HS4.8 | Real-time flood forecasting and early warning systems: data analytics, modelling, and applications
Real-time flood forecasting and early warning systems: data analytics, modelling, and applications
Convener: Kourosh Behzadian | Co-conveners: Saman Razavi, Farzad Piadeh, Luiza Campos, Albert Chen, Mohamad Gheibi
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:35 (CEST), 16:15–17:50 (CEST)
Room 3.29/30, Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:10 (CEST)
Room 3.29/30
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall A
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
In recent decades, there has been a growing focus on non-structural approaches, particularly early flood forecasting and warning systems, as effective means to mitigate the adverse impacts of floods. These systems have attracted attention for their ability to provide timely information to both citizens and authorities, enabling them to take necessary actions to safeguard their properties and infrastructure without the need for physical modifications or additional space. Real-time flood forecasting (RTFF) systems have gained popularity in early flood warning.
Data for RTFF can be sourced from various outlets, though sometimes access to these sources can be limited or challenging. RTFF necessitates the modeling of complex distributed systems with high spatial and temporal intricacies. This demands substantial computing resources and may leave limited time for timely early warnings. Significant breakthroughs have occurred in recent decades to address major challenges in the key stages of RTFF, including data collection and preparation, model development, performance assessment, and practical applications.
The objective of this session is to address challenges and advancements in the field by leveraging state-of-the-art techniques, new frameworks, equipment, software tools, hardware facilities, and the integration of existing methods with contemporary algorithms. We will also explore digital innovations and their applications in new pilot studies.
Specifically, this session will concentrate on the following research areas related to RTFF, with a focus on but not limited to:
● Hydrological data collection, analysis, imputation, assimilation and fusion taken from various data sources including ground stations, radar stations, remote sensing (aerial/satellite)
● RTFF modelling including physically/processed-based, conceptually-based, experimentally-based or data-driven modelling such as artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML)
● Application RTFF for flood alleviation or engagement with the public and authorities, such as early warning and early action systems, digital innovations such as digital twins (DT), or integrated with digital technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).
● The broader implications of RTFF and early warning systems as soft engineering approaches, including their impact on flood risk management, insurance, capacity building, and community resilience.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 3.29/30

Chairpersons: Kourosh Behzadian, Saman Razavi, Farzad Piadeh
On-site presentation
Grey Nearing, Deborah Cohen, Vusumuzi Dube, Martin Gauch, Oren Gilon, Shaun Harrigan, Avinatan Hassidim, Daniel Klotz, Frederik Kratzert, Asher Metzger, Sella Nevo, Florian Pappenberger, Christel Prudhomme, Guy Shalev, Shlomo Shenzis, Tadele Tekalign, Dana Weitzner, and Yossi Matias

Floods are one of the most common  natural disasters, with a disproportionate impact in developing countries that often lack dense streamflow gauge networks. Accurate and timely warnings are critical for mitigating flood risks, but hydrological simulation models typically must be calibrated to long data records in each watershed. Here we show that AI-based forecasting achieves reliability in predicting extreme riverine events in ungauged watersheds at up to a 5-day lead time that is similar to or better than the reliability of nowcasts (0-day lead time) from a current state of the art global modeling system (the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Global Flood Awareness System). Additionally, we achieve accuracies over 5-year return period events that are similar to or better than current accuracies over 1-year return period events. This means that AI can provide flood warnings earlier and over larger and more impactful events in ungauged basins. The model developed in this paper was incorporated into an operational early warning system that produces publicly available (free and open) forecasts in real time in over 80 countries. This work highlights a need for increasing the availability of hydrological data to continue to improve global access to reliable flood warnings.

Nearing, Grey, et al. "AI Increases Global Access to Reliable Flood Forecasts." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.16104 (2023).

How to cite: Nearing, G., Cohen, D., Dube, V., Gauch, M., Gilon, O., Harrigan, S., Hassidim, A., Klotz, D., Kratzert, F., Metzger, A., Nevo, S., Pappenberger, F., Prudhomme, C., Shalev, G., Shenzis, S., Tekalign, T., Weitzner, D., and Matias, Y.: AI Increases Global Access to Reliable Flood Forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4435, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4435, 2024.

On-site presentation
Amy Green, Elizabeth Lewis, Xue Tong, Shidong Wang, Ben Smith, and Hayley Fowler

It is essential that we work towards better preparation for flooding, as the impacts and risks associated increase with a changing climate. Standard methods for flood risk assessment are typically static, based on flood depths corresponding to return levels. In contrast flood risk changes over time, with the time of day and weather conditions, driving the location and extent of potential debris (e.g. vehicles or trees may cause blockages in culverts) affecting the associated risks. To this end, we aim to provide a platform for dynamic flood risk assessment, to better inform decision making, allowing for improved flood preparation at a local level. With stakeholder collaboration at a local level, a web-platform demonstrator is presented, for the city of Newcastle upon Tyne (U.K.) and the wider catchment, providing interactive visualisations and dynamic flood risk maps.

To achieve this, near real-time updates are incorporated as part of a fully integrated workflow of models, with traditional datasets combined with novel, hidden data. More realistic high-resolution data, citizen science data and novel data sources are combined, making use of data scraping and APIs to obtain additional sensor data. Using machine learning methods, more complex datasets are generated, using artificial intelligence algorithms and object detection to identify potential debris information from satellites, LIDAR point clouds and trash screen images. The model framework involves hyper-resolution hydrodynamic modelling (HIPIMS), with a hydrological catchment model (SHETRAN), working towards a digital twin.

How to cite: Green, A., Lewis, E., Tong, X., Wang, S., Smith, B., and Fowler, H.: PYRAMID: A Platform for dynamic, hyper-resolution, near-real time flood risk assessment integrating repurposed and novel data sources, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14944, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14944, 2024.

On-site presentation
Robert Sämann, Johanna Treindl, Lothar Fuchs, Thomas Beeneken, and Simon Berkhahn

The FURBAS project (Forecasting urban floods and strong rainfall events, 2022-2025) aims at establishing a real-time pluvial flood forecast system for the city of Hanover in Germany with a total catchment area of 260 km². The forecast system consists of radar rainfall with nowcasting  and an Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) to forecast the dynamical evolution of surface water levels in the city with a spatial resolution of 5x5 meter and a temporal resolution of 5 minutes (Berkhahn & Neuweiler, 2023). The ANN is trained based on results of a physically based hydrodynamic model (HYSTEM EXTRAN 2D) with bi-directional coupled storm-sewer (1d) to surface (2d) domain.

The terrain has a slight gradient which causes a long travel time in the sewer system. The pipe network is partially built as combined sewer and separate sewer system. In the latter, rainfall is partially routed via trenches that are modelled as part of the 2d surface. These trenches are required to get an impression of the overall extent of the flooding and the interaction with the sewer system. In classical modelling approaches the drainage volume vanishes when reaching the outlets of the pipe network which leads to an underestimation of the flood level. We show the effects of modelling trenches as elements of the surface and provide tips for the correct arrangement of trenches.

The underground transport tunnels of a city are a rarely modelled factor in the flooding of a city. The underground stations are connected to the public drainage system where it can lead to a drainage delay, due to underground storage tanks. Flooding or overload of the drainage pipes along the underground tunnels have an important influence on the operability of the trains because the inflowing water is pumped into the regular drainage network. The fill level of the pipes is therefore the decisive limit value. We show the effects of station entrances and tunnel ramps to the water level at the surface and how the precipitation intensity is decisive for the operation of the trains.

The FURBAS research project is a cooperation of the Institute for Technical and Scientific Hydrology (itwh) GmbH, the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Physics in Civil Engineering, Leibniz University of Hanover, and the municipal operation for Hanover city drainage. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection under grand number 67DAS224.

Berkhahn, S., & Neuweiler, I. (2023). Data driven real-time prediction of urban floods with spatial and temporal distribution. Journal of Hydrology X, 100167.

How to cite: Sämann, R., Treindl, J., Fuchs, L., Beeneken, T., and Berkhahn, S.: Influence of trenches and subway system on pluvial flood forecast , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18526, 2024.

On-site presentation
AI-CCTV Model for Real-time Flood Monitoring: Outland River Discharge and Inland Flood Depth Estimation
Sohee Kim, Donghwi Jung, Sanghoon Jun, Jeongseok Oh, and Seon Woo Kim
On-site presentation
Stefano Bagli, Paolo Mazzoli, Koen van der Brink, valerio luzzi, and mario papa

The increasing frequency and intensity of floods pose a significant threat to lives, property, and infrastructure. Real-time flood forecasting is crucial for early warning systems and disaster risk reduction. However, traditional forecasting methods often have limitations in terms of accuracy and timeliness.

This paper, developed under the framework of AI4Copernicus 5th Calls project, presents a data-driven approach for real-time flood and water level forecasting using AI and machine learning algorithms. The proposed system is based on a hybrid model that combines multiple machine learning algorithms, including DLinear/NLinear, LSTM Hindsight Modelling, and FLEX. The system is trained on historical data on hydrological and meteorological features, and is able to predict water levels at river gauging stations up to the next 9 hours.

The system has been tested on data from the Lamone River in Italy, and has been shown to achieve a mean-absolute-error of only a few (<5) centimetres. This is a very low error margin for this kind of river, and is comparable to or better than the performance of other alternative forecast approaches.

The system has been integrated into GECOSistema's Flood Risk Intelligence platform, named SaferPlaces (www.saferplaces.co). This platform provides a user-friendly interface for accessing flood risk information, and includes features such as real-time flood maps, early warning alerts, and detailed flood risk assessments.

The proposed system has the potential to be a valuable tool for flood forecasting and disaster risk reduction. It can be used to support decision-making at both the local and regional levels, and can help to save lives and property.

How to cite: Bagli, S., Mazzoli, P., van der Brink, K., luzzi, V., and papa, M.: Real-time flood and water level forecasting using AI-based models for early warning and disaster risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3187, 2024.

On-site presentation
Husain Najafi, Oldrich Rakovec, Pallav Kumar Shrestha, Rohini Kumar, Sergiy Vorogushyn, Heiko Apel, Stephan Thober, Bruno Merz, and Luis Samaniego

This presentation aims to offer valuable insights into the state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies employed to enhance Real-time Flood Forecasting (RTFF) systems by highlighting recent progress in the development of high-resolution RTFF systems. Given the existing uncertainties associated with RTFF and the documented increasing trends in flood peaks in the western and central regions of Europe [1], continuous improvement of RTFF systems is essential for better disaster risk preparedness.

Recurrent and severe flooding events have impacted Germany in recent years. The predictability of two recent flooding events, including the extensive flooding from December 2023 to January 2024 across the entire country, and the 2021 summer flood in Ahrtal [5] will be explored by introducing an experimental RTFF chain. This chain utilizes high-resolution weather forecasts from Germany's National Meteorological Service, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). The chain incorporates high-resolution streamflow and water level forecasts at 1 km using the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) [2,3]. Additionally, it features a fast hydrodynamic model (RIM2D) at 10 m resolution [4] with an extended component for impact forecasting tailored to the scale of individual buildings. We showcase how the newly developed RTFF system enables tailored decision-making compared to the common practices currently used by local authorities.


[1] Blöschl, G., Hall, J., Viglione, A., Perdigão, R. A., Parajka, J., Merz, B., ... & Živković, N. (2019). Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods. Nature, 573(7772), 108-111. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1495-6

[2] Samaniego, L., Kumar, R., & Attinger, S. (2010). Multiscale parameter regionalization of a grid‐based hydrologic model at the mesoscale. Water Resources Research, 46(5).

[3] Samaniego, L., Kumar, R., Thober, S., Rakovec, O., Zink, M., Wanders, N., ... & Attinger, S. (2017). Toward seamless hydrologic predictions across spatial scales. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(9), 4323-4346.

[4] Apel, H., Vorogushyn, S., & Merz, B. (2022). Brief communication: Impact forecasting could substantially improve the emergency management of deadly floods: case study July 2021 floods in Germany. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22(9), 3005-3014. doi:10.5194/nhess-22-3005-2022.

[5] Najafi, H., Shrestha, PK., Rakove, O.,  Apel, H., Thober, S., Kumar, R., Vorogushyn, S., & Merz, B., Samaniego, L. (in review). Advancing a High-Resolution Impact-based Early Warning System for Riverine Flooding. Nature communications.

How to cite: Najafi, H., Rakovec, O., Kumar Shrestha, P., Kumar, R., Vorogushyn, S., Apel, H., Thober, S., Merz, B., and Samaniego, L.: Recent advances in developing high-resolution flood forecasting systems in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13854, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13854, 2024.

On-site presentation
China National Water Model (CNWM): Revolutionizing Hydrological Forecasting
(withdrawn after no-show)
Lele Shu, Hao chen, and Xianhong Meng
On-site presentation
Seyedeh Negar Naghedi, Ali Maleki, Rasool Vahid, Farzad Piadeh, and Kourosh Behzadian

Natural disasters cause extensive losses worldwide annually. Flood events are responsible for economic and life-threatening damages[1]. To mitigate flood risks and resulting damages, particularly in the construction of residential buildings, two approaches exist. First: constructing in areas with lower flood susceptibility, and second: implementing architectural solutions to fortify structures against floods and associated hazards. Due to the presence of water resources, rivers, etc., prompting urban expansion due to reasons like transportation, trade, agricultural use, household consumption, etc., construction near rivers and flood-prone areas becomes inevitable[2]. This underscores the importance of the second approach—architectural fortification.

In this study, areas highly susceptible to flooding were identified from flood zoning maps using artificial intelligence to adapt these maps and estimate the most hazardous regions[3]. Subsequently, by examining the specific elements of traditional architecture in each of these areas and exploring the cause and function of each element in facing floods over time, attention is given to the particular and regional (indigenous) architectural features that have responded to floods. Finally, appropriate architectural measures and responses to reduce flood risks, such as constructing at elevation or suitable gradients, is combined with early warning systems to provide a proper route for the future construction projects.

Keywords: Flood forecasting; Flood prone areas; Architectural fortification

[1] Naghedi, S.R., Huang, X. and Gheibi, M., 2023. A smart dashboard for forecasting disaster casualties: An investigation from sustainable development dimensions (No. EGU23-17237). Copernicus Meetings.

[2] Yan, J., Naghedi, R., Huang, X., Wang, S., Lu, J. and Xu, Y., 2023. Evaluating simulated visible greenness in urban landscapes: An examination of a midsize US city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening87, p.128060.

[3] Vahid, R., Farnood Ahmadi, F., & Mohammadi, N. (2021). Earthquake damage modeling using cellular automata and fuzzy rule-based models. Arabian Journal of Geosciences14, 1-14.

How to cite: Naghedi, S. N., Maleki, A., Vahid, R., Piadeh, F., and Behzadian, K.: Architectural Strategies for Flood Mitigation in Urban Environments: A Study of Traditional Elements and Contemporary Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19111, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19111, 2024.

Wrapping up session 1
Coffee break
Chairpersons: Farzad Piadeh, Kourosh Behzadian, Saman Razavi
Introduction to Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems (2)
On-site presentation
Afshin Shafei and Francesco Cioffi

This study introduces a methodology for enhancing early-warning systems (EWS) for climate variables such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation. These systems are crucial for predicting hydrological extremes, including heat waves and floods. Traditional forecasting methods face challenges due to the complex nature of climate systems, limitations of global circulation models, and computational demands, often resulting in predictions with coarse spatial and temporal resolutions.

Our approach integrates advanced Machine Learning (ML) models with comprehensive data collection for global climate forecasting and regional downscaling. The methodology centers on the use of the ERA5 reanalysis dataset from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the CMCC dataset, which provides high-resolution climate data.

The core of our global forecasting relies on FourCastNet, a cutting-edge deep learning model developed by NVIDIA. Utilizing Fourier Neural Networks, FourCastNet excels in generating high-resolution global climate forecasts quickly and accurately. It offers a lead time of up to 96 hours for various atmospheric variables, with a specific focus on precipitation forecasts up to 36 hours ahead. This model’s ability to handle complex climate patterns makes it ideal for initial global forecasting.

For regional downscaling, we employ Stacked Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) and Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SRGAN) models, which are trained on the CMCC dataset. This dataset contains dynamically downscaled ERA5 reanalysis and has a 2.2 km spatial resolution and a 6-hourly temporal resolution, matching the temporal resolution of FourCastNet outputs. This compatibility enables seamless linking of global and regional forecasts. The downscaling aims to increase spatial resolution by eight times, providing detailed local climatic insights.

All computational models and simulations are conducted on the Google Cloud platform. This platform provides the necessary computational resources, including GPUs, to handle the large-scale processing of climate datasets and the execution of complex ML models efficiently.

In summary, this methodology combines advanced ML models and detailed data collection from both ERA5 and CMCC datasets for both global forecasting and regional downscaling. This integrated approach aims to deliver accurate, high-resolution predictions of climate variables, significantly enhancing the capabilities of early-warning systems. The selection of suitable high-resolution datasets for training downscaling models is a key step, ensuring the generation of detailed regional forecasts.

How to cite: Shafei, A. and Cioffi, F.: Designing an Early-Warning System to Forecast Extreme Climate Conditions Using Data-Driven Approaches with Machine-Learning and Deep-Learning Methods, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5526, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simon Berkhahn, Robert Sämann, Lothar Fuchs, and Insa Neuweiler

Urban flooding poses a significant challenge to cities, requiring the development of advanced predictive models to mitigate potential risks and enhance urban resilience. In the present study, we test an artificial neural network (ANN)-based model for predicting urban flooding in the city of Hanover, Germany. The model provides high-resolution spatial analysis on a 5 x 5 meter grid, providing detailed insights into potential flood-prone areas. With a temporal resolution of 5 minutes, the ANN model uses radar-based precipitation data to predict water levels during extreme weather events. The study is part of the FURBAS project (Forecasting urban floods and strong rainfall events, 2022-2025). This research project is a cooperation of the Institute for Technical and Scientific Hydrology (itwh) GmbH, the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Physics in Civil Engineering, Leibniz University of Hanover and the municipal operation for Hanover city drainage. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection under grand number 67DAS224.

The data driven flood prediction model uses pre-simulated flood scenarios from a physically based model as training data. The model approach of Berkhahn and Neuweiler (2023) was adapted for the present study to cope with the large catchment area of about 260 km².

The proposed model could improve timely decision making for urban planning and emergency response in the future. Despite the focus on the specific challenges of the city of Hanover, the chosen modeling approach could also be applied to flood forecasting and management in other cities. With this conference contribution we want to highlight the challenges of real-time forecasting of pluvial urban floods in large catchments and present first preliminary results.

Berkhahn, S., & Neuweiler, I. (2023). Data driven real-time prediction of urban floods with spatial and temporal distribution. Journal of Hydrology X, 100167.

How to cite: Berkhahn, S., Sämann, R., Fuchs, L., and Neuweiler, I.: A High-Resolution Artificial Neural Network-Based Model for Predicting Urban Flooding in Hanover, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17244, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17244, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cristiane Girotto, Farzad Piadeh, Kourosh Behzadian, Massoud Zolgharni, Luiza Campos, and Albert Chen


While the accuracy of flood predictions is likely to improve with increasing gauging station networks and robust radar coverage, challenges arise when such sources are spatially limited [1]. For instance, severe rainfall events in the UK come mostly from the North Atlantic area where gauges are ineffective and radar instruments are limited to it 250km range.  In these cases, NASA’s IMERG is an alternative source of precipitation estimates offering global coverage with 0.1-degree spatial resolution at 30-minute intervals. The IMERG estimates for the UK’s case can offer an opportunity to extend the zone of rainfall detection beyond the radar range and increase lead time on flood risk predictions [2].

This study investigates the ability of machine learning (ML) models to capture the patterns between rainfall and stream level, observed during 20 years in the River Crane in the UK. To compare performances, the models use two sources of rainfall data as input for stream level prediction, the IMERG final run estimates and rain gauge readings. Among the three IMERG products (early, late, and final), the final run was selected for this study due to its higher accuracy in rainfall estimates. The rainfall data was retrieved from rain gauges and the pixel in the IMERG dataset grid closest to the point where stream level readings were taken.

These datasets were assessed regarding their correlation with stream level using cross-correlation analysis. The assessment revealed a small variance in the lags and correlation coefficients between the stream-level and the IMERG dataset compared to the lags and coefficients found between stream-level and the gauge’s datasets. To evaluate and compare the performance of each dataset as input in ML models for stream-level predictions, three models were selected: NARX, LSTM, and GRU. Both inputs performed well in the NARX model and produced stream-level predictions of high precision with MSE equal to 1.5×10-5 while using gauge data and 1.9×10-5 for the IMERG data. The LSTM model also produced good predictions, however, the MSE was considerably higher,  MSE of 1.8×10-3 for gauging data and 4.9×10-3 for IMERG data. Similar performance was observed in the GRU predictions with MSE of 1.9×10-3 for gauging data and 5.6×10-3 for IMERG.  Nonetheless, the results of all models are within acceptable ranges of efficacy confirming the applicability of ML models on stream-level prediction based just on rainfall and stream-level information. More importantly, the small difference between the results obtained from IMERG estimates and gauging data seems promising for future tests of IMERG rainfall data sourced from other pixels of the dataset’s grid and to explore the potential for increased lead time of predictions. 

[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. and Alani, A. (2022). A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

[2] Foelsche, U., Kirchengast, G., Fuchsberger, J., Tan, J., Petersen, W. (2017). Evaluation of GPM IMERG Early, Late, and Final rainfall estimates using WegenerNet gauge data in southeastern Austria. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(12), pp. 6559-6572.

How to cite: Girotto, C., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Zolgharni, M., Campos, L., and Chen, A.: Machine learning models for stream-level predictions using readings from satellite and ground gauging stations , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13359, 2024.

On-site presentation
Abhinanda Roy, Kasiapillai S Kasiviswanathan, and Sandhya Patidar

The occurrences of floods in the recent past have significantly increased due to climate change and anthropogenic activities. Hence, reliable streamflow forecasts are crucial for minimizing the detrimental effects of flooding. However, forecast accuracy deteriorates besides elevated uncertainty when the lead time increases. Therefore, streamflow forecast should have improved accuracy with simultaneous uncertainty quantification to increase the model confidence for effective decision-making. The study proposes a novel two-stage multi-step dynamic error correction model to forecast up to 7 days ahead of streamflow, with the objective of no significant deterioration in accuracy. The framework is developed by integrating the process-based hydrological HBV model with the Bayesian-based Particle filter (PF) and machine learning-based Random Forest algorithm (RF). This facilitates combining the advantages of each model, i.e., process understanding ability of the HBV model, robust uncertainty quantifying ability of the PF technique, and relatively superior predictive ability of the RF algorithm. The model performance is quantified through several statistical performance error measures and uncertainty indices, with graphical performance indicators. The framework tested on the Beas and Sunkoshi river basins of India and Nepal exemplified the NSE of 0.94 and 0.98 in calibration and 0.95 and 0.99 in validation respectively for the 7-day ahead streamflow forecast. Hence, the proposed dynamic modeling framework can be considered as a potential tool to forecast streamflow without significant deterioration in the model accuracy even at increased lead times.  

How to cite: Roy, A., Kasiviswanathan, K. S., and Patidar, S.: A novel two-stage multi-step dynamic error correction model for improving streamflow forecast accuracy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-315, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-315, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Dimosthenis Tsaknias and Dapeng Yu

Antecedent conditions play a crucial role in flooding, and hence it is essential to simulate them when floods are forecasted. Wet antecedent conditions can lead to significant flooding even if the rainfall during an event is not very intense, prolonged or widespread. An example of this type of flooding is the European floods in the summer of 2013, which affected Germany, Czech Republic and Austria; leading to 25 fatalities and financial losses amounting to 16 billion USD (Munich Re, 2013).

This study presents a modelling framework aimed focusing on the interplay between antecedent conditions and flood events. Our approach integrates a new component related to antecedent conditions to Previsico’s proprietary FloodMap Live by leveraging geospatial datasets as well as past precipitation data. The ground parameters are modified automatically without the need of manual intervention.

In this study we discuss the data processing spatially and temporally, and the impact of antecedent conditions for various events by showcasing different scenarios in the United Kingdom. Moreover, we investigate the model sensitivity and performance when compared with observation points which were flooded.

This research investigates the importance of antecedent conditions on flood modelling and  contributes to our understanding of how scenario-based events should be modelled in order to improve forecast performance. These improvements improve the accuracy of Previsico’s flood forecasts as they add a new component related to how the ground conditions changed a few days before a flood event.


Munich Re, 2013. Floods dominate natural catastrophe statistics in first half of 2013. Available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20130714234357/http://www.munichre.com/en/media_relations/press_releases/2013/2013_07_09_press_release.aspx


How to cite: Tsaknias, D. and Yu, D.: Modelling the impact of antecedent conditions on flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21875, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21875, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Felipe Duque, Greg O’Donnell, Yanli Liu, Mingming Song, and Enda O’Connell

Polders, situated in delta regions and enclosed by dykes to avert flooding (from rivers or tides), depend on pumping mechanisms to transfer water from internal artificial rivers to external ones, particularly during storms. Urban polders are highly susceptible to pluvial flooding if their drainage, storage, and pumping capacities are insufficient. This study introduces a Monte Carlo (MC) framework to assess the effectiveness of rainfall threshold-based flood warnings in mitigating pluvial flooding in an urban flood-prone polder area based on 24-hour forecasts. The framework calculates metrics including the potential duration of waterlogging, the maximum area inundated, and the costs of pump operation, taking into account a wide range of possible storm scenarios. The benefits of flood warnings are evaluated by comparing these metrics across different scenarios: scenarios with no warnings, perfect forecasts, deterministic forecasts, and probabilistic forecasts. Probabilistic forecasts incorporate the idea of 'predictive uncertainty' (PU). A specific polder region in Nanjing was selected for this case study. Findings indicate a balance between waterlogging duration and pumping costs, and demonstrate that probabilistic rainfall predictions can significantly improve these metrics. These insights are valuable for designing and assessing the advantages of a rainfall threshold-based flood early warning system (FEWS) in a polder area.

How to cite: Duque, F., O’Donnell, G., Liu, Y., Song, M., and O’Connell, E.: A Monte Carlo Framework to Evaluate the Benefits of Flood Warnings in an Urban Flood-Prone Polder Area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22495, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22495, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Hossein Nouriabouzari, Ali Abbasi, Mojtaba Shafiei, and Kourosh Behzadian

Accurate rainfall estimation is vital for real-time forecasting of water resources used for water demand management. This needs an optimum density of rain gauges. While numerous geostatistical methods exist for optimizing rain gauge networks, many may suffer from limitations. This study aims to develop a novel geostatistical method to redesign rain gauge networks that was demonstrated in a real-world case study of Khorasan Razavi province, specifically in the Qarahqoom basin, Iran, aiming to minimize errors.

The methodology involves analyzing the number and locations of rain gauges and assessing each rain station’s contribution to the region’s overall rainfall estimation accuracy. Initially, station homogeneity in the study area is verified using the linear moment method. Subsequently, a suitable semi-variogram is selected to calculate the acceptance probability for different areas within the province. This approach determines acceptance accuracy (AP) values at various probability levels.

Considering the basin’s characteristics, including its homogeneity, the acceptance probability method was implemented at an 80% probability level. The findings reveal that current networks of 66 rain gauges achieves a 61% acceptance accuracy. Of these, only 42 rain gauges significantly influence the estimated basin rainfall (i.e. forming the base network) while the remaining 24 rain gauges have a minor impact (i.e. non-base network). It is proposed that adding 24 strategically placed stations could evaluate the rainfall estimation accuracy in the Qaraqoom basin to 95%.

Keywords: Rain gauge network, variogram, acceptance probability, acceptance accuracy, Qarahqoom basin

How to cite: Nouriabouzari, H., Abbasi, A., Shafiei, M., and Behzadian, K.: Cumulative Impact Analysis of Rain Gauge Networks on Rainfall Forecasting Accuracy: A Case Study , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15264, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15264, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Chi Zhang, Xizhi Nong, Kourosh Behzadian, Luiza Campos, and Dongguo Shao

Accurate forecasting of water quality variables in river systems is crucial for relevant administrators to identify potential water quality degradation issues and take countermeasures promptly. However, pure data-driven forecasting models are often insufficient to deal with the highly varying periodicity of water quality in today’s more complex environment. This study presents a new holistic framework for time-series forecasting of water quality parameters by combining advanced deep learning algorithms (i.e., Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Informer) with causal inference, time-frequency analysis, and uncertainty quantification. The framework was demonstrated for total nitrogen (TN) forecasting in the largest artificial lakes in Asia (i.e., the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China) with six-year monitoring data from January 2017 to June 2022. The results showed that the pre-processing techniques based on causal inference and wavelet decomposition can significantly improve the performance of deep learning algorithms. Compared to the individual LSTM and Informer models, wavelet-coupled approaches diminished well the apparent forecasting errors of TN concentrations, with 24.39%, 32.68%, and 41.26% reduction at most in the average, standard deviation, and maximum values of the errors, respectively. In addition, a post-processing algorithm based on the Copula function and Bayesian theory was designed to quantify the uncertainty of predictions. With the help of this algorithm, each deterministic prediction of our model can correspond to a range of possible outputs. The 95% forecast confidence interval covered almost all the observations, which proves a measure of the reliability and robustness of the predictions. This study provides rich scientific references for applying advanced data-driven methods in time-series forecasting tasks and a practical methodological framework for water resources management and similar projects.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Nong, X., Behzadian, K., Campos, L., and Shao, D.: A new framework for water quality forecasting coupling causal inference, time-frequency analysis and uncertainty quantification, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7047, 2024.

Wrapping up session 2

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 3.29/30

Chairpersons: Kourosh Behzadian, Farzad Piadeh, Saman Razavi
Introduction to Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems (3)
On-site presentation
Farshad Piadeh and Farzad Piadeh

Rainfall data sources constitute a vital component of flood early warning systems (EWS), and their inseparability from these systems is evident [1]. However, the information derived from these sources is typically confined to the duration, intensity and peak time for ground-based stations and cloud density and temperature for satellite productions [2]. Therefore, more details into the current rainfall occurrence and predictions regarding its future characteristics can significantly assist real-time flood forecasting systems to perform more accurate and reliable measures [3]. One of the rainfall characteristics that can bring valuable insight into the EWS are return period (RP) or position of rainfall into the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. This new parameter can offer a more nuanced understanding of rainfall events and significantly enhance the capabilities of early warning systems [4].

In this study, a novel Back Propagation Neural Network model is designed to enhance the accuracy of rainfall predictions in EWS. The model incorporates five rainfall inputs of (1) current Intensity, (2) intensity gradient determined from an intensity library, (3) current duration, (4) current RP determined using rules from the IDF curve library, (5) RP gradient, (6) absolute energy, and (7) anthropic class. The model employs two 5-neuron hidden layers to predict the RP class of current rainfall, i.e. a 5-year or 3-month RP for instance, depending on the desired lead time. To evaluate its accuracy, the model is tested for various time predictions with 15-minute intervals. Subsequently, a real case study of an urban drainage system in the UK is chosen to assess how this additional input enhances previously developed models [3-4].

The results demonstrate that the model excels in predicting the RP for a 2-hour lead time, achieving a performance accuracy exceeding 90%. Moreover, an acceptable accuracy rate of over 75% is achieved for a 4-hour lead time. Additionally, the incorporation of an added parameter into a benchmark EWS results in a 10.8% increase in accuracy for 15-min, escalating to 37.8% for 4-hour lead time. Although the influence of the added parameter may be minimal for near timesteps, its impact becomes significantly more pronounced when dealing with longer lead time predictions, exactly when conventional EWS performance tends to be reduced.


[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Kapelan, Z., Rizzuto, J., Campos, L.C. (2023). Enhancing urban flood forecasting in drainage systems using dynamic ensemble-based data mining. Water Research, 247, p.120791.

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Campos, L.C., Rizzuto, J., Kapelan, Z. (2023). Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p.105772.

[3] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Campos, L.C., Rizzuto, J.P. (2023). Real-time flood overflow forecasting in Urban Drainage Systems by using time-series multi-stacking of data mining techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-8574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8574, 2023.

[4] Piadeh, F., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. (2023). Time-series Boosting in Ensemble Modelling of Real-Time Flood Forecasting Application, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-4183, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4183, 2023.

How to cite: Piadeh, F. and Piadeh, F.: Rule-based BPNN model for real-time IDF prediction of rainfall: Valuable Input for Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10462, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10462, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yuanqing He and Min Chen

Hydrological ensemble forecasting is crucial for regional or urban flood forecasting. The development of real-time hydrological ensemble forecasting methods and early warning systems that produce accurate and timely forecasts and flood warnings is of paramount importance for effective disaster risk reduction and the mitigation of loss of life.

However, the majority of current hydrological ensemble forecasting systems are centralized, requiring researchers to collect data, download executable programs for models and related methods, and configure the runtime environment on local computers based on specific scenarios (e.g., simulation and forecasting of a specific city or watershed). This method is extremely time-consuming and labour-intensive, and there is a high level of coupling between modelling resources such as data, models (or methods), and parameters. When researchers simulate other scenarios, the models used in certain hydrological processes may not be applicable to the new environment due to changes in the natural environment, and new models may need to be implemented (for instance, the models for runoff yield under saturated storage and runoff yield under excess infiltration conditions are distinctly different). Substantial amounts of time and effort must be invested in recollecting and deploying forecasting resources in local computer, which leads to repetitive labour. This involves downloading models, configuring the operating environment for each ensemble forecasting process, collecting pertinent data, compiling data and model adaptation methods, designing optimization schemes and evaluating the model based on results.

Therefore, to change the current complicated download and installation usage patterns associated with hydrological ensemble forecasting and to facilitate the seamless replacement and integration of various hydrological process model components, we propose an open online simulation strategy. This strategy utilizes a service-oriented web architecture to support the online sharing, invocation, integration, and optimization of simulation resources at the three perspectives: model, input data, and model parameters. Specifically, we explore (1) a service-oriented hydrological ensemble forecasting model sharing method and a document-based model service integration and management method, (2) a hydrological ensemble forecasting data sharing and Python-based data adaptation method, and (3) an online optimization and recommendation method for model parameters. By applying the strategy proposed in this paper to hydrological ensemble forecasting, it is possible to reduce the cost of using models, encourage the sharing of hydrological resources and the exchange of knowledge, and ultimately improve the accuracy of flood forecasting.

How to cite: He, Y. and Chen, M.: An open online simulation strategy for hydrological ensemble forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3280, 2024.

On-site presentation
Markus Weiler, Ingo Haag, Andreas Hänsler, Julia Krumm, Hannes Leistert, Max Schmit, and Andreas Steinbrich

Pluvial (flash) floods regularly cause significant damage in both rural and urban catchments. Such pluvial floods are usually caused by short-term local precipitation events of extreme intensity, resulting in infiltration excess and overland flow. In contrast to fluvial floods, the hazard of pluvial floods is mainly due to overland flow and flow in small ditches and creeks. Therefore, pluvial floods cannot be evaluated with common extreme value statistics, which are based on fluvial discharge records at river gages. On the other hand, pluvial floods are not only influenced by precipitation alone, but also by hydrological and hydrodynamic processes. Thus, precipitation statistics are not sufficient to evaluate and predict pluvial floods, either. Therefore, we suggest a new pluvial flood index (PFI), which evaluates the danger resulting from overland flow and surface flooding during pluvial floods and takes into account precipitation along with hydrological and hydrodynamic processes.

The new PFI is based on the proportion of pluvial flood hazard areas (PFHA). We define PFHA as areas where pedestrians or vehicles are at risk because water depth, flow velocity or the combination of both (flow rate) exceed defined thresholds. Based on historical events and design events (combining different probabilities of precipitation and initial soil moisture), we defined thresholds of PFHA to generate four classes of PFI ranging from no flood danger to very large flood danger. Hence, PFI is a simple, dimensionless measure, which can convey valuable information about the occurrence and severity of a pluvial flood to the general public and authorities.

PFHA and PFI for different events are determined from precipitation input, dynamic simulation of infiltration and saturation excess and hydrodynamic simulation of surface runoff concentration. Thus, simulation and forecasting PFI does not only require quantitative precipitation input and appropriate hydrodynamic overland flow models, but also adequate distributed, process-based hydrological models that consider infiltration excess and saturation runoff resulting from different initial soil moisture and land surface conditions. We demonstrate the application and usefulness of the new PFI in case studies for historical events and for a large-scale test area and show the potential using ML methods to allow real-time forecasting. We will also demonstrate that this information is much more valuable than rainfall warning alone. Moreover, the PFI can be linked to detailed local data to improve decision making of local municipalities. Therefore, the PFI is a valuable core piece for operational, real-time pluvial flood forecasting and early warning systems. The proposed system provides information on whether pluvial flooding will occur in a certain area on the scale of several hectares to square kilometers and how extreme this flood will be.

How to cite: Weiler, M., Haag, I., Hänsler, A., Krumm, J., Leistert, H., Schmit, M., and Steinbrich, A.: A new Pluvial Flood Index (PFI) considering meteorological, hydrological and hydrodynamic processes for real-time flash flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11503, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sanjib Sharma, Yogesh Bhatttarai, Sunil Bista, and Rocky Talchabhadel

Urban systems are highly exposed and vulnerable to extreme rainfall and flooding. Flood impacts span across various sectors, causing disruptions in transportation network, power supply, and access to emergency services. These impacts are expected to increase with expanding urban development, aging flood control infrastructure, and intensifying rainfall events. Reliable prediction of flood hazards is crucial to inform the design of sustainable risk management strategies. This study aims to advance predictive understanding of flood hazards by leveraging recent advances in numerical weather prediction, machine learning, satellite observations and high-performance computing. We compare the predictive skill of standalone machine learning with the hybrid models built by integrating process-based hydrodynamic model outputs with machine learning algorithms. We demonstrate the ability of machine learning surrogate models to capture spatio-temporal flood dynamics with reduced computational expense. This work contributes to strengthening the scientific foundation for flood-risk prediction that is of utmost importance to enhance community resilience in the face of evolving weather and climate extremes.

How to cite: Sharma, S., Bhatttarai, Y., Bista, S., and Talchabhadel, R.: Leveraging machine learning and satellite observation for skillful flood forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14019, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14019, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Kun Wang, Sibo Cheng, Matthew Piggott, Sarah L Dance, and Rossella Arcucci

Floods are one of the most frequent and severe natural disasters, and it is important to be prepared to predict them. Accurate prediction of floods requires the provision of accurate estimates of river discharge. Data assimilation (DA) as a technique for integrating background fields and observations can be a helpful solution to improve the accuracy of the river discharge prediction. DA can be a highly effective technology, however, when DA is performed on a large amount of data or high dimensional data, it results to be computationally very expensive, which is inappropriate for flood prediction, where timely results are required. Also, DA is used to merge data from diverse sources of information and, when the background fields and the observations are not from the same place, e.g. the observations are sparse, data must be interpolated on different grinds which increase the errors’ accumulation. In this work, latent neural mapping is designed to mitigate problems related to errors propagation and computational cost. We integrated DA with neural network (NN) and the resulting model helps on saving computational cost and solve the problem of sparse observation. Convolutional NN are employed to build a mapping function which converts data from the background space to the observation space (and vice versa). We tested the model with real data and flooding events in the UK. Data provided by the National River Flow Archive (NRFA) served as observations and the data provided by the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) served as background fields. The Result shows that the accuracy is improved by 54.4% in MSE and the runtime of the model in 50s for 300 iterations. 

How to cite: Wang, K., Cheng, S., Piggott, M., Dance, S. L., and Arcucci, R.: Latent Neural Mapping for Hydrological Data Assimilation in Flood Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20164, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20164, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xizhi Nong, Cheng Lai, Lihua Chen, and Jiahua Wei

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an essential indicator for assessing water quality and managing aquatic environments, but it is still a challenging topic to accurately understand and predict the spatiotemporal variation of DO concentrations under the complex effects of different environmental factors. In this study, a practical prediction framework was proposed for DO concentrations based on the support vector regression (SVR) model coupling multiple intelligence techniques (i.e., four data denoising techniques, three feature selection rules, and four hyperparameter optimization methods). The holistic framework was tested using a data matrix (17532 observation data in total) of 12 indicators from three vital water quality monitoring stations of the longest inter-basin water diversion project in the world (i.e., the Middle-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of China), during the year 2017 to 2020 period. The results showed that the framework we advocated for could successfully and accurately predict DO concentration variations in different geographical locations. The model used the “wavelet analysis–LASSO regression–random search–SVR” combination of the Waihuanhe station has the best prediction performance, with the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.251, 0.063, 0.190, and 0.911, respectively. The combined methods using feature selection and hyperparameter optimization techniques can significantly promote the robustness and accuracy of the prediction model and can provide a new universal and practical way for investigating and understanding the environmental drivers of DO concentration variations. For the water quality management department, this proposed comprehensive framework can also identify and reveal the key parameters that should be concerned and monitored under different environmental factors change. More studies in terms of assessing potential integrated water quality risk using multi-indicators in mega water diversion projects and/or similar water bodies are required in the future.

How to cite: Nong, X., Lai, C., Chen, L., and Wei, J.: Prediction modelling framework comparative analysis of dissolved oxygen concentration variations using support vector regression coupled with multiple feature engineering and optimization methods: A case study in China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7941, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7941, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Ali Maleki, Hamed Darabi Kerchi, and Farzad Piadeh

This research employs a systems dynamics approach to simulate the intricate dynamics of the agricultural sector, a predominant consumer of resources, with a focus on the Khuzestan region. By meticulously reviewing reports and conducting field visits, we extracted essential inputs for both hydrological and agricultural models. Our objective was to formulate the behaviors of hydrology and agriculture, providing a comprehensive understanding of the region's phenomena. Employing Vensim software, we modeled and integrated the agriculture and hydrology of the region, subsequently deriving a mathematical model for analysis[1].

The model's performance was assessed over a 96-month period from 2011 to 2019, utilizing evaluation metrics such as Lux indices, protein production index, and yield index. Notably, the study reveals that, with the exception of 2018 when Khuzestan experienced flooding, the region consistently faces high water stress[2]. Remarkably, the environmental sector claims the largest share of resource consumption in the region, shaping the allocation dynamics[3]. Analyzing the prevailing agricultural patterns, our findings indicate that sugarcane, wheat, and rice exhibit the highest financial income per cubic meter of water consumption.

This research contributes valuable insights into the sustainability challenges of resource allocation in the Khuzestan agricultural sector. The integrated modeling approach provides a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between hydrological and agricultural components, shedding light on potential strategies for optimizing resource management. The findings hold significance for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners seeking sustainable solutions to address water stress and enhance agricultural productivity in comparable regions.



Keywords: Systems Dynamics; Agricultural Modeling; Hydrological Modeling; Resource Allocation, Khuzestan Region

[1] Mehranfar, N., Kolahdoozan, M., & Faghihirad, S. (2023). Development of multiphase solver for the modeling of turbidity currents (the case study of Dez Dam). International Journal of Multiphase Flow168, 104586.

[2] Vahid, R., Farnood Ahmadi, F., & Mohammadi, N. (2021). Earthquake damage modeling using cellular automata and fuzzy rule-based models. Arabian Journal of Geosciences14, 1-14.

[3] Naghedi, S.R., Huang, X. and Gheibi, M., 2023. A smart dashboard for forecasting disaster casualties: An investigation from sustainable development dimensions (No. EGU23-17237). Copernicus Meetings.

How to cite: Maleki, A., Darabi Kerchi, H., and Piadeh, F.: Integrated Modeling of Agricultural and Hydrological Systems for Sustainable Resource Allocation: A Case Study of the Khuzestan Region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18890, 2024.

On-site presentation
Seyedeh Negar Naghedi, Farzad Piadeh, Kourosh Behzadian, and Moein Hemmati

Flooding's impact on transportation infrastructure is crucial, influencing urban mobility, economic activities, and societal resilience [1]. Disruptions in transportation networks during flood events significantly impede access to essential services, intensifying the vulnerability of communities and hindering recovery efforts. Understanding the multifaceted consequences of flooding on transportation is fundamental for fortifying these critical systems against the escalating risks posed by changing climate patterns and extreme weather events [2].

Floods, stemming from various sources like heavy rainfall, storm surges, or river overflow, profoundly affect transportation infrastructure. Bridges, roads, and rail networks face damage or complete destruction, impeding travel and access to crucial services. Moreover, inundated areas and compromised roadways exacerbate accessibility challenges for specific demographic groups [3]. Vulnerable communities, including low-income populations or geographically isolated areas, bear a disproportionate burden, experiencing limited access to jobs, healthcare, and emergency services during and after flood events.

Research exploring the nexus between early warning systems and transportation resilience remains sparse but holds significant promise. Early warnings tailored to transportation vulnerabilities could mitigate disruptions, enhancing evacuation plans and rerouting strategies. Enabling timely and targeted information dissemination to affected areas or populations, especially those with limited mobility or access, can substantially reduce the adverse impacts on their daily lives and crucial infrastructure. Understanding the gaps in the interconnection of early warning systems and transportation resilience is crucial for bolstering the adaptive capacity of transportation networks, ensuring equitable access, and minimizing the disproportionate impacts of floods on vulnerable communities.

[1] Naghedi, S., Huang, X., Gheibi, M., (2023). A smart dashboard for forecasting disaster casualties: An investigation from sustainable development dimensions EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17237

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Campos, L.C., Rizzuto, J., Kapelan, Z. (2023). Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p.105772.

[3] Yan, J., Naghedi, R., Huang, X., Wang, S., Lu, J. and Xu, Y., 2023. Evaluating simulated visible greenness in urban landscapes: An examination of a midsize US city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 87, p.128060.

How to cite: Naghedi, S. N., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., and Hemmati, M.: Unveiling the Interplay: Flood Impacts on Transportation, Vulnerable Communities, and Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13189, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13189, 2024.

Wrapping up session 3
Closing session

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Kourosh Behzadian, Farzad Piadeh, Luiza Campos
Chengjing Xu, Ping-an Zhong, Feilin Zhu, Bin Xu, Yiwen Wang, Luhua Yang, Sen Wang, and Sunyu Xu

Floods are the most destructive events among natural disasters that restrict national economic development and threaten the safety of human lives. Accurate and efficient flood forecasting plays an important role in flood warning, flood risk analysis, and reservoir operation. Traditional flood forecasting tools provide fixed-value predictions. However, due to the complexity of reality and the limitations of human cognition, many inherent uncertainties are inevitably ignored. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the existing hydrological forecasting models based on the full consideration of the uncertainty information input and migration transformation law. Probabilistic flood forecasting breaks through the conventional thinking of "single point, single value", and provides the probability distribution function of the forecast target variable.

Process-driven hydrological models (HMs) are limited to simplified hydrological processes and have difficulty dealing with complex non-linear relationships between environmental variables and runoff. Data-driven models (DDMs) are good at capturing complex nonlinear relationships, but are overly dependent on data and lack consideration of physical mechanisms. Therefore, a hybrid model for probabilistic flood forecasting that couples the process-driven HM and DDM is proposed. HM can transfer the physical process information of observed runoff to the DDM, while DDM can extract additional nonlinear information not captured by HM, thus giving full scope to their respective advantages.

The hybrid model treats the DDM as a residual model, that is, it corrects the residuals produced by the HM simulation, and the corrected values are added to the original hydrological simulation results to obtain the final runoff predictions. In order to quantify the uncertainty information in the forecasting process, the uncertainty in the HM parameters is used as the source of error, and the resulting input, parameter, and structural uncertainties in the DDM are investigated to construct a hybrid modelling framework that takes into account multiple sources of uncertainty. In addition to deterministic forecasts, this framework simultaneously provides interval forecasts and probabilistic forecasts for quantitative uncertainty assessment, which can provide more abundant and complete risk information for subsequent flood warning and reservoir operation.

How to cite: Xu, C., Zhong, P., Zhu, F., Xu, B., Wang, Y., Yang, L., Wang, S., and Xu, S.: A process-data duality driven hybrid model for improving flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-121, 2024.

Aliya Nurbatsina, Aisulu Tursunova, Kanay Makpal, Zhanat Salavatova, and Iulii Didovets

This study examines climate and hydrology changes in the Zhabay River basin in Kazakhstan and their impact on potential floods in the city of Atbasar. There has been a sustained increase in air temperature in the region since 2000. Significant events, such as the severe flood in 2014 and destructive waves in 2017, have posed a threat to the lives of Atbasar residents.

Utilizing hydraulic modeling with HEC-RAS, researchers determined an extreme hazard level in the eastern part of the city and a high level in the south. Climate change forecasts for 2030 and 2040 indicate further temperature and precipitation increases in the Zhabay River basin, potentially leading to intensified snowmelt and increased precipitation.

The hydrological model SWIM was modified to adapt to the conditions of the plains rivers in Kazakhstan. The study evaluated the model's potential for short-term operational hydrological forecasting. Results demonstrated the effective reproduction of flow dynamics by the SWIM model, aligning with actual observations. SWIM proved promising for operational forecasting of water regimes in Kazakhstan's plains rivers. The article also provides an assessment of short-term hydrological forecasts using the SWIM model, showing high accuracy during flood periods, making it valuable for operational forecasting of water discharge and volume.

This research is intended for decision-makers in water resource management under changing climate conditions. The findings are also useful for water supply and emergency services to take measures for population protection and infrastructure development.

How to cite: Nurbatsina, A., Tursunova, A., Makpal, K., Salavatova, Z., and Didovets, I.: Adaptation of the SWIM hydrological model for forecasting the flow of the Zhabay River during floods/floods., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3900, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3900, 2024.

Seokhwan Hwang, Jungsoo Yoon, and Narae Kang

In small basins such as upstream basins, sub-basins, or drainage basins, the arrival time is usually less than 1 hour, so it is very difficult to secure the advance time necessary for response through flood forecasting. Therefore, the use of precipitation forecasts is very important for flood forecasting in such small-scale areas. However, because predicted precipitation involves spatial and temporal uncertainty, quantitative spatial and temporal errors occur between observed and predicted flood amounts in predicted floods. If the quantitative error is small, advance flood forecasting is possible using predicted precipitation, but if the error is large, it can greatly reduce the reliability of the flood forecast. In the case of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), the temporal resolution is usually more than several hours and the spatial resolution is more than a dozen kilometers. Therefore, there are limits to reproducing precipitation that occurs quickly locally. In other words, the peak of heavy rain concentrated over a short period of time is often predicted to be flat compared to observations. Recently, localized heavy rainfall has been increasing, but the problem of spatial and temporal resolution is making it difficult to properly predict peak inflow for river or basin flood management. Therefore, in this study, we developed a technology to correct the peak of precipitation in digital meteorological predictions using Korea's representative time distribution. As a result of correcting the daily forecast rainfall for the 2022 Typhoon Hinnamno attack, the accuracy was found to improve from 68% of the actual rainfall before correction to 85% due to improvement in the peak.



This research was supported by a grant(2022-MOIS61-002(RS-2022-ND634021)) of Development Risk Prediction Technology of Storm and Flood for Climate Change based on Artificial Intelligence funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).



How to cite: Hwang, S., Yoon, J., and Kang, N.: A Study on Correction Technique for Temporal Rainfall Distribution of Numerical Weather Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4939, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4939, 2024.

Jungsoo Yoon, Seokhwan Hwang, Narae Kang, Hoje Seong, and Changyeol Park

Jeju Island is located in the path of typhoons, making it an extremely vulnerable environment to natural disasters. The mountainous effect caused by Mt. Halla. increases the risk of flash flood in rivers and the impact of climate change is worsening the risk on Jeju Island. Nevertheless, its disaster prevention technology in Jeju Island have been relatively lacking, comparing inland areas in Korea. This study developed flood modeling technology that reflects the characteristics of Jeju Island to improve disaster prevention technology in the Jeju Island. First, we developed rainfall scenarios considering the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of heavy storm in the Jeju Island. AWS data and radar data were used to consider rainfall spatio-temporal characteristics (rainfall amount, duration, movement, spatial distribution, etc.). Second, we used the real-time flood model using inundation and flood risk index developed by KICT(Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology). The flood model uses distributed model on a 1km grid basis and environmental variables such as geology or slope related to runoff are set independently for each 1km grid.

Acknowledgement : This work was supported by the Technology Development Program (20025869, Development of Safety Support Technology based on Real-Time Flood Risk Detection in Jeju Island) funded by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety(MOIS, korea)


How to cite: Yoon, J., Hwang, S., Kang, N., Seong, H., and Park, C.: Development real-time flood modelling technique reflecting regional characteristics of Jeju Island, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13501, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13501, 2024.

Liu Chengshuai and Hu Caihong

One of the important non-engineering measures for flood forecasting and disaster reduction in watersheds is the application of machine learning flood prediction models, with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) being one of the most representative time series prediction models. However, the LSTM model has issues of underestimating peak flows and poor robustness in flood forecasting applications. Therefore, based on a thorough analysis of complex underlying surface attributes, this study proposes a framework for distinguishing runoff models and integrates a Grid-based Runoff Generation Model (GRGM). Additionally, a GRGM-K-LSTM hybrid flood forecasting model is constructed by coupling the flood process line vectorization method and LSTM. Taking the Jialu River in the Zhongmu station control basin as an example, the model is validated using 18 instances of measured floods and compared with the LSTM and GRGM-LSTM models. The study shows that the GRGM model has a relative error and average coefficient of determination for simulating runoff of 8.41% and 0.976, respectively, indicating that considering the spatial distribution of runoff patterns leads to more accurate runoff calculations. Under the same lead time conditions, the GRGM-K-LSTM hybrid forecasting model has a Nash efficiency coefficient greater than 0.9, demonstrating better simulation performance compared to the GRGM-LSTM and LSTM models. As the lead time increases, the GRGM-K-LSTM model provides more accurate peak flow predictions and exhibits better robustness. The research findings can provide scientific basis for coordinated management of flood control and disaster reduction in watersheds.

How to cite: Chengshuai, L. and Caihong, H.: Research on Machine Learning Hybrid Framework for Flood Forecasting by Integrating Physical Processes of Runoff Generation and Vectorized Flood Processes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3344, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3344, 2024.

Carmine Limongi, Raffaele Albano, Leonardo Mancusi, Silvano Dal Sasso, and Aurelia Sole

A robust flood modeling framework is essential for managing flood risk under global and climate change. This is also consistent with the requirements dictated by the recent European legislation on flood risk protection of the territory (Floods Directive 2007/60/EC).

Flood hazard hydrodynamic variables (water depth, flow velocity, flood extent evolution) can be computed using numerical flood models, which represent a well-established approach for flood risk analysis. At one hand, in recent years, hydrological/hydrodynamic modelling of flood events has seen exponential improvements, thanks to the development of increasingly reliable and efficient numerical methods, the increased computing power and innovative geomatic techniques. On the other hand, this kind of models often include substantial uncertainties such as input data, mathematical structure of the model, hydrologic response mechanisms, calibration strategies, contributing to discrepancies between observed and simulated data. 

The aim of the research, realized in the framework of the ODESSA (On DEmand Services for Smart Agriculture) project (financed by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Basilicata Region), is to implement an operational framework on the Basento basin in Basilicata (Southern Italy) that is based on the cascade use of a physically-based and lumped hydrological model AD2 (Fiorentino & Manfreda, 1999), for the estimation of flood hydrographs and a two-dimensional hydraulic model FLORA2D (Cantisani et al., 2014), for the evaluation of the hydraulic characteristics during a flood event.

The calibration methodology of the hydrological model exploits the use of physical information in order to reduce the initial range of the parameters set and an automated optimization procedure, based on genetic algorithm (GA), for searching the set of optimal parameters by comparing the data observed in situ during the December 2013 historical event. A set of flooded maps during the 2013 historical events extracted from diverse multitemporal SAR images has been used for the purpose of calibration of the hydraulic model. Moreover, a validation of the hydrological and hydraulic models has been performed on the March 2011 event in order to verify the adaptation of the values of the model parameters, selected during the calibration phase, in an additional scenario. 

The results show the reliability of the models in both calibration and validation phases, i.e. the hydrological model reach a Nash-Sutcliff efficiency coefficient from 9.86 to 0.91 and the hydraulic model, using a confusion matrix (Scarpino et al. 2018), shows, in all cases, an accuracy around 70%. Considering the significance of the outcomes, the cascade models have been used to simulate future event scenarios for given return times but also for short-time flood forecasting.


  • Fiorentino & Manfreda, (1999). La Stima dei Volumi di Piena dell' Adige a Trento con riferimento al rischio di Inondazione", ISBN 88-7740-382-9, Ed. Bios, Vol.2, p.115-122.
  • Cantisani et al., (2014). FLORA-2D: un nuovo modello per simulare l'inondazione in aree coperte da vegetazione flessibile e rigida. Int J Eng, Innov, Techno,l 3(8):179–186
  • Scarpino et al.,(2018). Dati SAR multitemporali e valutazione della dinamica dello scenario di inondazione del modello idrodinamico 2D, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 7(3), 105

How to cite: Limongi, C., Albano, R., Mancusi, L., Dal Sasso, S., and Sole, A.: A coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling framework for flood scenarios mapping and prediction: the case study of Basento river (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6473, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6473, 2024.

Ki-Won Lee, Jongseok Lee, and Jooyeong Yoon

The frequency and extent of damage from urban flooding are increasing more and more due to rapid urbanization and climate change. The Dorimcheon Stream drainage Basin, a tributary of the Han River in Seoul, is one of the areas prone to frequent flooding during the flood season. When heavy rain occurs and the water level of the Han River rises, the water that was discharged into Dorimcheon through the Storm Sewer System cannot be drained and rather flowed back. In order to manage urban flooding that occurs in the Dorimcheon Stream drainage Basin, it is necessary to measure the water level at the confluence, the water level at the urban storm drain system and at roads in the flood monitoring area. There are many water level observation stations in the Han River, so anyone can easily check water level changes in real time. However, in the Dorimcheon stream basin, it is necessary to install other monitoring devices to monitor changes in water levels in storm drains or roads. In this study, an IOT-based water level gauge which is capable of real-time monitoring for storm drains and roads were researched and developed to monitor urban flooding in order to contribute to quick decision-making during urban flood forecasting and warning. It is expected that the developed monitoring device will be installed at a number of points, and use analysis of the acquired data, it will be possible to manage damage from urban flooding more scientifically and effectively.


Keywords : Urban flood, Water level gauge, real-time monitoring


Acknowledgement : This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through R&D Program for Innovative Flood Protection Technologies against Climate Crisis Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(2022003470002)

How to cite: Lee, K.-W., Lee, J., and Yoon, J.: Development of monitoring techniques for Urban flood damage, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7630, 2024.

How effective is social media for waterlogging disaster detection by twitter users?
(withdrawn after no-show)
Shan-e-hyder Soomro, Xiaotao Shi, Jiali Guo, Muhammad Waseem Boota, Mairaj Hyder Alias Soomro, Gul-e-Zehra Soomro, Yinghai Li, Caihong Hu, Chengshuai Liu, Yuanyang Wang, Tongqing Li, and Junaid Wahid
Global Modeling of Major Flood Events
Tal Ikan, Gideon Dror, Adi Gerzi Rosenthal, and Rotem Mayo
Zohreh Sheikh Khozani and Monica Ionita

Accurate prediction of streamflow is crucial for various purposes, such as flood control, dam design and operation, water supply systems, and hydropower generation. Estimating streamflow in a catchment presents challenges due to factors such as chaotic distribution, periodicity in streamflow patterns, and intricate/nonlinear relationships among catchment elements. The limitations of traditional models and the growing availability of time series data on flow rates and relevant weather and climate variables are leading to an increased use of Machine Learning-based models. Among these, neural networks have proven to be highly effective for making accurate predictions. In this research, three different types of Machine Learning (ML) algorithm, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Random Forest (RF), were employed to forecast the daily streamflow of the Rhine River (Worms catchment). The predictive features at Worms gauging station (Rhine River) encompassed lagged values of streamflow (Qs) from the previous 1, 2, and 3 days, flow rate at the Maxau station (Rhine River) with a single lag-time (Qm-1), and daily precipitation (P). In this study, the data from 1 January 2013 to 31 August 2021 was employed for building models (training), and the data from 1 September 2021 to 31 October 2023 was used for model validation. The performance of the proposed models in predicting streamflow were investigated using some quantitative metrics such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and Percent bias (PBIAS). The results showed that the Maxau flow rate (Qm-1) and daily streamflow with one day lag (Qs-1) are the most effective input variables for forecasting streamflow at Worms gaugin station. According to the NSE metric, all models have very good predictive power, but the RF algorithm outperformed the others.

How to cite: Sheikh Khozani, Z. and Ionita, M.: Machine Learning for Daily Streamflow Forecasting in the Rhine River Basin: Modeling and Predictive Insights, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8776, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8776, 2024.

Henning Müller and Kai Schröter

Climate change related sea level rise and increased winter precipitation are contributing to an increase in flood hazards in low-lying coastal regions of Germany. The magnitude of flood events in these areas is largely dependent on the capacity of the drainage infrastructure such as canals, sluices or pumps. As the drainage capacity varies depending on the technical and environmental conditions, drainage operations are especially under pressure when compound events like an inland flood and a storm surge occur simultaneously.

To gain insight into the factors that impact drainage system capacity, we analyse sea level, hydrometeorological and operational datasets from coastal lowland catchments using multivariate statistical and machine learning-based approaches, e.g. rank correlation and random forests. The analysis indicates complex multi-level correlations of rainfall, wind direction and speed, and tidal water levels with inland flooding and helps to identify combinations of influencing factors that reduce drainage capacity and increase flood hazards. This information is useful to anticipate flood events and assist water management bodies in adjusting drainage operations in advance to mitigate resulting risks.

How to cite: Müller, H. and Schröter, K.: Predictive multivariate modelling for anticipatory drainage management in coastal lowlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15200, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15200, 2024.

Thanh Huy Nguyen, Sukriti Bhattacharya, Jefferson Wong, Yoanne Didry, and Patrick Matgen

Advancements in Earth Observation, coupled with the swift progress in big data analysis and access to distributed computing and storage, open up exciting possibilities for the development of Digital Twins of the Earth. These Digital Twins hold the potential to transform disaster preparedness, allowing us to foresee extreme events and assess the effectiveness of various policy measures. Within this framework, we propose here a specialized Digital Twin dedicated to flood disasters. Its primary goal is to enhance flood resilience by introducing an innovative inundation forecasting service that provides early warnings and enhances preparedness. To ensure the product aligns with user needs, a multi-tiered strategy for collecting user requirements was implemented. Key features identified by users include hourly flood depth predictions, updated daily, with a 72-hour lead time. The integration of local data and models for impact analysis at local scales was also recognized as crucial. The chosen pilot studies for this project focus on the winter 2020 storms in the Severn Catchment, UK and the summer 2021 storm in the Alzette Catchment, Luxembourg. Both events were observed by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission.

To meet user requirements, the study aims to incorporate existing state-of-the-art global and regional near-real-time flood monitoring and forecasting products, namely GloFAS (Global Flood Awareness System) and GFM (Global Flood Monitor). The Digital Twin thus consists of four key elements:

  • Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model, based on ECMWF or French/German weather service forecasts;
  • Land surface model and rainfall-runoff model, i.e. GloFAS HTESSEL or LARSIM;
  • Hydrodynamic model, with LISFLOOD-FP model for both catchments;
  • Flood impact assessment model, based on KONTUR population dataset and OpenStreetMap.

By integrating the GFM and GloFAS products through data assimilation, the Digital Twin is capable of short-term as well as medium-range daily inundation forecasting, reducing predictive uncertainties. The data assimilation strategy is flexible and accommodates various global- and local-scale models and resolutions. Its implementation involves particle filtering enabling weighted combinations of pre-computed flood depth maps based on LISFLOOD-FP, aligned with flood extent maps observed by GFM, providing a more accurate representation of the real world.

Not only this strategy is spatiotemporally transferable but it is also adaptable to new test sites without extensive retraining or reconfiguration. The outcomes of this proof-of-concept study can lay the groundwork for future research in the field, contributing to closing the global flood protection gap.

How to cite: Nguyen, T. H., Bhattacharya, S., Wong, J., Didry, Y., and Matgen, P.: Towards Digital Twin in Global Flood Forecasting - A Proof-of-Concept in Severn catchment and Alzette catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16534, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16534, 2024.

Shao-Kun Shiu and Li-Chiu Chang

In the context of rapid global population growth and extensive economic development, urbanization is expanding rapidly. The expansion of urbanization brings about increasingly complex challenges for cities, and flooding is one of the disasters faced. Climate change has led to a significant increase in extreme hydrological events, particularly a sharp rise in rainfall intensity, further elevating the risk of flooding in low-lying urban areas. The study area is located in Taipei City, characterized by low-lying terrain surrounded by mountains, and is influenced by subtropical climate. The frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall during the monsoon season and typhoons contributes to frequent flooding events, with the additional impact of climate change increasing the risk of intense rainfall. Therefore, the real-time prediction of regional flooding and its application in urban management becomes an imperative task, aiding in early warning, effective flood risk response, and ensuring sustainable urban development.

This study utilizes the Double-Encoder Transformer model for real-time flood forecasting leveraging dual-encoder architecture to process and analyze diverse data types relevant predicting floods. One encoder could be dedicated to interpreting meteorological data, such as rainfall spatial distribution. This encoder focuses on extracting and understanding the complex patterns in weather-related data, which are crucial for predicting the likelihood of flooding. The second encoder, on the other hand, could handle geographical and environmental data, including terrain topology, and land use patterns. This encoder is adept at understanding how environmental factors contribute to flood risk in specific areas. By concurrently processing these two streams of information, the Double-Encoder Transformer can create a more comprehensive prediction model. It can identify correlations between meteorological conditions and environmental responses, leading to more accurate and timely flood forecasts. This approach enhances the model's ability to predict not only when and where floods might occur but also their potential severity, aiding in disaster preparedness and resource allocation.

Overall, the application of the Double-Encoder Transformer in flood forecasting represents a significant advancement in disaster management, leveraging AI's power to integrate and analyze complex, multi-faceted data for better, more informed decision-making in critical situations.

How to cite: Shiu, S.-K. and Chang, L.-C.: Regional Flood Inundation Nowcast Using Double-Encoder Transformer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16762, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16762, 2024.

Enhancing Runoff Generation Mechanisms for Flood Simulation through Integrating Machine Learning and Process-Based Modeling
(withdrawn after no-show)
Saman Razavi and Kailong Li
Kourosh Behzadian, Farzad Piadeh, Saman Razavi, Luiza Campos, Mohamad Gheibi, and Albert Chen

Todays, early warning systems are widely applied in real-time flood forecasting operations as valuable non-structural tools for mitigating the impacts of floods [1].  Although many research works have perfectly could review recent advances in this era, current review papers tend to focus narrowly on specific perspectives, such as water quantity or quality [2]. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a more comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach that not only explores various potential aspects of flood early warning system applications but also reveals the interconnections between these aspects [3]. This paper aims to bridge this gap by mapping out diverse applications and presenting significant trends, past initiatives, and future directions across a wide range of domains. By adopting such an approach, our goal is to provide a more holistic understanding of flood early warning systems and pave the way for further exploration in this critical field.

This papers, as state-of-art, suggests that a comprehensive framework may include all these aspects to meet all desired task and also ensure that all aspect of sustainability, reliability, resiliency, and accuracy have been fulfilled: (1) using recent input data extracted from both well known resources such as ground station and satellite stations, and novel but local resources i.e. IoT-based remote sensing, drones, USV and even social media and qualitative data; (2) Advance modelling with focusing on hybrid deep learning and physics-informed neural networks for different type of flood i.e. fluvial, pluvial or surface run-off. Also, application of data mining for data screening still have required more attention; (3) Adding concept of water quality as target and outputs of EWS especially with focusing on emerging pollutants, biological pollutants and micro-plastics; (4) Interconnection of EWS with optimisation techniques, decision support systems, and multi criteria decision making processes; (5) Appropriate sensitivity/uncertainty analysis especially due to requirement for developing dynamic retrainable or self-trainable EWS; (6) Application of post modelling tools including virtual/augmented/mixed reality or digital twin to including stakeholder engagement.


[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Kapelan, Z., Rizzuto, J., Campos, L.C. (2023). Enhancing urban flood forecasting in drainage systems using dynamic ensemble-based data mining. Water Research, 247, p.120791.

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Campos, L.C., Rizzuto, J., Kapelan, Z. (2023). Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p.105772.

[3]  Ringo, J., Sabai, S., Mahenge, A. (2024). Performance of early warning systems in mitigating flood effects. A review. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 210, p.105134.

How to cite: Behzadian, K., Piadeh, F., Razavi, S., Campos, L., Gheibi, M., and Chen, A.: Comprehensive Flood Early Warning Systems: From Modelling to Policy Making Perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18150, 2024.

Cristiane Girotto, Farzad Piadeh, Kourosh Behzadian, Massoud Zolgharni, Luiza Campos, and Albert Chen


Among the three main rainfall data sources (rain gauge stations, rainfall radar stations and weather satellites), satellites are often the most appropriate for longer lead times in real-time flood forecasting [1]. This is particularly relevant in the UK, where severe rainfall events often originate over the Atlantic Ocean, distant from land-based instruments although it can also limit the effectiveness of satellite data for long-term predictions [2]. The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) estimates can be used as an alternative source for rainfall information in real-time flood forecasting models. However, the challenge lies in monitoring the vast oceanic region around the UK and integrating this extensive data into hydrological or data-driven models, which presents computational and time constraints. Identifying key monitoring area for obtaining these estimates is essential to address these challenges and to effectively use this use for water level forecasting in urban drainage systems (UDS).

This study introduced an optimised data-driven model for streamline the collection and use of GPM IMERG rainfall estimates for water level forecasting in UDS. The model’s effectiveness was demonstrated using a 20-year satellite data set from the Atlantic Ocean, west of the UK, focusing on water level forecasting for a specific UDS point in London. This data helped identify the most probable path of rainfall from the Atlantic that impacts UDS water levels. We conducted a cross-correlation analysis between the water level records and each IMERG data pixel within the selected oceanic area.

The analysis successfully pinpointed the most influential rainfall points/pixels along the Atlantic path and their respective lag times between rainfall occurrence and water level changes at any satellite-monitored point until it reaches the mainland and joins the river system. This research enhances understanding of long-distance rainfall patterns while optimising the use of GPM IMERG data. It also aids in reducing data volume and processing time for stream-level forecasting models, aiming for longer lead times.


[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Alani, A., 2022. A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

[2] Speight, L., Cole, S., Moore, R., Pierce, C., Wright, B., Golding, B., Cranston, M., Tavendale, A., Dhondia, J., Ghimire S. (2016). Developing surface water flood forecasting capabilities in Scotland: an operational pilot for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(S2), pp. S884-S901.

How to cite: Girotto, C., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Zolgharni, M., Campos, L., and Chen, A.: Optimising oceanic rainfall estimates for increased lead time of stream level forecasting: A case study of GPM IMERG estimates application in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13509, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13509, 2024.

Farzad Piadeh and Kourosh Behzadian

Today, the vast majority of early warning systems (EWS) are introduced in which advanced deep learning, recurrent neural network or ensemble-based data mining techniques are applied to provide more accurate and reliable flood forecasting [1]. This trend have been gained more trends mainly due to recent advances in computational capabilities, technological enhancement, and data science-based modelling have empowered these data-driven models [2]. A novel addition in this community is the physics-informed neural network models (PINN), integrating physical principles and constraints into architecture of data driven models. This hybrid approach is particularly beneficial in scenarios where prior knowledge of underlying physics such as nature of rainfall occurrence or catchments hydraulic characteristics are limited [3].

In the present study, PINN-based ensemble multi-class data mining model, inspired by [4] is introduced for forecasting water level classes ranging from no risk to high risk in the context of urban drainage systems (UDS). To keep simplicity, this model is developed with only two datasets: rainfall and UDS water levels. In addition to conventional inputs such as rainfall intensity, duration, session, and soil moisture, two physics-informed rainfall inputs - namely, the potential future return period (RP) of current rainfall and the current return period class - are incorporated. Additionally, two physics-informed catchment water level inputs - specifically, the water level class at the current timestep and the duration of the current class - are integrated into the model framework. The introduction of these new parameters aims to offer valuable insights into system dynamics, enhancing the model's ability to comprehend both short-term and long-term memory patterns.

The results, assessed using the method outlined in [2], indicate a substantial improvement in hit rates - from 67% to 88% - compared to a benchmark model. Notably, time lags in the correct detection of water level classes, are halved on average, reducing from 2-timstep intervals. More specifically, the rate of event underestimation decreases from 7% to 2%, showcasing that the new method has the potential to reduce false alarms in EWS. It is essential to note that the application of PINN is currently limited to using only physics-informed input data. However, a promising avenue for future exploration involves extending this approach to adjusting hyperparameters of data-driven models with physics equations. This adaptation is recommended for future directions in research and application.


[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Campos, L.C., Rizzuto, J., Kapelan, Z. (2023). Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p.105772.

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen, A.S., Kapelan, Z., Rizzuto, J., Campos, L.C. (2023). Enhancing urban flood forecasting in drainage systems using dynamic ensemble-based data mining. Water Research, 247, p.120791.

[3] Bihlo, A., Popovych, R. (2022). Physics-informed neural networks for the shallow-water equations on the sphere. Journal of Computational Physics, 456, p.111024.

[4] Piadeh, F., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. (2023). Time-series Boosting in Ensemble Modelling of Real-Time Flood Forecasting Application, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, EGU23-4183, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4183, 2023.

How to cite: Piadeh, F. and Behzadian, K.: Physics-Informed AI-based Modelling for Flood Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10381, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall A

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Farzad Piadeh, Albert Chen, Mohamad Gheibi
Vahid Bakhtiari, Farzad Piadeh, and Kourosh Behzadian

Today, IoT devices are becoming integral to the real-time management of flooding through the implementation of flood early warning systems [1]. With the assistance of advancements in remote sensing, the expanding band board of the internet, and satellite technology, numerous local sensors, such as ultrasonic water level detectors, flowmeters, wind speed and direction meters, and soil moisture sensors, have been introduced to provide essential real-time data for flood early warning systems [2]. Importantly, the application of IoT in urban flood risk management extends beyond the establishment of early warning systems, encompassing a comprehensive stakeholder engagement throughout all stages and applicable to a wide range of scenarios [3].

Although this concept is currently undergoing testing worldwide, there is still a notable gap in the existence of a comprehensive framework that classifies and explains the roles of all sensors [4]. This research aims to fill that gap. The identification of five pivotal stages in flood risk management - prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery - emphasizes the comprehensive nature of the challenge. In the prevention stage, IoT sensors are strategically deployed to monitor meteorological conditions and hydraulics information, providing real-time data essential for predicting potential flooding. Integrating IoT into infrastructure, such as smart dams or levees, enables continuous monitoring and adjustment to prevent breaches or overflows. In the mitigation stage, IoT-controlled devices, like smart pumps or floodgates, can be autonomously activated based on real-time data, aiding in managing water levels and mitigating flood impacts. Furthermore, IoT devices, by collecting data on evolving conditions, enable predictive analytics for assessing potential flood risks. This empowers authorities to proactively devise and implement mitigation measures.

In the preparedness phase, sensors trigger automated alerts and notifications to authorities and the affected population, facilitating timely evacuation and preparedness measures. During the response stage, IoT facilitates real-time monitoring of flood events, empowering emergency responders to make informed decisions and allocate resources judiciously. Concurrently, IoT supports communication during emergencies, ensuring seamless connectivity among response teams, affected individuals, and pertinent authorities for coordinated efforts. In the recovery phase of flood risk management, IoT sensors prove invaluable in assessing the extent of damage in affected areas, providing indispensable data for recovery planning. Moreover, IoT applications, such as monitoring air and water quality, contribute to ensuring a safe environment during the recovery period.


[1] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. (2023). Application of innovative digital technologies in urban flood risk management. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4143.

[2] Zeng, F., Pang, C., Tang, H., 2023. Sensors on the Internet of Things systems for urban disaster management: a systematic literature review. Sensors, 23(17), p.7475.

[3] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Chen, A., Behzadian, K. (2023). Stakeholder analysis in the application of cutting-edge digital visualisation technologies for urban flood risk management: A critical review. Expert Systems with Applications, p.121426.

[4] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Kapelan, Z., (2023). A critical review for the application of cutting-edge digital visualisation technologies for effective urban flood risk management. Sustainable Cities and Society, p.104958.

How to cite: Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., and Behzadian, K.: Application of Internet of Things in Real-Time Urban Flood Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11663, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11663, 2024.

Sina Raeisi, Farzad Piadeh, and Kourosh Behzadian

Urban flooding presents significant socio-economic challenges in cities, emphasising the need for effective flood forecasting [1]. Traditional flood prediction methods are data-intensive and time-consuming for calibration and computation. However, due to data scarcity and the necessity to account for real-time variable factors, Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL) techniques are emerging as preferred solutions. These methods offer an advantage over slow, yet accurate, calibrated numerical models by handling limitations more efficiently [2]. More recently, a notable DL technique, called the Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN), integrates physics understanding into the modeling process. This approach enables the model to incorporate physical principles into its inputs, enhancing its predictive capabilities despite limited data availability. Similar to other DL models, PINNs consist of an input layer, several hidden layers, and an output layer. However, as added value, the structure of these layers in PINN models varies based on the problem's nature and hyperparameters such as weights and biases are adjusted based on physical equations/roles/formula during the training phase to minimise the loss function [3]. Application of PINN models have been tasted widely in other contexts such as groundwater systems, climate prediction, energy systems, and waste management [4]. However, in the context of real-time flood early warning systems, this issue remains relatively novel.

This study aims to develop a PINN model to detect flood events at specific points in an urban drainage system at the earlier timesteps of rainfall. The model employs the Horton equation applied to the rainfall hyetograph (both time-dependent) to process real-time data. This input allows the model to predict water level rises at certain points in the channel, identifying potential flooding. This new data is used as both input data and roles of bias adjusting during training model. The results show that by integrating physics-based rainfall inputs, accuracy of prediction have been significantly enhanced especially for longer timesteps in comparison to well-developed ML models.



[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen A., Campos L., Rizzuto J., Kapelan Z. (2023). Event-based decision support algorithm for real-time flood forecasting in urban drainage systems using machine learning modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 167, p.105772.

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Chen A., Kapelan, Z., Rizzuto, J., Campos, L. (2023). Enhancing urban flood forecasting in drainage systems using dynamic ensemble-based data mining. Water Research, 247, p.120791.

[3] Raissi, M., Perdikaris, P., Karniadakis, G. (2019). Physics-informed neural networks: A deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 378, pp. 686-707.

[4] Li, H., Zhang, Z., Li, T., Si, X. (2024). A review on physics-informed data-driven remaining useful life prediction: Challenges and opportunities, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 209, p.111120.

How to cite: Raeisi, S., Piadeh, F., and Behzadian, K.: Enhancing Urban Flood Prediction Accuracy with Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Case Study in Real-Time Rainfall Data Integration , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13053, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13053, 2024.

Role of Social Media in Real-Time Flood Early Warning Systems: Data Regression using Data Mining Models
(withdrawn after no-show)
Fatemeh Kaleshani, Farzad Piadeh, Suzanne Wilkinson, and Mostafa jelodar
Saeid Najjar-Ghabel, Farzad Piadeh, Kourosh Behzadian, and Atiyeh Ardakanian

The increasing pollution levels in rivers have become a serious concern worldwide due to their detrimental impact on ecosystems and human health. Recently, there has been a growing recognition of the need for early warning systems (EWS) to monitor and manage water quality in river ecosystems [1]. EWS is a method that is used to detect and predict potential risks or hazards before they occur. It helps alert individuals, organisations, or communities and provides them with timely information to take necessary precautions and actions to minimise the impact of the anticipated event [2]. EWS for water quality management also can be efficient when real-time data (both water quality and quantity) can be combined with real-time flood forecasting [3].


This study presents a new method based on data-driven models for early warning pollution detection in the Thames River. The proposed method collects and analyses various types of data, including weather data and water quality parameters obtained from water samples and sensing systems. These inputs are integrated into a robust computational framework to forecast and identify potential pollution incidents in the Thames River system. The data-driven model incorporates real-time weather data to encompass the dynamic nature of pollution levels. The model can identify high-risk situations and issue timely warnings to prevent further pollution by analysing historical weather patterns and their correlation with pollution incidents. The system's computational framework utilises a deep neural network to analyse and interpret the collected data. The model is fine-tuned and calibrated using historic data, allowing it to effectively recognise and predict pollution events in real-time for every flood event through combined sewer overflow structures. By integrating historical and real-time data, the model can enhance predictive capabilities of pollution spread in the river system and hence prepare the relevant bodies to take appropriate actions in time.


The proposed method holds great promise in mitigating the adverse impacts of pollution on the river's ecosystem and the surrounding communities. By integrating diverse data sources, including in-situ measurements, sensing systems, and weather information, the model provides a holistic understanding of pollution dynamics and enables proactive pollution control measures. Implementing this model can contribute significantly to preserving the health and ecological integrity of the Thames River, serving as a blueprint for other river systems facing similar pollution challenges worldwide.



[1] Yuxi, X., Weihua, Z., Jie, Q. (2023). Integrated water risk early warning framework of the semi-arid transitional zone based on the water environmental carrying capacity (WECC). Journal of Arid Land. 15(2), pp. 145–163.

[2] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Alani, A. (2022). A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

[3] Waidyanatha, N. (2010). Towards a typology of integrated functional early warning systems. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 6 (1), p.31.

How to cite: Najjar-Ghabel, S., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., and Ardakanian, A.: Integrated Data-Driven Approach for Early Pollution Detection and Management in the Thames River Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12888, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12888, 2024.