UP2.4 | Atmosphere-Ocean interactions: open-ocean and coastal processes
Atmosphere-Ocean interactions: open-ocean and coastal processes
Conveners: Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti | Co-conveners: Marco Reale, George Varlas, Vincenzo Capozzi, Petroula Louka
| Mon, 04 Sep, 11:00–15:15 (CEST)|Lecture room B1.05
| Attendance Tue, 05 Sep, 16:00–17:15 (CEST) | Display Mon, 04 Sep, 09:00–Wed, 06 Sep, 09:00|Poster area 'Day room'
Orals |
Mon, 11:00
Tue, 16:00
This session is multi-purpose and aims at connecting various experts of the international scientific community that works on atmospheric and oceanographic phenomena as well as air-sea interactions, occurring at different temporal and spatial scales in coastal and open-ocean areas.

This session will welcome contributions using analysis, observations, numerical and machine learning tools, applied to specific case studies, operational applications and related services (such as risk assessment, coastal management, renewable energy spatial planning, coastal erosion and deposition, the resilience of coastal citizens and activity in the context of climate change, etc). The objectives are to foster the connections between atmospheric and oceanographic scientific communities and to promote an integrated and multidisciplinary approach for the analysis observations and the modeling of the Earth system.

In detail, this session will welcome:
I) Numerical studies spanning from uncoupled and coupled numerical models to the Digital-Twins, that analyze dynamics of the ocean, atmosphere, and waves (with particular attention to air-sea interactions), in coastal and open ocean areas.
II) Observational studies using oceanographic (ARGO floats, Gliders and AUV, buoys, Stereo 3D imaging, operational campaigns, and survey, etc) and atmospheric (automatic weather stations, sonic anemometers, disdrometers, etc.) in-situ measurements, ground-based (Coastal High-Frequency Radar (HFR), S, C and X-band weather radar, etc), and space-borne remote sensing techniques (scatterometer, SAR, etc).
III) Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Weather and Ocean Prediction techniques both in the ocean and atmospheric environment in support of a wide range of applications, such as: data assimilation systems, ensemble approach and processing, nowcasting numerical schemes, early warning systems, decision support services, physical ocean and atmospheric processes analysis, seasonal and climate projection applications and other experimental study techniques.

We invite contributions including, but not limited to, the following topics:
• Intense cyclones, Medicanes, Air-sea interactions and impacts in coastal areas
• Severe wind storms, Wave storms, Extreme Waves and Storm surges
• Coastal floods and Heavy Precipitation Events (HPEs)
• Sea level oscillations and sea level future projections
• Cold Air Outbreak, Cold and Dry Spells, and feedback with the atmosphere and ocean
• Marine and Atmospheric Heat Waves
• Ocean Heat Content modification and its impact on the atmosphere on short, seasonal and long time scales
• Dense Water Formation processes
• Coastal circulation and Sediment transport

Orals: Mon, 4 Sep | Lecture room B1.05

Chairpersons: Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, Marco Reale
Online presentation
Melanie Juza, Marta De Alfonso, Angels Mora-Fernandez, Lara Díaz, Carla Chevillard, Nikolaos Zarokanellos, Emma Reyes, and Joaquin Tintoré

Society is facing unprecedented challenges arising from climate change impacts. Among them, marine heat waves (MHWs) are prolonged periods of extreme ocean temperatures with major ecological and socio-economic impacts. The Mediterranean is the largest semi-enclosed sea, with 46.000 km of coastline and many islands, being also considered a hot-spot of biodiversity with many endemic species. It is also one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change and responds rapidly to global warming with strong spatial variations between sub-basins. In this study, we will update and provide new insights on MHWs in the Mediterranean, from sub-regional to local scales, from surface to subsurface, and from the open ocean to coastal waters using multi-platform remote sensing and in situ observations.

Continuous satellite-based sea surface temperature monitoring allows to detect MHWs at the surface and to estimate their spatio-temporal variations at sub-regional and local scales over the last four decades. At the same time, the Mediterranean network of moored buoys installed in shallow waters allows addressing the coastal ocean response to such extreme events over the last 10 years or more. Additionally, profiling floats in the whole basin and ocean gliders along endurance lines in key ‘choke points’ provide valuable information at the subsurface on sub-regional and local scales, respectively, about both the physical and biogeochemical properties from the coast to the open sea. Results on the thermal stress situation will be provided updating the results from Juza et al. (2022) from satellite and profiling floats observations. In particular, we will address the unprecedented MHW recent events (2022 and 2023) characteristics, providing also new insights with the use of coastal moorings and gliders and through the integration of available physical and biogeochemical data.

The multi-platform observations used in this study are open access and distributed by national and European marine data portals such as the Spanish Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB), the U.K. Meteorological Office and the E.U. Copernicus Marine Service. Particularly, historical and near real-time ocean data available in the latter are being also used in the web-based application (www.apps.socib.es/subregmed-marine-heatwaves) implemented by SOCIB. This user-friendly visualization tool helps to detect MHWs in real time and to monitor their long-term variations, aiming at supporting the marine conservation and policy decision-makings for climate change mitigation.

How to cite: Juza, M., De Alfonso, M., Mora-Fernandez, A., Díaz, L., Chevillard, C., Zarokanellos, N., Reyes, E., and Tintoré, J.: Update and new insights on marine heat waves in the Mediterranean, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-305, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-305, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Tsruya Yaari-Sadeh and Shira Raveh-Rubin

Ocean evaporation in the subtropics and tropics is the main supplier of moisture to the tropics and is of fundamental importance to the global hydrological cycle, influencing atmospheric and oceanic dynamics and thermodynamics. Ocean evaporation (turbulent latent heat flux) varies on a range of time scales, from the diurnal to longer climatic scales. While previous studies characterize its variability over seasonal-interannual to decadal time scales, here we focus on the subseasonal, and particularly daily-weekly scales, and aim to understand the drivers of this variability. We first show that latent heat flux variability entails transient evaporation hotspots, regionally exceeding 250 W/m2, which build up the long-term climatology. We then show indications for the mechanisms governing this variability, and especially the extreme evaporation hotspots. Namely, it is dry air intrusions from the wake of midlatitude cyclones that reach the low latitudes. The relatively dry and cold airmass over the subtropical and tropical oceans dominates the occurrence and variability of intense latent heat flux in these regions. Our findings suggest, however, that the tropics are not zonally homogeneous, in the sense that such intrusions dominate tropical evaporation in particular regions more than others. For example, in the west of south Africa, southern South America and Mexico, evaporation hotspots co-occur with intrusions from the extratropics 70% of the time and more, while in the western South Pacific and Arabian Sea the co-occurrence reaches values of up to 30%. The fact that the variability and extremes of tropical latent heat flux are governed by extratropical dynamics on this scale, suggest that this mechanism should be viewed as a type of extratropical-tropical interaction, having implications for the predictability of tropical evaporation hotspots. 

How to cite: Yaari-Sadeh, T. and Raveh-Rubin, S.: An extratropical driver of evaporation in the tropical and subtropical oceans, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-362, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-362, 2023.

Online presentation
Giannetta Fusco, Giuseppe Aulicino, Vincenzo Capozzi, Yuri Cotroneo, Massimiliano Esposito, and Giorgio Budillon

Terra Nova Bay (TNB), in the Ross Sea, is characterized by the presence of persistent ice-free areas during the austral winter, known as polynyas. TNB polynya markedly influences air-sea dynamics and physical oceanography in that region as a major sea ice and salt “factories”, maintained by strong persistent katabatic winds. The role of TNB polynya is important in the formation of High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW), the densest water mass of the Southern Ocean, occurring during sea ice production that increases the salinity of the subsurface water. The aim of this study is to investigate the processes that occur in the TNB coastal polynya and the role of the air-sea interactions in the determination of its opening and activity. First of all, we analysed the role of the katabatic winds, that are widely recognized to be one of the most relevant meteorological features of Antarctica continental margins. The genesis of these winds can be ascribed to the cooling of the near-surface air on the Antarctic Plateau, which determines a strong pressure gradient force downslope. The topographic forcing provides a strong direction consistency to such winds and can cause strengthening in wind speed near steep-sloped coasts. The impact of katabatic winds has been evaluated analyzing the in-situ meteorological data collected in Terra Nova Bay in the framework of the MeteoClimatological Observatory of Italian National Research Antarctic Program (PNRA). We studied the polynya response to the wind forcing and the katabatic regime, establishing subjective criteria to distinguish these strong and persistent winds from a normal wind’s intensification, and find the moments of distribution of katabatic events over the years from 1995 to 2022 examined during the austral winter season (April to October). The characterization of the detected event has been performed through the following indicators, the duration (DUR), the Severity (SEV) and Intensity (INT). Subsequently, we have computed the frequency (FRE, which is the number of events) and the average DUR, SEV and INT of the events belonging to every single year of the 1995-2022 period. In the second step the open water fractions, detected by the Ice Surface Temperature (IST) imagery derived from the MODIS data, were used to estimate the opening and the activity of the polynya during the winter seasons. Then, we estimated the surface heat budget between ocean and atmosphere, which can be assumed to result directly in ice production considering that ocean column is at its freezing point. Assuming that ice production rate depends on the net heat flux and on the polynya extension, it is possible to calculate the total production of salt released during sea ice formation and HSSW volume.

How to cite: Fusco, G., Aulicino, G., Capozzi, V., Cotroneo, Y., Esposito, M., and Budillon, G.: Katabatic winds and polynya activity in Terra Nova Bay during winter seasons in the period 1995-2022, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-511, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-511, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Analysis of extreme Winter Warm Spell and Ocean Heat Content  Anomaly during 2021 and 2022 over Western Mediterranean Sea.
Gianluca Redaelli, Rossella Ferretti, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Cosimo Enrico Carniel, and Dino Zardi
Online presentation
Cluster Analysis of Precipitation Records from the Basque Coast
Mónica Barturen, Maria de las Mercedes Maruri, and Judith Orúe
Onsite presentation
Giuseppe Ciardullo, Leonardo Primavera, Fabio Lepreti, Fabrizio Ferrucci, and Vincenzo Carbone

Using the general analogies with the descriptive models of the tropical cyclones, some climate change effects identify a significant increase in the Mediterranean sea surface temperature. This phenomenon, in conjunction with its peculiar morphological predisposition, could justify the acceleration, recently observed, and the formation of cyclones at these latitudes, so-called medicanes (“MEDIterranean HurriCANES”). Their observations are based on a typical rotational motion around a low-pressure center in the atmospheric mesoscale, including the air-sea interaction effects.

In this work, different kinds of analyses were carried out about the spatial and temporal evolution of the Ianos medicane (Mediterranean cyclone that developed in 2020 in the middle of the Ionian sea). In particular, we use the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method to decompose a database of spatio-temporal data collected by SEVIRI radiometer, onboard the Meteosat Second Generation - 11 geostationary satellite. Within this approach, we study the superposition regions of the rotating air masses, starting from the temperature field, in order to extract important informations about the evolution and distribution of the energy in the different scales of the event. Through this technique, it has been possible to study the turbulent dynamics of Ianos at different scales, obtaining a basis of empirical eigenfunctions along with their relative temporal coefficients. The ability of the POD to capture the maximum energy content in the spectrum, allows to separate different ranges of scales with similar characteristics, suggesting a different origin for the various kinds of emerging structures.

On the other hand, through the use of specific remote sensing techniques, the diagnostics of Ianos were studied using databases obtained from LEO satellites. The capabilities of the VIIRS and MODIS sensors, on board the Suomi NPP and EOS-Terra/Aqua platforms, which have 2D images with higher spatial resolutions, were explored. The aim of this analysis is based on the extraction of some atmospheric parameters, such as the temperature field within the Ianos cloud system, associated with altitude values, and the assessment of the ice pixel percentage using the split window. In addition, a study of atmospheric instability was carried out using the vertical temperature gradient and sea surface temperature, and the pressure field for the characterization of the minimum in the eye of the cyclone. 

How to cite: Ciardullo, G., Primavera, L., Lepreti, F., Ferrucci, F., and Carbone, V.: Satellite-based studies of the evolution of the Ianos medicane dynamics, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-21, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-21, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Rossella Ferretti, Antonio Ricchi, Vincenzo Capozzi
Online presentation
Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Florence Sevault, Ghislain Faure, Marie-Noëlle Bouin, Jonathan Beuvier, Soline Bielli, Laëtitia Corale, Alice Dalphinet, and Sylvie Malardel

The AROBASE project aims to assemble a kilometre-scale limited-area multi-coupled modelling system of the physico-chemical atmosphere, the ocean (including sea-ice and marine biogeochemistry), waves and land surfaces (soil, vegetation, cities, snow, lakes and rivers) with important development criteria that are i) the transportable nature of the regional multi-coupled model and ii) the modular aspect to couple the relevant environmental components according to different applications. The AROBASE platform that will combine the AROME atmospheric model (with online chemistry and interactive aerosols) with the external surface model SURFEX, CTRIP for hydrological routing, NEMO and MFWAM for ocean and waves respectively, is built in the line of a seamless continuum of coupled modelling systems developed and used at CNRM, LACY and Météo-France.

AROBASE will first help to improve the understanding and representation of the exchange processes between the compartments of the meteorological and environmental system at fine scale. It is also a new tool for high-resolution numerical weather prediction, which makes it particularly necessary to guarantee its performance in the forecast mode and its relevance for monitoring and anticipating meteorological phenomena and their consequences. AROBASE is finally an important step to prepare the new generation of the regional climate model (CNRM-RCSM) towards a kilometre resolution with new integrated components.

The first results of the AROBASE platform will be presented during the conference, with a focus on the ocean-atmosphere-wave coupling, the air-sea interactions implied during severe meteorological situations over France metropolitan area and over-seas domains and impacts on numerical weather prediction.

How to cite: Lebeaupin Brossier, C., Sevault, F., Faure, G., Bouin, M.-N., Beuvier, J., Bielli, S., Corale, L., Dalphinet, A., and Malardel, S.: The AROBASE project: Development of a kilometre-scale multi-coupled modelling and forecasting system and first results, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-127, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-127, 2023.

Onsite presentation
An high resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical simulation for the Adriatic Sea
Francesco Memmola, Alessandro Coluccelli, Francesca Neri, Angela Garzia, Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, and Pierpaolo Falco
Online presentation
Konstantinos Christakos, George Varlas, and Jan-Victor Björkqvist

An intense Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone (Medicane) known as Ianos developed in the central-eastern Mediterranean Sea in mid-September 2020. The parent cyclone of Ianos initially formed on 14 September and strengthened on 15-16 September. Ianos acquired its tropical characteristics mainly on 17-18 September and it began to gradually lose its energy on 19-20 September while it finally dissipated on 21 September. Although Ianos affected several Mediterranean areas, it significantly influenced Greece with strong winds, high waves, storm surge, coastal inundation, heavy rainfall, flash floods, and landslides, thus having severe socioeconomic implications including four deaths and extensive damages. The impact of Ianos on the sea state was very intense, especially across the coastal areas of the Ionian Sea where the cyclone was characterized by its maximum winds reaching even Category 2 of the Saffir-Simpson scale. Moreover, high waves were observed in the coastal areas of the Ionian Sea during the passage of Ianos. In this framework, this study investigates the coastal wave conditions during Ianos in the Ionian Sea using the open-source tool DNORA (https://github.com/KonstantinChri/dnora) to dynamically downscale the ERA5 reanalysis data applying the spectral wave model SWAN. We use high-resolution bathymetry from the EMODNET database. We analyze the wave conditions using integrated wave parameters such as significant wave height and wave periods as well as wave spectrum. Particular focus is given to the evolution of the 2D wave spectrum during the Medicane Ianos. Preliminary results indicate that such extreme atmospheric events can lead to rapid growth of wind sea conditions with a significant impact on coastal areas.

How to cite: Christakos, K., Varlas, G., and Björkqvist, J.-V.: Coastal wave conditions in the Ionian Sea during the Medicane Ianos (2020)., EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-407, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-407, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Marco Bajo, Christian Ferrarin, and Georg Umgiesser

In this work, we have used a hydrodynamic finite element model to study tides, surges and seiches in the Mediterranean Sea. The simulations were performed with and without data assimilation for a two-month period, November and December 2019, in which several intense meteorological events occurred in this area. The observations come from coastal stations along the Mediterranean and have been processed to select tides and surges. Surge simulations were used also to analyse seiche oscillations in the Mediterranean. These oscillations are caused by an initial perturbation and propagate freely with periods corresponding to the barotropic modes of the basin. The periods and the energy have been identified through spectral analysis from the observed data and their forecast improves significantly with data assimilation. Furthermore, data assimilation in reanalysis simulations shows a significantly improving in the results, both for the surge and for the astronomical tide. The error of the results reduces considerably even in areas far from the assimilated stations, such as the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In the case of the astronomical tide, a comparison with the tide calculated from the harmonic components, extrapolated by altimetric data, demonstrates a considerable improvement not only in the coastal areas but also in the central part of the basin. This study is the first step to set up long-term reanalysis climatological simulations for tides, surges and total sea level in the Mediterranean Sea.

How to cite: Bajo, M., Ferrarin, C., and Umgiesser, G.: Modelling the sea level in the Mediterranean Sea by assimilating data from coastal stations, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-465, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-465, 2023.

Posters: Tue, 5 Sep, 16:00–17:15 | Poster area 'Day room'

Display time: Mon, 4 Sep 09:00–Wed, 6 Sep 09:00
Chairpersons: Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, Francesco Memmola
Convener Poster Introduction
Hyeyeong Jang, Eunbyeol Ko, Adam Clayton, and In-Hyuk Kwon

     KIAPS (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems) has recently been adding Earth-system components to the atmospheric version of KIM (Korean Integrated Model), to produce a prediction model that considers various geophysical factors such as atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, and land, to support skillful forecasting out from the very short range (~6 hours) to the extended medium range (up to ~30 days). The ocean component is a version of the NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) ocean model. For data assimilation (DA), our first goal is to develop a weakly-coupled DA system that combines KIM’s existing atmosphere/land DA system with a separate DA system for NEMO. This ocean DA system is based on NEMOVAR, and uses a 3-Dimension Variational – First Guess at Appropriate Time (3DVar-FGAT) DA method. The assimilated observations include SST observations from satellites and moored buoys, temperature profiles collected by Argo floats, and satellite observations of sea-level anomaly and sea ice concentration.
     The ocean DA system is being developed from an existing ocean-only NEMOVAR system that is based on 24-hour DA windows. In order to make this system compatible with the existing atmospheric DA system, we have changed the ocean DA cycling strategy to match the 6-hourly strategy used by the atmospheric system, including reductions to the ocean observation cutoff times. After introducing the details of this system, we will present results from experiments designed to test (a) the impact of changing the DA window lengths, without changing observation usage, and (b) the further impact of using earlier observation cutoff times.

How to cite: Jang, H., Ko, E., Clayton, A., and Kwon, I.-H.: Ocean DA experimets with 6-hour cycles, targeting a future weakly-coupled atmosphere-ocean DA system, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-388, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-388, 2023.

Jiyoun Kim, Eunbyeol Ko, Adam Clayton, and In-Hyuk Kwon

It has long been known that coupling between the various Earth system components (the ocean, atmosphere, sea ice, and land) produces improved forecasts on seasonal and longer time scales (Neelin et al. 1994). KIAPS (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems) has developed a global atmospheric model called KIM (Korean Integrated Model) that has been running operationally at KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) since April 2020, with deterministic analyses produced by the KIAPS hybrid-4DEnVar system, and ensemble analyses produced by an LETKF. KIAPS is now developing a coupled atmosphere-land-ocean-sea ice model aimed at extended-range forecasts, using NEMO as the ocean model. Here, we describe our progress in developing an ocean data assimilation (DA) component for this new coupled model.
When atmospheric and ocean initial conditions are produced by independent DA systems, inconsistencies at the ocean surface can lead to imbalances in the coupled model (Lea et al., 2015). Therefore, we are developing a weakly-coupled atmosphere-ocean DA system to provide more balanced initial conditions. After investigating possible DA cycling strategies – including issues such as assimilation window lengths, observation cut-off times, and use of “catch-up” cycles – we decided to develop an atmosphere-ocean DA system where the ocean DA system uses the same cycling strategy as the atmospheric DA system, with 6-hour DA windows and a 6-hour cycle.
KMA operates an ocean-only DA system to initialize ocean states for seasonal forecasts, which are based on a coupled model that combines the Met Office Unified Model (UM) atmosphere with an older version of the NEMO ocean model, and a different sea ice model (CICE rather than SI3) to that used by the KIM coupled model. The DA system is based on NEMOVAR, using a 3DVar-FGAT approach with 24-hour DA windows. We are now adapting this system to produce an ocean-only DA system that will eventually be coupled to the KIM atmospheric DA system. The key steps are:
1. Change the surface forcing model from the UM to KIM.
2. Change to the 6-hour DA windows used by the atmospheric DA system.
3. Upgrade to the NEMO version and sea ice model used by the new KIM coupled model.
We will present results illustrating the impact of these changes, and then summarize our progress in coupling the new ocean DA system with the existing KIM atmospheric DA system, within a single NWP suite.

How to cite: Kim, J., Ko, E., Clayton, A., and Kwon, I.-H.: Development of a weakly-coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation system for the KIM coupled model, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-386, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-386, 2023.