Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions

ST – Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Programme Group Chairs: Emilia Kilpua, Alexis Rouillard

ST1 – The Sun and Heliosphere

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Manuela Temmer, Olga Malandraki


This session traditionally provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of solar and heliospheric physics. Popular topics have included solar cycle dependencies of the Sun, solar wind and heliosphere, Coronal Mass Ejection research, studies of energetic particles throughout the heliosphere, and the outer boundaries of the heliosphere. We encourage contributions related to all ongoing and planned space missions, to ground-based experiments and to theoretical research. Papers presenting ideas for future space missions and experiments are very welcome in this session. The session will consist of both oral and poster presentations.

Convener: Olga Malandraki | Co-conveners: Manuela Temmer, André Galli

The Solar Orbiter mission, an international cooperation between ESA and NASA, is currently orbiting the Sun near the ecliptic at heliocentric distances ranging from 0.95 to 0.29 au. The sixth close perihelion occurred on 2024 September 30 (0.29 au), and the seventh perihelion is scheduled for 2025 March 31.

The overall goal of Solar Orbiter is to understand how the Sun creates and controls the heliosphere. The valuable data set provided so far by the spacecraft’s comprehensive remote-sensing and in-situ instrument payload allows for coordinated observation campaigns including multi-spacecraft analyses.

This session invites contributions that boost the Solar Orbiter objectives, including observations from Solar Orbiter’s unique vantage point, combinations with other operational spacecraft, numerical simulations and theory developments that enhance our understanding of the connections between the Sun and the Heliosphere.

Convener: Laura Rodríguez-GarcíaECSECS | Co-conveners: Daniel Verscharen, Stephanie Yardley, gherardo valori, Henrik Eklund

Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is the first human-made object diving into the solar corona. By the EGU 2025, PSP would have completed 23 of its 25 planned orbits. PSP reached its ultimate perihelion of 9.86 solar radii on 24 December 2024. PSP launched during solar activity minimum is now experiencing the maximum of solar activity cycle 25. This session invites scientific contributions to all aspects of research addressed to exploring the inner heliosphere and solar corona at solar maximum, with a particular focus on the new observations from PSP’s closest approach during encounter 22 and SolO and other complementary observations and models.

Convener: Volker Bothmer | Co-conveners: Olga Malandraki, Nour E. Rawafi, Alexis Rouillard, Manuela Temmer

The heliosphere is permeated by several species of suprathermal and energetic particles (protons, electrons, heavy ions), exhibiting a diverse range of energy spectra and originating at different heliospheric and interstellar locations. Such energetic particles are of paramount importance to address many unconstrained aspects of energy conversion in astrophysical systems, as well as being impactful to society as they can pose a hazard to both human activities and technological systems in space. Suprathermal particles, in particular, are a key population that bridges the low-energy (1 keV in the heliosphere) plasma and hi-energy (> 1 MeV) population, often treated independently.

The dynamics of suprathermal and energetic particles in the heliosphere encompass various processes, from the acceleration of solar wind electrons/ions to impulsive and gradual solar energetic particles events related to solar eruptive phenomena. Despite decades of research, several aspects of suprathermal and energetic particle production remain unknown, with the main candidate production mechanisms being magnetic reconnection, collisionless shocks and several categories of wave-particle interactions. How suprathermal and energetic particles are transported through the heliosphere is also object of active debate, and largely unconstrained. Recent missions, such as Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, have delivered excellent observations from the inner heliosphere, both remotely and in situ. When combined with data from missions like ACE, SOHO, Wind, and STEREO at 1 AU, these observations across varying radial distances offer an unprecedented opportunity to characterize the sources and transport mechanisms of suprathermal and energetic particles in the heliosphere.

This session invites contributions that explore space-borne and ground-based observations, as well as theoretical and modelling approaches, to deepen our understanding of the acceleration and transport of suprathermal and energetic particles in the heliosphere. We encourage submissions that provide new insights, propose innovative methodologies, or synthesize data across multiple missions to address these critical scientific challenges.

Convener: Liu YangECSECS | Co-conveners: Domenico Trotta, Erika Palmerio, Nicolas Wijsen

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are some of the most extreme manifestations of the Sun’s dynamic activity and are prominent drivers of space weather disturbances at Earth, as well as other solar system bodies. Over the past few decades, remote-sensing and in-situ measurements, together with analytical and MHD modelling efforts, have led to remarkable advances in our understanding of CMEs, but many open questions still stand. These include, for example, the formation and eruption mechanism(s) of CMEs, the factors that dictate their early evolution in the solar corona, their detailed 3D configuration as they propagate through interplanetary space, the processes at play during CME interactions with the structured solar wind, and/or other transients and the presence of pre-eruptive properties that can determine CME geoeffectiveness. As we pass through the maximum of Solar Cycle 25, it is important to reassess our current knowledge of solar eruptions and to identify promising avenues to further improve our capabilities to observe, analyse, model, and forecast CMEs.

This session encourages contributions that focus on advancing CME science over a wide range of aspects and approaches. Presentations that we welcome include studies that employ remote-sensing and/or in-situ observations, modelling efforts that focus on CME eruption and/or propagation in the corona and heliosphere, and mission concepts that have the potential to significantly advance CME fundamental research. Particular emphasis will be given to contributions that employ novel theories, measurements, and/or techniques.

Convener: David Barnes | Co-conveners: Erika Palmerio, Emma Davies, Greta Cappello

The "Theory and Simulation of Solar System Plasmas" session is a forum for presenting recent results related to theoretical and numerical investigation of heliospheric plasmas. Our regions of interest are the Sun and its corona, the solar wind and planetary magnetospheres. Processes of interest are magnetic reconnection, turbulence, shock waves, plasma instabilities, plasma heating and particle acceleration. We particularly welcome studies integrating numerical modeling, theoretical investigations and in-situ measurements or remote observations from current and future space missions (MMS, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, Bepi Colombo, ASO-S, Plasma Observatory, HelioSwarm, SMILE, SPO ...). Any modeling approach, from global to kinetic, is at home here. We particularly encourage submissions on advances in high resolution global models that reproduce mesoscale phenomena and global modeling that go beyond single fluid MHD (including global hybrid and global MHD models with embedded kinetic domains). The focus of this year's session is the interplay between global and kinetic-scale processes in heliospheric plasmas: how global drivers results into smaller scale (down to kinetic) processes, and how small scale processes in turn set constraints on global heliospheric observables.

Co-organized by NP6
Convener: Shangbin Yang | Co-conveners: Maria Elena Innocenti, Maria Kuznetsova, Natasha Jeffrey

Understanding the origins and propagation of both the fast and slow solar wind is vital for better comprehending our surrounding cosmos but also for being able to reliably predict space weather conditions overall. The arrival of novel missions such as the Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter and BepiColombo have brought a wealth of data that cover previously inaccessible heliospheric locations, in an effort to make decisive steps towards this direction. In combination with future missions, such as Vigil, these cutting-edge missions call for use of new models and data analysis techniques that will help us advance our physical understanding and establish links between phenomena occurring across the whole heliosphere. In this session, we welcome all contributions based on theory, data-driven modelling, and/or multiple ground-based or space observations of solar wind from source to in-situ detection. We will consider submissions focusing on solar wind formation, propagation and on its impacts on Earth and other solar system bodies. Studies on the sources of slow and fast solar wind, heating and acceleration processes, large-scale structure and small-scale dynamics, as well as open magnetic field topologies and connectivity across the corona and heliosphere will be gladly received. Insights for future directions in solar wind research will also be highly considered.

Convener: Rui Pinto | Co-convener: Evangelia SamaraECSECS

The imminent launch of NASA’s Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe mission (IMAP, launching 2025) mission opens a novel observational window into how particle acceleration operates in the inner heliosphere and solar wind environment near-Earth as well as the connections between solar and solar wind variability and the outer heliosphere plus mechanisms mediating the interaction between the heliosphere and the local interstellar medium. The IMAP observatory will operate in orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 point (1st Lagrange point), where it will also serve as a new space weather monitor. The spacecraft carries a suite of 10 instruments, some devoted to in-situ investigations of the near-Earth environment (thermal plasma, pickup ions, energetic particles, magnetic field, interplanetary and interstellar dust), some devoted to remote sensing of the outer heliosphere and interstellar medium (interstellar neutrals, Lyman-alpha helioglow, and a comprehensive range of energetic neutral atoms, ENAs).
IMAP is a project that brings together 25 partner institutions, and has the ambition of bringing together scientific communities addressing particle acceleration, both in the inner and outer heliosphere, and connections between the inner and outer heliosphere and the interstellar medium, from which we welcome abstracts to this session.
We invite and solicit submissions focused on the themes of particle acceleration and related processes in the inner/outer heliosphere, samples of interstellar material, and outer heliospheric and/or interstellar processes inferred by ENA and/or in-situ observations. Contributions involving theoretical and numerical modelling, as well as input from current and past missions, are welcome.

Convener: Domenico TrottaECSECS | Co-conveners: Drew Turner, Izabela Kowalska-Leszczynska, André Galli, Silvia Dalla

Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in the universe, occurring in diverse astrophysical environments, from planets to galaxy clusters. Significant efforts have been put into understanding their rich dynamics and their effects on the surrounding environments, such as the generation of foreshocks, turbulent sheaths, and characteristic transient phenomena.

Heliospheric shocks offer the unique advantage of being directly accessible by in-situ measurements. Missions, such as Solar Orbiter, STEREO, and Parker Solar Probe have deepened our knowledge of interplanetary shocks and the associated regions, while MMS, Cluster, THEMIS, Cassini, Maven, and others have similarly enhanced our knowledge of planetary bow shocks.

High-performance computing has also played a critical role in filling key knowledge gaps, enabling global and local simulations to provide insights into the nature of collisionless shocks.

Despite these efforts, many questions remain open. In particular, we still do not fully understand the mechanisms associated with certain aspects of particle heating and acceleration, wave generation, wave-particle interaction, and energy redistribution at shocks. Additionally, details about the formation and impact of transient structures, such as hot flow anomalies, foreshock bubbles, cavitons, spontaneous hot flow anomalies, magnetosheath jets, etc. are still unknown.

We thus welcome observational, numerical, and theoretical works that explore plasma processes at collisionless shocks and surrounding regions.

Convener: Ahmad LaltiECSECS | Co-conveners: Savvas Raptis, Martin Lindberg, Heli Hietala, Andrew Dimmock
ST1.11 EDI

Space and astrophysical plasmas are typically in a turbulent state, exhibiting strong fluctuations of various quantities over a broad range of scales. These fluctuations are non-linearly coupled and this coupling may lead to a transfer of energy (and other quantities such as cross helicity, magnetic helicity) from large to small scales and to dissipation. Turbulent processes are relevant for the heating of the solar wind and the corona, and the acceleration of energetic particles. Many aspects of the turbulence are not well understood, in particular, the injection and onset of the cascade, the cascade itself, the dissipation mechanisms. Moreover, the role of specific phenomena such as the magnetic reconnections, shock waves, solar wind expansion, plasma instabilities and their relationship with the turbulent cascade and dissipation are under debate. This session will address these questions through discussion of observational, theoretical, numerical, and laboratory work to understand these processes. This session is relevant to many space missions, e.g., Wind, Cluster, MMS, STEREO, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, DSCOV, Solar Orbiter and the Parker Solar Probe.
This year, in particular, we welcome contributions on how future missions, such as HelioSwarm and Plasma Observatory, can advance our understanding of turbulence in space plasmas

Co-organized by NP6/PS4
Convener: Olga Alexandrova | Co-conveners: Julia Stawarz, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Jesse Coburn

In the solar wind, particle motion is governed by electromagnetic fields over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. While low-frequency fields have been intensely studied for more than half a century, their high-frequency counterpart has become accessible only recently, thanks to the development of high-frequency instruments that can directly measure the waveforms of electric and magnetic fields. Such instruments are now operating on the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions. They have revealed a wealth of waves and structures in the inner heliosphere, many of which had previously gone unnoticed because prior observations mainly came as spectral products.
Thanks to these new observations and to the distinct orbits of the heliospheric missions, we are now in a unique position to perform detailed studies and investigate their radial dependence between 0.05 and 1 AU. This in turn opens up the possibility of addressing long-standing questions about their evolution and general properties, such as the dispersion and nonlinear evolution of electromagnetic waves, the evolution of coherent and incoherent structures such as electron and ion holes, current sheets and solitary structures, and the emission and propagation of transverse electromagnetic (radio) waves.
This session aims to highlight the scientific potential of these fascinating high-frequency electric and magnetic data, with a particular focus on recent results from the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions. By bringing together theorists and observers, our goal is to better understand and provide new insights into the sources and radial evolution of these high-frequency emissions.

Convener: Immanuel Christopher JebarajECSECS | Co-convener: Marc Pulupa

Cosmic rays carry information about space and solar activity, and, once near the Earth, they produce isotopes, influence genetic information, and are extraordinarily sensitive to water. Given the vast spectrum of interactions of cosmic rays with matter in different parts of the Earth and other planets, cosmic-ray research ranges from studies of the solar system to the history of the Earth, and from health and security issues to hydrology, agriculture, and climate change.
Although research on cosmic-ray particles is connected to a variety of disciplines and applications, they all share similar questions and challenges regarding the physics of detection, modeling, and the influence of environmental factors.

The session brings together scientists from all fields of research that are related to monitoring and modeling of cosmogenic radiation. It will allow the sharing of expertise amongst international researchers as well as showcase recent advancements in their field. The session aims to stimulate discussions about how individual disciplines can share their knowledge and benefit from each other.

We solicit contributions related but not limited to:
- Health, security, and radiation protection: cosmic-ray dosimetry on Earth and its dependence on environmental and atmospheric factors
- Planetary space science: satellite and ground-based neutron and gamma-ray sensors to detect water and soil constituents
- Neutron and Muon monitors: detection of high-energy cosmic-ray variations and its dependence on local, atmospheric, and magnetospheric factors
- Hydrology and climate change: low-energy neutron sensing to measure water in reservoirs at and near the land surface, such as soil, snowpack, and vegetation
- Cosmogenic nuclides: as tracers of atmospheric circulation and mixing; as a tool in archaeology or glaciology for dating of ice and measuring ablation rates; and as a tool for surface exposure dating and measuring rates of surficial geological processes
- Detector design: technological advancements in the detection of cosmic rays and cosmogenic particles
- Cosmic-ray modeling: advances in modeling of the cosmic-ray propagation through the magnetosphere and atmosphere, and their response to the Earth's surface
- Impact modeling: How can cosmic-ray monitoring support environmental models, weather and climate forecasting, agricultural and irrigation management, and the assessment of natural hazards

Co-organized by HS13/PS4/ST1
Convener: Martin Schrön | Co-conveners: Daniel Rasche, Lena M. Scheiffele, Cosimo Brogi, Jannis Weimar

The session solicits contributions that report on nonthermal solar, planetary radio emissions, and radio wave generation at exoplanets. Coordinated multi-point observations from ground radio telescopes (e.g., LOFAR, LOIS, LWA1, URAN-2, UTR-2) and spacecraft plasma/wave experiments (e.g., BepiColombo, Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, UVSQ-Sat, Inspire-Sat 7, Cassini, Cluster, Demeter, Galileo, Juno, Stereo, Ulysses and Wind) are especially encouraged. Presentations should focus on radiophysics techniques which offer a wealth of diagnostic tools for detecting and measuring the magnetic field, the energetic particles, and the plasma properties in solar system regions, like the solar corona, the interplanetary medium and the magnetized auroral regions. Overview contributions on current states of radio investigation, scientific advances, and outlooks on the next decade are supported. Interest also extends to laboratory and experimental studies devoted to the comprehension of the generation mechanisms (e.g., cyclotron maser instability, mode conversion), and the acceleration processes (e.g., Alfven waves). Further preparations, evaluations, investigations, analyses of forthcoming space missions or nanosatellites (like Juice, SunRISE, UVSQ-Sat NG…) are also welcome.

Co-organized by ST1
Convener: Patrick Galopeau | Co-conveners: Ulrich Taubenschuss, Mohammed Y. Boudjada

ST2 – Magnetosphere

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officer: Yulia Bogdanova


This open session traditionally invites presentations on all aspects of the Earth’s magnetospheric physics, including the magnetosphere and its boundary layers, magnetosheath, bow shock and foreshock as well as solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. We welcome contributions on various aspects of magnetospheric observations, remote sensing of the magnetosphere’s processes, modelling and theoretical research. The presentations related to the current and planned space missions and to the value-added data services are also encouraged. This session is suitable for any contribution which does not fit more naturally into one of the specialised sessions and for contributions of wide community interest.

Convener: Yulia Bogdanova | Co-conveners: C.-Philippe Escoubet, Lucile Turc

Solar wind and its embedded magnetic field, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) power and drive the dynamics in the Geospace and other planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres in the solar system. Studies on solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling are essential for understanding mass, momentum and energy transfer between these regions. The consequences of this coupling include, e.g., magnetospheric global configuration, plasma convection, magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems. Intervals of quickly evolving solar wind drivers add to the complexity of this non-linear and highly dynamic, coupled system. This session welcomes presentations on recent advances in the solar wind-magnetosphere and/or ionosphere coupling, including the space environments of both the Earth and other planets in the solar system. This session also invites papers that connect various ionospheric phenomena with their magnetospheric counterparts/solar wind drivers and explore coupling mechanisms. We welcome studies that highlight various coupling mechanisms during recent geomagnetic storms of solar maximum, including recent events in 2023 and 2024. Studies discussing space-based and/or ground-based observations as well as theoretical and/or modelling perspectives are highly encouraged.

Convener: Lauri HolappaECSECS | Co-conveners: Timo Pitkänen, Natalia Buzulukova, Shahab Fatemi

Precipitation of particles into planetary atmospheres is a fundamental heliophysics process. At Earth, precipitation transfers energy from the solar wind and magnetosphere into the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. This dynamic coupling between plasma regimes leads to a variety of impacts on the upper atmosphere; from vibrant auroral displays, to generation of ionospheric current systems, changes in atmospheric chemistry and impacts on satellite infrastructure through increased satellite drag. This session takes a system-science perspective on particle precipitation across wide ranging energies and impacts on and in the atmosphere. We invite presentations which focus on links between the drivers and their relative importance in generating particle precipitation; the spatiotemporal dynamics of large-scale system processes; and the impacts of particle precipitation on atmospheric conductivity, chemistry, and dynamics.

Convener: Hilde Nesse | Co-conveners: Alexa Halford, Aaron Breneman, Antti Salminen

Large-scale dynamic processes in different magnetospheric regions, e.g., in the magnetosheath, at the magnetopause, in the outer and inner magnetosphere, magnetotail, ring current and plasmasphere are closely interconnected. The magnetosphere should therefore be considered as a global system. The state of the magnetosphere is controlled mainly by solar wind conditions. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind velocity govern the energy input into the magnetosphere. However, solar wind properties change when plasma moves through the bow shock and magnetosheath. The magnetic reconnection rate at the dayside magnetopause depends on parameters in the surrounding magnetosheath and magnetosphere rather than directly on the solar wind conditions. Once dayside reconnection starts, magnetic flux accumulates in the magnetotail lobes, eventually resulting in substorms or steady magnetospheric convection. Magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail injects thermal and energetic particles into the inner magnetosphere and downward along magnetic field lines into the ionosphere. The Kelvin-Helmholz instability provides another important mechanism of energy and momentum transition from the solar wind into the magnetosphere.

Global magnetospheric dynamics can be studied by means of increasingly sophisticated numerical simulations (MHD, hybrid, or fully kinetic), with empirical and semi-empirical models, or using multipoint in situ spacecraft observations. A fleet of space missions can investigate magnetospheric phenomena in-situ, providing crucial information concerning the positions and dynamics of the magnetospheric plasma boundaries and the global distribution of the magnetospheric plasma and processes within it. Past and future global imaging missions (e.g., LEXI, SMILE, GEO-X, and others) can complete this picture providing large-scale snapshots of some geospace regions. Accurate modelling of global magnetospheric processes is an essential condition for successful space weather predictions, but sometimes model predictions are very different from each other even for typical solar wind conditions. We welcome any work presenting results on the global dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere as well as the magnetospheres of other planets.

Convener: Andrey Samsonov | Co-conveners: Yulia Bogdanova, Tianran Sun, Bayane Michotte de Welle, Yann Pfau-Kempf

Generation of electromagnetic waves, their propagation in inhomogeneous active plasma, amplification and absorption by - and interactions with - charged particle populations, generally covered by the term “wave-particle interactions”, are key processes responsible for energy and momentum exchange between charged particles in absence of collisions. New generation of spacecraft missions, PSP, Solar Orbiter, MAVEN, Juno, MMS, ERG/Arase, provide unique and detailed information about wave-particle interactions and their impact on microscopic plasma kinetics as well as contribution to dynamics of macroscopic plasma systems. Observations of these missions of similarity and differences of wave-particle interactions in solar wind, radiation belts, and magnetospheres of different planets drive rapid growth of new theoretical concepts, including effects of nonlinear and nonresonant interactions into more conventional quasi-linear models. This session aims to connect specialists focused on spacecraft observations of different aspects of wave-particle interactions in various space plasma systems and specialists working on the next generation of theoretical models incorporating nonlinear and nonresonant interaction effects.

Convener: Oliver AllansonECSECS | Co-conveners: Anton Artemyev, Xiaojia Zhang, Emma Woodfield, Dedong Wang

The solar wind interacts with Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere system, driving processes at kinetic, fluid, and global scales. Understanding these multiscale processes is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of solar-wind-magnetosphere interactions. This session focuses on studies using observational data and simulations to explore these interactions across various scales. At the global scale, we examine characteristics of geomagnetic storms and substorms as system responses to solar wind conditions. At the intermediate scale, we investigate phenomena such as convective flows, convective electric fields, electric current systems, Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability in boundary layers, flux transfer events, high-speed jets, ULF waves, and auroral arcs. These phenomena are explored as consequences of various solar wind drivers and cross-region coupling, providing insights into the physical links within global processes. At the kinetic scale, we study kinetic processes and plasma waves to gain insights into energy dissipation mechanisms. We invite contributions that aim to elucidate multiscale dynamic processes governing energy transfer, particle acceleration, energy dissipation, and magnetosphere-ionosphere disturbances. By integrating data from space missions, ground-based observatories, and advanced numerical models, our approach will deepen the understanding of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system's responses to the solar wind, enhancing our ability to predict space weather.

Convener: Lei Dai | Co-conveners: C.-Philippe Escoubet, QiuGang Zong, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Yiqun Yu

Magnetic reconnection is a key process in space, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas that explosively converts magnetic energy into kinetic energy of charged particles. Thanks to recent spacecraft missions (e.g., MMS, Cluster, THEMIS, MAVEN, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, etc.) and the development of numerical simulations, many new findings have been achieved in the last several years. However, many important issues remain, e.g., the triggering and cessation mechanisms, quantitative aspects of the energy conversions, identification of the electron diffusion/dissipation region, charged particle energization, the coupling between micro-scale and global-scale physical processes, and so on. This session invites presentations on all aspects of magnetic reconnection from spacecraft measurements, theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments.

Convener: Rongsheng Wang | Co-conveners: Seiji Zenitani, Wenya Li, Maria Elena Innocenti, Kyoung-Joo (Joo) Hwang

Understanding plasma energization and energy transport is a grand challenge of space plasma physics, and due to its vicinity, Geospace provides an excellent laboratory to investigate them. Strong plasma energization and energy transport occur at boundaries and boundary layers such as the foreshock, the bow shock, the magnetosheath, the magnetopause, the magnetotail current sheet, and the transition region. Fundamental plasma processes such as shock formation, magnetic reconnection, turbulence, wave-particle interactions, plasma jet braking, field-aligned currents generation and their combinations initiate and govern plasma energization and energy transport.
ESA/Cluster and NASA/MMS four-point constellations, as well as the large-scale multipoint mission NASA/THEMIS, have greatly improved our understanding of these processes at individual scales compared to earlier single-point measurements. However, such missions, as well as theory and numerical simulations, also revealed that these processes operate across multiple scales ranging from the large fluid to the smaller kinetic scales, implying that scale coupling is critical. Simultaneous in situ measurements at both large, fluid and small, kinetic scales are required to resolve scale coupling and ultimately fully understand plasma energization and energy transport processes. Such measurements are currently not yet available.
Building on previous single-scale missions, multiscale missions such as HelioSwarm and mission concepts such as MagCon and Plasma Observatory represent the next generation of space plasma physics investigations. Coordination of all of these assets and ideas is also part of a drive towards a new International Solar Terrestrial Physics program (ISTPNext), to focus on the system of systems that is heliophysics.
This session invites submissions on the topic of scale coupling in fundamental plasma processes, covering in situ observations, theory and simulations, multipoint data analysis methods and instrumentation. Submissions on coordination with ground based observations as well as on remote solar and astrophysical observations are also encouraged.

Co-organized by NP3/PS4
Convener: Matthew Taylor | Co-conveners: Giulia Cozzani, Markku Alho, Maria Federica Marcucci, Oreste Pezzi

The Earth's inner magnetosphere contains different charged particle populations, such as the Van Allen radiation belts, ring current particles, and plasmaspheric particles. Their energy range varies from eV to several MeV, and the interplay among the charged particles provide feedback mechanisms which couple all those populations together. Ring current particles can generate various waves, for example, EMIC waves and chorus waves, which play important roles in the dynamic evolution of the radiation belts through wave-particle interactions. Ring current electrons can be accelerated to relativistic radiation belt electrons. The plasmaspheric medium can also affect these processes. In addition, precipitation of ring current and radiation belt particles will influence the ionosphere, while up-flows of ionospheric particles can affect dynamics in the inner magnetosphere. Understanding these coupling processes is crucial for fundamental understanding and for accurate space weather forecasting.

While the dynamics of outer planets’ magnetospheres are driven by a unique combination of internal coupling processes, these systems have a number of fascinating similarities which make comparative studies particularly interesting. We invite a broad range of theoretical, modelling, and observational studies focusing on the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere of the Earth and outer planets, including the coupling of the inner magnetosphere and ionosphere and coupling between the solar wind disturbances and various magnetospheric processes. Contributions from all relevant fields, including theoretical studies, numerical modelling, observations from satellite and ground-based missions are welcome as well as new mission concepts. In particular, we encourage presentations using data from MMS, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, Arase (ERG), Cluster, CubeSat missions, Juno, SuperDARN, magnetometer, optical imagers, IS-radars and ground-based VLF measurements. We also invite contributions from new mission concepts.

Co-organized by PS4
Convener: Dedong WangECSECS | Co-conveners: Chao Yue, Ravindra Desai, Ondrej Santolik, Hayley Allison

After the joint ESA/JAXA mission BepiColombo completed 4 successful swingbys of Mercury with closest approaches of only 200 km, spacecraft observations and numerical modelling give us insight into the unexplored regions around the innermost terrestrial planet. Together with data obtained by the late NASA mission MESSENGER, BepiColombo’s swingbys and orbit phase will lead to new understanding about the origin, formation, evolution, composition, interior structure, and magnetospheric environment of Mercury. This session hosts contributions to planetary, geological, exospheric and magnetospheric science results based on spacecraft observations by Mariner 10, MESSENGER, BepiColombo, and Earth-based observations, modelling of interior, surface and planetary environment and theory.
In particular, studies investigating the required BepiColombo observations during the nominal mission to validate the existing theoretical models about the interior, exosphere and magnetosphere are welcome, as well as presentations on laboratory experiments useful to confirm potential future measurements.

Co-organized by GI6/ST2
Convener: Willi ExnerECSECS | Co-conveners: Anna Milillo, Geraint Jones, Johannes Benkhoff

The Jupiter is a complex system composed of a broad diversity of interacting components: regular and irregular moons, rings, magnetosphere, linked together by gravitational, electrodynamic and radiative coupling. At a time when the Juno mission orbits Jupiter and a new wave of space missions to Jupiter is underway with JUICE, Europa Clipper and Tianwen-4, remote sensing of the different components of the system will be critical to provide a comprehensive description of its dynamics and and better understand how it works. This session will review current and planned facilities and programs providing observations of the Jupiter system. It will welcome new ideas of observing techniques, instruments and facilities for Jupiter system observations and encourage international collaborations and citizen science initiatives for observing Jupiter in a new, more integrative perspective over the two coming decades

Co-organized by ST2
Convener: Michel Blanc | Co-conveners: Patrick Gaulme, Rosie Johnson, Valéry Lainey, Glenn Orton

ST3 – Ionosphere and Thermosphere

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officer: Dalia Buresova


With the development of modern terrestrial and space-based technologies, the importance of ionospheric research is on the rise, as the ionosphere reflects and modifies radio waves used for communication and navigation. The coupling processes are crucial to our understanding of ionospheric dynamics and variability. The ionosphere is forced from above by various space weather processes of solar origin and internal magnetospheric origin, which all affect the ionosphere through the magnetosphere. The strongest among them are well-developed magnetic storms (both CME- and CIR CH HSS-related), but many other still insufficiently explored do exist. On the other hand, the ionosphere is forced from below mainly (but not only) by atmospheric waves like planetary, tidal and acoustic-gravity waves, those being mostly of tropospheric origin but partly excited also in the stratosphere and at higher layers. The symposium invites (multi)instrumental observation, simulation and modelling studies that address the dynamics of the ionosphere with emphasis on magnetospheric and lower atmospheric forcing and the associated feedback on the ionospheric behaviour.
Contributions dealing with magnetospheric forcing are sought particularly in the areas of ionospheric phenomena caused by magnetospheric storms and substorms, current closure, the deposition of energy in its various forms, and the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the ionosphere. New results that focus on comparison of latitudinal, seasonal and hemispherical effects of magnetic storms and substorms on ionosphere are especially appreciated. As for atmospheric forcing, contributions are sought that focus on atmospheric waves, wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions, atmospheric electricity and electrodynamical coupling processes.
Also ionospheric effects from other sources, such as solar terminator, solar eclipse, seismic activity or human-made explosions, are welcome.

Convener: Dalia Buresova | Co-conveners: Tobias Verhulst, Veronika Barta

Global-scale observations allow us unparalleled instantaneous views of the solar-terrestrial system. Instruments that provide global views are not new, with spacecraft such as IMAGE and Polar providing hemisphere-wide auroral images, and SuperDARN providing maps of ionospheric convection. However, in the last decade the availability of this data has improved, with SuperDARN expanding to ever-lower latitudes and datasets such as AMPERE and SuperMAG providing views of Earth’s ionospheric electrodynamics which were previously unattainable. In turn, our modeling capability has improved with the ability to compare model outputs to these observations. Machine learning can lever these global-scale observations, and forthcoming missions such as ESA’s SMILE will increase the data we have at these scales.

This session brings together work which examines the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere system on a global scale. This includes abstracts focusing on global-scale spacecraft missions, from currently operational data to those in the early phases. Anyone working below the magnetosphere is very welcome to submit. We invite observers using space-based observations or ground-based instrumentation (such as magnetometers or radar data). Abstracts focusing on models of global-scale processes are also encouraged.

Convener: John Coxon | Co-conveners: Daniel Billett, Sara Gasparini, Alexa Halford

The Earth's middle atmosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere (MLT) region provide a great platform for studying ionospheric dynamics, disturbances, eddy mixing, atmospheric drag effects, and space debris tracking. The thermal structure of these regions is influenced by numerous energy sources such as solar radiation, chemical, and dynamical processes, as well as forces from both above (e.g. solar and magnetospheric inputs) and below (e.g. gravity waves and atmospheric tides). Solar atmospheric tides, related to global-scale variations of temperature, density, pressure, and wind waves, are responsible for coupling the lower and upper layers of the atmosphere and significantly impact their vertical profiles in the upper atmosphere. With evidence of climate change impacts on the middle and upper atmosphere, monitoring and understanding trends through observational data is critical. There has been a contraction of the stratosphere and a decrease in the density of the upper atmosphere, which could impact the accumulation of space debris. This session invites presentations on scientific work related to various experimental/observational techniques, numerical and empirical modeling, and theoretical analyses on the dynamics, chemistry, and coupling processes in the altitude range of ~ 20 km to 180 km of the middle atmosphere and MLT regions, including long-term climatic changes.

Co-organized by AS3/PS4
Convener: Sovit KhadkaECSECS | Co-conveners: Linda Megner, Erin Dawkins, Maosheng He, Juan Antonio Añel

Launched in November 2013, the ESA Earth Explorer Swarm satellite trio has provided, for one solar cycle, continuous accurate measurements of the magnetic field, accompanied by plasma and electric field measurements, precise navigation, and accelerometer observations.
The polar-orbiting Swarm satellites are augmented with absolute magnetic scalar and vector data from the low-inclination Macau Science Satellite 1 (MSS-1, since May 2023, 41° inclination, covering all Local Times within 2 months) and with absolute scalar field measurements from the CSES satellite (since 2018, fixed 02/14 LT near-polar orbit) which significantly extend the data coverage in space and time.
In addition, the ESA Scout NanoMagSat constellation consisting of one near-polar and two 60° inclination satellites, is now also in the pipeline, with a sequence of launches planned to start at the end of 2027 for full operation in 2028. It will acquire absolute vector magnetic data at 1 Hz, very low noise scalar and vector magnetic field data at 2 kHz, electron density data at 2 kHz and electron temperature data at 1 Hz. It will also acquire navigation data, enabling top-side TEC retrieval, and collect ionospheric radio-occultation profiles.

This session invites contributions on investigations in geomagnetism, ionospheric and thermospheric sciences related to Earth and near-Earth processes, with focus on existing and planned Low-Earth-Orbiting satellites. Combined analyses of satellite- and ground-based or model data are welcome.

Co-organized by G4/ST3
Convener: Nils Olsen | Co-conveners: Claudia Stolle, Jose van den IJssel, Martin Fillion

This session primarily focuses on neutral atmospheres, surfaces, and exospheres of terrestrial bodies other than the Earth. This includes not only Venus and Mars, but also exoplanets with comparable envelopes, small bodies and satellites carrying dense atmospheres such as Titan, exospheres such as Ganymede, or with a surface directly exposed to space like asteroids. We welcome contributions dealing with processes affecting the atmospheres of these bodies, from the surface to the exosphere. We invite abstracts concerning observations, both from Earth or from space, modeling and theoretical studies, or laboratory work. Comparative planetology abstracts will be particularly appreciated.

Co-organized by ST3
Convener: Arnaud Beth | Co-conveners: Quentin Nénon, Shane Carberry Mogan, Arianna Piccialli

Rocket launches and re-entry of reusable and discarded objects adds anthropogenic trace gases and aerosols to almost all layers of the atmosphere. The space sector is the only anthropogenic emission source to the middle-to-upper atmospheres where pollutants can persist for decades, leaving a lasting legacy of atmospheric pollution. These pollutants are becoming increasingly ubiquitous due to the recent exponential growth of the space sector, yet there are no regulatory controls targeting these emissions. Quantification of the complex and unique effects on the atmosphere is mired by many uncertainties and data gaps, such as in the chemical composition of exhaust from novel propellants, the resultant evolution during plume afterburning, the locations and trajectories of launches and re-entry, the radiative and chemical kinetic properties of the pollutants, and the physics and chemistry of controlled or uncontrolled re-entry, ablation, and breakup. Meanwhile a lack of openly-available modelling tools is compounded by a scarcity of real-world experiments and observations, and both historical and future impact estimates are hindered by a lack of commercial space activity data or well-supported growth projections. This session invites submissions from all EGU disciplines by representatives in and beyond academia to share planned, current, or ongoing research that provides new knowledge in this area, explores new open-source modelling techniques, or exposes methodological gaps that need to be resolved to inform policies and for a truer determination of the influence of space activity on the atmosphere. We are also interested in innovative methods adopted by researchers focusing on volcanic emissions, geoengineering, and meteors that could be applied to the space sector.

Co-organized by PS7/ST3
Convener: Eloise Marais | Co-conveners: Connor Barker, Sebastian Eastham, Christopher Maloney

ST4 – Space Weather and Space Climate

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Emilia Kilpua, Guram Kervalishvili


This open session provided an in-depth exploration of Space Weather and Space Climate phenomena, focusing on the dynamic processes occurring from the Sun to Earth. Key topics included solar activity, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, and their interactions with Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. Discussions also highlighted the impacts of these processes on satellite operations, communication systems, power grids, and Earth's climate, emphasising both immediate space weather effects and longer-term space climate influences on technological and natural systems.

Convener: Guram Kervalishvili | Co-conveners: Emilia Kilpua, Olga Malandraki

The Earth Radiation Budget is the global annual mean difference between the incoming solar and reflected solar and emitted terrestrial radiation. It is a small number coming for the difference of two comparably large numbers (TSI and TOR), making its estimation particularly challenging. A positive Earth Energy Imbalance corresponds to the heat continuously accumulated in the Earth's climate system – mainly the oceans, and which will - with a time delay - cause the global warming of the surface and the atmosphere. From the analysis of in-situ observations– mainly based on ARGO, from 2006 to 2020 the mean EEI is 0.76 +/- 0.2 Wm-2, to be compared to a mean EEI of 0.48  0.1 Wm-2 from 1971 to 2020. The exact knowledge of the EEI and its trend is key for a predictive understanding of global warming and assessing the efficiency of global carbon reduction policies. Up to now, heat content measurements of the ocean, land, and atmosphere are used to determine its absolute value. While these in-situ measurements have a great potential, their sampling and trend uncertainty is - despite great improvements over the recent years - not perfect. To determine the EEI with higher accuracy and stability, independent measurement approaches are required. In this session we invite contributions on existing and new measurement concepts with an emphasis on space observations, but also welcome ground-based and in-situ measurements. We also invite modeling efforts that help to better determine the energy storage in the Earth's system and the terrestrial outgoing radiation.

Co-organized by AS3/CL2
Convener: Margit Haberreiter | Co-convener: Steven Dewitte

Space weather and space climate refer to the interactions between the Sun and Earth over various timescales, from minutes to decades. These interactions involve processes occurring at the Sun, in the heliosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, and lower atmosphere. They also encompass coronal mass ejections, interplanetary shocks, and solar energetic particles. Predicting extreme space weather events and developing mitigation strategies is essential because space assets and critical infrastructures, including communication and navigation systems, power grids, and aviation, are highly sensitive to the space environment. Conducting post-event analyses is crucial for improving and maintaining numerical models that can predict extreme space weather events and prevent the failure of critical infrastructures.

This session focuses on the current state of space weather products and explores new ideas and developments that can improve our understanding of space weather and space climate and their impact on critical infrastructure. We welcome presentations on various space weather and space climate-related activities in the Sun-Earth system, including forecast and nowcast products and services, satellite observations, model development, validation, and verification, data assimilation and machine learning, and the development and production of solar, geomagnetic, and ionospheric indices. We encourage contributions that support a cross-disciplinary and collaborative approach to advance our understanding of space weather and space climate. Presentations on the effects of space weather on applications in the Earth’s environment, such as airlines, pipelines, power grids, space flights, and auroral tourism, are also welcomed.

Convener: Claudia Borries | Co-conveners: Guram Kervalishvili, Yulia Bogdanova, Maike Bauer, Therese Moretto Jorgensen

Humans venture into space to explore the unknown, expand scientific knowledge, and harness the unique resources and opportunities it offers for technological innovation, economic growth, and humanity's long-term survival. This session aims to simultaneously address the application of those sustainability principles to the Earth and outer space and raise human productivity to a new level. By addressing sustainability in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial contexts, the session encourages the development of technologies and policies that ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of human society and drive economic growth and productivity. Integrating sustainable practices into space exploration and Earth management represents a forward-thinking strategy aligning with the global sustainability push. It is a critical area for research, teaching, and practical application related to higher education.

This session’s numerous vital topics will include but not be limited to:

Sustainable Space Exploration

Space-Earth Interlinkages

Policy and Ethical Dimensions

Technological Innovations

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

The session proposed is highly relevant to higher education teaching and research. They provide opportunities for curriculum development, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and align with the strategic goals of preparing students for future challenges and opportunities. By integrating these areas into higher education, institutions can contribute to developing sustainable solutions that address terrestrial and extraterrestrial needs, preparing a new generation of leaders equipped to handle the complexities of sustainable development on Earth and beyond. The outcomes of the session have the potential to significantly boost human productivity by promoting innovation, optimizing resource use, and fostering collaboration across various fields.

Co-organized by ERE4/PS0/ST4
Convener: Xiuli Chen | Co-conveners: Joohan Ryoo, Yiping Song, Rosemary Uzzo

Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) pose a significant threat to grounded infrastructures such as high-voltage transformers, oil and gas pipelines and rail networks. Understanding their impact is vital for safeguarding critical national infrastructures and minimizing potential economic consequences. GICs are generated by geoelectric fields induced in the resistive subsurface of the Earth during periods of rapid changes of the Earth's magnetic field, typically during geomagnetic storms. However, an increasing body of evidence suggests that GICs can occur also during periods of nominally quiet conditions. We seek contributions from studies that measure (directly or indirectly) or model GICs in grounded infrastructure, assess the potential hazard and vulnerability of the infrastructures and advance the development of reliable models for forecasting the potential impacts of severe space weather events.

Co-organized by ST4
Convener: Adamantia Zoe BoutsiECSECS | Co-conveners: Giulia PignatielloECSECS, Ciaran Beggan, Roberta Tozzi

This session, which is now a classic of EGU General Assemblies, was established many years ago with the fundamental contribution of Giovanni Lapenta, who sadly passed away in May 2024. This year, we conveners want to use this session to remember him through works in the many fields he contributed to during his extremely productive and versatile career: development of numerical methods for plasma simulations, nonlinear processes in space and laboratory plasma (magnetic reconnection, turbulence and shocks), particle heating and acceleration in the heliosphere, application of Machine Learning methods to space physics problems. Theoretical, observational, and numerical works, especially those highlighting the interconnection between nonlinear processes in plasmas, are welcome, along with those on new numerical methods and data analysis techniques.

Co-organized by ST4
Convener: Maria Elena Innocenti | Co-conveners: Francesco Pucci, Naïs Fargette, Meng Zhou, Giuseppe Arro'

The ionospheres and (induced) magnetospheres of unmagnetized and weakly magnetized bodies with substantial atmospheres (e.g. Mars, Venus, Titan, Pluto and comets) are subject to disturbances due to solar activity, interplanetary conditions (e.g. solar flares, coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particles), or for moons, parent magnetospheric activity. These objects interact similarly as their magnetized counterparts but with scientifically important differences.
As an integral part of planetary atmospheres, ionospheres are tightly coupled with the neutral atmosphere, exosphere and surrounding plasma environment, possessing rich compositional, density, and temperature structures. The interaction among neutral and charged components affects atmospheric loss, neutral winds, photochemistry, and energy balance within ionospheres.
This session invites abstracts concerning remote and in-situ data analysis, modelling studies, comparative studies, instrumentation and mission concepts for unmagnetized and weakly magnetized solar system bodies.

Co-organized by ST4
Convener: Martin Volwerk | Co-convener: Charlotte Götz

Interdisciplinary research at the intersection of solar and heliospheric physics, magnetospheric science, and planetary studies is essential for a comprehensive understanding of solar activity and its profound effects throughout the solar system. By integrating observations and models from multiple disciplines, this session aims to elucidate the mechanisms driving solar-planetary interactions. The session should make visible the European Heliophysics Community, that strongly follows interdisciplinary-oriented research. In that respect, the recent great solar storms provide an ideal “natural approach” for interdisciplinary investigations. This session therefore covers, not exclusively but mainly, the activity period March 2023 until May 2024 in all aspects. On the dynamics of the Sun, including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind, and their interactions with the heliosphere and planets, and how solar phenomena influence planetary magnetospheres, ionospheres, and atmospheres. The session also aims to show how interdisciplinary studies foster the communication between different fields of research for designing more efficient data analysis tools serving all.

Co-organized by ST4
Convener: Manuela Temmer | Co-conveners: Rumi Nakamura, Jonathan Rae, Louise Harra, Laura Rodríguez-García

Sitting under a tree, you feel the spark of an idea, and suddenly everything falls into place. The following days and tests confirm: you have made a magnificent discovery — so the classical story of scientific genius goes…

But science as a human activity is error-prone, and might be more adequately described as "trial and error", or as a process of successful "tinkering" (Knorr, 1979). Thus we want to turn the story around, and ask you to share 1) those ideas that seemed magnificent but turned out not to be, and 2) the errors, bugs, and mistakes in your work that made the scientific road bumpy. What ideas were torn down or did not work, and what concepts survived in the ashes or were robust despite errors? We explicitly solicit Blunders, Unexpected Glitches, and Surprises (BUGS) from modeling and field or lab experiments and from all disciplines of the Geosciences.

Handling mistakes and setbacks is a key skill of scientists. Yet, we publish only those parts of our research that did work. That is also because a study may have better chances to be accepted for publication in the scientific literature if it confirms an accepted theory or if it reaches a positive result (publication bias). Conversely, the cases that fail in their test of a new method or idea often end up in a drawer (which is why publication bias is also sometimes called the "file drawer effect"). This is potentially a waste of time and resources within our community as other scientists may set about testing the same idea or model setup without being aware of previous failed attempts.

In the spirit of open science, we want to bring the BUGS out of the drawers and into the spotlight. In a friendly atmosphere, we will learn from each others' mistakes, understand the impact of errors and abandoned paths onto our work, and generate new insights for our science or scientific practice.

Here are some ideas for contributions that we would love to see:
- Ideas that sounded good at first, but turned out to not work.
- Results that presented themselves as great in the first place but turned out to be caused by a bug or measurement error.
- Errors and slip-ups that resulted in insights.
- Failed experiments and negative results.
- Obstacles and dead ends you found and would like to warn others about.

Knorr, Karin D. “Tinkering toward Success: Prelude to a Theory of Scientific Practice.” Theory and Society 8, no. 3 (1979): 347–76.

Co-organized by BG0/EMRP1/ESSI4/GD10/GI1/GI6/GM11/GMVP1/PS0/SM2/SSS11/ST4
Convener: Ulrike ProskeECSECS | Co-conveners: Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Daniel Klotz, Nobuaki Fuji, Jonas Pyschik

The recent growing number of probes in the heliosphere and future missions in preparation led to the current decade being labelled as "the golden age of heliophysics research". With more viewpoints and data downstreamed to Earth, machine learning (ML) has become a precious tool for planetary and heliospheric research to process the increasing amount of data and help the discovery and modelisation of physical systems. Recent years have also seen the development of novel approaches leveraging complex data representations with highly parameterised machine learning models and combining them with well-defined and understood physical models. These advancements in ML with physical insights or physically informed neural networks inspire new questions about how each field can respectively help develop the other. To better understand this intersection between data-driven learning approaches and physical models in planetary sciences and heliophysics, we seek to bring ML researchers and physical scientists together as part of this session and stimulate the interaction of both fields by presenting state-of-the-art approaches and cross-disciplinary visions of the field.

The "ML for Planetary Sciences and Heliophysics" session aims to provide an inclusive and cutting-edge space for discussions and exchanges at the intersection of machine learning, planetary and heliophysics topics. This space covers (1) the application of machine learning/deep learning to space research, (2) novel datasets and statistical data analysis methods over large data corpora, and (3) new approaches combining learning-based with physics-based to bring an understanding of the new AI-powered science and the resulting advancements in heliophysics research.
Topics of interest include all aspects of ML and heliophysics, including, but not limited to: space weather forecasting, computer vision systems applied to space data, time-series analysis of dynamical systems, new machine learning models and data-assimilation techniques, and physically informed models.

Co-organized by PS7/ST4
Convener: Justin Le LouëdecECSECS | Co-conveners: Hannah Theresa Rüdisser, Gautier Nguyen