AS5.5 | Machine Learning and Other Novel Techniques in Atmospheric and Environmental Science: Application and Development
Machine Learning and Other Novel Techniques in Atmospheric and Environmental Science: Application and Development
Convener: Yafang Cheng | Co-conveners: Hao Kong, Jintai Lin, Ruijing Ni, Chaoqun Ma
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room E2
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
The wave of the Information Technology revolution is propelling us into a new era of research on atmospheric environmental science. New techniques including Machine Learning (ML) are enabling a deeper understanding of the complex atmospheric and environmental systems, as well as the interactions between weather/climate, air quality, public health, and social-economics. At the same time, Cloud Computing, GPU Computing, and Digital Twin have greatly facilitated much faster and more accurate earth system modeling, especially the weather/climate and air quality modeling and forecasting. These cutting-edge techniques are therefore playing an increasingly important role in atmospheric environmental research and governance.

This session is open for submissions addressing the latest progress in new techniques applied to research on all aspects of atmospheric environmental sciences (e.g., weather/climate, air quality and their interactions with public health and social economic. The submissions include, but are not limited to,
- The application of ML and other techniques for
• data assimilation and historical data reconstruction
• faster and more accurate weather/climate modeling and forecasting, especially for extreme weather and climate change
• faster and more accurate air quality modeling and forecasting
• air pollution tracing and source attribution
• advanced understanding of the mechanisms of atmospheric chemistry and physics
• greater insight into the impacts of atmospheric environment on weather, climate, and health
- The adaption/development of ML and other techniques by proposing
• explainable AI (XAI)
• hybrid methods (e.g., hybrid ML, physics-integrated ML)
• transfer learning
• new algorithms
• advanced model frameworks

Session assets

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room E2

Chairpersons: Hang Su, Hao Kong, Ruijing Ni
AI for Weather
On-site presentation
Nan Yang and Xiaofeng Li

Precipitation forecasting with Typhoons (especially nowcasting), a short-term (up to two hours) high-resolution forecasting, is arguably one of the most demanding tasks. Traditional forecasting methods contain 1) Ensemble numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems and 2) advect precipitation fields with radar-based wind estimates via optical flow techniques. The former simulates coupled physical equations of the atmosphere to generate multiple precipitation forecasts. In the latter methods, motion fields are estimated by optical flow, smoothness penalties are used to approximate an advection forecast, and stochastic perturbations are added to the motion field and intensity model. However, these methods either do not meet the requirement on time or rely on the advection equation. These drawbacks limit the performance of precipitation forecasting. Satellite imagery benefits from machine learning technologies, e.g., deep learning, which can be regarded as video frames and is expected to be a promising approach to solving precipitation nowcasting tasks.

Convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), and their combination are used to generate future frames with the previous context frames. In general, CNN is employed to capture spatial dependencies, while RNN aims to capture temporal dependencies. However, CNN suffers from inductive bias (i.e., translation invariance and locality), which cannot capture location-variant information (i.e., natural motion and transformation) and fails to extract long-range dependencies. As for RNN, the process of long back-propagation is time-consuming because of its recurrent structure. Therefore, the above drawbacks lack these methods’ operational utility and can not provide skillful precipitation forecasting.

This work proposes a fire-new artificial intelligence model to achieve skillful precipitation forecasting with Typhoons. The satellite Imagery containing precipitation is made into a series of sequences, each containing multiple frames over time. We re-design the traditional CNN-RNN-based architecture that can solve the problem of information loss/forgetting and provide skillful precipitation forecasting. Furthermore, we introduce the generative adversarial strategy and propose a novel random-patch loss function. It ensures that the model can generate high-fidelity precipitation forecasting. In summary, our proposed model simplifies the complex TC precipitation forecasting into a video prediction problem, greatly avoiding many uncertainties in the physical process and facilitating a fully data-driven artificial intelligence paradigm using deep learning and satellite image sequencing for discovering insights for weather forecasting-related sciences.

How to cite: Yang, N. and Li, X.: Typhoon precipitation forecasting based on Satellite Imagery Sequencing and Generative Adversarial Networks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7244,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jinyang Xie, Kanghui Zhou, Lei Han, Liang Guan, Maoyu Wang, Yongguang Zheng, Hongjin Chen, and Jiaqi Mao

Tornadoes, as highly destructive small-scale weather events, demand accurate detection and identification for effective weather decision-making. While weather radar serves as a primary tool for tornado identification, traditional radar-based tornado identification algorithms, such as Tornado detect algorithm (TDA) and Tornado Vortex Signature algorithm (TVS), are susceptible to radar noise, with limited tornado feature extraction capability leading to high rates of false alarms and low probability of detection. In response to these challenges, this study introduces an innovative multi-task learning network based on spatial-temporal information (TS-MINet) to improve tornado identification. Leveraging continuous three-frame radar Level-II data as inputs, including reflectivity, radial velocity, and spectral width, TS-MINet adopts a multi-task learning structure, simultaneously performing tornado detection and number estimation tasks to comprehensively extract tornado-related information. TS-MINet integrates channel recalibration blocks, spatial construction module, and temporal construction module, constructing a robust tornado identification model that overcomes the limitations of traditional algorithms with single-frame radar data. The introduction of channel recalibration blocks refines local representations, capturing micro-scale features crucial for accurate tornado identification. Inspired by the transformer architecture, the spatial construction module enriches global spatial dependencies by assimilating information from different spatial regions. Simultaneously, the temporal construction module captures the time-relatedness of consecutive radar frames, providing a nuanced understanding of tornado evolution. Given the limited number of tornado samples, data augmentation techniques like random rotation and cropping are implemented during model training to enhance robustness. Compared with the traditional TDA method with a Critical Success Index (CSI) of 0.15, the proposed method successfully improves the CSI to 0.54, which highlights the potentially advantages of deep learning methods in identification tasks. Even compared with the classical deep learning model UNet, which has a Probability of Detection (POD) of 0.62 and a False Alarm Rate (FAR) of 0.50, the proposed method achieves 0.75 and 0.32, respectively, and possesses more superior accuracy and robustness. The innovative TS-MINet model provides new insights and solutions for tornado detection, providing strong support for accurate prediction and timely response to future weather events. 

How to cite: Xie, J., Zhou, K., Han, L., Guan, L., Wang, M., Zheng, Y., Chen, H., and Mao, J.: Multitask Learning for Tornado Identification Using Doppler Radar Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1754,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Miriam Simm, Corinna Hoose, and Uğur Çayoğlu

Clouds play an important role in the hydrological cycle and significantly affect the Earth's radiative budget. Cloud microphysics describes the formation and interaction of individual cloud and precipitation particles. Its representation in numerical weather prediction and climate models remains challenging. Due to their sub-scale nature, microphysical processes need to be represented by parametrization schemes, which often rely on simplifying assumptions. Furthermore, the large number and variety of cloud particles and numerous nonlinear interactions thereof render cloud microphysics extremely complex. Many of its aspects are poorly understood, and a comprehensive theoretical description does not yet exist.

Detailed information about microphysical process rates is essential in order to establish a profound understanding of the microphysical pathways, feedback loops and aerosol-cloud interactions. In the ICON model, cloud microphysics is often parametrized with the two-moment scheme, developed by Seifert and Beheng (2006),  with six hydrometeor categories. However, due to the high number of processes, including the microphysical process rates in the model output results in approximately 20-50 additional three-dimensional output variables. If this output is generated in every time step of the model, this quickly requires immense storage capacities.

Machine learning (ML) opens the possibility of generating on-demand offline diagnostics based on standard output variables as an alternative approach. Based on the two-moment bulk microphysics scheme, we trained a neural network to emulate the calculation of the process rates in the ICON model for warm-rain formation, reproducing earlier results of Seifert and Rasp (2020). As input, we use cloud and atmospheric state variables. We conducted simulations with the ICON model in a global configuration with 13 km grid spacing in order to generate training and validation datasets. In the initial stage of model development, this resolution seems sufficient, however, we plan on using a smaller grid spacing in a limited-area configuration to improve the accuracy of our results. We performed analyses using Mutual Information to unveil the dependencies between model variables and process rates and chose the predictors of the model accordingly. We compare different sets of predictors and activation functions in order to improve the model's predictiveness. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility of constructing a similar model for processes in mixed-phase and ice clouds.

How to cite: Simm, M., Hoose, C., and Çayoğlu, U.: Using Machine Learning for Post-Simulation Diagnostics of Microphysical Process Rates with the ICON Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11071,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Janaina Nascimento, Alessandro Banducci, Haiqin Li, and Georg Grell

The EMC Unified Convection (UC) parameterization combines the Simplified Arakawa Schubert (SAS) and Grell-Freitas (GF) convective parameterizations in order to improve performance on regional and global scales. The UC parameterization uses the average of an ensemble of closures to determine the strength and location of convection. Deficiencies in optimizing the selection of these closures, used in deep convection parameterizations in General Circulation Models (GCMs), at different scales and in changing environmental conditions have critical impacts on climate simulations. Some closures may produce more accurate output in particular environmental conditions but currently the GF parametrization takes a uniform average over all closures. This work uses Machine learning (ML) methods combined with satellite and global model datasets in order to weight the closure average based on location and meteorological conditions. First dimensionality reduction techniques are applied in order to define a set of conditions where certain groups of closures tend to perform better. From these groups a weight vector is generated from the relative error each closure demonstrates compared with observations. A decision tree is then responsible for deciding which weight vectors are best in particular environmental situations. One advantage of this approach is that it is explainable; a human expert familiar with the behaviors of the closures (the conditions where they perform best/worst, etc.) can determine why the decision tree chose the particular weight vector.

How to cite: Nascimento, J., Banducci, A., Li, H., and Grell, G.: Machine Learning Based Closure Optimization for the Unified Convection Parametrization , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20726,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sanghoon Choi and David Topping

Recent advancements in weather forecasting have shown that generative probabilistic models, particularly diffusion models, exhibit significant promise in spatiotemporal forecasting. These models demonstrate enhanced accuracy, surpassing both machine learning-based deterministic models and traditional Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, especially in short-range forecasting. However, a key challenge in utilising diffusion models for long lead time predictions is the increased variance in samples, which complicates the identification of the most accurate predictions. Specifically, ensemble means from samples at longer lead times often lack the necessary granularity to provide detailed and accurate predictions. This study addresses these challenges by introducing a novel approach: a physics-informed diffusion model coupled with physics-based sampling strategies. We incorporate physical information into the diffusion model as guiding constraints, and apply additional knowledge-based control to reduce the diversity in predictions, aiming for more consistent and reliable forecasts. The effectiveness of various types of physical information and the methods used to integrate this physics into the diffusion model are evaluated on WeatherBench2. Furthermore, we propose a unique physics-based sampling technique that utilises conservation laws. This methodology is designed to enable the selection of predictions that are most consistent with physical principles, potentially enhancing the model's capability in accurately forecasting extreme weather events. By integrating physical laws and principles into both the diffusion model and the sampling process, this approach aims to improve the overall accuracy and reliability of long-range weather predictions. The combination of physics-informed modelling and physics-based sampling offers a new strategy in generative model for weather forecasting.

How to cite: Choi, S. and Topping, D.: Physics-Informed Diffusion Model and Sampling for Global Weather Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13882,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez and the GraphCast team from Google DeepMind

Global medium-range weather forecasting is critical to decision-making across many social and economic domains. Traditional numerical weather prediction uses increased compute resources to improve forecast accuracy but does not directly use historical weather data to improve the underlying model. In this talk we will be presenting GraphCast, a machine learning–based method trained directly from reanalysis data. It predicts hundreds of weather variables for the next 10 days at 0.25° resolution globally in under 1 minute. We compare GraphCast to the most accurate operational deterministic system (HRES) and show how its forecasts produce state of the art metrics, and support better severe event prediction, including tropical cyclone tracking, atmospheric rivers, and extreme temperatures. We also show how the approach can be extended to probabilistic forecasting to materialize similar improvements against ENS, a top operational ensemble forecast. These models are key advances in accurate and efficient weather forecasting and help realize the promise of machine learning for modeling complex dynamical systems.

How to cite: Sanchez-Gonzalez, A. and the GraphCast team from Google DeepMind: GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11381,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Jun Wang, Sadegh Tabas, Fanglin Yang, Jason Levit, Ivanka Stajner, Raffaele Montuoro, Vijay Tallapragada, and Brian Gross

Data driven machine learning-based weather prediction (MLWP) models have been under rapid development in recent years. These models leverage autoregressive neural network architectures and are trained using reanalysis data generated by operational centers, demonstrating proficient forecasting abilities. One remarkable advantage of these MLWP models is that, once trained, they take significantly less amount of computational resources to produce forecasts compared to traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models while maintaining or surpassing the NWP performance. 

NCEP has started machine learning development collaborating with the research community for several years.  This presentation will provide an overview of the development of MLWP models for the global ensemble forecast system at NCEP Environment Modeling Center (EMC). The model adopts state-of-the-art MLWP models such as GraphCast and leverages the methodologies from FuXi global ensemble system. The development includes developing cascade MLWP models, training the model with GEFSv12 reanalysis data and producing forecasts with the operational GEFSv12 initial states. The model will be validated using two years of GEFSv12 operational forecast data. The ultimate objective is to deliver 15-day forecasts with skill levels comparable to the operational GEFSv12.

How to cite: Wang, J., Tabas, S., Yang, F., Levit, J., Stajner, I., Montuoro, R., Tallapragada, V., and Gross, B.: Machine learning weather prediction model development for global ensemble forecasts at NCEP, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11707,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yi Xiao, Lei Bai, Wei Xue, Kang Chen, Tao Han, and Wanli Ouyang

In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence has led to rapid advances in data-driven weather forecasting models, some of which rival or even surpass traditional methods like Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) in terms of forecasting accuracy. However, existing data-driven weather forecasting models still rely on the analysis fields generated by the traditional assimilation and forecasting system, which hampers the significance of data-driven weather forecasting models regarding both computational cost and forecasting accuracy.

Four-dimensional variational assimilation (4DVar) is one of the most popular data assimilation algorithms and has been adopted in numerical weather prediction centers worldwide. This research aims at extending the ability of data-driven weather forecasting models by coupling them with the 4DVar algorithm, i.e., alternatively running the AI forecast and 4DVar to realize a long-term self-contained forecasting system.

In the 4DVar algorithm, the forecasting model is embedded into the objective function so that the flow dependencies are taken into account. Realizing the 4DVar algorithm in which the flow dependencies are expressed by the AI weather forecasting model is still a new area to be explored. Previous research has demonstrated the feasibility of using AI forecasting models in 4DVar as flow dependencies with the aid of auto-differentiation in simple dynamic systems, but scaling to the more complicated global weather forecasting faces additional challenges. For example, a differentiable background error covariance matrix needs to be constructed so that auto-differentiation can be implemented. Furthermore, the rapid error accumulation of AI forecasting models reduces the accuracy of flow dependencies in 4DVar and hinders the assimilation accuracy.

In this research, we address these challenges by leveraging the following techniques. First, we take advantage of the “torch-harmonics” package developed by Nvidia to implement the differentiable spherical convolution for representing horizontal correlations in the background error matrix. Second, we reformulate the 4DVar objective function to take into account the cumulative error of AI weather forecasting model so that the objective function can better represent the error statistics. Third, the temporal aggregation strategy with different time-length AI forecasting models is employed to efficiently build flow dependencies so as to reduce the iterative error of AI forecasting model and improve assimilation accuracy.

We conduct this research on the global AI weather forecasting model, FengWu, and couple it with 4DVar to implement the AI weather forecasting system prototype, FengWu-4DVar. Our experiments were conducted with the FengWu forecasting model at 1.4° resolution and the ERA5 simulation observations. With an observation proportion of 15% and the assimilation window of 6 hours, FengWu-4DVar is capable of generating reasonable analysis fields and achieving stable and efficiently cyclic assimilation and forecasting for at least one year, and the root mean square error on the potential height of the analysis field at 500hPa is less than 25m2/s2 on average. Moreover, assimilating observations in a 6-hour window can be realized in less than 30 seconds on one GPU of NVIDIA A100.

How to cite: Xiao, Y., Bai, L., Xue, W., Chen, K., Han, T., and Ouyang, W.: Coupling the Data-driven Weather Forecasting Model with 4D Variational Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2857,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Peter Jan van Leeuwen, J. Christine Chiu, and C. Kevin Yang

Many processes in the geosciences are highly complex and computationally challenging or  not well known. In those cases, Machine Learning, especially Deep Learning, is becoming increasingly popular to either replace expensive numerical models or parts of those models, or to describe relations between variables where the underlying equations are unknown. Despite many successful applications, the uptake of Deep Learning in science has been slow because proper uncertainty estimates are lacking, while these are crucial for comparison studies, forecasting, and risk management.

Deep Learning can be considered as a method that provides a nonlinear map between an input vector “x” and an output vector “z”. The nonlinear map contains a large weight vector “w,” determined via optimization using training, validation, and testing dataset. To quantify the uncertainty in the output “z”, we need to take into account uncertainty in 1) the input “x”, 2) the weight vector “w”, and 3) the nonlinear map from input to output. Furthermore, the uncertainty in the weight vector depends on uncertainties in the training and testing dataset. Present-day Deep Learning methods such as Bagging, MC Drop-out, and Deep Ensembles ignore most of these uncertainty sources, or apply them incorrectly, resulting in an incorrect uncertainty estimate.

In this presentation, we will, for the first time, take all uncertainty sources into account and provide an efficient methodology to generate output uncertainty estimates. Interestingly, by taking uncertainty in input training data into account, we show that the uncertainty quantification becomes more robust to outliers as it is a systematic and well-defined way to implicitly increase the training dataset. We then demonstrate an application for predicting cloud process rates from a deep neural net and provide a physical interpretation of the resulting uncertainty estimates.

How to cite: van Leeuwen, P. J., Chiu, J. C., and Yang, C. K.: Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12205,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Yafang Cheng, Hao Kong, Chaoqun Ma
AI for Climate
On-site presentation
Akash Koppa, Oscar Baez-Villanueva, Olivier Bonte, and Diego G. Miralles

Hybrid  modeling – combining physics with machine learning – in recent years has pushed the frontiers of Earth science, providing an opportunity to accurately characterize traditionally elusive variables. Terrestrial evaporation (E) is one such climatic variable which couples the global water and energy cycles. Accurately estimating E is important for determining crop water requirements at the local scale, while diagnosing the vegetation state at the global scale. Despite its importance, an accurate prediction of E has proven elusive, leading to the implementation of a plethora of mechanistic and data-driven models in the last few decades. The difficulty in modeling E can be traced to the complex response of transpiration (Et; i.e., evaporation from vegetation) to various environmental stressors, which are assumed to interact linearly in global models due to our limited knowledge based on local studies. 

Here, we train deep learning algorithms using eddy covariance and sap flow data together with satellite observations as inputs, aiming to retrieve a universal formulation of transpiration stress (St), i.e., the reduction of Et from its theoretical maximum. Then, we embed the new St formulation within the process-based Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM). In the resulting hybrid model, the St formulation is bidirectionally coupled to the host model at the daily timescale. Comparisons against in situ data and satellite-based proxies of E demonstrate the ability of this hybrid framework to produce better estimates of St and E globally across multiple spatial scales (ranging from 1km to 0.10 degrees) (Koppa et al. 2022). The proposed framework may be extended to improve not only the modeling of E in Earth System Models but also enhance the understanding of processes which modulate this crucial climatic variable. Future work in this direction involves the development of an end-to-end hybrid model, capable of simultaneously learning and inferring St and E through differentiable programming. Our results highlight the potential of combining mechanistic modeling with machine learning, especially deep learning, for improving our understanding of complex Earth system processes which are difficult to measure directly at the scale of interest.


Koppa, A., Rains, D., Hulsman, P. et al. A deep learning-based hybrid model of global terrestrial evaporation. Nat Commun 13, 1912 (2022).

How to cite: Koppa, A., Baez-Villanueva, O., Bonte, O., and G. Miralles, D.: Multi-scale hybrid modeling of terrestrial evaporation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2478,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ya Wang

Climate models are vital for understanding and projecting global climate. However, these models frequently suffer from biases that limit their accuracy in historical simulations and the trustworthiness of future projections. Addressing these challenges requires overcoming internal variability, hindering direct alignment between model simulations and observations and thwarting conventional supervised learning methods. Here, we employ an unsupervised Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Network (CycleGAN), to correct daily Sea Surface Temperature (SST) simulations from Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2). Our results reveal that CycleGAN not only corrects climatological biases but also improves the simulation of major dynamic modes including El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole mode, as well as SST extremes. Notably, it substantially mitigates climatological SST bias, decreasing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) by 58%. Furthermore, it markedly refines the representation of the annual cycle in the tropical Pacific, reducing the RMSE by 31% and boosting the pattern correlation coefficient (PCC) by 34%. Intriguingly, CycleGAN effectively addresses the well-known excessive westward bias in ENSO SST anomalies, a common issue in climate models. Additionally, it augments the simulation of SST extremes, raising the PCC from 0.56 to 0.88 and lowering the RMSE from 0.5 to 0.32. This enhancement is attributed to better representations of interannual variability and variabilities at intraseasonal and weather scales. This study offers a novel approach to correct global SST simulations, and underscores its effectiveness across different time scales and primary dynamical modes.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Correcting Climate Model Sea Surface Temperature Simulations with Generative Adversarial Networks: Climatology, Interannual Variability, and Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6936,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Markus Reichstein, Zavud Baghirov, Martin Jung, and Basil Kraft

For a better understanding of the Earth system we need a stronger integration of observations and (mechanistic) models. Classical model-data integration approaches start with a model structure and try to estimate states or parameters via data assimilation and inverse modelling, respectively. Sometimes, several model structures are employed and evaluated, e.g. in Bayesian model averaging, but still parametric model structures are assumed. Recently, Reichstein et al. (2019) proposed a fusion of machine learning and mechanistic modelling approaches into so-called hybrid modelling. Ideally, this combines scientific consistency with the versatility of data driven approaches and is expected to allow for better predictions and better understanding of the system, e.g. by inferring unobserved variables. In this talk we will introduce this concept and illustrate its promise with examples on biosphere-atmosphere exchange, and carbon and water cycles from the ecosystem to the global scale.

Reichstein, M., G. Camps-Valls, B. Stevens, M. Jung, J. Denzler, N. Carvalhais, and Prabhat. "Deep Learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science." Nature 566, no. 7743 (2019): 195-204.

How to cite: Reichstein, M., Baghirov, Z., Jung, M., and Kraft, B.: Deep learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15874,, 2024.

AI for Environment
Virtual presentation
Manish Shrivastava, Himanshu Sharma, and Balwinder Singh

Fine particles in the atmosphere known as Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) have a considerable impact on the Earth's energy budget, as they interact with clouds and radiation. The formation of SOA is a complex process that involves various chemical reactions in the gas phase, aqueous aerosols, and clouds. This process is computationally expensive for three-dimensional chemical transport models, as it requires solving a stiff set of differential equations. Deep neural networks (DNNs) can be used to represent the nonlinear changes in the physical and chemical processes of aerosols. However, their use is limited due to several challenges such as generalizability, preservation of mass balance, simulating sparse model outputs, and maintaining physical constraints. 

To address these challenges, we have developed a physics-informed DNN approach that can simulate the complex physical and chemical formation processes of isoprene epoxydiol SOA (IEPOX-SOA) over the Amazon rainforest. The DNN is trained over a short period of 7 hours of simulated IEPOX-SOA over the entire atmospheric column using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem). The trained DNN is then embedded within WRF-Chem to replace the default solver of IEPOX-SOA formation, which is computationally expensive. The approach shows promise, as the trained DNN generalizes well and agrees with the default model simulation of the IEPOX-SOA mass concentrations and its size distribution over several days of simulations in both dry and wet seasons. Additionally, the computational expense of WRF-Chem is reduced by a factor of 2. The approach has the potential to be applied to other computationally expensive chemistry solvers in climate models, which could greatly speed up the models while maintaining complexity.

How to cite: Shrivastava, M., Sharma, H., and Singh, B.: From Stiff Equations to Deep Learning: Overcoming Challenges in Simulating Complex Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2401,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Kara Lamb and Pierre Gentine

Black carbon (BC), a strongly absorbing aerosol sourced from combustion, is an important short-lived climate forcer. BC’s complex morphology contributes to uncertainty in its direct climate radiative effects, as current methods to accurately calculate the optical properties of these aerosols are too computationally expensive to be used online in models or for observational retrievals. Here we demonstrate that a Graph Neural Network (GNN) trained to predict the optical properties of numerically-generated BC fractal aggregates can accurately generalize to arbitrarily shaped particles, including much larger (10x) aggregates than in the training dataset. This zero-shot learning approach could be used to estimate single particle optical properties of realistically-shaped aerosol and cloud particles for inclusion in radiative transfer codes for atmospheric models and remote sensing inversions. In addition, GNN’s can be used to gain physical intuition on the relationship between small-scale interactions (here of the spheres’ positions and interactions) and large-scale properties (here of the radiative properties of aerosols).

How to cite: Lamb, K. and Gentine, P.: Zero-shot learning of aerosol optical properties with graph neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13925,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jia Mao and Amos Tai

Surface ozone (O3) poses great threats to both human health and crop production worldwide. However, a multi-decadal assessment of O3 impacts in China is lacking due to insufficient long-term continuous O3 observations. In this study, we used a machine learning (ML) algorithm to correct the biases of O3 concentrations simulated by the chemical transport model from 1981–2019 by integrating multi-source datasets. The ML-enabled bias-corrected O3 concentrations improve the estimates of O3 impacts on human health and crop yields. The warm-season increasing trend of O3 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its surroundings (BTHs), Yangtze River Delta (YRD), Sichuan Basin (SCB) and Pearl River Delta (PRD) regions are 0.32, 0.63, 0.84, and 0.81 μg m–3 yr–1 from 1981 to 2019, respectively. In more recent years, O3 concentrations experience more fluctuations in the four major regions. Our results show that only BTHs have a perceptible increasing trend of 0.81 μg m–3 yr–1 during 2013–2019. The estimated annual all-cause premature deaths induced by O3 increase from ~55,900 in 1981 to ~162,000 in 2019 with an increasing trend of ~2,980 deaths yr–1. The annual premature deaths related to respiratory and cardiovascular disease are ~34,200 and ~40,300 in 1998, and ~26,500 and ~79,000 in 2019, having a rate of change of –546 and +1,770 deaths yr–1 during 1998–2019, respectively. Using AOT40-China exposure-yield response relationships, the estimated relative yield losses (RYLs) for wheat, rice, soybean and maize are 17.6%, 13.8%, 11.3% and 7.3% in 1981, and increases to 24.2%, 17.5%, 16.3% and 9.8% in 2019, with an increasing rate of +0.03% yr–1, +0.04% yr–1, +0.27% yr–1 and +0.13% yr–1, respectively. Currently, estimating ozone-induced crop production losses still faces great uncertainties in magnitudes and/or spatial patterns when using different approaches, particularly in large-scale studies involving diverse ecological and climatic conditions. The averaged national annual mean RYLs for wheat are estimated to range from 4.3 to 24.6%, considering most available exposure metrics, including concentration-based and flux-based metrics. Our study, for the first time, used ML to provide a robust O3 dataset over the past four decades in China, enabling a long-term evaluation of O3-induced health impacts and crop losses. These findings are expected to fill the gap in the long-term O3 trend and impact assessment in China.

Figure 1. Density scatter plots and linear regressions between O3 measurements and predictions of LightGBM and GEOS-Chem model at (a1, a2) daily level and (a3, a4) hourly level, respectively. The annual averaged MDA8 O3 concentrations of LightGBM bias-corrected predictions and corresponding anomalies from 1981 to 2019: (b1) BTHs, (b2) YRD, (b3) SCB, and (b4) PRD.  (c1) The mortality (thousand) for different health endpoints; (c2) The province-based mortality (thousand) attributed to different health endpoints; (c3) The annual province-based population (million). (d) Bar plot of the RYLs for crops using different metrics from 1981-2019: (left panel) LightGBM, and (right panel) GEOS-Chem. 

Figure 2. Spatial distribution of averaged annual RYLs (%) for wheat: (a) AOT40, (b) FBB, (c) DO3SE_LRTAP, and (d) DO3SE_Feng. The spatial correlation coefficients (r) of estimated RYLs using different metrics (Table).

How to cite: Mao, J. and Tai, A.: Multidecadal ozone trends in China and implications for human health and crop yields: A hybrid approach combining chemical transport model and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4625,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Klaus Klingmüller, Jodok Arns, Anna Martin, Andrea Pozzer, and Jos Lelieveld

Atmospheric mineral dust has significant impacts on climate, public health, infrastructure and ecosystems. To predict atmospheric dust concentrations and quantify dust sources, we have previously presented a hybrid aeolian dust model using machine learning components and physical equations. In this model, trained with dust aerosol optical depth retrievals from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on board the MetOp-A satellite and using atmospheric and surface data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts fifth generation atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5), surface soil moisture is one of the most important predictors of mineral dust emission flux. Here we present the combination of the aeolian dust model with a deep learning model of surface soil moisture. The latter has been trained with satellite retrievals from the European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative and provides results that are more consistent with these observations than ERA5. The combination of the two models is a step towards a comprehensive hybrid modelling system that complements and improves traditional process-based aeolian dust models.

How to cite: Klingmüller, K., Arns, J., Martin, A., Pozzer, A., and Lelieveld, J.: Combined machine learning model of aeolian dust and surface soil moisture, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9208,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kaiyue Zhou and Yu Zhao

Due to the rapid development of industrialization and substantial economy, China has become one of the global hotspots of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) deposition following Europe and the USA. Here, we developed a dataset with full coverage of N and S deposition from 2005 to 2020, with multiple statistical models that combine ground-level observations, chemistry transport simulations, satellite-derived vertical columns, and meteorological and geographic variables. Based on the newly developed random forest method, the multi-year averages of dry deposition of oxidized nitrogen (OXN), reduced nitrogen (RDN) and S in China were estimated at 10.4, 14.4 and 16.7 kg N/S ha−1 yr−1, and the analogous numbers for total deposition were respectively 15.2, 20.2 and 25.9 kg N/S ha−1 yr−1 when wet deposition estimated previously with a a generalized additive model (GAM) was included. The dry to wet deposition ratio (Rdry/wet) of N stabilized in earlier years and then gradually increased especially for RDN, while that of S declined for over ten years and then slightly increased. The RDN to OXN deposition ratio (RRDN/OXN) was estimated to be larger than 1 for the whole research period and clearly larger than that of the USA and Europe, with a continuous decline from 2005 to 2011 and a more prominent rebound afterwards. Compared with the USA and Europe, a more prominent lagging response of OXN and S deposition to precursor emission abatement was found in China. The OXN dry deposition presented a descending gradient from east to west, while the S dry deposition a descending gradient from north to south. After 2012, the OXN and S deposition in eastern China declined faster than the west, attributable to stricter emission controls. Positive correlation was found between regional deposition and emissions, while smaller deposition to emission ratios (D/E) existed in developed eastern China with more intensive human activities.

How to cite: Zhou, K. and Zhao, Y.: Estimating nitrogen and sulfur deposition across China during 2005-2020 based on multiple statistical models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7514,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Franz Kanngießer and Stephanie Fiedler

North Africa is the world’s largest source region of mineral dust. Mineral dust aerosol itself plays an important role in the climate system, as it is, for example, directly and indirectly influencing radiative transfer and providing nutrients for marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, airborne mineral dust has adverse effects on air quality and public health.

Satellite observations can provide large spatial coverage of dust plumes, which facilitates the study of dust sources, transport pathways, and sinks. Such large spatial coverage can be combined with a high temporal resolution by instruments onboard geostationary satellite. An example of such an instrument is the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation satellites (MSG). The full spatial extent of dust plumes in SEVIRI observations is frequently obscured by clouds. To overcome this limitation, we propose the use of machine-learning-based image in-painting techniques.

Machine-learning-based image in-painting techniques can restore damaged images of structures like buildings, cars, landscapes, insects or human faces by learning the typical patterns of these structures. Image in-painting algorithms have in recent years been successfully adapted to reconstruct missing geophysical data. In this study, we use an off-the-shelf implementation of an image in-painting algorithm and developed a method for applying it to satellite-observed dust plumes. The algorithm is trained on reanalysis fields of the dust aerosol optical thickness combined with temporally corresponding cloud masks obtained from MSG-SEVIRI. In a next step we use this trained algorithm to restore the full spatial extent of dust plumes on grey-scaled images of North African dust plumes during 2021 and 2022, derived from the SEVIRI Dust RGB product. We test the reconstructed dust plumes against independent data, derived from dust forecasts provided by the WMO Barcelona Dust Regional Center. Our reconstructions spatially and temporally agree well with output from the forecast model ensemble. The proposed method is adaptable to other satellite products in the future, including products from the Meteosat Third Generation Flexible Combined Imager (MTG-FCI).


Kanngießer and Fiedler, 2024, “Seeing” beneath the clouds - machine-learning-based reconstruction of North African dust plumes, AGU Advances, In Press.

How to cite: Kanngießer, F. and Fiedler, S.: Reconstructing the spatial patterns of dust plumes in geostationary satellite images over North Africa using in-painting techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9450,, 2024.

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Hao Kong, Ruijing Ni, Chaoqun Ma
AI for Weather
Sadegh Tabas, Jun Wang, Fanglin Yang, Jason Levit, Ivanka Stajner, Raffaele Montuoro, Vijay Tallapragada, and Brian Gross

The medium-range forecasting of global weather plays a pivotal role in decision-making processes across various societal and economic sectors. Recent years have witnessed a rapid evolution in machine learning (ML) models applications in weather prediction, demonstrating notably superior performance compared to traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. These cutting-edge models leverage diverse ML architectures, such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs), and Transformers. Notably, Google DeepMind has pioneered a novel ML-based approach known as GraphCast, enabling direct training from reanalysis data and facilitating global predictions for numerous weather variables in less than a minute. Impressively, GraphCast forecasts show improved accuracy in predicting severe weather events, including phenomena like tropical cyclones, atmospheric rivers, and extreme heat. However, the efficiency of GraphCast relies on high-quality historical weather data for training, typically sourced from ECMWF's ERA5 reanalysis. 

Concurrently, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) has initiated efforts in collaboration with the research community, focusing on developing Machine Learning Weather Prediction (MLWP). This study assesses the pre-trained GraphCast model, leveraging Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data from the operational GFSv16 model as initial states. Additionally, we explore the potential use of GDAS data as an alternative training source for GraphCast. Notably, GDAS data is available at a 0.25-degree latitude-longitude resolution and with a temporal resolution of 6 hours. Our investigation involves a comparative analysis of GraphCast's performance when initiated on GDAS data versus ERA5 and HRES data. Alongside this comparative analysis, we investigate the advantages and limitations of utilizing GDAS data for GraphCast while proposing potential approaches for enhancing future iterations of this study.

How to cite: Tabas, S., Wang, J., Yang, F., Levit, J., Stajner, I., Montuoro, R., Tallapragada, V., and Gross, B.: GDAS-Powered Machine Learning Weather Prediction: A Comparative Study on GraphCast initialized with GDAS States for Global Weather Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13889,, 2024.

Hung-Lung Allen Huang

Our very recent artificial intelligence – machine learning (AI/ML) augmented wind energy production forecast has successfully demonstrated a consistent >30% wind speed and power generation forecast improvement over the NOAA operational High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) standalone capability.

So far, we have used a suite of AI/ML algorithms, including 1) artificial neural networks, 2) ridge regression, 3) lasso regression, 4) support vector machines, 5) gradient boosting, 6) elastic networks, 7) nearest neighboring clustering, and 8) random forest (RF) models for wind energy forecasting applications. These AI/ML augmented forecasts significantly improve the management of the power grid distribution, energy trading strategy, and plant operations with training and testing corresponding to 253 sites in Texas and validated on a year of independent testing data. It has shown that each AI/ML model offers significant forecast improvement (+20% mean squared error) skill over the current official HRRR forecasts. Furthermore, an AI/ML model ensemble of different machine learning models is deployed and demonstrated to significantly improve wind speed accuracy during all seasons, times of day, sites tested, and forecast horizon times.

This fully matured AI/ML augmented framework has shown to be comprehensive and robust, demonstrating that AI/ML is a natural complement to the existing NWP infrastructure and can be expanded to enhance local forecasts.


How to cite: Huang, H.-L. A.: AI/ML Augmented Hyper Local Weather Forecast, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2320,, 2024.

Jorge Arevalo, Andrés Ávila, Walter Gomez, Pablo Andrade, Diana Pozo, Deniz Bozkurt, Ruben Lagos, Francisco Alvial, and Ana María Cordova

Near-surface wind conditions, specifically at 10 meters above ground, play a crucial role in areas with complex topography like the Austral Chilean Territory, characterized by small islands, channels, and fiords. The impact of topography and land cover on wind patterns is particularly significant. In the other hand, wind impacts local transport and, consequently, the economy and social activities. Accurate forecasting of these winds is essential for optimal planning and heightened maritime safety.

While dynamic models, such as the WRF model, have proven valuable for stakeholders, their operational use is limited by the high computational cost, restricting spatial resolutions to a few kilometers. For example, the Chilean Navy Weather Service employs the WRF model with a resolution of up to 3 km in specific areas, and the Chilean Weather Office uses a 4 km resolution across the entire continental territory.

This study addresses this limitation by developing an emulator for dynamic downscaling of surface wind, aiming for hyper resolutions (~300 m) over Austral Chile. Utilizing cluster analysis of ERA 5 10m-wind fields, eight wind patterns were identified. Multi-day simulations were conducted with telescopic domains reaching 100 m resolution, incorporating NASA's ASTER DEM into WRF and updating the coastline in the default 500 m land-use dataset. The consistency analysis of these results will be presented.

To achieve hyper-resolution forecasting, various deep learning models, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), were trained to downscale the 3 km domain to the 100 m one. The presentation will focus on the evaluation and comparison of these models, showcasing the first key results of this research. This study is part of a larger research project that aims to produce a very high-resolution wind forecasting system, based on the downscaling of WRF simulations by using Deep learning techniques (SiVAR-Austral, funded by ANID ID22I10206). Results will be valuable to stakeholders by enhancing both planning capabilities and maritime safety in the Austral Chilean Territory.

How to cite: Arevalo, J., Ávila, A., Gomez, W., Andrade, P., Pozo, D., Bozkurt, D., Lagos, R., Alvial, F., and Cordova, A. M.: Hyper-Resolution Wind Forecasting in Austral Chile combining WRF forecasting and Deep Learning techniques., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6633,, 2024.

Yang Cao, Yannian Zhu, Minghuai Wang, Daniel Rosenfeld, and Chen Zhou

Marine low clouds have a pronounced cooling effect on the climate system because of their large cloud fraction (CF) and high albedo. However, predicting marine low clouds with satellite data remains challenging due to the non-linear response of marine low clouds to cloud-controlling factors (CCFs) and the ignorance of cloud droplet number concentration (Nd). Here, we developed a unified convolutional neural network (CNN) incorporating meteorology and Nd as CCFs to predict critical properties of marine low clouds, such as CF, albedo, and cloud radiative effects (CRE). Our CNN model excels in capturing the variability of these cloud properties, achieving over 70% variance explanation for daily 1x1 degree areas, surpassing previous studies. It also effectively replicates geographical patterns of CF, albedo, and CRE, including climatology and long-term trends from 2003 to 2022. This research underscores the significant potential of deep learning in deep exploitation of the information content of the data and, thus, advancing our understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions, a pioneering effort in the field.

How to cite: Cao, Y., Zhu, Y., Wang, M., Rosenfeld, D., and Zhou, C.: Improving prediction of marine low clouds with cloud droplet number concentration and a deep learning method, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4951,, 2024.

Jake Wilson, Joshua Sampson, Marianne Girard, Kareem Hammami, Dylan Jervis, Jason McKeever, Antoine Ramier, and Zoya Qudsi

GHGSat operates a constellation of satellites that detect and quantify methane and carbon dioxide emissions from industrial facilities across the globe. With twelve satellites in orbit, each making around fifty observations per day, automatic data processing is required.  

A key step in the automation process is the detection of clouds. Identifying pixels that contain clouds or cloud shadow can improve the retrieval quality of cloudy observations and make it easier to detect greenhouse gas emissions.  

In this presentation, we discuss the ML/AI techniques used to detect and segment clouds in GHGSat imagery. We highlight some of the challenges encountered during the creation of training datasets and model training. A first guess at cloud masks is obtained with an unsupervised clustering approach to group pixels of similar intensity. Then, using a dataset of 1000 human-annotated observations, we compare the performance of U-NET and Mask2Former models trained for cloud segmentation. We discuss how the monitoring of training loss can help to identify problematic examples. Finally, we investigate the creation of cloud shadow masks using geometrical projections of the cloud masks, where cloud height is estimated through an intensity-based optimisation. 

How to cite: Wilson, J., Sampson, J., Girard, M., Hammami, K., Jervis, D., McKeever, J., Ramier, A., and Qudsi, Z.: Automatic cloud detection in GHGSat satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20404,, 2024.

Chong Wang and Xiaofeng Li

Tropical cyclones are intense weather phenomena that originate over tropical oceans, posing significant threats to human life and property safety. This paper introduces methods for extracting and forecasting tropical cyclone information based on deep learning and satellite infrared images. It includes tropical cyclone wind radii estimation (global), tropical cyclone center location (Northwest Pacific), and tropical cyclone intensity forecast (Northwest Pacific). Utilizing infrared images and ERA5 reanalysis data, datasets for tropical cyclone wind radii estimation from 2004 to 2016, tropical cyclone center location from 2015 to 2018, and 24-hour tropical cyclone intensity forecasts from 1979 to 2021 have been constructed.

Firstly, the DL-TCR model with an asymmetric branch is designed to infer the asymmetric tropical cyclone wind radii (R34, R50 and R64) of global tropical cyclones. A modified MAE-weighted loss function is introduced to enhance the model's underestimation of large-sized tropical cyclone wind radii. The results indicate that the DL-TCR model achieves MAEs for R34 wind radii of 18.8, 19.5, 18.6, and 18.8 n mi in the NE, SE, SW, and NW quadrants, respectively. For R50 wind radii, the MAEs are 11.3, 11.3, 11.1, and 10.8 n mi, and for R64 wind radii, the MAEs are 8.9, 9.9, 9.2, and 8.7 n mi. These values represent an improvement of 12.1-35.5% compared to existing methods.

Then, employing transfer learning by transferring pre-trained models based on the ImageNet natural image dataset significantly improved the precision of tropical cyclone center location models. The results demonstrate that the transfer-learning-based model enhances the location accuracy by 14.1% compared to models without transfer learning. The location error for the tropical cyclone centers in the test data is 29.3 km, and for H2-H5 category, the tropical cyclone center location error is less than 20 km.

Finally, a deep learning model, named the TCIF-fusion model, was developed with two distinct branches engineered to learn multi-factor information and forecast the intensity of TCs over a 24-hour period. Ultimately, heatmaps were generated to capture the model's insights, which were then utilized to augment the original input data, leading to an improved dataset that significantly enhanced the accuracy of the TC intensity forecasting. Utilizing the refined input, the heatmaps (referred to as model knowledge, MK) were employed to direct the modeling process of the TCIF-fusion model. Consequently, the model guided by MK achieved a 24-hour forecast error of 3.56 m/s for Northwest Pacific TCs during the period from 2020 to 2021. The MK-based TCIF-fusion model has improved the forecasting performance by 12.1-35.5% compared to existing methods.

In summary, deep learning exhibits significant potential in the extraction and forecasting of tropical cyclone information, positioning it as a crucial tool for future tropical cyclone monitoring and forecasting.

How to cite: Wang, C. and Li, X.: Tropical Cyclone Information Extraction and Forecast Based on Satellite Infrared Images and Deep Learning Technology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7056,, 2024.

Teresa Spohn, John O’Donoghue, Kevin Horan, Tim Charnecki, Conor Lally, and Merlin Haslam

Quality control (QC) on data has historically been a tedious and time-consuming task. With the currently available computer processing power and machine learning algorithms, it is possible to make QC far faster and more efficient, providing high-quality data in near real time to end users. Many organisations are already using such systems with great success, although the rapid expansion of machine learning continues to open new avenues for improvement. The aim of this project is to create a QC system for Met Eireann, the Irish Meteorological Office, which incorporates the latest machine learning techniques, combined with expert human supervision, to produce the highest possible quality meteorological data.

Presented here are the ideas and concepts we intend to implement to create the QC system, showing the results of the initial trials on air temperature data. The project is still in the earliest stages of development and will benefit from input and feedback from others with experience working on similar projects.

How to cite: Spohn, T., O’Donoghue, J., Horan, K., Charnecki, T., Lally, C., and Haslam, M.: Performing Quality Control on Meteorological Data Using Machine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3905,, 2024.

Preliminary Study on Minutely Sample Labeling Algorithm with Prior Knowledge Model 
Liang Leng, Tong Zhang, Yanjiao Xiao, Jie Liu, Chulin Gao, and Jing Sun
AI for Climate
Climate change in the alps: Comparing different climate models based on estimates of monthly data.
Kristofer Hasel, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, and Herbert Formayer
Ali Ulvi Galip Senocak, Sinan Kalkan, M. Tugrul Yilmaz, Ismail Yucel, and Muhammad Amjad

A plethora of studies have used machine learning for quantitative precipitation forecasting. However, only a fraction of those studies have focused on the explainability of the utilized machine learning models. Consequently, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the variability in explainability concerning predictor clusters (i.e., grouped predictor categories based on shared attributes such as climate categories) has not received attention in the literature.

This study aims to address this gap by analyzing variability in explanations at the model level regarding different Köppen Climate Zones (i.e., arid, temperate, and continental climates). To this end, Türkiye is selected as the study area, which has a complex topography and omnigenous in climate types. The utilized dataset covers 687 stations spanning 10 different climate zones (clustered into B, C, and D Köppen climate zones) and more than one million rows covering four years as temporal coverage. While the ground truth is defined as the daily observed precipitation amount, the predictors consist of daily total precipitation forecasts of numerical weather prediction models (ECMWF, GFS, ALARO, and WRF) with a 24-hour lead time, geographical parameters (elevation, roughness, slope, aspect, distance to the sea, latitude and longitude), and seasonality (day of the year, and month). The study uses a multi-layer perceptron (Root Mean Squared Error = 3.6 mm/day),  as the machine learning method with two hidden layers (with Gaussian Error Linear Unit non-linearity). It utilizes Huber-Loss (delta = 1.5) as the loss function to mitigate the adverse effects of the long-tailed dataset. A Linear Interpretable Mogel Agnostic (LIME) approach is utilized to explain the predictions by MLP. Topographical, coordinate-based, and seasonality predictors are grouped except for the distance to the sea.

The importance assessments of predictors are compared with drop-out loss, which quantifies the decline in model performance that occurs when a predictor is removed, showing the relevance of the predictors to the predictions of models. Analysis results indicate that the ECMWF forecasts are the most important predictor for the model for all three climate types, with a drop-out loss value of 0.531 for arid (B) climate zones, 1.617 for temperate (C) climate zones, and 0.901 for continental (D) climate zones. Seasonality is more utilized for generating the predictions for continental climate zones (0.05 vs 0.02 for both arid and temperate zones). Another noteworthy result is that the distance to the sea predictor negatively affects the model over arid zones (-0.03) while positively contributing to both continental (0.013) and temperate zones (0.102). Moreover, the drop-out loss for distance to the sea (0.102) exceeds the WRF forecast's (0.076) over temperate climate zones. This might be related to the average distance to the sea (0.99 degrees over temperate, 1.66 over arid, and 1.72 over continental zones). Similarly, topographical parameters have a positive effect over arid (0.003) and continental zones (0.014) while having a negative effect over temperate (-0.012) zones. These results indicate that both multi-model machine learning designs can be beneficial for complex datasets, and the influence of parameters can vary over different input clusters.

How to cite: Senocak, A. U. G., Kalkan, S., Yilmaz, M. T., Yucel, I., and Amjad, M.: Variability among Machine Learning Explanations for Precipitation Forecasting in Köppen Climate Zones, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17782,, 2024.

Using XGBoost & SHAP feature importance to understand the drivers of the Southern Ocean cloud-radiation bias
Sonya Fiddes, Marc Mallet, Alain Protat, Matthew Woodhouse, Simon Alexander, and Kalli Furtado
Nithin Allwayin, Michael Larsen, Alexander Shaw, Kamal Kant Chandrakar, Susanne Glienke, and Raymond Shaw

Changes to low-level cloud properties and their associated feedback in a warming climate are a significant source of uncertainty in global climate models (GCMs). “Local’’ processes at the droplet scales, such as drizzle growth by collision-coalescence, are not well represented in GCMs and constitute a significant uncertainty in model predictions. Parameterization schemes often derived from empirical fits to spatially averaged cloud size distributions have been used to represent clouds and hence do not fully account for the subgrid-scale variabilities. We hypothesize that inhomogeneities in cloud microphysical properties may be captured by a small number of distinct droplet size distributions called “characteristic distributions” and developed an algorithm capable of retrieving them.

To do this, we developed an algorithm by combining hypothesis testing with a machine-learning clustering algorithm. The test does not presume any specific distribution shape, is parameter-free, and avoids biases from binning. Importantly, for the clustering algorithm, the number of clusters is not an input parameter but is independently determined in an unsupervised fashion. As implemented, it works on an abstract space from the hypothesis test results, and hence spatial correlation is not fundamental for members classified to a characteristic distribution. To validate the algorithm's robustness, we test it on a synthetic dataset that mimics cloud drop distributions. The algorithm successfully identifies the predefined distributions at plausible noise levels.

When implemented on cm-scale cloud samples taken using Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC) deployed during Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA), the algorithm reveals that local characteristic distribution types are ubiquitous in stratocumulus clouds. These distribution types are generally narrow with distinct modes and do not resemble the averaged size distribution shape. Each characteristic distribution represents identical-looking local cloud volumes which tend to occur in spatial blocks of varying extent, usually of order 1s to 10s of km. These observations have implications for understanding small-scale cloud properties and can guide the development of novel parameterizations of sub-grid-scale variability for coarse-resolution models. Subsequently, we show the first results from an investigation of characteristic distributions for LESs. The algorithm is general and helps in finding similarities in data representable as CDFs and is expected to have broader applicability in earth sciences.

How to cite: Allwayin, N., Larsen, M., Shaw, A., Chandrakar, K. K., Glienke, S., and Shaw, R.: Understanding cloud structures with machine learning- An algorithm to represent sub-grid scale variability in stratocumulus clouds , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14260,, 2024.

Markus Rosenberger, Manfred Dorninger, and Martin Weissmann

Clouds of any kind play a substantial role in a wide variety of atmospheric processes, e.g. radiation, and moisture transport. Moreover, knowledge of currently occurring cloud types allows the observer to draw conclusions about the short-term evolution of the state of the atmosphere and hence also the weather. However, the number of operational cloud observations is rather decreasing than increasing due to high monetary and personnel expenses. 

To counteract this trend, we train a multi-input residual neural network architecture from scratch with ground based RGB images, where each instance consists of 4 images. Human cloud observations from nearby SYNOP station Vienna Hohe Warte are used as ground truth. To the best of our knowledge we are the first to classify clouds with this methodology into 30 different classes, which are consistent with the state-of-the-art scheme for operational cloud observations. Of these 30 classes up to three can be observed simultaneously in the same instance, making this a multi-input multi-label classification problem. Additional difficulty stems from highly imbalanced ground truth class distributions, with the most abundant cloud class being observed several hundred times more frequently than the least abundant class, leading to strong biases in the model output. To reduce these biases, class-specific resampling methods are used, which increase the total number of available instances from less than 12,000 to more than 20,000. This resampling is fundamental to get sufficient results.

We conducted a large number of experiments covering a variety of model architectures, as well as different loss and class weighting functions. Preliminary results will be shown, which indicate very high precision and sufficiently high recall in most classes of the validation data, especially in those where aggressive resampling strategies have been used. The performance is even better, when classes with visual similarities are combined during validation. Thus, a substantial portion of false predictions can be explained by the model's confusion of similar-looking classes. Results also show that biases due to class imbalances are heavily reduced but are still present. Overall our classifier also shows exceptionally good reliability.

With such a machine learning method and a common camera system, clouds can be observed independently and operationally where no human observations are available. This also allows a permanent monitoring of the current state of the weather as well as its short-time evolution. Apart from this, further applications of such an automated cloud classifier may be model verification, or cloud monitoring with high temporal resolution in the proximity of solar power plants. There, upcoming clouds can substantially change the possible energy output, which leads to the necessity of taking precautions. 

How to cite: Rosenberger, M., Dorninger, M., and Weissmann, M.: Utilizing convolutional neural networks for ground-based cloud observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1868,, 2024.

Cristina Sgattoni, Matthias Chung, and Luca Sgheri

FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) represents the ninth Earth Explorer mission chosen by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2019. This satellite mission focuses on delivering interferometric measurements within the Far-InfraRed (FIR) spectrum, constituting approximately 50% of the Earth's longwave flux emitted into space. Enhanced accuracy in measuring the Top Of the Atmosphere (TOA) spectrum in the FIR is crucial for minimizing uncertainties in climate models. However, current instruments fall short, necessitating the incorporation of innovative computational techniques. The mission aims to refine understanding across various atmospheric variables, including tropospheric water vapor, ice cloud properties, and notably, surface emissivity in the FIR.
During the mission's early development, an End-to-End Simulator (E2ES) was devised to showcase proof-of-concept and assess the impact of instrument characteristics and scene conditions on the accuracy of reconstructed atmospheric properties. This simulator comprises a sequence of modules simulating the entire measurement acquisition process, accounting for all major sources of discrepancies in operational conditions leading to the retrieval of geophysical quantities.
From a mathematical perspective, two challenges arise: the radiative transfer equation, known as the direct problem, and its inversion, referred to as the retrieval problem. Both problems can be addressed through a full physics method, particularly applying the Optimal Estimation (OE) approach—a specialized Tikhonov regularization scheme based on Bayesian formulation. However, the computational demands of a full physics method hinder Near Real-Time (NRT) data analysis. Faster models become imperative for next-generation satellites measuring hundreds of spectra per minute and climatology models simulating years of global-scale radiative transfer.
To expedite solutions for both problems, a hybrid approach is employed, combining an a priori regularized data-driven method utilizing the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse and a neural network approach.



How to cite: Sgattoni, C., Chung, M., and Sgheri, L.: Advancing Atmospheric Retrieval: A Rapid Physics-Informed Data-Driven Approach using FORUM Simulated Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9820,, 2024.

David Matajira-Rueda, Robert Maiwald, Charbel Abdallah, Sanam Vardag, Andre Butz, and Thomas Lauvaux

This research proposes an optimal design framework for a mesoscale atmospheric greenhouse gas network dedicated to inverse flux monitoring at urban, regional, or national scales.

The framework’s design is based on data processing of atmospheric concentrations using multiple machine learning techniques such as image processing and pattern recognition, among others, all of them powered by optimization algorithms, giving the solution process explorative and exploitative features over the problem search space. 

Besides, the data processing uses graph representation as it considers a discrete search space, which in turn allows for speeding up the information access in each stage, especially during the inverse analysis procedure.

All of the above is framed with a learning system whose purpose is automatizing the processing when combining diverse data sources by mixing the supervised and unsupervised learning types in pre- and post-processing, respectively. 

On the one hand, the problem is related to the design of a monitoring network of greenhouse gases, in which it is required to decide the locations of a specific number of towers according to their measurement influence region, hence minimizing the number of towers while guaranteeing the appropriate parameter estimation.

On the other hand, the solution strategy conducts a data analysis, where observed and fitted data are treated as spatial-temporal images. During the batch processing, these images are filtered, contrasted, binarized, classified, and clustered, among other operations to maximize the data analysis.

Performance tests were based on reference datasets from the Weather Research and Forecasting model (here hourly simulated concentrations at 3 kilometers resolution over eastern France) as well as other synthetically and randomly generated concentration fields, which allowed for comparison of the proposed algorithm processing.

According to the parametric and non-parametric tests used to evaluate the scheme, our framework is competitively capable of designing optimal monitoring networks by using data processing and high-performance computing.

How to cite: Matajira-Rueda, D., Maiwald, R., Abdallah, C., Vardag, S., Butz, A., and Lauvaux, T.: A novel automated framework to design optimal networks of atmospheric greenhouse gas stations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18552,, 2024.

AI for Environment
Evaluating the main drivers of ozone pollution in a typical city of the Yangtze River Delta based on machine learning
(withdrawn after no-show)
Yuqing Qiu, Xin Li, Yi Liu, Sihua Lu, Mengdi Song, and Yuanhang Zhang
Zhenze Liu, Ke Li, Oliver Wild, Ruth Doherty, Fiona O'Connor, and Steven Turnock

The chemical transport models face challenges in simulating the concentrations of surface ozone accurately in all conditions when meteorology and chemical environment are changing. The capability of capturing the principle physical and chemical processes is clearly limited. We propose a unified framework based on deep learning to provide a more accurate prediction of surface ozone. The model is tailored to individual observation sites in China, forming a specific graph that would reflect the interaction between spatial and temporal connection in physics and chemistry. This mitigates the uncertainty associated with model resolution and emissions. We show that the model achieves the State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performance in simulating MDA8 ozone among current process-based and other deep learning models. The model structure is also flexible to be applied to other places where observations are available such as Europe and North America. This work underscores great benefits that can be gained through implementing more measurement sites to enhance the density of the model graph.

How to cite: Liu, Z., Li, K., Wild, O., Doherty, R., O'Connor, F., and Turnock, S.: Unified Model of Forecasting Ozone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4501,, 2024.

Mateen Ahmad, Bernhard Rappenglück, Olabosipo O. Osibanjo, and Armando Retama

Mexico City due to its specific topography and strong ozone precursors emissions often faces high surface ozone concentrations which negatively impact the dwellers and the environment of Mexico City. This necessitates developing models with the capacity to rank meteorological and air quality variables contributing to the build-up of ozone during an ozone episode in Mexico City. Such ranking is crucial for regulatory procedures aiming at reducing ozone detrimental effects during an ozone episode. In this study, three machine learning models (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Tree, feedforward neural network) are used to learn a prediction function that reveals the functional dependence of ozone on its predictors and can predict hourly ozone concentrations using hourly data of eight predictors (nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, shortwave ultraviolet-A radiation, wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity, ambient surface temperature, planetary boundary layer height). The best model, feedforward neural network with 92% accuracy, in conjunction with Shapely Additive exPlanations approach, is utilized to simulate high ozone concentrations and rank the predictors according to their importance in the build-up of ozone during a severe ozone smog episode that occurred in the period 6 - 18 March 2016. The research focuses on Mexico City, but it is equally applicable to any other city in the world.

How to cite: Ahmad, M., Rappenglück, B., O. Osibanjo, O., and Retama, A.: Application of Three Machine Learning Models for a Severe Ozone Episode in Mexico City , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21203,, 2024.

High temporal (hourly) and spatial (250 m) resolution of surface NO2 concentrations derived from AHI and MODIS measurements leveraging chemical and physical linkages among diverse pollutants
(withdrawn after no-show)
Jianjun Liu and Nan Meng
Yanchuan Shao, Wei Zhao, Riyang Liu, Jianxun Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Wen Fang, Litiao Hu, Matthew Adams, Jun Bi, and Zongwei Ma

Surface nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an effective indicator of anthropogenic combustion and is associated with regional burden of disease. Though satellite-borne column NO2 is widely used to acquire surface concentration through the integration of sophisticated models, long-term and full-coverage estimation is hindered by the incomplete retrieval of satellite data. Moreover, the mechanical relationship between surface and tropospheric NO2 is often ignored in the context of machine learning (ML) approach. Here we develop a gap-filling method to obtain full-coverage column NO2 by fusing satellite data from different sources. The surface NO2 is then estimated during 2007-2020 in China using the XGBoost model, with daily out-of-sample cross-validation (CV) R2 of 0.75 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 9.11 µg/m3. The back-extrapolation performance is verified through by-year CV (daily R2 = 0.60 and RMSE = 11.46 µg/m3) and external estimations in Taiwan before 2013 (daily R2 = 0.69 and RMSE = 8.59 µg/m3). We explore the variable impacts in three hotspots of eastern China through SHAP (Shapley additive explanation) values. We find the driving contributions of column NO2 to the variation of ground pollution during 2007-2020 (average SHAP = 5.09 µg/m3 compared with the baseline concentration of 33.39 µg/m3). The estimated effect is also compared with ordinary least squares (OLS) model to provide a straightforward understanding. The related health burden is further calculated by using the annual NO2. We demonstrate the employment of explainable ML model is beneficial for comprehend the coupled relationship in surface NO2 change.

How to cite: Shao, Y., Zhao, W., Liu, R., Yang, J., Liu, M., Fang, W., Hu, L., Adams, M., Bi, J., and Ma, Z.: Estimation of daily NO2 with explainable machine learning model in China, 2007-2020, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2504,, 2024.

Wenfu Sun, Frederik Tack, Lieven Clarisse, Rochelle Schneider, Trissevgeni Stavrakou, and Michel Van Roozendael

Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) are of great concern due to their impact on human health and the environment. Machine learning (ML) techniques are increasingly employed for surface NO2 estimation following fast-paced developments in artificial intelligence, computational power, and big data management. However, the uncertainties inherent in these retrievals are critical but are rarely studied in the rapid expansion of ML applications in atmospheric research.

In this study, we have developed a novel ML framework enhanced with uncertainty quantification techniques, named Boosting Ensemble Conformal Quantile Estimator (BEnCQE), to estimate surface NO2 and assess the corresponding uncertainty arising from data. Quantifying such data-induced uncertainty is essential for ML applications as the ML models are data-driven. We apply the BEnCQE model with multi-source data to infer surface NO2 concentrations over Western Europe at the daily scale and 1 km spatial resolution, from May 2018 to December 2021. The space-based cross-validation with in-situ station measurements shows that our model achieves accurate point estimates (r = 0.8, R2 = 0.64, root mean square error = 8.08 ug/m3) and reliable prediction intervals (coverage probability, PI-66%: 66.4%, PI-90%: 90.4%). The model result is also in good agreement with the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) model output. Furthermore, the quantile estimation strategy used in our model enables us to understand the variations in the predictors’ importance for different NO2 level estimates. Additionally, integrating uncertainty information can uncover potential exceedances of the World Health Organization (WHO) 2021 NO2 limits in some locations, an exceedance risk that point estimates alone may fail to fully capture. Meanwhile, uncertainty quantification, by providing information on the uncertainty of each estimate, allows us to assess the robustness of the model outside of existing in-situ station measurements. The variations in uncertainty suggest that the model's robustness is related to conflicts between seasonal and spatial NO2 patterns influenced by multi-source data. It also reveals challenges in urban and mountainous areas where NO2 is highly variable and heterogeneously distributed.

How to cite: Sun, W., Tack, F., Clarisse, L., Schneider, R., Stavrakou, T., and Van Roozendael, M.: Inferring Surface NO2 over Western Europe: A Machine Learning Approach with Uncertainty Quantification, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7936,, 2024.

Bassam Tawabini

It is well known that degraded air quality affects human health and the surrounding environment. Air quality is related to emissions from various sources, meteorological (weather) conditions, topography, and vegetation. Weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and precipitation vary significantly over the year and have the potential to affect the formation, transport, and dispersion of air pollutants. Therefore, it is important to understand the correlation between the seasonal variations of weather conditions on the air quality and be able to forecast it with reasonable accuracy. The aim of this study is to apply Artificial intelligence (AI) technique to investigate such correlation. For this purpose, four (4) AI algorithms namely: neural networks (NN), Decision tree (DT), Random forest (RF) and Gradient boosting (GB) have been applied to assess the correlation between Nitrous Oxide (NO2) and seasonal variations of weather conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and pressure). NO2 was selected as a target air pollutant which considered a serious air quality parameter and one of the greenhouse gases. The effect of seasonal variations of weather conditions on the air quality parameters was presented by the date of measurement as a parameter or feature. Air quality data were collected for the period between 2017 and 2021 from a local air monitoring station, while weather conditions were obtained from the weather station at the airport located the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The accuracy of the correlation between was tested using mean square error (MSE), mean root square error (MRSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and correlation coefficient (R2). Results of the study revealed a strong association between NO2 levels and seasonal variations of weather conditions. The MEA ranges between 1.765 to 1.439 using NN, DT, RF and GB respectively.  The correlation coefficient (R2) ranges between 0.564 to 0.826 using NN, DT, RF and GB respectively. The results showed that GB algorithm generated better correlation for NO2 compared to other algorithms. The study results can be used for better predicting air quality for NO2 that can be used for the assessment of potential global warming and climate change phenomena

How to cite: Tawabini, B.: The Association Between Nitrous Oxide (NO2) Levels and Seasonal Variations of Weather Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4279,, 2024.

Bingqing Lu and Xiang Li

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry, influencing global climate and posing potential health risks to humans. Accurate spatiotemporal estimation of VOCs is vital for establishing advanced early warning systems and controlling air pollution. However, research on high-resolution spatiotemporal prediction of VOCs concentrations using machine learning is still limited. This study conducted an extensive VOCs observational campaign in Shanghai, improving upon the LightGBM model with the integration of spatiotemporal information, satellite data, meteorological data, emission inventories, and geographical data for VOCs estimation. We achieved a high-precision distribution map of VOCs concentrations in Shanghai (1 km, 1 hour resolution), demonstrating the model’s excellent hourly VOCs estimation performance (R^2 = 0.92). Further analysis with SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) regression revealed the significant contributions of each input feature to VOCs estimation. Compared to many traditional machine learning models, this approach offers lower computational demands in terms of speed and memory. Moreover, the model maintained good hourly spatiotemporal VOCs prediction performance during the COVID-19 lockdown. This research analyzed the spatiotemporal variations of VOCs concentrations in Shanghai, providing a scientific basis for future control of VOCs levels in the city and offering algorithmic support for comprehensive VOCs prediction in other regions.

How to cite: Lu, B. and Li, X.: High-resolution mapping of  VOCs using the fast space-time Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-331,, 2024.

Qili Dai, Tianjiao Dai, Xiaohui Bi, Jianhui Wu, Yufen Zhang, and Yinchang Feng

Reducing aerosol mass loading requires targeted control of emissions from anthropogenic sources. Accurately tracking the changes in emission strengths of specific aerosol sources is vital for assessing the effectiveness of regulatory policies. However, this task is challenging due to meteorological influences and the presence of multiple co-existing emissions. Using multi-year data on ambient black carbon (BC) and PM2.5 from Tianjin, China, as a case study, we employed a data-driven approach that integrates a dispersion-normalized factor analysis receptor model with a machine learning technique for meteorological normalization. This approach enabled us to differentiate between the emission sources of BC and PM2.5 and their meteorological impacts. The source-specific aerosol exhibited abrupt changes in response to human-made interventions, such as those during COVID-19 and holiday periods, after accounting for weather-related variables. Notably, significant reductions were observed in emissions from coal combustion, vehicles, dust, and biomass burning over years, affirming the effectiveness of policies such as clean winter heating initiatives and the support for the Clean Air Actions. This coupled approach holds significant promise for advancing air quality accountability studies.

How to cite: Dai, Q., Dai, T., Bi, X., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., and Feng, Y.: Tracking changes in the emission strengths of source-specific aerosols by coupling a receptor model with machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10670,, 2024.

Mingming Zhu, Lin Wu, Hang Su, and Zifa Wang

The atmosphere is governed by laws of atmospheric physics and chemistry. For decades even centuries, these laws are represented by differential equations, usually solved numerically for the scale defined by model grid cells. However, this representation paradigm reaches its limits when the underlying physics or chemistry is too complex or even unknown, especially when considering the multiscale nature of the atmosphere. In our data era these laws are stored in immense datasets of various observations and numerical simulations, while artificial intelligence techniques can retrieve them from data albeit often with limited physical interpretations. Hybrid modeling [1] can thus balance the physical modeling and the data-driven modeling for a more comprehensive representation of the atmosphere. By representation learning, the multiscale features of the atmosphere can be learnt and encoded in the weights of connected neurons in the deep networks of multiple layers, as is fundamentally different from the traditional atmospheric representation using formulae and equations. Here we elaborate this new deep learning-based representation paradigm with two demonstrating cases. In the first case [2], we reveal a multiscale representation of the convective atmosphere by reconstructing the radar echoes from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulations and the Himawari-8 satellite products using U-Net deep networks. We then diagnose the physical interpretations of the learnt representation with a sensitivity analysis method. We find stratified features with small-scale patterns such as echo intensities sensitive to the WRF-simulated dynamic and thermodynamic variables and with larger-scale information about shapes and locations mainly captured from satellite images. Such explainable representation of the convective atmosphere would inspire innovative data assimilation methods and hybrid models that could overcome the conventional limits of nowcasting. In the second case [3], we employ deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to represent the errors associated with fine particulate matter (PM2.5) forecasts of a chemistry-transport model (CTM), the Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System (NAQPMS), within 240-hour lead times across 180 monitoring sites in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region of China. The learnt multiscale error representation reduces the PM2.5 forecasts’ root mean square error (RMSE) by 16.3-34.2% on test cases in 2017-2018. We then probe the physical interpretation of the multiscale error representation using the deep learning important features (DeepLIFT) interpretability method. We quantify the significant contribution from sulfur dioxide (SO2, 31.3%) and ozone (29.4%), which are comparable to PM2.5 (31.1%) and about three times higher than nitrogen dioxide (8.2%). Such interpretations would suggest that improvements are needed in formulating the SO2-sensitive pollution in the ammonia-poor YRD region. We consider our representation studies as a step towards more comprehensive atmospheric hybrid models that take advantage of the mighty artificial intelligence technologies but are at the same time physically explainable.

[1] Liao, Q., Zhu, M., Wu, L. et al. 2020.

[2] Zhu, M., Liao, Q., Wu, L. et al. 2023.

[3] Zhu, M., Liao, Q., Wu, L. et al. 2024. In submission.

How to cite: Zhu, M., Wu, L., Su, H., and Wang, Z.: Representing the atmosphere using deep learning techniques: applications in radar echo data reconstruction and PM2.5 forecast error reduction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13977,, 2024.

Daniel Kinalczyk, Matthias Forkel, and Jos de Laat

Understanding the dynamics and characteristics of emission plumes from wildfires is of paramount importance for environmental monitoring and policy decisions. These plumes, composed of various greenhouse gases and pollutants, can have far-reaching consequences on global climate, air quality and health. In this study, a data-driven approach to detect and characterise emission plumes from wildfires utilising TROPOMI (Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument) of the Sentinel-5p satellite observations of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and aerosols. The analysis leverages VIIRS active fire data to identify locations of fire occurrence, laying the foundation for plume detection. The primary hypothesis states that a plume image consists of three components: a plume body or core, a transitional zone from plume to clear sky, and the clear sky itself. To realise this hypothesis, a data-driven unsupervised algorithm to identify and map plumes is developed, which is based on kernel functions to pre-process the Sentinel-5p images. These kernels effectively highlight plume-related features, allowing for more precise delineation. Subsequently, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) are utilised to classify the images into three components of the plume according to the main hypothesis. In instances where multiple plume candidates exist, a Gaussian distance weighting function to identify the likeliest plume is employed. Furthermore, the mapping of the plume-clean air transition zones is further evaluated by employing Monte Carlo simulations to validate and refine the transition zone assessments. To verify the detections, plumes of methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (HCHO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and aerosols for several plumes over the Amazon and Alberta are extracted and the plume properties are related to different landcover types. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the development of an advanced methodology for plume detection, which has broad implications for the understanding and monitoring of fire emissions and atmospheric research.

How to cite: Kinalczyk, D., Forkel, M., and de Laat, J.: Identification and description of fire emission plumes from Sentinel-5p observations   , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15297,, 2024.

Pascal Hedelt, Klaus-Peter Heue, Ronny Lutz, Fabian Romahn, and Diego Loyola

The knowledge of the surface reflectance is essential for the retrieval of atmospheric trace-gases from satellites. It is required in the conversion of the observed trace gas slant column to the total vertical column by means of a so-called air-mass factor. Although there exists climatological databases based on UV satellite data (e.g. OMI, GOME-2), these have a low spatial resolution and are not appropriate for current and future UV satellite missions like Sentinel-5p/TROPOMI or MTG-S/UVN (Sentinel-4) due their significantly higher spatial and spectral resolution. Current climatologies which are used in operational retrievals provide the Lambertian Equivalent Reflection (LER, e.g. OMI, GOME-2, TROPOMI, see [1,2,3]) and Directional-LER (DLER, e.g. GOME-2, TROPOMI see [3,4]) for selected wavelength in the UV-VIS range and are based on the so-called minimum LER approach, i.e. determine the minimum surface reflectance in the measurement timeframe.

We present here a new technique called GE_LER (Geometry-dependent Effective Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity) based on Machine Learning, which retrieves the DLER from UV satellites in a wavelength range as opposed to the single wavelength approaches of existing climatologies. In this way, dedicated surface reflectivities for specific trace gas retrieval wavelength ranges can be determined. We train a Neural Network with simulated UV spectra, which have been calculated with (V)LIDORT (see [5]). This radiative transfer model is also used for the generation of Air Mass Factors in the operational TROPOMI trace gas retrieval. In this way we reduce the influence of using different radiative transfer models with respect to trace gas retrievals.

First results of our GE_LER retrieval for several trace-gases based on TROPOMI data will be shown.



[1] Kleipool (2010), OMI/Aura Surface Reflectance Climatology L3 Global Gridded 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V3, Greenbelt, MD, USA, Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC),, 10.5067/Aura/OMI/DATA3006

[2] Tilstra et al. (2017), Surface reflectivity climatologies from UV to NIR determined from Earth observations by GOME-2 and SCIAMACHY, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 122, 4084-4111, doi:10.1002/2016JD025940

[3] Tilstra et al. (2021), Directionally dependent Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity (DLER) of the Earth's surface measured by the GOME-2 satellite instruments, Atmos. Meas. Tech. 14, 4219-4238, doi:10.5194/amt-14-4219-2021

[4] Tilstra et al. (2023), A directional surface reflectance climatology determined from TROPOMI observations, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. [preprint], doi:10.5194/amt-2023-222, in review

[4] Spurr et al. (2008), LIDORT and VLIDORT: Linearized pseudo-spherical scalar and vector discrete ordinate radiative transfer models for use in remote sensing retrieval problems. Light Scattering Reviews, Volume 3, ed. A. Kokhanovsky, Springer

How to cite: Hedelt, P., Heue, K.-P., Lutz, R., Romahn, F., and Loyola, D.: Innovative surface reflectance retrieval from UV satellites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5695,, 2024.

Special Highlight
Rapid verification visualization of atmospheric modeling relies on high-performance computing
Zhen Cheng
Retrieval of Cloud Properties for the Copernicus Atmospheric Missions Sentinel-4 (S4) and TROPOMI / Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) using deep neural networks
Fabian Romahn, Diego Loyola, Adrian Doicu, Víctor Molina García, Ronny Lutz, and Athina Argyrouli
Wenxin Zhao and Yu Zhao

Black carbon (BC) plays an important role in air quality, public health, and climate, while its long-term variations in emissions and health effect were insufficiently understood for China. Here, we present the spatiotemporal evolution of BC emissions and the associated premature mortality in China during 2000-2020 based on an integrated framework combining satellite observations, a machine learning technique, a “top-down” inversion approach, and an exposure-response model. We found that the “bottom-up” approach likely underestimated BC emissions, particularly in less developed western and remote areas. Pollution controls were estimated to reduce the annual BC emissions by 26% during 2010-2020, reversing the 8% growth during 2000-2010. BC emissions in the main coal-producing provinces declined by 2010 but rebounded afterwards. By contrast, provinces with higher economic and urbanization levels experienced emission growth (0.05-0.10 Mg/km2/yr) by 2010 and declined greatly (0.07-0.23 Mg/km2/yr) during 2010-2020. The national annual BC-associated premature mortality ranged between 733,910 (95% confidence interval: 676,790-800,250) and 937,980 cases (864,510-1,023,400) for different years. The changing BC emissions contributed 78,590 cases (72,520-85,600) growth within 2000-2005 and 133,360 (123,150-145,180) reduction within 2010-2015. Strategies differentiated by region are needed for further reducing BC emissions and its health and climate impacts.

How to cite: Zhao, W. and Zhao, Y.: Long-term Variability in Black Carbon Emissions Constrained by Gap-filled Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth and Associated Premature Mortality in China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7393,, 2024.

Weichao Han, Tai-Long He, Zhe Jiang, Min Wang, Dylan Jones, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, and Yanan Shen

Machine learning (ML) techniques have been extensively applied in the field of atmospheric science. It provides an efficient way of integrating data and predicting atmospheric compositions. However, whether ML predictions can be extrapolated to different domains with significant spatial and temporal discrepancies is still unclear. Here we explore the answer to this question by presenting a comparative analysis of surface carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) predictions by integrating deep learning (DL) and chemical transport model (CTM) methods. The DL model trained with surface CO observations in China in 2015-2018 exhibited good spatial and temporal extrapolation capabilities, i.e., good surface daily CO predictions in China in 2019-2020 and over 10% independent observation stations in China in 2015-2020. The spatial and temporal extrapolation capabilities of DL model are further evaluated by predicting hourly surface O3 concentrations in China, the United States (US) and Europe in 2015-2022 with a DL model trained with surface O3 observations in China and the US in 2015-2018. Compared to baseline O3 simulations using GEOS-Chem (GC) model, our analysis exhibits mean biases of 2.6 and 4.8 µg/m3 with correlation coefficients of 0.94 and 0.93 (DL); and mean biases of 3.7 and 5.4 µg/m3 with correlation coefficients of 0.95 and 0.92 (GC) in Europe in 2015-2018 and 2019-2022, respectively. This analysis indicates the potential of DL to make reliable atmospheric composition predictions over spatial and temporal domains where a wealth of local observations for training is not available.

How to cite: Han, W., He, T.-L., Jiang, Z., Wang, M., Jones, D., Miyazaki, K., and Shen, Y.: The capability of deep learning model to predict atmospheric compositions across spatial and temporal domains, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7133,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Hao Kong, Ruijing Ni, Chaoqun Ma
AS5.5 AI for AS & ES
Congwu Huang, Tijian Wang, and Tao Niu

The air quality model is increasingly important in air pollution forecasting and controlling. Emissions significantly impact the accuracy of air quality models. This research studied the 3DVar (three-dimensional variational) emission inversion method based on machine learning in CMAQ (The Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system). The ExRT(extremely randomized trees method) machine learning conversion matrixes were established to convert the pollutant concentration innovations to the corresponding emission intensity innovations, extended 3DVar to emission inversion. The O3 and NO2 concentration, NOx and VOCs emissions are modeled using machine learning, taking account of the nonlinearity of the O3-NOx-VOCs processes. This method significantly improved the simulation ability of O3. Taking the air pollution process in the BTH region from January 15 to 30, 2019 as an example, ExRT-3DVar (3DEx) and Nudging (Nud) emission assimilation experiments were caried out. Compared with the simulation without assimilation (NODA), the Nudging method has better assimilation effects on PM10 and NO2, with the regional errors reduced by 14%, 2%, and the temporal errors reduced by 31%, 34%; ExRT-3DVar has better effects on the assimilation of PM2.5, O3, SO2, the regional errors were reduced by 40%, 29%, 13%, and the temporal errors were reduced by 49%, 10%, 33%. This simplicity, efficiently and extensibility framework of ExRT-3DVar method has been proved to be a good way to adjust emissions in CMAQ and still remains much to be done in the future.

How to cite: Huang, C., Wang, T., and Niu, T.: Study on the 3DVar emission inversion method combined with machine learning in CMAQ, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2763,, 2024.

Vyshnavi k k, Shubha Verma, and Vibhu Vaibhav

Air pollution poses a substantial risk to both public health and the environment. Accurate forecasting of air quality is crucial in mitigating its detrimental impacts. The existing forecast method of air quality in India is computationally intensive and is not economical; hence, we utilize Advanced Machine and Deep Learning Models to forecast air quality. The objective of this research is to develop a novel hybrid model integrating Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) models to forecast concentrations over Kanpur. The study involved comprehensive data collection (Secondary air quality and meteorological data from the Central Pollution Control Board), analysis, and experimentation with multiple models. Root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2 score) are used for model validation. MLP-XGBoost-LSTM hybrid model works well with a decreased RMSE (12.6 μg/m3 ) and increased R2 score (0.96) compared to individual models (XGBoost- 37 μg/m3, MLP-39 μg/m3, and LSTM-41 μg/m3).  The significance of the research lies in its potential to provide highly accurate forecasts, even with limited computational resources. These findings have significant implications for environmental policy, public health in heavily polluted regions, and the broader utilization of machine learning in environmental science.

How to cite: k k, V., Verma, S., and Vaibhav, V.:   PM2.5 concentration forecast using Hybrid models over Urban cities in India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5491,, 2024.

Gustavo Hazel Guerrero-Navarro, Javier Martínez-Amaya, and Veronica Nieves

The occurrence of extreme wind events poses a significant threat to human populations, putting lives at risk and causing substantial damage to vital infrastructures. Coastal regions, in particular, face heightened vulnerability due to the unpredictable nature of the land-sea interface, presenting a formidable   challenge for accurate modeling. Thus, there is an urgent need for robust and efficient predictive techniques to anticipate and manage the impact of these severe wind phenomena. In response to this imperative, our study explores the application of an innovative machine learning forecasting methodology tailored for extreme winds, specifically focusing on the Mediterranean west coast in the Valencian community. Our approach involves analysis of historical meteorological station data from the Spanish meteorological agency. This data, combined with an extensive set of reanalysis data spanning from 1961 to 2019, is utilized for the identification and classification of extreme wind events. Employing a train-test procedure, we implemented a Random Forest binary classification model, enabling successful forecasting of extreme wind episodes up to 48h in advance. Notably, the precision of our model exhibited a remarkable range between 73% and 92%, varying with the lead-time across the considered regions. This methodology not only enhances forecasting capabilities but also provides insights into the intricate dependencies of meteorological variables, thereby advancing our understanding of complex atmospheric processes. This pioneering study, driven by artificial intelligence, contributes to the ongoing exploration of the complex dynamics of winds in coastal regions. The insights gained from our research extend beyond the Mediterranean west coast and have the potential for broader applicability  in other coastal areas. The results underscore the pivotal role of adaptive strategies in mitigating the impact of extreme weather events, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in the face of escalating climate-related challenges.

How to cite: Guerrero-Navarro, G. H., Martínez-Amaya, J., and Nieves, V.: Machine Learning Forecasting of Extreme Winds: A Study on the Mediterranean West Coast in the Valencian Community, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-150,, 2024.

Sigalit Berkovic, Ronit Schloss, and Shira Raveh-Rubin

The occurrence and passage of synoptic-scale systems modulate the local boundary-layer (BL) profile. In the Eastern Mediterranean (EM), a detailed clustering of the winter profiles over Beit-Dagan, at the Israeli central coastal plain, showed direct links to winter highs, lows and Red Sea troughs and further enabled the identification of the active RST, a longstanding challenge to objectively identify.

Since high resolution radiosondes profile data at Beit Dagan is available for the recent 20 years, and sometimes suffers lack of data, its application as synoptic tool is limited. Objective synoptic classification during longer periods is needed.

Our research  investigates the synoptic regimes according to upper tropospheric PV during the winter months (DJF 2011-2021). We utilize the self-organizing map (SOM) clustering method and the ERA5 reanalysis data to achieve this aim. Various domains, SOM parameters, quantization and topographical errors, standard deviations of each SOM class, and gradual size of maps were tuned and inspected respectively to select the final map. The synoptic regimes are later related to the boundary layer profile variability. The relation between the PV classes and the variability of the BL profile is found according to the frequencies of the PV classes under each BL profile class.

The ageostrophic balance next to the surface effect the BL profile. To include this important factor, extended synoptic classification, according to multi variable clustering of PV and 1000 hPa geopotential height (gph) was devised. SOM training and projection on the BL profile classes were accordingly preformed.

SOM clustering of 320K isentropic surface potential vorticity (PV) data presented 4X4 classes. Two PV classes relate to high PV (> 2 PVU) over the EM: the first presents wide northerly trough and the second a thinner trough with a north-easterly axis towards Israel due to anticyclonic shear. Most of the other classes present low PV values (< 2 PVU) over the EM relating to southerly wide ridge or anticyclonic wave breaking propagating to the east of the EM. Strong or weak PV activity over the EM is related to some of the BL profile classes (few classes with relatively high frequency (> 20%)). Under mild PV activity which is related to mild surface pressure gradients, no strong relation is found.

Multi-variable SOM clustering of gph and PV presented 4X5 classes which follow the variability of surface winter lows, highs and active Red Sea troughs. The active Red Sea trough relates to the north easterly relatively narrow PV stream. The main PV classes of the 4X4 single variable SOM classification resemble those of the combined (PV + gph) classification. The multi-variable clustering somewhat improves the indication of the BL profile classes. Better indication between BL profile pattern and strong winter highs is obtained.

This work suggests a new approach to inspect the co variability of synoptic regimes over the EM with various meteorological variables (beyond the BL profile) including examination of trends and persistence of each synoptic regime.

How to cite: Berkovic, S., Schloss, R., and Raveh-Rubin, S.: Potential-vorticity regimes over the Eastern Mediterranean and their relation to local boundary layer profiles, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13317,, 2024.