AS1.32 | Atmospheric Rossby waves and Jet Dynamics, and their Impacts on Extreme Weather and Climate Events
Atmospheric Rossby waves and Jet Dynamics, and their Impacts on Extreme Weather and Climate Events
Convener: Marie Drouard | Co-conveners: Jacopo Riboldi, Ruth Geen, Volkmar Wirth, Rachel White
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room M2
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Recent extreme weather and climate episodes, like the recurrent and concurrent summer heatwaves, summer flooding (e.g. in Germany in 2021 or in Spain in September 2023), or winter cold waves (e.g. in the US in February 2021), highlight the need to further our understanding of the jets and the associated linear and non-linear (quasi-stationary) planetary and synoptic-scale Rossby wave dynamics in the atmosphere, and their impacts on weather and climate events.

Abstracts are solicited that are dedicated to:
(1) The dynamics of linear wave propagation or quasi-stationarity, of wave breaking, atmospheric blocking, or jets as atmospheric Rossby waveguides. This includes the role of local and remote drivers (e.g., the tropics, Arctic, or stratosphere).
(2) Exploring the links between extreme weather/climate events and the jets and associated linear and non-linear Rossby waves, including wave breaking and/or blocking.
(3) Quantifying model representation of Rossby waves in climate and numerical weather prediction models, including wave propagation and breaking.
(4) Exploring the role of Rossby wave packets on predictability at lead times from medium range (~2 weeks) to seasonal time-scales. This includes blocking and wave propagation.
(5) Analyzing projected future changes in planetary or synoptic-scale Rossby waves, or in their future impacts on weather and climate events.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room M2

Chairpersons: Ruth Geen, Jacopo Riboldi, Volkmar Wirth
Sub-section: Mid-latitude waves, jets, and general circulation
On-site presentation
Tiffany Shaw, Osamu Miyawaki, and Hsing-Hung Chou

Much has been learned about the response of the mean circulation under climate change. In particular, the subtropical jet will accelerate, the eddy-driven jet will shift poleward, storminess in the Southern Hemisphere will increase whereas storminess in the Northern Hemisphere will be impacted by a tug of war between different factors. However, very little is known about how circulation extremes will respond to climate change beyond blocking. This is in stark contrast to our understanding of the response of extreme temperatures, which follow the mean via an additive increase, and the response of extreme precipitation, which increase faster than the mean because of a multiplicative increase connected to the non-linear Clausius-Clapeyron relation. Here as a starting point, we investigate changes in upper-level circulation extremes defined using a daily distribution. We show fast upper-level jet stream (zonal) winds get faster under climate change. We also show extreme jet stream meandering or waviness (meridional wind) increases under climate change. These responses are geostrophic, robust across a climate model hierarchy (CMIP/AMIP/AQUA), and not connected to sea ice loss. The increase in upper-level circulation extremes is shown via moist thermal wind to be related to a multiplicative response connected to the non-linear Clausius-Clapeyron relation. Thus, upper-level circulation extremes exhibit a multiplicative increase similar to precipitation extremes. The results can be used to explain projected changes in commercial flight times, record-breaking winds, clear-air turbulence and a potential increase in severe weather occurrence under climate change.

How to cite: Shaw, T., Miyawaki, O., and Chou, H.-H.: Moving beyond the mean to understand circulation extremes under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3243,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Orli Lachmy and Oren Peles

The subtropical jet is characterized by a strong vertical shear and is usually located far equatorward of the maximum surface westerlies. In some cases, strong westerlies develop below the subtropical jet, indicating that momentum flux convergence by baroclinic eddies contributes to the jet driving. In this work we examine this variability of the subtropical jet in light of baroclinic instability theory. According to linear baroclinic instability theory, the vertical scale of eddy fluxes decreases toward the equator, making the eddies effectively stable at low latitudes. This stabilizing effect enables the subtropical jet to be maintained by angular momentum advection from the tropics, without the development of baroclinic eddies and surface westerlies below the jet. The dimensionless Charney number is used as an indication for the degree of baroclinic stability at low latitudes. This number incorporates the stabilizing effect at low latitudes, in contrast with the commonly used measure for baroclinicity – the Eady growth rate. It is found that the Charney number performs better than the Eady growth rate in estimating the lowest latitude of baroclinic growth and explaining subtropical jet variability. 

How to cite: Lachmy, O. and Peles, O.: Baroclinic stability at low latitudes: Explaining subtropical jet variability in observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9823,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marco Cadau, Gabriele Messori, Marco Gaetani, Giorgia Fosser, Simona Bordoni, Roberto Buizza, and Gianmaria Sannino

Atmospheric blocking is known to be one of the most important drivers of large-scale atmospheric variability at mid-high latitudes. Blocking events consist of a disruption and/or deceleration of the mean westerly circumpolar flow, and are generally associated with large-scale high-pressure patterns, which may be connected with the occurrence of climate extremes, such as heat waves and cold spells. Atmospheric dynamics in the Arctic region may be very important in shaping the spatial and temporal patterns of blocking at mid-high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, and consequently the occurrence of associated climate extremes. In particular, the difference between Arctic and mid-latitude temperatures is tightly associated with the Ural blocking (UB) activity. A causation relationship has been identified, with the UB triggering Arctic warming and Eurasian cold spells, and in turn leading to a weaker Arctic-midlatitudes thermal gradient (AMG). 
The objective of this study is to investigate the physical mechanisms underlying the AMG-UB relationship. In particular, the circulation patterns associated with the nonlinear part of the UB-Arctic interannual relationship are analysed in winter (December-to-February) from 1940 to 2023. To this aim, atmospheric variables are extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis datasets.

Results show that when high UB activity and strong AMG are observed, atmospheric blocking develops also over multiple areas relevant for milder and more humid air transport from mid latitudes into the Arctic region. Conversely, when low UB activity and weak AMG – hence associated with Arctic warmer than average – are observed, UB moves northwards, over Barents-Kara seas, and remote areas in the mid-latitudes and the subtropics, such as northwestern Africa and northwestern Atlantic Ocean, are teleconnected with the Arctic region.

By highlighting the complex nature of the atmospheric blocking modulation of the AMG, these findings are relevant to the comprehension of the leading factors of Arctic Amplification, and to the understanding of the role of atmospheric blocking in determining winter cold spells and extreme temperature events over mid-latitude regions.

How to cite: Cadau, M., Messori, G., Gaetani, M., Fosser, G., Bordoni, S., Buizza, R., and Sannino, G.: The relationship between atmospheric blocking and Arctic-midlatitude thermal gradient, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8358,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Louis Rivoire and Jezabel Curbelo

Various algorithms developed to track the synoptic evolution of the subtropical jets have proved useful in diagnosing variability and trends. However, consensus about trends remains low, and issues in jet detection persist. Notably, algorithms:

  • Frequently employ a variety of climatological parameters, making them unsuitable for long-trend analyses;
  • Rely on instantaneous meteorological fields (or Eulerian-averaged fields), thereby overlooking the temporal coherence of jet features. This results in the inability to systematically separate the true axis of the jets from underlying waves, affecting the characterization of variability known to affect the mean position of the jets —and long-term trends.

To address these limitations, we define the jets as Lagrangian Coherent Structures; persistent features that resist synoptic variability and thereby shape the atmospheric circulation. Using this Lagrangian definition, a new algorithm named JetLag is developed and applied to the ERA5 reanalysis. JetLag employs 2 parameters –a time scale and a spatial scale, both set by the Rossby wave dispersion relation– and is virtually insensitive to changes in those parameters, within physical bounds. Compared to wind-based methods, we show that JetLag:

  • Locates jet features with better temporal coherence;
  • Has enhanced capabilities for detecting weak and highly variable jets;
  • Produces a different seasonal cycle of mean jet position;
  • Produces different decadal to multi-decadal variability, with implications for trend detection.

We also present a new jet axis dataset for use by the community.

How to cite: Rivoire, L. and Curbelo, J.: Tracking the jets as Lagrangian objects, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14165,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Or Hadas and Yohai Kaspi
The position and intensity of storm tracks undergo significant changes in response to temporal and spatial variations in atmospheric forcing. Comprehending these changes from the viewpoint of individual cyclones and anticyclones is crucial both from a physical perspective, as they are the main drivers of energy and moisture, and because they are a leading cause of severe weather in the midlatitudes. This study delves into the impact of the jet characteristics on individual cyclones and anticyclones, focusing on their maximum strength and growth time. By utilizing tracks of cyclones and anticyclones spanning over 80 years of ERA5 reanalysis data, we identify unique temporal and spatial variations in maximum strength and growth time. These variations are then clarified through a detailed examination of how these properties respond to the characteristics of the jet. 
The study reveals that the vertical shear of the jet increases the maximum strength at low and medium regimes and decreases it for intense shear values, potentially playing a significant role in phenomena characterized by extreme shear, such as the midwinter minimum. Breaking down the storm maximum strength into the responses due to growth time and Lagrangian growth rate (effective average growth rate of the individual storms) indicates that while the Lagrangian growth rate is linear with vertical shear, as expected by linear theory, the saturation of maximum strength results from a decrease in growth time with vertical shear. The horizontal shear of the jet, which is less widely studied, was found to reduce the growth time of cyclones and anticyclones significantly. Additionally, horizontal shear has a smaller effect on the Lagrangian growth rate, with cyclones on the poleward side of the jet growing faster and anticyclones on the equatorward side growing faster. These findings provide insights into predicting how changes in jet characteristics in past and future climates influence midlatitude weather through the effect on cyclone and anticyclone activity.

How to cite: Hadas, O. and Kaspi, Y.: The Response of Synoptic-Scale Weather to Jet Stream Characteristics: a Lagrangian perspective., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10685,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jin-yong Kim and Kyong-Hwan Seo

Summertime atmospheric teleconnection patterns over Eurasia have a significant influence on regional weather and climate. Despite extensive studies on the subtropical patterns, the high-latitude counterpart has received relatively less attention. This study proposes physical mechanisms for the formation and maintenance of the dominant high-latitude teleconnection pattern. The formation of the pattern is associated with variability in synoptic-scale eddy activity due to the meridional gradient of sea surface temperature anomalies in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream, causing a meridional shift of the central axis of storm track at the exit of Atlantic jet. The resultant convergence of transient vorticity fluxes to the west of the British Isles induces low-frequency cyclonic circulation anomalies and continued propagation of Rossby waves downstream along northern Eurasia. Once these circulation anomalies are formed, the subsequent latent heat-related diabatic anomalies over the northern Eurasian landmass act as another source of Rossby waves to maintain the teleconnection pattern. Regional temperature and precipitation variability is closely linked to the wave pattern along a route through northern Eurasia, and even precipitation over the East Asian summer monsoon region is influenced by the teleconnection pattern.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Seo, K.-H.: Physical mechanisms for the summertime high-latitude atmospheric teleconnection patterns and the related Eurasian and East Asian climates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16134,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Grant LaChat, Kevin A. Bowley, and Melissa Gervais

Rossby wave breaking (RWB) can be manifested by the irreversible overturning of isentropes on constant potential vorticity (PV) surfaces. RWB events can lead to tropospheric impacts ranging from changes in intensity and position of the jet stream to extremes in precipitation resulting in significant societal impacts. Traditionally, RWB events are categorized as anticyclonic (AWB) or cyclonic (CWB) and can be identified using the orientation of streamers of high potential temperature (θ) and low θ air on a potential vorticity surface. Self-organizing maps (SOM), a machine learning method, was used to cluster RWB events into archetypal patterns, or “flavors”, for each RWB event type (i.e., AWB and CWB). This allowed for an examination of differences in RWB event flavors, and their associated tropospheric impacts, using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) dataset. AWB and CWB flavors capture variations in the θ minima/maxima of each streamer and the localized meridional θ gradient (∇θ) flanking the streamers. Variations in the magnitude and position of ∇θ between flavors correspond to a diversity of jet structures leading to differences in vertical motion patterns and troposphere-deep circulations. A subset of flavors of AWB (CWB) events are associated with the development of strong surface high (low) pressure systems and the generation of extreme poleward moisture transport. For CWB, many events occurred in similar geographical regions, but the precipitation and moisture patterns were vastly different between flavors. 

Given these impacts and their importance for regional climates, it is important to also understand how RWB events, and their associated sensible weather features, are represented in climate models. Therefore, AWB and CWB events were identified from overturning isentropes on the dynamic tropopause (DT) in the Community Earth System Large Ensemble v2 (CESM-LENS2) climate model output during December, January, and February (DJF) 1980-2014 (i.e., historical period). RWB flavors are identified in the LENS2 for comparison to the ERA5 dataset for the same time period. Composites of tropospheric dynamic and thermodynamic fields were calculated for each RWB flavor in the LENS2 which allows for an evaluation of the impact of AWB and CWB structure on sensible weather extremes. First, the frequency of occurrence of each RWB flavor between datasets was found. Second, differences in the sensible weather features associated with each flavor were quantified. This process-orientated climate model evaluation of the LENS2 as compared to the ERA5 can provide insight into the source of model errors in the LENS2 climate model.

How to cite: LaChat, G., Bowley, K. A., and Gervais, M.: Diagnosing flavors of tropospheric Rossby wave breaking and their associated dynamical and sensible weather features , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13842,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hugo Banderier, Alexandre Tuel, Tim Woollings, and Olivia Romppainen-Martius

Recent studies have highlighted the link between upper-level jet dynamics, especially the persistence of certain configurations, and extreme summer weather in Europe. The weaker and more variable nature of the jets in summer makes it difficult to apply the tools developed to study them in winter, at least not without modifications. Here, in order to further investigate this link, we present two complementary approaches to characterize the jet dynamics in summer in the North Atlantic sector.

First, we apply a jet axis detection and tracking algorithm to ERA5 reanalysis data to extract individual jets and classify them in the canonical categories of polar and subtropical jets. Then, we compute a wide range of jet indices on each jet to provide easily interpretable scalar time series representing upper-tropospheric dynamics.

Second, we apply the self-organizing map (SOM) clustering algorithm to the same data to create a distance-preserving, discrete, 2D phase space. The dynamics can then be described by the time series of visited SOM nodes, in which a long stay in a given node relates to a persistent state and a rapid transition between nodes that are far apart relates to a sudden dramatic shift in the configuration of upper-level flow.

We first compare these two approaches to each other to assess their consistency, and then use them to relate the jet dynamics to a known driver of variability, Rossby wave breaking. Finally, we present preliminary results linking persistent jet dynamics to extreme heat events in Europe.

How to cite: Banderier, H., Tuel, A., Woollings, T., and Romppainen-Martius, O.: Complementary approaches to characterize the jet stream dynamics in summer and link them to extreme weather in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3439,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wolfgang Wicker, Emmanuele Russo, and Daniela Domeisen

Both the circulation response to climate change as well as internal atmospheric variability are marked by a meridional displacement of the extratropical storm track. It remains to be quantified how such changes in the storm track modulate the occurrence of heatwaves. We combine a composite analysis of reanalysis data with idealized model experiments to investigate the response in heatwave frequency to variations in the storm track latitude in two different datasets. In the idealized model, a forced poleward storm track shift leads to an increase in upper-tropospheric Rossby wave phase speed, and vice versa, which in turn reduces and increases heatwave frequency and duration across the mid-latitudes. A similar relationship between storm track latitude, Rossby wave phase speed, and heatwave duration is found for internal variability in reanalysis data. However, in reanalysis, a reduction in phase speed does not necessarily lead to an increased heatwave frequency due to geographically phase-locked wave trains induced by zonal asymmetries. These results shed new light on the dynamical drivers for heat extremes.

How to cite: Wicker, W., Russo, E., and Domeisen, D.: Midlatitude heatwave variability modulated by a shifting storm track, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4019,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Ruth Geen, Jacopo Riboldi, Volkmar Wirth
Sub-section: Circulation and extremes
On-site presentation
Pragallva Barpanda and Camille Li

Despite decades of research, climate models have failed to produce a consistent picture about regional variations in atmosphere blocking. The lack of sufficient model outputs has impeded the progress in unraveling the sources of biases in the model simulations. To address this issue, we perform a systematic analysis of blocking events, from two state-of-the-art climate models  with high temporal and spatial resolution — Community Earth System Model, Large Ensemble Community Project 2 (CESM LENS2) and the Norwegian Earth System Model medium resolution (NorESM2-MM) —alongside an idealised simulation featuring regionally varying CO2 forcings. A benchmark dataset of blocking events is created using the finite-amplitude local wave activity metric since it captures the growth and decay of high-amplitude Rossby waves while conserving wave activity density up to higher accuracy.  We also perform a detailed analysis of the wave activity budget to quantify the dominant physical processes that lead to biases in historical runs and processes that shift blocking patterns in warming scenario model runs.

How to cite: Barpanda, P. and Li, C.: Sources of biases in blocking representation in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17801,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Prasad Shelke, Stefan Jendersie, and Nicholas Golledge

Extreme weather events are often linked to atmospheric blocking. While a comprehensive theory of blocking is yet to be developed, the onset mechanism of these systems poses a major challenge. As a result, the representation of blocking in climate models is inadequate and consistently underestimated. Although successive improvements in the blocking representation are evident in climate models, they still underestimate the blocking frequency in the Northern Hemisphere (NH).

In this study, we observed an improvement in the representation of blocking in the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble 2 (LENS2) during winter and a notable deficiency during summer. When compared with observations, the winter blocking bias (-4% to +2%) was found to be substantially reduced, while the summer blocking exhibited a significant bias (-12% to +12%) compared to previous studies. Under the SSP370 scenario, LENS2 suggests an overall decline in winter blocking (11%) and an increase in summer blocking (12%) by the year 2100 in the NH.

The underlying reason for the underestimation of blocking in climate models is often associated with the mean jet state and stationary waves. However, the lack of an onset theory causes challenges in identifying blocking systems. There is also a missing explanation of why temporal persistence is considered specifically as 5 days. Thus, we define less persistent blocking (LPB) as a blocking regime that satisfies the flow reversal criterion and persists for less than 5 days. We found a significant presence of the frequency of LPB (~15% to 25% maximum) in the NH in both models and observations. It means that we were ignoring the presence of these blocking systems, which may have a role in driving extreme events and can potentially emerge as stronger and more persistent blocking systems in the future.

Interestingly, the hotspot of LPB includes drought-prone regions such as the western coast of the United States and well-known blocking centers such as the Euro-Atlantic and Pacific regions. This leads us to propose a new potential avenue for studying the precursors of LPB dissipation, which will provide insights into the longstanding problem of the blocking onset mechanism.

How to cite: Shelke, P., Jendersie, S., and Golledge, N.: Are we missing future extreme events by ignoring less persistent blocking?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10982,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Pyrina, Wolfgang Wicker, Andries Jan de Vries, Georgios Fragkoulidis, and Daniela I.V. Domeisen

Heatwaves that occur simultaneously over several regions, termed concurrent heatwaves, pose compounding threats to society and the environment. Amplified quasi-stationary circumglobal Rossby wave patterns (CGWPs) and high-amplitude transient non-circumglobal Rossby Wave Packets (RWPs) have been proposed as two possible explanations for the occurrence of heatwaves. The relation of these mechanisms for heatwaves has been investigated over different timescales, but their relevance for concurrent and non-concurrent heatwaves remains unexplored. In the present study we focus on daily time scales and investigate the relevance of the global CGWP amplitude and of the local RWP amplitude for the occurrence of concurrent and non-concurrent heatwaves over the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH) mid-latitudes. To distinguish between concurrent and non-concurrent heatwaves we apply a k-means clustering algorithm on all heatwaves detected in ERA5 reanalysis data within the 1959–2021 period. We identify 42 spatial clusters of heatwaves in the NH and 53 in the SH. In all identified clusters, mid-latitude heatwaves typically occur at the leading edge of RWPs where Rossby wave breaking takes place in the form of ridge building or block formation. No specific zonal wavenumber is more frequently related to the concurrent or to the non-concurrent heatwave category. However, for high global CGWP amplitudes concurrent heatwaves occur more often in the NH when the dominant zonal wavenumber is k = 7, and non-concurrent heatwaves occur more often in the SH for k = 5. The mid-latitude regions exhibiting increased heatwave probabilities under the influence of either global or local high wave amplitude, include western North America, central Europe, Black Sea, Tibet, the southwest coast of Australia, as well as the southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Over those regions, the local high amplitude RWPs increase heatwave probabilities by a factor ranging from 4 to 7, whereas the maximum factor for high global CGWP amplitude is 2. These results emphasize the importance of the daily RWP amplitude and the weak association of the global CGWP amplitude to heatwave occurrence over the NH and SH mid-latitudes. This research for the first time investigates the underlying atmospheric dynamical processes that contribute to the development of concurrent and non-concurrent heat extremes, a crucial step towards improving our understanding and ability to predict heatwave variability at weather and longer time scales.

How to cite: Pyrina, M., Wicker, W., de Vries, A. J., Fragkoulidis, G., and Domeisen, D. I. V.: Rossby wave packets driving concurrent and non-concurrent heatwaves in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10165,, 2024.

On-site presentation
El Noh and Joowan Kim

The North Pacific High is a dominant circulation system that governs the weather in the East Asian region during the summer, and its western boundary serves as a waveguide for the propagation of Rossby waves from the equatorial to mid-latitudes. The deep convection over the equatorial western Pacific usually creates Rossby waves that propagate northward along this waveguide. This meridional Rossby wave, known as the Pacific-Japan (PJ) pattern, is the dominant teleconnection pattern in the vicinity of East Asia, and it often accompanies Heatwaves.

In this study, the circulation and thermodynamic characteristics of the PJ pattern were investigated based on a daily timescale to better understand their relationship with the likelihood of heatwaves in East Asia. According to thermodynamic budget calculations, horizontal heat advection crossing the climatological flow pattern is the key factor for the observed surface air warming. The circulation pattern associated with a PJ pattern largely explains the enhanced warm advection. The overall findings of this study provide valuable insights into the development mechanisms of heatwaves on an intraseasonal timescale.

How to cite: Noh, E. and Kim, J.: The Role of the Meridional Rossby wave for Extreme Heatwaves Over East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14709,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Erez Aviv and Yohai Kaspi

The Eddy-driven jet meandering has been hypothesized to increase due to climate change. This meandering frequently induces slow-moving patterns of low and high pressure anomalies, potentially causing extreme weather events such as droughts, flooding, heat waves and cold spells. However, the quantitative link between the jet’s meandering and storms development is still lacking, as well as a conclusive mechanism for the effect of climate change on the jet’s meandering. In this study, we first separate the physical components in the atmospheric complex system using an idealized global circulation model. We outline the connection between the decreasing equator-to-pole temperature gradient due to Arctic amplification and the meandering of the jet. As the meridional temperature gradient decreases, the eddy-driven jet slows and its meridional layout widens. By Lagrangian tracking cyclones and anticyclones, we link the jet meandering to the formation of cyclones and anticyclones. Looking at more realistic simulations, using CMIP6 data and applying a similar analysis we find analogous linkage between the meandering of the jet and storm genesis under the SSP585 scenario. We will present both our new methodology and results connecting jet meandering and extreme events.

How to cite: Aviv, E. and Kaspi, Y.: Quantifying the relation betwen jet meandering and extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17739,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Athira k s and Raju Attada

Cold waves are characterized by a sharp drop in air temperatures that lasts for a few days, impacting various sectors of society, including human health, agriculture, and transportation. In India, the northern parts of the country witness the majority of cold wave events during boreal winter seasons starting from November to February. In this study, we identify the extreme cold wave events over north India during the period 1951-2020 and investigate their occurrence with rapid Arctic warming through the Quasi Resonant Amplification (QRA) fingerprint. Our findings reveal that a warm Arctic, double zonal jet formation, and amplification of (baroclinic) wave numbers 6 to 7 were observed during extreme cold waves of north India. The upper tropospheric double jet acts as waveguides, trapping the 6-7 wavenumbers, leading to the amplification of Rossby waves, resulting in the persistence of extreme cold wave conditions. Moreover, the sea ice retreat over the Barents-Kara Sea observed during the extreme cold wave events induced by the Arctic warming weakens the equator-to-pole temperature gradient. This leads to the meandering of the jetstream, and promotes the formation of atmospheric blocks. Consequently, an Omega block emerges over the Ural region leading to the advection of cold air from higher latitudes to the northern parts of the country. Hence our study concludes that the Arctic warming which is confirmed through the QRA fingerprint results in highly persistent and anomalous winter weather conditions in north India.

Key words: Extreme cold wave, Quasi Resonant Amplification, Atmospheric blocking, Arctic warming

How to cite: k s, A. and Attada, R.: Role of Arctic Warming on Extreme Cold Weather Conditions in North India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-279,, 2024.

Sub-section: Prediction, trends and projections
On-site presentation
Michael Riemer, Isabelle Prestel-Kupferer, Sören Schmidt, and Franziska Teubler

Rossby Wave Packets (RWPs) are linked to extreme weather events and exert a strong influence on the predictability of weather systems in the midlatitudes. Considering the whole wave packet, in the sense of the packet envelope, RWPs can be viewed as entities that describe variability of the atmosphere beyond the synoptic scale. We here examine the predictability of RWPs as such entities. As a verification metric we used the so-called Displacement and Amplitude Score (DAS) applied to the envelope field of the midlatitude flow. The DAS is based on a field deforming method and, as one of its major advantages, avoids the “double-penalty” verification problem without the need to identify single RWP objects. We assess RWP predictability using a 19-year period of NOAA GEFSV12 ensemble reforecasts for RWPs that have been previously tracked in reanalysis data.

Forecast errors defined by this metric asymptote towards saturation but do not completely reach saturation within the 10 days lead time available to this study. Corresponding error growth rates maximize during the medium range, in contrast to common error-growth models, in which growth rates are a maximum initially and monotonically decrease with lead time. We hypothesize that this difference relates to the lead-time dependence of error-growth mechanism. Variations in RWP predictability are dominated by the stage of the RWP life cycle, with higher predictability found for the propagation stage than the onset and decay stages. In addition, RWP predictability exhibits a seasonal cycle, with higher predictability in winter than in summer. Controlling for seasonality and the stage of the life cycle, we find i) that high-amplitude RWPs exhibit higher predictability than low-amplitude RWPs for medium-range forecasts and ii) that there is a general pattern of higher predictability over Eurasia than over the ocean basins, with some more detailed variations according to different lead times and life- cycle stages. Finally, predictability of the propagating stage is higher if forecasts are initialized after RWP onset than if initialized before onset. RWP onset thus acts as a partial predictability barrier to the subsequent propagation stage.

How to cite: Riemer, M., Prestel-Kupferer, I., Schmidt, S., and Teubler, F.: Predictability of midlatitude Rossby wave packets , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18176,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tom Keel, Chris Brierley, Thomas Frame, and Tamsin Edwards

The underlying dynamics responsible for the climatological position of jet streams are complex. In a warming world, there is mounting evidence from modelling and observational studies that amplified upper‐level tropical warming will have a poleward impact on the latitude of the tropospheric jet streams, which will continue across this century. However, existing research has also created confusion over these exact movements/trends, and as such they remain without consensus at any scale nor in any region. Here, we argue that this is in part due to the wide variety of statistics that have been used to define ‘jet latitude’ – one such method of quantifying the jet position, from which to calculate climatological shifts.

In this talk, trends associated with the latitude of the lower tropospheric jet streams are examined over the North Pacific using seven unique jet latitude statistics, four modern climate reanalysis products and CMIP6 historical simulations and future projections. Using these, we assess the relative importance of various associated uncertainties arising from choice of data, scenario, or statistic. The results show that the winter North Pacific Jet is moving polewards within both the reanalysis and climate models. The climatological trend of the North Pacific jet is found to vary by season in the reanalysis, and is most robust to choice of statistic and reanalysis dataset in winter. Finally, a poleward end-of-century shift of the jet position is shown that is robust to choice of statistic and model for autumn.

How to cite: Keel, T., Brierley, C., Frame, T., and Edwards, T.: Exploring uncertainty of trends in the lower-tropospheric North Pacific Jet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3591,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michele Filippucci and Simona Bordoni
In recent decades, a more prominent negative phase of summer NAO has been observed (Hanna et al. 2015). While evident in observations, this signal does not emerge in model projections of future climate. Therefore, the attribution of the observed trend to internal variability or to anthropogenic forcing is a topic of growing debate. Improved understanding of the recent NAO shift is urgent, given its several impacts on the climate system, such as temperature extremes at high latitudes and a pronounced acceleration of Greenland ice melting.
In this work, we try to achieve a better understanding of the concurrent causes of the observed trend by analyzing Greenland atmospheric blocking, a synoptic phenomenon that strongly anticorrelates with NAO. We choose to focus our analysis on blocking events resulting from the cyclonic breaking of Rossby waves in the Northern Atlantic. For these purposes, we develop an original Lagrangian tracking algorithm for atmospheric blocking detection based on the geopotential height gradient reversal (Davini et al. 2012), which allows us to compute the blocking events number, area, persistence and average displacement.
Results confirm how the occurence of Greenland atmospheric blocking is increasing. The frequency trend is attributed to an increased number of blocking events in summer, rather than an increased persistence, suggesting a change in the triggering mechanism. In addition, a diminuished number of blocking events in spring emerges, together with a decreased spring blocking persistence. Moreover, we apply a zonal-blocked flow decomposition to investigate to what extent the emergent mean summer geopotential height anomaly can be attributed to blocking or to mean state differences. The decomposition highlights how the anomaly is strong even in the days not interested by atmospheric blocking and how the increased frequency is rather acting as a positive feedback mechanism of the negative NAO phase.

How to cite: Filippucci, M. and Bordoni, S.: Recent Greenland warming in early summer and its link to atmospheric blocking trends in the Northern Atlantic sector, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2474,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Ruth Geen, Jacopo Riboldi, Volkmar Wirth
Sullyandro Oliveira Guimarães, Michael E. Mann, Stefan Rahmstorf, Stefan Petri, Byron A. Steinman, Daniel J. Brouillette, Shannon Christiansen, and Xueke Li

High-amplitude quasi-stationary atmospheric Rossby waves with zonal wave numbers 6-8 associated with the phenomenon of quasi-resonant amplification (QRA) have been linked to persistent summer extreme weather events in the Northern Hemisphere. QRA is not well-resolved in current generation climate models, however, necessitating an alternative approach to assessing their behavior. Using a previously-developed fingerprint-based semi-empirical approach, we project future occurrence of QRA events based on a QRA index derived from the zonally averaged surface temperature field, comparing results from CMIP5 and CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project). There is a general agreement among models, with most simulations projecting substantial increase in QRA index. Larger increases are found among CMIP6-SSP5-8.5 (42 models, 46 realizations), with 85% of models displaying a positive trend, as compared with 60% of CMIP5-RCP8.5 (33 models, 75 realizations), with a reduced spread among SSP5-8.5 models. CMIP6-SSP3-7.0 (25 models, 28 realizations) simulations display qualitatively similar behavior to SSP5-8.5, indicating a substantial increase in QRA events under business-as-usual emissions scenarios, and the results hold regardless of the increase in climate sensitivity in CMIP6. Also, the aerosol forcing plays a substantial role in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models; a reduction in aerosol loading reduces Arctic amplification, and mitigates potential increases in QRA-related persistent extreme weather events. Our analysis suggests that anthropogenic warming will likely lead to an even more substantial increase in QRA events (and associated summer weather extremes) than indicated by past analyses.

How to cite: Oliveira Guimarães, S., E. Mann, M., Rahmstorf, S., Petri, S., A. Steinman, B., J. Brouillette, D., Christiansen, S., and Li, X.: Increased quasi-resonant amplification and persistent summer weather extremes in multimodel climate projections with high emissions and aerosol forcing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18545,, 2024.

Shuaiqiong Ma, Bo Pang, Riyu Lu, and Xingyan Zhou

This study investigates the large-scale circulation anomalies induced by straight-moving tropical cyclones (TCs) over the western North Pacific (WNP) during winter. Corresponding to the straight-moving TCs, a quasi-stationary wave train is excited as alternative geopotential height anomalies in the upper troposphere stretching from East Asia to the North Pacific. Specifically, the anomalous anticyclones are initially formed over East Asia to the north of TCs and then lead to the subsequent anomalies in the downstream areas. Further analysis reveals that the upper-level anticyclonic anomalies are excited by negative Rossby wave sources, which are mainly attributed to the poleward vorticity advection by anomalous divergence relevant to TCs. In addition, the diagnosis indicates that the generation of wave source is caused by the product of the TC-induced divergent flows and the prominent meridional vorticity gradient in association with East Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet. The above processes differ from the recurving TCs in summer and autumn, which undergo extratropical transition when they move northward into the mid latitude. These findings imply that the tropical disturbances over the WNP, such as straight-moving TCs, can remotely affect weather over the extratropics, and thus have implications for improving the weather forecast over the extratropics through improving tropical disturbance forecast. 

How to cite: Ma, S., Pang, B., Lu, R., and Zhou, X.: Straight-moving tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific trigger the wave trains over the North Pacific during winter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2521,, 2024.

Michael Schutte and Gabriele Messori

Stratospheric wave reflection events involve the upward propagation of planetary waves, which are subsequently reflected downward by the stratospheric polar vortex. This unique phenomenon establishes a crucial connection of large-scale atmospheric dynamics between the troposphere and stratosphere. In this study, wave reflection events are defined via increased poleward eddy heat flux over the Northwest Pacific and increased equatorward eddy heat flux over Canada. While previous research has pointed out a link between these events and an abrupt temperature decrease across North America, the dynamical mechanisms remain less clear. In order to advance the comprehension of the large-scale atmospheric dynamics during stratospheric wave reflection events, meridional eddy heat flux, Rossby wave activity and geopotential height are studied. Around the end of stratospheric wave reflection events an oscillation in meridional eddy heat flux towards opposite values is present over the Northwest Pacific and Canada in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. A westward-propagating ridge, associated with a positive anomaly of geopotential height, and development of a trough downstream can explain this oscillation. East of the ridge, colder air than usual is advected southwards in the lower troposphere over North America. This results in different anomalies of meridional eddy heat flux closer to the surface compared to the upper troposphere. The large-scale circulation anomalies align vertically from the lower troposphere up to the stratosphere and mirror the shift from a Pacific Trough to an Alaskan Ridge. Furthermore, stratospheric wave reflection events exert a far-reaching influence on atmospheric circulation across the mid-latitude and polar Northern Hemisphere. One example is the occurrence of windy extremes over Europe together with changes in mid-latitude jet stream position and strength over the Atlantic at the same time as the temperature decreases to below average values over North America.

How to cite: Schutte, M. and Messori, G.: Investigating Stratospheric Wave Reflection Events and their Implications for Northern Hemisphere Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3781,, 2024.

Chiem van Straaten, Tamara Happé, Fabio D'Andrea, and Dim Coumou

Summertime trend analysis reveals that regions in the NH midlatitudes experience a marked set of changes in surface temperature, sea level pressure, and upper-atmosphere streamfunction. Among these changes are deeper Atlantic lows, extreme Western European temperatures, and stronger highs over Western Russia. As these regional signatures tend to lie outside the range of CMIP6 model simulations they might constitute a joined dynamic response that is missed by the models. Here, we examine to what degree the regional signatures cohere as one increasingly prevalent circumglobal wave, or to what degree they reflect distinct regional processes. For this we use both ERA-5 reanalysis data and a selection of CMIP6 climate model simulations. In the process, we try to better understand the mismatch between observations and climate models.

How to cite: van Straaten, C., Happé, T., D'Andrea, F., and Coumou, D.: Disentangling wave-like atmospheric trends in the northern hemisphere midlatitudes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5206,, 2024.

Mehmet Sedat Gözlet, Joakim Kjellsson, and Mojib Latif

In the context of a warming Arctic, the behavior of jet streams, as they increasingly meander, is becoming more intricate and variable. In this study, we analyzed approximately 50 models, in total, from the CMIP6 project and ERA5 reanalysis to quantify jet stream waviness and its response to climate change. We found varying trends and spatiotemporally dependent significance levels in jet stream meandering, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, linked to rising CO2 levels and natural climatic variability.

Building on this foundation, our research delved into the complex patterns of jet stream meandering. We analyzed The Diagnostic Evaluation and Characterization of Klima (DECK) experiments within the CMIP6 framework—AMIP, piControl, and a scenario with a 1% per year CO2 concentration increase—including 21, 18, and 13 models, respectively. These specific datasets and models provided a robust foundation for unraveling the climatic factors affecting the jet stream's trajectory and variations. Spanning from 1979 to 2014, our analysis uses daily geopotential height readings to quantify jet stream waviness and assess the impact of climate change.

The analysis centers on normalizing arc lengths to measure jet stream waviness using the meandering index (M-Index). Additionally, the study investigates median and minimum waviness in Eurasia, the North Atlantic, North America, and the North Pacific to explore regional effects. These insights reveal significant seasonal variations and trends in jet stream behavior, crucial for understanding the impact of climate change on atmospheric dynamics.

In conclusion, this study aligns with the IPCC AR6, thoroughly investigating the complex nature of jet stream meandering and illuminating the roles of CO2 and natural variability. By adhering to the diverse metrics outlined by the IPCC, our research methodically quantifies jet stream trends with the help of M-Index calculations. This thorough exploration dissects the complex interplay between global warming and atmospheric behavior, demonstrating the depth and analytical rigor that is characteristic of climate research aligned with IPCC standards.

How to cite: Gözlet, M. S., Kjellsson, J., and Latif, M.: A Warming Climate's Wandering Jet: Investigating Jet Stream Waviness with Hemispheric and Regional Lenses, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13173,, 2024.

Thomas Frame, Dominic Jones, John Methven, and Paul Berrisford

Near stationarity of large-scale Rossby waves can be associated with extreme seasons e.g. high seasonal rainfall or persistent hot or cold weather. Here we investigate the dependence of quasi-stationary waves on the structure the background zonal flow. Idealised experiments are performed using a global primitive equation model with a weak relaxation to a baroclinically unstable background zonal mean state in which the latitude and strength of the jet can controlled. This unstable background state generates sustained wave activity through repeated baroclinic lifecycles.

To link the structure of the jet the evolution of Rossby waves, modes of variability are extracted using the Empirical Normal Mode (ENM) technique. This technique extracts the dominant modes of variability which like dynamical modes are orthogonal with respect to a psuedo-momentum (wave activity) norm.  Due to the choice of norm these modes possess an intrinsic linear phase-speed determined by their structure in the same way it would be for dynamical modes. It is found that despite the non-linearity of the simulations the flow is dominated by a few ENMs whose depend systematically on the background state jet latitude and strength in a manner which can be well understood through the dynamics of modes. It is suggested that seasons with anomalously persistent mid-latitude Rossby wave activity may be related to the interannual variability in the background state zonal flow.

How to cite: Frame, T., Jones, D., Methven, J., and Berrisford, P.: Dependence of quasi-stationary Rossby waves on the background zonal flow, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17046,, 2024.

Robert Jnglin Wills, Adam Herrington, Isla Simpson, and David Battisti

Canonical understanding based on general circulation models (GCMs) is that the atmospheric circulation response to midlatitude sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies is weak compared to the larger influence of tropical SST anomalies. However, the horizontal resolution of modern GCMs, ranging from roughly 300 km to 25 km, is too coarse to fully resolve mesoscale atmospheric processes such as weather fronts. Here, we investigate the large-scale atmospheric circulation response to idealized Gulf Stream SST anomalies in Community Atmosphere Model (CAM6) simulations with 14-km regional grid refinement over the North Atlantic, and compare it to the response in simulations with 28-km regional refinement and uniform 111-km resolution. The highest resolution simulations show a large positive response of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) to positive SST anomalies in the Gulf Stream, a 0.8-standard-deviation anomaly in the seasonal-mean NAO for 2°C SST anomalies. The lower-resolution simulations show a weaker response with a different spatial structure. The enhanced large-scale circulation response results from an increase in resolved vertical motions with resolution and an associated increase in the influence of SST anomalies on transient-eddy heat and momentum fluxes in the free troposphere. In response to positive SST anomalies, these processes lead to a stronger North Atlantic jet that varies less in latitude, as is characteristic of positive NAO anomalies. Our results suggest that the atmosphere responds differently to midlatitude SST anomalies in higher-resolution models and that regional refinement in key regions offers a potential pathway to improve multi-year regional climate predictions based on midlatitude SSTs.

How to cite: Jnglin Wills, R., Herrington, A., Simpson, I., and Battisti, D.: Resolving weather fronts increases the large-scale circulation response to Gulf Stream SST anomalies in variable-resolution CESM2 simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1967,, 2024.

Biyo Thomas, Ravi Kumar Kunchala, Bhupendra Bahadur Singh, and Niranjan Kumar Kondapalli

Rossby wave breaking (RWB) is a significant pathway for intrusion of stratospheric ozone into the troposphere. These events increase tropospheric ozone, which influences the greenhouse effect, atmospheric chemistry, and local ecosystems. As RWBs frequently affect the Indian subcontinent, a comprehensive study is required to understand the impact of RWB-induced ozone variations in the troposphere over the study region. To identify the RWB events, we used a contour searching algorithm and analyzed them for the period from 2004 to 2021 for Indian domain. Furthermore, we analyzed the anomalous ozone variability during the detected RWB event days using the CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) and two independent satellite data sets, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). Additionally, we utilized ground-based observations from the CPCB to examine the influence of RWB on the changes in surface ozone. The results of our study suggest that the CAMS reanalysis agrees well with the two independent satellite products, which provide a comprehensive understanding of ozone variability from various datasets. The upper-level potential vorticity anomaly allows ozone evolution to begin a few days before the strongest breaking time and intensify on the strongest day. Moreover, RWB enables the vertical intrusion of ozone down to 750 hPa, with variations observed from one case to another. Intrusion strength yields diverse tropospheric column increments (e.g., 190.5 ppbv at 100-150 hPa). Surface ozone response (850 hPa) to RWB correlates with intrusion intensity, resulting in 10-19 ppbv ozone anomalies. This could arise from the augmented tropospheric column ozone due to turbulent mixing. These findings deepen our understanding of RWB–related ozone variability and its impact on surface levels.

How to cite: Thomas, B., Kunchala, R. K., Singh, B. B., and Kondapalli, N. K.: Variations in tropospheric ozone driven by Rossby Wave Breaking events over the Indian subcontinent through Remote Sensing Retrievals, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3478,, 2024.

Albert Ossó and Florian Ennemoser

Persistent fluctuations in the latitudinal position of the North Atlantic jet stream are associated with extreme weather anomalies, particularly over Europe. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how the jet stream persistence might change in response to increased greenhouse gases to deliver useful regional climate projections. This study examines the persistence of the North Atlantic jet stream latitudinal fluctuations in CMIP6 and ERA5. We found that CMIP6 models consistently overestimate the persistence compared to ERA5 during the historical period. This discrepancy appears linked to too weak transient eddies over the NATL in CMIP6 models.

By the end of the XXI century, CMIP6 models forced with the SSP585 scenario project a reduction of the jet fluctuations persistence of about 10% during the summer season. The evidence suggests this reduction is linked to a slower NATL jet during the summer months.        

How to cite: Ossó, A. and Ennemoser, F.: CMIP6 models overestimate the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet persistence , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9806,, 2024.

Maosheng He and Jeffrey M. Forbes

Second harmonic generation (SHG) is widely used in nonlinear optics and radio science in various systems.  SHG broadens spectral variability and cascades energy across distinct spatial-temporal scales. Numerical simulations of SHGs of Rossby wave normal modes date back decades. In this study, we report an SHG event of a Rossby wave observed in the  atmosphere. Analyzing meteor-radar wind observations over the European and Asian sectors during the sudden stratosphere warming in winter 2018–2019, we identify two transient waves with periods of 16 and 8 days. Temporal evolution, frequency and wavenumber relations, as well as phase couplings revealed by bicoherence and bispectral analyses, confirm that the 16-day signature is an atmospheric manifestation of a Rossby wave normal mode, and its SHG generates the 8-day signature. Our findings validate the theoretically expected Rossby wave nonlinearity.

The current work was publised and featured by Nature Communications at

How to cite: He, M. and Forbes, J. M.: Atmospheric Rossby wave second harmonic generation observed in the 2018–2019 sudden stratosphere warming event, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10011,, 2024.

Iana Strigunova, Richard Blender, Frank Lunkeit, and Nedjeljka Žagar

This study identifies discrepancies in signatures of the Eurasian heat waves (EHWs) in the reanalyses and climate models. The scale-dependent analysis considers the global Rossby wave spectrum for the extended boreal summer using daily values of the Rossby wave mechanical energy. We filter Rossby waves using a multivariate, 3D projection of the horizontal velocity and geopotential fields onto a set of orthogonal normal-mode functions. Our previous study has found that Rossby wave energy follows a χ2-distribution with skewness related to the number of degrees of freedom. During EHWs, the skewness of the normalised energy anomaly distributions increases with a corresponding decrease in the number of active degrees of freedom, implying fewer modes involved. Fewer modes indicate a blocking structure that is identified as an increase in the Rossby wave amplitude in the middle troposphere during EHWs.
Here, we compare the spatial structure and energy distributions of the troposphere-barotropic Rossby waves in the subset of CMIP5 models with findings from reanalyses. The increase in planetary Rossby wave amplitudes is first identified for the present-day climate. Significant differences among the models are found regarding the change in the skewness of the Rossby wave energy distribution and hence the number of active degrees of freedom during EHWs. The results highlight inconsistencies in simulating the day-to-day variability of planetary Rossby waves during EHWs in the CMIP models despite the overall agreement in the mean circulation and EHW metrics based on surface data reported in previous studies. The results of this study have potential implications for the interpretation of projected changes in Rossby waves and EHWs in future CMIP climate simulations. 

How to cite: Strigunova, I., Blender, R., Lunkeit, F., and Žagar, N.: Inconsistencies of signatures of Eurasian heat waves in the large-scale Rossby waves in CMIP models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11401,, 2024.

Keon-Hee Cho and Eun-Hee Lee

Blocking is one of the important meteorological phenomena that triggers severe weather in mid-latitudes. The blocking is considered a significant challenge in model predictions, and various studies have been conducted to enhance model predictability of blocking. For these reasons, this study aims to diagnose blocking using the KIM, discuss errors caused by blocking, and utilize it for further analysis. The method used to detect blocking involved the reversal method, considering conditions lasting for more than 5 days. We classified blocking into two types based on the direction of Rossby-Wave Breaking (RWB) during the sustained period. It was found that the classified blocking exhibits different impacts and areas of mid-latitude severe weathers. The distinction for the impacted areas of blocking based on the RWB enabled the definition of the influenced area for the classified blocking. Using this approach, we diagnosed patterns of errors observed in various experiments through the KIM.

How to cite: Cho, K.-H. and Lee, E.-H.: Diagnostics of Northern Hemisphere blocking as simulated by Korean Integrated Model (KIM), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14610,, 2024.

Ian White, Orli Lachmy, and Nili Harnik

Diabatic heating due to latent heat release in the storm tracks plays an important but poorly understood role in the maintenance of the zonal-mean midlatitude circulation. To examine how the midlatitude circulation is maintained in the presence of diabatic heating on either side of the jet, a dry model is used to apply mid-tropospheric perturbations to the radiative equilibrium temperature profile to which the model is relaxed, constituting an intermediate step between an externally-imposed diabatic heating and a setup that allows for full diabatic feedbacks. By applying transient switch-on perturbations at various latitudes, the mechanisms by which an equilibrated state is reached are examined. In all cases, the equilibrated circulation exhibits a dynamically-stable structure where the eddies maintain a region of concentrated baroclinicity, latitudinally shifted away from the region of the heating perturbation. However, the initial response is generally very different. When the heating is poleward of the jet, there is an initial thermal-wind adjustment to the heating and weakened eddy heat fluxes, followed later by weakened eddy momentum fluxes aloft that maintain an equilibrated equatorward shift of the jet. Conversely, when the heating is equatorward of the jet, the evolution is more complex with an initial strengthening of the eddy heat fluxes and a weakening of the Hadley cell to balance the heating, in addition to a thermal-wind adjustment that immediately modifies the critical latitudes and thus, the eddy momentum fluxes. These momentum-flux changes encourage a poleward propagation of the anomalies from the subtropics to midlatitudes over 40 days, where they straddle the jet and ultimately yield an equilibrated poleward jet shift. When the heating is at the jet core, the circulation simply weakens rather than exhibiting any latitudinal shift. These mechanisms of self-concentration of the baroclinicity are discussed and compared with previously proposed mechanisms of jet self-maintenance.

How to cite: White, I., Lachmy, O., and Harnik, N.: Influence of diabatic heating on the maintenance of the midlatitude jet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11628,, 2024.