HS2.2.1 | Isotope and tracer methods: flow paths characterization, catchment response, and transformation processes
Isotope and tracer methods: flow paths characterization, catchment response, and transformation processes
Convener: Pertti Ala-aho | Co-conveners: Andrea Popp, Michael Stockinger, Christine Stumpp
| Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:55 (CEST)
Room B
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall A
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Thu, 16:15
Thu, 14:00
Stable and radioactive isotopes as well as other natural and artificial tracers are useful tools (i) to fingerprint the sources of water and solutes in catchments, (ii) to trace flow pathways or (iii) to quantify exchanges of water, solutes and particulates between hydrological compartments. We invite contributions that demonstrate novel applications and recent developments of isotope and other tracer techniques in hydrological field studies and modelling in the areas of surface water-groundwater interactions, unsaturated and saturated zone, rainfall-runoff processes, cold-region hydrology, nutrient or contaminant transport, ecohydrology or other catchment processes.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room B

Chairpersons: Pertti Ala-aho, Michael Stockinger
On-site presentation
Hjalmar Laudon

Water limitation has become one of the most pressing threats to groundwater and forest resources also in the north. Despite increased precipitation in many high latitude regions, suggested by both empirical observations and climate models, large regions are on a trajectory of increasing water limitation that already caused substantial loss of forest biomass, threatening targets for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and bioeconomy. Key to these northern challenges are how the intensification of the water cycle results in earlier snowmelt, enhanced evapotranspiration (ET) rates, lower groundwater levels during the vegetation period and declining summer runoff. In my talk, I will present 25 years of consistent water isotopic data from precipitation, groundwater and stream flow in order to disentangle critical processes that determine the availability of water for trees and streams during the growing season. I will draw my examples from the Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) that has supported water isotope research for over tree decades. The research infrastructure is based on a 6790 ha catchment and includes a dozen gauged streams, 150 groundwater wells, 500 permanent forest inventory plots, a large radar system for tree water content measurements and a 150 meter tall tower for biosphere-atmosphere carbon and water exchange processes. The combination of long-term monitoring, shorter-term research projects, and large-scale experiments, including manipulations of the water cycle related to climate, forest management and peatland restoration. This work has contributed to our process understanding of water in the boreal landscape, while also supporting the development of better models and guidelines for research, policy, and management.

How to cite: Laudon, H.: Intensification of the water cycle in northern catchments: Long-term isotopic and hydrometric evidence and consequences   , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4645, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4645, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fengjing Liu and John Gierke

End-member mixing analysis (EMMA) has been frequently applied to advance our understanding of hydrologic pathways, water sources, and surface water and groundwater interactions in catchment hydrology. Very recently, EMMA has been applied to hydrogeological systems to better understand groundwater recharge and movement. In conjunction with diagnostic tools of mixing models (DTMM), EMMA relies on eigenvectors extracted from coincident time series of geochemical and isotopic values measured at the same location to characterize the mixing space (numbers of end-members and conservative tracers), identify end-members, and quantify their contributions to streamflow and the groundwater system. However, this traditional approach limits the use of EMMA in many studies with small sample sets (short intervals). We hypothesize that EMMA can be extended to studies with infrequent sampling schemes if samples are collected from multiple scales or locations within a catchment by adding an additional mixing model assumption that end-members are consistent over varying scales. In other words, the underlying assumption means that only contributions of end-members vary with scales. This work uses two examples to demonstrate the success of EMMA for analyzing short-duration time series of water samples collected from multiple locations, one from a glacierized catchment in Bhutan and the other from a hydrogeological study in volcanic setting of El Salvador. The success was evaluated by independent tracers (not used in EMMA and also no direct connection with those used in EMMA) and semi-independent tracers (e.g., specific conductance (SC) and pH, which are chemically related to geochemical tracers used in EMMA). In the glacierized catchment, a three-end-member mixing model was developed using geochemical tracers for streamflow with contributions from glacier melt and direct precipitation, shallow groundwater (below and in front of glaciers), and catchment groundwater (base flow generated outside the glacierized area). The projections using the EMMA results and the measured values were very well correlated for independent and semi-independent variables, including SC (R2 = 0.97, slope =0.98, p < 0.001), pH (R2 = 0.70, slope =1.1, p < 0.001), stream temperature (R2 = 0.77, slope =0.6, p < 0.001), and δ18O (R2 = 0.90, slope =1.16, p < 0.001; not used in EMMA in this case). In the case of El Salvador study, three end-members were also identified for a number of groundwater wells, with direct precipitation and two types of groundwater from different geologic settings. The El Salvador model was validated using SC (R2 = 1.00, slope =0.97, p < 0.001) and sulfur (R2 = 0.87, slope =0.81, p < 0.01) that were not used in EMMA. The successful application of this new approach will significantly extend the application of EMMA to catchments that are difficult to access, or frequent sampling is impractical.

How to cite: Liu, F. and Gierke, J.: A New Approach to Conduct End-Member Mixing Analysis in Catchment Hydrology and Hydrogeology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12055, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bruce Dudley, Alice Hill, Andy McKenzie, and Jing Yang

Sub-surface flow pathways and transit times of water to rivers are vital catchment characteristics that determine how climate change and land use affect surface water quality and runoff amounts. These catchment characteristics also determine the appropriateness of catchment scale management decisions to control water quality and runoff.

Conservative hydrologic tracers remain reliable, accurate tools to partition river flows among flow pathways, and calculate transit times. For example, hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) stable isotopes provide the data for robust calculation of the young (less than a few months old) fraction of river flow. H and O isotopes also have the potential to be integrated into the next generation of 'isotope-enabled' hydrological models, which are designed to provide accurate flow-source partitioning and flow estimates outside the range of historical climate conditions.

Currently, the use of H and O stable isotopes as hydrologic tracers in large catchment scale hydrology across New Zealand is hindered by the requirement for extensive, non-routine sampling. To lower this hurdle, we have prepared national databases of precipitation and river water isotope data, and developed national-scale, time varying isotope models (isoscapes).      

Here, I describe our development of precipitation and river isoscapes for New Zealand, and initial calculations of young water fractions across New Zealand rivers.

Database development used a combination of regional government, research and citizen science collections. Our databases now include regular long-term (>18 months) sampling from around 100 rivers, and over 100 precipitation sites nationally.

Using these databases, we have developed isoscapes using a range of statistical modelling techniques.  Sinusoidal precipitation isoscape results suggest that strong seasonal cycles of precipitation stable isotope values in some areas of New Zealand (but not others) are conducive to calculation of young water fractions for rivers and may require consideration for interpreting sources of recharge to groundwater and river water. Our machine-learning precipitation isoscape captures much of the non-seasonal temporal variation that dominates in windward areas of New Zealand. These results have wider implications for the application of stable isotopes as hydrological tracers in regions with mixed marine- and continental-type climates.

Results indicate that precipitation isoscapes can now be combined with regular river sampling to provide robust comparisons of young water fractions at a regional level.

How to cite: Dudley, B., Hill, A., McKenzie, A., and Yang, J.: Lag times and flow pathways of New Zealand's river catchments: Developing robust national scale metrics using stable isotopes  , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2661, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2661, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marius G. Floriancic, Scott T. Allen, and James W. Kirchner

The forest water cycle is dominated by vegetation-mediated processes, such as interception, infiltration, and transpiration, that greatly impact the redistribution of waters between the atmosphere and subsurface. Based on a three-year time series of water stable isotopes in precipitation, soils of various depths, groundwater, streams and xylem from the “WaldLab Forest Experimental Site” in Zurich, Switzerland, we estimated seasonal signals and the fractions of more recent and older waters across the different compartments of the forest water cycle. These findings yield new understanding of water transport in forest ecosystems.

Seasonal variation in streamflow isotopic signatures was small, indicating that annual streamflow was dominated by old waters draining from subsurface storages. Mobile and bulk soil waters all showed a distinct seasonal signature, with the seasonal amplitude decreasing with depth and mobile soil waters varying less than bulk soil waters. Young water fractions and new water fractions in forest soils decreased with increasing depth, indicating different degrees of subsurface mixing with waters from previous events and seasons. The fractions of recent precipitation in soil waters were generally smaller in summer than in winter, revealing the effects of interception and evaporation. Xylem water signatures in beech and spruce trees largely matched the bulk soil water signatures. The relative lack of soil water recharge in summer led to both species predominantly transpiring winter precipitation. Canopy interception did not substantially alter the isotopic signal of precipitation, but where it is more significant it could bias interpretations of transit times and seasonal precipitation partitioning.

How to cite: Floriancic, M. G., Allen, S. T., and Kirchner, J. W.: Revealing the origin, age and seasonality of streamflow, soil waters and transpiration, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8015, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8015, 2024.

On-site presentation
Arsh Grewal, Ciaran Harman, and Sean Carey

Seasonality plays a critical role in the rate, timing and magnitude of hydrological and chemical transport in permafrost underlain mountain catchments. During spring, large volumes of water are delivered as snowmelt, yet infiltration is limited by the presence of frozen ground and shallow flow pathways rapidly deliver water to streams. As thaw progresses, catchment storage capacity increases, runoff pathways lengthen, and previously frozen soil water becomes mobile. Changing storage capacity and activation of deeper flow paths can alter the degree of mixing in storage and alter transit time distributions of outgoing fluxes. Water age can reveal vital information about catchment storage and flow pathways however, limited work has been conducted on characterizing water age dynamics in permafrost underlain catchments due to logistical challenges associated with working in cold and remote catchments. Here we characterize the age dynamics of two headwater catchments underlain with continuous permafrost located in Tombstone Territorial Park in Yukon, Canada. Both streams are considered to be non-perennial as they consistently freeze to the bed over winter. Both watersheds are primarily overlain by peat soils and have virtually no intra- and sub-permafrost groundwater contributions to streamflow. Considering the lack of hydrological characterization in this environment, our objectives are to; (1) evaluate the rate, timing, and magnitude of all hydrological fluxes, (2) utilize Bayesian mixing analysis to partition runoff into rain and snow contributions, and (3) apply StorAge Selection (SAS) functions to characterize water age dynamics in both catchments. The SAS framework can characterize variability in transit times and characterize preferential movement of water through storage, as it can assess age dynamics of water at the catchment scale by age tagging all parcels of water stored within and moving out of a hydrological system. We utilized snow survey, discharge, meteorological and eddy covariance data to quantify the inputs and outputs of the basins. Additionally, we utilized frost surveys and continuous soil moisture/temperature data to estimate active layer thickness across the basin and potential mobilization of previously frozen water. We used Isosnow, a spatially distributed parsimonious model, to simulate isotopic evolution of snow and snowmelt. A total of 410 mm precipitation entered the basin, 45% of which was snow, which melted over 4 weeks. Evapotranspiration (ET) approximately equaled discharge and increased in magnitude as summer progressed. Mixing results suggest nearly all (> 90%) of runoff during freshet was snow water in both catchments, indicating very little mixing with old water during this period. In contrast, the majority of rain left the basin as ET. The water balance and SAS framework indicate significant contributions of melting ground ice to discharge post freshet, highlighting the importance of late season rains for a particular year on discharge in the following year. The SAS framework also indicates that ET is composed primarily of very young water, likely due to high storage capacity of peat and shallow root depth of tundra vegetation. High discharge led to a more uniform SAS function for discharge, indicating greater mixing of storage during high flows.

How to cite: Grewal, A., Harman, C., and Carey, S.: Water age dynamics in non-perennial permafrost underlain catchments: Insights from hydrometrics, end-member mixing, and StorAge Selection functions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4408, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4408, 2024.

On-site presentation
Daniele Penna and Ilja van Meerveld and the WATSON Extended Core Group

The COST Action WATSON - Water isotopes in the Critical Zone: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration (CA19120; www.watson-cost.eu) is an European network of researchers and stakeholders who use the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen to trace water fluxes to better understand hydrological, hydrogeological, and ecological systems. WATSON currently includes more than 250 members from 38 countries. The Action aims to integrate and synthesize current interdisciplinary scientific knowledge on the use of the stable isotopes of water to understand the mixing and partitioning of water in the Earth’s Critical Zone. The network is organized into four working groups (WGs) that focus on major scientific challenges: 1) groundwater recharge and soil water mixing processes; 2) vegetation water uptake and transpiration; and 3) catchment-scale residence time and travel times. A fourth WG is in charge of the communication and dissemination activities.

WATSON started in 2020 and is currently in its final year. In this contribution, we synthetize the most recent results and the current and planned activities. WG1 is analyzing different isotope-based methods to calculate groundwater recharge in various environments, preparing training and educational material, and a review paper on isotope methods to assess groundwater recharge and subsurface mixing processes. WG2 is analyzing the data from two Europe-wide isotope sampling campaigns to estimate the sources of water uptake of beech trees and spruce trees. Moreover, WG2 is finalizing a review paper on isotope sampling, extraction, and isotopic analysis methods to study vegetation water use. WG3 is comparing different isotope-based methods to calculate transit times, and preparing training scripts and educational guidelines. WG4 is in charge of many dissemination and communication activities, including the monthly seminar series, updating the website and the social media accounts with the latest information, videos, and technical and scientific material. In addition, all WGs are involved in the preparation of an online, interactive, and open data-map showing locations where isotope samples have been collected.

The WATSON activities will conclude with a large, final online conference, where all WATSON members (and beyond) will be invited to share their knowledge, experience, findings, and recommendations in using stable isotopes to advance our understanding of water fluxes in the Critical Zone.


How to cite: Penna, D. and van Meerveld, I. and the WATSON Extended Core Group: Isotope applications in the Critical Zone across Europe: the latest activities of the WATSON COST Action, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18018, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18018, 2024.

On-site presentation
Doerthe Tetzlaff, Aaron Smith, Shuxin Luo, and Chris Soulsby

Continuing negative rainfall anomalies, coupled with climate change projections of increased drought severity and frequency, result in an urgent need to increase resilience and integration in land and water management strategies in many regions of the World. However, complex interactions between landcover change, hydrological partitioning and water availability are difficult to quantify, especially at different spatio-temporal scales. We will present insights from integrated monitoring and tracer-aided modelling approaches from the long-term experimental catchment Demnitzer Mill Creek catchment, NE Germany. We combine stable water isotopes measured at different compartments of the critical zone and landscape with process-based tracer-aided models of different complexity to investigate and quantify ecohydrological fluxes and dynamics of water storage, pathways and ages. Such tracer-aided, ecohydrological modelling frameworks provide robust science-based evidence for policy makers allowing quantitative assessment of landuse effects on water availability and effective communication with stakeholders. Our findings also underscore the urgent requirement for enhancing resilience and promoting integrated strategies in managing land and water resources to better respond to drought.

How to cite: Tetzlaff, D., Smith, A., Luo, S., and Soulsby, C.: Integrated monitoring and isotope-aided modelling to assess ecohydrological fluxes and storage dynamics in a drought sensitive lowland catchment, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4416, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4416, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jennifer Druhan and Paolo Benettin

High-resolution water chemistry records in rivers typically show that the routing of reactive solutes through the Critical Zone is a dynamic process that can change drastically across hydrologic responses. Quantitative transient models are needed to interpret these riverine solute measurements as emergent signatures of coupled geochemical and ecohydrological functioning. In this context, the stable isotope signatures of geogenic solutes offer a unique opportunity to disentangle processes such as the dissolution or primary minerals, precipitation of secondary phases and ecological nutrient cycling. Here, we describe the first merging of a parsimonious hydrological model featuring time-variant fluid age distributions with a geochemical model for isotopically fractionating weathering reactions. Using SiO2(aq) and the corresponding silicon isotope ratio δ30Si as an example, we show that the stable isotope signatures of riverine solutes produced by weathering reactions reflect a component of the fluid age distribution that is unique to the corresponding solute concentrations. This distinct sensitivity offers a novel diagnostic tool to interpret the SiO2(aq) and δ30Si dynamics recorded in six low-order streams spread across a diversity of climates, geologies, and ecosystems.

How to cite: Druhan, J. and Benettin, P.: Modelling the isotopic signatures of solutes derived from weathering reactions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6285, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6285, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tegan Holmes, Tricia Stadnyk, and Alain Pietroniro

Isotope tracers can benefit hydrologic modeling, by adding observational data relating to evaporation and water ages as a supplement to flow data. A few hydrologic models have had tracers embedded in their software, resulting in numerous studies and identified benefits from isotope tracer simulation. A key barrier to more wide-spread application of linked flow and isotope simulation in hydrologic modeling is the considerable effort required to add an isotope tracer simulation to an existing model, which requires an uncommon overlapping expertise in both hydrologic model development and isotope tracer science. To expand the utilization of isotope tracers, a model agnostic isotope tracer simulator (MAITsim) has been developed, which can currently simulate two common stable isotope tracers (deuterium and oxygen-18) in association with a wide range of hydrologic models. 

MAITsim runs as a post-processing model using outputs from a hydrologic model as inputs, such that only the model specific linkage needs to be set up in order to simulate both flow and isotope tracers. The tracer simulator is compatible with any flux-state model with unidirectional flow paths, as it uses no pre-determined spatial sub-divisions (any combination of soil layers, sub-catchments and hydrologic response units can be linked to MAITsim). The model includes both mixing and evaporative fractionation and is designed to be numerically stable in wet and desiccating conditions. 

The MAITsim model results are compared to an existing embedded isotope tracer model (isoWATFLOOD). The next phase in development is to test MAITsim functionality and performance in multiple existing hydrologic models. 

How to cite: Holmes, T., Stadnyk, T., and Pietroniro, A.: Development of a model agnostic isotope tracer simulator , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12870, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12870, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Andrea Popp, Christine Stumpp
On-site presentation
Erica Siirila-Woodburn, Nicholas Thiros, Michelle Newcomer, Rosemary Carroll, Matthias Sprenger, P. James Dennedy-Frank, Daniel Feldman, Ken Williams, and Eoin Broide

Ongoing atmospheric warming and declines in snow are expected to continue with anthropogenic climate change, with unknown impacts on mountainous water budgets that provide out-sized water resources to lower elevations. In a headwater catchment of the Upper Colorado River Basin (USA), six years of high-frequency groundwater observations at a lower montane well show >1m decline in baseflow water table levels since 2016 with corresponding mean ages from environmental tracers (CFC-12, SF6, 3H, and 4He) ranging from decades to millennia. Meanwhile, 100+ years of observed streamflow with reconstructed precipitation estimates suggests a long-term decline in annual runoff efficiency, but with interannual variability that remains high. This begs the question, is old-aged groundwater buffering streamflow? Using an integrated hydrologic model that allows for three-dimensional groundwater interaction with surface-water and land-surface fluxes of water and energy, we quantify spatio-temporal trends in water partitioning in the East River Watershed over the recent, observational period. Over half of the simulated water years show basin-wide groundwater loss, especially after low-snow years. Simulated runoff efficiency is inversely related to groundwater storage efficiency (what we define as the annual change in subsurface storage expressed as a fraction of precipitation), suggesting an underlying physical mechanism linking the two responses. We test a conceptual model where relative declines in groundwater storage accompany either a) new water input (precipitation or snowmelt) bypassing groundwater, instead feeding streamflow and/or b) groundwater reserves that are consistently being drained, also effectively subsidizing streamflow. With a Lagrangian particle tracking method, we quantify the groundwater age distributions that contribute to streamflow under different conditions. Results show substantial old-aged groundwater exports that are invariant to contemporary snow or melt conditions. This is unlike the young-aged groundwater contributions to streams, which are more transient. Numerical experiments of +2.5 and +4 degrees C of surface air temperature show higher rain-to-snow fractions, higher evapotranspiration rates, and losses to total streamflow yield. Together, these changes result in declines in runoff efficiency by ~2-3% per degree C of warming. Notably, the model shows disproportionate impacts to the highest elevations of the watershed with warming (10-30% change in water table depth, with local changes as high as 5 m), suggesting these regions will be most impacted by a warmer climate. Ongoing work uses the transient particle tracking age distributions, precipitation and snow stable isotope measurements, and the convolution integral to predict streamwater stable isotope dynamics, which can be compared to measurements from the past ~6 years at biweekly frequencies. This comparison will better constrain model performance and improve understanding of future water budget partitioning under warming and low-to-no snow conditions.

How to cite: Siirila-Woodburn, E., Thiros, N., Newcomer, M., Carroll, R., Sprenger, M., Dennedy-Frank, P. J., Feldman, D., Williams, K., and Broide, E.: Quantifying mountainous groundwater age and contributions to streamflow with environmental tracers and integrated hydrologic models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21419, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21419, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nitish Kumar, Satyabrata Das, and Abhayanand Singh Maurya

The environmental isotopes (δD and δ18O) in natural water play a crucial role as indicators for hydrological processes, serving as a significant method to track the moisture sources in mountainous watersheds. The current study presents the isotopic compositions (δD, and δ18O) of the springs, streams, and rainwater samples from the Takoli Gad catchment, Uttarakhand in the Lesser Himalayas. Our results show that the spring, and stream samples, with an average δD and δ18O values of (-60‰ ± 4.11‰) and (-8.81‰ ± 0.55‰), respectively, represent the most depleted isotopic compositions during the monsoon season. During post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons, isotopic compositions are enriched with an average of (δ18O = -8.44 ± 0.43‰, δD: -57.79 ± 2.43‰) and (δ18O = -8.10 ± 0.42‰, δD: -55.7 ± 3.07‰), respectively. The depleted isotopic compositions during the monsoon period suggest the impact of monsoon precipitation on spring waters. Additionally, evaporation from the spring water has led to an enrichment of isotopic compositions during the pre-monsoon season. This conclusion is reinforced by the highest d excess values observed in spring water during the monsoon (10.27‰ ± 1.47‰) and the lowest during the pre-monsoon (9.12‰ ± 1.75‰). Furthermore, The rainwater samples collected during the winter season have the highest d excess values (13.7‰ ± 5.4‰) in comparison to the same during pre-monsoon (9.9‰ ± 4‰) and monsoon period (9.2‰ ± 2‰). These highest d values of the precipitation during winter mostly correspond to the westerlies' effect. The mass balance equation, including δ18O and d-excess values, estimates that approximately 83% of the spring water budget is contributed by monsoon precipitation. Similarly, the δ18O-enabled altitude effect (0.06‰/100m) is found to be within range of other Himalayan catchments. However, the same is ~5 times lower in comparison to the altitude effect estimated using the precipitation of the region (0.3‰/100m). Also, our study suggests a significant role of evaporation in altering the δ18O-associated altitude effect in precipitation. Finally, the rainout percentage approximation (using both δ18O and δD compositions of the rainfall) estimates that ~32% ± 4% of the moisture is being removed from the cloud as the same is traversing in the region.

How to cite: Kumar, N., Das, S., and Maurya, A. S.: Variation of δD, and δ18O in springs and precipitation of Takoli gad watershed Uttarakhand in the lesser Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21802, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21802, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stable isotope-based hydrological process understanding of a spring catchment in the lesser Indian Himalayas.
(withdrawn after no-show)
Bhargabnanda Dass and Sumit Sen
On-site presentation
Angela Welham, Jared Van Rooyen, Andrew Watson, Reynold Chow, and Alakendra Roychoudhury

Water quantity and quality in Mediterranean catchments are of concern due to evaporation rates often exceeding rainfall rates. Spatio-temporal hydrological shifts caused by climate change within these environments affect the catchment's hydrodynamics. The Western Cape region in South Africa boasts Mediterranean climate and is dependent on rainfall and surface water to recharge dams, which support various industrial, domestic, and agricultural sectors. The 2015 – 2018 Western Cape drought decreased the contribution of surface sources, leading to an increase in groundwater dependence across industries. This exerted pressure on both the hydrological system and ecosystem functionality leading to water security issues. To determine sustainable water management strategies, environmental tracers (stable and radioactive isotopes) and hydrochemical analyses were applied to two data-poor contrasting catchments hosting important estuarine wetlands in the Western Cape. Verlorenvlei Catchment, a semi-arid environment, is predominantly occupied by agricultural practices (potatoes, citrus, grapes, and rooibos). In contrast, the Eerste River Catchment is a wetter region but is subjected to high urban modifications such as wastewater treatment plants, informal/formal settlements, water diversion and canalization. To disentangle the two wetland watersheds' temporal and spatial hydrological characteristics four sample campaigns were completed in March, June, September, and November 2023. Water samples (i.e., event-based rainfall, surface water and groundwater) were analysed for isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, 3He, 4He,21Ne, 20Ne, 22Ne, 36Ar, 40Ar, 84Kr, and 136Xe) and major ions. Within the topographically and surface water delineated watershed, the Verlorenvlei estuary experiences high evaporation compared to other surface waters, hence is reliant on baseflow to support its hydrological functioning. During prolonged dry periods, groundwater from outside the watershed predominantly supports the wetland. However, under normal or above-average rainfall conditions, support shifts to local groundwater. Two sandstone and shale-dominated sub-catchments within the watershed exhibit overlapping groundwater isotope ratios and water types compared to the Verloren sub-catchment, suggesting a disproportionately high groundwater contribution from both sub-catchments into the wetland. Conversely, the Eerste River Catchment water quality is of a greater concern. The Macassar coastal wetland is less vulnerable to evaporation and depends on two perennial rivers for support. However, strong surface water-groundwater interconnectivity and an approximate 9-month lag in recharge suggest a high baseflow response. Therefore, the Macassar wetland can likely maintain a steady water level due to continuous streamflow support by groundwater discharge during dry periods, unlike in Verlorenvlei. Despite these Mediterranean catchments’ different settings, they share a high sensitivity to rainfall and evaporation changes. To mitigate the impact of projected droughts on these respective wetlands, the government’s water management department is encouraged to improve its water regulations and policies, taking into account both local and regional groundwater support. Additionally, water agencies should actively engage more with stakeholders to raise water awareness and improve water management (e.g., organizing monthly seminars to discuss water recycling, water-conserving irrigation systems, and other related strategies).

How to cite: Welham, A., Van Rooyen, J., Watson, A., Chow, R., and Roychoudhury, A.: South African Mediterranean Catchments Comparison Using Environmental Tracers and Hydrochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11340, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11340, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Ian Cartwright, Zibo Zhou, William Howcroft, Keith Fifield, and Dioni Cendon

The radioisotope 36Cl, which has a half life of 301 ka, is traditionally used to estimate groundwater residence times of deep old groundwater in large basins. However, systematic variations in R36Cl values in young shallow catchment waters permit its use in determining the sources of solutes in rivers. Elevated R36Cl values in precipitation were recorded during the 1950s to 1970s due to the atmospheric nuclear tests. Some of this bomb-pulse 36Cl is likely to still be present in shallow catchment waters. Additionally, as R36Cl values of precipitation generally increase with distance from the ocean, groundwater older that ~7 ka that was recharged during periods of low sea levels in the Holocene is likely to have higher R36Cl values than modern rainfall. Most of the water from within catchments that sustains streamflow (e.g., the shallower parts of the groundwater system, interflow, bank storage waters, riparian groundwater) is less than a few thousand years old. There is negligible decay of 36Cl over those timescales, and thus R36C values will reflect the initial R36C values of those waters.

River water from the intermittent Avoca catchment in southeast Australia has R36Cl values of 32 to 67 that are generally higher than those of modern rainfall (R36Cl = 25 to 35) but similar to shallow (<50 m deep) near-river groundwater (R36Cl = 51-61). These data indicate that much of the solute load is derived from the input of older waters (mean residence times of up to a few thousand years) stored within the catchment rather than evapotranspiration of recent rainfall. River water from the headwaters of the nearby perennial Barwon catchment has higher R36Cl values (38-46) than local rainfall (14-20) and most of the shallow groundwater (21 to 31). These high R36Cl values reflect the input of bomb-pulse 36Cl from shallow catchment waters. Downstream, R36Cl values of the river water decrease to 20 to 31, reflecting the inputs of solutes from groundwater that again has mean residence times of up to a few thousand years.

36Cl has allowed the origins of solutes in these rivers to be better understood. In both cases, the volume of older groundwater contributing to these rivers is moderate to minor. However, due to much higher salinities, these minor groundwater inflows influence solute geochemistry. 36Cl was particularly useful in distinguishing between evapotranspiration of recent rainfall and input from waters stored within the catchment as a source of stream river. In turn, this helps understand catchment functioning and solute fluxes within the catchments. Additionally, the palaeoclimate signal of initial R36Cl values adds to the understanding of groundwater residence times and recharge processes in catchments. 

How to cite: Cartwright, I., Zhou, Z., Howcroft, W., Fifield, K., and Cendon, D.: Using Chlorine-36 to understand the sources of solutes in rivers: A new use for an old tracer, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2059, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2059, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrew Guertin, Charlie Cunningham, Julien Bouchez, Marine Gelin, Jon Chorover, Peter Troch, Hannes Bauser, Minseok Kim, Louis Derry, and Jennifer Druhan

The variety of transit times and pathways water takes from infiltration to discharge through a hillslope determines the dynamic storage of the system, the capacity for water-rock-life reactivity, and ultimately the chemical composition of streamflow. In the laboratory, fluid phase stable Si isotopes (δ30Si) enrich through time during secondary silicate mineral formation as Si is removed from solution1. However, despite streams being weighted towards young waters, discharge from individual catchments commonly maintains a stable, often strongly fractionated δ30Si signature, reflective of chemically evolved solute signatures2. Furthermore, each individual catchment exhibits its own characteristic δ30Si signature in the stream discharge, even for comparable extents of Si depletion from solution. Such intra-site variability was attributed to a combination of multiple fractionation pathways (plant uptake and mineral precipitation) and the unique structure of fluid storage and drainage through each catchment. Here, we use three replicate artificial hillslopes at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) in Tucson, Arizona as model catchments to test if δ30Si of discharge can be described by an isotope-enabled reactive transport model (RTM) constrained by both the characteristic transit time distribution (TTD) and fractionation pathways of LEO. At the LEO hillslopes, the role of vegetation and hence the compounding effects of ecosystem cycling can be omitted, limiting δ30Si fractionation solely to the effects of mineral precipitation. We collected samples, with constrained TTDs, and measured δ30Si from the discharge at the outlet of each hillslope during three randomized storm events of varying intensity. The δ30Si in aqueous discharge reflects a clear and consistent signature of fractionation that is confined to a narrow range of values, much like natural upland watersheds, despite highly variable irrigation scenarios, retaining a signature across the three hillslopes defined by the unique hydrologic flow paths of the replicated system.  We offer a quantitative and process-based framework describing these observations using an isotope-enabled RTM3. Close agreement between this coupled RTM and the discharge measurements from LEO supports our hypothesis that the δ30Si of headwater streams is reflective of both characteristic watershed TTDs and fractionation pathways. By applying this new understanding to reexamine upland watershed datasets we can gain insight into fluid flow paths and contributions of various fractionation pathways to water circulation through the shallow subsurface Critical Zone.


1Fernandez, N. M., Zhang, X., & Druhan, J. L. (2019). Silicon isotopic re-equilibration during amorphous silica precipitation and implications for isotopic signatures in geochemical proxies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 262, 104-127. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.029

2Fernandez, N. M., Bouchez, J., Derry, L. A., Chorover, J., Gaillardet, J., Giesbrecht, I., et al. (2022). Resiliency of silica export signatures when low order streams are subject to storm events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006660. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006660

3Druhan, J. L., & Benettin, P. (2023). Isotope Ratio – Discharge Relationships of Solutes Derived From Weathering Reactions. American Journal of Science, 323. https://doi.org/10.2475/001c.84469

How to cite: Guertin, A., Cunningham, C., Bouchez, J., Gelin, M., Chorover, J., Troch, P., Bauser, H., Kim, M., Derry, L., and Druhan, J.: Stable silicon isotope signatures reflect the storage and flow paths of fluid draining through both mesoscale hillslopes and natural watersheds., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6550, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6550, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jinzhu Fang, Michael Stockinger, Yibo Yang, Peng Yi, Christine Stumpp, Jijie Shen, Ling Xiong, and Jiayong Shi

Estimating water yield is a crucial aspect of evaluating water conservation strategies and ensuring sustainable development in watersheds. The widespread application of isotopes to quantify the temporal dynamics of precipitation transforming into runoff has helped to identify the influence of watershed runoff and mixing processes on nutrient transport and biogeochemistry. Nevertheless, in permafrost regions characterized by strong landscape heterogeneity, sparse and discontinuous data collection poses challenges in obtaining isotope data of permafrost thaw meltwater for studying its influence on catchment hydrology. The primary objective of this study is to assess the accuracy and reliability of the convolution integral model in simulating the transit time distribution in permafrost regions, considering the introduced parameters. Additionally, the study aims to evaluate the water retention capacity of the permafrost watershed and explore the key physical control factors influencing the impact of permafrost thaw on mean transit time (MTT). The northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, situated in the source region of the Yellow River (SAYR), is at the boundary between discontinuous permafrost and seasonal frozen ground. Permafrost degradation is evident, leading to a complex runoff generation mechanism. Within five nested sub-catchments of the SAYR region (20,000~120,000 km2), we collected high-resolution water stable isotope data for both rainfall and runoff, and we quantified the contribution of permafrost thaw meltwater during the melting period. The influence of permafrost meltwater from the active layer on water transit times was accounted for in the convolution integral method by introducing an additional source contributing to runoff (Q0, x% contribution with isotope ratio δ0). The study finds that additional sources of soil melt water runoff contribution are crucial to solving the problem of non-convergence of the convolution integral model in permafrost areas, and the MTTs of the watersheds are mainly influenced by river channel topography, the water retention capacity of the watersheds depended on the topographical and morphological characteristics of the watershed, and is secondarily affected by land use type, soil type, and frozen soil thermal stability.

How to cite: Fang, J., Stockinger, M., Yang, Y., Yi, P., Stumpp, C., Shen, J., Xiong, L., and Shi, J.: A multiscale analysis using young water fractions and transit time distributions in the Yellow River Source Area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6220, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6220, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alessio Gentile, Jana von Freyberg, Davide Gisolo, Davide Canone, and Stefano Ferraris

The portion of recently introduced water molecules in a stream, known as the young water fraction, is crucial in catchment intercomparison studies. The unweighted or flow-weighted average young water fraction in a catchment, over the period of isotope sampling, can be assessed through the ratio of flow-weighted or unweighted seasonal isotope cycles amplitudes in streamwater (A(*)S) and precipitation (AP), respectively. The symbol ‘*’ here indicates a flow-weighted variable. However, the young water fraction resulted to be a no-stationary quantity within individual catchments.

Indeed, past studies revealed that young water fractions increase with stream discharge (Q). Accordingly, the rate of increase in young water fraction with increasing Q has been defined as the discharge sensitivity of young water fraction (S*d). S*d has been quantified as the parameter of a non-linear equation that expresses how AS(Q) varies with Q. Such parameter is directly obtained by fitting a sine curve, with amplitude AS(Q), on streamwater isotope data. Accordingly, in catchments with sparse isotope data S*d could be highly uncertain.

In this study, we introduce a novel approach designed to enhance the temporal resolution of young water fraction estimates, consequently refining the determination of S*d. Our proposed method, referred to as EXPECT, is grounded in three fundamental assumptions.

  • We propose a mixing relationship that follows an exponential decay of EC with an increasing young water fraction.
  • We posit that the two-component hydrograph separation technique, utilizing measured Electrical Conductivity (EC) as a proxy of water age and the aforementioned exponential mixing relationship, can effectively delineate the proportion of young and old water in a stream by using appropriate end-members.
  • We assume that the EC value of the young water endmember (ECyw) is lower than that of the old water endmember (ECow).

The two endmembers, ECyw and ECow, have been adjusted through a calibration process by aligning the unweighted and flow-weighted average young water fractions obtained through hydrograph separation with the corresponding values derived from seasonal isotope cycles (AS/AP  and A*S/AP, respectively).

The method has been tested in three small catchments in the Alptal valley, Switzerland, returning promising results. Nevertheless, we emphasize the importance of considering the limitations of EC as a tracer and the peculiar characteristics of the catchments under investigation for the appropriate application of the EXPECT method.

Keywords: Stable water isotopes, Electrical Conductivity, Young water fraction, Discharge Sensitivity

Acknowledgements: This publication is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR –M4C2 1.5 of PNRR with grant agreement no. ECS00000036.


Gentile, A., von Freyberg, J., Gisolo, D., Canone, D., and Ferraris, S.: Technical Note: two-component Electrical Conductivity-based hydrograph separaTion employing an EXPonential mixing model (EXPECT) provides reliable high temporal resolution young water fraction estimates in three small Swiss catchments, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-1797, 2023.


How to cite: Gentile, A., von Freyberg, J., Gisolo, D., Canone, D., and Ferraris, S.: The EXPECT method: a multi-tracer approach for reliable high temporal resolution young water fraction estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11479, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11479, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ophélie Fischer, Cédric Legout, Caroline Le Bouteiller, and Guillaume Nord

Understanding erosion and sediment transport is essential for the sustainable management of water and soil resources in the critical zone. Soil erosion is considered as the main threat to soils and poses food security problems. Given these significant challenges, it is important to understand and prioritize the processes that control erosion dynamics and sediment transfers within watersheds.

However, these dynamics exhibit strong spatio-temporal variability, as illustrated by the wide dispersion of relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and liquid discharge (Q) at catchment outlets. However, these dispersions are often interpreted based on the variability along the sediment axis (e.g., origin and availability of particles), while very few studies have focused on the variability along the discharge axis (water origin). In particular, the interactions between groundwater flow and sediment transport have been little studied.

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of groundwater flow on sediment transport dynamics in two headwater catchments (respectively 1.07 km² at Brusquet and 0.86 km² at Laval) of the Draix-Bléone observatory with different vegetation cover rate (respectively 80% at Brusquet and 30% at Laval). The work first involved developing an EMMA (End-Member Mixing Analysis) method for decomposing flood hydrographs and separating the respective contributions of groundwater flow and surface runoff for each flood using the high-frequency conductivity signal, highly correlated to sulfate concentrations, as a tracer discriminating these two water compartments.

This EMMA method was used to calculate groundwater contributions during 120 floods between 2015 and 2020 in the Laval catchment and 116 floods between 2013 and 2020 in the Brusquet catchment. Analysis of the results of these decompositions revealed seasonal variations in groundwater contributions in both catchments, with winter and spring floods showing higher groundwater contributions than summer and autumn floods. These decompositions made it possible to examine the dynamics of fine sediment transport during floods as a function of surface runoff rate and to identify the impact of groundwater on hydrosedimentary processes (effect of dilution or of remobilization of riverbed sediment). By comparing the results of the decompositions from the two catchments, it was possible to assess the impact of vegetation cover on the contribution of groundwater to flood and on each catchment sediment dynamics.

Overall, this study suggests that the use of high frequency conductivity signals as tracer of water origin offers a promising approach to performing high frequency decompositions of flood hydrographs. The results of the decompositions highlight the importance of groundwater flows for understanding hydrosedimentary processes in headwater catchments (~km²).

How to cite: Fischer, O., Legout, C., Le Bouteiller, C., and Nord, G.: Study of the contribution of groundwater to hydrosedimentary processes in two Mediterranean mountainous watersheds using the high frequency conductivity signal as a tracer of water origin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6278, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6278, 2024.

Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 14:00–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Soheil Zehsaz, João L. M. P. de Lima, Jorge M. G. P. Isidoro, M. Isabel P. de Lima, and Ricardo Martins

This study discusses the application of innovative fluorescent quinine-based tracer techniques to estimate surface flow velocities under low luminosity conditions. Quinine is known for its luminescent properties when exposed to ultraviolet A (UVA) light. This research involves fieldwork measurements conducted in open channels with varying hydraulic characteristics. The application of quinine solutions in liquid and solid (ice cubes) states into the water flow allows the recording of the movement of the tracers. This movement is registered by tracking the leading edge of the liquid tracer plume or solid particles over specific time intervals. An Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) equipped with a camera was used to record the movement of the tracers in the channels. To benchmark the performance of the quinine-based tracers, flowmeter-based velocity maps and a thermal tracer technique were employed in the experiments. Results indicated that both liquid and solid quinine solution tracers successfully estimated open channel surface flow velocities under low luminosity conditions. The quinine solid tracer can be used as a dual (fluorescent-thermal) tracer and, despite its smaller volume used in the experiments compared to the liquid tracer, the solid form was easier to track. This was attributed to the conservation of a higher quinine concentration for longer periods of time in the solid tracers, resulting in a higher contrast easier to identify. On the other hand, the liquid tracer faded earlier due to diffusion in the turbulent flow. Nonetheless, the main advantage of using the liquid over the solid tracer was its easier availability for the experiments. This study highlights the applicability and reliability of quinine-based tracers in estimating surface flow velocities, in low luminosity conditions. The use of the UAS in the measurements’ set-up facilitated and enhanced data collection, contributing to the accuracy of the results. The observational approach allowed for capturing the inherent luminescent properties of quinine when exposed to UVA light using minimal tracer quantities.

How to cite: Zehsaz, S., L. M. P. de Lima, J., M. G. P. Isidoro, J., P. de Lima, M. I., and Martins, R.: Estimating open channel surface flow velocities under low luminosity conditions, using fluorescent quinine-based tracing techniques and UAS imagery, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-766, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-766, 2024.

Sören Köhler, Jan Willem Foppen, Peter Chifflard, Florian Leese, and Yvonne Schadewell

Artificial tracers play an important role in hydrological studies that aim to identify subsurface flow paths. Tracers can be used to investigate water transit times but also, for example, to assess if a structure is leak-proof. Recently, artificial DNA (artDNA) has been proposed as a tracer alongside traditional tracers such as salt. However, like traditional tracers, artDNA suffers from input tracer mass loss. This is even more pronounced in the case of artDNA. Different approaches were proposed to improve the recovery of tracer mass and thus reach the required limit of detection and quantification required for the analysis. Using column tests, a controlled experiment was designed to examine the recovery success of DNA extraction and the detachment from soil via a buffer. In each case water was spiked with artDNA, flushed through the column and subsequently the remaining molecules recovered using a magnetic bead extraction method. The ongoing experiments will show the enhancement of artDNA tracer recovery by using methods for DNA extraction from molecular biology. Further, to recover potential substrate-bound artDNA and possibly identify one source of the observed mass imbalance, a phosphate-containing buffer of high pH was used to detach artDNA from the substrate inside the column. The results will be cross-factored by comparing the recovery of tracer mass in the plain eluate vs. the DNA extracted from the eluate and by determining the substrate-bound artDNA in both cases. Insights from this experiment and the methodological advancement will be fundamental for the use of artDNA-based tracing in hydrological research.

How to cite: Köhler, S., Foppen, J. W., Chifflard, P., Leese, F., and Schadewell, Y.: Approaching mass (im)balance when using artificial DNA tracer using DNA extraction methods, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11764, 2024.

Madhusmita Nanda and Archana M Nair

This study analysed the stable isotopic composition of daily precipitation from a monitoring station established in Guwahati located near the bank of the lower Brahmaputra region. Between September 2022 and December 2023, the precipitation samples were collected for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis. The analysis was performed following the conventional analytical procedure for laser-based, off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS) in Liquid Triple Isotopic Water Analyser (L-TIWA). The preliminary study helps to define Local meteoric water line (LMWL) in the Lower Brahmaputra region. The pre-monsoon samples show regression line with slope lesser and an intercept greater than Global meteoric water line (GMWL), but the monsoon samples are showing a trend line similar to GMWL. The smaller intercept difference in the pre-monsoon and monsoon rainwater samples indicates the moisture sources of precipitation in this region originating from the Indian summer monsoon more than the western disturbances. The enrichment of heavier isotopes in precipitation of different seasons might be the result of a complex interplay between atmospheric circulation, moisture sources, elevation effects, and transport processes. Further analysis by using air mass back trajectories models and GIS tools will be able to understand and correlate the diverse origin of moisture and observed daily isotopic variability.

How to cite: Nanda, M. and Nair, A. M.: Study of stable isotope in daily precipitation for the lower Brahmaputra region at Guwahati., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16911, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16911, 2024.

Natalie Orlowski, Tanja Vollmer, and Katrin Schneider

Alpine and pre-Alpine grasslands offer crucial ecosystem services like fodder production, biodiversity support, carbon sequestration, and water retention. However, changing environmental conditions like rising temperatures threaten these grassland soils, potentially disrupting their functionality. Understanding how climate change and farming practices impact soil functions and eco-hydrological processes is vital for developing effective strategies to sustainably manage these grasslands.

For this study, we conducted soil water isotope and soil water balance measurements from 2018-2019 in the grassland lysimeters of the TERENO Pre-Alpine observatory along an elevation gradient. Several lysimeters were translocated from the higher-elevation site Graswang (860 m a.s.l., control site) to the lower lying site at Fendt (600 m a.s.l., climate-change site). This gradient represents a 2°C temperature rise along with a 400 mm precipitation decrease at the climate-change site. Our study aimed to explore how elevated temperature and reduced precipitation affect soil hydrological and soil water isotopic composition seasonally, annually and with regard to soil depth.

We did not find significant differences in the isotopic composition at 0.1m soil depth among the different lysimeter groups. Differences in soil water isotopic composition between the lysimeter groups become more pronounced at deeper soil layers, which are typically less affected by daily temperature fluctuations.

Despite higher temperatures at the climate-change site, soil water isotopes closely followed the Local Meteoric Water Line, indicating minimal evaporation. However, the line-conditioned excess (lc-excess) significantly differed between the control and the climate-change site across depths. In contrast, no differences were found between the Fendt and Graswang climate-change site’s isotopic values at any depth. This suggests a stronger influence of actual evapotranspiration at the climate-change site visible in the lc-excess values. Overall, this research enhances our understanding of climate change's impact on water cycling through pre-Alpine grassland soils at varying altitudes. This insight could help to manage these grasslands sustainably in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Orlowski, N., Vollmer, T., and Schneider, K.: How changing environmental conditions affect soil water isotopic composition in pre-Alpine grassland soils, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1581, 2024.

Model diagnostic analysis in a cold basin influenced by frozen soils with the aid of stable isotope
Yi Nan and Fuqiang Tian
An Nakata, Maki Tsujimura, Mayu Fujino, Yuuri Kawabata, Koichi Sakakibara, and Keisuke Suzuki

It is important to understand the hydrological processes in the alpine headwaters, because the areas sustain the water resources in the down streams. In Japanese high mountain areas affected by Asian monsoon, there is large amount of precipitation in summer season, and is covered by vegetation even in the area with an elevation more than 2,000 m. We focus on snowmelt runoff processes in a Japanese alpine headwater catchment with different land cover conditions.We performed an intensive field monitoring at Mt. Norikura, a stratovolcano mountain, located at the southern end of the Northern Japan Alps with the maximum elevation of 3026m, specifically two headwater catchments, namely NR1 and NR2. The dominant area of NR1 is bare, whereas NR2 is covered by forest dominantly.We observed precipitation, temperature, and runoff of stream from 13th July to 11th October 2023. which includes snowmelt season. In addition, we collected stream water daily, and rainwater, snowmelt water, and spring water at the intervals of approximately two weeks. The concentrations of major inorganic solutions and stable isotopic ratios of oxygen and deuterium are determined on all water samples.The d-excess value of snowmelt water was higher than that of rainwater, whereas SiO2 concentration of groundwater/ spring water was higher than that of rainwater/snowmelt water. Therefore, we applied End Member Mixing Analysis(EMMA)to separate stream water into three components, rainwater, snowmelt water, and groundwater, using d-excess and SiO2 as tracers, focusing on snowmelt season. The EMMA results show that the snowmelt water contribution to the stream water was estimated to be 55% in NR1, whereas that in NR2 was estimates to be 25% in the beginning of snowmelt season, then the snowmelt component decreased gradually. The groundwater contribution to the stream water in NR1 was estimated to be 15%, whereas that in NR2 was estimated to be 75%.There results show that the effect of snowmelt water to stream water varies depending on land cover condition, snow cover and vegetation. The snowmelt component contributed to the stream water, even after the snow cover disappeared. This suggests that the snowmelt water would contribute to the stream water via the shallow groundwater nearby the stream in addition to the direct discharge.

How to cite: Nakata, A., Tsujimura, M., Fujino, M., Kawabata, Y., Sakakibara, K., and Suzuki, K.: Snowmelt runoff characteristics in an alpine headwater catchment, Northern Japan Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18336, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18336, 2024.

Pertti Ala-aho, Kashif Noor, Jeffrey M. Welker, Kaisa-Riikka Mustonen, Björn Klöve, and Hannu Marttila

Snow plays an important role in the Northern water cycle providing temporary water storage, and resulting in high flows during spring snowmelt. Snow is experiencing rapid changes due to global warming, and process-based understanding of how snowmelt interacts with the environment is becoming ever more important. Stable isotopes of 18O and 2H are recognized as reliable tracers for determining water sources and tracing their movement within a catchment. The Isotope-Based Hydrograph Separation (IHS) is used to determine the mix of water sources in streams. However, when determining the snowmelts contribution to streamflow using IHS, uncertainties arise due to the lack of a clear and consistent snow sampling approach do define the isotope signal of snowmelt water for IHS calculations. To tackle these uncertainties, we did intensive sampling of snowfall, snowpack, and snow meltwater 18O isotopes at the Pallas catchment in Northern Finland. Our examination of different snow sampling strategies revealed potential biases in the IHS analysis. By employing samples directly from the snowmelt water 18O isotope value as an endmember in IHS, we determined the fractional contribution from streamflow was 59.6% (with a ±2% uncertainty). Yet, using alternate average weighted isotope values from either snowfall or mid-winter snowpack resulted in underestimations of snowmelt fraction by 17.8% and 22.6% respectively. In the absence of snowmelt samples, samples collected from the snowpack during high snowmelt period resulted in smaller biases (4.2 % lower snowmelt fractions). Our findings underline the importance of selecting the right snow sampling method for IHS, or any other ecohydrological analysis using stable water isotope tracers.

How to cite: Ala-aho, P., Noor, K., Welker, J. M., Mustonen, K.-R., Klöve, B., and Marttila, H.: Understanding snow meltwater fractional contributions to streamflow in a subarctic catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16018, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16018, 2024.

Willem Vervoort, Claudia Keietel, Robert Chisari, Kellie-Anne Farrawell, and Alexander Buzacott

Understanding water origins, flowpaths, and the timescales over which precipitation becomes streamflow are critical for knowledge of the functioning of catchments. Catchments on the Great Dividing Range along the east coast of Australia are important sources of flows into Murray Darling basin for agricultural and drinking water use. This study collected a unique dataset that includes hydrometric measurements and samples of groundwater, surface water and precipitation between 2016 to 2020 to investigate hydrological processes in the Corin catchment, an alpine catchment in south-eastern Australia. Water samples were analysed for major ion chemistry and stable isotopes in water, and eight samples were selected for analysis of tritium activities. Major ion chemistry and stable isotope values were used to assess the relative contributions of water from two contrasting geological areas of the catchment to streamflow. Streamflow exiting the catchment had a consistently different chemical and isotopic signature compared to the groundwater found in the catchment valley. Instead, streamflow consistently resembled water originating from the slopes of the catchment that are underlain by a relatively younger geology. The mean travel times (MTT) of valley groundwater are likely to be in the decades, while baseflows are estimated to have a MTT of around 7 years. This work demonstrates the power of a multi-tracer approach to unravel the hydrological complexities of headwater catchments in south-eastern Australia.

How to cite: Vervoort, W., Keietel, C., Chisari, R., Farrawell, K.-A., and Buzacott, A.: Origins, flow paths, and mean travel times of water in an Australian alpine catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18631, 2024.

Mayu Fujino, Maki Tsujimura, Yuri Kawabata, An Nakata, Koichi Sakakibara, and Keisuke Suzuki

We conducted field surveys and water sampling from July through October 2023. We compared stream runoff and stream water quality in two watersheds with different land cover in an alpine headwater, Mt. Norikura, Japan. We performed observation in two watersheds, namely NR1 with dominant bare soil surface with limited vegetation cover, 21% of total area, and NR2 dominantly covered by vegetation, 51% in total area. Stream runoff in the NR1 decreased to 0 m after the snowmelt season and runoff occurred only after rainfall, whereas runoff occurred constantly during the observation period in NR2. The stable isotope ratios of hydrogen and oxygen (δ2H and δ¹⁸O) in stream shows variation close to that of precipitation in NR1, whereas those are stable in NR2. These results suggest that the transit time of water in NR2 is longer than that in NR1. The contribution ratio of the groundwater component to the stream runoff during the observation period was higher in NR2 (72.2%) than in NR1 (15.5%). In NR2, the contribution ratio of the groundwater component to stream runoff tends to be lower when API (Antecedent Precipitation Index) is higher. Additionally, the contribution ratio of snowmelt water component increases       with rainfall and decreases promptly. The results indicate that groundwater plays an important role for maintaining stream runoff in NR2 with high coverage of vegetation. Even in NR1, where the contribution ratio of groundwater component to stream runoff is low, the presence of groundwater table is necessary for the discharge of water that is in the subsurface zones.

How to cite: Fujino, M., Tsujimura, M., Kawabata, Y., Nakata, A., Sakakibara, K., and Suzuki, K.: Role of Subsurface Water in Stream Runoff in an Alpine Headwater Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19892, 2024.

Andrea Popp, David Gustafsson, Hjalmar Laudon, Charlotta Pers, Benjamin Fischer, and Tricia Stadnyk

Standard hydrologic model calibration and evaluation primarily rely on streamflow observations, which can hinder an accurate representation of physical processes generating streamflow. Recent studies demonstrate that using tracers such as stable water isotope data in addition to flow observations in model calibration considerably reduces parameter uncertainty and constrains stream water source dynamics (e.g., He et al., 2019; Popp et al., 2021; Stadnyk and Holmes, 2023). In this study, we demonstrate the capabilities of an isotope-aided HYPE model (Lindström et al., 2010) in the Krycklan Catchment Study in Sweden. To this end, we integrated the isoWATFLOOD model's isotope routine (https://github.com/h2obabyts/isoWATFLOOD) into the HYPE model and incorporated extensive time series of stable water isotope data collected from different water sources including precipitation, snow, and groundwater and stream water. Our goal is to deepen the process understanding of snow-dominated catchments undergoing rapid changes due to global warming.


He, Z., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Weise, S. M., Kalashnikova, O., Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D., Barandun, M., and Merz, B. (2019. Constraining hydrological model parameters using water isotopic compositions in a glacierized basin, Central Asia, Journal of Hydrology, 571, 332–348, https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.01.048.

Lindström, G., Pers, C., Rosberg, J., Strömqvist, J. and Arheimer, B. (2010). Development and testing of the HYPE (Hydrological Predictions for the Environment) water quality model for different spatial scales. Hydrology Research 41.3–4, 295-319.

Popp, A. L., Pardo‐Álvarez, Á., Schilling, O. S., Scheidegger, A., Musy, S., Peel, M., ... & Kipfer, R. (2021). A framework for untangling transient groundwater mixing and travel times. Water Resources Research, 57(4), e2020WR028362.

Stadnyk, T. A., & Holmes, T. L. (2023). Large scale hydrologic and tracer aided modelling: A review. Journal of Hydrology, 129177.

How to cite: Popp, A., Gustafsson, D., Laudon, H., Pers, C., Fischer, B., and Stadnyk, T.: Constraining stream water source dynamics in a high-latitude catchment using tracer-aided modeling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20064, 2024.

Maria Battistel, Lucio D'Alberto, Giovanni Mario, Raffaele Marciano, Giuliano Dreossi, Alessandro Pozzobon, Barbara Stenni, and Mauro Masiol

This research introduces a methodology for evaluating the protection zone of vulnerable mountain springs using an hydrogeochemical approach. Mountain springs play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and ensuring the well-being and resilience of communities residing in mountainous areas. These resources frequently serve as the primary freshwater supply in numerous mountainous regions, their impact extends beyond these areas by catering to diverse applications, including agriculture, farming, hydropower generation, artificial snowmaking, and industrial utilization.

Despite their importance, mountain springs are under increasing threat due to climate change and human activities and thus need to be preserved and managed to ensure a sustainable use and conservation. In this study, we assess the vulnerability of two mountain springs located in a karstic water system in the Northern Italy mountainous region. Particularly we analyze the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical parameters of the two mountain springs, together with the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2H) and d-excess of both the springs and the rainwater of the area. The considered parameters were continuously measured from September 2018 to September 2021. The main goal is to assess the geochemical and hydrological processes that control the springs water quality and the isotopic composition of precipitation and use them for formulating effective springs protection measures.  Our results show that the vulnerability of mountain springs is influenced by various factors that include the use of the resource, the meteorological conditions, and the hydrogeology of the area. We propose a method that integrates the Vulnerability Estimator for Spring Protection Areas index with the use of the water stable isotopes to identify springs’ protection zones that takes in consideration the recharge area of the aquifers feeding the springs. Our study contributes to the development of a framework for assessing the vulnerability of mountain springs and highlights the importance of integrating the geochemical characteristics and the anthropic pressure in the conservation and management of these critical freshwater resources. This study is part of Next Innovation Ecosystem Program "Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem (iNEST)" supported by the European Union.

How to cite: Battistel, M., D'Alberto, L., Mario, G., Marciano, R., Dreossi, G., Pozzobon, A., Stenni, B., and Masiol, M.: Evaluating the Vulnerability of Mountain Springs: A Case Study in Italy to Prioritize Conservation and Management Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17342, 2024.

Pablo Peña, David Windhorst, Patricio Crespo, Edison Timbe, Esteban Samaniego, and Lutz Breuer

Mean Transit Time (MTT) and Transit time distribution (TTD) functions are crucial for understanding the temporal dynamics of water flow through a catchment system, particularly in the context of rainfall-runoff processes that govern the solute storage and transport. Traditionally, these insights have been assessed using lumped TTD functions through models based on quasi-linearity and steady-state conditions. 
In contrast, the Ensemble Hydrograph Separation technique (EHS) presents a promising alternative for estimating TTD through multiple linear equations representing the relation between tracer fluctuations. This approach is advantageous, eliminating the need for continuous time series data of tracer measures and avoiding constraints related to the shape of transit distributions or system stationarity. However, EHS faces a sensitivity challenge in its regularization process, governed by a parameter denoted as "v," making the technique susceptible to either under-smoothing or over-smoothing the TTD function. Consequently, the judicious estimation of the regularization parameter within EHS becomes imperative.
This study aims to investigate how both the traditional lumped TTD approach and the innovative EHS method contribute to our understanding of catchment hydrology. The present investigation was conducted using stable water isotope data of stream and soil water collected in a typical Andean tropical mountain cloud forest catchment. The sampling was conducted at six sites along two altitudinal transects (at elevations of 3000 m, 2000 m, and 1000 m), encompassing two distinct land covers (forest and pasture). At each site, soil water samples were collected at three different depths (0.10, 0.25, and 0.40 m below ground). The main objective is to assess the feasibility of substituting one method with the alternative by comparing their performance using different evaluation criteria such as the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2).
Through Monte-Carlo simulations, we calibrated the “v” parameter and conducted a comprehensive comparison of both approaches. At 75% of the monitoring points, we observed NSE and R2 coefficients exceeding 0.65. These results align with previous studies, emphasizing the feasibility of assuming stationary conditions in humid tropical ecosystems. The study systematically examined the concordance between the Lumped TTD approach and Ensemble Hydrograph Separation (EHS) findings when utilizing similar TTDs. Furthermore, it provided a detailed analysis of the strengths and limitations of EHS implementation with actual real data. The insights gained from this research can be extrapolated to identify situations where each approach may be more suitable, offering valuable recommendations for their future application in various catchments.

How to cite: Peña, P., Windhorst, D., Crespo, P., Timbe, E., Samaniego, E., and Breuer, L.: A comparison of Lumped Convolution approach and Ensemble Hydrograph Separation in soil transit time distribution estimations: case study of San Francisco catchment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13916, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13916, 2024.

Christine Stumpp, Hatice Türk, Selma Hajric, and Michael Stockinger

Water stable isotopes provide a tracer signal input into the hydrological cycle with every precipitation event over a certain area. Tracking this signal, its seasonal distribution, and its relative changes since that water fell as snow or rain, can provide information about water flow and transport processes in the critical zone or integrative information about them within catchments. Water stable isotopes combined with other approaches can also be used to estimate water ages, such as the transit or residence time of water. Knowing the distribution of transit or residence times and how they vary over time and space can further inform about flow paths and hydrological processes as well as time scales of solute transport and hydrochemical processes. In this talk, an overview of the importance of water ages in hydrology will be provided, and different methods will be introduced for estimating water transit or residence times based on water stable isotope data. Several examples will be shown where we used experimental data-based methods and hydrological modelling for estimating water ages in soils and in catchments. The importance of high-resolution isotope data will be emphasized for uncovering hydrological processes, their dynamics, and controlling factors.

How to cite: Stumpp, C., Türk, H., Hajric, S., and Stockinger, M.: Water stable isotope approaches for estimating water ages in the hydrological cycle, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16332, 2024.

Borbála Széles, Ladislav Holko, Juraj Parajka, Christine Stumpp, Michael Stockinger, Jürgen Komma, Gerhard Rab, Stefan Wyhlidal, Katharina Schott, Patrick Hogan, Lovrenc Pavlin, Peter Strauss, Elmar Schmaltz, and Günter Blöschl

Exploring the contributions of new and old water to runoff during precipitation events in agricultural catchments is essential for understanding runoff generation, solute transport, and soil erosion. The aim of this study was to compare two isotope hydrograph separation methods in the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory (HOAL) in Austria, a 66-ha large experimental catchment dominated by agricultural land use. The classical two-component (IHS) and the ensemble isotope hydrograph separation (EIHS) methods were applied to multiple events in May-October of 2013-2018 using δ18O and δ2H. The new water contributions obtained by the IHS during peak flow were compared with the average new water fraction from the EIHS. The results showed that EIHS provided average new water fractions during peak flows (0.46 for δ18O and 0.47 for δ2H) that were close to the averages obtained by IHS (0.48 for δ18O and 0.50 for δ2H). While the EIHS may be a more robust approach compared to IHS, as it relaxes some of the assumptions of IHS and it gives a reliable average of the new water contribution, the IHS can provide useful information on the new water contribution variability for individual events.

How to cite: Széles, B., Holko, L., Parajka, J., Stumpp, C., Stockinger, M., Komma, J., Rab, G., Wyhlidal, S., Schott, K., Hogan, P., Pavlin, L., Strauss, P., Schmaltz, E., and Blöschl, G.: Isotopic hydrograph separation in the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20344, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20344, 2024.

Turk Guilhem, Gey Christoph J., Schöne Bernd R., Hissler Christophe, Barnich François, Leonard Loic, and Pfister Laurent

In the context of global change, the characterization and quantification of the “changing pulse of rivers” is a pressing challenge. Over the past decades, rapidly increasing computational capabilities and the related complexity of numerical models have contributed significantly to improve flood forecasting systems. However, our understanding of the mechanistic causality – especially of extreme hydrological events – remains fragmented. Streamflow responses are notoriously threshold-bound and site-specific, thus making extrapolations to ungauged basins and projections into future climate scenarios difficult without physical evidence. There is thus still a need for inter-catchment studies across contrasted physiographic and climate settings, ideally spanning over large observation time intervals.  Here, we rely on a 13 year-long, fortnightly resolved precipitation and stream water δ18O isotope record from 12 nested catchments with different bedrock geologies (marls, sandstone, schists) and land cover in the Alzette River basin (Luxembourg). Located on the eastern edge of the sedimentary Paris Basin, our study area has a rather homogeneous semi-oceanic climate. The δ18O records varied between catchments – exhibiting both seasonal and interannual patterns during the 13 years of observations. The seasonal amplitude of the precipitation δ18O signal was strongly damped in stream water of catchments dominated by permeable bedrock geology and large storage volumes. This dampening effect was much less pronounced in catchments dominated by marly (and thus less permeable) bedrock with limited storage capacity.


Across the set of 12 nested catchments, stream responses to precipitation were highly variable. Runoff coefficients were typically highest in catchments dominated by less permeable bedrock, as opposed to catchments with permeable bedrock, exhibiting low runoff coefficients. We found that the fractions of new water (Fnew) determined via ensemble hydrograph separation (as per Kirchner, 2019), i.e., water less than two weeks ‘old’, were correlated to bedrock geology. In catchments with mixed (i.e., permeable and less permeable) bedrock types, we noticed an increase in Fnew with discharge – mirroring the domination of groundwater contributions from areas with permeable bedrock during low to medium discharge and the activation of fast flow paths in sectors dominated by less permeable substrate at higher discharge. Findings shed new light on the role of bedrock geology on fundamental catchment functions of water collection, storage, mixing and release. The latter largely determine the responsiveness of catchments to variability and/or changes in climate. This information is key for better anticipating catchment response to future changes in climate.




Kirchner, James W. (2019). Quantifying new water fractions and transit time distributions using ensemble hydrograph separation: theory and benchmark tests. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 303–349.

How to cite: Guilhem, T., Christoph J., G., Bernd R., S., Christophe, H., François, B., Loic, L., and Laurent, P.: Physiographic controls on fractions of new water in 12 nested catchments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17064, 2024.

Distribution of sulfur and oxygen isotopes in rivers of eastern himalayan states: Implications for riverine sulfate source partitioning in coal mining areas of northeast India
(withdrawn after no-show)
Vivek Kumar, Dibyendu Paul, and Sudhir Kumar
Huiying Hu, Changqiu Zhao, Sen Xu, Rongfei Wei, Teklit Zerizghi, Qiyu Tan, and Qingjun Guo

Pyrite oxidation, coupled with carbonate weathering, can be a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere over geological timescales. However, this source of CO2 is an important but not entirely understood component of the long-term carbon cycle. The exact identification of the riverine sulfate sources and terrestrial pyrite weathering flux is crucial for a quantitative understanding of this source, but it still faces great challenges. Sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios are widely used to constrain sulfate sources. Here, we reviewed the effect of pyrite oxidation on the carbon cycle and synthesized sulfur isotope and oxygen isotope data for global rivers. We also figured out the fluxes of riverine sulfate caused by pyrite oxidation in various rivers around the world using a Bayesian model that is based on the sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios in riverine sulfates and local end elements. The highest pyrite-derived sulfate fluxes were found in the Mississippi River (198.3 ± 37.8 Gmol SO42-year-1). Higher pyrite oxidation rates occurred in areas with higher runoff rates, and global climate change may have also affected pyrite oxidation rates. This may assist in re-evaluating the role of chemical weathering on the carbon cycle and improve the theory of the carbon cycle.

How to cite: Hu, H., Zhao, C., Xu, S., Wei, R., Zerizghi, T., Tan, Q., and Guo, Q.: Sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios constrain riverine sulfate sources and terrestrial pyrite oxidation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6956, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6956, 2024.

Taiga Suzuki, Maki Tsujimura, Mariko Saito, and Sumire Torimaru

There is not enough data on the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater-surface water interaction in the urbanized tropical watersheds. Tropical regions are generally characterized by high annual precipitation and groundwater recharge. Especially the coastal cities of southeastern Asia have larger hydraulic gradient and subsurface water flux due to high topographical gradient in the elevation recharge area. We focus on an urbanized coastal watersheds, Langat River and Klang River watersheds, Kuala Lumpur area, capital city, Malaysia and investigate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of river water and subsurface water with the multi-tracer methods using inorganic dissolved constituents and stable isotope ratios.
    The SiO2 concentrations and (Na+K)/(Ca+Mg) ratio of river water decreases from upstream to midstream in Langat River. The decrease seems to be caused by geological setting, granite in the upper reaches and schist in the middle reaches. The stable isotope ratios (δ18O & δ2H) of the river water are plotted along with the local meteoric water line, and tend to be enriched toward to downstream. In the upstream area, hot springs are distributed along the faults and rivers. They showed Na-HCO3 type quality and much higher SiO2 concentrations than that of river water. There are wetland and lake in the midstream, and they show a significant depletion of d-excess value, suggesting an evaporation from the water surface of lakes and wetland. Na+, Cl- concentrations and stable isotope ratios increase in downstream of Langar River, suggesting seawater intrusion. On the other hand, stable isotope ratios and inorganic dissolved constituents decrease in the downstream of Klang River. This would be caused by the process that deep groundwater with depleted isotopic ratios discharges to the stream.

How to cite: Suzuki, T., Tsujimura, M., Saito, M., and Torimaru, S.: Hydrogeochemical characteristics in an urbanized tropical watershed, Kuala Lumpur area, Malaysia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19706, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19706, 2024.

Sophia Bradach, Jing Yan, Sunendra Joshi, Mohammad Afsar, and Yan Jin

Sea level rise due to climate change is exacerbating issues of saltwater intrusion and contamination. Identifying sources of water in coastal marshland under the influences of tides is critical in assessing vulnerability and developing strategies to protect coastal ecosystems. Mixing models such as end-member mixing, allow the contributions of salt and freshwater to be quantified using conservative tracers such as water isotopes. Using stable water isotopes as tracers to assess the impact of saltwater intrusion in coastal environments has been limited compared to their application in catchment hydrology. This study aims to explore the feasibility of using water isotopes to quantify the salt and freshwater dynamics in a tidal salt marsh at the St. Jones Reserve (39.10 N, 75.44 W) in Delaware, USA.  During a full tidal cycle, porewater samples were collected from piezometers (at 30 and 100 cm depths below the surface) at four sampling sites along a saline gradient at St. Jones Reserve.  Samples were taken at specific time intervals to capture the full effect of the tide. The isotope composition of the collected porewater samples was measured using a Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer (LWIA). End member analysis will be used to estimate the relative contributions of salt and freshwater at each point along the salt gradient. By quantifying these contributions, we hope to gain insights into the potential impacts of saltwater intrusion on the tidal marsh ecosystem. The information will allow better understanding of the hydrological conditions of the marshland and aid interpretations of an array of soil physical and chemical properties and processes being studied at the site.

How to cite: Bradach, S., Yan, J., Joshi, S., Afsar, M., and Jin, Y.: Using Stable Water Isotopes to Estimate Source Water Contribution in a Tidal Marshland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12536, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12536, 2024.

Chia-Hao Chang, Bo-Tsen Wang, and Jui-Pin Tsai

The temperature in subsurface porous media (i.e., subsurface temperature) has been popularly treated as a natural tracer of groundwater flow. Several previous studies usually neglected the thermal boundary effects to build simple geothermal models for simulating the subsurface temperature. Although a few studies considered the thermal boundary effects, their models considered the thermal boundaries under either specific-temperature or specific-heat-flux conditions. However, these models are expectedly inapplicable to the cases of subsurface porous media with convective thermal boundary conditions. This study hence proposes a heat-transport model for describing the subsurface temperature induced by a heat convective boundary. The model is composed of a heat conduction-advection equation subject to a convective boundary condition at the bottom of a porous medium. The study results show how the convective boundary effects influence he subsurface temperature and indicate the effects are dominated by some parameters, including the medium thicknesses, medium thermal conductivity, heat transport coefficient, and groundwater flux.

How to cite: Chang, C.-H., Wang, B.-T., and Tsai, J.-P.: Temperature Profiles due to Groundwater Flow in a Subsurface Porous Medium with a Heat Convective Boundary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7183, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7183, 2024.

A tracer test for evaluating the heterogeneity of a shallow groundwater aquifer in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan
Ching-Huei Kuo, Pei-Yun Tseng, and Yi-Ling Chen
Tamara Kolbe, Virginie Vergnaud-Ayraud, Barbara Yvard, and Kevin Bishop

Catchment transit time distributions span the range from minutes to hours (e.g. overland flow) to years, decades and longer. As time-variant catchment descriptors they are useful indicators for flow and transport processes. Stable water isotopes are established tracers to inform about young water components in stream water, but are less well-suited to defining ages for the older components of the transit time distribution. To infer slow flow water components, tracers that are able to date water over longer timescales are needed.

Here, we used atmospheric tracers (i.e. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)) that are able to cover the timescale of subsurface flow over decades to determine mean transit times of stream water. CFCs are well established tracers for dating groundwater, but their use is limited in surface waters as they might partially reequilibrate with ambient atmospheric concentrations of CFCs within a few hours. We measured CFCs at different subcatchment outlets of the Krycklan catchment basin under different flow conditions (49 samples in total). Krycklan is a boreal research catchment in northern Sweden at which stable water isotopes are extensively used to understand hydrological processes. The CFC results show that stream water mean transit times vary between 32 years and 59 years. These ages are similar to those observed for groundwater in the aquifer. This, and the patterns for individual CFCs suggest limited reequilibration with contemporary atmospheric CFC concentrations. Mean transit times across scales are independent of catchment size suggesting local groundwater contributions to streams. Furthermore, mean transit times negatively correlate with specific discharge supporting findings of increasing young water components during high flow conditions.


How to cite: Kolbe, T., Vergnaud-Ayraud, V., Yvard, B., and Bishop, K.: CFC stream water mean transit times reveal subsurface flow processes across scales at Krycklan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8684, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8684, 2024.

Posters virtual: Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall A

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Sonia Valdivielso, Jesica Murray, Ashkan Hassanzadeh, Daniel Emilio Martínez, and Enric Vázquez-Suñé

The isotopic composition of rainfall varies spatially and temporarily, depending on the climatic phenomena that originate the movement of air masses, their moisture content and the isotope fractionation processes that occur until precipitation falls isotopic composition of rainfall varies spatially and temporarily, depending on the climatic phenomena that originate the movement of air masses, their moisture content and the isotope fractionation processes that occur until precipitation falls.

One passive precipitation collector was installed in the lower part of Los Pozuelos basin, is located in the extreme northwest of Argentina, in the province of Jujuy. 19 accumulated precipitation samples were collected in the installed passive precipitation collector from 26 January, 2020 to 27 March, 2023. The objectives of this study are: (I) characterizing climatic variables; (II) Characterizing the isotopic composition of precipitation; (III) Establishing relationships between stable isotopes and the identified variables; and (IV) Identifying the trajectories of the air masses responsible for precipitation.

The time series of air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, solar radiation, OLR and SST exhibit a clear seasonal pattern, with the exception of the SST anomaly. The variables generally show a parametric distribution, except for daily rain. The δ18O and δ2H values of the 19 precipitation samples collected show interannual variation. The summer precipitation is depleted in heavy isotopes, has a high d-excess value and corresponds to the highest precipitation rates. This is due to the fact that the moisture masses have a greater continental extent in summer and convective precipitation dominates, both in the Amazon region and in the central and northern mountain ranges of the Andes. This is reflected in the high values of convective precipitation rate (CPR) and the lowest ORL values in the Los Pozuelos basin during the year. In winter, the heavy isotope enrichment in precipitation is due to the colder sea surface temperatures and lower evaporation associated with the Pacific Ocean compared to the Atlantic. Finally, the relationship of the isotopic composition of precipitation to the identified variables was determined. δ18O and δ2H show a high and direct correlation to each other, but inversely to precipitation amount and relative humidity. D-excess shows a moderate degree of correlation and the same tendency to increase as OLR.

The back trajectories of the HYSPLIT model air masses indicates that in summer, the dominant source of humidity was the Atlantic Ocean, which crossed both the Amazon basin and the Río de la Plata and Gran Chaco basins. A smaller percentage of the air masses is blown over by westerly winds from the Pacific Ocean. This is because the period of study is influenced by La Niña events, which cause an intensification of the westerly winds. In spring, all air masses come from the Pacific Ocean. In winter, the dominant source of humidity was the Pacific Ocean. The application of this methodology in the Los Pozuelos basin validated the appropriateness of our methods, contributing positively to the overall comprehension of water resource dynamics in the region.

How to cite: Valdivielso, S., Murray, J., Hassanzadeh, A., Martínez, D. E., and Vázquez-Suñé, E.: Isotopic fingerprint of precipitation in NW Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1751, 2024.