting precursor in remote locations such as the tropical forests. In fact, interannual variability in tropical fire activity, which depends on meteorology and human activity, is highly correlated with variability in surface ozone concentration over the tropics. Additionally, drought years in Asia and South America show consistently higher fire activity and surface ozone concentrations compared to years without droughts. Since surface ozone is known to decrease plant productivity, higher ozone concentrations during drought events may reduce strength of the land carbon sink. On the other hand, drought events may protect plants from ozone damage by causing a decrease in stomatal conductance. Thus, the net impact will be the balance of these opposing effects, and will likely vary by region. As climate change may increase the frequency of drought events in the tropics, an understanding of present-day relationships between drought events, fire activity and surface ozone concentrations will help inform of current and future risks of plant-ozone damage in the tropics.

Using climate model predictions of surface ozone concentration from 1996 – 2015, we show that annual mean ozone concentrations over the Amazon are up to 10 ppb higher during drought years compared to years without drought due to variability in fire activity. We then use a land surface model to show that net primary productivity loss due to plant-ozone damage in the Amazon is largest during drought years at the basin scale. The majority of the productivity loss occurs around the arc of deforestation in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas a reduction in stomatal conductance protects the Northern Hemisphere Amazon from ozone damage during drought years. Given that the interannual variability in carbon lost from plant-ozone damage is predicted to be of similar magnitude to that from direct fire emission (~ 200 Tg C), we highlight a need to consider plant sensitivity to ozone, especially for agriculture and secondary forests in the arc of deforestation. 

How to cite: Brown, F., Sitch, S., Folberth, G., and Cheesman, A. W.: Interannual variability in ozone damage to tropical forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15314,, 2023.

Alexander Cheesman, Flossie Brown, Rafael Ribero, Gerd Folberth, Felicity Hayes, Barbara Moura, Elena Paoletti, Yasutomo Hoshika, Lucas Cernusak, Colin Osborne, and Stephen Sitch

Sugarcane a vitally important crop across many tropical and subtropical regions. São Paulo (SP) state, Brazil the largest single regional producer of both raw sugar and the production of bioethanol has experienced large-scale conversion of pasture to sugarcane production in recent decades. This predominantly rain-fed agricultural area is exposed to seasonal drought and periodic high tropospheric ozone (O3) pollution at levels known elsewhere to be detrimental to plant productivity. Given the large current extent, and planned expansion of sugarcane production to meet global demand for ‘green’ biofuels there is a pressing need to characterize the risk of current tropospheric O3 to the sugarcane industry. This is a key step towards limiting the O3 yield gap under future climate and land use change scenarios. In this study, we therefore sought to a) derive realistic sugarcane O3 dose response functions across a full range of O3 exposure and b) model the implications of this observed O3 response across the globally important production area of SE Brazil.

We found a significant and substantial impact of O3 on a range of sugarcane cultivars, including a number of commercially relevant varieties. When combined with biologically relevant predictions of O3 exposure across Brazil this allows us to predict the current regional impact of O3 on sugarcane production. We find that up to 25 million tonnes of total crop productivity a year may be lost across São Paulo alone due to the direct impacts of O3 exposure – but that substantial differences in O3 sensitivity of different cultivars highlights the need for future work to elucidate the true impacts of O3 in this important tropical cropping system.

How to cite: Cheesman, A., Brown, F., Ribero, R., Folberth, G., Hayes, F., Moura, B., Paoletti, E., Hoshika, Y., Cernusak, L., Osborne, C., and Sitch, S.: Characterizing the O3 yield gap in the sugarcane production of SE Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14543,, 2023.

Barbara Baesso Moura, Jacopo Manzini, Yasutomo Hoshika, and Elena Paoletti

Ozone (O3) is a toxic oxidative air pollutant with significant detrimental effects on natural vegetation and crop species. Free-air controlled exposure (FACE) facilities provide an ideal tool for O3 effect studies, producing realistic results. The O3 Free-Air Controlled Exposure (FO3X - FACE) facility, located in Sesto Fiorentino, Italy, and established in 2015, is an AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) European research platform. The facility permits the exposure of plants to three levels of O3 concentrations (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 times the ambient concentration, denoted as AA, x1.5AA, x2.0AA, respectively), with main environmental variables continuously monitored. Over the years, the accumulated exposure over 40 ppb hourly concentrations (AOT40) was calculated and used as an exposure-based O3 index. The stomatal conductance (gsto) model, based on the multiplicative algorithm, was used to parameterize the gsto of 12 species (7 deciduous: Oxford poplar, Quercus robur, Quercus pubescens, Sorbus aucuparia, Alnus glutinosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, I-214 poplar, and 5 evergreens: Quercus ilex, Phillyrea angustifolia, Arbutus unedo, Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea), in order to calculate the hourly stomatal O3 flux (Fst), and thus the phytotoxic O3 dose above an hourly threshold y of uptake (y = 1, POD1) used as a flux-based O3 index. Our studies have evaluated the effect of O3 in gas exchange parameters as light-saturated photosynthesis (Asat / R2 POD1 = 0.46 vs. AOT40 = 0.20) and stomatal conductance (gsto /R2 POD1 = 0.18 vs. AOT40 = 0.18), as well as for the induction of specific visible foliar injury (VFI / R2 POD1 =0.40 vs. AOT40 = 0.32) and biomass loss (Bloss / R2 POD1 = 0.50 vs. AOT40 = 0.22). We demonstrate that species-specific flux-based O3 index POD1 is more relevant compared to the exposure-based O3 index AOT40, showing the importance of comprehending the mechanism of O3 damage to plants after the uptake through stomata. Our research has also been improving the derivation of experimentally based critical levels (CLs) for the protection of forests and crops vegetation from O3 damage.

How to cite: Baesso Moura, B., Manzini, J., Hoshika, Y., and Paoletti, E.: Ozone damage in plants: 7 years of study in a free-air experimental facility (FO3X), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5157,, 2023.

Zhihui Lin
The water- food- energy nexus (WFE) plays a key role in achieving sustainable development. In this study, we systematically analyzed the concept of the WFE nexus and review its recent progress. We found that the academic communities have not reached a unanimous understanding of the concept of the WFE nexus and research framework. The evaluation methodology of the WFE nexus presents a transition from the traditional sectoral research paradigm to the human-environment system paradigm that considers the intersection of natural science and social science. These methods can also be grouped into three categories:an evaluation based on a critical process, an evaluation based on the whole system, and a comprehensive evaluation that involves coupling the internal and external elements of the WFE nexus. A bibliometric analysis shows that the number of research papers concerning the WFE nexus increased exponentially during 2000 to 2019, and the increase was particularly significant after 2015. Environmental science, food science, and nutrition science are the three main disciplines in WFE nexus research. More important, we need to strengthen the application of geography thinking, that is, comprehensive and systematic thinking, to study the WFE nexus in the future. Based on the literature review, we found that existing research lacked a quantitative understanding of the mutual feedback among the WFE nexus and its evolution.Therefore, we suggest the following five priority areas for future research: establishing a multi-source database of the WFE nexus, revealing the mutual feedback mechanism of the WFE nexus, developing a coupling model of the WFE nexus, establishing a decision- making platform for the WFE nexus, and promoting the collaboration of multiple sectors related to the WFE nexus. This will help to achieve a synergetic sustainable development of the WFE nexus through system governance and scientific management.

How to cite: Lin, Z.: Water-food-energy nexus: Progress, challenges and prospect, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5313,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall BG

Distinguishing the impacts of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on global gross primary productivity through diffuse fertilization effect
Hao Zhou and Xu Yue