Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


EOS – Education and Outreach Sessions

Programme group chairs: Mioara Mandea, Chris King (deceased)

EOS2 – Higher education teaching


Structural geology and tectonics are two of the most visual subjects in geosciences, and lectures on the subjects form the core of curricula at geology departments at universities around the world. New teaching styles and technologies have found their way into class room and field courses focusing on Structural geology and tectonic, such as Blackboard LEARN, flipped class rooms, classroom response systems, digital mapping on tablets, the use of drones, and virtual outcrops. We invite researchers and lecturers to present their original and innovative ideas, strategies and tools regarding teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics. Co-organized with TS.

Co-organized by TS1
Convener: Hans de Bresser | Co-conveners: Florian Fusseis, Janos Urai
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

Citizen science (the involvement of the public in scientific processes) is gaining momentum across multiple disciplines, increasing multi-scale data production on biodiversity, earthquakes, weather, climate, health issues and food production, amongst others, that is extending the frontiers of knowledge. Successful participatory science enterprises and citizen observatories can potentially be scaled-up in order to contribute to larger policy strategies and actions (e.g. the European Earth Observation monitoring systems), for example to be integrated in GEOSS and Copernicus. Making credible contributions to science can empower citizens to actively participate as citizen stewards in decision making, helping to bridge scientific disciplines and promote vibrant, liveable and sustainable environments for inhabitants across rural and urban localities.
Often, citizen science is seen in the context of Open Science, which is a broad movement embracing Open Data, Open Technology, Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Source, Open Methodology, and Open Peer Review to transparently publish and share scientific research - thus leveraging Citizen Science and Reproducible Research. Both open science and citizen science pose great challenges for researchers to facilitate effective participatory science. To support the goals of the various Open Science initiatives, this session looks at what is possible and what is applied in geosciences. The session will showcase how various stakeholders can benefit from co-developed participatory research using citizen science and open science, acknowledging the drawbacks and highlighting the opportunities available, particularly through applications within mapping, technology, policy, economy, practice and society at large. Learning from bottom-up initiatives, other disciplines, and understanding what to adopt and what to change can help synergize scientific disciplines and empower participants in their own undertakings and new initiatives.

We want to ask and find answers to the following questions:
Which approaches can be used in Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences?
What are the biggest challenges in bridging between scientific disciplines and how to overcome them?
What kind of participatory citizen scientist involvement and open science strategies exist?
How to ensure transparency in project results and analyses?
What kind of critical perspectives on the limitations, challenges, and ethical considerations exist?

Co-organized by EOS2/CL5/HS12/SM3
Convener: Taru Sandén | Co-conveners: Lorenzo Bigagli, Daniel Dörler, Martin Hammitzsch, Florian Heigl, Eloise Biggs, Julia Föllmer
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)

The session aims to bring together experiences on soil education and evidence syntheses in agro-environmental science. Soil is the key element in the Earth System for controlling hydrological, biological, erosional and geochemical cycles. Moreover, the soils are the source of food and fiber services and resources for human societies. Soils provide food but also many other ecosystem services for society, including water regulation, carbon storage, habitat of biodiversity, climate regulation among others. This key role that soils play makes soil conservation necessary to achieve a sustainable world. Soil degradation and sustainable soil use are key threats because agriculture, deforestation, grazing, fire, global change, road construction and mining accelerate soil degradation rates. All these issues are currently addressed in many different institutions and universities all around the world. When teaching, the fundamental purposes of scientists are to impart knowledge, insight, and inspiration.
Through this session we would like to discuss the application of quantitative methodological approaches for retrieving general outcomes from previous studies, including use of grey literature and reports from national and international Governmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations (e.g., United Nation’s FAO, NGOs) discussions of problems and new innovations in evidence synthesis, and experiences of the application of these methods in geosciences. Furthermore, we would like to bring together experiences, methodologies, ideas, approaches from different parts of the world on the teaching of soil science. Session outputs will be very helpful in order to establish future guidelines for soil science transference to society.

Co-organized by EOS2
Convener: Calogero Schillaci | Co-conveners: Pasquale Borrelli, Alessia Perego, Nicola Randall, Elena Valkama, Jacqueline Hannam, Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

EOS3 – Educational research in higher education and at school level


This session encourage geoscience educational researchers across Europe to submit abstracts that will inform others of the work they are doing and contribute to networking amongst educational researchers worldwide

Convener: Chris King (deceased)(deceased) | Co-convener: Steven Rogers
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

EOS4 – Communication and outreach


Games have the power to ignite imaginations and place you in someone else's shoes or situation, often forcing you into making decisions from perspectives other than your own. This makes them potentially powerful tools for communication, through use in outreach, disseminating research, in education at all levels, and as a method to train the public, practitioners and decision makers in a order to build environmental resilience. This session is a chance to share your experiences and best practice with using games to communicate geosciences, be they analogue, digital and/or serious games.

Convener: Christopher Skinner | Co-conveners: Rolf Hut, Sam Illingworth, Elizabeth Lewis, Jazmin Scarlett
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

3D representation technology is a fast developing field, made possible by progress in computing and reflected by the gaming and video industries. Notably, 3D-printing provides a cost-effective and tactile way to illustrate research concepts, while Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) allow to grasp complex processes and geometries using common smartphones or handheld devices. Using these technologies, 3-dimensional objects and datasets are developed that are well suited for outreach, teaching and wider public engagement.

The design of 3D models of the Earth on different scales based on photogrammetry, mapping and imagery, modelling and inverse modelling is a challenging task. Before 3D data sets (physically real or virtual) can be explored in outreach activities or teaching settings, several steps have to be taken which all come with their own issues: how to export data into the objects formats used in the 3D engineering community; how to feed objects into software to allow 3D-printing; how to manipulate virtual objects easily using handheld devices.

We welcome contributions that are focused on technical aspects of real or virtual realisations, as well as their use in pedagogy, outreach or public communication of Earth Sciences research topics.

Convener: Renaud Toussaint | Co-convener: Paula Koelemeijer
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Do you consider yourself a science communicator or science communication researcher? Does your research group or institution participate in public engagement activities? Have you ever evaluated, studied, or published your education, outreach or engagement efforts? Scientists and communication practitioners engage non-peer audiences through numerous pathways including websites, blogs, public lectures, media interviews, and educational and research collaborations. A considerable amount of time and money is invested in these activities and they play an important role in how different publics come to understand scientific topics, issues, and the research process. However, few opportunities and incentives exist to optimize science communication practices and to evaluate the effectiveness of different engagement approaches. This session, run at both AGU and EGU, encourages critical reflection on science communication best practices and provides an opportunity for the community of science communicators and researchers to share best practices and experiences with evaluation and research in this field.

Convener: Sam Illingworth | Co-conveners: Maria Loroño Leturiondo, Heidi Roop, Rosa Vicari, Mathew Stiller-Reeve
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

Weather and climate services involve the production, translation, transfer, and use of scientific information for decision-making. They include long term climate projections, monthly to seasonal forecasts and daily weather forecasts. They are particularly useful (i) for several climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water resources, health, energy, disaster risk reduction and (ii) in developing countries where vulnerability to climate change and weather shocks is high. This interdisciplinary session aims at showing tools, results, methodologies that could lead in fine to an operational improvement of WCS in developing countries. It focuses not only on models improvement but also on how to interact with end-users, assess WCS added value, broadcast information, avoid inequalities access, involve the private sector etc. The session will focus particularly on feedbacks and results from different case studies located in the global South.

Co-organized by EOS4/AS4/HS12/NH9
Convener: Philippe Roudier | Co-conveners: Pauline Dibi Kangah, Seyni Salack, Ibrahima Sy, Catherine Vaughan
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Liaising with stakeholders and policy-makers is becoming increasingly important for scientists to turn research into impactful action. In hydrological sciences, this is needed when implementing innovative solutions in areas such as river basin management, water allocation, impact-based hydrological forecasting, flood protection, drought risk management, climate change mitigation, ecohydrology and sustainable environmental solutions, among others.

The science-policy interface is not just as a way to increase the impact of our science, but it is also a scientific subject in itself. It presents several challenges to both scientists and policy-makers. They include understanding the different steps in the policy cycle: from setting the agenda to formulating, adopting, implementing, monitoring and evaluating polices. It is also crucial to know which facts and evidences are most needed at each step, so scientists can provide the best information at the right time and in the best way.

This session provides the opportunity for discussing with policy makers and addressing the necessary skills to facilitate the uptake of science in policy formulation and implementation: how science influences policy and policies impact science? How scientists can provide easily digestible pieces of evidence to policy-makers? What are the key gaps in joining science to feasible policy solutions in the water sector? How can we use knowledge to improve policy, and vice-versa?

We invite contributions that reflect on the needs of scientists and policy makers at different levels, from local, regional to EU and international levels. Hydrologists have long contributed to produce policy briefs and provide government advice on water-related issues. This session focuses on sharing these experiences (successes or failures), case studies, narratives and best practices at different phases of the policy-making process.

Invited speaker: Philippe Quevauviller (Research Programming and Policy Officer, European Commission, DG HOME, Brussels): “Bridging science, policy, industry and practitioners communities and the citizen dimension for enhancing disaster resilience”

Co-organized by EOS4
Convener: Maria-Helena Ramos | Co-conveners: Wouter Buytaert, Jutta Thielen-del Pozo, Elena Toth, Micha Werner
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

Human interaction with the environment has gone through several stages of evolution. Being a product of the natural evolution of living organisms in the biosphere, Homo sapiens as a species has evolved in the geochemical conditions of the virgin biosphere. The rapid development of intellectual abilities of this genus allowed, first, to survive in adverse environmental conditions around the whole world, then, to cultivate the land, transform the entire system of biocenoses, and now to create a new habitat for man exclusively. The result was a significant geochemical transformation of the virgin biosphere, but a kind of punishment for the achieved progress was the emergence of a number of endemic diseases of a geochemical nature. Nowadays a variety of anthropogenic sources of pollution and their location in various natural geochemical conditions require not only constant monitoring of the chemical state of soil, water, air and food products, but also the development of spatially differentiated approaches to assessing the risk of provoked diseases. To solve this problem it is necessary concertedly interpreting a geochemical and medical information in order to assess the risks to human health associated with modern natural and anthropogenic geochemical features in urban and rural habitats. During session we propose to discuss:
1) global trends of health transformation in new geochemical environment of modern noosphere;
2) criteria for determining pollution level depending on environmental and geochemical constrains;
3) new approaches to assess the risk of diseases of geochemical nature in different countries;
4) the problem of mapping the risk zones, related to negative medical effects due to deficiency or excess of certain chemical elements or compounds.
Session co-sponsored by the European Association of Geochemistry.

Public information:
Human interaction with the environment has gone through several stages of evolution. Man as a species first survived in adverse environmental conditions around the world, then he began to cultivate the land, exploit other species and develop industry, changing the structure and composition of natural ecosystems, and now creates a new habitat exclusively in accordance with his own requirements. This activity leads to significant chemical pollution of the environment at the local, and in some cases at the regional level, which leads to disruption of natural food chains. This process is followed by the negative biological reactions of living organisms, including the man himself. These reactions and, in particular, endemic diseases of a geochemical nature can be regarded as a kind of punishment for the progress made. Emerging environmental problems require not only constant monitoring of the chemical state of soil, water, air and food products and identification of anthropogenic induced negative reactions, but also the development of spatially differentiated approaches to assessing the risk of triggered negative reactions and diseases. During our session, we will discuss:
1) global trends in health status in the new geochemical environment of the modern noosphere (the anthropogenic stage of biosphere evolution);
2) methods and criteria for determining the level of environmental pollution by metals, pesticides, radionuclides and pharmaceutical substances;
3) new approaches to assessing the risk of pollution and diseases of a geochemical nature in different countries;
4) the problems of identifying and mapping risk zones.
We kindly invite all interested parties to our session.

Co-organized by EOS4/AS4/BG2/GM12/GMPV10/HS13/NH9, co-sponsored by EAG
Convener: Elena Korobova | Co-conveners: Maria Manuela Abreu, Jaume Bech, Glenda Garcia-Santos, Liudmila Kolmykova, Virginia Aparicio, Manfred Sager
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

World-wide an increasing number of research projects focus on the challenges associated with changes in the Arctic regions. Whereas these often have a natural and physical science focus, this session focuses on trans-disciplinary approaches to study the multiple phenomena associated with global warming, especially but not exclusively in Arctic regions. Another focus is to understand better how to tackle these in large, trans-disciplinary research projects, initiatives and programs (e.g. HORIZON2020 Nunataryuk, INTAROS and the T-MOSAIC program of the International Arctic Research Council, NSF Navigating the New Arctic), as well as communicating results effectively to the public in terms of outreach and education. Contributions are invited, but are not limited, to the following themes:
• science communication, education and outreach tools, and co-production of knowledge
• integration of social and natural science approaches
• indigenous and collaborative approaches to adaptation and mitigation, equitable mitigation, and risk perception
• socio-economic modelling in relation to Arctic environmental change,
• examining the impacts of permafrost thaw and other phenomena on health and pollution as well as infrastructure (and consequences of the built environment).

One of the aims of this session is to bring together researchers from both social and natural sciences who are involved or interested in reaching out to stakeholders and the general public, and share successful experiences. Examples from past, ongoing and future initiatives that include traditional indigenous knowledge and scientific tools and techniques are welcome.

This session merged from

Trans-disciplinary aspects of researching permafrost thaw: science communication, integration, monitoring, modelling and risk perception
Co-organized by CL4/CR4/GM7/HS12/NH9
Convener: Peter Schweitzer | Co-conveners: Annett Bartsch, Susanna Gartler

Where human and natural systems meet: promoting innovative tools for Arctic outreach and education
Convener: Terenzio zenone | Co-conveners: Frederic Bouchard, Stein Sandven, Ylva Sjöberg, Donatella zona

Towards collaborative frameworks for permafrost research that incorporate northern principles: challenges and opportunities
Convener: Peter Morse | Co-conveners: Ryley Beddoe, Hugh O'Neill, Ashley Rudy, Greg Sieme

Co-organized by CL4/CR4/GM7/HS12/NH9
Convener: Peter Schweitzer | Co-conveners: Susanna Gartler, Annett Bartsch, Terenzio zenone, Frederic Bouchard, Stein Sandven, Donatella Zona, Ylva Sjöberg
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Remaining carbon budgets specify the quantity of CO2 that can be emitted before a given warming level (such as the 1.5 °C target) is reached, and are thus of high interest to the public and policymakers. Yet, there are many sources of uncertainty which make it challenging to deduce this finite amount of CO2 emissions. The theoretical foundation of carbon budgets is based on the concept of the Transient Climate Response to cumulative CO2 Emissions (TCRE). This is the pathway-independent ratio of global warming per unit of cumulative CO2 emissions. However, accounting for non-CO2 forcings and changes in albedo or other Earth system feedbacks provides further challenges in calculating TCRE and the remaining carbon budgets.

This session aims to further our understanding of the climate response under different emission scenarios, and to advance our knowledge of associated carbon budgets consistent with meeting various levels of warming. We invite contributions that use a variety of tools, including fully coupled Earth System Models, Integrated Assessment Models, or simple climate model emulators. We welcome studies exploring different aspects related to carbon budgets and the TCRE framework, including: the governing mechanisms behind linearity of TCRE and its limitations, effects of different forcings and feedbacks (e.g. permafrost carbon feedback) and non-CO2 forcings (e.g. aerosols, and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases), estimates of the remaining carbon budget to reach a given temperature target (for example, the 1.5 °C warming level from the Paris Agreement), the role of pathway dependence, the climate-carbon responses to different emission scenarios (e.g. SSP scenarios, or idealized scenarios), and the behaviour of TCRE in response to artificial CO2 removal from the atmosphere (i.e. negative emissions). Contributions from the fields of climate policy and economics focused on applications of carbon budgets are also encouraged.

Co-organized by EOS4/BG1/ERE1
Convener: Katarzyna (Kasia) Tokarska | Co-conveners: Andrew MacDougall, Joeri Rogelj, Kirsten Zickfeld
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Comprehensive studies to address ocean science issues require synergistic collaboration across the globe between many subdisciplines including science, engineering, environment, society and economics. However, it is a challenge to unify these aspects under a common program or study, and as such has been recognized as a main goal of the United Nations “Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)”. Consequently, this session will bring together early-career representatives from a wide range of subdisciplines to demonstrate the strength of an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach when addressing global concerns, such as the dynamic impacts of climate change, focusing on the North Atlantic region as an example.

Continuous and comprehensive data is crucial to our understanding of the ocean. Yet, developing the advanced tools and technologies required for long-term ocean monitoring is not merely an engineering problem, as the data produced by these instruments will have future environmental and socio-economic impacts. A comprehensive view of the ocean also requires an understanding of past conditions. Thus, this session will also include contributions from paleo-oceanography to link the past to the future. In this vein, we will discuss our attempts at transdisciplinary and transcultural collaboration and share what we have learned for future approaches.

We invite contributions from a wide range of enthusiasts, including those in the natural sciences (e.g. biology, physics), applied sciences (e.g. engineering and technology, business), humanities (e.g. law), and social sciences (e.g. economics, political science). We also invite contributions from educators and administrators who are interested in experimenting with novel methods of building and encouraging research within interdisciplinary and multicultural graduate school programs.

Co-organized by EOS4/CL4
Convener: Allison Chua | Co-conveners: Jacqueline Bertlich, Kriste Makareviciute-Fichtner, Subhadeep Rakshit
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

The successful implementation of safe deep geological disposal of spent fuel, high-level waste and other long-lived radioactive waste is one of the currently most pressing environmental challenges in several countries worldwide. Site exploration and assessment are primarily geoscientific tasks that require interdisciplinary collaboration of different geoscientific disciplines, like geophysics, hydrogeology, (hydro-)geochemistry, mineralogy, geomechanics, and geological as well as THMC modelling. Successful and socially accepted site selection and implementation, however, not only depend on geoscientific state-of-the-art results and R&D programs but to a large extent on well-designed public outreach and public involvement/participation activities as well as on suitable regulatory frameworks.
As for other subsurface technologies such as the storage of thermal energy and other energy carriers, or the deposition of chemotoxic waste, barrier integrity is a crucial aspect for the assessment of nuclear waste disposal. Different technical concepts in diverse geological candidate formations are being discussed. Numerical simulations, in conjunction with experimental studies are an integral part of safety and environmental-impact assessment concepts involving barrier integrity as a key component. Reliable comparative analyses of potential technological options require coupled THMC models capturing the particularities of each rock type and associated repository concept to a comparable level of sophistication. Structural as well as process complexity are often met by data scarcity and variability, necessitating the treatment of uncertainties and variability.
Aside from geoscientific and technological aspects this interdisciplinary session also addresses social and regulatory challenges by welcoming contributions from research and technical support organizations, waste management organizations, regulatory bodies, and NGOs. The session provides a platform for the exchange of i) geophysical, geochemical, geotechnical knowledge for assessing the integrity of multi-barrier systems considering equally conceptual, theoretical, computational and experimental aspects as well as ii) safety assessment strategies and tools, disposal concepts, national and transnational public outreach and involvement programs, siting approaches and relevant regulatory frameworks. Presentations related to other subsurface technologies that face comparable challenges are also welcome.

Public information:
We are organizing a ZOOM meeting to take place on May 4th. There will be an oral block running from 08:30 to 12:00 with 12 minute presentations. This will be followed by an afternoon session of Pitch Presentations running from 14:00 to 15:30. In both meetings, presentation material will be shared audio-visually. The session will remain open for chat-based discussion until about 17:00.

The programme of both sessions and the links to the ZOOM Meetings can be found here:


Co-organized by EOS4
Convener: Thomas Nagel | Co-conveners: Axel Liebscher, Jobst Maßmann, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, Claudia Schulz
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)

In complex systems, such as terrestrial ecosystems uncertain information (whether in observation, measurement, interpretation or models) is the norm, and this impinges on most knowledge that earth scientists generate. It is important to quantify and account for uncertainty in our models and predictions otherwise results can be misleading. This is particularly important when predictions are to be used in a decision-making process where the end user needs to be able to properly evaluate the risk involved.

Quantitative estimation of uncertainty is a difficult challenge, that continually calls for the development of more refined tools. Many diverse methods have been developed, such as non-linear kriging in spatial prediction, stochastic simulation modelling and other error propagation approaches and even methods including the use of expert elicitation, but many challenges still remain. A second and often overlooked challenge with uncertainty is how to communicate it effectively to the end users such as scientists, engineers, policy makers, regulators and the general public.

In this session, we will examine the state of the art of both uncertainty quantification and communication in earth systems sciences. We shall give attention to three components of the problem: 1) new methods and applications of uncertainty quantification, 2) how to use such information for risk assessment, and 3) how to communicate it to the end-user. Dealing with uncertainty across all these three layers is a truly multidisciplinary task, requiring input from diverse disciplines (such as earth science, statistics, economics and psychology) to ensure that it is successful. The main aim of this session is to connect the three components of the problem, offering multiple perspectives on related methodologies, connecting scientists from different fields dealing with uncertainty and favouring the development of multidisciplinary approaches.

Co-organized by EOS4
Convener: Alice Milne | Co-conveners: Kirsty Hassall, Gerard Heuvelink, Lorenzo Menichetti, Nadezda Vasilyeva
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

In this session, we invite contributions to explore diverse experiences with inter- and transdisciplinary research and practice, that is specifically applied in the mountain context. Taking mountains as complex social-ecological systems, they provide a concrete and spatially-defined contexts in which to explore how global change phenomena manifests and how it poses challenges and opportunities for communities and society in general.

Addressing societal concerns, and finding suitable solutions with regards to associated impacts of global change in mountains, requires and inter- and transdisciplinary (IT-TD) approach to research and practice. We invite contributions based on empirical research and/or practical experience with IT-TD, to critically reflect on these practices in the mountains context and learn from experiences that explicitly address societal grand challenges such as (but not limited to) climate change impacts and adaptation, transformations to sustainability, disaster risk reduction, or transitions to low carbon economies. We welcome contributions depicting research experiences in European mountain regions, other mountain regions around the world, as well as contributions from Early Career Researchers.

The session is led and coordinated by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) with expectations to be able to draw from this session as inputs for the formulation of future research agendas and coordination of research collaborations in mountain regions, worldwide.


Public information:
In this session, we invite contributions to explore diverse experiences with inter- and transdisciplinary research and practice, that is specifically applied in the mountain context. Taking mountains as complex social-ecological systems, they provide a concrete and spatially-defined contexts in which to explore how global change phenomena manifests and how it poses challenges and opportunities for communities and society in general.

Addressing societal concerns, and finding suitable solutions with regards to associated impacts of global change in mountains, requires and inter- and transdisciplinary (IT-TD) approach to research and practice. We invite contributions based on empirical research and/or practical experience with IT-TD, to critically reflect on these practices in the mountains context and learn from experiences that explicitly address societal grand challenges such as (but not limited to) climate change impacts and adaptation, transformations to sustainability, disaster risk reduction, or transitions to low carbon economies. We welcome contributions depicting research experiences in European mountain regions, other mountain regions around the world, as well as contributions from Early Career Researchers.

The session is led and coordinated by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) with expectations to be able to draw from this session as inputs for the formulation of future research agendas and coordination of research collaborations in mountain regions, worldwide.


Co-organized by EOS4/CL4/CR7/GM7
Convener: Carolina Adler | Co-convener: Aino Kulonen
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

EOS5 – Geoethics


Geoscientists face ethical issues in their activities. All branches of geosciences have ethical, social and cultural implications. Geoethics aims to provide a common framework for these concerns, and to nourish a discussion on the basic values which underpin appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system.
The spectrum of topics geoethics deals with includes:
• philosophical and historical aspects of geoscience, their relevance to ethical issues and values in contemporary geoscience, and their role in informing methods for effective and ethical decision-making;
• geoscience professionalism and deontology, research integrity and ensuring respectful working spaces, including issues related to harassment and discrimination, gender and disability in geosciences;
• ethical and social problems related to management of land, air and water;
• socio-environmentally sustainable supply of geo-resources (including energy, minerals and water), recognising the importance of effective regulation and policy-making, social acceptance, and understanding and promoting best practice;
• environmental change, pollution and their impacts;
• resilience of society related to natural and anthropogenic hazards, and risk management and mitigation strategies;
• ethical aspects of geoscience education (including issues from theory to educational practice) and communication;
• culture and value of geodiversity, geoconservation, geoheritage and fossils, geoparks and geotourism;
• role of geosciences in achieving socio-economic development that respects cultures, traditions and local development paths, regardless of countries' wealth, and in promoting peace, responsible and sustainable development and intercultural exchange.
Geoscientists’ knowledge and expertise are essential to addressing many of the most urgent global problems, to informed decision-making, and to education at all levels, so that citizens are equipped to discuss, shape and implement solutions to local, regional and global socio-environmental problems. Geoscientists who are more aware of their ethical responsibilities will be better able to put their knowledge at the service of society and to foster public trust in geosciences.
Acknowledging the role of geoscientists at the service of society, this session, co-sponsored by IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, aims to develop ethical and social perspectives on the above topics, including case studies.

Co-sponsored by IAPG
Convener: Silvia Peppoloni | Co-conveners: Nic Bilham, Daniel DeMiguel, Eduardo Marone, Susanne Schneider-Voss
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

EOS6 – Diversity and equality


Following the success of previous years, this session will explore reasons for the under-representation of different groups (cultural, national and gender) by welcoming debate among scientists, decision-makers and policy analysts in the geosciences.

The session will focus on both obstacles that contribute to under-representation and on best practices and innovative ideas to remove those obstacles. Contributions are solicited on the following topics:

- Role models to inspire and further motivate others (life experience and/or their contributions to promote equality)
- Imbalanced representation, preferably supported by data, for awards, medals, grants, high-level positions, invited talks and papers
- Perceived and real barriers to inclusion (personally, institutionally, culturally)
- Recommendations for new and innovative strategies to identify and overcome barriers
- Best practices and strategies to move beyond barriers, including:
• successful mentoring programmes
• networks that work
• specific funding schemes
• examples of host institutions initiatives

This session is co-organised with European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) and the European Research Council (ERC).

Co-sponsored by AGU, JpGU, and EAG
Convener: Claudia Jesus-Rydin | Co-conveners: Raffaele Albano, Lisa D. White, Liviu Matenco, Chiaki Oguchi
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), Attendance Tue, 05 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

As women are impacted first and worst by climate change it is crucial that women's voices are represented in global decision making, research and science communication. This is especially important in geoscience as we are at the forefront of science and policy, contributing to IPCC reports and advising governments all over the world. It has never been more important to reach gender equity. This will only be achieved through conscious action and the support of the whole geoscience community. This is why this session is both necessary and timely.

There are many fantastic and award winning initiatives encouraging and enabling women into, and within, geoscience. We would like to bring together people working on all angles of gender equity in geoscience at EGU2020.

We propose an exciting session to share experiences, creativity, successes and challenges from initiatives aiming to increase gender diversity in any area of geoscience. Initiatives of any size or progression are encouraged. Through this session, we hope to foster a network of support, collaboration and good practice and ultimately contribute to systemic change.

Public information:
Welcome to our chat session: Wednesday 6th May 2020 8:30-10:15

8:30 Session welcome from session chairs Sarah Boulton and Jodie Fisher and discussion of uploaded presentations
• Each contribution will get 10 minutes of discussion
• The conveners will introduce each contribution
• The presenting authors will give a short summary/introductions of their work (2-3 sentences) – these can be prepared in advance, before opening the chat to questions.

10:00 If time permits we will have a more general discussion to look at good practice in inspiring women in the geosciences and what more we can do.

Running order of uploaded presentations:

8:30-8:40 D3606 | EGU2020-10878
GeoLatinas: Fostering an inclusive community to embrace, empower and inspire Latinas in Earth and Planetary Sciences
Luisa F. Zuluaga, Adriana Crisóstomo-Figueroa, Alejandra Gomez-Correa, Rocío P. Caballero-Gil, and Clara Rodriguez
(presentation uploaded but Author unable to attend)

8:40-8:50 D3607 |EGU2020-5964
Women in Geospatial+ - Changing the status-quo by creating a strong network of Women in Geospatial+ leaders and changemakers
Julia Wagemann and Sabrina Szeto

8:50-9:00 D3608 |EGU2020-7200
Working towards a better integration of the gender dimension: the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia approach
Agata Sangianantoni, Valeria De Paola, Viviana Perfetto, Giovanna Maracchia, and Ingrid Hunstad

9:00-9:10 D3611 |EGU2020-10232
Girls into Geoscience: inspiring the next generation of female Earth Scientists
Jodie Fisher and Sarah Boulton

9:10-9:20 D3612 |EGU2020-11101
ENGIE - promoting gender balance in the area of earth science and engineering
Adrienn Cseko, Eva Hartai, Isabel Fernandez, Lena Abrahamsson, Iva Kolenković Močilac, Silvia Giuliani, and Ariadna Ortgea Rodriguez

9:20-9:30 D3613 |EGU2020-11767
Are we reaching gender parity among Palaeontology authors?
Sam Giles, Rachel Warnock, Emma Dunne, Erin Saupe, Laura Soul, and Graeme Lloyd

9:30-9:40 D3614 |EGU2020-12911
Girls on Ice Switzerland – using immersion to inspire interest in science
Kathrin Naegeli, Chloé Bouscary, Caroline Coch, Anja Fridrich, Rebecca Gugerli, Marijke Habermann, Lena Hellmann, Marlene Kronenberg, Lisbeth Langhammer, Coline Mollaret, Yvonne Schaub, Margit Schwikowski, Julie Wee, and Michaela Wenner

9:40-9:50 D3615 |EGU2020-20530
R-Ladies Global, a worldwide organisation to promote gender diversity in the R community.
Yanina Bellini Saibene, Claudia Vitolo, Erin LeDell, Hannah Frick, and Laura Acion

9:50-10:00 D3616 |EGU2020-15919
Girls into Geoscience - Ireland
Elspeth Wallace, Fergus McAuliffe, Aoife Blowick, Maria McNamara, Emma Morris, Amanda Owen, Sarah Boulton, and Jodie Fisher

Convener: Madeleine Hann | Co-conveners: Sarah Boulton, Jodie Fisher, Daisy Hassenberger
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Geodiversity, including surface and subsurface phenomena, objects and processes, reflects the current state of abiotic nature on the Earth. For this purpose, various methods of assessing geodiversity are used, from through mapping to simultaneous monitoring of dynamic elements of the geographical environment.
- Traditionally, rich descriptions of single variables and a static image of geodiversity is obtained through mapping, which registers the current face of the Earth.
- Another solution is a simultaneous record and/or multitemporal assessment of geodiversity through monitoring systems of key environmental elements, including satellite monitoring and geomatics techniques. This approach makes it possible to track changes in geodiversity at different time intervals and thus gain information on dynamic geodiversity.
For both static and dynamic geodiversity, it is essential to choose the right variables and approach that will best reflect the nature of both types of geodiversity as well as will be relevant for issues related to the services offered by geodiversity. Identifying these Essential Geodiversity Variables (EGVs, sensu Schrodt et al. 2019) as geoindicators is the main task of this session.
The large amount of available geoindicators makes it difficult to identify those that would comprehensively meet the expectations of specialists from various disciplines involved in the geodiversity assessment. Nevertheless, geodiversity is now recognized as highly relevant to both scientific and management issues related to Earth surface processes and landscape evolution and an effort for improved EGVs selection should be made. Our EGVs perspective is to contribute to the establishment of a Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework associated to environmental issues related to global change, ecosystem services and geoheritage.
This session invites scientific oral and poster contributions on geodiversity in context of geoheritage of natural and cultural landscapes.
The joint session is organized by the IAG Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity and the IAG Working Group on Geomorphological Sites.

Co-organized by EOS6, co-sponsored by IAG and APG
Convener: Zbigniew Zwoliński | Co-conveners: Irene Maria Bollati, Paola Coratza, Marco Giardino, Franziska Schrodt
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

EOS7 – Teaching topics


In the session we would like to explore and discuss concrete experimental subjects which satisfy the following points;
1: easy to start and easy to finish without any high barrier in practice.
2: but not easy to understand, requiring deep thinking. They should contain enigmas.
3: having many doors open to higher level understandings
The subjects cover all the research fields in earth & planetary sciences. The only concern is to utilize our hands and brain in laboratory experiments. These simple but profound experiments could be useful as a brain-stimulating tool in many situations such as perspective research explorations for young scientists, intriguing experiments in the freshman course at universities and inspiring classroom experiments at high schools. We would like to call for submissions from serious researchers to wrap your scientific results in kitchen earth science style as well as from eager teachers with your experience at the classrooms.
This is a new session based on the joint works in JPGU’s accumulations of 10 years kitchen earth science and active discussions about the concept of GIFT in EGU.

Co-sponsored by JpGU
Convener: Kei Kurita | Co-convener: Francesca Funiciello
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

All areas in the Earth sciences face the same problem of dealing with larger and more complex data sets that need to be analyzed, visualized and understood. Depending on the application domain and the specific scientific questions to be solved, different visualization strategies and techniques have to be applied. Yet, how we communicate those complex data sets, and the effect that visualization strategies and choices have on different (expert and non-expert) audiences as well as decision-makers remains an under-researched area of interest. For this "PICO only" session, we not only invite submissions that demonstrate how to create effective and efficient visualizations for complex and large earth science data sets but also those that discuss possibilities and challenges we face in the communication and tailoring of such complex data to different users/ audiences. Submissions are encouraged from all geoscientific areas that either show best practices or state of the art in earth science data visualization or demonstrate efficient techniques that allow an intuitive interaction with large data sets. In addition, we would like to encourage studies that integrate thematic and methodological insights from fields such as for example risk communication more effectively into the visualization of complex data. Presentations will be given as PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent) on large interactive touch screens. This session is supported by ESiWACE2. ESiWACE2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 823988.

Co-organized by EOS7/CL5/GD10/GM2
Convener: Niklas Röber | Co-conveners: Michael Böttinger, Joseph Daron, Susanne Lorenz
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Soils are complex, dynamic systems that are essential to support life on earth. Healthy soils provide food security, regulate the climate and play a vital role in controlling the flow of pollutants into the wider environment. Soils also contain a vast reservoir of genetic material in soil microbes, with potential to inspire future technological advances. However, soils are under threat, as harmful management practices and climate change are altering organic matter levels and microbial composition, and increasing salinisation, contamination and erosion rates. Through an array of approaches, soil scientists explore soil processes and systems, and characterise soil communities and resources in order to understand changes in our soils. We aim to celebrate the power of the soil in a wide-ranging session organised by a cohort of early career researchers, containing voices from throughout the soil science community. We believe that soil holds the key to solving some of the global environmental challenges in achieving a sustainable future by 2050. By bringing together a wide variety of interests and approaches in one place, we hope to foster interdisciplinary connections and solutions to challenges in soil science.

Public information:
We would like to invite authors and attendees to a post-session "coffee meeting" for a more general discussion of the fascinating research and topics on display today. The session will take place on Zoom and we will start this at 10:45 Vienna time, but the channel will be open from 10:30. We do hope you will join us and look forward to seeing you there! Zoom details will be release in the live chat.

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Jessica Potts | Co-conveners: John Beale, Harry Harvey, Corina Lees, Phil Haygarth
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

The editors of Land Degradation and Development Currently, several aspects of land degradation and resilience are at the centre of hot debates: How much do no-till technologies contribute to sustainable soil management? Can reclaimed land be converted to arable land? Do we have strong evidence of the land restoration potential of regenerative agriculture? Does land degradation lead to large carbon storage in sediment, hence a feedback on global warming? What is the optimal level of soil organic matter? Is biochar addition enhancing or curbing soil erosion? Does the revival of ancient land management techniques induce soil erosion? Can 137Cs efficiently be used to measure soil-loss rates? Researchers will present evidence and defend their opinion concerning either side of these and other ongoing debates. After debating, the authors will be invited to publish their (opinion) papers in a special issue of “Land Degradation and Development”. This approach will direct auditors and readers to evidence that contributes to the debates. The session will provide suggestions on how the research community may assist in resolving such very important questions of land and soil degradation.

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Jan Nyssen | Co-conveners: Steff Clements, Jan Frouz, Yakov Kuzyakov, Vanessa Wong
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 08:30–12:30 (CEST), Attendance Fri, 08 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

Soils are formed through complex processes often resulting in a highly heterogeneous mixture of organic and mineral phases, whose analysis requires structural insight across several length scales. Therefore, the choice of analysis methods for investigation of soil chemical, biochemical and physical properties play very important role in the progress of soil science. New research approaches, such as “lab on phone” that has appeared in scientific literature during the last few years, and which specifies the use of smartphones as analytical instruments in labs and also for field experiments, could serve as easily available soil analysis method and as means to increase involvement of the society to the soil science research. On the other hand, the unceasing developments in advanced synchrotron based analytical techniques continue to break frontiers in how questions on soil biogeochemistry and structure can be addressed, particularly at micro- and nano-scales.

This session will explore the diverse possibilities offered by various analytical techniques: from advanced synchrotron based ones, to the “lab on phone”, ICP-MS, GC-MS, HPLC-MS, TGA-MS, FTIR, fluorescence and others, in the analysis of soils.

Public information:
New techniques are a prerequisite to widen the scope of knowledge, or to simplify and speed up known procedures

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Tonu Tonutare | Co-conveners: Luis Carlos Colocho Hurtarte, Manfred Sager, Viia Lepane, Milda Pucetaite
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

A well-designed experiment is a crucial methodology in Soil Science, Geomorphology and Hydrology.
Depending on the specific research topic, a great variety of tempo-spatial scales is addressed.
From raindrop impact and single particle detachment to the shaping of landscapes: experiments are designed and conducted to illustrate problems, clarify research questions, develop and test hypotheses, generate data and deepen process understanding.
Every step involved in design, construction, conduction, processing and interpretation of experiments and experimental data might be a challenge on itself, and discussions within the community can be a substantial and fruitful component for both, researchers and teachers.
This PICO session offers a forum for experimentalists, teachers, students and enthusiasts.
We invite you to present your work, your questions, your results and your method, to meet, to discuss, to exchange ideas and to consider old and new approaches.
Join the experimentalists!

Co-organized by EOS7
Convener: Thomas Iserloh | Co-conveners: Miriam Marzen, Jorge Isidoro, Ian Pattison, Wolfgang Fister
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Good scientific practice requires research results to be reproducible, experiments to be repeatable and methods to be reusable. This is a particular challenge for hydrological research, as scientific insights are often drawn from analysis of heterogeneous data sets comprising many different sources and based on a large variety of numerical models. The available data sets are becoming more complex and constantly superseded by new, improved releases. Similarly, new models and computational tools keep emerging and many are available in different versions and programming languages, with a large variability in the quality of the documentation. Moreover, how data and models are linked together towards scientific output is very rarely documented in a reproducible way. As a result, very few published results in hydrology are reproducible for the general reader.
A debate on good scientific practice is underway, while technological developments accelerate progress towards open and reproducible science. This session aims to advance this debate on open science, collect innovative ways of engaging in open science and showcase examples. It will include new scientific insights enabled by open science and new (combinations of) open science approaches with a documented potential to make hydrological research more open, accessible, reproducible and reusable.

This session should advance the discussion on open and reproducible science, highlight its advantages and also provide the means to bring this into practice. We strongly believe we should focus on the entire scientific process, instead of the results alone, obtained in a currently still rather fragmented way.

This session is organized in line with other Open Science efforts, such as FAIR Your Science.

Co-organized by HS1.2
Convener: Remko C. Nijzink | Co-conveners: Niels Drost, Francesca Pianosi, Stan Schymanski
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

This session addresses knowledge exchange between researchers, the public, policy makers, and practitioners about natural hazards. Although we welcome all contributions in this topic, we are particularly interested in: (i) The communication (by scientists, engineers, the press, civil protection, government agencies, and a multitude other agencies) of natural hazards risk and uncertainty to the general public and other government officials; (ii) Approaches that address barriers and bridges in the science-policy-practice interface that hinder and support application of hazard-related knowledge; (iii) The teaching of natural hazards to university and lower-level students, using innovative techniques to promote understanding. We also are specifically interested in distance education courses on themes related to hazard and risk assessment, and disaster risk management, and in programmes for training in developing countries. We therefore solicit abstracts, particularly dynamic posters, on all aspects of how we communicate and educate the better understanding of natural hazards. We plan on having a PICO session to ensure a lively combination of discussion and poster presentation.

Co-organized by EOS7/GM12/HS13/SM3
Convener: Joel Gill | Co-conveners: Bruce D. Malamud, Alison Sneddon, Adam Switzer, Faith Taylor
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

EOS8 – Geoconservation and geoheritage


Natural stones are integral part of the architectonic heritage built over the centuries and thus reflect close cultural affiliation with society. Our session deals with Heritage Stones defined explicitly by the IUGS Sub Commission on Heritage Stones (HSS). We promote recognition of natural stones that have achieved an important and significant use in human culture. The session is open to discuss the use of heritage stones in different civilizations over the period of time, their impact on human culture, geoheritage, geoarchaeology and architectonic relevance. The session is also open to discuss current scenario on status of the architectonic heritage in terms of their deterioration and steps to reinforce restoration of the same, in addition to aspects such as historical quarries, quarry landscape and trade of these heritage stones etc.
Global Heritage Stones constitute a resource of great social and economic relevance that attracts cultural tourism, and form an important link to understand the geology and history of a region. Global Heritage Stone recognition will promote public and policy-maker interest in stonebuilt heritage, encourage the use of natural stones and ensure the availability of stones required for maintenance and restoration of built heritage. It will also assist in forming a broader understanding of how the usage of the most traditional building material has evolved over centuries to the present-day application. As factory produced building materials took over in the last two centuries or so, architects seem to be re-evaluating their choices and there is a reawakened interest in the usage of stone as a contemporary building material.
This session is promoted by the Heritage Stones Subcommission (HSS), an IUGS subcommission within the International Commission on Geoheritage (ICG). The proposed session encourages contributions related to above sub themes from all over the world.
Selected contributions from our previous EGU sessions are published in high impact factor journals, such as: Geological Society of London Special Publications (SP407: Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones), Episodes Special Issue on Heritage Stones (volume 38-2, June 2015), Geoscience Canada (volume 43(1), March 2016), Geoheritage (2018), Episodes (in process of publication by 2020). Selected contributions of EGU 2020 will be considered for publication in a special issue of a well rated journal.

Co-organized by EOS8
Convener: Gurmeet Kaur | Co-conveners: David Martin Freire-Lista, Paola Marini
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

EOS9 – Interdisciplinarity


Are you a geoscientist working with social scientists? Or a social scientist working on any aspect of geoscience? Then we want to hear from you! Today, there is a growing awareness that addressing the global environmental challenges we face requires different disciplines and scientific communities to work together. From investigating public perception and understanding of geoscience, to researching community involvement and participation in geoscience activities, we invite contributions from researchers working at the nexus of geoscience and social science. Areas of investigation can include environmental psychology, social science, media studies, policy, geoscience communication or other relevant areas. This session is an opportunity for researchers to learn from each other and share skills connected to this emerging field of research.

Convener: Fergus McAuliffe | Co-conveners: Hazel Gibson, Anthea Lacchia, Jen Roberts, Geertje Schuitema
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

This session is a result of a merge between GI1.3 and GM2.3:

Recent advances in image collection and topographic measurements are providing unprecedented insight into landscape and process characterization across the geosciences. In parallel, the increasing availability of digitised historical images, going back to the late 1800s, together with advances in digital photogrammetry software, have provided new opportunities for assessing and reconstructing long-term surface evolution from local to landscape scale. Such data can extend high-resolution time series into the pre-satellite era and offer exciting potential for distinguishing anthropogenic from natural causes of environmental change. For both historic and contemporary scenarios, augmenting classic techniques with digital imagery and ‘structure from motion’ (SfM) processing has democratized data access and offers a new measurement paradigm to geoscientists.

Such data are now available over spatial scales from millimetres to kilometres, and over durations of single events to lasting time series (e.g. from sub-second to century-duration time-lapse), allowing evaluation of event magnitude and frequency interrelationships. Despite a large volume of historical images available for reprocessing with modern methods, their full potential has not yet been widely exploited and uncertainties remain on the optimal types of information that can be extracted. Substantial opportunities are likely to be exposed by exploring such data resources with machine and deep learning approaches.

The session welcomes submissions from a broad range of geoscience disciplines such as geomorphology, cryosphere, volcanology, hydrology, bio-geosciences, and geology. Our goal is to create a diverse and interdisciplinary session to explore the potential of 2D and 3D image and topographic datasets for reconstructing and interpreting environments and processes, past and present. We aim to exchange experiences of modern photogrammetric and topographic measurement and modelling technologies, along with their associated data processing tools, to highlight their potentials, limitations, and challenges in different environments.

Public information:
We will have a video meeting on Friday evening starting from 6 pm CEST (UTC+2), in addition to the chat session on Friday morning, as scheduled. Authors will give talks in this video meeting, and there will be room for discussions, with the following agenda:

18:00 - 18:05 - Meeting setting and introduction to the session
18:05 - 18:17 - Amaury Dehecq, "Multidecadal elevation changes from spy satellite images: application to glaciers and landslides".
18:17 - 18:29 - Robert McNabb, "An open-source toolset for automated processing of historic spy photos: sPyMicMac".
18:29 - 18:41 - Penelope How, "PyTrx: a Python-based monoscopic terrestrial photogrammetry toolset for glaciology".
18.41 - 18:53 - Sebastian Flöry, "Development of a 3D Viewer for georeferencing and monoplotting of historical terrestrial images".
18.53 - 19:05 - Luca Carturan, "Use of WWI photos for quantitative reconstructions of glaciers along the Italian-Austrian front".
19:05 - 19:17 - Martino Terrone, "Coupling historical maps and Lidar data to recognize man-made landforms in urban areas".
19:17 - 19:25 - a little break
19:25 - 19:37 - William D. Harcourt. "Observing the cryosphere with millimetre wave radar: The case study of Rhône Glacier".
19.37 - 19:49 - Denis Feurer, "Time-SIFT: a frugal method for leveraging multi-temporal photogrammetric data without ancillary data"
19.49 - 20:01 - Helge Smebye, "Combined aerial and ground-based Structure-from-Motion modelling for a vertical rock wall face to estimate volume of failure"
20:01 - 20:13 - Sara Cucchiaro, "Terrestrial-Aerial-SfM and TLS data fusion for agricultural terrace surveys in complex topographic and land cover conditions".
20:13 - 20:25 - Andreas Mayr, "Close-range sensing and object based analysis of shallow landslides and erosion in grasslands".
20:25 - 20:37 - Kieran Wood, "UAS radiation hot-spot detection and refinement."
20:37 - break and discussion with an open end.

Join the video meeting using the following link:

For an optimal audio and video experience, we suggest that you join the meeting using the Zoom application. When following the meeting link, you will be asked to install it. Alternatively, you may join the meeting using the Chrome browser.

Co-organized by EOS9/CL2/CR2/GM2/HS13/NH6
Convener: Livia Piermattei | Co-conveners: Penelope How, Wilfried Karel, Anette Eltner, Andreas Kaiser, Mike James, Mark Smith, Jack Williams
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

The nature of science has changed: it has become more interconnected, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and data intensive. The main aim of this session, now in its third edition, is to create a common space for interdisciplinary scientific discussion where EGU-GA delegates involved in recent and ongoing COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)* Actions can share ideas and present the research activities carried out in their networks. The session represents an invaluable opportunity for different Actions and their members to identify possible synergies and establish new collaborations, find novel links between disciplines, and design innovative research approaches. So far, this session has hosted contributions stemming from 26 Actions, covering different areas of the geosciences (sky, earth and subsurface monitoring, terrestrial life and ecosystems, earth's changing climate and natural hazards, sustainable management of resources and urban development, environmental contaminants, and big data); we are looking forward to receiving new contributions this year.

Same as in past editions, part of this session will be dedicated to presenting and discussing activities carried out in further national and international scientific networks, associations, and collaborative projects.

Moreover, this session is of course open to everyone and abstracts authored by individual scientists or small research teams are most welcome, too. Actually, in 2018 and 2019 we received a very good number of such abstracts, submitted by researchers who wanted to disseminate the results of their studies in front of the multidisciplinary audience that characterizes this session, as an alternative to making a presentation in a thematic session. In fact, contributing to this session can be a productive way to broaden the perspective and find new partners for future interdisciplinary research ventures.

-- Notes --

* COST (www.cost.eu) is funded by the EU and enables researchers to set up their interdisciplinary and international scientific networks (the “Actions”). Academia, industry, public- and private-sector laboratories work together in the Actions, sharing knowledge, leveraging diversity, and pulling resources. Every Action has a main objective, defined goals and deliverables. This session is a follow-up initiative of COST Action TU1208 “Civil engineering applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” (www.gpradar.eu).

Co-organized by EOS9/AS4/CL5/GD1/NH5/NP8/SM1/SSP1/SSS12
Convener: Lara Pajewski | Co-conveners: Aleksandar Ristic, Patricia María Rodríguez González
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

EOS10 – Tutorials


EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online is a challenge and something completely new. But it offers lots of opportunities for the worldwide community of geoscientists. The EGU Communications Team will help you through this experience – with practical tips, guidelines, and examples. Stay curious!

Convener: Hazel Gibson | Co-conveners: Terri Cook, Chloe Hill
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)