ST3.3 | Dynamics, Chemistry, and Coupling in the Middle Atmosphere and MLT Regions
Dynamics, Chemistry, and Coupling in the Middle Atmosphere and MLT Regions
Co-organized by AS3
Convener: Sovit Khadka | Co-conveners: Petr Šácha, Claudia Stolle, Juan Antonio Añel, Franz-Josef Lübken, Tatsuhiro Yokoyama
| Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X3
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Thu, 16:15
The Earth's middle atmosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere (MLT) region provide a great platform for studying ionospheric dynamics, disturbances, eddy mixing, atmospheric drag effects, and space debris tracking. The thermal structure of these regions is influenced by numerous energy sources such as solar radiation, chemical, and dynamical processes, as well as forces from both above (e.g. solar and magnetospheric inputs) and below (e.g. gravity waves and atmospheric tides). Solar atmospheric tides, related to global-scale variations of temperature, density, pressure, and wind waves, are responsible for coupling the lower and upper layers of the atmosphere and significantly impact their vertical profiles in the upper atmosphere. With evidence of climate change impacts on the middle and upper atmosphere, monitoring and understanding trends through observational data is critical. There has been a contraction of the stratosphere and a decrease in the density of the upper atmosphere, which could impact the accumulation of space debris. This session invites presentations on scientific work related to various experimental/observational techniques, numerical and empirical modeling, and theoretical analyses on the dynamics, chemistry, and coupling processes in the altitude range of ~ 20 km to 180 km of the middle atmosphere and MLT regions, including long-term climatic changes.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room 0.96/97

Chairpersons: Sovit Khadka, Petr Šácha, Franz-Josef Lübken
On-site presentation
Guiping Liu, Jeffrey Klenzing, Sarah McDonald, Fabrizio Sassi, and Douglas Rowland

Realistic modeling of the dynamics and variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) is significant to understand the coupling of the whole atmosphere system. Here we present the simulations of the MLT temperatures at ~100 km altitude for one year during 2014 by Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere extension (WACCM-X) constrained below ~90 km using meteorological analysis products of the high-altitude version of Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM-HA). The model results are sampled at the same times and locations as the satellite observations from Thermosphere Ionosphere and Mesosphere Electric Dynamics/Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (TIMED/SABER). Comparisons of the daily mean temperatures show that the observed and modeled values are correlated (correlation coefficient equals to ~0.5-0.7) at latitudes away from the equator. Both the observations and simulations reveal an annual variation at mid-latitudes with the temperature maximum in summer and minimum in winter, and at lower latitudes the semiannual variation becomes stronger having the temperature maximums at equinoxes and minimums during solstices. However, the temperatures observed are on average ~5-10 K (3-5%) smaller than the model and the observations show a larger variability across all latitudes between 50oS-50oN. The WACCM-X simulations with constrains by NAVGEM-HA meteorological analyses are overall consistent with the SABER observations though some differences are noticed. Whole atmosphere models with high altitude observation constrains would be useful to improve the numerical simulations of the MLT variability and the atmosphere and ionosphere coupling.

How to cite: Liu, G., Klenzing, J., McDonald, S., Sassi, F., and Rowland, D.: WACCM-X simulations with NAVGEM-HA meteorological analyses and SABER observations of mesosphere and lower thermosphere temperature , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2912,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mouhamadou Diouf, Franck Lefevre, Alain Hauchecorne, and jean-loup Bertaux

Future space missions dedicated to measuring CO2 on a global scale can make advantageous use of the O2 band at 1.27 µm to retrieve the air column. The 1.27 µm band is close to the CO2 absorption bands at 1.6 and 2.0 µm, which allows a better transfer of the aerosol properties than with the usual O2 band at 0.76 µm. However, the 1.27 µm band is polluted by the spontaneous dayglow of the excited state O2(1Δ), which must be removed from the observed signal.

We investigate here our quantitative understanding of the O2(1Δ) dayglow with a chemistry-transport model. We show that the previously reported -13% deficit in O2(1∆) dayglow calculated with the same model is essentially due a -20 to -30% ozone deficit between 45-60 km. We find that this ozone deficit is due to excessively high temperatures (+15 K) of the meteorological analyses used to drive the model in the mesosphere.

The use of lower analyzed temperatures (ERA5), in better agreement with the observations, slows down the hydrogen-catalyzed and Chapman ozone loss cycles. This effect leads to an almost total elimination of the ozone and O2(1Δ) deficits in the lower mesosphere. Once integrated vertically to simulate a nadir measurement, the deficit in modeled O2(1Δ) brightness is reduced to -4±3%. This illustrates the need for accurate mesospheric temperatures for a priori estimations of the O2(1Δ) brightness in algorithms using the 1.27 µm band.

How to cite: Diouf, M., Lefevre, F., Hauchecorne, A., and Bertaux, J.:  Three-dimensional modeling of the O2(1Δ) dayglow  and implications for ozone in the middle atmosphere., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1897,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yongliang Zhang, Wenbin Wang, and Larry Paxton

Geomagnetic storms lead to significant depletion/enhancement in O/N2 column density and enhancement in nitric oxide (NO) in the thermosphere.  The O/N2 depletion is generally anti-correlated with NO enhancement on a global scale. However, the NO enhancement often extends beyond the equatorward edge of O/N2 depletion in latitude and/or the range of O/N2 depletion in longitude on a local scale. These behaviors are most likely driven by the storm-time equatorward wind that brings the O/N2 depleted and NO enhanced air from high to low latitudes, as well as zonal wind perturbations. On the other hand, the equatorward wind also depends on altitudes. Note that the peak NO density locates at an altitude around 110 km while the O/N2 column density is mostly contributed by local O andN2 density around 140 km and above. The different behaviors between NO and O/N2 are likely due to the altitude variations of the meridional winds during storms as revealed by TIEGCM simulations. The downward advection by vertical winds associated with storm-time meridional circulation perturbations may also contribute to the difference.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Wang, W., and Paxton, L.: Drivers for different behaviors in storm-time thermospheric O/N2 ratio and nitric oxide density, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3615,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gerd Baumgarten, Eframir Franco-Diaz, Jens Fiedler, Michael Gerding, Ralph Latteck, Mohammed Mossad, Toralf Renkwitz, Irina Strelnikova, Boris Strelnikov, and Robin Wing

Throughout the winter, extreme circumpolar wind patterns are found in the altitude range of 30 to 70 km, reaching wind speeds up to 500 km/h. The circumpolar wind patterns form the Stratospheric Polar Vortex. In the Northern Hemisphere, weather extremes are known to be linked to distortions of the Polar Vortex. Recently, studies using observations and modelling have indicated that the extreme winds at the Polar Vortex Edge also play a crucial role in multistep upward coupling through gravity waves. Variations in the wind profiles affect gravity wave propagation and lead to wave generation and breakdown. Direct measurements of the mean winds and waves at the Polar Vortex Edge are rare and technically challenging. We use lidar and radar instruments to measure temperature, wind, and the occurrence of layered phenomena over northern Norway (ALOMAR, 69°N) and northern Germany (Kühlungsborn, 54°N). Using more than 10 years of measurements, we have collected a unique dataset, which contains measurements both inside and outside the Polar Vortex.

These observations are used to explore upward- and downward-propagating gravity waves in the complex dynamical setting near the Polar Vortex Edge. These unique wave-vortex interactions play a role in coupling layers above and below, and link large-scale flow to turbulence, frequently observed as layered phenomena, such as Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes. The link between waves, turbulence, and the polar vortex will be discussed using observations and model data.


How to cite: Baumgarten, G., Franco-Diaz, E., Fiedler, J., Gerding, M., Latteck, R., Mossad, M., Renkwitz, T., Strelnikova, I., Strelnikov, B., and Wing, R.: Gravity Waves and Turbulence indicating multistep vertical coupling near the Polar Vortex Edge, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16986,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marcin Kupilas, Chester Gardner, Wuhu Feng, Maria Vittoria Guarino, Daniel Marsh, and John Plane

State-of-the-art global chemistry-climate models such as WACCM cannot practically resolve the small-scale gravity waves (GWs) that are important in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT, ≈ 70-120km). A solution is the use of parametrizations that represent subgrid dissipating GWs (see e.g. Garcia et al., 2007). To reproduce key MLT features such as mesospheric jet reversals, pole-to-pole circulation and the summer mesopause, models rely on such schemes (McLandress, 1997; Holton & Alexander, 2000), though more development is needed. For example, WACCM tends to underestimate observed mesospheric densities of O, O3 and NO, and overestimate observed densities of the Na and Fe layers produced from cosmic dust ablation. Increasing evidence suggests a reason for this is a missing vertical transport from subgrid propagating GWs, and a solution has recently been achieved when these effects were included in the WACCM GW scheme (Guarino et al., 2023). In the current work, we resolve subgrid waves natively using WACCM with Regional Refinement (WACCM-RR). WACCM-RR provides the unprecedented opportunity to model the global climate up to altitudes of 140 km, and resolve individual regions down to as far as 1/32° at a low computational cost compared to global high resolution models. Trends from a model using a 1/8° grid over the Continental US  (1° elsewhere), when compared to a global 1° model, are consistent with comparisons of standard WACCM models, to models using our updated GW scheme. For example, mesospheric densities of O, O3 and CO2 are increased, as predicted. A surprising contrast is a globally warmer atmosphere, likely due to sensitivity of the meridional circulation to GW activity in the refined region. The results point to the applicability of WACCM-RR for detailed investigations of wave-transport processes, and their impact on MLT dynamics and composition. We point out remaining questions and challenges.

How to cite: Kupilas, M., Gardner, C., Feng, W., Guarino, M. V., Marsh, D., and Plane, J.: Small-scale waves, big implications: a regionally refined perspective with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9230,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Monali Borthakur and Miriam Sinnhuber

Sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are characterised by the rise of polar stratospheric temperatures by several tens of kelvins. Here, we investigate the SSW of 2009 using the ECHAM/MESSy (EMAC) chemistry climate model. We study in particular how the SSWs are affected by variable solar forcing: EUV photo-ionisation that dominates the changes during high solar activity and geomagnetic storms. The warmings are preceded by a slowing then reversal of the westerly winds in the stratospheric polar vortex which then becomes easterly and it is also closely associated to polar vortex breakdown. 20 ensemble members are considered and different onset dates of the free running ensembles for the SSW event in January are tested to see the development of the polar vortex and its breakdown in the different ensemble members. Ionisation rates from the AISSTORM model are used in this case. And the results are compared with a geomagnetic storm (consisting of mostly electrons that are in the range of a few kilo-electron volts (keVs) to about 1 MeV) included on the day of the SSW, i.e., 25th of January. For the experiments considered here, the EUV photoionization was doubled and halved, and in both cases an increase in stratospheric temperature compared to the normal EUV was observed. Overall, effects of both EUV photoionization and particles on the temperature, wind fields, NOy and ozone in the middle atmosphere was observed. As ozone is one of the key species in radiative heating and cooling of the stratosphere, changes in its concentration can be linked to dynamical changes in the middle atmosphere.


How to cite: Borthakur, M. and Sinnhuber, M.: Quantifying the impact of variable solar forcing on Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2910,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier and Leonard Schulz

Satellite mega-constellations are one of the main reasons for the current exponential growth of space flight. The increasingly large number of objects in orbit has already raised much concern about space debris and requires mitigation strategies. The common strategy for low Earth orbit (LEO) objects is to ensure their re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, where they ablate and burn up, injecting material into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We discuss the significance of this anthropogenic injection compared to the natural one originating from meteoric sources, which provide a constant flow of cosmic dust and larger meteoroids into Earth’s atmosphere. Our comparison indicates that already in 2019 the anthropogenic mass injection has been significant (2.8%) compared to the natural injection. This number will rise in the future due to the ongoing implementation of satellite mega-constellations. More than 5,000 constellation satellites are in orbit right now with more than 100,000 proposed. Considering a worst-case scenario, the injection of metals could increase up to 90% and the aerosol injection up to 94% compared to the natural injection. As the material is mainly injected into mesosphere heights, possible influences on mesospheric and even stratospheric chemistry, with effects on the ozone layer, cloud formation or the climate are thinkable. Recent, first observations already confirmed the existence of spacecraft ablation remnants in stratospheric aerosol particles. This  emphasizes our theoretically conjectured significance of anthropogenic dust injection . However, further studies, including observations and modeling, are urgently required to further elucidate any atmospheric effects. Precautions need to be discussed now in order to protect our atmosphere from yet another human-made influence, that is space waste.

How to cite: Glassmeier, K.-H. and Schulz, L.: Satellite mega-constellations and spacecraft re-entry: Are we harming Earth’s atmosphere?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3860,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Neil Hindley, Lars Hoffmann, Tracy Moffat-Griffin, Phoebe Noble, and Corwin Wright
Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) are one of the most important drivers of the circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere. Usually generated in the lower atmosphere and propagating upwards through the atmospheric layers, the aggregated forcing of these waves drives circulations in the middle atmosphere that are far from that expected under radiative equilibrium. Circulations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) and above, especially in polar regions, have shown extreme sensitivity to GW parameterisations in recent high-top modelling simulations and can exhibit significant and limiting biases compared to observations. This uncertainty in the role of GW dynamics between models has made predictions of how these high-altitude circulations are expected to respond to a changing climate very challenging. This is confounded by a relative scarcity of global observations of GW activity in the middle and upper atmosphere with which to understand these connections over climate timescales. Since the early 2000s, satellite and ground-based instrumentation has provided an unprecedented observational view of middle atmospheric dynamics and composition, especially for the study of GWs. However, due to different instrument capabilities and limited hardware lifetimes, examining long term trends of GW properties observationally has been challenging due to the need to re-establish baselines. Here we examine results from some of the longest known single-instrument records of GW activity in the middle and upper atmosphere spanning more than two decades. We explore changes in GW amplitudes, wavelengths and directional momentum flux in the stratosphere from a 22-year climatology derived from global 3-D satellite observations from the AIRS/Aqua, the longest single-instrument climatology of this type. We also explore changes in wind, temperature and large-scale GW activity in the polar MLT from nearly 20 years of single-station meteor wind radar observations in the Arctic and Antarctic. We compare these trends to equivalent analysis of other long-term satellite GW datasets and resolved GW activity in ERA5 stratospheric reanalysis. Finally, we discuss limitations and best practise for considering observed trends in GW observations, such as how changes in circulation can affect GW propagation and their apparent sensitivity to satellite remote sensing techniques.

How to cite: Hindley, N., Hoffmann, L., Moffat-Griffin, T., Noble, P., and Wright, C.: Long-term changes in gravity wave activity in the middle atmosphere from satellite and ground-based observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21520,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Juan Antonio Añel, Claudia Stolle, Sovit Khadka
On-site presentation
Rico Fausch and Peter Wurz

The chemical composition of Earth's lower thermosphere around an altitude of 180 km remains a largely uncharted territory. This altitude marks a critical transition region, where the atmosphere shifts from being dense and collision-dominated to a regime of free molecular flow. In this region, the altitude profiles of the present chemical species demonstrate their steepest gradients, a phenomenon crucial for understanding the dynamic interplay between the lower thermosphere and the mesosphere. Despite its importance, this region remains poorly explored due to limited in situ observations. Our focus is on the deployment of a highly miniaturized mass spectrometer, specifically designed for a CubeSat platform where it will be accommodated within 1U. This advanced instrumentation is designed to measure in situ all species present in this part of the atmosphere. Thanks to its novel ion source design, it is capable of measuring atoms, molecules, radicals, and isotopes, with exceptional sensitivity, dynamic range, mass range, and mass resolution even at the hyper-velocities of spacecraft during these measurements. The core of our discussion revolves around the expected data quality and performance capabilities of this mass spectrometer, particularly its operation at the perigee in the lower thermosphere. The data obtained from this innovative approach are expected to shed light on the complex dynamics at play in this scarcely studied region. We anticipate that these findings will significantly contribute to the scientific community’s understanding of the lower thermosphere, its coupling with the mesosphere, and the exosphere, filling a crucial gap in our current knowledge and potentially paving the way for future research in both atmospheric science and comparative planetology.

How to cite: Fausch, R. and Wurz, P.: Towards in situ measurements of the chemical composition of Earth’s lower thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8857,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bernd Funke, Martyn Chipperfield, Quentin Errera, Felix Friedl-Vallon, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Michael Hoepfner, Alex Hoffmann, Alizee Malavart, Scott Osprey, Inna Polichtchouk, Peter Preusse, Piera Raspollini, Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, Pekka Verronen, and Kaley Walker

The Changing-Atmosphere Infra-Red Tomography Explorer (CAIRT) is currently in Phase A as one of two final candidates for ESA’s Earth Explorer 11. As a Fourier transform infrared limb imager, CAIRT will observe simultaneously from the middle troposphere to the lower thermosphere at high spectral resolution and with unprecedented horizontal and vertical resolution. With this, CAIRT will provide critical information on (a) atmospheric gravity waves, circulation and mixing, (b) coupling with the upper atmosphere, solar variability and space weather and, (c) aerosols and pollutants in the upper troposphere and  lower stratosphere. In this presentation we will give an overview of CAIRT’s science goals and the expected mission performance, based on latest results from feasibility studies performed during Phase 0. 

How to cite: Funke, B., Chipperfield, M., Errera, Q., Friedl-Vallon, F., Godin-Beekmann, S., Hoepfner, M., Hoffmann, A., Malavart, A., Osprey, S., Polichtchouk, I., Preusse, P., Raspollini, P., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Verronen, P., and Walker, K.: The Changing-Atmosphere Infra-Red Tomography Explorer (CAIRT) Earth Explorer 11 candidate mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20214,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Patrick Hannawald, Carsten Schmidt, Sabine Wüst, Alain Smette, and Michael Bittner

The dynamics in the atmosphere, especially the upper mesosphere and mesopause are significantly driven by atmospheric gravity waves. OH airglow offers an unique possibility to observe atmospheric dynamics in this altitude region with a high spatio-temporal resolution simultaneously using imager and spectrometer systems. Especially, characteristics of gravity waves as well as features like wave breaking and wave-wave interaction can be observed. Spectroscopic observations allow observing rotational temperature changes. Thus, both instrument types complement each other very well.

Since November 2022 two airglow imagers (FAIM) and one airglow spectrometer (GRIPS) with high temporal resolution (1 image every 2 seconds, 1 spectrum every 15 seconds) started routine observations during each night in cooperation with and at ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in the Atacama Desert at Cerro Paranal, Chile (24.6°S, 70.4°W).

During the night from 31st July to 1st August 2023 we observed an exceptional bright night that is much brighter than any other we observed so far: a single wave front propagates from West to East with an observed phase speed of about 60m/s. After the passing of the wave front the OH intensity decreases by around 50% within only one hour. Pronounced wave activity of small-scale waves is observed especially before the passing of the event. Similar events in literature are often stated as “wall events”, but seem to occur very rarely in the extent observed.

We present and interpret the wall event and discuss the observed phenomenon and its causes using data from multiple instruments and data sources.

How to cite: Hannawald, P., Schmidt, C., Wüst, S., Smette, A., and Bittner, M.: Exceptional bright OH airglow night at Cerro Paranal, Chile, with high wave activity and sudden brightness depletion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15169,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dieter H.W. Peters and Sivakandan Mani

For more than 60 years, field strength measurements of the broadcasting station, Allouis (Central France), have been received at Kühlungsborn (54° N, 12° E), Mecklenburg, Northern Germany. Beginning with the year 1959 these so-called indirect phase-height measurements of low frequency radio waves (with a frequency of about 162 kHz) are used to examine trends and the long-term oscillations over Western Europe. The advantages of this method are the low costs and the simplicity of operation. Results of the updated fifth release (R5, 1959-2019) of standard-phase heights (SPH) are presented.

The statistical analysis of the SPH series shows a significant overall trend with a decrease of 116 m per decade indicating a subsidence of the long-radio wave reflection height of about 700 m during R5. As expected the daily time series of SPH shows in its spectrum dominant modes which are typical for the solar cycle, ENSO and for QBO bands, indicating solar and lower atmospheric influences. Solar cycle and ENSO (-QBO)-like band-pass show a growing increase of SPH up to 1987, followed by a decrease afterwards.

For summer months during solar minimum years, without solar influences and without stratopause altitude trend, a thickness temperature trend of the mesosphere is significant with a trend value of -0.47 ± 0.43 K/ decade. The overall cooling of the intrinsic mesospheric temperature during 60 years of observation is in the order of 3 K. 

How to cite: Peters, D. H. W. and Mani, S.: More than 60 years of measurements of Standard-Phase-Heights over Western Europe – Trends and long-term oscillations of the mesosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5620,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Peder Bagge Hansen, Martin Wienold, and Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers

Atomic oxygen is one of the main species in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) of the Earth’s atmosphere. Thus, atomic oxygen and the local temperature plays an important role for the energy balance in the MLT region. By remote sensing of the emission from the atomic oxygen fine-structure transitions at 2.06 THz and the 4.74 THz, atomic oxygen concentration profiles and neutral temperature profiles of the atmosphere can be derived.  By resolving the line profile, heterodyne spectroscopy enables access to layers of the atmosphere for which the oxygen line is saturated. The first spectrally resolved measurements of the 4.74-THz line of atomic oxygen in the atmosphere were performed with the heterodyne spectrometer GREAT on board of the airborne astronomic observatory SOFIA [1]. Based on the experiences from GREAT, the heterodyne spectrometer OSAS-B was developed as a balloon-borne instrument dedicated to the measurement of atomic oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere [2].

In this study, we investigate the feasibility of a satellite-borne heterodyne spectrometer for the retrieval of atomic oxygen concentration and temperature in the MLT. Compared to airborne observations, a satellite instrument has the advantage of a limb observation geometry which facilitates the retrieval. A satellite instrument also has the advantage of a fast and almost global coverage.

For investigating the feasibility of such an instrument, we use the vertical density and temperature profiles provided by the NRLMSIS 2.0 atmosphere model to simulate 2.06 THz and 4.74 THz emission spectra as measured by a satellite. We then apply retrieval algorithms for the atomic oxygen concentration and temperature and compare the retrieved profiles to the reference, i.e. the original NRLMSIS 2.0 profiles. We consider the scenario of a satellite in a circular orbit at an altitude of 500 km and an inclination of 8°. The emission spectra are simulated using radiative transfer under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium.

By considering two separate heterodyne receivers with sensitivity of 11,000 K and 25,000 K noise temperature for the 2.06 THz and 4.74 THz lines, respectively, and data accumulated over 100 seconds of measurement time, corresponding to a ground track of 700 km, we can retrieve a vertical temperature profile from 100 km altitude to 300 km altitude with 5 % relative uncertainties and an atomic oxygen concentration profile from 120 km to 300 km with 5 % relative uncertainties. From 100 km to 120 km the uncertainty in the atomic oxygen concentration is higher and within 25 %.

[1] Richter, H. et al. Commun Earth Environ 2,19 (2021), doi: 10.1038/s43247-020-00084-5

[2] Wienold, M. et al. 48th IRMMW-THz, Montreal, Canada (2023), doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299165

How to cite: Hansen, P. B., Wienold, M., and Hübers, H.-W.: Feasibility study of a satellite-borne terahertz heterodyne spectrometer for the retrieval of atomic oxygen and temperature in the Earth's atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15735,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefan Bender, Bernd Funke, Manuel Lopez Puertas, Maya Garcia-Comas, Gabriele Stiller, Thomas von Clarmann, Michael Höpfner, Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, Miriam Sinnhuber, Quentin Errera, Gabriele Poli, and Jörn Ungermann

Polar winter descent of reactive nitrogen (NOy) produced by energetic particle precipitation (EPP) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere affects polar stratospheric ozone by catalytic reactions. This, in turn, may have implications for regional climate via radiative and dynamical feedbacks. NOy observations taken by the MIPAS/Envisat instrument during 2002--2012 have provided observational constraints on the solar-activity modulated variability of stratospheric EPP-NOy amounts. These constraints have allowed to formulate a chemical upper boundary condition for climate models in the context of solar forcing recommendations for CMIP6. Recently, a reprocessed MIPAS version 8 dataset has been released. Compared to the previous version, we assess what impact the changes in this new data version have on the EPP-NOy quantification, and on the formulation of chemical upper boundary conditions for climate models.

The Earth Explorer 11 candidate “Changing Atmosphere Infra-Red Tomography” (CAIRT) will observe the altitude region from about 5 km to 115 km with an across-track resolution of 30 to 50 km within a 500 km wide field of view. This instrument will provide NOy and dynamical tracer observations from the upper troposphere to the lower thermosphere with unprecedented spatial resolution. Given that neither MIPAS nor any of the current instruments observes the lower thermosphere at this spatial resolution, we will assess the potential of this mission to advance our understanding of the EPP-climate link in the future.

How to cite: Bender, S., Funke, B., Lopez Puertas, M., Garcia-Comas, M., Stiller, G., von Clarmann, T., Höpfner, M., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Sinnhuber, M., Errera, Q., Poli, G., and Ungermann, J.: EPP-climate link by reactive nitrogen polar winter descent revisited: MIPAS v8 reprocessing and future benefits by the EE11 candidate mission CAIRT, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10171,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xu Zhou, Xinan Yue, Libo Liu, Guiwan Chen, Xian Lu, You Yu, and Lianhuan Hu

This work analyzed the intraseasonal variability of non-migrating tides DE3 and gravity wave momentum fluxes (GWMF) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region and discussed the possible connection with the tropospheric MJO. Based on the joint observations of the TIMED-TIDI satellite and the 120°E meridian meteor radar chain, we revealed a significant broad-band intra-seasonal signal in the DE3 amplitude around the equator with a clear seasonal dependence. The intraseasonal variability of DE3 in zonal winds (DE3-U) has a strong amplitude in boreal winter, up to 1-2 times the seasonal average, while the variability is usually within 20% during other seasons. The response of MLT DE3 tides to the MJO in different seasons was further discussed together with the MJO activity index. The results suggested that the DE3-U in boreal winter generally has a larger amplitude during MJO phases 4–6 (~10%–40%), while the amplitude is smaller for other MJO phases (~−10%–−40%). As for the GWMF estimation, the 12-year continuous observation of the Mohe meteor radar (53.5°N, 122.3°E) was analyzed. The results showed that intraseasonal GWMF variability is also prominent during boreal winter. Composite analysis for DJF season according to MJO phases revealed that the zonal GMWFs notably increased in MJO P4 by ~2–4 m2/s2, and a Monte Carlo test was designed to examine the statistical significance. The response in zonal winds differs from the GMWF response by two MJO phases (i.e., 1/2π). Additionally, time-lagged composites revealed the strengthened westward GWMF occurred ~25–35 days after MJO P4, coincident with the MJO impact on the polar vortex as previous works revealed. Overall, this work emphasized that the tropical sources (MJO) impress the intraseasonal signal from the troposphere to the MLT region, either tropics or extratropics.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Yue, X., Liu, L., Chen, G., Lu, X., Yu, Y., and Hu, L.: Observed responses of tides and gravity waves in the MLT region to the Madden-Julian Oscillation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2764,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Claire Gasque, Reza Janalizadeh, Brian Harding, Megan Gillies, and Justin Yonker

The vibrant green streaks of the 'picket fence' typically appear below a STEVE arc in the subauroral sky, at lower latitudes than the auroral oval. Recent studies suggest that, despite its aurora-like appearance, the picket fence may not be driven by magnetospheric particle precipitation but instead by local electric fields parallel to Earth's magnetic field. In this study, we investigate this hypothesis by quantitatively comparing observed picket fence optical spectra with emissions generated in a kinetic model driven by parallel electric fields in a realistic neutral atmosphere. We find that sufficiently large parallel electric fields can reproduce the observed ratio of N2 first positive to oxygen green line emissions, without producing N2+ first negative emissions. We find that, at a typical picket fence altitude of 110 km, parallel electric fields between 40 and 70 Td (~80 to 150 mV/m at 110 km) result in calculated spectral features consistent with observed ones, providing a benchmark for future observational and modeling studies. Additionally, we review studies which have identified similar features to the picket fence in the aurora, suggesting that a similar mechanism may be at work there. Since visible and ultraviolet auroral emissions are increasingly used to infer magnetospheric activity, it is important to better understand and quantify potential sources of emission beyond particle precipitation.

How to cite: Gasque, C., Janalizadeh, R., Harding, B., Gillies, M., and Yonker, J.: It's Not Easy Being Green: Quantitative Modeling of STEVE's Picket Fence Emissions Driven by Local Parallel Electric Fields, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12721,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Robert Moore and Joshua Santos

Lightning-ionosphere interactions are well documented in the form of observations of fantastic optical emissions such as sprites and elves.  In order to better understand electromagnetic heating of the lower ionosphere (∼60-100 km altitude), a mesospheric photo-chemistry model is employed to interpret lightning-ionosphere interactions. The LIMA atmospheric chemistry model implements >150 chemical reactions, as do similar atmospheric chemistry models, such as WACCM, but the LIMA model has had success modeling so-called Long Recovery Events. Due to the large number of reactions and chemical species involved, however, it can be difficult to identify specific cause and effect mechanisms for the event of interest. This paper presents a simplified mesospheric chemistry model that accurately reproduces lightning-ionosphere interactions predicted by the full 167-reaction LIMA model (it maintains the accuracy of the full LIMA model for electron density, electron temperature, electrical conductivity, and electromagnetic field intensity as a function of time and space throughout the heating process).

How to cite: Moore, R. and Santos, J.: Lightning-Ionosphere Interactions: An Accurate, Simplified Nighttime Mesospheric Photochemistry Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14619,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X3

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 14:00–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Petr Šácha, Sovit Khadka, Juan Antonio Añel
Gourav Mitra, Amitava Guharay, Fede Conte, and Jorge Chau

This study delved into atmospheric tides and their dynamics during two major boreal sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs). Using meteor radar wind data, our investigation unveiled compelling indications of non-linear interactions between the semidiurnal solar tide and the quasi-20-day wave (Q20dw) in the high latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) during SSWs. Additionally, the diagnosis of zonal wavenumbers indicated potential non-linear interaction between the dominant semidiurnal migrating tide (SW2) and the zonally symmetric 20-day wave (20dw0) component, generating secondary waves. The study emphasized the significance of the non-linear interaction between the zonal wavenumber 2 component of the stationary planetary wave (SPW2) and the westward propagating 20-day wave (20dwW2) in the stratosphere, crucial in producing the 20dw0. The meteor radar wind spectra suggested that the excited 20dw0 possibly engages in non-linear interactions with SW2, further generating secondary waves in the MLT. Therefore, this study presents the observational evidence of a two-step non-linear interaction associated with zonally symmetric planetary waves during major SSWs.

How to cite: Mitra, G., Guharay, A., Conte, F., and Chau, J.: Identification of Two-Step Non-linear Interactions via Zonally Symmetric Waves during Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-900,, 2024.

Sunil Kumar Ramatheerthan, Michal Kozubek, and Jan Laštovička

Climatologically, the wintertime-evolved stratospheric polar vortex comprises zonal wind, which is westerly. During extreme events like Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW), the polar vortex disrupts, showing easterly wind at stratospheric altitudes. Defining extreme events in the stratosphere, like SSW at a definite pressure scale, depends on the region explaining its effects. For instance, the standard definition of SSW is 10 hPa pressure suites primarily for the lower atmosphere. SSW's current definition is unsuitable for the upper atmosphere, especially the ionosphere. So, with this viewpoint, we study the fundamental behaviour of the zonal mean of temperature during the reversal of the zonal mean of zonal wind by using superposed epoch analysis. We use the MERRA2 dataset for this analysis. From MERRA-2, we analyse the zonal mean of temperature and zonal wind from 1980 – 2022 northern hemispheric winters. The analyses are done at 10 hPa, where the standard definition of SSW is defined, and at 1 hPa, 0.5 hPa and 0.1 hPa. Temperature behaviours at different reversal periods are studied at various latitudinal values, starting at 60oN and ending at 90oN. With this analysis, a more general picture of the temperature–wind relation can be understood, which will help to understand and define SSW in a much better way for upper atmospheric studies.

How to cite: Ramatheerthan, S. K., Kozubek, M., and Laštovička, J.: Behaviour Of Temperature During Wintertime Reversal Of Zonal Wind , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1861,, 2024.

The Neutral Air Density revolutions in the Middle Atmosphere During 2021 SSW
(withdrawn after no-show)
Junfeng Yang
Christoph Jacobi, Khalil Karami, and Ales Kuchar

Time series of mesosphere/lower thermosphere half-hourly winds over Collm (51.3°N, 13.0°E) have been obtained from 1984 – 2008 by low frequency (LF) spaced receiver measurements and from 2004 to date by VHR meteor radar Doppler wind observations in the height range 82 – 97 km.  From half-hourly differences of zonal and meridional winds, gravity wave (GW) proxies have been calculated that describe amplitude variations in the period range 1 – 3 hours. After applying corrections to account for instrumental differences, GW climatology and time series have been obtained. The mean GW activity in the upper mesosphere shows maximum amplitudes in summer, while in the lower thermosphere GWs maximize in winter. Positive/negative long-term trends are visible in winter/summer. Interannual and quasi-decadal variations of GW amplitudes are also visible, but these are intermittent.


How to cite: Jacobi, C., Karami, K., and Kuchar, A.: Long-term trends of mesosphere/lower thermosphere gravity wave proxies derived from combined LF spaced receiver and VHF Doppler wind observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4692,, 2024.

Konstantinos Kalogerakis

The hydroxyl radical plays an important role in the photochemistry of the Earth's mesosphere. The OH Meinel band emission dominates the visible and near-infrared portion of the nightglow spectrum. A detailed knowledge of the rate constants and relevant pathways for OH(high v) vibrational relaxation by atomic and molecular oxygen is essential for understanding mesospheric OH emissions and extracting reliable chemical heating rates from atmospheric observations. We have developed laser-based experimental methodologies to study the complex collisional energy transfer processes involving the OH radical and other relevant atmospheric species. Our previous studies have indicated that the total removal rate constant for OH(v = 9) by atomic oxygen at room temperature is more than one order of magnitude larger than that for removal by molecular oxygen. Thus, O atoms are expected to significantly influence the intensity and vibrational distribution extracted from the mesospheric OH(v) Meinel band emissions. This is a progress report on our experimental studies investigating OH(v ≥ 5) + O vibrational relaxation and the implications for mesospheric nightglow.

This work is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Program under Grant 80NSSC23K0694 and the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants AGS-2009960 and AGS-2113888.

How to cite: Kalogerakis, K.: Laboratory Studies Relevant to the Coupled OH Meinel and O2 Atmospheric Band Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4991,, 2024.

Urs Schaefer-Rolffs, Christoph Zülicke, and Franz-Josef Lübken

Mesopause jumps are a phenomenon that is only observed in the southern summer MLT region. The mesopause is lifted by several kilometers within a few days and then later returns to its original altitude accompanied by strong cooling. Lidar and radar measurements indicate that these jumps are the result of a late breakdown of the polar jet, which occurs frequently in the southern hemisphere. Although the basic mechanism is known, no successful simulations of such mesopause jumps have yet been performed.

In my talk, I will present a case study using the Kühlungsborn Mechanistic general Circulation Model (KMCM) in which nudging is applied. I will compare measurements of the austral summers 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 obtained with lidars and radars over the Davis station in Antarctica at 69°S with simulations performed with the KMCM. Mesopause jumps were detected in the first two summers, while no jump occurred in the last summer.

In general, our simulations show that the KMCM with nudging is able to reproduce mesopause jumps. In November and December, the simulations agree quite well with the observations, and we can better understand the role of gravity waves in the mechanism of mesopause jumps. In January and February, however, the simulations seem to be too active, as the agreement with the observations is less good.

How to cite: Schaefer-Rolffs, U., Zülicke, C., and Lübken, F.-J.: The nature of mesopause jumps as simulated with the nudged KMCM model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7694,, 2024.

Simulation of the Impact of Instantaneous Solar UV Radiation Enhancements on the Middle Atmosphere via UV Radiation Reconstruction
(withdrawn after no-show)
Jianmei Wang, Dan Liu, and Junfeng Yang
Franz-Josef Lübken, Gerd Baumgarten, Mykhaylo Grygalashvyly, and Ashique Vellalassery

Noctilucent clouds (NLC) consist of water ice particles which appear in the summer mesopause region at middle and polar latitudes. They owe there existence to extremely low temperatures present in this part of the atmosphere. We have applied the background model LIMA (Leibniz Institute Model
of the Atmosphere) and a microphysical model MIMAS (Mesospheric Ice Microphysics And tranSport model) to study the long term historical development of NLC. More recently, we extended these studies including future climate change predictions by modifying the concentration of carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide leads to a cooling of nearly the entire middle atmosphere (fostering the conditions for the presence of NLC), whereas methane is nearly completely converted to water vapor in the mesosphere leading to larger and more abundent ice particles, i. e., to brighter and more frequent NLC. In this study we present model simulations of the future development of NLC. We investigate typical NLC parameters, such as mean particle radius, ice number densities, and backscatter coefficients, and their relationship to background conditions (temperature, water vapor). It turns out that ice particle parameters (size, backscatter) are nearly entirely determined by the amount of water vapor, whereas the (geometric) altitude of NLC is mainly given by a shrinking of the atmosphere (due to cooling) below NLC altitudes. The effective transport of water vapor known as `freeze drying' leads to a significant enhancement (nearly doubling) of water vapor at NLC heights within this century.

How to cite: Lübken, F.-J., Baumgarten, G., Grygalashvyly, M., and Vellalassery, A.: The future of nuctilucent clouds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8574,, 2024.

Wuhu Feng, Maria-Vittoria Guarino, Chester S. Gardner, Bernd Funke, Maya Garcıa-Comas, Manuel Lopez-Puertas, Marcin Kupilas, Daniel R. Marsh, and John M.C. Plane

The gravity wave drag parametrization of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) in the NCAR Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) has been modified to include the wave-driven atmospheric vertical mixing caused by propagating, non-breaking, gravity waves. The strength of this atmospheric mixing is represented in the model via the “effective wave diffusivity” coefficient (Kwave).  Using Kwave, a new total dynamical diffusivity (KDyn) is defined. KDyn represents the vertical mixing of the atmosphere by both breaking (dissipating) and vertically propagating (non-dissipating) gravity waves. Here we show that, when the new diffusivity is used, the downward fluxes of Fe and Na between 80 and 100 km are largely increased. Larger meteoric ablation injection rates of these metals (within a factor 2 of measurements) which were reduced by a factor of 5 in the WACCM, can now be used in the developed WACCM version, which produce Na and Fe layers in good agreement with lidar observations. Mesospheric CO2 is also significantly impacted, with the largest CO2 concentration increase occurring between 80-90 km, where model-observations agreement improves. However, in regions where the model overestimates CO2 concentration, the new parametrization exacerbates the model bias. The mesospheric cooling simulated by the new parametrization, while needed, is currently too strong almost everywhere. The summer mesopause in both hemispheres becomes too cold by about 30K compared to observations, but it shifts upward, partially correcting the WACCM low summer mesopause.

Our results highlight the far-reaching implications and the necessity of representing vertically propagating gravity waves in climate models. This novel method of modelling gravity waves contributes to growing evidence that it is time to move away from dissipative-only gravity wave parametrizations.

How to cite: Feng, W., Guarino, M.-V., Gardner, C. S., Funke, B., Garcıa-Comas, M., Lopez-Puertas, M., Kupilas, M., Marsh, D. R., and Plane, J. M. C.: A novel gravity wave transport parametrization for global chemistry climate models: description and validation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9229,, 2024.

Sovit Khadka, Federico Gasperini, Jens Oberheide, and Martin Mlynczak

The mesosphere, lower thermosphere, and ionosphere (MLTI) region of the Earth’s atmosphere connects the Sun and the lower atmosphere, displaying various physical and electrodynamical processes. This transition region exhibits intermittent, daily, seasonal, annual, and solar cycle variability and that can be probed in-situ or remotely to gain insights into the impact of solar as well as terrestrial weather. This study presents the response of the MLTI system to the global-scale waves (GSWs) in terms of the spatial and temporal variations of temperature, plasma, and neutral density from the simultaneous observations by the multi-satellite constellations. Comparisons of these with model results can provide an opportunity to monitor evolutions, variations, and coupling of their GSW structures in the MLTI region. The temperature, plasma, and neutral density variations were diagnosed concurrently from the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED)‐Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate 2 (COSMIC-2) observations, and Swarm-C satellite constellations, respectively, during 2020-2021 for solar minimum and geomagnetic quiet conditions. Additionally, for the first time, we used an updated version of the Climatological Tidal Model of the Thermosphere (CTMT) to analyze the vertical-temporal-latitudinal tidal structures of temperature and density. The updated CTMT uses solar flux dependent Hough Mode Extensions (HMEs), includes a more extensive collection of TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI) data, compiles SABER V2.08, restructures ion drag and dissipation, and provides tidal components for individual years. We extract the wavenumber (WN) patterns along longitudes in the form of temperature, neutral and electron densities from satellites data, assuming a fixed local time. We then examine tidal components from the new version of CTMT to determine modeling evidence for the variation and coupling of the GSWs under similar conditions. Thereby, we compare the reconstructed WN structures from tidal components obtained from the updated CTMT with the evaluated GSW patterns from the satellite-borne dataset. Using satellite observations and new CTMT approaches, we investigate the impact of terrestrial weather and possible factors that trigger variability, interaction, and coupling processes mediated by GSWs to the MLTI system within ±45o latitudes.

How to cite: Khadka, S., Gasperini, F., Oberheide, J., and Mlynczak, M.: Impact of Terrestrial Weather on the MLTI Region as Examined from Satellite Constellations and Model Run, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11840,, 2024.

Sebastian Rhode, Manfred Ern, Peter Preusse, Jörn Ungermann, Inna Polichtchouk, Kaoru Sato, Shingo Watanabe, Wolfgang Woiwode, and Martin Riese

The ESA Earth Explorer 11 Candidate CAIRT is a prime candidate for reliably observing gravity wave (GW) activity throughout the middle atmosphere up to the MLT region from about 15 km to 90 km altitude. A horizontally panning spectrometer with limb viewing geometry allows for the measurement of 3-dimensional temperature fields with high vertical resolution that can be used to quantify the global GW distributions and spectra as well as individual GW events. The detected horizontal spectrum of GWs would cover scales of about 100 km and above. Here, we show how the temperature retrieved by CAIRT can be utilized for characterizing GW parameters such as wave vector, amplitude, and phase. This wave-based approach allows for a precise estimation of the GW momentum flux (GWMF) and its development and distribution in the middle atmosphere, e.g., during an SSW event. The vertical resolution of the data is high enough for estimating the GW drag, shedding light on the role of GWs during global-scale dynamic phenomena. In addition, we show the applicability of using ray tracing the estimated GWs along the orbit tracks, which provides a means for increased horizontal coverage and better representation of GW drag due to accounting for horizontal propagation of the GWs.

How to cite: Rhode, S., Ern, M., Preusse, P., Ungermann, J., Polichtchouk, I., Sato, K., Watanabe, S., Woiwode, W., and Riese, M.: Global scale gravity wave observations and analysis with the ESA Earth Explorer 11 candidate CAIRT, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9572,, 2024.

Radek Zajíček, Petr Šácha, Petr Pišoft, and Jiří Mikšovský

The Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) characterizes the large-scale meridional overturning mass circulation influencing the composition of the whole middle atmosphere. The BDC consists of two separate parts - a shallow branch in the lower stratosphere and a deep branch higher in the middle atmosphere. The BDC is analytically usually defined as consisting of a diffusive part and an advective residual mean. Climate model simulations robustly show that the advective BDC part accelerates due to greenhouse gas-induced climate change and this acceleration strongly influences middle atmospheric chemistry and physics in climate model projections. A prominent quantity that is being studied as a proxy for advective BDC changes is the net tropical upwellling, commonly at the tropopause level or in the lower stratosphere. The upper branch of the BDC received considerably less research attention than its shallow part, although it features important atmospheric mechanisms. It couples the stratosphere and mesosphere and is responsible for a large portion of interhemispheric transport in the middle atmosphere. Aiming to fill this gap, we present a multi-model study of climatology and trends in advective mass transport across the vertically shifting stratopause. Results based on ensembles of 7 CCMI models include decomposition of long-term changes in cross-stratopause transport into individual terms such as acceleration of the residual circulation itself, vertical shift of the stratopause, changes in width of the upwelling region and changes in the shape of the stratopause.

How to cite: Zajíček, R., Šácha, P., Pišoft, P., and Mikšovský, J.: Advective transport between the stratosphere and mesosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21525,, 2024.

The influence of anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions on noctilucent clouds and their response to the solar cycle
Ashique Vellalassery, Gerd Baumgarten, Mykhaylo Grygalashvyly, and Franz-Josef Lübken
Laura de la Torre, Juan A. Añel, Petr Šácha, Aleš Kuchař, Rolando García, and Martin G. Mlynczak

In this study we compare various stratospheric parameters obtained from reanalysis and satellite data. The data from ERA5.1, MERRA2, JRA55, and JRA3Q reanalysis, as well as from the MLS and SABER satellite instruments are used to assess the agreement between reanalysis and satellite data in the stratospheric layer. In particular, the geopotential height of the tropopause and stratopause, as well as the stratospheric thickness, are computed and compared. The results show that the most significant discrepancies are observed in the tropics (30ºS to 30ºN) and the global mean, where negative correlations with satellite data are found. The correlations in the southern hemisphere extratropics are lower than those in the northern hemisphere extratropics. Moreover, the stratospheric thickness, a priori expected to be well-correlated with the stratospheric temperature, not always behaves this way.

How to cite: de la Torre, L., Añel, J. A., Šácha, P., Kuchař, A., García, R., and Mlynczak, M. G.: Comparison of different stratospheric parameters from reanalysis and satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15654,, 2024.

Alexander Kutepov and Artem Feofilov

The 15 μm CO2 radiative cooling h has significant impact on the energy budget of mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT).  Exact calculations of h are critically important for adequate modeling the pressure and temperature distributions in MLT by General Circulation Models (GCMs). Large errors of current routines calculating h significantly influence pressure and temperature distributions in MLT obtained by GCMs. In this study we analyze the errors of the most widely used parameterization of h by Fomichev et al, (1998) and show, that very large errors this parameterization has for temperature profiles disturbed by waves (up to 25 K/Day at mesopause region) are caused by a very approximate solution of the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) problem. These errors may not be removed in the framework of the parameterization approach, as the revised version of the Fomichev-98 algorithm presented by Lopez-Puertas et al, (2023), shows (see Kutepov, 2023).

Instead of developing a new parameterization we present (Kutepov and Feofilov, 2023) for the first time the routine for exact calculating the non-LTE h of MLT in GCMs. The routine is an optimized version of the ALI-ARMS (for Accelerated Lambda Iterations for Atmospheric Radiation and Molecular spectra) non-LTE research code (Feofilov and Kutepov, 2012). It delivers h for day and night conditions with an error (for the current CO2 density) not exceeding 1 K/Day even for strong temperature disturbances. The routine uses the ALI and the Opacity Distribution Function (ODF) techniques adopted from the modeling of stellar atmospheres, and is about 1000 faster than the standard matrix/line-by-line non-LTE solution algorithms. It has an interface for feed-backs from the model, is ready for implementation, may use any quenching rate coefficient of the CO22 )+O(3P) reaction, handles large variations of O(3P), and allows the user to vary the number of vibrational levels and bands to find a balance between the calculation speed and accuracy. The routine can handle the broad variation of CO2 both below and above the current volume mixing ratio, up to 4000 ppmv. This allows using this routine for modeling the Earth’s ancient atmospheres and the climate changes caused by increasing CO2. The routine may be downloaded from


López-Puertas, M., at al. An improved and extended parameterization of the CO2 15 μm cooling in the middle/upper atmosphere, Preprint. Discussion started: 6 November 2023, 2023.

Feofilov, A. G. and Kutepov, A. A. Infrared Radiation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: Energetic Effects and Remote Sensing, Surveys in Geophysics, 33, 1231–1280,, 2012.

Fomichev, V. I., et al. Matrix parameterization of the 15 µm CO2 band cooling in the middle and upper atmosphere for variable CO2 concentration, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 103, 11 505–11 528, 475, 1998.

Kutepov, A. A, and Feofilov A. G. New Routine NLTE15μmCool-E v1.0 for Calculating thenon-LTE CO2 15 μm Cooling in GCMs of Earth’s atmosphere, Geophysical Model Development (discussion),, 2023.

Kutepov, A. A., 'Comment on “An improved and extended parameterization … by Lopez-Puertas et al, 2023,, 2023.

How to cite: Kutepov, A. and Feofilov, A.: New Routine for Calculating the non-LTE CO2 15 μm Cooling of Mesosphere and Lower themosphere in GCMs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12716,, 2024.

Juan A. Añel, Laura de la Torre, Aleš Kuchař, Rolando García, Marty M. Mlynczak, Celia Pérez Souto, and Petr Šácha

Climate change has a significant impact on the structure and properties of the Earth's atmosphere above the tropopause. The most noticeable effects include a decrease in temperature and density. However, it is difficult to establish trends for this region of the atmosphere, which includes the stratosphere and above. This is mainly due to the need for long-term datasets to ensure that the trends are robust and statistically significant. It is also necessary to consider the impact of solar influence when trying to quantify the role of anthropogenic emissions on various variables' trends.

In this study, we explore all these issues, including the effects of different metrics on quantification and trends such as differences in geopotential levels, temperature, density, and the width of the layers. To achieve this, we use a combination of reanalysis and satellite data. The results take into account global mean values and latitudinal differences. We observe a contraction and cooling of the stratosphere in all layers, but with some variations.

How to cite: Añel, J. A., de la Torre, L., Kuchař, A., García, R., Mlynczak, M. M., Pérez Souto, C., and Šácha, P.: Overview of the impact of climate change on the structure and dynamical properties of the stratosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4681,, 2024.

Hella Garny

The circulation in the Mesosphere / Lower Thermosphere (MLT) region is strongly influenced by atmospheric gravity waves that propagate upward from the lower atmosphere. So far, most global models of the MLT have to parameterize gravity waves, given horizontal model resolution on the order of 100 km. It becomes increasingly clear that the simplified approximations of gravity wave parameterizations, including their inability to simulate gravity wave generation within the middle atmosphere, are a cause for biases in the simulation of MLT circulation, holding back scientific progress in understanding, predicting and projecting MLT circulation.

In this study, the extended German Weather and Climate model UA-ICON is used to demonstrate the effects of moving from a coarse model resolution to a gravity-wave permitting resolution on the simulation of the mean state of the MLT and its predictability. An episode of austral winter to spring is simulated with two UA-ICON set-ups, one with about 160 km horizontal grid spacing and 120 vertical levels from the ground to 150 km height (“coarse resolution”), and one with about 20 km horizontal grid spacing and 250 vertical levels (“high resolution”). The high-resolution set-up is able to resolve gravity waves with horizontal wave length up to about 200 km. Resolving gravity waves is essential to simulate the mean state of MLT circulation in austral winter: while in the coarse resolution model, zonal mean winds around 100 km height are easterly, the high-resolution model version simulates westerlies in this region, in agreement with observations. It is shown that wave forcing by resolved waves with horizontal scales below 2000 km, which are only resolved in the high-resolution model version, impose an eastward force on the zonal mean winds, and thus are essential to maintain the westerly winds. Next to the mean state, the two model set-ups are utilized to demonstrate the effects of resolving gravity waves on estimations of the intrinsic predictability of the MLT region: experiments with imposed small perturbations in the initial conditions show that error growth in the MLT region is substantially faster in the high-resolution simulation with resolved gravity waves compared to the coarse resolution simulation. Thus, the intrinsic predictability time-scale, after which the MLT becomes intrinsically unpredictable, is vastly overestimated by a factor of 3-4 in simulations that do not resolve gravity waves. Overall, this work stresses the importance of exploring high-resolution simulations of the MLT in order to make progress on our understanding of MLT dynamics.

How to cite: Garny, H.: Predictability and mean state of the MLT: Importance of resolving gravity waves, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17136,, 2024.