EOS2.1 | Open session on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Open session on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Co-organized by GM12
Convener: Elizabeth Petrie | Co-convener: Zoltán Erdős
| Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16, Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall A
Orals |
Thu, 16:15
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
In this session we encourage contributions of general interest within the Higher Education community which are not covered by other sessions. The session is open to all areas involving the teaching of geoscience and related fields in higher education. Examples might include describing a new resource available to the community, presenting a solution to a teaching challenge, pros and cons of a new technique/technology, linking science content to societally relevant challenges/issues, developing critical thinking skills through the curriculum and effective strategies for online/remote instruction and/or hybrid/blended learning. Our intent with this session is to foster international discourse on common challenges and strategies for educators within the broader field of Earth Sciences - let's share, discuss and develop effective practice.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Elizabeth Petrie, Zoltán Erdős
On-site presentation
Irene Loriga, Larissa Macedo, Therese Kenna, Ed Jarvis, Mohit Tunwal, and Aaron Lim

Ireland is well known for its vast and diverse geological heritage and landscape. However, it is unlikely that the average person will get to visit all of these sites due to remoteness and financial constraints. In addition, fieldwork itself can beconsiderably exclusive and dangerous for a large demographic of Irish Society. Many students with disabilities or financial constraints may never be able to practice field geosciences or gain basic field skills. This can exclude them from completing their degrees or hinder potential career opportunities. The COVID-19 Pandemic is a recent example of how a number of years of Irish geoscience graduates were not able to develop field skills due to social distancing constraints. But, technological and geospatial methods have advanced and digital skills have become as important as field skills. One solution is the creation of virtual reality (VR) fieldtrips with real world scales and geographic co-ordinates that not only give access to people globally and the excluded demographic mentioned above but can also act as an aid for pre-fieldtrip investigations. The VR field course can be accessed by anyone with a PC and VR headset. This project aims to acquire geospatially corrected photogrammetric data using a combination of low cost tools such a UAVs and smartphones. These data will be processed using well-developed photogrammetry workflows and be imported to Unity, an Open Source gaming engine, in which a student can navigate across the environment and record real geographic measurements (length and thickness of units, strike and dip, orientation, stratigraphic log and core samples). On a broader scale, this project will act as a pilot for a longer term aim where a catalogue of Irish and internationally recognised virtual fieldtrips will be made to support geoscience teaching in Ireland and abroad.

How to cite: Loriga, I., Macedo, L., Kenna, T., Jarvis, E., Tunwal, M., and Lim, A.: The development and impact of VR fieldtrips on Geoscience Curricula, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4738, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4738, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rachel Murtagh, Peter Joynt, and Holly Chapman

Seequent knows how important the study of earth-related sciences is to shape a better future for our planet. With dwindling interest from the younger digital native generation, widespread defunding, and departmental cuts, it is imperative the geoscience community respond rapidly and holistically with a digital-first mindset. That's why Seequent, as a world-leading, integrated subsurface software company are committed to investing in Visible Geology, proffering a revolutionary web-based application that is free and accessible to all.

Visible Geology helps students grasp fundamental geological concepts in a captivating and fun, digital environment. Move beyond traditional 2D and paper-based methods, and empower students with immersive 3D modelling, collaborative classroom features, and digitised stereonets unlike anything you’ve seen before.

For educators, Visible Geology’s simple, intuitive interface makes it’s effortless to modernize teaching practices and integrate into your curriculum. Plus, it’s fun – you’ll enjoy exploring topographies, intrusions, cross-sections, drill holes, and even stereonets just as much as your students.

In this presentation, I will introduce and demonstrate the Visible Geology application, showcasing several key features and workflows. I will share information and resources for the audience to not only avail of themselves but for them to contribute, add and evolve. I will present them with the opportunity to become a part of the effort to collaborate, strategize and advance geoscientific education in the most modern and exciting way. 


How to cite: Murtagh, R., Joynt, P., and Chapman, H.: Visible Geology: a revolutionary shift in earth-related science education is here., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8230, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8230, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Subham Patra, T Sumit Singha, Megh Kanvinde, Angana Mazumder, and Swastika Kanjilal

The meteoric rise of AI language models like ChatGPT has undoubtedly reshaped various industries, and education stands poised to benefit from its advanced capabilities. This study delves into the specific realm of geoscience education, a field traditionally characterized by hands-on fieldwork, intricate visualizations, and rigorous scientific demands. We examine the potential and pitfalls of integrating ChatGPT into this unique domain, drawing insights from a survey of 94 geoscience students in Mumbai and rigorous performance tests of the model itself.

The survey paints a fascinating picture of ChatGPT's current landscape among geoscience students. While 64% reported not using it (or rarely) for academic purposes, and 59% remained unaware of its potential beyond text generation, its popularity for self-study and quick information access is undeniable. This hints at a nascent understanding of the model's capabilities, indicating a fertile ground for responsible integration. However, limitations and ethical concerns require immediate attention. The testing phase unearthed a double-edged sword. ChatGPT's ability to generate content proved impressive, demonstrably improving abstract writing quality and potentially offering personalized learning materials. However, its reliability came under scrutiny, particularly in interpreting geological visuals – a core skill in geoscience. Moreover, inherent biases woven into its responses raise ethical concerns about misinformation and the propagation of skewed perspectives within a field demanding precise objectivity. Pedagogically, ChatGPT presents a treasure trove of opportunities for educators. It can facilitate customization of learning paths tailored to individual needs, streamlining assessments that free up valuable teaching time, and engaging simulations that bring abstract concepts to life. Yet, harnessing this potential demands a balanced human-machine approach. Critical thinking, creativity, and ethical considerations remain the exclusive realm of human educators, necessitating a collaborative environment where AI complements, not replaces, human guidance. Ethically, the study throws up red flags. AI-generated plagiarism, the challenge of identifying ChatGPT-written content in assessments, and the potential misuse of student data demand immediate attention. Establishing clear guidelines for responsible AI use and fostering critical awareness among students are essential steps towards ethical integration. In conclusion, ChatGPT in geoscience education is a story still unfolding. While its potential to revolutionize learning is undeniable, navigating its limitations and ethical challenges requires careful consideration. Striking a harmonious balance between the power of AI and the irreplaceable role of human teachers is key to unlocking the full potential of this technology, ensuring geoscience education continues to produce skilled professionals equipped to understand and protect our planet in a responsible and ethical manner.

How to cite: Patra, S., Singha, T. S., Kanvinde, M., Mazumder, A., and Kanjilal, S.: ChatGPT in Geoscience Education: Revolutionizing Learning or Ethical Minefield?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16918, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Savvas Raptis, Slava Merkin, Sandy Atunes, Brent Smith, Chris Jeschke, Eric Winter, and Michael Wiltberger

Cloud computing has gained substantial momentum across diverse applications in recent years, notably in scientific computing, collaborative research, and large-scale machine learning operations. Its integration of data and code within a unified system facilitates swift data transfer and sharing among various research groups. However, despite its prominence in research, cloud computing usage in education is still limited beyond computer science courses.

Embracing this technological shift presents an opportunity for graduate students and early-career researchers to familiarize themselves with these tools, contributing to open research and facilitating global collaboration.

In this work, we explore from a user perspective the use of cloud computing in two NASA projects, particularly the Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) and Heliocloud, shedding light on how these initiatives can benefit the scientific community. By bridging higher education with academic and research environments through workshops and tutorials, these efforts can play a pivotal role in educating the next generation of researchers.

How to cite: Raptis, S., Merkin, S., Atunes, S., Smith, B., Jeschke, C., Winter, E., and Wiltberger, M.: Heliophysics Applications on Education and Research using Cloud Computing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13622, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13622, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Tercio Ambrizzi, and Lívia Mosso Dutra

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 represented a major break from the education world as we knew it. This was particularly true for the higher education sector, with lecturers around the world having to move their traditionally in-person activities to a virtual setting - in general without any previous experience or training. While many of the experiences have been widely reported at college- and undergraduate-level, not much has been said about teaching at postgraduate level, particularly at research-level degrees such as doctorates.

In this presentation, we will share our practitioner experience in designing a postgraduate research module in one of our areas of expertise, which is marine biogeochemistry modelling, and subsequently re-developing and delivering it under the constraints of the pandemic. We will discuss the challenges we faced, as well as the many of the opportunities that emerged from them, some of which led to innovative approaches that created a more authentic research experience to the students.

How to cite: de Melo Viríssimo, F., Ambrizzi, T., and Mosso Dutra, L.: Developing and teaching a postgraduate module to research students: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20024, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20024, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pedro Torralbo, Rafael Pimentel, Javier Aparicio, and María José Polo

Globalization, population growth and climate changes are directly impacting the global water cycle with consequences at the local scale. For instance, water extremes, scarcity and flooding, have overpassed the natural cycles to which water managers were used to. These breaking boundary conditions are particularly present in Mediterranean semiarid areas such as the Andalucia region, southern of Spain. These new scenarios require updated management strategies and skills in the water management field, Civil engineers have a crucial role, not only in the designing of new infrastructure but also in the planification and participation at the political debate from different perspectives. Therefore, these new skills and competences have to be developed during the undergraduate period. In fact, the use of new teaching methodologies and strategies has become a very common tool in the higher education system. Specifically, subjects such as Hydrology can create the right environment where students can be trained to propose solutions and resolve water management conflicts in which numerous interests are present. Therefore, the use of teaching strategies such as role play debates for the resolution of water conflicts appear as a fundamental methodology in the civil engineering field. 

This work presents the results of the implementation of role play in the subject of Hydrology in the Civil Engineering program at the University of Cordoba during the last 5 academic years. The role-play fronts students into a real water conflict scenario: A generalized drought and 10 months without rainfall make it impossible to meet the needs of both society and irrigation communities in two towns. One of the municipalities wants to build a small dam for water management and leisure activities; however, the vicinity municipality, which is located within the catchment, is not in favor of the construction of this infrastructure. All the agents involved in the water conflict are represented by students. The roles were assigned randomly to the students.

The experiment has two periods, the first one was a pilot case during the 2019-2020 to enable us the definition of the best assignment. The second period from 2020-2021 until 2023-2024 represents the 4 years study case, where students have faced the same hydrological scenario, in two phases, one face-to-face with oral debate, and another online and written in which the role of the first face-to-face part was changed.

The student performance results are complemented with three kinds of surveys, i) an quality improvement survey, ii) self-analysis of acquired competences and iii) a pre debate and post event survey that analyzes the student perspective on water management. The results obtained were very satisfactory. The competencies that the students consider to have improved the most are i) ability to argue and defend ideas, ii) ability to research information and iii) ability to develop a critical spirit. Moreover, overall satisfaction with the activity has been very high in all years.

How to cite: Torralbo, P., Pimentel, R., Aparicio, J., and Polo, M. J.: How to deal with water conflicts? The use of role play at engineering schools for fronting real situations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11429, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Sarah Owen, Gary Priestnall, and Liam Clark

Navigating the transition to university life can negatively impact on student wellbeing, with poor mental health and lower levels of life satisfaction increasingly reported amongst university students. Moving away from home, managing workloads and financial pressures are often identified as some of the top concerns impacting student wellbeing. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds, international students, mature students, LGBTQIA+ students and neurodiverse students have also been identified as more likely to be affected by wellbeing issues, alongside those who have experienced bereavement or trauma, asylum seekers and refugees, and students with underlying health conditions. 
Acknowledging these challenges, this paper describes and reflects on the design and implementation of a first-year undergraduate creative mapping exercise focusing on student wellbeing. This forms part of the assessment in a large (200+ students) compulsory GIS module in the School of Geography at the University of Nottingham. Students are asked to create an individual interactive wellbeing map appropriate to a first-year undergraduate student at the University using ArcGIS Online. They are supported to explore and reflect on what wellbeing is, what it looks like or means to them, and to become familiar with the support services, activities, places or facilities across the University of Nottingham's Park Campus that might support and nurture positive wellbeing experiences. Students are provided with GIS cartographic training in ArcGIS Online to facilitate the completion of their personalised digital wellbeing map that serves as a point of reference during their academic studies. This assessment was designed by the GIS team in the School of Geography in conjunction with the University of Nottingham’s Wellbeing and support team. It has successfully run over the last five years reaching over 1000 students and tackling contemporary topics including the COVID-19 pandemic and current cost-of-living crisis. 
This paper will focus specifically on how wellbeing was woven into the delivery of this compulsory first-year module GIS curriculum.  It will explore the decisions behind the GIS content included, software and technologies used, the placement of this wellbeing task in the wider pastoral School of Geography undergraduate programme alongside the choice to build creative opportunities into the assessment to further promote wellbeing. Experiences from the last five years will be shared from staff and student feedback, reflecting on some of the challenges and sensitivities encountered alongside showing some examples of the wellbeing maps themselves. It is hoped that this paper will inspire practitioners to consider the impact and position of their modules (particularly large first-year compulsory teaching groups) to tackle and raise awareness of student wellbeing, alongside the impact of creative assessment as a positive engagement opportunity for students. 

How to cite: Owen, S., Priestnall, G., and Clark, L.: Interactive Wellbeing Maps: Experiences from a compulsory undergraduate GIS assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12930, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12930, 2024.

On-site presentation
Erik Schultes and Barbara Magagna

GO FAIR is an international, bottom-up movement dedicated to adhering as closely as possible to the FAIR Guiding Principles in the implementation of data and services as outlined in the seminal paper from 2016 (https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18).

Collaborating with a broad spectrum of stakeholders since 2018, the GO FAIR Foundation (GFF, see https://www.gofair.foundation/) has developed the Three Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) that assists communities to better roadmap their FAIR aspirations. The 3PFF provides practical “how to” guidance to communities seeking to go FAIR. The main objective is to maximize the reuse of existing implementations, improve interoperability, and accelerate convergence on standards and technologies supporting FAIR data and services. 

3PFF refers to three key decision points of FAIRification:

-        FAIR Implementation Profile: A community effort facilitated by GFF to declare the use of FAIR-Enabling Resources addressing each of the FAIR Principles.

-        Machine Actionable Metadata as a central FAIR-Enabling Resource to meet domain-relevant metadata requirements. These can be specified and extended based on general standards in Metadata for Machines (M4M) workshops

-        FAIR Orchestration of FAIR-Enabling Resources on FAIR repositories such as FAIR Data Points or as FAIR Digital Objects.

3PFF workshops are in high demand within the international community including Environmental Research Infrastructures. More than 50 workshops facilitated by the GFF have been requested by stakeholders from a broad range of research areas. There is a clear need for training additional qualified facilitators who can subsequently lead these workshops locally from within their institutions. 

For this purpose, GFF has developed a FAIR Capacity Building Programme (https://osf.io/bthf8), to provide professional and qualified training for data stewards who aim to use 3PFF methods in their daily work. The FAIR Capacity Building Programme is designed to save costs and increase independence by embedding expertise within the organization.  The programme distinguishes between facilitators and trainers.

3PFF Event Facilitators: The GFF teaches and qualifies people in the facilitation of FAIR Awareness lectures, FIP workshops and Introductory M4M workshops. The Facilitator program consists of 80 hours of training, covering lectures, hands-on skill development, and participating with and assisting qualified instructors in conducting workshops. Facilitators also will also have developed skills to guide the creation of long-term FAIR governance structures that are essential for all organizations.

3PFF Event Trainers:  The 3PFF Trainer program delivers advanced instruction on methods and tools for individuals who are already qualified 3PFF Facilitators, but who also aim to train others in running 3PFF workshops. This “train-the-trainer” program consists of additional 80 hours of training and candidates must have a minimum of one year of experience as an active GFF Qualified 3PFF Facilitator before enrolling in the Trainer Module.

The GFF runs 3PFF training courses multiple times per year for 12-25 trainees, at a cost of € 4000 per student and training module.

How to cite: Schultes, E. and Magagna, B.: A Capacity Building Program for developing FAIR skills, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12552, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ralf Löwner and Peter Löwe

The University of Applied Sciences in Neubrandenburg, Germany has developed an independent and unique profile with regard to applied research, development, and knowledge transfer. This especially applies to the Bachelor and Master programmes in Geomatics within the Landscape Sciences and Geomatics department.

Geoinformatics involves using all information that has a spatial reference. Some of the major areas are the recording and representation of the Earth’s surface (cartography and land registry), the processing of aerial photography and satellite and radar images, as well as geographic information systems. Application programs, databases, the Internet and software development form the basis for the use of geoinformatics in the geosciences, such as geodesy, geography, geology, geophysics and ecology.

Geoinformatics requires a high degree of interdisciplinary work and this means that graduates enjoy excellent and exciting career opportunities in various application areas such as environmental protection, environmental monitoring, landuse planning, tourism and leisure industry, agriculture, and forestry.

The curricula for both the undergraduate and postgraduate courses are strongly oriented towards the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), open data and open standards. Since 2022 the studies include facultative seminars on Open Science / FAIR and Open Research Software. These courses reflect the paradigms of Open and FAIR and introduce the students to the values and best practices developed by the global open geospatial communities. The course provides a holistic overview and introduction to the organization, infrastructures and stakeholders of the OSGeo Foundation as an umbrella organization of quality-tested Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects, giving an overview of the software projects themselves (including OSGeoLive, QGIS and libraries such as gdal and proj), as well as the networked organizational structures such as GeoForAll, the national and regional OSGeo chapters, and the FOSS4G conference series, and providing opportunities for student participation and career building.

Taking this as a starting point, Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences is aiming to participate in the global GeoFoAll Labs community in the mid-term.

How to cite: Löwner, R. and Löwe, P.: Open Science and FAIR in Geoinformatics education: Reality check, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18508, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18508, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tom Arne Rydningen and Stine Bjordal-Olsen

The main challenge for master students is to start with the thesis writing. A common hard nut to crack for students at the beginning of the writing process is to decide which geological concepts to include in the introduction and background chapters, and how to present scientific content clearly without repetitions. They therefore often spend a lot of time in the initial stages of the work, and the challenges continue for the students in the later stages, where they struggle with separating new observations from results already presented by others. Furthermore, the master thesis is often the first time in their geoscientific career that the students are faced with constructive criticism on their written work. Although well-intended by the supervisor and aimed to help with the thesis work, this may sometimes be difficult to handle for the students.

The ability to structure a text efficiently, discuss problems in an advanced way by including new observations, and improve a scientific text through feedback are essential skills to master. These skills are highly valued both in academia and in other geoscientific workplaces. To address the challenges in the thesis work of the students, we have developed a scientific writing guide that aims to strengthen the master students conceptual understanding of how a scientific text should be structured. This guide also shows how feedback from the supervisor can be used to ease the writing process and improve the quality of the master thesis.

To illustrate how a text should be structured and address feedback, the guide includes short drafts from each section of a master thesis along with comments from the supervisor. Revised text and figures are shown side-by-side to the original draft, thus demonstrating an improved version of each chapter. Or put in simpler terms: the guide displays typical pitfalls and time thieves in the writing process, and by being aware of these the student and supervisor may save valuable time. The writing guide and condensed versions of chapter drafts are available on Instagram and can be found using this link: https://www.instagram.com/master_your_master/.

How to cite: Rydningen, T. A. and Bjordal-Olsen, S.: Master your master thesis – overcome writer’s block and handle feedback like a pro, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3835, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3835, 2024.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room 1.15/16

Chairpersons: Elizabeth Petrie, Zoltán Erdős
On-site presentation
Luca Piciullo, Graham Gilbert, and Amy Oen

The NATRISK international partnership for enhancing risk management & resilience to natural hazards through collaboration in research, education and innovation connects expertise from Brazil, India, and Norway. The partnership focuses on excellence in education and research to reduce risk and increase societal resilience to natural hazards in steep terrain. NATRISK aims to develop new links and strengthen existing ties between key research institutes, universities, and public agencies from the partner countries. NATRISK also aims to facilitate the exchange of researchers, practitioners, managers, and students, disseminate knowledge and expertise to municipalities and the business sector, and foster international education and research on natural hazards, risk, resilience, and associated disciplines.

The activities in NATRISK are based on four education packages for collective scientific advancement: 1. Understanding natural hazards, multihazards, & cascading effects, 2. Quantifying & assessing risk, 3. Mitigating, perceiving, & communicating risk, 4. Managing disaster risk & enhancing resilience. The target audience is graduate students, researchers and practitioners. Education packages consist of two components – an online module and an in-person research- and experience-based course. The online modules are standalone introductions to the scientific themes and are openly accessible to anyone. The modules promote international rapid accessibility, guiding interested parties towards an understanding of these complex topics in geohazards. The course is structured with both in-person lectures and field excursions.

The NATRISK partnership consists of three research institutes, four universities, and three public agencies: (1) the Natural Hazards Division – Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), (2) the Central Road Research Institute – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CRRI, India), (3) National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre for Natural Disasters (CEMADEN, Brazil); (4) the Department of Earth Science – University of Bergen (UiB, Norway), (5) the Department of Civil Engineering – Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), (6) the Department of Earthquake Engineering – Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), (7) the Department of Civil Construction and the Department of Geography – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); and (8) Ullensvang municipality (Norway), (9) Nova Friburgo Municipality (Brazil), and (10) the Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC, India).

The NATRISK partnership is financed by the Research Council of Norway (project number 337241) and is running from 2023 to 2028.

How to cite: Piciullo, L., Gilbert, G., and Oen, A.: NATRISK: Enhancing risk management and resilience to natural hazards in India, Brazil and Norway through collaborative education, research and innovation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19402, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19402, 2024.

On-site presentation
Aditya warman, Desy Purbandari, and Nelly Florida Riama

Geo-hydrometeorological disasters have a significant influence on economic development in Indonesia. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, and droughts all pose major challenges to infrastructure, industry, agriculture, and livelihoods. Indonesia has an early warning system which was built in 2008. BMKG continuously improves this early warning system so that it can provide more accurate warnings to prevent fatalities and greater losses.

BMKG has 5 regions and 200 offices throughout Indonesia. Apart from operational facilities and instruments, BMKG also has 5000 employees, 90% of whom work in the operations division, and 10% in support units. The majority of employees are under 40 years of age. However, currently, only 16% of BMKG employees have a Master's qualification, while only 1% have a PhD.

Responding to these challenges and limitations, BMKG launched the "SDM Unggul" rogram in 2022. This progressive program aims to produce 500 PhD degrees by 2030. Through the program, young scientists of BMKG are expected to learn from leading researchers around the world, to gain important ideas, information, and competencies. Interacting with leading researchers exposes young scientists to cutting-edge research approaches, diverse viewpoints, and new ideas, allowing them to broaden their horizons and improve their skills. The main activity of the program is to prepare candidates to qualify for major scholarships in Indonesia and to be accepted at leading universities throughout the world. These activities include language preparation and scholarship assistance in the form of workshops, boot camps, training and coaching. 

In 2023, with the help of the coaches, BMKG created a Research Roadmap containing research topics for each field at BMKG, including Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics. This roadmap identifies all the research that suits organizational needs and has the potential to provide more direct and relevant results. The findings from the research can be immediately implemented in organizational practices, creating an immediate positive impact. This research can also strengthen the organization's ability to respond to future challenges. 

Coaches also play a role in helping talents know the direction of their research because most talents are still unsure about their research direction they will take. The coaching process can be an effective strategy to help each person find the direction of their research. With guidance from coaches, they will be able to align their research direction with organizational needs and increase the relevance of research and have a greater impact at the organizational or societal level. The coaching process also helps individuals to identify their interests, skills, and goals in more depth. This can lead to a better understanding of the research areas that best suit their interests and potential.

Exposure to research before the education period allows candidates to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the research process. This provides a solid foundation for the development of research competencies. By ensuring that talent is engaged in research throughout their educational path, organizations can ensure that they produce professionals who are competent and ready to face the demands of the user

How to cite: warman, A., Purbandari, D., and Riama, N. F.: Extending the role of coach in educational research to develop young geoscientist in BMKG, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20467, 2024.

On-site presentation
Solmaz Mohadjer, Joel Gill, Tom Schürmann, and Tina Stengele

In today’s world, we face many complex societal challenges such as climate change and disaster risk that require input from actors and stakeholders from different fields and disciplines. In higher education, this is made possible, in part, through transdisciplinary course programs. These programs offer courses that equip students and researchers with transdisciplinary competencies and expertise needed to co-create knowledge, develop and practice intercultural and problem-solving skills, and enable change collaboratively.

Despite such efforts, many higher education institutes have yet to adapt to the increasingly dynamic world. This is especially evident in geosciences, a field that plays an essential role in addressing key societal issues. While some advances have been made, there is still a significant lack of diversity and discipline integration in geosciences, where many courses are attended and taught by those working within the disciplinary boundaries. 

To address this issue, Global Awareness Education, a part of the Transdisciplinary Course Program at the University of Tübingen (Germany), has been offering courses on global issues related to geosciences. These courses engage students of all disciplines (not just geosciences) from both the University of Tübingen and CIVIS (an alliance of 11 leading universities across Europe). Topics covered include: disaster risk reduction, environmental impact assessment, environmental communication, global soil health, climate crisis, indigenous knowledge in climate change as well as art-science collaborative excursions. These courses are interactive and hands-on, and are taught by international teams of educators, researchers and practitioners from the social and natural sciences.

Here we focus on our recent (winter semester 2023/24) piloting of one course at the University of Tübingen titled Disaster Risk Reduction for a Resilient World. This course has been adapted from an online, self-led training module that was originally developed for natural hazard students and researchers interested in strengthening their engagement in disaster risk reduction (DRR). We altered the course to make it accessible to students from all disciplines. Specific topics include cascading multi-hazard environments, effective partnerships, stakeholder engagement, theory of change, cultural understanding and positionality, indigenous knowledge, equitable access to information, people-centered DRR, and DRR and sustainable development.

Using a survey questionnaire, we assessed students’ perspectives on their skills acquisition, knowledge and their levels of confidence to contribute more effectively to the integrated work needed to improve DRR activities. We also assessed what actions students plan to take as a result of completing the course. In this presentation, we share these results, discuss some challenges we faced in course implementation, and offer potential solutions to these challenges.

How to cite: Mohadjer, S., Gill, J., Schürmann, T., and Stengele, T.: Disaster risk reduction for a resilient world: An online transdisciplinary course to enhance global awareness in training and education , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7712, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7712, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hanna Lappalainen, Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov, Laura Laura, Maria Dominguez, Valeriya Ovcharuk, Oleh Shablii, Segiy Stepanenko, Olga Schevchenko, Sergiy Snizhko, Alexander Markarov, Arsen Aproyan, Yvonne Billimore, and Piritta Puhto

Climate University for Virtual Exchanges (CLUVEX; https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex; 1 Jul 2023 – 30 Jun 2026) is a 3-year project conducted by two European Erasmus+ program countries Finland (UHEL) as the coordinator and Denmark (UCPH), and the Neighbourhood East countries - Ukraine (OSENU and TSNUK) and Armenia (YSU). Additionally, an art-and-science non-profit association, the BioArt Society (https://bioartsociety.fi), based in Finland, collaborates in this initiative.

CLUVEX aims to connect students from European and Neighbourhood East universities and involve them in climate-related topics, including ideas for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change and advancing the green agenda. Moreover, CLUVEX emphasizes the development of interdisciplinary, green, and soft skills among students. In practice, CLUVEX is responsible for designing and organizing a series of interactive online training events known as "Virtual Exchanges" (VE). These VEs are structured to include educational materials and engage students, professors, teachers, and researchers collaboratively in small groups. During the project, a total of 5 VE Calls will be initiated, spanning both the Spring and Autumn semesters and starting from Autumn 2024. Each VE Call will extend invitations to 500 students from CLUVEX Universities and other institutions in European and Neighbourhood East countries to participate in VE training weeks. The main motivation is to cultivate a new generation of young Climate Messengers who possess the skills and knowledge to foster climate awareness and sustainability strategies within their home organizations and future professional endeavours.

During VE week, various activities will take place, including plenary sessions, discussions, and exercises focused on specific climate change topics within smaller groups. CLUVEX is rooted in atmospheric sciences research and builds from the Climate University (https://climateuniversity.fi). The goal is that after participating in VE, participants will gain a deeper understanding of climate-related issues and foster meaningful connections with their peers. Note, CLUVEX also leverages its networks - Una Europa (alliance of 11 European universities) and the WMO’s Global Campus initiative in Europe and Neighbourhood East, to attract a diverse array of participants.

During first year of the project, the CLUVEX Partners are focused on designing the VE concept and exercises, training VE moderators/ facilitators, conducting a study to understand the challenges and opportunities associated with online learning and communication. As an exciting innovation, the BioArt Society will bring artistic perspectives by offering VE lectures and creative exercises that explore how contemporary art contributes to public discourse on climate change.

VE cooperation will serve as a valuable complement to traditional physical mobility opportunities in the field of climate change research. CLUVEX plays a vital role in addressing the complex web of decisions and issues related to climate change, where the Neighbourhood East region holds also significant position on a global scale. The emergence of new Climate Messengers, equipped with expertise in climate awareness and sustainability strategies, is highly relevant in today's labour markets. These individuals are well-positioned to contribute to the critical work of advancing climate-related initiatives in a world undergoing transformative changes.

This work is supported by the European Union ERASMUS+,  Project Number: 101111959

How to cite: Lappalainen, H., Mahura, A., Baklanov, A., Laura, L., Dominguez, M., Ovcharuk, V., Shablii, O., Stepanenko, S., Schevchenko, O., Snizhko, S., Markarov, A., Aproyan, A., Billimore, Y., and Puhto, P.: CLUVEX - Climate University for Virtual Exchanges, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15348, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15348, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jon Xavier Olano Pozo, Anna Boqué-Ciurana, Enric Aguilar, Joan Alberich, Javier Sigró, Aaron Gutiérrez, and Cimolai Caterina

In the previous decade, different WMO expert teams drafted the Competencies for the Provision of Climate Services (WMO, 2019). In awareness of the importance of Climate Services, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili's Bachelor's Degree on in Geography, Territorial Analysis features two courses specifically mapped to this competency framework. Strategically placed in the 2nd and 3rd year, these courses offer 12 ECTS, equipping students with core knowledge and skills for delivering climate services. The curriculum includes a participatory methodology, encouraging co-creation, user engagement, and responsiveness to user needs, as highlighted in research by Font et al. (2021). This approach, contrasting traditional educational models, fosters a dynamic, interactive learning environment. Students undertake a workflow in line with the WMO's framework for climate service provision. 

Project 3, the first course, focuses on the first two core competencies: C1 Create and Manage Climate Data Sets (covering quality control and data homogenization) and C2 Derive Products from Climate Data. This first course establishes an understanding of climate data management and product development and introduces the students to programming applications. The second course, "Project 5: Co-creation of Climate Services", further develops the coding skills and emphasizes communication skills (C5, Communicate Climatological Information with Users). It reviews database creation, and the development of products tailored to sectoral areas of local significance, like tourism or cultural events or high-priority areas identified by the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), such as Health. The program's emphasis on co-creation and sector-specific applications highlights its commitment to practicality and real-world relevance in climate service fields. 

Competency development in these courses is assessed against various learning outcomes aligned with the WMO's guidelines for climate service provision. Student progress is evaluated through diverse criteria, adhering to a "learning by doing" approach. This methodology provides a hands-on experience and facilitates continuous skill improvement guided by instructor feedback. This experiential learning model is crucial for integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students for professional challenges in climate-related fields. 

How to cite: Olano Pozo, J. X., Boqué-Ciurana, A., Aguilar, E., Alberich, J., Sigró, J., Gutiérrez, A., and Caterina, C.: Using WMO's Competencies for the Provision of Climate Services in Bachelor's Degree: The Experience of the URV's Bachelor in Geography, Territorial Analyis and Sustainabilty, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17633, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kenneth Peltokangas, Laura Riuttanen, Tiina Nygård, Taina Ruuskanen, Mira Hulkkonen, Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen, Hilppa Gregow, Jussi Kaurola, Kati Kulovesi, and Markku Kulmala

The Specialisation programme in climate expertise is an education programme that aims to provide professionals from different fields with the know-how to drive systemic change towards a climate-resilient future. This two-year-long programme is meant to be carried out alongside work, teaching important and previously identified competencies necessary for effective climate action1, including both subject knowledge and general skills, like argumentation, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and effective communication2. Through education we hope to provide the basis for future collaboration, innovation, and understanding necessary to tackle climate change and related environmental as well as socio-economic problems.

The programme is offered by the University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute and was designed together with the Climate University network and Climate Leadership Coalition. The programme launches in spring 2024 with students from both public, and private sectors. 
The program's duration (2 years), scope (60 ECTS), as well as the large number of students (up to 50) from different backgrounds provide a unique opportunity for the students to network and exchange ideas, as well as providing a platform for us to explore the following questions: (1) how education shapes the agency and professional identities of climate experts, (2) how education meets the multidisciplinary needs of various stakeholders, and (3) how education translates to concrete climate actions?

The Specialisation programme in climate expertise aspires to find effective ways to address the needs of different stakeholders facing the current climate crisis, and to empower professionals with the necessary know-how to lead transformative climate actions within their respective fields. The programme is currently offered only in Finnish, but we hope to grow the programme in the future and to include international students, therefore expanding our multidisciplinary network of climate experts across national borders as well as societal sectors. 

More information: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/faculty-science/teaching-and-studying/continuous-learning-and-web-based-studies/specialisation-programme-climate-expertise

1.    Siponen, J., M. Santala, J. Salovaara, V.-M. Vesterinen, S. Tolppanen, A. Lauri, J. Lavonen and L. Riuttanen. Climate Competence – a view of professionals in the field (submitted).
2.    Riuttanen, L., Ruuskanen, T., Äijälä, M. and Lauri, A., 2021. Society needs experts with climate change competencies–what is the role of higher education in atmospheric and Earth system sciences?. Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 73(1), pp.1-14.

How to cite: Peltokangas, K., Riuttanen, L., Nygård, T., Ruuskanen, T., Hulkkonen, M., Kuntsi-Reunanen, E., Gregow, H., Kaurola, J., Kulovesi, K., and Kulmala, M.: Education in climate expertise as an instrument for sustainable change and a pathway for climate-resilient future, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8295, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8295, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hans de Bresser, Maarten Kleinhans, and Paul Mason

Over the last 10 years, many universities worldwide have seen a decrease in enrolment in Earth Sciences bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. Possible reasons for this decrease include the current image that secondary school students have of the Earth Sciences. Many of them consider the Earth Sciences as an old fashioned science, environmentally damaging and with insufficient emphasis on addressing societal problems. At Utrecht University, the Netherlands, the enrolment in the BSc Earth Sciences peaked in 2014 with an intake of 185, but has decreased since, in an irregular way, to 125 in 2022. For the current academic year, there has been a slight revival. A recent survey among 93 secondary school students confirmed that the Earth Sciences have an image problem, but also revealed low awareness of what the subject involves and what opportunities are available for graduates. Efforts are needed to change this. However, it is not a matter of simply improving publicity. We concluded that a modernization of our programme was also necessary, in order to reflect scientific advances of the last decades and the change in focus towards societal challenges, and to better prepare students for a professional career. As a result, we have constructed a fully integrated first year, including modular fieldwork covering topics across the full breadth of the Earth Sciences. After the first year, students choose one out of four ‘directions’. Each direction starts with its own set of foundation courses, followed by direction-related specialization electives. Seven skills learning lines are being implemented across the programme, providing the students with skills considered crucial for future Earth Sciences professionals. The students who started in September 2023 form the first cohort following the renewed BSc programme. Here we present the outline of the new programme and our first experiences. We address the issue of how to use our renewal in improving the image that secondary school students have of the Earth Sciences, expecting a positive effect on enrolment. More well-trained Earth Scientists are essential, not only to advance our science, but also to address the challenges society is faced with. 

How to cite: de Bresser, H., Kleinhans, M., and Mason, P.: A new bachelor curriculum in Earth Sciences at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, in response to the needs of society, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7492, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7492, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rebecca Williams, Mark Anderson, Sian Davies-Vollum, Roberto Loza Espejel, Stuart Fishwick, David Healy, Nick Koor, Graham McLeod, Amanda Owen, Munira Raji, and Pete Rowley

University Geoscience UK (UGUK) represents geoscience Higher Education providers and is the advocacy group for geoscience at UK Universities.  Since 2014, student numbers enrolling on a geoscience-related degrees in the UK have fallen by 43%. The reasons for this are complex and intersectional and need further research, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the main drivers for this decline are: [1] the similar decline in numbers of school-age students studying geology (triggered by changes to national educational policy and priorities); [2] perceptions that most geologists are white males; [3] perceived barriers of cost and demands of the fieldwork elements and relevance of a geoscience degree; [4] connection with pollution from extractive industries; and [5] paucity of appropriate career advice at school level. This demise has led to a number of University courses being withdrawn and the redesign of geoscience curricula to better reflect the roles geoscientists play in today's society. UGUK, in collaboration with the Geological Society of London (GSL), published a strategy to enhance student enrolment on geoscience programs in the UK in 2019. This strategy formed the basis for  actions to address this UK-wide (and indeed, global) problem. These are described by key themes around diversity and accessibility, linkages between schools and universities, educational routes in association with industry, and influencing policy: 

  • University diversity and accessibility in geoscience. Geoscience lacks diversity and has a reputation for being inaccessible to marginalised groups and those with diverse needs.  UGUK has developed and is running a series of EDI-focused webinars to help Schools and Universities tackle subjects such as inclusive fieldwork, racism in Geoscience and decolonising the curriculum.
  • University links with Schools. Geoscience appears across the school curriculum but is not necessarily recognised as such and in these cases is often taught by those with little or no experience of the subject. Our newly developed “TEACH EARTH” portal on the UGUK Website Earth Science provides non-geoscience STEM teachers access to teaching materials to help them deliver the geoscience aspects of their subject. Each resource is tagged to a subject and key stage of learning to facilitate use by teachers. The resources are flagged by a logo which highlights the linkage and overlap of Earth science/geoscience/geology.
  • Geoscience Industry. Additional training routes in geoscience will support and enhance the pipeline for those entering the industry. UGUK has spearheaded the successful development of a Degree Apprenticeship in Geoscience, submitted to the UK government Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE) in July 2023 and approved in November 2023. Universities are now tasked with developing the new degree in conjunction with industrial partners.
  • Government Policy. Raising governmental awareness of geoscience and its role in our sustainable future is critical for the future of geoscience education. UGUK are actively working with Government lobby groups associated with the geoscience sector including the Ground Forum, Construction Industry Consortium, Critical Minerals Association, and the Subsurface Taskforce. These groups have direct access to the UK Government through various working committees.

How to cite: Williams, R., Anderson, M., Davies-Vollum, S., Loza Espejel, R., Fishwick, S., Healy, D., Koor, N., McLeod, G., Owen, A., Raji, M., and Rowley, P.: Actions to address the recruitment crisis into Geoscience related degrees in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20452, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20452, 2024.

On-site presentation
susanna Occhipinti

This research aims to analyse the data that emerged from a long path of experiences, workshops, projects aimed at schools and a varied audience, with the aim of promoting interest in Geosciences. The fragility that characterizes in many countries the process of teaching and learning Geosciences throughout the educational cycle is certainly not a surprise, even in those countries where environmental emergencies, volcanoes, earthquakes, hydrogeological instability would require an in-depth knowledge of the dangers to reduce and when possible, prevent the risks. Some data will be provided, collected in the IGEO, International Geoscience education Organisation, where I am the contact person for Italy and at IESO, the Earth Sciences Olympiad has allowed me to interact with students and teachers from all over the world and especially through the COGE Committee of geoscience education of IUGS, as head of the GEFO committee with the aim of coordinating the work of field officers in many countries of the world outside Europe. The main role of field officers is to represent and promote IUGS-COGE initiatives among geoscience teachers and educators in their country, providing professional development through interactive workshops for teachers who have elements of geosciences in their curriculum. This can be done through workshops, proposing activities that use easy-to-build tools such as the materials of the ELI-Earth learning Idea repertoire presented at GIFT, which are particularly effective for understanding basic concepts and motivating students and teachers through manipulative approaches. It is clear, however, that the training and orientation path towards studies in the field of geosciences requires a significant progression of tools and concepts, which allows us to understand concepts of complexity and uniqueness, of flows and relationships, of interconnected systems that characterize the ES The research, in agreement with the GEFO COGE, is focusing on this: students 14-18 are often involved in field activities, conferences or academic lectures, but identify and develop activities dedicated to them that can motivate and excite them, making them passionate about this field of research, aware of the importance of these issues, which, in line with the objectives and goals of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, which are the responsibility of geosciences, from natural hazards, to global warming, to energy transition, to strategic minerals, are a priority. Some examples will be proposed, but research requires a considerable impulse and widespread collaboration between schools, universities , and research centres, combining scientific skills of the research world with methodological teaching skills of the education one.

How to cite: Occhipinti, S.: Experience and interpretation in the Geosciences learning process, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3830, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3830, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Enrica Caporali, Johann Facciorusso, and Riccardo Gori

Nowadays, climate change and environmental deterioration are perceived as the most significant global challenges for Europe and the world. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate strategies for a resource-efficient economy in order to adequately address the sustainability challenge. This is the background to the 'European Green Deal' (Fetting 2020), of the European Commission, which set out the roadmap for a sustainable EU economy, in which climate problems and environmental challenges are turned into opportunities and, without neglecting people and places, economic growth is separated from resource use. In this context, the strategic goal for Europe is to achieve zero climate impact for a number of countries in Europe by 2050 (IPCC 2022). This is the reason why it becomes extremely necessary to strengthen and improve professional skills in many areas of civil, building and environmental engineering.

With reference to the experience carried out at the University of Florence, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, in designing two new undergraduate curricula in “Environmental engineering” and “Civil and Building engineering for sustainability”, the implementation of multidisciplinary laboratories in the education path is discussed here. Multdisciplinary laboratories, focusing on disciplines that concern the development of an engineering career, allow the acquisition of know-how skills through the development of real projects covering different fields of Civil and Environmental engineering (e.g. green or seismic- resistant buildings design, stabilization of slope areas towards hydrogeological risks, etc.). Moreover, multidisciplinary laboratories can contribute to provide engineering study programs with a more relevant social-education component and with a greater focus on skills. Greater flexibility for students in the composition of their curricula, greater attention to multidisciplinary learning, increased students’ awareness of the impact of technologies on the socio-economic context, and greater attention to the acquisition of soft-skills, are also fostered. Multidisciplinary preparation is essential for responding to the needs expressed by the labour market and by a multiplicity of stakeholders and higher education.

Multidisciplinary laboratories are all located at the second and, mostly, at the third year of the study plan of both the two new undergraduate curricula, and they are focused on the most characterizing topics of the Degree Course and teachings with integrative and specific in-depth characteristics. Some laboratories are more focused on specific aspects of the environmental engineering (e.g., the Environmental Management Systems and Quality Management Laboratory, the Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Multi-risk Analysis Laboratory, the Natural and Anthropic Hazard Mitigation Laboratory) and other are focused on the main aspects related to civil and building engineering design with a specific attention to sustainability ( e.g. the Building Process Digitization Laboratory, the Sustainable Structures Design Laboratory, the Sustainable Infrastructures Design Laboratory, the Sustainable Buildings Design Laboratory and the Sustainable Construction Management Laboratory).

How to cite: Caporali, E., Facciorusso, J., and Gori, R.: Multidisciplinary laboratories to enhance engineering teaching in higher education, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19409, 2024.

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall A

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Zoltán Erdős, Elizabeth Petrie
Beáta Molnár, Tamás Weidinger, Tünde Vargová, Agnesa Mihályová, and Péter Tasnádi

Atmospheric phenomena have an important influence on our everyday lives. Observation and understanding of those phenomena are a fundamental goal of education and their use in various science subjects gives enormous motivation to students to learn sciences. Weather-related knowledge should appear at all levels of education in a systematically constructed way. There is a particularly good opportunity to develop the conceptual system in a gradual way where several age groups of students could be taught in the same school, creating a cyclical curriculum.

We present here an example of this educational process, which was conducted in a southern Slovakian Hungarian school, which provides education from kindergarten up to the school-leaving examination. The educational institution has three departments: a kindergarten, a primary, and a secondary school, encompassing the full spectrum of public education, aside from technical training.

This poster is going to demonstrate how meteorological knowledge can be introduced on different levels, and how the curriculum of each level, which is built upon each other, could be evolved via the expansion of the contents and deepening of the conceptual system. Since the study of meteorology is typically interdisciplinary, its teaching, taking into consideration the students’ characteristics of their age groups, requires the harmonization of the knowledge of different subjects.

Four levels of education were observed: kindergarten (ages 2 to 6), primary school (ages 7 to 10), lower secondary school (ages 11 to 15), and higher secondary school (ages 16 to 19). The following issues were investigated: i) the requirements of the state-issued curriculum, ii) the educational practice of our school, and iii) where the educational practice could be supplemented so that students understood the weather phenomena and the laws of physics behind them.

In kindergarten, children aged 2-6 can start to observe and record the current weather using pictograms. It is during this period that they first encounter the different types of water: ice, water and vapour. During the preschool years, they are introduced to changes of state, such as melting, freezing, and evaporation.

In primary school multiday observations can be made by the pupils, but this is more of a supplement to the learning process started in kindergarten. This concerns the changes and the different states of matter and also the types of precipitation. In language lessons, folk wisdom relating to the weather could be taught.

In secondary school, the tools for collecting meteorological data, the formation process for given types of precipitation, and the causes of airflow are introduced. In the optional courses, students familiarise themselves with phase diagrams, the process of cloud formation, the effects of air pollution, and the analysis of weather reports.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the analysis of historical meteorological records could strengthen the students’ connection to their homeland and lead to the development of cultural awareness within the region.

During the teaching process, the curriculum has been continuously improved according to the MER method. We shall currently report on our experiences regarding the first version.

How to cite: Molnár, B., Weidinger, T., Vargová, T., Mihályová, A., and Tasnádi, P.: Case Study How to Teach Elements of Meteorology from Kindergarten to School-Living Examination via Harmonised Curriculum, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11410, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11410, 2024.

Tamara Kuzmanić, Klaudija Lebar, Nejc Bezak, Mojca Vilfan, Mojca Šraj, and Matjaž Mikoš

The first international summer school HydRoData for Master and PhD students was held in September 2023 at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The summer school was organised by the UNESCO Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and Slovenian national IHP programme. The focus of the summer school was data in hydrology. The programme topics included data acquisition, data manipulation and analysis, data curation, data communication, FAIR data principles, and introduction to R programming for hydrology.

The teaching-learning process was structured as a combination of lectures, fieldwork, group work, ICT supported learning etc. In the scope of the summer school, participants partook the measurements of hydrological processes on several experimental plots, and visited meteorological station and radar during the field trip. To wrap everything up, the participants had the opportunity to show what they have learned in the competitive quiz in R programming.

The official part of the summer school was enriched by social events, enabling the participants to network and get to know each other in more relaxed set-up. Social events included ice breaker trivia quiz pizza party, and a visit to traditional Slovenian tavern.

The number of the applications exceeded the number of the available spots, and regardless on the new spots opening, a selection process was made. Finally, the 26 attending participants of 21 nationalities came from 19 universities. According to the feedback questionnaire, the participants evaluated the summer school execution with the average satisfaction grade 9.27 (out of 10). Here, the participant’s feedbacks that will assist in the improvement of the learning procedure, topic selection, schedule etc. will be presented more in detail along with the establishment and realization of the summer school.

Since the first edition of the summer school showed to be successful, the second HydRoData summer school is announced, with applications already open. The HydRoData summer school 2024 will be held from 2 September to 6 September in Ljubljana, Slovenia. More information and registration form can be found: https://www.unesco-floods.eu/unesco-floods-summer-school/.

How to cite: Kuzmanić, T., Lebar, K., Bezak, N., Vilfan, M., Šraj, M., and Mikoš, M.: Organising an international summer school from scratch, towards establishing the traditionally held one – HydRoData Summer School, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3761, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3761, 2024.

Teresa Drago, Rui Taborda, Tanya Silveira, Conceição Freitas, João Cascalho, Paulo Oliveira, César Andrade, Marcos Rosa, Jacqueline Santos, Ana Bastos, Vera Lopes, Miguel Inácio, Cláudio Sousa, Ana Ramos, João Afonso, Murray Gray, Nathália Lima, Rui Santos, Sebastião Teixeira, and Mafalda Carapuço

The acquisition of a formal postgraduate education, such as a Master's or Doctoral degree, is of significant importance for students aiming to deepen their knowledge and contribute to their respective fields. However, the difficulties associated with the incorporating real-world field activities into formal postgraduate education can be a substantial limitation. For example, this deficiency may impede the development of practical skills, hinder the ability to cope with real-world challenges, and limit the understanding of how theoretical concepts manifest themselves in real field conditions a key issue in geoscience training and practice.

Summer courses, as ideal co-curricular activities, have the potential to complement formal education by providing practical experiences that extend beyond theoretical knowledge. This is the case of the EDUCOAST summer course, funded by EEAGrants, which took place from September 10 to 16, 2023, and focused on "Coastal Geosystem Services – the Ria Formosa case study". This specialized program aimed at bridging the gap between theory and practice, providing 17 master and PhD students in geosciences with hands-on training.

The course, held at IPMA’s Tavira Station (Algarve, Portugal) provided a unique opportunity for participants to engage in "hands-on" training, focusing on changing coastal environments from a geoscientific perspective. The curriculum included state-of-the-art field and lab equipment and techniques.

During the course, participants conducted in-situ observations, collected and analyzed data to evaluate barrier island resilience and address carbon sequestration by salt marshes. The course also addressed the societal impact of coastal dynamics, considering both past and future trends. This immersive approach allowed students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world coastal environments, fostering the collection of first-hand data and observations.

The EDUCOAST summer course successfully enhanced the participants' practical skills and problem-solving abilities. By engaging in field activities, students gained a comprehensive understanding of coastal dynamics, contributing to their readiness to face the challenges and opportunities of coastal and marine environments.

Programs that effectively bridge the gap between academia and the real world, such as EDUCOAST, play a crucial role in preparing graduates for the complexities of their professional journeys. The positive outcomes of the summer school suggest that hands-on activities in geosciences can significantly complement students' curricula, enhance their understanding of natural processes and foster a holistic approach to their education.

This is a contribution of the EDUCOAST (EEAGrants, PT-INNOVATION-0067) and EMSO-PT (PINFRA/22157/2016) projects.

This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/50019/2020), UIDP/50019/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/50019/2020) and LA/P/ 0068/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/0068/2020)

How to cite: Drago, T., Taborda, R., Silveira, T., Freitas, C., Cascalho, J., Oliveira, P., Andrade, C., Rosa, M., Santos, J., Bastos, A., Lopes, V., Inácio, M., Sousa, C., Ramos, A., Afonso, J., Gray, M., Lima, N., Santos, R., Teixeira, S., and Carapuço, M.: EDUCOAST Summer Course: a Real-World Immersive Educational Experience., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13146, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13146, 2024.

Adriano Mazzini, Grigorii Akhmanov, Ayten Khasayeva-Huseynova, Arif Huseynov, and Ibrahim Guliyev

Mud volcanism (also termed sedimentary volcanism) is a spectacular natural phenomenon that has attracted increasing attention for numerous onshore and offshore studies. Mud volcanoes (MVs)  indeed represent open windows to explore the deep biosphere and stratigraphy and to understand the geochemical reactions that occur during fluid migration. MVs are always associated with active petroleum systems, and the current likely underestimated budgets position MVs as the second natural source of methane in the atmosphere. Ultimately, the unpredictable eruptive events make sedimentary volcanism a critical natural geohazard. For these reasons, there is growing interest to intensify the studies for these structures.

Since 2018, the field course “Mud volcanism and petroleum systems” takes place annually in Azerbaijan. This summer school is organized by dedicated and enthusiastic scientists from the University of Oslo, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. International experts and special guests are typically invited to share their new findings from multidisciplinary studies on fluid migrations systems, MVism and related phenomena. This intensive course has been refined throughout the years to provide the world's best training opportunity. The school prioritizes education and knowledge transfer to students and researchers interested in expanding their knowledge in fluid migration and solid transport mechanisms during MV processes. Activities start with one day of initial introductory lectures (workshop in Baku city), followed by four days of excursions and field exercises at various selected localities. The first field day explores a full migration of fluids from the source rocks, reservoir rocks and surface gas seepages visiting the most representative sites around Baku and completing field exploration and geological section logging. The second day is dedicated to Dashgil MV where the participants are involved in practical field mapping activities, shown the main surface degassing manifestations, and trained to conduct field measurements and sampling. The third day focuses on the different MV morphologies; several mud structures are visited, participants have the opportunity to distinguish and describe the main large- and small-scale features characterizing different eruption mechanisms and the resulting structures inside the carter and along the mud breccia flows. The fourth day on the field plans a visit at Lokbatan MV showing the association of MVism and petroleum systems. This is one of the most active volcanoes in Azerbaijan, with frequent eruptions reoccurring every ca. 5 years. Lokbatan is surrounded by dozens of production oil wells, highlighting the fact that MVism and hydrocarbon migration are usually connected. The location of MVs in petroleum basins, along anticline axes, strike slips, normal faults, and fault-related folds is also discussed. On the final day of the course, the school attendees provide an oral presentation, reporting on their learnings on techniques used, on field observations, and the data collected, and finally propose plans for potential future research. One moths later, the teams provide a more detailed written report that is complemented with interpretations of the data collected. All students are supervised and tutored in the field and during the report preparation and public presentation by experts from leading institutes.

How to cite: Mazzini, A., Akhmanov, G., Khasayeva-Huseynova, A., Huseynov, A., and Guliyev, I.: International summer school in Azerbaijan: advanced field studies on mud volcanism and fluid migration systems , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10192, 2024.

Valentina Cantarelli, Irene Ierardi, Serena Zaza, Lucia Girolamo, and Luca Pandolfi

Since September 2023, the high school Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei”, located in Potenza (Southern Italy), has been leading a project in collaboration with the Basilicata University aimed at promoting knowledge of geo sciences among high school pupils at a national level. The main objective is to enable the development of skills in the geological, geophysical and geochemical fields via the adoption of teaching practices that include laboratory-based work, with the aim to encourage high schoolers to continue their studies in these fields.
The project will increase exposure to geological and environmental topics by covering not only classical geological aspects like lithogenesis, continental drift and geological time, but also current challenges such as territorial planning, environmental problems, natural and anthropic risks and the exploitation of renewable energy sources. The project will last three years (40 hours annually for a total of 120 hours) and involve 11th graders and above. Each year, students will spend 17 hours at the Liceo Galilei, 15 hours at the laboratories of the University of Basilicata, and 8 hours in field excursions to the geosites of the Basilicata region (including the Latronico geothermal power plant, the Vulture volcano and Aliano's gullies among others).
At the end of this project, the expectation is that students will have expanded their understanding of Earth Sciences and will have increased their awareness of the central role that this discipline plays in political decisions concerning territorial planning and the management and use of natural resources.

How to cite: Cantarelli, V., Ierardi, I., Zaza, S., Girolamo, L., and Pandolfi, L.: Geological activities at Galilei Science Department (Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Galilei" - Potenza, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8346, 2024.

Tamer Abu-Alam and the CloudEARTHi consortium

In an era marked by multifaceted challenges spanning economic, social, environmental, and political realms, the CloudEARTHi initiative emerges as a transformative force in education. This initiative recognizes that the traditional educational framework requires a comprehensive overhaul to effectively address these challenges and meet the diverse needs of various stakeholders. With a focus on resilience and adaptability, CloudEARTHi is pioneering a shift in educational paradigms to better equip future generations.

At the core of CloudEARTHi's approach is the involvement of diverse stakeholders in the course co-creation process. This collaborative effort ensures that education programs are not only academically robust but also practically relevant, addressing real-world issues. Recognizing the importance of soft skills, CloudEARTHi emphasizes communication, teamwork within inclusive and diverse groups, and problem-solving as integral components of its curriculum. Additionally, there is a strong focus on imparting knowledge about environmental challenges, sustainable solutions, and entrepreneurial skills, preparing students to be effective change-makers.

CloudEARTHi, a unique initiative with a consortium of 23 partners from 13 European countries, encompasses higher education institutes, NGOs, businesses, and governmental sectors. This diverse collaboration facilitates a multifaceted educational approach, enriching the learning experience with various perspectives and expertise. Supported by several EU programs and initiatives, including the EIT HEI Initiative, EIT RawMaterials, Erasmus+, European Horizon (EISMEA), and HKdir (The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills), CloudEARTHi is well-positioned to lead a revolution in education systems across Europe.

This contribution aims to present the CloudEARTHi initiative, highlighting its innovative structures for involving different stakeholders in the educational process. We will discuss the initiative's progress, share insights, and invite contributions to further enhance this groundbreaking educational approach. Join us in shaping an education system that is resilient, inclusive, and capable of addressing the complex challenges of our society.

How to cite: Abu-Alam, T. and the CloudEARTHi consortium: CloudEARTHi Initiative – Reshaping Education for a Resilient Future Amidst Societal Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16464, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16464, 2024.

A Program to Introduce Students to Scientific Research and Build Capacity in STEM 
(withdrawn after no-show)
M. Chantale Damas
Ivana Stiperski

The integral role of mathematics in atmospheric sciences is undeniable, representing the foundation upon which we comprehend, describe, and predict atmospheric dynamics. Yet, the way that atmospheric topics are commonly introduced in high school does not highlight this mathematical underpinning of the subject. Students often begin their undergraduate journey with insufficient preparation for the demanding quantitative components of the subject, compounded by an inadequate foundation in manipulating and analysing equations.

This disconnection is further exacerbated by prevalent instructional methods in frontal teaching. Notably, the widespread use of powerpoint presentations, while adept at conveying the visual components of atmospheric sciences, falls short in fostering students' abilities to engage with and internalize complex mathematical derivations and their practical applications. This results in high stress for students in the first semesters and a missed opportunity for a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.

Here I explore the challenges of teaching mathematical concepts to atmospheric science students. The study is based on a survey conducted among the students from undergraduate to doctoral levels, currently enrolled in the Atmospheric Sciences programmes at the University of Innsbruck.  The survey highlights the still irreplicable role of more traditional teaching methods, particularly the utilization of blackboards for equation derivations and creation of conceptual sketches, which are noticeably absent from powerpoint-centric approaches.  

A special focus is placed on first-semester bachelor's students who additionally received structured guidance on higher education study techniques, effective note-taking, and preparations for equation-intensive examinations through the newly introduced Buddy-Mentoring system at the University of Innsbruck. This group reported a notable enhancement in their educational experience, underlining the significance of tailored mentorship in bridging the academic transition from high school to university-level atmospheric sciences.


How to cite: Stiperski, I.: Going back to the Roots: The Challenge of Teaching Mathematics in Atmospheric Sciences, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19920, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19920, 2024.

Barbara Brunner-Maresch, Zahra Dabiri, Stefan Lang, Leila Chepkemoi Maritim, Mohamed Dhia Turki, Madeline Mulder, Jevaughn Henry, and Vitória Barbosa Ferreira

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth (CDE) is a distinct Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) program in the geospatial domain. EMJM is co-funded by the European Union, and is coordinated by Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics, together with Palacky University Olomouc and University of South Brittany. CDE, as a unique role model for obtaining a joint Master’s degree in the EO*GI (Earth observation and Geoinformatics) discipline, is focusing on the European Union’s Copernicus EO programme, and received the quality seal from the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria1 under the European Approach “accreditation” 2022-2028. CDE aims at equipping students with knowledge and skills from spatial sciences and concepts from various geospatial disciplines, applying a “Digital Earth” perspective. The first year provides profound EO*GI application-oriented expertise based on relevant theories and methods. Within the second year, the student completes an alternative specialization track, GeoData Science or Geovisualisation leading to a joint Master’s Thesis.

Geospatial technologies and underlying concepts have become indispensable elements in today's information society; location connects ('joins') information assets and provides the context for perceptions, decisions and actions. A lack of qualifications has been identified by multiple actors as a key bottleneck and impediment for more broadly leveraging the potential of EO*GI to managing our world in all its geospatial facets, including addressing the Sustainable Development Goals and related ambitious policy frameworks such as the European Green Deal. Compulsory skills-based internships (work placement) and a research-based work placement twinned with the Master’s Thesis enable students to use the knowledge and skills they have gained during their studies and to increase their awareness of application areas within the sector, allowing the transition of skills from university to industry and vice versa. Adequate learning experiences shall be agreed upon prior to start. The added value has so far been emphasized by all students. Internships have taken place in numerous institutions; we highlighted some: Developing methodology for matching trajectories using different sensors with the cooperation of Salzburg Research4, studying and improving fire detection algorithm using Copernicus data with cooperation of ICube_SERTIT5, quantification of a natural and built-up environment with advanced EO methods with the cooperation of IFO Institute of Economic Research6 and DLR7, developing a platform for data access handling the Data Science for Social Development (DSSD)8, geospatial analysis for a sustainable and resilient future, or using EO and deep learning to support humanitarian aids within Spatial Services GmbH9.

The employability of graduates is closely linked to integrated work experiences and domain-specific skills and knowledge they gain from the postgraduate program. CDE alumni are confident in using key technologies pertinent to spatial information handling and upcoming trends in the Copernicus and Digital Earth field, improving key competence for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) areas, communication and interpretation of outcomes in a decision support context.

The project is co-funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Programme, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master: Copernicus Master in Digital Earth www.master-cde.eu.

1 https://www.master-cde.eu/programme/accreditation/

2 https://esco.ec.europa.eu/en

3 https://arcg.is/0Pev1H







How to cite: Brunner-Maresch, B., Dabiri, Z., Lang, S., Maritim, L. C., Turki, M. D., Mulder, M., Henry, J., and Barbosa Ferreira, V.: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master "Copernicus Master in Digital Earth-CDE”; Integrated work experience in geospatial curriculum to enhance graduate employability., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20471, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20471, 2024.

Eva-Maria Steinbacher, Vanessa Streifeneder, and Stefan Lang

Within the project STARS*EU (Studies, methodologies and support services for the programming cycle of EU-funded research to foster the competitiveness of the EU-space industry), we assessed the skills gap between European curricula related to space and the employers needs in the space sector. Nowadays, the space sector is an important and strategic segment of the European Union, which currently undergoes transformation and industrialization. The space sector provides technological support, data and services to analyse, mitigate and adapted to challenges such as climate change, fulfilling the SDGs, supporting humanitarian help etc. Many start-ups have been founded in this sector in the recent years and European wide universities offer space curricula. However, there is still a growing need for skilled employees to support a competitive EU space sector.  Therefore, it is important to understand the sectors needs for  graduates to be successfully employed as well as the workforce shortage in the space sector.

The Stars*EU project partners conducted two skill analysis, one for the curricula landscape and one for the demands regarding jobs in the Research& Innovation sector, the space industry and universities. Therefore, we defined a schema describing the different hard skills gained in the curricula including STEAM&T categories (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Transversal), knowledge domains (space science, space technology, aerospace engineering, computer science, management etc.) and knowledge areas (planetology, aerospace structures, artificial intelligence, project management etc.). This made it possible to compare different curricula as well as job requirements. To provide a better description (and comparison) of the taught and required skills, we applied an adapted Blooms Taxonomy. Soft skills were analysed based on interviews with employers and universities as well as workshops conducted within the project. A skill matrix was created to analyse the skill gap between offered (taught) skills and demanded skills from the space sector. We found that soft skills like teamwork and project management were only taught as a by-product in most curricula and are strongly required on the job market. Further, specific hard skills regarding new space technologies or software were often not include in the curricula. In general, more professional experience was requested, as well as programs to train employees from other sectors to switch to the space sector. On the other side, young graduates often choose not to go into the space sector due to the job insecurity and low wages compared to other sectors. Moreover, there are only a few examples for programs, which provide already working insight and experience during the studies to offer the students already working experience and additional skills during the studies.

How to cite: Steinbacher, E.-M., Streifeneder, V., and Lang, S.: Skills gap analysis in the space sector: Bridging the gap between curricula and job requirements for the future space workforce., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20099, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20099, 2024.

Caitlyn Hall, Kenneth Kokroko, Nadia Mexia-Alvarez, Aaron Bugaj, Lysette Davi, Laura Horley, Adrian Munguia-Vega, and Nicole Antebi

We are developing a framework to explore environmental sustainability and cultural resilience topics in curriculum emphasizing cross-cultural, international, and interdisciplinary approaches through community-driven research projects in the US-Mexico Borderlands. Structured as a circular process, the framework includes: 1) Community Relationship Building, 2) Scoping and Information Discovery, 3) Co-creation of Opportunities, 4) Development of Community-Driven Solutions, 5) Sharing of Lived Experiences, and 6) Multi-stakeholder Evaluation and Iteration. The framework focuses on capacitating students and community members to merge local narratives with research for sustainable practices in water and environmental conservation, green infrastructure, and science policy and communication. Our approach aims to develop actionable projects that confront currently felt challenges through collaboration with local communities, integrating their historical, environmental, and cultural contexts into developing sustainable solutions. Designed to be discipline-agnostic, the framework has been tested across various educational levels and subjects. It's been applied in introductory courses on water and environmental policy, advanced hydrology and environmental science, art and animation studios, and graduate-level landscape architecture courses. This wide applicability underscores our commitment to inclusive and sustainable educational practices that further traditional hydrology education and the integration of water-related science and concepts that transcend disciplinary boundaries. Our presentation will share its implementation in water-focused courses, highlighting successes, learnings, and strategies for community-based participatory research.

How to cite: Hall, C., Kokroko, K., Mexia-Alvarez, N., Bugaj, A., Davi, L., Horley, L., Munguia-Vega, A., and Antebi, N.: Developing a Cross-Cultural Framework for Sustainability Solutions in the US-Mexico Borderlands: Integrating Interdisciplinary and Community-Driven Research in Curriculum, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14000, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14000, 2024.

Graham Lewis Gilbert, Dieter Issler, Yoichi Ito, Ryoko Nishii, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Niiya, Takahiro Tanabe, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Enok Cheon, Joon-Young Park, Christopher D'Amboise, and Louise Vick

The GEOMME partnership is an international initiative with partners in South Korea, Japan, and Norway aiming to enhance societal resilience to climate-driven geohazards through research and education. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway (project number 322469) and is running from 2021 to 2026. An overarching objective of GEOMME is to initiate collaborative activities which will improve the adaptive capacity of these nations to climate change through knowledge exchange and research-based education.

A unique feature of the partnership is the collaborative development and implementation of four specialized education packages, each aligned with one of the project's scientific themes: (1) understanding geohazards in a changing climate, (2) modelling geohazards at different spatial scales, (3) methodologies for monitoring and early warning, and (4) sustainable approaches to hazard and risk mitigation – including Nature-based Solutions. Each package consists of (1) an online module for wide accessibility – and to level set within the participant group prior to the in-person course, and (2) an intensive, in-person course providing experience-, practice-, and research-based learning. The target audiences are graduate students, practitioners, and researchers.

As of 2024, two education packages have been successfully developed. The first, titled “Geohazards in a Changing Climate,” focused understanding the impacts of climate change on hazards processes in the partner countries and culminated in a course in Norway in August 2022. The second, titled “Modelling Gravitational Mass Flows over Large Areas” was hosted in Niigata, Japan, in November 2023 and focused on snow avalanche and debris flow modelling, large-scale hazard mapping, and quantitative risk assessment – integrating Japan's unique context to explore both technical and social aspects of hazard and risk management.

The aim of this contribution is (1) to share the online learning resources developed by the partnership and (2) present experiences developing and implementing digital and in-person research-based teaching methodologies in an international consortium. 

How to cite: Gilbert, G. L., Issler, D., Ito, Y., Nishii, R., Yamaguchi, S., Niiya, H., Tanabe, T., Kwon, T.-H., Cheon, E., Park, J.-Y., D'Amboise, C., and Vick, L.: Enhancing resilience to climate-driven geohazards through international collaboration – experience from the GEOMME partnership’s journey in research and education, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20359, 2024.

Posters virtual: Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall A

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 18:00
Elizabeth Petrie and Sebastian Mutz

Generative AI tools such as Chat GPT or Google Bard provide new capabilities that can potentially be used by both students and those teaching them. However, as with most new tools, they also come with pitfalls. As those capabilities are likely to also be increasingly integrated into the world of work, we need to look to inform students about sensible use and avoiding problems. We also need to think about how assessment interacts with learning and potentially redesign assessment. This work will reflect on issues and experiences with generative AI in a HE context focusing around an interdiscliplinary course in climate and sustainability.


How to cite: Petrie, E. and Mutz, S.: Reflecting on the use of Generative AI in Higher Education Teaching & Learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18160, 2024.

Learning Situation about Canary Islands and Western Sahara a relationship of proximity. 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Antonio Delgado García