ESSI4.7 | Geological mapping and modelling
Geological mapping and modelling
Convener: Kristine Asch | Co-conveners: Philippe Calcagno, Esther Hintersberger

Geological mapping and modelling is an essential base for geology and geological sciences. It is base for numerous disciplines, e.g. geology, geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, engineering geology, hydrogeology etc.. The product are today mostly digital maps and GIS-data and its layers, 2- and 3, eben 4 D models, innovative spatial data analysis and its portrayal and visualisation. The products and outcome will be applicable to and benefit various useages such as finding suitable sites for geothermal energy, geological risk assessment, protecting groundwater resources, coastal protection, mineral exploration etc.
This session invites contributions by scientists mainly working on:
• Geological field mapping
• 2, 3 and 4 D geological models
• Cross-boundary mapping and harmonization
• Building geological information systems
• Data analysis
• Portrayal and presentation,
• Education and training in geological mapping and modelling.

Geological mapping and modelling is an essential base for geology and geological sciences. It is base for numerous disciplines, e.g. geology, geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, engineering geology, hydrogeology etc.. The product are today mostly digital maps and GIS-data and its layers, 2- and 3, eben 4 D models, innovative spatial data analysis and its portrayal and visualisation. The products and outcome will be applicable to and benefit various useages such as finding suitable sites for geothermal energy, geological risk assessment, protecting groundwater resources, coastal protection, mineral exploration etc.
This session invites contributions by scientists mainly working on:
• Geological field mapping
• 2, 3 and 4 D geological models
• Cross-boundary mapping and harmonization
• Building geological information systems
• Data analysis
• Portrayal and presentation,
• Education and training in geological mapping and modelling.