ITS1.15/GI1.3 | Stability and accuracy of Earth observation satellite measurements through calibration and, validation, and provision of precursor data sets
Stability and accuracy of Earth observation satellite measurements through calibration and, validation, and provision of precursor data sets
Convener: Malcolm W. J. Davidson | Co-conveners: Jack Kaye, Mark Drinkwater
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.24
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Mon, 10:45
Space-based measurements of the Earth System, including its atmosphere, oceans, land surface, cryosphere, biosphere, and interior components, require extensive prelaunch and post-launch calibration and validation activities to evaluate scientific accuracy, characterise uncertainties and ensure the fitness for purpose of the geophysical information provided throughout lifetime of satellite missions. This stems from the need to demonstrate unambiguously that space-based measurements, which are typically based on engineering measurements by the detectors (e.g. photons), are sensitive to and can be used to reliably retrieve the geophysical and/or biogeochemical parameters of interest across the Earth.

Most geophysical parameters vary in time and space, and the retrieval algorithms used must be accurate and tested under the representative range of conditions encountered. Satellite missions also benefit from the availability of precursor data made available from other satellite missions, field campaigns, and/or surface-based measurement networks that are used in the definition of geophysical products and for the development and testing of the retrieval algorithms prior to launch during the satellite and ground segment development. Post-launch calibration and validation over the lifetime of missions assure that any long-term variation in observation can be unambiguously tied to the evolution of the Earth system. Such activities are also critical in ensuring that measurements from different satellites can be inter-compared and used seamlessly to create long-term multi-instrument/multi-platform data sets, which serve as the basis for large-scale international science investigations into topics with high societal or environmental importance.

This session seeks presentations on the use of surface-based, airborne, and/or space-based observations to develop precursor data sets and support both pre- and post- launch calibration/validation and retrieval algorithm development for space-based satellite missions measuring our Earth system. A particular but not exclusive focus will be on collaborative activities carried out jointly by NASA and ESA as part of their Joint Program Planning Group Subgroup on provision of precursor data sets for future ESA, NASA, and related partner missions, and the full range of pre- and post-launch calibration and validation and field activities for these satellite projects.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 2.24

Chairpersons: Jack Kaye, Malcolm W. J. Davidson, Mark Drinkwater
On-site presentation
Simon Hook, Bjorn Eng, Gerardo Rivera, Robert Freepartner, Brenna Hatch, William Johnson, Dirk Schüttemeyer, Mary Langsdale, and Martin Wooster

Post-launch calibration and validation over the lifetime of missions is needed to ensure that any long-term variation in an observation, e.g. an area getting hotter, can be unambiguously assigned to a change in the Earth system, rather than a change in calibration. Such activities enable measurements from different satellites to be inter-compared and used seamlessly to create long-term multi-instrument/multi-platform data records, which serve as the basis for large-scale international science investigations into topics with high societal or environmental importance. In order to help address this need we have established a set of automated validation sites where the necessary measurements for validating mid and thermal infrared data from spaceborne and airborne sensors are made every few minutes on a continuous basis. We have also conducted multi-agency airborne campaigns with thermal infrared sensors to develop precursor datasets for future NASA and ESA missions to acquire mid and thermal infrared data as well as characterize variability within the automated validation sties.

We have established automated validation sites at several locations including Lake Tahoe CA/NV, Salton Sea CA and La Crau, France. The Lake Tahoe site was established in 1999, the Salton Sea site was established in 2008 and the La Crau site was established in 2023. Each site has one or more custom-built highly accurate (50mK) radiometers measuring the surface skin temperature. All the measurements are made every few minutes and downloaded hourly via a cellular modem.

Data from the sites have been used to validate numerous satellite instruments including the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) series, the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) series, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER), the Landsat series, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on both the Terra and Aqua platforms, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and the ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS). In all cases the standard products have been validated including the standard radiance at sensor, radiance at surface, surface temperature and surface emissivity products.

Over the last several years NASA and ESA have conducted multiple joint airborne campaigns to obtain data at high spatial and spectral resolutions to simulate future satellite sensors as well as characterize potential validation sites, such as the La Crau validation site. These data are currently being used to simulate the ASI/NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) thermal infrared (TIR) mission, the ESA Land Surface Temperature Monitoring (LSTM) mission and the ISRO/CNES Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment (TRISHNA) mission.

We will present results from the validation of the mid and thermal infrared data using the automated validation sites as well as results from the recent airborne campaigns.

How to cite: Hook, S., Eng, B., Rivera, G., Freepartner, R., Hatch, B., Johnson, W., Schüttemeyer, D., Langsdale, M., and Wooster, M.: Validation and simulation of existing and future satellite mid and thermal infrared sensors using a combination of automated validation sites and airborne datasets, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6849,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mary Langsdale, Martin Wooster, Dirk Schuettemeyer, Simon Hook, Callum Middleton, Mark Grosvenor, Bjorn Eng, Roberto Colombo, Franco Miglietta, Lorenzo Genesio, Jose Sobrino, Gerardo Rivera, Daniel Beeden, and William Jay

Viewing and illumination geometry are known to have significant impacts on remotely sensed retrieval of land surface temperature (LST), particularly for heterogeneous regions with mixed components. Disregarding directional effects can have significant impacts on both the stability and accuracy of satellite datasets, for example when harmonising datasets from different sensors with different viewing geometries. However, it is difficult to accurately quantify these impacts, in part due to the challenges of retrieving high-quality data for the different components in a scene at a variety of different viewing and illumination geometries over a time period where the real surface temperature and sun-sensor geometries are invariant. With LST an Essential Climate Variable and the development of high resolution future thermal infrared missions (e.g. LSTM, SBG, TRISHNA), it is essential that further work is done to redress this.

With this in mind, a joint NASA-ESA airborne campaign focused on directionality was conducted in Italy in the summer of 2023, led by the National Centre for Earth Observation at King’s College London. This campaign involved concurrent acquisition across longwave infrared (LWIR) wavelengths at both nadir and off-nadir viewing angles through the deployment of two aircraft flying simultaneously, each equipped with state-of-the-art LWIR hyperspectral instrumentation. Data was collected to enable simulation of angular effects at the satellite scale over both agricultural and urban surfaces, with the aim of understanding and potentially developing adjustments for wide view angle satellite-based LST retrievals and remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates. In-situ observations were collected additionally to enable accuracy assessment of the airborne datasets.

This presentation first details the airborne campaign, including the unique and novel data collection strategies and design modifications to enable evaluation of directional effects for thermal satellites. Preliminary results from the campaign are then presented as well as plans for further analysis related to future satellite thermal missions. 

How to cite: Langsdale, M., Wooster, M., Schuettemeyer, D., Hook, S., Middleton, C., Grosvenor, M., Eng, B., Colombo, R., Miglietta, F., Genesio, L., Sobrino, J., Rivera, G., Beeden, D., and Jay, W.: Multi-angular airborne observations for simulating thermal directionality at the satellite scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11905,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kevin Alonso, Noelle Cremer, Valentina Boccia, Philip G. Brodrick, Adam Chlus, Georgia Doxani, Ferran Gascon, Sander Niemeijer, David R. Thompson, Philip Townsend, and Nikhil Ulahannan

Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison eXercise (ACIX) was initiated in 2016 in the frame of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration & Validation (WGCV) and it is co-organised by ESA and NASA. The aim of ACIX is to compare the state-of-the-art atmospheric correction (AC) processors. ACIX is a voluntary and open-access initiative to which every AC processor’s developer is invited to participate. In the current third edition, ACIX-III Land, the focus is on imaging spectrometer data, also called hyperspectral data. Data from two spectrometers in orbit (PRISMA and EnMAP) will be used in a suite of test sites. These sites were selected based on the availability of ground-based measurements and flight campaign data with coincident acquisitions, i.e., RadCalNet and CHIME-AVIRIS-NG campaigns.

 The ACIX-III Land exercise will intercompare the performances of several AC software suits capable of retrieving Surface Reflectance (SR), Water Vapour (WV) and Aerosols Optical Depth (AOD). The original datasets along with the participant results will be catalogued, intercompared, and analysed within the Copernicus Expansion Mission - Product Algorithm Laboratory (CEM-PAL). The CEM-PAL is a virtual environment aiming to facilitate efficient prototyping of algorithms used to generate and test Expansion Missions Level-2 products, including algorithm modification, hosted processing, qualification functionalities and scientific validation environment. Once the ACIX-III results are published, the dataset will be repurposed to initially support the CHIME L2 developments with plans to extent the support to other missions (e.g., SBG, LSTM).

This contribution will present the ACIX-III Land, and CEM-PAL initiatives, highlighting the main implementation points, latest status, and future developments to support related Cal/Val activities.

How to cite: Alonso, K., Cremer, N., Boccia, V., Brodrick, P. G., Chlus, A., Doxani, G., Gascon, F., Niemeijer, S., Thompson, D. R., Townsend, P., and Ulahannan, N.: Integration of ACIX-III Land Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison eXercise within the Copernicus Expansion Mission Product Algorithm Laboratory to Support Surface Reflectance Cal/Val, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20397,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christophe Lerebourg, Rémi Grousset, Thomas Vidal, Gabriele Bai, Marco Clerici, Nadine Gobron, Jadu Dash, Somnath Bar, Finn James, Luke Brown, Ernesto Lopez-baeza, Ana Perez-hoyos, Darren Ghent, Jasdeep Anand, Jan-Peter Muller, and Rui Song

GBOV (Copernicus Ground-Based Observation for Validation), is an element of CLMS (Copernicus Land Monitoring Service). Its initial purpose was to support yearly validation effort of core CLMS product (TOC-R, Albedo, LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER, SSM and LST), five of whom are listed among GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECV). GBOV has however reached a much larger community with about 1200 users, including ESA optical MPC. There is a large variety of ground data publicly available through numerous networks including ICOS, BSRN, NEON, TERN, SurfRad … For GBOV service, the choice was made to focus on data from permanent deployment, i.e. long-term datasets, rather than field campaign data. Indeed, this reduces the number of available ground variables, but long-term deployments ensure the maximum of ground to satellite data matchups as well as measurement protocols consistency.

GBOV provides ground measurement (the so-called “Reference Measurements”) to the community, but its fundamental interest is that up-scaling procedures are applied to these ground measurements in order to provide ARVD (Analysis Ready Validation Data) to the community, the so-called “Land Products”. GBOV service is freely accessible on and provides data over 112 sites. Available ground data variables include: Top of Canopy Reflectance (ToC-R), surface albedo, Leaf Area Index (LAI), Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Available Radiation (FAPAR), Fraction of Covered ground (FCover), Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) and Land Surface Temperature (LST).

The networks providing GBOV initial input data are unfortunately not evenly distributed. In an attempt to reduce the thematic and geographical gap, GBOV is developing its own network as part of collaboration with the existing networks. In GOBV phase 1, six ground stations have been upgraded with additional instrumentation. In GBOV phase 2, a ground station has been deployed in August 2023 on Fuji Hokuroku research station in Japan for vegetation variables monitoring. This is part of a collaboration with NIES (National Institute of Environmental Studies). In 2024, a vegetation station will be installed over Fontainebleau research station (France) as part of a GBOV/ICOS collaboration. Fuji Hokuroku and Litchfield (TERN network Australia) will receive a GBOV LST station in 2024.

Over the past year, several updates have been implemented in GBOV database to better respond to CLMS and general users requirements. This includes improved uncertainty estimates for vegetation products, improved procedure for Soil Moisture and LST products. More effort is being made for the end-to-end uncertainty budget computation.

This presentation will emphasis product status and recent product evolutions.

How to cite: Lerebourg, C., Grousset, R., Vidal, T., Bai, G., Clerici, M., Gobron, N., Dash, J., Bar, S., James, F., Brown, L., Lopez-baeza, E., Perez-hoyos, A., Ghent, D., Anand, J., Muller, J.-P., and Song, R.: GBOV (Copernicus Ground-Based Observation for Validation) service: latest product updates and evolutions for EO data Cal/Val, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10447,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Achieving Dynamic Continuity between MODIS Collection 6.1, VIIRS Collection 2, and Sentinel 3A/B Land Science Products
Miguel Román, Chris Justice, and Sadashiva Devadiga and the NASA's Terra/Aqua/Suomi-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Land Discipline Science Teams
On-site presentation
Esad Micijevic, Cody Anderson, Julia Barsi, Rajagopalan Rengarajan, MD. Obaidul Haque, and Joshua Mann

For Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 (L8 and L9), the radiometric stability of the Operational Land Imager (OLI) is monitored using two solar diffusers, three sets of stimulation lamps, and regular lunar collects. Consistent response to the multiple calibrators provides high confidence in the radiometric characterization of the imagers over time and calibration parameters needed to maintain the stability of image products. After 11 years on orbit, all spectral bands in Landsat 8 OLI are stable within 1.5%, while Landsat 9 OLI degradation over its 2.5 years of life remains within 0.3% across all bands.

The MultiSpectral Instruments (MSIs) onboard Sentinel 2A and 2B (S2A and S2B) satellites were designed with 8 similar spectral bands (out of 13) as the OLIs, which created opportunities to combine data from both types of instruments and obtain higher temporal frequency of Earth observations. To ensure proper interoperability among the different instruments, they need to be radiometrically cross-calibrated and consistently georeferenced. We use coincident acquisitions over Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) to monitor the radiometric calibration consistency and stability of the instruments over time. For geometry, Landsat and Sentinel 2 images acquired within a month of each other over the same ground targets were used to assess the co-registration accuracy between the sensor products.

Our results show a general agreement in radiometry of all four instruments over their lifetimes to within 1%. Following the launch of MSI instruments, the initial geometric co-registration assessment between the MSI instruments and the Landsat 8 OLI instrument showed more than 12 m Circular Error (CE90), larger than a Sentinel 2, 10m, pixel. To further improve co-registration and, thus, interoperability of the four instruments, Landsat Collection-2 products use a geometric reference that was harmonized using the Global Reference Image (GRI). The GRI is a dataset consisting of geometrically refined Sentinel 2 images with an absolute accuracy better than 6 m globally. After adopting a common geometric reference in the generation of Landsat and Sentinel 2 products, our assessment of geometric co-registration of the Landsat and Sentinel terrain-corrected products shows a CE90 error of less than 6 m.

Multiple efforts have also been made to validate the accuracy of surface reflectance products from both Landsat and Sentinel 2. In-situ measurements have been made during overpasses of L8, L9, S2A, and S2B using various methods. These measurements also show consistency between all the sensors and can also be used for other missions.

How to cite: Micijevic, E., Anderson, C., Barsi, J., Rengarajan, R., Haque, MD. O., and Mann, J.: Intercomparison of Landsat OLI and Sentinel 2 MSI performance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13262,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marc Jaeger, Irena Hajnsek, Matteo Pardini, Roman Guliaev, Kostas Papathanassiou, Markus Limbach, Martin Keller, Andreas Reigber, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Marc Simard, Michele Hofton, Bryan Blair, Ralph Dubayah, Aboubakar Mambimba Ndjoungui, Larissa Mengue, Ulrich Vianney Mpiga Assele, and Tania Casal

Tropical forests are of great ecological and climatological importance. Although they only cover about 6% of Earth’s surface, they are home to approx. 50% of the world’s animal and plant species. Their trees store 50% more carbon than trees outside the tropics. At the same time, they are one of the most endangered ecosystems on Earth: about 6 million of hectares per year are felled for timber or cleared for farming. Compared to the other components of the carbon cycle (i.e. the ocean as a sink and the burning of fossil fuels as a source), the uncertainties in the local land carbon stocks and the carbon fluxes are particularly large. This is especially true for tropical forests: more than 98% of the carbon flux generated by changes in land-use may be due to tropical deforestation, which converts carbon stored as biomass into emissions.

In this context, the AfriSAR 2015/16 campaign, supported by ESA, was carried out over four forest sites in Gabon by ONERA (July 2015) during the dry season and by DLR (February 2016) during the wet season. From the data collected the innovative techniques applied to estimate forest height and biomass could be improved significantly and are summarized in a special issue ‘Forest Structure Estimation in Remote Sensing’ of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

The motivation of the AfriSAR campaign was to acquire demonstration data for the soon to be launched ESA BIOMASS mission, that was selected as the 7th Earth Explorer mission in May 2013 in order to meet the pressing need for information on tropical carbon sinks and sources by providing estimates of forest height and biomass. AfriSAR focused on African tropical and savannah forest types (with biomass in the 100-300 t/ha range) and complements previous ESA campaigns over Indonesian and Amazonian forest types in 2004 (INDREX-II) and 2009 (TropiSAR).

The present contribution concerns the GABONX campaign, the ESA supported successor to AfriSAR, which took place in May to July 2023. GABONX aims to detect and quantify changes that have occurred since the DLR acquisitions in February 2016. To this end, DLR’s F-SAR sensor acquired interferometric stacks of fully polarimetric L- and P-Band data over the same forest sites in the same flight geometry as in 2016. The results presented give an overview of campaign activities with particular emphasis on the calibration of the SAR instrument as well as the validation of forest parameters derived from polarimetric interferometry. The SAR sensor calibration is based on an innovative approach that leverages state-of-the-art EM simulation to accurately characterize the 5m trihedral reference target deployed for the campaign in Gabon. The validation of derived forest parameters uses lidar measurements obtained in the time frame of the GABONX campaign by NASA’s LVIS sensor. As an outlook, further collaborative calibration and validation activities will hopefully include the cross-calibration of DLR’s F-SAR and NASA’s UAVSAR, which is set to acquire L- and P-Band data over the GABONX sites in 2024.

How to cite: Jaeger, M., Hajnsek, I., Pardini, M., Guliaev, R., Papathanassiou, K., Limbach, M., Keller, M., Reigber, A., Fatoyinbo, T., Simard, M., Hofton, M., Blair, B., Dubayah, R., Mambimba Ndjoungui, A., Mengue, L., Vianney Mpiga Assele, U., and Casal, T.: Calibration and Validation Activities in the Context of the 2023 GABONX Airborne SAR Campaign for Tropical Forest Height and Change Analysis over Gabon, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10864,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Algorithm development, cal/val activities of NASA’s ICESat-2 mission and coordination with ESA’s CryoSat-2 and CRISTAL missions
Thorsten Markus
On-site presentation
Alice Carret, Sara Fleury, Alessandro Di Bella, Jack Landy, Isobel Lawrence, Antoine Laforge, Nathan Kurtz, and Florent Garnier

Since more than 10 years, CryoSat-2 (CS2) has observed and monitored the Arctic Ocean, providing unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage. Satellite altimetry enables to measure sea ice thickness, one essential variable to understand the sea ice dynamics. Numerous sea-ice products developed by the community showed the skills of CS2 to retrieve sea-ice thickness. Nevertheless, several questions remain to better quantify the quality of the measurements. One of them is to better assess the snow depth, a key parameter to obtain the sea ice thickness. In 2018, ICESat-2 mission was launched carrying a LIDAR altimeter. We took advantage of the difference of penetration in the snow layer of laser and Ku-Band altimetry to compute a snow depth product covering the ICESat-2 period. This product is then validated and compared to in situ datasets, reanalysis, models and other snow depth products from satellite missions such as SARAL. Results are quite good concerning the comparison to in situ datasets giving us confidence in the product reliability. In July 2020, the orbit of CryoSat-2 was raised, as part of the CRYO2ICE project, to coincide in space and time to tracks from NASA high resolution altimeter ICESat-2 over the Arctic ocean. This is a unique opportunity to benefit from along-track colocalised data. We present here a methodology to compare ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 along coincident tracks and compare the resulting snow depth product to gridded products. The lack of in situ measurements is one of the main limitations to analyze the along-track product contribution. Finally we focus on the advantages of combining laser and Ku-band altimetry to lower the uncertainties. The snow depth uncertainties of our product are about 6 cm on average. This ESA-supported study should help prepare the Copernicus CRISTAL mission, which will include a Ka/Ku dual-frequency altimeter for the first time.

How to cite: Carret, A., Fleury, S., Di Bella, A., Landy, J., Lawrence, I., Laforge, A., Kurtz, N., and Garnier, F.: A multi frequency altimetry snow depth product over the Arctic sea ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15804,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jason Box, Rasmus Bahbah, Andreas Ahlstrøm, Adrien Wehrlé, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Ghislain Picard, and Laurent Arnaud

Snow and ice albedo plays a fundamental role in climate change amplification. Its importance is by modulating absorbed sunlight; the largest average melt energy source. Further, the presence or lack of light absorbing impurities including living matter and meltwater effects can strongly influence snow and ice heating rates. Through multiple consecutive satellite missions, cryosphere albedo has been mapped globally and continuously for more than four decades now.
This work examines a 42 year record of cryosphere albedo by joining the satellite climate records of snow and ice albedo from AVHRR 1982 to present, NASA MODIS 1999 to present, and EU Copernicus Sentinel-3 2017 to present. The long-term stability of the climate records is examined using independent field data from Greenland and Antarctica. Additionally, the work presents long term trends in snow and ice albedo in relation to the competing effects of surface melting, snowfall and rainfall.

How to cite: Box, J., Bahbah, R., Ahlstrøm, A., Wehrlé, A., Kokhanovsky, A., Picard, G., and Arnaud, L.: Four decades of cryosphere albedo from spaceborne observations - assessment with field data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19307,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Malcolm W. J. Davidson, Jack Kaye, Mark Drinkwater
On-site presentation
Julian Schanze, Peter Gaube, Jessica Anderson, Frederick Bingham, Kyla Drushka, Sebastien Guimbard, Tong Lee, Nicolas Reul, Roberto Sabia, and Elizabeth Westbrook and the NASA Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge Field Campaign Team

The National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) field campaign took place in the Arctic Ocean between August and October of 2022. The scientific aim is to understand the relationship between both haline and thermal stratification and sea-ice advance, and to test the hypothesis that a significant fresh layer at the surface can accelerate the formation of sea ice by limiting convective processes. With the advent of satellite-derived sea surface salinity (SSS) observations from SMOS, Aquarius/SAC-D, and SMAP in the last decade, such observations could provide insights into sea ice formation rates and extent. With the sensitivity of L-Band radiometry for SSS being low at the temperatures prevalent in the Arctic Ocean (-2°C – 5°C) and additional problems with sea ice contamination in the satellite footprint, careful calibration and validation is needed to determine the quality of satellite-derived SSS in this region, particularly near the ice-edge.

Here, we present three components that have resulted from this NASA Field Campaign.

1.) An overview of data gathered is presented, including an unprecedented density of near-surface salinity measurements from diverse platforms. These were measured during a one-month shipboard hydrographic and atmospheric survey in the Beaufort Sea and include continuous observations at radiometric depth (1-2cm) from the salinity snake instrument, more than 3000 high-resolution uCTD profiles, and air-sea flux measurements. Concurrent with the shipborne observations, an airborne campaign to observe ocean salinity, temperature, and other parameters from a low-flying aircraft was performed. Finally, we discuss the deployment and results of autonomous assets, buoys, and floats that were able to observe both the melt season and the sea ice advance. We combine these in situ observations with satellite SSS data to examine the effects of stratification on ocean dynamics in the Beaufort Sea near the sea ice edge and discuss the quality of SSS data in this region.

2.) NASA Physical Oceanography Programs has affirmed its commitment to Open Science and reproducibility of results. For the SASSIE field campaign, we have created a unique web portal that showcases the datasets gathered during the campaign, giving video overviews as well as written summaries of the available data and motivations for their collection. We have also created repositories that contain processing code used in the creation of these datasets, as well as example processing scripts in the form of Jupyter notebooks, which allow end users to execute a live download of datasets from NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) as well as processing and plotting these data in Python.

3.) We show the active integration of these tools into the salinity pilot mission exploitation platform (Salinity Pi-MEP), operated by the European Space Agency (ESR) in collaboration with NASA. We demonstrate how such an integration leverages access to other datasets, and facilitates calibration-validation efforts for Level-2 and Level-3 satellite data from multiple satellites. 

How to cite: Schanze, J., Gaube, P., Anderson, J., Bingham, F., Drushka, K., Guimbard, S., Lee, T., Reul, N., Sabia, R., and Westbrook, E. and the NASA Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge Field Campaign Team: Sea Surface Salinity in the Arctic Ocean - Results from the NASA SASSIE Field Campaign, Calibration-Validation of Satellite Observations, and Data Outreach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14759,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sébastien Guimbard, Nicolas Reul, Roberto sabia, Raul Díez-García, Sylvain Herlédan, Ziad El Khoury Hanna, Tong Lee, Julian Schanze, Frederic Bingham, and Klaus Scipal

The Pilot-Mission Exploitation Platform (Pi-MEP) for salinity ( is an initiative originally meant to support and widen the uptake of ESA Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission data over the ocean. Since its beginning in 2017, the project aims at setting up a computational web-based platform focusing on satellite sea surface salinity data validation, supporting also process studies over the ocean. It has been designed in close collaboration with a dedicated science advisory group in order to achieve three main objectives: 1) gathering all the data required to exploit satellite sea surface salinity data, 2) systematically producing a wide range of metrics for comparing and monitoring sea surface salinity products’ quality, and 3) providing user-friendly tools to explore, visualize and exploit both the collected products and the results of the automated analyses. 

Over the years, the Pi-MEP has become a reference hub for the validation of satellite sea surface salinity missions products (SMOS, Aquarius, SMAP), being collocated with an extensive in situ database (e.g. Argo float, thermosalinographs, moorings, surface drifters, saildrones and equipped marine mammals) and additional thematic datasets (precipitation, evaporation, currents, sea level anomalies, sea surface temperature, etc. ). Co-localized databases between satellite products and in situ datasets are systematically generated together with validation analysis reports for 30 predefined regions. The data and reports are made fully accessible through the web interface of the platform. The datasets, validation metrics and tools of the platform are described in detail in Guimbard et al., 2021. Several dedicated scientific case studies involving satellite SSS data are also systematically investigated by the platform, such as major river plumes monitoring, mesoscale signatures in boundary currents, or spatio-temporal evolution in challenging regions (high latitudes, semi-enclosed seas, and the high-precipitation region of the eastern tropical Pacific).

Since 2019, a partnership to sustain the Salinity Pi-MEP project has been agreed between ESA and NASA, encompassing R&D and validation over the entire set of satellite salinity sensors. The two Agencies are now working together to widen the platform features on several technical aspects, such as triple-collocation software implementation, additional match-up collocation criteria and sustained exploitation of data from dedicated in-situ field campaigns (e.g., SPURS, EUREC4A).

In this talk, we will showcase the main results of the latest phase of the project, with the recent distinctive focus on the representation errors characterization of the various satellite salinity missions. 

Guimbard, S.; Reul, N.; Sabia, R.; Herlédan, S.; Khoury Hanna, Z.E.; Piollé, J.-F.; Paul, F.; Lee, T.; Schanze, J.J.; Bingham, F.M.; Le Vine, D.; Vinogradova-Shiffer, N.; Mecklenburg, S.; Scipal, K. & Laur, H. (2021) The Salinity Pilot-Mission Exploitation Platform (Pi-MEP): A Hub for Validation and Exploitation of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Data Remote Sensing 13(22):4600

How to cite: Guimbard, S., Reul, N., sabia, R., Díez-García, R., Herlédan, S., El Khoury Hanna, Z., Lee, T., Schanze, J., Bingham, F., and Scipal, K.: Advancing Sea Surface Salinity R&D: The Pi-MEP Initiative for Satellite Salinity Data Validation and Exploitation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12907,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Samuel Hunt, Clément Albinet, Jaime Nickeson, Batuhan Osmanoglu, Alfreda Hall, Guoqing Lin, Leonardo De Laurentiis, Philippe Goryl, Frederick Policelli, Dana Ostrenga, and Nigel Fox

Across the broad potential user base for Earth Observation (EO) data, confidence in the quality of the available products is vital, particularly for users requiring quantitative measured outputs they can rely on. Particularly as the commercial EO sector rapidly expands, however, it is an increasing challenge for the user community to discern between the wide variety of product offerings in a reliable manner, especially in terms of product quality.


In response to this ESA and NASA, through their Joint Program Planning Group (JPPG) Subgroup, have developed a common EO product Quality Assurance (QA) Framework to provide comprehensive assessments of product quality. The evaluation is primarily aimed at verifying that the data has achieved its claimed performance levels, and, reviews the extent to which the products have been prepared following community best practice in a manner that is “fit for purpose”. A Cal/Val maturity matrix provides a high-level colour-coded a simple summary of the quality assessment results for users. The matrix contains a column for each section of analysis (e.g., metrology), and cells for each subsection of analysis (e.g., sensor calibration). Subsection grades are indicated by the colour of the respective grid cell, which are defined in the key.


Both ESA and NASA have on-going activities supporting the procurement of commercial EO data that make use of the joint QA Framework – to ensure decisions on data acquisition are made with confidence. On the ESA side, the Earthnet Data Assessment Project (EDAP) project performs data assessments on EO missions in optical, atmospheric and SAR domains. Similarly, the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program, completed a pilot study in 2020, and has since entered sustainment use phase for some of the commercial data sets.


In this presentation the joint ESA/NASA QA Framework is described, with some examples of its application to commercial EO products.

How to cite: Hunt, S., Albinet, C., Nickeson, J., Osmanoglu, B., Hall, A., Lin, G., De Laurentiis, L., Goryl, P., Policelli, F., Ostrenga, D., and Fox, N.: ESA/NASA Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation Products, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12428,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Foundational Contributions to CALIPSO Data Quality from European Correlative Measurements
Charles Trepte, Mark Vaughan, David Winker, Yong Hu, Anne Garnier, and Jason Tackett
On-site presentation
Tijl Verhoelst, Jean-Christopher Lambert, Martine De Mazière, Bavo Langerock, Steven Compernolle, Folkert Boersma, Daan Hubert, Arno Keppens, Clémence Pierangelo, Gaia Pinardi, Mahesh Kumar Sha, Frederik Tack, Nicolas Theys, Gijsbert Tilstra, Michel Van Roozendael, Corinne Vigouroux, Angelika Dehn, Philippe Goryl, Thierry Marbach, and Sébastien Clerc

The European Earth Observation programme Copernicus is implementing the next-generation system for atmospheric composition monitoring: after the success of the Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI, a constellation of Sentinel-4 geostationary and Sentinel-5 Low-Earth orbiting missions will be launched in 2025 and beyond for air quality, ozone and climate variables monitoring, while the CO2M missions will observe greenhouse gases emissions and related proxies.  Post-launch validation of the data products is essential to determine their quality and enable users to judge their fitness-for-purpose.  Therefore, in 2021-2022 the European Union funded the H2020 Copernicus Cal/Val Solution (CCVS) project with the aim to review the status of existing validation infrastructures and methods for all Sentinel missions and to define a holistic solution to overcome limitations (  In this contribution we report on the maturity assessment and gap analysis performed in this project.  This assessment synthesizes lessons learned from earlier work in FP7 and H2020 projects, and from the operational/routine validation services run in the ESA/Copernicus Atmosphere Mission Performance Cluster (ATM-MPC), the EUMETSAT Atmospheric Composition Satellite Application Facility (AC SAF), the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).  The CCVS assessment includes feedback from space agencies, Copernicus stakeholders and the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV).  

The validation means, such as the precursor data sets and comparison methods, have evolved significantly in the past decade: (1) New ground-based instruments have been developed and networks have expanded  in geographical coverage and in capabilities, (2) traceability to metrological standards and uncertainty characterization of the (Fiducial) Reference Measurements (FRM) has improved considerably, (3) rapid provision of FRM through data distribution services is becoming commonplace, (4)  the advantages of advanced comparison methods have been demonstrated, and (5) all of this has facilitated the development of operational, near-real-time validation systems such as the Validation Data Analysis Facility (VDAF-AVS) of the ATM-MPC for the Sentinel-5P mission. 

On the other hand, a list of remaining challenges still restrain the scope and quality of the validation of several atmospheric data products: (1) Station-to-station differences in ground-based validation results suggest (poorly understood) intra-network and inter-network inhomogeneity, (2) the coverage offered by ground-based networks (of the full range of the measurand values and of the influence quantities affecting the retrieval) can have important gaps, (3) timeliness of ground-based data provision remains poor for several products, (4) comparability (representativeness) between ground-based and satellite measurements requires further methodological advances and supporting measurement campaigns, (5) the accuracy and breadth of scope of the latest generation of satellite sounders puts correspondingly tight and difficult-to-meet requirements on the FRM data quality, (6) cross-validation of the different satellites requires a coordinated approach, and (7) some networks and activities experience increased/recurrent funding difficulties. 

We conclude this overview of the CCVS gap analysis for atmospheric composition data with illustrations of concrete actions undertaken recently to address some of the validation challenges highlighted by the project.

The CCVS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 101004242 (Project title: “Copernicus Cal/Val Solution). 

How to cite: Verhoelst, T., Lambert, J.-C., De Mazière, M., Langerock, B., Compernolle, S., Boersma, F., Hubert, D., Keppens, A., Pierangelo, C., Pinardi, G., Kumar Sha, M., Tack, F., Theys, N., Tilstra, G., Van Roozendael, M., Vigouroux, C., Dehn, A., Goryl, P., Marbach, T., and Clerc, S.: Post-launch Validation of the Copernicus Atmospheric Composition Satellites: Outcomes of the CCVS Gap Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17973,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jasper Lewis, James Campbell, Erica Dolinar, Simone Lolli, Sebastian Stewart, Larry Belcher, and Ellsworth Welton

Starting with the Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE) in 1994, spaceborne lidars have provided highly detailed global views of the vertical structure of clouds and aerosols. And since that time, surface-based lidar, well as aircraft lidar, have been used for validation through correlative measurements. While the validation of space-based lidar systems by surface-based lidar observations is not straightforward, protocols for doing so are well-established and have shown good agreement in many instances.     

The Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) is a federated, global network of Micro Pulse Lidar systems deployed worldwide to measure aerosol and cloud vertical structure, and mixed layer heights. The data have been collected continuously, day and night, for more than 20 years from sites around the world with multiple sites containing 5+ or 10+ years of data. MPLNET is also a contributing network to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (GALION). The use of common instrumentation and processing algorithms within MPLNET allow for direct comparisons between sites. Thus, long-term MPLNET measurements can be used to verify the fidelity of geophysical parameters measured throughout the lifetime of individual satellite missions (e.g. CALIPSO, CATS, EarthCARE, CALIGOLA, and AOS) and provide a metric for intercomparisons between different space-based lidar missions when gaps between satellite missions occur.

In this presentation, we use multiple years of comparisons between MPLNET and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) flown aboard CALIPSO. For these comparisons, we use newly developed Level 3 MPLNET products consisting of monthly, diurnal statistics for cloud and aerosol retrievals covering a representative range of conditions and locations. Furthermore, we compare top-of-the-atmosphere cirrus cloud radiative forcing derived from these two complementary platforms. Finally, using results from an upcoming validation rehearsal, we demonstrate how these procedures will be utilized during the EarthCARE mission, scheduled to launch in May 2024.    

How to cite: Lewis, J., Campbell, J., Dolinar, E., Lolli, S., Stewart, S., Belcher, L., and Welton, E.: Utilizing surface-based observations from the Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) for validation of space-based satellite missions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15137,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Thomas Hanisco, Nader Abuhassan, Stefano Casadio, Alexander Cede, Limseok Chang, Angelika Dehn, Barry Lefer, Elena Lind, Apoorva Pandey, Bryan Place, Alberto Redondas, James Szykman, Martin Tiefengraber, Luke Valin, Michel van Roozendael, and Jonas von Bismarck

Since 2019 the NASA Pandora and ESA Pandonia projects have been collaborating to coordinate and facilitate the expansion of a global network of ground-based spectrometers to support space-based measurements of trace gases relevant to air quality (NO2, O3, HCHO, SO2, …). This network of standardized, calibrated Pandora instruments, the Pandonia Global Network (PGN,, is focused on providing data needed to help validate satellite measurements and to contribute to scientific studies of air quality.  As of January 2024, the PGN is comprised of 158 official sites in 34 countries. This presentation will describe recent efforts to expand and improve the network to support the increased capability and complexity of space-based measurements. Collaborative efforts by partner agencies, especially the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Korean National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), and new programs such as the Increasing Participation in Minority Serving Institutions (IPMSI) and Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) have accelerated the growth of the PGN, providing greater global coverage and allowing improved data products.  With these improvements and continued input from other suborbital assets, the PGN is well positioned to facilitate the interpretation and validation of high spatial resolution and diurnal measurements provided by the newest orbiting and geostationary satellite instruments. 

How to cite: Hanisco, T., Abuhassan, N., Casadio, S., Cede, A., Chang, L., Dehn, A., Lefer, B., Lind, E., Pandey, A., Place, B., Redondas, A., Szykman, J., Tiefengraber, M., Valin, L., van Roozendael, M., and von Bismarck, J.: Validation and support of space-based measurements with the Pandonia Global Network of ground-based spectrometers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20394,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Apoorva Pandey, Bryan Place, Jin Liao, Nader Abuhassan, Alexander Cede, Thomas Hanisco, and Elena Lind

Atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) is a short-lived but ubiquitous product of hydrocarbon oxidation. It is a tracer of hydrocarbon emissions and reactivity. HCHO has been observed from satellite-based instruments for over two decades. Retrievals typically involve (1) fitting slant columns to the observed UV/IR radiances and (2) deriving vertical columns from the slant columns using air mass factors. Air mass factors are calculated using radiative modeling and a-priori vertical HCHO distributions from a chemical transport model. The Pandora instruments form a ground-based remote sensing network that is valuable for validating satellite retievals. Pandora provides total and tropospheric columns of HCHO via direct sun (DS) and Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) observations in the UV, respectively. Here, we discuss conversion of slant columns to vertical columns for DS and MAX-DOAS Pandora measurements, neither of which involves radiative modeling and a-priori assumptions. We intercompare daily and seasonal variations in Pandora HCHO columns from these two distinct measurement techniques for ‘hotspot’ and ‘background’ sites to demonstrate their robustness and complementary strengths, as well as to estimate their uncertainties. We further examine the inter-site and seasonal variability in satellite (e.g., OMI, OMPS) retrievals relative to Pandora HCHO columns.     

How to cite: Pandey, A., Place, B., Liao, J., Abuhassan, N., Cede, A., Hanisco, T., and Lind, E.: Using Pandora direct sun and MAX-DOAS formaldehyde columns for evaluating satellite retrievals, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20665,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shi Liu and Yu Wang

A multi-channel brightness temperature (TB) Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) for the period 1991-present has been developed in this study using measurements from two Special Sensor Microwave Imagers (SSM/I) onboard the F11 and F13 satellites and one Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) onboard the F17 satellite of the US Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). Hardware differences among these instruments were corrected using a combination of techniques including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), using the third instrument as an intermediate, and weighted averaging, which accounts for interchannel covariability and observation matching issues. After intercalibration, all imagers were standardized using SSMIS as the observation reference. The average biases of the recalibrated TBs for almost all channels between any two instruments are globally less than 0.2 K, with standard deviations (STDs) of less than 1.2 K. This resulted in a 30-year continuous and stable FCDR. Based on this FCDR, a long time series of column water vapour (CWV) over the global oceans was retrieved. Validation of this retrieved moisture product against reanalysis, in-situ radiosonde, and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements showed reasonable accuracy, suggesting that the presented FCDR has high potential for climate applications. In the future, this research method will be applied to more satellites to create an expanding dataset of satellite observations that could enhance the accuracy of climate model assessments and improve the reliability of climate predictions.

How to cite: Liu, S. and Wang, Y.: Highly consistent brightness temperature fundamental climate data record from SSM/I and SSMIS, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4525,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Banghai Wu and Yu Wang

Fundamental climate data records (FCDRs) play a vital role in monitoring climate change. In this article, we develop a spaceborne passive microwave-based FCDR byrecalibrating the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometerfor Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) on the Aqua satellite,the microwave radiometer imager (MWRI) onboard the FengYun-3B (FY3B) satellite, and the Advanced Microwave ScanningRadiometer-2 (AMSR2) onboard the JAXA’s Global ChangeObservation Mission first-Water (GCOM-W1) satellite. Beforerecalibration, it is found that AMSR-E and AMSR2 observations are stable over time, but MWRI drifted colder beforeMay 2015 and had nonnegligible errors in geolocation formost channels. In addition, intersensor differences of brightnesstemperatures (TBs) are as large as 5–10 K. To improve dataconsistency and continuity, several intersensor calibration methods are applied by using AMSR2 as a reference while usingMWRI to bridge the data gap between AMSR2 and AMSRE. The double difference method is used to provide intersensordifference time series for correcting calibration biases, such asscene temperature-dependent bias, solar-heating-induced bias,and systematic constant bias. Hardware differences betweensensors are corrected using principal component analysis. Afterrecalibration, the mean biases of both MWRI and AMSR-Eare less than 0.3 K compared to the AMSR2 reference andtheir standard deviations are less than 1 K for all channels.Under oceanic rain-free conditions, the TB biases are less than0.2 K for all channels and no significant relative bias driftswere found between sensors for overlapping observations. Thesestatistics suggest that the consistency between these instrumentswas significantly improved and the derived FCDR could be usefulto obtain long-term water cycle-related variables for climateresearch. 

How to cite: Wu, B. and Wang, Y.:  A Fundamental Climate Data Record Derived fromAMSR-E, MWRI, and AMSR2 , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15316,, 2024.


Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 12:30
Frederick Bingham, Séverine Fournier, Susannah Brodnitz, Akiko Hayashi, Mikael Kuusela, Elizabeth Westbrook, Karly Carlin, Cristina González-Haro, and Verónica González-Gambau

In order to study the validation process for sea surface salinity (SSS) we have generated a year (November 2011- October 2012) of simulated satellite and in situ “ground truth” data. This was done using the ECCO (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Oceans) 1/48° simulation, the highest resolution ocean model currently available. The ground tracks of three satellites, Aquarius, SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) and SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) were extracted and used to sample the model with a gaussian weighting similar to that of the satellites. This produced simulated level 2 (L2) data. Simulated level 3 (L3) data were then produced by averaging L2 data onto a regular grid. The model was sampled to produce simulated Argo and tropical mooring SSS datasets. The Argo data were combined into a simulated gridded monthly 1° Argo product. The simulated data produced from this effort have been used to study sampling errors, matchups, subfootprint variability and the validation process for SSS at L2 and L3.

How to cite: Bingham, F., Fournier, S., Brodnitz, S., Hayashi, A., Kuusela, M., Westbrook, E., Carlin, K., González-Haro, C., and González-Gambau, V.: Simulated Sea Surface Salinity Data from a 1/48° Ocean Model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12761,, 2024.

Paul Naethe, Andreas Burkart, Matthias Drusch, Dirk Schuettemeyer, Marin Tudoroiu, Roberto Colombo, Mitchell Kennedy, and Tommaso Julitta

The validation of optical satellite data products is a central but challenging component of the space missions. In order to validate the satellite images, ground data is used for reference and allows also the assessment of the associated total uncertainty budget. Overall, when comparing ground data and satellite measurements three main uncertainty sources need to be considered: i) instrument characterisation, ii) algorithm retrieval performances and iii) spatial representativeness. These key components affect the proper comparison of ground measurements with satellite data and, thus, have to be carefully examined. 

JB devices (FloX and RoX) are hyperspectral instruments acquiring optical field data with standardized hardware and routines. They have collected a legacy of data for over half of a decade using a comprehensive and readily implemented open-source data processing chain, considering the individual laboratory characterization of each instrument’s optical performance. Thus, the instruments are capable of providing valuable data products for the purpose of satellite validation. In particular, the FloX (Fluorescence BoX, JB Hyperspectral Devices GmbH) is the first commercially available device for the measurement of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF). The instrument was developed with the support of the scientific community following the specification of the Fluorescence Explorer mission (FLEX) by the European Space Agency (ESA), expected to be launched in 2024. The FloX features a high performing spectrometer (FWHM: 0.3 nm, SSI: 0.15, SNR: 1000) and allows stand-alone measurement of SIF emission at canopy level on the ground. Furthermore, the FloX enables the continuous measurements of spectral down-welling and up-welling radiance in the VIS-NIR range using an additional spectrometer to cover a larger spectral range and allows the automatic computation of reflectance as well as various vegetation indices (VIs). The instrument synchronously acquires upwelling and downwelling radiance during each measurement cycle, automatically optimizes the integration time according to light conditions and acquires the dark current and internal quality flags to ensure high quality data products. In addition to SIF and VIs, the FloX produces time series of high-resolution radiometric parameters, suitable for the investigation of the optical properties from the monitored targets. In the last years over 60 FloX units have been deployed worldwide.

Within a current ESA project, we are investigating the instrument uncertainty sources, with the final aim of defining a preliminary version of the FLEX validation plan. At the same time, currently deployed instruments in 10 location around the world were used to examine the agreement of the ground measurements with available satellite product (i.e. Sentinel-2). This approach reversed the common practice of validating satellite data with ground measurements by using the globally available, standardized L2A products of Sentiel-2 evaluating the conformance of ground-measured data products across a network of standardized instruments. An unprecedented alignment of satellite and ground data was achieved, confirming high validity of data products from the network of automated field spectrometers around the globe.

In summary, in this contribution we provide an overview of how field spectroscopy systems can be used in the framework of specific activities with the purpose of satellite validation.

How to cite: Naethe, P., Burkart, A., Drusch, M., Schuettemeyer, D., Tudoroiu, M., Colombo, R., Kennedy, M., and Julitta, T.: Using hyperspectral sensors on the ground for satellite validation. A focus on the Fluorescence Explorer mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9252,, 2024.

Sebastian B. Simonsen, Louise Sandberg Sørensen, Stine K. Rose, and Jérémie Aublanc

The Sentinel-3 satellite series, developed by the European Space Agency as part of the Copernicus Programme, currently comprises two satellites, Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B, launched on 16th February 2016 and 25th April 2018, respectively. These satellites are equipped with various instruments, including a radar altimeter, enabling them to conduct operational topography measurements of the Earth's surface. The primary objective of the Sentinel-3 constellation concerning land ice is to provide highly accurate topographic measurements of polar ice sheets. This data is crucial in supporting, e.g., ice sheet mass balance studies. Unlike previous missions that utilized conventional pulse-limited altimeters, Sentinel-3 employs an advanced SAR Radar ALtimeter (SRAL) with delay-doppler capabilities, resulting in significantly enhanced spatial resolution for surface topography measurements. The Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Cluster (MPC) is tasked with monitoring the stability and accuracy of the mission. Here, we report on the latest findings on the Greenland ice sheet.

ESA and the MPC recently developed a specialized delay-Doppler Level-2 processing chain (thematic products) over three dedicated surfaces: Inland Waters, sea ice, and Land Ice. For land ice, delay-Doppler processing with an extended window has been implemented to enhance the coverage of the ice sheet margins. With the improved coverage at the ice sheet margins, we can now access and monitor the fastest-changing regions of the Greenland ice sheet. Hence, the essential climate variable surface elevation change (SEC) can directly be derived solely from Sentinel-3 and, due to the operational concept of the Sentinel program, is ensured to provide continuous observations until at least 2030. Here, we present the latest SEC results based on the land ice thematic product and compare it to the other polar altimetric missions (CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2) to provide a benchmark for the performance of the Sentinel-3 mission for the time to come with less abundant polar radar altimeters.   

How to cite: Simonsen, S. B., Sandberg Sørensen, L., Rose, S. K., and Aublanc, J.: Sentinel-3 Land Ice Thematic Product: Evaluation of Greenland surface elevation and elevation change. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14920,, 2024.

Jason St. Clair, Glenn Wolfe, and Thomas Hanisco

Measurements of boundary layer formaldehyde (HCHO) are valuable for air quality monitoring, both because HCHO is classified as an air toxic by the US EPA and because HCHO concentrations directly reflect recent VOC oxidation and therefore are a diagnostic for ozone production. The Pandora network, with instruments deployed across the US and around the world, is a promising source of boundary layer HCHO data but previous evaluation of Pandora HCHO data was limited to total column HCHO at two sites during one campaign. Here we extend the evaluation to include Pandora tropospheric column and profiling data products derived from differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) operation. NASA’s SARP-East program provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the Pandora DOAS data products with profiling spirals by an airborne in situ payload that included the NASA Goddard CAFE HCHO instrument. Comparison of CAFE and Pandora data will be presented with the goal of better informing the Pandora data community of its performance.

How to cite: St. Clair, J., Wolfe, G., and Hanisco, T.: Using In Situ Airborne Measurements to Evaluate Pandora Ground-based Remote Sensing Formaldehyde Data Products , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20612,, 2024.

Gabriela Reis, Hassan Bencherif, Marco Reis, Bibiana Lopes, Marcelo de Paula Corrêa, Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro, Lucas Vaz Peres, Rodrigo da Silva, and Thierry Portafaix

Solar Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) corresponds to electromagnetic waves with wavelengths of 100-400 nm, constituting approximately 5% of the energy emitted by the sun. The risks and benefits of exposure to UV for life on Earth have been known for many years and include impacts on human health, materials, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycles. Climate change, influenced by land use change and other factors, can increase or decrease the intensity of the incident UV depending on location, seasons, and changes in the atmospheric composition. UV intensity reaching the surface can be informed as the UV index. This dimensionless indicator often makes it easier for people to assess their UV levels and understand how to protect themselves from excessive sun exposure. In middle-income countries like Brazil and Argentina, networks, and instruments for monitoring UV are often sparse and poorly supported with both capacity and funding, and thus, obtaining reliable UV data is difficult. With only a few stations reporting long-term UV measurements, which significantly restricts its extrapolations to all populated areas, a way to continuous monitoring UV globally is through satellites. Similar to ground-based observations, satellite measurements are affected by instrument errors and are subject to uncertainties in the algorithms used to derive surface UV radiation. Therefore, evaluation of satellite-based estimates of surface UV against available ground measurements at many locations around the world is needed to characterize the errors toward further refinement of the surface UV estimates, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, where there has been relatively limited work to compare ground-based and satellite-derived UV. This study compares ground-based and satellite-derived UV Index levels from OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) at overpass time during clear sky conditions, which are determined using LER (Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity). A characterization of the diurnal and seasonal variability of the ground-based UV index levels will also be reported. The study period will be from 2005 to 2022, varying according to each data source, and comprises data from two Brazilian cities – Itajubá (22.41ºS, 45.44ºW, 885 m, Davis 6490 UV sensor), Santa Maria (29.4°S, 53.8°W, 476 m, Brewer Spectrophotometer MKIII #167), and from Buenos Aires in Argentina (34.58º S, 58.48°W, 25 m, Solar Light UV Biometer – Radiometer model 501). Comparing satellite-derived data with ground-based measurements helps validate the accuracy of satellite data, which can help identify any discrepancies and improve the satellite data retrieval algorithms, leading to more accurate satellite-derived UV products. Also, such a process of data verification is necessary should these data be used for long-term trend analysis or the monitoring of UV exposure risk and possible impacts on human health, as we intend to do in a future study, to understand better the dynamics of the space-temporal variability of the surface UV in South America. 

How to cite: Reis, G., Bencherif, H., Reis, M., Lopes, B., de Paula Corrêa, M., Kirsch Pinheiro, D., Vaz Peres, L., da Silva, R., and Portafaix, T.: Comparative Analysis of Ground-Based and Satellite-Derived UV Index: Variability and Reliability from Three South American Mid-Latitudes Sites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2543,, 2024.

Three Decades of Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements from AERONET 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Pawan Gupta, Ilya Slutsker, Patar Grigorov, Elena Lind, Brent Holben, Thomas Eck, Alexander Smirnov, Joel Schafer, Aliaksandr Siniuk, Mikhail Sorokin, and Jason Kraft
Satya Kalluri and Changyong Cao

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) provides critical observations of the Earth and its atmosphere from the ultraviolet region to the microwave region in Leo Earth Orbit (LEO). The mission now has three satellites in the same orbit: NOAA20 the primary satellite, NOAA21 as secondary and Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) as the tertiary satellite. The primary and secondary satellite provide redundancy since measurements from the mission provide critical inputs to global numerical weather prediction. Since 2011, the multi-mission series of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) polar-orbiting environmental satellites is serving as one of the most important sources of continuous state-of-the-art observations of the Earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere to protect lives and property, and support the global economy by providing accurate and timely environmental information. The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS), the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS), the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), and the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) observe a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum from the UV region to the microwave region. All the sensors have state of the art onboard calibration sources and the data undergo extensive pre and post launch calibration and validation activities before the data are declared operational. Additionally, NOAA/NESDIS center for satellite applications and research maintains an integrated calibration and validation system to continuously monitor and track the performance of the sensors through the mission life cycle. NOAA also co-leads the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration Sytem (GSICS) which is an international collaborative effort initiated in 2005 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) to monitor, improve and harmonize the quality of observations from operational weather and environmental satellites of the Global Observing System (GOS). The level 2 geophysical measurements and products also go through extensive verification and validation through comparison of satellite products with surface-based, airborne, and/or space-based observations that are extensively documented and shared with users. This presentation will highlight the calibration activities and the performance of JPSS sensors and products.

How to cite: Kalluri, S. and Cao, C.: Calibration and Validation of Low Earth Orbit Observations From NOAA to Support Global Environmental Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6427,, 2024.

David Doelling, Conor Haney, Prathana Khakurel, Rajendra Bhatt, Benjamin Scarino, and Arun Gopalan

The NASA CERES observed SW and LW broadband fluxes are utilized by the climate community for monitoring the Earth’s energy imbalance and for climate model validation. The SNPP and NOAA20 CERES instruments and associated VIIRS imagers were launched into the same 1:30 PM mean local time sun-sun-synchronous orbits as well as the future NOAA22 Libera broadband instrument and VIIRS imager. The overlapping sensor records need to be intercalibrated to enable consistent broadband fluxes and imager cloud retrievals. The overlapping satellites are typically placed a half an orbit apart, thus preventing any simultaneous nadir overpass (SNO) events required for time-matched inter-calibration strategies. A Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site (PICS), such as Libya-4, can provide overlapping sensor radiometric scaling factors without the use of SNOs. 

The clear-sky Libya-4 observed radiances were characterized both spectrally and angularly and corrected for atmospheric effects. The Libya-4 natural variability was found to be consistent across the CERES and VIIRS records. This fact reveals that the sensor onboard calibration anomalies are smaller than the Libya-4 natural variability. By mitigating the Libya-4 natural variability will reduce the radiometric scaling factor uncertainty needed to provide both broadband flux and cloud retrieval continuity across the overlapping sensor records.

How to cite: Doelling, D., Haney, C., Khakurel, P., Bhatt, R., Scarino, B., and Gopalan, A.: Utilizing Libya-4 to intercalibrate overlapping sensors in the same sun-synchronous orbit, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6605,, 2024.

Clay Harrison, Sebastian Hahn, and Wolfgang Wagner

The Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on-board the series of Metop satellites is a microwave radar instrument operating in C-band (5.255 GHz). ASCAT has been designed to measure wind speed and wind direction over open ocean, but the instrument has also shown its capabilities to observe changes of sea ice extent and surface soil moisture over land. While two Metop satellites (Metop-B launched in September 2012 and Metop-C launched in November 2018) are operational at the moment, the first Metop mission (Metop-A launched in October 2006) has been successfully completed in November 2021. Regular calibration campaigns based on active transponders located in Turkey ensure a continuous quality monitoring, but natural targets (e.g. tropical rainforests) have also been used in the past. Previous analyses have shown that ASCAT is an extremely stable instrument providing high quality Level 1b backscatter products. Any small changes are evaluated in detail and accounted for if necessary. However, the investigation of calibration anomalies detected by active transponders typically takes time. Monitoring natural targets has the advantage that data is continuously available rather than incremental (as is the case when using active transponders) allowing an earlier detection of anomalies. In any case, calibration problems can only be fully resolved retrospectively during a reprocessing of historic data and not entirely in Near Real-Time (NRT).

The upcoming EUMETSAT H SAF ASCAT Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) products sampled at 6.25 km and 12.5 km are divided into three product categories depending on their timeliness: (i) historic data are available as a Climate Data Record (CDR), (ii) a continuous and consistent extension of the CDR, also known as Intermediate CDR (ICDR) and (iii) Near Real- Time (NRT). It is important to note that NRT products could be subject to intentional (e.g. algorithmic updates) or unintentional (e.g. instrument drifts) changes at any given point in time, which would compromise the consistency compared to historic data. Therefore, ICDR products are introduced in order to fill this gap and maintain a consistency as best as possible. For this reason the ICDR products will be distributed with a one-week delay and ASCAT Level 1b backscatter will be continuously monitored using data over tropical rainforests.

In this study we present our strategy to monitor ASCAT Level 1b backscatter stability over tropical rainforests and show results based on historic ASCAT data for all three Metop satellites. We will also discuss the practical implementation of the monitoring methodology and its application as an early-warning system in case of the ASCAT SSM ICDR product. An anomaly detection should trigger a warning for the users until a more in-depth analysis determines whether it is advisable to continue the product distribution or stop. Discovering problems that undermine the coherence between CDR and ICDR products is of critical importance, since applications like drought monitoring or climate studies rely on consistent time series data.

How to cite: Harrison, C., Hahn, S., and Wagner, W.: Monitoring Metop ASCAT backscatter stability over tropical rainforests, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9248,, 2024.

David Tobin, Joe Taylor, Larrabee Strow, Hank Revercomb, Graeme Martin, Sergio DeSouza-Machado, Jess Braun, Daniel DeSlover, Ray Garcia, Michelle Loveless, Robert Knuteson, Howard Motteler, Greg Quinn, and William Roberts

The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is an infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer onboard the Suomi-NPP (SNPP), JPSS-1, and JPSS-2 satellites. The CrIS instrument was designed to provide an optimum combination of optical performance, high radiometric accuracy, and compact packaging. While CrIS was developed primarily as a temperature and water vapor profiling instrument for weather forecasting, its high accuracy and extensive information about trace gases, clouds, dust, and surface properties make it a powerful tool for climate applications.

The goal of the NASA CrIS Level 1B project is to support NASA climate research by providing a climate quality Level 1B (geolocation and calibration) algorithm and create long-term measurement records for the CrIS instruments currently on-orbit on the SNPP, JPSS-1, and JPSS-2 satellites, and for those to be launched on JPSS-3 and JPSS-4. The long-term objectives of the project include:

  • Create well-documented and transparent software that produces climate quality CrIS Level 1B data to continue or improve on EOS-like data records, and to provide this software and associated documentation to the NASA Sounder Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS).
  • Provide long-term monitoring and validation of the CrIS Level 1B data record from SNPP and JPSS-1 through JPSS-4, and long-term maintenance and refinement of the Level 1B software to enable full mission reprocessing as often as needed.
  • Provide a homogeneous radiance product across all CrIS sensors through the end of the CrIS series lifetime, with rigorous radiance uncertainty estimates.
  • Develop and support of the CrIS/VIIRS IMG software and datasets, which provide a subset of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) products that are co-located to the CrIS footprints.
  • Develop and support of the Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Product (CHIRP) for the AIRS and CrIS sounders. The CHIRP product converts the parent instrument's radiances to a common Spectral Response Function (SRF) and removes inter-satellite biases, providing a consistent inter-satellite radiance record.

The NASA CrIS products are available via the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) at This presentation will include (1) an overview of the NASA Level 1B calibration algorithm and product, (2) example post-launch calibration/validation results demonstrating the accuracy and stability of the CrIS Level 1B data, and (3) example science results.

How to cite: Tobin, D., Taylor, J., Strow, L., Revercomb, H., Martin, G., DeSouza-Machado, S., Braun, J., DeSlover, D., Garcia, R., Loveless, M., Knuteson, R., Motteler, H., Quinn, G., and Roberts, W.: The Cross-track Infrared Sounder Level 1B Product: NASA’s Accurate and Stable Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance Record, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12167,, 2024.

Chris Derksen, Richard Kelly, Benoit Montpetit, Julien Meloche, Vincent Vionnet, Nicolas Leroux, Courtney Bayer, Aaron Thompson, and Anna Wendleder

Snow mass (commonly expressed as snow water equivalent – SWE) is the only component of the water cycle without a dedicated Earth Observation mission. A number of missions currently under development, however, will provide previously unachieved coverage and resolution at frequencies ideal for retrieving SWE. These missions include a Ku-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mission (presently named the ‘Terrestrial Snow Mass Mission’ – TSMM) under development in Canada, and two Copernicus Expansion Missions: the Radar Observing System for Europe at L-band (ROSE-L) and the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR). Airborne measurements are required to support SWE algorithm development for all three of these missions. In this presentation, we will present analysis of measurements from the ‘CryoSAR’ instrument, an InSAR capable L- (1.3 GHz) and Ku-band (13.5 GHz) SAR installed on a Cessna-208 aircraft.

A time series of CryoSAR measurements were acquired over open, forested, and lake sites in central Ontario, Canada during the 2022/23 winter season. These measurements were used to evaluate a new computationally efficient SWE retrieval technique based on the use of physical snow model simulations to initialize snow microstructure information in forward model simulations for prediction of snow volume scattering at Ku-band. A primary challenge is the treatment of different layers within the snowpack. We show that a k-means classifier based on snow layer properties can effectively reduce a complex snowpack to three ‘radar-relevant’ layers which conserve SWE but simplify calculation of the snow volume radar extinction coefficient. Estimation of the background contribution is based on soil information derived from lower frequency radar measurements (X-, C-, and L-band). Our collective analysis of satellite and airborne radar observations, snow physical modeling, and SWE retrievals is facilitated by the recently developed TSMM simulator, which incorporates outputs from the Environment and Climate Change Canada land surface prediction system to produce synthetic dual-frequency (13.5 and 17.25 GHz) Ku-band radar data products.

The acquisition of multi-frequency airborne radar measurements from the CryoSAR, and the integration of these observation into the TSMM simulator, provides a fundamental new capability to provide pre-cursor datasets to advance SWE algorithms in preparation for upcoming missions.

How to cite: Derksen, C., Kelly, R., Montpetit, B., Meloche, J., Vionnet, V., Leroux, N., Bayer, C., Thompson, A., and Wendleder, A.: Multi-frequency SAR measurements to advance snow water equivalent algorithm development, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12346,, 2024.

Julia Barsi, Brendan McAndrew, Boryana Efremova, Andrei Sushkov, Nathan Kelley, and Brian Cairns

The NASA/GSFC Code 618 Calibration Laboratories include the Radiometric Calibration Lab (RCL) and the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) facility.  Both have large integrating sphere sources with NIST-traceable radiometric calibration.

The workhorse of the RCL is a 1-m integrating sphere with a 25.4-cm port, called Grande, illuminated by nine 150W halogen lamps, providing a broad-band radiance source (300 nm to 2400 nm).  The radiometric calibration of Grande is NIST-traceable through calibrated FEL lamps and a transfer spectroradiometer.

GLAMR is a tunable-laser based system fiber coupled to a large integrating sphere, providing a full-aperture, uniform, monochromatic radiance source. The GLAMR system has two spheres; the one used for this study was a 50-cm sphere with a 20-cm port.  The radiometric calibration is NIST-traceable through a set of calibrated transfer radiometers.

The Research Scanning Polarimeter was calibrated by both sources in 2023.  There was a 3% discrepancy in the absolute radiometric calibration between the two systems.  In order to investigate the discrepancy, a full wavelength scan of the GLAMR system was run, with the Grande spectroradiometer in front of the GLAMR sphere, along with two other spectoradiometers that are used to monitor Grande in real time.  The analysis of this dataset should establish the source of the discrepancy between the two systems and bring the two radiometric calibration systems, Grande and GLAMR, within the combined uncertainties of the methods and instruments.

How to cite: Barsi, J., McAndrew, B., Efremova, B., Sushkov, A., Kelley, N., and Cairns, B.: Validation of the Radiometric Scales of GLAMR and Grande, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12444,, 2024.

Xueyan Hou and Yang Han

The fifth FengYun satellite (FY-3E) was successfully launched into orbit on 5 July, 2021. It carries the third-generation microwave temperature sounder (MWTS-III) and the second-generation microwave humidity sounder (MWHS-II), providing the global atmospheric temperature and humidity measurements. It is important to assess the in-orbit performance of MWTS-III and MWHS-II and understand their calibration accuracy before applications in numerical weather prediction. Since atmospheric profiles from Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) are stable and accurate, they are very valuable for assessing the microwave sounder performance in orbit as demonstrated by many previous studies. This study aims at quantifying the calibration biases of FY-3E MWTS-III and MWHS-II sounding channels of interest using the collocated GPS RO data during January 1st to September 30th, 2023. The MWTS-III channels inherit most of the second-generation MWTS features and have frequencies near the oxygen absorption band (50-60 GHz), and channels at the frequencies of 23.8 and 31.4 GHz were added. Considering that the GPS RO data are more stable and accurate in the mid-troposphere to lower stratosphere and the atmospheric radiative transfer model is accurate in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, the mid- to upper-level sounding channels of the MWTS-III, i.e. channels 7-14 are of interest in this study. The cross-tracking scanning instrument MWHS-II provides 15 channels, at frequencies near 89, 118.75, 150 and 183.31 GHz. Of interest to this study are MWHS-II channels 2-6 and 11-15. Using the collocated COSMIC RO data in clear-sky conditions as inputs to the Advanced Radiative Transfer Modeling System (ARMS), brightness temperatures and viewing angles are simulated for FY-3E MWTS-III and MWHS-II. The collocation criterion between the radio-occultation data and the MWTS-III/MWHS-II measurements is defined such that the spatial and temporal difference is less than 50 km and 3 h, respectively. To simulate more accurate bright temperatures, the RO data should be obtained under clear sky conditions over oceans. To determine the clear sky for MWTS-III, the cloud liquid water path algorithm developed by Grody et al. (2001) was used for MWTS-III. While for MWHS-II, the cloud detection algorithm developed by Hou et al. (2019) was used. The initial analysis shows that for the upper sounding channels, the mean biases of the MWTS-III observations relative to the GPS RO simulations are negative for channels 7-8 and 10-13, with absolute values <2 K, and positive for channels 9 and 14, with values <1 K. For the MWHS, the mean biases in brightness temperature are negative for channels 2–6, with absolute values < 2 K and relatively small standard deviations. The mean biases are also negative for MWHS-II channels 11–15 with absolute values <1 K, but with relatively large standard deviations. The biases of both MWTS-III and MWHS-II show scan-angle dependence and are almost symmetrical across the scan line. The long-term mean bias shows only a weak dependence on latitude, which suggests that biases do not vary systematically with brightness temperature. The evaluation results indicate very good prospects for the assimilation application of FY-3E microwave sounding data.

How to cite: Hou, X. and Han, Y.: Verification of FengYun-3E MWTS and MWHS Calibration Accuracy Using GPS Radio Occultation Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13926,, 2024.

Maximilian Semmling, Weiqiang Li, Florian Zus, Mostafa Hoseini, Mario Moreno, Mainul Hoque, Jens Wickert, Estel Cardellach, Andreas Dielacher, and Hossein Nahavandchi

Signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are subjected to propagation effects, like reflection, refraction and scintillation. Twenty years ago, a first dedicated payload has been launched on a satellite mission (UK-DMC) to study Earth-reflected GNSS signals and their potential for Earth observations. It was a milestone in the research field of satellite-based reflectometry. The altimetric use of reflectometry is of particular interest for the geoscience community. The permanent and global availability of GNSS signals, exploited in an altimetric reflectometry concept, can help to improve the rather sparse coverage of today’s altimetric products.

Studies on altimetric reflectometry concepts started already thirty years ago. However, the sea surface roughness, the limited GNSS signal bandwidth, orbit uncertainties and the sub-mesoscale variability (we assume here a horizontal scale < 50 km) of troposphere and ionosphere pose a persistent challenge for the altimetric interpretation and application of reflectometry data.

The ESA nano-satellite mission PRETTY (Passive REflecTometry and dosimeTrY) will investigate the altimetric application of reflectometry. It concentrates on a grazing-angle geometry. A mitigation of roughness-induced signal disturbance can be expected under these angles. On the other hand, at grazing angles tropospheric and ionospheric variability will rise in importance. The PRETTY satellite and payload have been developed by an Austrian consortium and successfully launched on 9th October 2023 into the dedicated polar orbit (roughly 550 km in orbit height). We formed a science consortium (among the here listed partners) to merge competences in the field of altimetry and GNSS signal propagation effects.

Based on the mission’s ATBD (Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document), we conducted simulations and case studies of existing satellite data. They allow a first quantification of expected roughness and sea surface topography effects, as well as, tropospheric and ionospheric biases in grazing-angle geometry. The preliminary results show that, for calm ocean areas (significant wave height < 1 m) and over sea ice, altimetric retrievals reach centimeter level precision. In these specific cases, the residual Doppler shift is small (mHz range) which indicates moderate variability of tropospheric and ionospheric contributions. New observation data of the PRETTY mission is expected early in 2024. Then, we will extend our picture for a more general altimetric use of precise reflectometry data.

How to cite: Semmling, M., Li, W., Zus, F., Hoseini, M., Moreno, M., Hoque, M., Wickert, J., Cardellach, E., Dielacher, A., and Nahavandchi, H.: Building a comprehensive picture of sea surface, troposphere and ionosphere contributions in precise GNSS reflectometry from space, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15810,, 2024.

Improving decametric vegetation products by exploiting machine learning and routine ground reference measurements: the GROUNDED EO project
Luke Brown, Philippe Goryl, and Stephen Plummer
Bryan Place, Apoorva Pandey, Lukas Valin, Jason St. Clair, Thomas Hanisco, Nader Abuhassan, Alexander Cede, and Elena Spinei

Trace gas total and tropospheric/stratospheric column retrievals from the Pandora instruments across the Pandonia Global Network (PGN) have played a key role in satellite validation. With the addition of multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) retrievals to the latest Pandora processing software (Blick v1.8), the PGN now generates surface and vertically-resolved trace gas measurements that will further aid in future satellite product validation. The MAX-DOAS retrievals developed for the Pandora instrument rely upon simple assumptions and measurements and do not require complex radiative transfer calculations, allowing for the columns to be retrieved at a sub-hourly timescale. In this presentation, we give a brief overview of the theory and measurements behind the Pandora MAX-DOAS retrievals and provide an evaluation of the MAX-DOAS NO2 products. For the evaluation we show an intercomparison of PGN NO2 surface products with co-located surface network measurements taken from the US Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality System (EPA AQS) database.  We also compare Pandora NO2 vertical profiles with profiles collected from both sonde and aircraft measurements in the Eastern United States.

How to cite: Place, B., Pandey, A., Valin, L., St. Clair, J., Hanisco, T., Abuhassan, N., Cede, A., and Spinei, E.: Intercomparison of Pandora surface and vertical profile NO2 retrievals with in-situ network measurements and airborne observations across the Eastern USA, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20707,, 2024.

Malcolm W. J. Davidson, Mark Drinkwater, and Jack Kaye

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) created a Joint Program Planning Group (JPPG) in 2010 to enhance coordination between NASA and ESA on current and future space Earth Observation missions. One of the three sub-groups of the JPPG is dedicated to collaboration in field measurement campaigns, mission and product calval and more recent collaborative EO community science projects.

Since 2010 the JPPG has initiated or informed numerous airborne field campaigns to help develop and document the scientific objectives, develop geophysical retrieval algorithms and provide calibration and/or validation for present and/or future satellites to be operated by NASA, ESA, and its partners. The activities address an underlying need to demonstrate unambiguously that space-based measurements, which are typically based on engineering measurements by the detectors (e.g. photons), are sensitive to and can be used to reliably retrieve the geophysical and/or biogeochemical parameters of interest across the Earth and validate mission design. Such campaigns have included as diverse subjects as atmospheric trace gas composition over the western US, solar induced fluorescence over the Eastern United States, wind profiles over the north Atlantic, vegetation canopy profiles in Gabon, and sea ice and ice sheet properties in the Arctic and Antarctic. The collaborative field campaign and calval activities have helped use of surface-based, airborne, and/or space-based observations to develop precursor data sets and support both pre- and post- launch calibration/validation and retrieval algorithm development for space-based satellite missions measuring our Earth system.

The generation of consistent, inclusive, community-based assessments of Earth system change through integrated analyses of these different data sets is also a critically important process in the challenge of documenting Earth system change. To assist in this process the JPPG has supported collaborative community efforts including three installments of the Ice Mass Balance Intercomparison Experiment (IMBIE; two completed, one ongoing), the NASA-ESA Snow on Sea Ice Intercomparison (NESOSI), and the Arctic Methane and Permafrost Challenge (AMPAC).

In this talk a review of JPPG activities and their results, as well current plans for future collaborations including campaigns will be provided. 

How to cite: Davidson, M. W. J., Drinkwater, M., and Kaye, J.: An overview of collaborative field campaigns, calval and community science activities enabled through the ESA-NASA Joint Program Planning Group, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16893,, 2024.

Alessandro Di Bella and Tommaso Parrinello

Launched in 2010, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) CryoSat mission was the first polar-orbiting satellite flying a SAR Interferometric altimeter dedicated to the cryosphere, with the objectives to monitor precise changes in the thickness of polar ice sheets and floating sea ice. After 14 years in orbit, CryoSat remains one of the most innovative radar altimeters in space and continues to deliver high-quality data, providing unique contributions to several Earth Science and application domains. The mission has been extended until the end of 2025 with the scope to achieve important scientific objectives and to extend the synergy with other missions by further strengthening international cooperation.

Routine CalVal activities are fundamental to evaluate the accuracy of CryoSat measurements, to monitor the long-term stability of the altimeter, and to characterise uncertainties on the final geophysical retrievals. In this talk, we present the CryoSat mission status and show results from some of the several CalVal activities currently in place, e.g., acquisition over transponders, comparison of sea level at tide gauges and exploitation of data collected during polar field campaigns. We also highlight the importance of international cooperation in CalVal and Science activities from the perspective of the ESA-NASA CRYO2ICE campaign, aligning CryoSat orbit to the one of ICESat-2, and the Sea Ice Thickness Intercomparison Exercise (SIN’XS) project, aiming to provide reconciled sea ice thickness estimates in both hemispheres. Finally, we discuss how current and future CryoSat activities are crucial to prepare for the upcoming Copernicus CRISTAL mission which will provide coincident measurements at Ka and Ku bands.

How to cite: Di Bella, A. and Parrinello, T.: CryoSat Mission: CalVal, Science and International Cooperation Activities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19918,, 2024.