OS2.4 | Tides and Storm Surges
Tides and Storm Surges
Co-organized by NH5
Convener: Sanne Muis | Co-conveners: Michael Hart-Davis, Joanne Williams, Sophie-Berenice Wilmes, Friederike Pollmann
| Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.34
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X4
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 16:15
Storm surges and tides are important drivers of coastal hazards, including flooding, erosion, and other impacts. They interact with each other, as well as with other coastal processes. Energy from the surface tide is also converted to internal tides, driving ocean processes. Both storm surges and tides show large seasonal and decadal variations. They are influenced by sea-level rise and climate change, and local anthropogenic changes such as dredging and alterations to estuaries. Flood defenses need to be designed and operated allowing for increasingly frequent coastal flooding due to sea-level rise, whilst understanding of tide and surge events is also critical for tidal energy generation. Changes in stratification may alter internal tides dynamics in coastal and global regions. This calls for an improved understanding of long-term trends and sea-level interactions. More precision is required of water level forecasts up estuaries and tidal rivers. Both observations (in-situ measurements and remote sensing) and models (numerical and data-driven) are important tools in understanding how storm surges and tide vary across space and time.

The aim of this session to share innovative approaches and recent advancements in understanding these complex processes and their implications for coastal regions globally. We welcome contributions that i) present novel approaches in measurement, numerical and empirical modelling of (surface and internal) tides and storm surges; ii) enhance our understanding of drivers of extreme sea level events and/or their interactions; iii) investigate the influence of past climate variability on storm surges, surface and internal tides, and their long-term variability; or iv) develop future projections of storm surges and tides and the impact of climate change.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 1.34

Chairpersons: Joanne Williams, Michael Hart-Davis
Virtual presentation
Karen Palmer, Christopher Watson, Hannah Power, and John Hunter

Globally, the frequency of high tide exceedances is increasing with sea level rise. However, the rate of mean sea level (MSL) alone is not enough for estimating changes in coastal flooding. Understanding the drivers of changing exceedance frequency must also factor in additional contributions from tides and surges, accounting for the importance of local variability and interactions. Our novel Joint Probability of Maxima Method represents these complex processes nonparametrically, efficiently enabling the estimation of exceedance thresholds at user defined average recurrence intervals (ARIs). We compared exceedance levels between two recent 19-year epochs for 166 widely distributed coastal tide gauge sites, at 1, 5, and 10 year ARIs. We then quantified the specific contributions of MSL, tide, and skew surge components to the net changes in exceedance levels in metric terms, relating them directly to the height of coastal protections. Our approach demonstrates that high water exceedance levels are, on average, increasing more than MSL alone, and that changing exceedance frequency can depend significantly on local characteristics of sea level variability. On average, exceedance frequency doubled over the epochs assessed.

How to cite: Palmer, K., Watson, C., Power, H., and Hunter, J.: Counting the contributions of tides and surges to changing coastal flooding, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14262, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14262, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anna Adell, Aart Kroon, Björn Almström, and Caroline Hallin

The October 2023 storm surge, denoted Babet, caused severe flooding and unprecedented damage along the southwestern Baltic Sea coasts. The beginning of October 2023 was dominated by several westerly low-pressure systems over the Baltic Sea region. The abundance of westerly winds pushed water into the Baltic Sea basin through the Danish straits resulting in elevated water levels of +50 cm above normal in the basin. Around the 18th of October the wind direction shifted from west to north and subsequently to east while also increasing in intensity, with mean wind speeds of 25 m/s and gusts exceeding 30 m/s. This gave strong wind setup in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea and the strong winds generated large waves as well as increasing the water levels further. Notably, the area experienced the most extreme storm conditions in over a century with the storm peak was reached during the night between the 20th to 21st October.

We present a study with results of the numerical model simulation using SWAN set up for the southwestern part to the Baltic Sea basin. The simulation combines the wave conditions derived from wind forcing and observed water levels from a network of observation gauges. These levels are compared to historical event statistics from an existing long-term hindcast model of wave climate conditions for the region. Finally, the results of storm surge levels are assessed in relation to observed flooding and erosion impact on natural coastal areas and impact to existing coastal protection.

How to cite: Adell, A., Kroon, A., Almström, B., and Hallin, C.: Combination of Extreme Water Levels and Waves in a Semi-enclosed Sea: Reconstruction of the Baltic Sea 2023 Storm Surge (Babet), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10476, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10476, 2024.

On-site presentation
Elke M.I. Meyer and Lidia Gaslikova

Severe storm tides are one of the main hazards for the German coast. Understanding the development of storm tides and the resulting water levels supports decision-making. We have used a hydrodynamic model to simulate several of the highest observed storm tide events for the locations Norderney, Cuxhaven and Husum (German Bight). The hydrodynamic model is forced by atmospheric (century) reanalysis data (20CR-ensembles, ERA5 and UERRA-HARMONIE) and FES-tides.  In general, the simulations of the severe storms with tracks over Scandinavia and a strong wind gradient over the North Sea show better peak water level results and lower variability compared with more southerly storms with storm tracks over the North Sea. However, the highest observed water level in the German Bight could not be simulated with any of the considered atmospheric forcings. The individual weather situations with the corresponding storm tracks are analysed in order to better understand their different effects on the peak storm tides, their variability and their predictability.

How to cite: Meyer, E. M. I. and Gaslikova, L.: How good are simulations of historical severe storm tides forced by atmospheric reanalysis products in the German Bight?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14664, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14664, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cornelis Slobbe, Henrique Guarneri, and Martin Verlaan

To exploit the wealth of satellite radar altimeter data in calibrating the regional, high-resolution 2D tide-surge Dutch Continental Shelf Model version 7 (DCSM) model covering the northeast Atlantic including the North Sea and Wadden Sea requires an approach that can be applied to the separate water level variability contributors. In this study, we aim to improve DCSM's ability in representing the low-frequency water level variability by assimilating data acquired by the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason (TPJ) satellites. This variability, caused by physical processes not included in the model’s governing equations or forcing terms, is a major source of errors in the operational forecasting of water levels. To validate the impact of the data assimilation, we used i) S3-derived water levels acquired over the southern North Sea and Wadden Sea that were produced in the context of ESA’s HYDROCOASTAL project, and ii) tide gauge records required at 149 locations throughout the DCSM model domain. The results show that the impact of the assimilation is substantial. At the tide gauge locations, the median SD of the residual monthly-mean water levels reduced from 6.2 cm to 2.8. The impact cannot be assessed from the HYDROCOASTAL data. The most likely explanation is the fact that these data are still impacted by the tidal errors in the DCSM-derived tide-surge water levels.

How to cite: Slobbe, C., Guarneri, H., and Verlaan, M.: Exploiting the wealth of satellite radar altimeter data to calibrate regional, high-resolution hydrodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19556, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19556, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simon Barbot, Lucia Pineau-Guillou, and Jean-Marc Delouis

Storm surges events are investigated using the ECHAR method, which identify and quantify the different dynamical structures of a typical storm surge event. In the North Atlantic, analysis of 65 tide gauges revealed that storm surge events display 2 majors and 2 minors structures, each of them corresponding to specific ocean dynamics. The 2 major structures refer to a slow-time Gaussian structure, lasting around 24 days, associated with the impact of the atmospheric pressure and a fast-time Laplace structure, lasting around 1.4 days, mainly wind-driven. The absence of the Gaussian structure along the North America coasts is explained by storms of smaller spatial extension, compared to Europe. Concerning the minor structures, a negative  surge of around 6 cm just after the peak surge is observed over North America only. Such a sudden drop of the sea level is explained by the turning winds during the storm event, favored by the smaller spatial extension of storms. Finally, high frequency oscillations, with amplitude typically of 3 cm and up to 25 cm, are observed at some tide gauges. These oscillations refer to tide-surge interactions they are often maximum at a specific phase of the tide and/or enhanced because of resonant basins.

How to cite: Barbot, S., Pineau-Guillou, L., and Delouis, J.-M.: Storm surge events and associated dynamics in the North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10223, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10223, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alisée A. Chaigneau, Melisa Menéndez, Marta Ramírez-Pérez, and Alexandra Toimil

Coastal zones are increasingly threatened by extreme sea level (ESL) events. Storm surges (i.e. sea level variations due to meteorological drivers) are one of the most hazardous components of ESLs, especially in regions prone to tropical cyclones. This study aims to explore factors affecting the performance of numerical modeling in simulating storm surges induced by hurricanes. The focus is on the tropical Atlantic region, covering the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

Several historical hurricanes causing severe coastal impacts are simulated. The skill of the simulations to reproduce the storm surge contribution to ESLs is evaluated against recorded values from tide-gauge stations. The modeled peak surge maxima and the hourly time series are analyzed during these extreme events.

The factors explored in this study encompass the numerical model, oceanic and atmospheric forcings, physical parameterizations, spatial resolution, and baroclinic/barotropic modes.

Two ocean models (ADCIRC and NEMO) are intercompared using a similar configuration: domain, spatial resolution (~9 km), bathymetry and barotropic mode. The sensitivity of the atmospheric forcings is assessed by comparing storm surges induced by ERA5 reanalysis data and parametric wind models usually applied for hurricanes (e.g. Dynamic Holland Model, Generalized Asymmetrical Holland Model). The effect on storm surge due to non-linear interactions with the astronomical tide and variations in mean sea level is also investigated, as well as the sensitivity to different wind stress schemes. In addition, the baroclinic contribution to ESLs is studied using a configuration with 75 vertical levels. Finally, the role of the spatial resolution on the modeled storm surges is evaluated with a high-resolution domain of about 500 m in coastal areas.

The analysis of the numerical experiments reveals some interesting insights. ADCIRC and NEMO can simulate storm surges due to tropical cyclones in a similar way compared to tide gauges. In general, the ERA5 forcing outperforms the various parametric wind models for storm surge modeling, in terms of maximum values, correlation, and duration of extreme events. Non-linear interactions of tides and mean sea level with storm surges have minimal contribution in the storm surges induced by hurricane events. However, the baroclinic response significantly improves the storm surge estimations in some coastal areas (e.g. along the southeastern Florida peninsula). 

All the authors would like to thank the Government of Cantabria through the FENIX Project GFLOOD.

How to cite: Chaigneau, A. A., Menéndez, M., Ramírez-Pérez, M., and Toimil, A.: Evaluating the numerical modeling of storm surges induced by hurricanes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2109, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2109, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Loren Carrere, Michel Tchilibou, Florent Lyard, Clément Ubelmann, and Gérald Dibarboure

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) altimetry mission launched in 2022 makes 2D observations of sea surface height (SSH) using SAR radar interferometric techniques.  Compared to previous altimetry missions, SWOT extends SSH observations to 15-30 km and offers opportunities to understand better ocean dynamic processes such as mesoscale, sub mesoscale and internal tides (IT).

     This study based on SWOT observations during the Calval (1-day orbit, from mid-March to mid-July) period gives insight into the capability of SWOT to observe IT.  We analyzed the SWOT tracks crossing the Brazilian coast around the Amazon shelf.  The results show that SWOT IT observations in this region are made up of mode 1 and mode 2 but also of strong higher mode (50-2 km).  The M2 coherent IT model deduced from SWOT presents the same spatial distribution as the M2 model from Zaron et al., 2019.  Over this period, the rate of incoherent internal tidal is over 0.5 for modes 1 and 2 and almost 0.9 for higher modes.

How to cite: Carrere, L., Tchilibou, M., Lyard, F., Ubelmann, C., and Dibarboure, G.: What can we learn on internal tides with the 1-day phase of SWOT ?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6238, 2024.

On-site presentation
Roman Sulzbach, Henryk Dobslaw, and Maik Thomas

Usually, the most accurate ocean tide atlases are produced by incorporating satellite altimetry observations into the modeling process. This strategy works best for large amplitude, i.e., major, ocean tides, which prominently appear in satellite observations. However, in the case of sparsely available observations or reduced observation precision (e.g., small-amplitude tides), purely numerical ocean tide models can provide valuable constraints for improving tidal predictions. For example, third-degree ocean tides, and several radiational tides were successfully predicted and identified in geodetic records by employing barotropic ocean models (e.g., Sulzbach et al. 2022; doi: 10.1007/s00190-022-01609-w), while they are hard to identify in altimetric records.

A further complex facet of ocean tidal dynamics is shallow-water tides (SWTs), which are not directly generated by celestial bodies, but through the non-linear interaction of ocean tides in shallow waters. While appearing relatively small in amplitude in the deep ocean, SWTs exhibit more prominent signals in shallow waters and are also relevant for the processing of geodetic satellite observations, e.g., altimetry and gravimetry. The responsible non-linear tide-generating processes depend on several spatially variable characteristics of the ocean, e.g., seafloor roughness and ocean depth, and the accurate incorporation of major tides into the ocean model. Therefore, their excitation mechanism is only approximately known in contrast to gravitationally-excited tides. This uncertainty poses an additional challenge to the numerical modeling process.

Here, we reapproach the simulation of shallow-water tides with the ocean tide model TiME by readressing the parameterization of potentially non-linear ocean-bottom friction. The barotropic ocean tide model has been refined to incorporate updated energy dissipation mechanisms by topographic wave drag and sea ice friction, possesses a truly global grid based on the rotation of the numerical poles, and operates at a relatively high resolution of 1/12°. Most importantly, the effect of Self-Attraction and Loading (SAL) is modeled based on fast decomposition into Spherical Harmonic Functions at each time step. Thus, the model does not rely on prior estimates of the SAL effect, which are only weakly constrained for the SWTs, but estimates SAL self-consistently in real-time.

The ocean tide model is optimized to simultaneously depict an accurate prediction of the major lunar tide M2, as well as its overtides in shallow waters (e.g., M4). Validation relies on geodetic data sets of complementary characteristics and focuses on a densely observed focus region: the European Shelf Sea. Based on multiple validation metrics, probing the sea surface height anomaly and the gravitational field of the SWTs, the effect of the improved bottom friction parameterization and the self-consistent effect of SAL are investigated. The simulations indicate that incorporating the self-consistent SAL effect for nonlinear tides significantly affects tidal propagation in the open ocean, similar to diurnal and semi-diurnal tides. Further, tuning of linear and nonlinear bottom friction effectively allows the reduction of the combined RMS for linear and nonlinear tides.

How to cite: Sulzbach, R., Dobslaw, H., and Thomas, M.: Optimized Prediction of Shallow-Water Tides with the Global Ocean Tide Model TiME, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15861, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15861, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dewi Le Bars, Sterre Bult, Ivan Haigh, and Theo Gerkema

We show that steric sea-level varies with a period of 18.6 years along the western European coast. We hypothesize that this variation originates from the modulation of semidiurnal tides by the lunar nodal cycle and associated changes in ocean mixing. Accounting for the steric sea level changes in the upper 400 m of the ocean solves the discrepancy between the nodal cycle in mean sea level observed by tide gauges and the theoretical equilibrium nodal tide. Namely, by combining the equilibrium tide with the nodal modulation of steric sea level, we close the gap with the observations. This result supports earlier findings that the observed phase and amplitude of the 18.6-year cycle do not always correspond to the equilibrium nodal tide. This finding allows to better filter natural variability when estimating the current rate of sea level rise along the European coast. Practical applications include the detection of an acceleration of sea level rise and the comparison between tide gauge and satellite observations with sea level projections.

How to cite: Le Bars, D., Bult, S., Haigh, I., and Gerkema, T.: The effect of the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle on steric sea level changes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12341, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12341, 2024.

On-site presentation
Carolina M.L. Camargo, Christopher G. Piecuch, and Britt Raubenheimer

According to NOAA’s Annual High Tide Flooding Outlook [1], the number of high-tide flooding days along the US East coast has increased  rapidly in recent years. High-tide flooding, also known as nuisance flooding, identifies floods that can occur in the absence of storms, for example, simply due to above-normal water levels.. Due to sea-level rise, it is predicted that, by 2050, coastal communities across the U.S. will experience high-tide flooding on average 45 to 85 days per year. Predicting the frequency of future coastal flooding is vital for the development and maintenance of coastal cities. Here we discuss the role of  local ocean dynamics to coastal flooding.

Along the Northeast US coast, an important driver of coastal sea-level variability is ocean dynamics, which includes large-scale circulation, such as the Gulf Stream, but also to smaller local ocean currents. An important circulation feature in this region is the Shelf break jet (SBJ). The SBJ flows equatorward from the Labrador Sea towards the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras following the shelf break along the Northeast US coast. We use velocity data from the Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Coastal Pioneer Array and tide-gauge data during 2014-2022 to establish the connection between coastal sea level and local ocean circulation over the shelf and the slope. Located at the New England shelf break,  about 75 nautical miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, the Array is composed of seven site moorings, spread from the shelf to offshore of the shelf break. Each mooring contains, among other instruments, an upward-looking ADCP, which measures three-dimensional velocities throughout the water column. A spectral coherence and admittance analysis reveal that, after removing the effects of tides and the inverted barometer, about 30% of the coastal sea-level variance in the 1—15-day band in this region is related to the SBJ transport. This relationship has a clear spatial pattern: we find significant coherence between SBJ transport and coastal sea level from the South of New England to as far south as the Delaware coast, depending on frequency.

Since this frequency band coincides with the frequency variability of storm surges, we pose the question: “Are any of the flood events registered in this region related to SBJ variability”? To answer this question, we focus on 6 tide gauges stations along southern New England, which feature the highest coherence with SBJ transport in the 1—15-day band. When the jet-related variability is regressed off the tide-gauge sea level data over these frequencies, the number of minor flood days reduces. Thus, a fraction of coastal floods in these locations might be related to SBJ variability. This simple exercise highlights the importance of considering local ocean dynamics when projecting future coastal flooding.



[1] https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/high-tide-flooding/annual-outlook.html

How to cite: M.L. Camargo, C., G. Piecuch, C., and Raubenheimer, B.: The connection between coastal sea level and local ocean dynamics, and its relation to high-tide flooding along southern New England (U.S.) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10958, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10958, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Sophie-Berenice Wilmes, Friederike Pollmann
Ayoola Apolola, Philip Ward, José Antolínez, and Sanne Muis

Extreme storm surges exhibit significant seasonal and interannual variability influenced by large-scale climate modes. The goal of our work is to investigate the seasonality of storm surge extremes and the influence of interannual climate variability at the global scale, which to date is not fully understood due to lack of observations with long-records.  

To achieve this goal, we use storm surge levels derived from the Global Tides and Surge Model (GTSM) forced with the extended ERA5 climate reanalysis data spanning 1950-2022. Our methodology consists of two main steps. First, we classify the dataset into four seasons (Winter-DJF, Spring-MAM, Summer-JJA, Autumn-SON) and compute the number of events per season. Next, we conduct extreme value analysis on selected thresholds and explore their connections with climate modes.

Preliminary findings indicate that extreme surge events are more frequent and pronounced at higher latitudes during SON, with notable peaks in DJF. This is particularly significant in the North Sea and funnel-shaped coastlines such as Rio de la Plata, Arafura Sea, and Hudson Bay. In contrast, regions like the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Yellow Sea, and southern Australia experience more frequent surge extremes from JJA to SON with variations in peak season.

Equatorial regions, especially around Africa, have negligible surge extremes except for occasional tropical cyclones from late DJF, with peaks in MAM in Mozambique and Madagascar. Similarly, there are occasional tropical cyclone events in parts of the Caribbean with peaks in JJA.

The study findings have broader implications for understanding the global distribution and spatio-temporal variation of extreme surge events, which could help to provide guidance on the impacts of climate change in the future. Overall, the preliminary findings underpin the need to further explore what the drivers of storm surge variability are. 

How to cite: Apolola, A., Ward, P., Antolínez, J., and Muis, S.: Global estimation of storm surge seasonality and the effect of interannual variability., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2825, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2825, 2024.

Nary La and Pil-Hun Chang

The present study introduces a high-resolution Coastal Tide/Storm surge model (CTSM). Recently, the NIMS (National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) developed the CTSM, based on the NEMO ocean model to enhance forecasting capabilities for sea conditions and storm surges. The CTSM is constructed with a two-dimensional barotropic sigma coordinates and has a 1 km horizontal resolution. It consists of Tide/Surge model and Tide model, and their residual is used as surge forecasts. The surge forecasts are then added to the harmonically predicted tides to give forecasts of total water level at the 30 tidal stations around Korea Peninsula. Based on the sensitivity studies, the constant values of 0.0275 and 1024 hPa are adopted as the Charnock coefficient, bottom friction and reference pressure of the model, respectively.
In addition, this study investigated the effect of temporal and spatial variations of Charnock coefficient on the surge forecasts during Typhoon HINNAMNO, which caused substantial damage to the Korean Peninsula in 2022. For this, the 2-D Charnock coefficients derived from an operational Coastal wave model are added to the CTSM. It was found that the Charnock values generally exceeded the model’s constant value of 0.0275 during typhoon period. This alteration in Charnock coefficient impacts on the surge forecasts especially near the coastal regions, showing about 10% increase in the sea level.

How to cite: La, N. and Chang, P.-H.: Sensitivity analysis of coastal storm surge forecasting using NEMO-based CTSM model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7151, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7151, 2024.

Ludwig Schenk and Marlies Methe

Storm surges along the German North Sea coast are tidal surges that reach a peak of 1.5 metres or more above mean high water (MHW). Severe and very severe storm surges exceed 2.5 and 3.5 metres above mean high water respectively. Storm surges along the German North Sea coast are triggered by westerly winds from approx. 7 to 8 Beaufort. At the Hamburg, St. Pauli gauge, the long-term average is 5 to 6 storm surges per year; less frequent are severe (2 in 3 years) and very severe storm surges (every 5 years). The period of occurrence is essentially limited to the winter half-year.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) is responsible for warning of storm surges along the Baltic and North Sea coasts and the tidal river sections of the Ems, Weser, Jade and Elbe. Warnings of storm surges are distributed in very different ways. Warnings have been broadcast on the radio for many decades. In Hamburg, firecrackers are set off by the police. In recent years, dissemination via the BSH website and a customisable telephone distribution system has become established. Since the 2021/22 storm surge season, warnings have been fed into warning apps such as NINA via the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and thus reach more directly affected citizens.

The possibilities offered by new media make it necessary to further develop warning strategies. For example, we are currently working closely with the BBK on the automated provision of warnings via the NINA warning app. This leads to faster and more precise distribution of storm surge forecasts.

The warnings and forecasts described take place against the background of the mean sea level rise and the associated rise in mean high water level. It is also the responsibility of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency to monitor this and to provide and analyse it at tide gauges such as Cuxhaven Steubenhöft, where measurements have been taken for around 180 years.

When creating the forecasts, we set up the Flood Early Warning System (FEWS), which pools and helps to process the data and creates and publishes reports. With the help of our developed Model Output Statistics System (BSH-MOS), precise and individualised forecasts up to one week into the future are possible for up to 40 gauges. Among other things, MOS evaluates water level measurements, wind forecasts from the German Weather Service (DWD) and area-based modelled water level forecasts from the BSH model system.

How to cite: Schenk, L. and Methe, M.: Storm surge warning for the German North Sea coast, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10307, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10307, 2024.

Paulina Kindermann, Oswaldo Morales Napoles, and José Antonlínez

The Dutch coast is characterized by dikes, dunes, and structural barriers with low-lying, densely populated hinterland, which makes the area very vulnerable to coastal flooding. Therefore, the reliability of flood forecasting models is of great importance: accurate short-term forecasts (up to 2 weeks lead time) are necessary for operational decision-making processes (e.g. closing the storm surge barriers on time), while mid-term forecasting (seasonal) is useful for the planning of maintenance, for example. However, the uncertainty of forecasts naturally increases with longer lead times, which means that the extent of a storm is often only known on short term, leaving little time to take safety measures (Pardowitz et al., 2016). With a changing climate, the uncertainty in forecasting might even increase. Improving our understanding of the characteristics of storm evolutions in present and future climate plays a fundamental role to reduce uncertainty in forecasting models.

In recent years, research into storms and resulting extreme sea levels along the Dutch coast has been boosted by the availability of long time series of meteorological data in the current climate, from the seasonal forecasting system (SEAS5) by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) (ECMWF, 2021). For these synthetic time series of wind data, the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) calculated corresponding sea levels (van den Brink, 2020). As a result, a period of 8,000 years of simulated meteorological and hydraulic data of the current climate have become available for many Dutch coastal locations. Compared to the limited availability of measurements from coastal stations (up to 50 or 100 years for a limited number of stations) these long time series are a great source of synthetic storm information.

The aim of this study is to explore the potential of using storm characteristics derived from these long synthetic time series of wind and corresponding water level for operational forecasting at the Dutch coast. First, physical and statistical properties of storm characteristics and their mutual correlations are analyzed. Storm characteristics consist of the temporal and spatial evolution of wind speed, wind direction and surge height, the duration of wind speed and storm surge above a certain threshold and the phase difference between the maximum storm surge and high tide. Mutual correlations between these characteristics are derived using copulas. Previous analyses result in strong correlations between wind speed and surge height, although it varies significantly depending on the location and combination of wind direction, duration and phase (Caspers & Kindermann, 2023). Still, this strong correlation suggests potential to be used for the forecasting of resulting storm surges from wind speed. Consequently, the correlations and other storm evolution properties found from these synthetic time series are compared to the observations of storms in recent years to investigate whether the findings from synthetic data agree with the characteristics of observed storm evolutions, in order to explore their potential for the short and mid-term forecasting of storm impact at the Dutch coast.

How to cite: Kindermann, P., Morales Napoles, O., and Antonlínez, J.: An exploration of the potential of using storm characteristics from long synthetic time series of wind and water levels for operational forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19736, 2024.

The behavior of concave, convex, and straight coastlines on the generation of storm surges.
pawan tiwari, Ambarukhana Devendra Rao, Smita Pandey, and Vimlesh Pant
Ulpu Leijala, Milla Johansson, and Havu Pellikka

Melting of the land-based ice and warming of the oceans around the world has resulted in acceleration of the pace of global mean sea level rise. Higher mean sea level causes more frequent extreme sea levels. This forces coastal cities urgently to do major preparedness and adaptation measures.

In Finland, preparedness for coastal flooding hazards is relevant even though protection given by the post-glacial land uplift is helpful. This is especially true on the Finnish southern coast, where mean sea level rise is foreseen and increase of probability of high sea levels within the 21st century is expected (Pellikka et al., 2023, 2018). In the Finnish coastal area, the extreme sea level estimates are used e.g. to support infrastructure planning, flood maps and safe operation of nuclear power plants.

On a short timescale, sea level variations are driven on the Finnish coast by storm surges, wind induced oscillations within the bays, and tides (playing a minor role). On the long-term side, global mean sea level rise, land uplift and the water inflow and outflow in the Danish straits (which change the total amount of Baltic Sea water) are the main factors controlling the sea level behaviour.

In this presentation, a study aiming at improving extreme sea level estimates in Finland will be illustrated. Tentative results on how different sampling techniques and extrapolation approaches affect the probability estimates of coastal floods will be presented.

Altogether 90 years of observations from the 13 Finnish tide gauges are analysed. We apply two different well-known sampling methods (Block Maxima and Peak Over Threshold) to the high tail of the sea level distribution and investigate which extrapolation function belonging to the family of Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution matches best to the Finnish tide gauge observations. The results will be grouped into four coastal regions in Finland: the Gulf of Finland and Archipelago Sea in the south, and the Bothnian Sea and Bay of Bothnia in the west.


Pellikka, H., Johansson, M. M., Nordman, M., and Ruosteenoja, K., 2023: Probabilistic projections and past trends of sea level rise in Finland, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1613–1630, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-23-1613-2023

Pellikka, H., Leijala, U., Johansson, M. M., Leinonen, K., Kahma, K. K., 2018: Future probabilities of coastal floods in Finland, Continental Shelf Research, 157, 32-42, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.02.006

How to cite: Leijala, U., Johansson, M., and Pellikka, H.: Analysing extreme sea levels on the Finnish coast using Block Maxima and Peak Over Threshold approaches, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19451, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19451, 2024.

Shue Gao, Yang Yang, Liang Zhou, Yanan Li, and Jianhua Gao

The objective of this study is to establish a methodological framework for the study of the pattern changes in terms of geographic occurrences of storm surge events, caused by climate changes. The intensification of storms as a result of global warming may be true because of the enhanced energy level, but any specific situation depends on the geographic location. Due to the spherical shape of the earth and the distribution characteristics of the sea and land, climate zones are formulated, with variations with latitude and longitude. Thus, there are several possible combinations for storm intensity and frequency changes, but where do these different patterns occur and what are the control mechanisms? Here we carry out analyses of sedimentary records to answer these questions, by identifying the relationship between storm processes and the resultant product of deposition. We capture time series information on changes in intensity and frequency of Typhoons in Southeastern Asia and Hurricanes in the Atlantic, from sedimentary records within and near the storm event regions, and then compare them with other synchronous information on SST, ENSO, monsoon, ocean circulation, and atmospheric dust transport, to find clues for mechanism studies. We obtained the materials from the various marine environments, including tidal flats, coastal lagoons, beaches and coastal dunes, storm boulders on biological reefs and continental shelf regions, to identify the presence of storm event records, and obtain the information on the dynamic process that generates the record, in terms of the intensity and frequency of storms. sediment records, and studies of sediment records were carried out. Since the sedimentary records are distributed over low to middle latitudes, the zonation changes in the storm intensity/frequency can be compared with climate changes during the Holocene period. The data sets obtained so far reveal both patterns of synchronicity and asynchronicity of storm pattern changes in different geographical zones and during different climatic periods. The combined effects of the changes in the various factors, as mentioned above, may explain the complexity of the changing patterns. However, in order to quantify or establish a general model for the storm pattern and climate changes, the uncertainties of this study should be reduced, by enhancing the accuracy of storm intensity and frequency indicators, and improving the techniques to determine the spatial resolution of the sedimentary records of storm events.


How to cite: Gao, S., Yang, Y., Zhou, L., Li, Y., and Gao, J.: Sedimentary record analysis of the geographic occurrences of storm surge events in response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22402, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22402, 2024.

Alexander Bakker and Dion Rovers

Early 2022, four severe storms (Corrie, Dudley, Eunice and Franklin) raged over the Netherlands, of which the latter three hit the Dutch coast in only four days. The question is how well the Dutch flood protection system can deal with such a series of storms. Will there be enough time to recover from the previous storm?

The Maeslant barrier is a storm surge barrier near Rotterdam that exists of two enormous floating sector doors. In rest, they are safely located in the dry docks along the shore. Yet, in case of the most severe storms the doors are floated to the middle of the river and submerged to retain storm surges from the sea. After the storm they are floated up again and moved back to the docks. During its operation the Maeslant barrier is likely to be more vulnerable for small damages, that may lead to the temporal unavailability of the surge retaining function.

This study investigates 1) the probability that the barrier needs to close shortly after a previous closure and 2) the flood risk as a result of failure of the second closure. Herewith, we distinguish two different phenomena. The two-top storm is a single storm during which the barrier needs to close twice and open in between as a result of the astronomical tide. The twin storm (or even triplet or multiple storm) is a cluster of severe storms that succeed each other shortly.

The probabilities of both phenomena are estimated from a data-analysis of a long record of sea level observations at Hoek van Holland, close to Rotterdam. The associated flood risk is estimated from a simple conceptual model of the failure probability of the Maeslant barrier.

How to cite: Bakker, A. and Rovers, D.: Twin storms and the performance of storm surge barriers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13233, 2024.

Physical modelling of steel-mesh rock revetments (mattress gabions) for coastal defence  
(withdrawn after no-show)
Alistair Stockley and Mohammad Heidarzadeh
Mia Pupić Vurilj, Jose A. Alvarez Antolinez, Oswaldo Morales Napoles, Sanne Muis, and Fernando J. Mendez

Coastal regions in the Netherlands face persistent challenges from sea level extremes, prompting a comprehensive exploration of their spatial variability. Our study explores the nuances of extreme sea level events across the country, using the observed sea level data from the GESLA-3 (Global Extreme Sea Level Analysis) dataset. We analyse 16 stations with observational periods spanning from 38 to 68 years.

The total observed sea level is detrended and split into two components: (i) the tidal component, derived using harmonic analysis, and (ii) the non-tidal residual, calculated by subtracting the obtained tidal signal from the observed sea-level records. Extremes of both total sea level and non-tidal residual are then identified using the Peak over Threshold method, opting for a 70th percentile threshold. This choice allows us to examine less severe scenarios, suitable for risk assessments or planning purposes.

Our preliminary analysis of extreme event characteristics, such as the duration and intensity of an event, indicates significant spatial differences across stations. Correlation coefficients between stations, particularly for total extreme sea level characteristics and extreme non-tidal residual characteristics (duration and intensity), show a noticeable pattern that consistently reveals higher values between stations with similar latitudes across all variables. Moreover, the distributions of total extreme sea level characteristics exhibit noteworthy differences as well - for example, in southern regions, the distributions of intensity are more broadly dispersed and skewed to the right, signifying higher events than those in the northern counterparts. However, this distinction is less pronounced when focusing solely on the non-tidal residual, possibly since the total sea level is influenced by factors such as the river inflow, prevalent in the south, and tidal propagation behaviour in the North Sea.

As we progress with our analysis, we plan to apply a supervised learning method for classifying extreme events based on storm characteristics, and conduct a clustering analysis to reveal hidden spatial patterns of extreme events, for both total sea level and non-tidal residual. Furthermore, we aim to explore the interactions between surges and tides across different classes of extreme events, unravelling the underlying driving mechanisms of enhanced compound events.

In summary, our ongoing study of sea level extremes in the Netherlands, from spatial dynamics to event characteristics, will provide a solid foundation for understanding the driving mechanisms behind the extremes, gaining insights about their natural variability, and evaluating the impacts of changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Pupić Vurilj, M., Alvarez Antolinez, J. A., Morales Napoles, O., Muis, S., and Mendez, F. J.: Unravelling Spatial Variability of Sea Level Extremes in the Netherlands: Insights from Observational Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15703, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15703, 2024.

Simon Treu, Matthias Mengel, and Katja Frieler

Projections of sea level rise are vital for assessing the impacts of climate change, especially in coastal regions. Present sea level rise projections are primarily focused on monthly water levels, but tend to underrepresent the critical role of storm surges. There are some studies that also provide projections of storm surges along global coastlines based on numerical models using meteorological forcing data from Global Climate Models (GCMs). However, those applications are limited by coarse meteorological inputs as well as the computational demands placed by running numerical models for an ensemble of different GCMs and climate change scenarios.

We propose a stochastic deep learning model trained on model output from numerical surge models. It is designed to capture the spatial and temporal dependencies that are characteristic of storm surge time series. Our approach generates potential storm surge scenarios that are consistent with GCM outputs but are not directly determined by those meteorological inputs. A second advantage is that the trained machine learning model has lower computational demands than traditional numerical models which makes it possible to explore different GCMs and climate change scenarios.

How to cite: Treu, S., Mengel, M., and Frieler, K.: A Stochastic Deep Learning Approach for Projecting Storm Surges in the Context of Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19209, 2024.

Peng Feng, Rüdiger Haas, and Gunnar Elgered

GNSS-IR represents an innovative technique for monitoring water levels. By analyzing the frequency of interference patterns between the direct GNSS signals and the signals reflected off the water surface, GNSS-IR offers a robust alternative to traditional tide gauges. GNSS-IR provides various advantages, including cost savings, convenient implementation, and accurate separation of vertical land motion. Recently, commercial companies started to adopt GNSS-IR for operational water level monitoring campaigns. The Lomb-Scargle Periodogram (LSP) is widely used to determine the frequency of interference patterns in the GNSS signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data. Subsequently, the frequency/period can be converted into reflector height and water level. The LSP retrieves only one dominant frequency for each satellite and each channel, ascending or descending, over a time period longer than 20 min. Consequently, the temporal resolution of GNSS-IR water level measurements with LSP is lower compared to traditional tide gauges. High-temporal-resolution water level data would be valuable for applications like coastal hydrodynamics and hurricane studies. To address the temporal resolution, we developed a Single-Cycle Periodogram (SCP) analysis. The SCP analysis uses the LSP retrieval as a priori value and determines the period for each SNR cycle by tracking the maximum/minimum point corresponding to constructive/destructive interferences. Due to the reduced data span, the SCP suffers from noise. To improve the data quality of the interference patterns, we installed a GNSS antenna 90 degree tilted, facing the horizon, taking advantage of the antenna gain characterises. Such an experimental installation exists at the Onsala Space Observatory, with a relative small reflector height of approximately 3 m. Usually a small reflector height GNSS-IR installation results in low temporal resolution due to few interference fringes. However, using the proposed SCP analysis, preliminary results from 26 days of data indicate a significant increase in the number of water level retrievals. The LSP method yields approximately 200 unevenly distributed results per day, with occasional gaps exceeding 30 min. The SCP method gives approximately 10 times more retrivals. Furthermore, using the nearby traditional tide gauge (in the Swedish observation network of sea level) as a reference, the SCP retrievals, averaged over 6 min, provide a higher accuracy compared to the unevenly distributed LSP results.

How to cite: Feng, P., Haas, R., and Elgered, G.: Improving the temporal resolution of GNSS-IR water level monitoring using single-cycle periodogram, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17544, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17544, 2024.

Sanne Muis, Michael Hart-Davis, Jelmer Veenstra, Martin Verlaan, Joanne Williams, and Denise Dettmering

The interaction between tides and storm surges can significantly affect shallow water regions with large tidal ranges. In modelling studies, including the atmospheric forcing, which drives the storm surge estimations within the model, can result in changes to the amplitudes and phases of the major tidal constituents. In certain regions, this can have severe impacts on the tidal predictions.

A standard product used to provide the atmospheric forcing is the ERA5 product developed at ECWMF. Previous studies have shown the presence of tidal constituents within the sea level pressure data provided by ERA5 used in various applications. For example, the commonly used Dynamic Atmospheric Correction derived from these data, which is used to correct satellite altimetry measurements for the atmospheric influence on the radar returns, has been shown to significantly impact the estimation of ocean tides from satellite altimetry. 

The Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM), developed at Deltares, allows for the global estimation of ocean tides with and without atmospheric forcings. This presents the possibility of evaluating the influence of storm surges on the estimation of individual tidal constituents and the resultant prediction of tidal heights. In this poster, three model simulations are produced, which are as follows: an ocean tide-only version, a storm surge-only simulation and a tide plus storm surge version. The eight major tidal constituents are evaluated globally to assess the changes in their respective amplitudes and phases. Finally, several case studies are presented in regions with high influence on the individual constituents by evaluating the results of the tidal predictions with respect to in-situ measurements. 

How to cite: Muis, S., Hart-Davis, M., Veenstra, J., Verlaan, M., Williams, J., and Dettmering, D.: The impact of storm surges on ocean tides: insights from numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10636, 2024.

Andrew Matthews and the IAPSO Tidal Analysis Best Practice Study Group

The tide is generally the dominant component of a sea level record in many parts of the world and its analysis has therefore been a central part of oceanography for hundreds of years. Methods to predict the tide have changed over time, but have largely converged on the classical harmonic method, which is based on the principle that a series of tidal observations may be decomposed into a finite number of sinusoidal functions, known as tidal constituents, with angular speeds related to known astronomical frequencies.

Classical harmonic analysis is usually carried out using one of a number of software packages made available by scientists and oceanographic institutions. These are exceptionally useful, but within them they encode a series of assumptions and decisions that need to be made in order to carry out an analysis, including:

  • What is an appropriate set of constituents to use in a location, given the data available and the hydrodynamics of the area?
  • How does the analysis account for variations of the tidal constituents over time, for example over the nodal cycle?
  • How will our results be affected by non-tidal influences?

Furthermore, other approaches will be more successful in particular environments, for example in shallow waters when the tidal curve can be highly non-symmetric.

Non-experts in tidal science are often unaware of the options available, and the consequence of making the wrong decision. Furthermore, this knowledge is developed as rules-of-thumb within organisations based on many years of experience, so is not readily accessible. As a result, there is a need for some internationally agreed recommendations.

We recently held a tidal analysis workshop to discuss these matters, funded by the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) as one of their Best Practice Study Groups. Here we present some illustrations of the issues mentioned above, along with some of our suggested approaches.

The best practice document is currently being drafted based on discussions held at the workshop, and when completed will be submitted to the International Oceanographic Commission’s best practice system (https://www.oceanbestpractices.org/).

How to cite: Matthews, A. and the IAPSO Tidal Analysis Best Practice Study Group: Developing Best Practices in Tidal Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7830, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7830, 2024.

Joanne Williams and Angela Hibbert
Harmonic analysis is used to predict tidal heights from observations or model data. The usual method is to fit tidal constituents, at frequencies informed by astronomical cycles. In most cases the higher harmonics of these frequencies are sufficient to provide a good model of the tide to within observational accuracy, and successfully predict tides for decades outside the observational period, even including double high and low water and seasonal variations.
In shallow bays or estuaries the propagation of the tidal wave slows, leading to very slow draining of the water and much faster rise. The tidal waveform is closer to a saw-tooth shape than sinusoidal. So least-square fit of harmonics leads to Gibbs ringing artefacts around the discontinuity in slope just before the tide rises. These are often several tens of cm in the macrotidal regime of the UK, and complicate the assessment of surge modelling.
Though the problem is not new, we are still seeking a consistent and universally applicable solution. In practice manual corrections are often applied at individual sites. Or with enough data, more harmonics can be fitted to minimise the false peaks, but at the risk of over-fitting. In this presentation we quantify the severity of this problem in UK estuarine sites, improvements using the response method, and the subsequent effect on total water level  for operational storm surge forecasting.

How to cite: Williams, J. and Hibbert, A.: Refinements to harmonic tidal predictions in estuaries and shallow water., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9923, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9923, 2024.

Koen Haakman, Cornelis Slobbe, and Martin Verlaan

Recently, global trends in tidal amplitudes have been estimated from satellite radar altimetry data by including several constituents with linearly changing amplitudes into the harmonic analysis least squares problem. However, changes in tidal amplitudes do not have to be linear. The assumption of linearity can potentially obscure the true time-varying evolution of tidal amplitudes. Revealing deviations from linearity could be useful for attribution of physical mechanisms responsible for changes in tidal amplitudes and may have implications for future projections.

To address this limitation, an algorithm that estimates time-varying amplitudes without making any assumptions about the temporal shape is desired. To that end, we propose to use a state space time series model, for which time-varying parameters are estimated using a Kalman filter. Unlike the conventional least squares problem, the state space approach allows the value of a parameter to vary at each time step, providing a more flexible representation of the dynamic nature of tidal amplitude changes.

We apply the model to global TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimetry data from 1993-2023 at satellite crossover locations, aiming to identify if and where tidal amplitude changes are deviating from linearity. Provisional results show that, in many locations, the M2 amplitude trend is close to linear during the considered timescale. Nevertheless, there are some regions where the estimated M2 amplitude trends are clearly deviating from linearity. However, these results should be interpreted with caution since the 95% confidence intervals around the estimated amplitudes are often of similar magnitude as the temporal variability of the amplitude. One potential strategy to mitigate this issue involves increasing the number of samples per time series by binning altimetry observations, as opposed to restricting the analysis solely to crossover locations. To fully understand whether the generated time-varying amplitudes are reliable, the state space model will be thoroughly tested with synthetic data.

How to cite: Haakman, K., Slobbe, C., and Verlaan, M.: Estimation of time-varying tidal amplitudes using a state space model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10850, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10850, 2024.

Leigh MacPherson, Lana Opel, Michael Schindelegger, Arne Arns, and Athanasios Vafeidis

Recent model results in combination with observations have provided a first coherent picture of secular changes in ocean tides since 1993. Strengthening of ocean stratification has been identified as an important driver of the observed secular trends, where the barotropic tide is primarily affected through enhanced tidal conversion at topography. These changes are responsible for open-ocean trends in the order of 0.1 mm yr-1 for the barotropic M2 tide, increasing to magnitudes comparable to the tidal response to sea level change (0.2—0.4 mm yr-1) in several coastal regions. This has ramifications for global projections of future extreme sea levels, which either neglect changes in tides or consider them solely as a function of sea level rise. In this study, we employ a global high-resolution (1/12°) internal-tide permitting numerical ocean model to quantify future changes in ocean tides until 2100 as a result of upper-ocean warming and the concomitant increase in stratification. We simulate the evolution of leading tidal constituents in 5-year average time slices and use EC-Earth3P HighResMIP density data to constrain the model’s background stratification. As the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) in the EC-Earth3P simulation is a high greenhouse gas emission scenario (RCP8.5), we also consider data from a CM2.6 coupled global climate model, which is more closely aligned with a medium stabilisation scenario (RCP6.0).

How to cite: MacPherson, L., Opel, L., Schindelegger, M., Arns, A., and Vafeidis, A.: Changes in ocean tides by the end of the 21st century in response to stronger stratification, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19316, 2024.

Joris Beemster, Paul Torfs, and Ton Hoitink

Water-level measurements, sometimes spanning centuries, offer a valuable historical perspective. Although contemporary tidal data is collected digitally at high frequencies, historical records often merely consist of basic high and low water levels. Recognizing the value of these low-resolution tidal records, recent 'data rescue efforts' focus on digitizing and preserving them. Current tidal analysis methods, optimized for high-frequency data, fall short in exploiting the potential of high- and low-water observations.

Here, we introduce a specialized tidal analysis methodology tailored for high- and low-water observations. Leveraging equilibrium tide information and the unique characteristics of these observations, such as a derivative constraint, we enhance the analysis of historical records. Additionally, we explore interpolation methods for high- and low-water observations, aiming to address the possibilities and limitations associated with these data.

Our approach has the potential to offer valuable insights into century-scale water level changes, and to unravel the contributions by tides, river discharge, mean sea level, storm surges and interactions among those governing factors to water level variation. A key ambition we have is to reveal the hydrodynamic consequences of human interventions, which are difficult to distinguish from each other. We hope the new technique will encourage to continue digitization of historic high-low-tidal observations, and allow to demonstrate the role of intertidal areas in modulating water level extremes.

How to cite: Beemster, J., Torfs, P., and Hoitink, T.: Unlocking Insights in Historic Tidal Records with Analysis Methods Tailored to High-Low Tidal Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17298, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17298, 2024.