BG8.4 | Enhanced Rock Weathering and River Alkalinity Enhancement for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Enhanced Rock Weathering and River Alkalinity Enhancement for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Co-organized by OS3
Convener: Shannon Sterling | Co-conveners: David Beerling, James S. CampbellECSECS, Christos ChondrogiannisECSECS, Carolin Löscher, Harun NironECSECS, Jakob RønningECSECS
| Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room C
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X1
Orals |
Mon, 16:15
Mon, 10:45
In addition to rapid emission reductions, swift and large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is needed to reduce the risks of severe climate change. Multiple CDR approaches will be needed to deliver the targeted amounts of 10s of Gt CO2 yr-1. This session solicits multidisciplinary and novel contributions of research on two CDR approaches: enhanced rock weathering (ERW) and river alkalinity enhancement (RAE), including: 1) technical aspects, 2) ecosystem impacts, both negative and positive, 3) best practices, 4) community engagement, 5) techno-economic and life cycle aspects, and 6) monitoring, reporting and verification approaches. Both ERW and RAE aim to drawdown CO2 and convert it to bicarbonate for eventual delivery to oceans via rivers for long-term storage. This session thus aims to inform decision making on how and whether ERW and RAE can be used to help us reach our climate targets.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room C

Chairpersons: Shannon Sterling, Christos Chondrogiannis, James S. Campbell
Soil System
Virtual presentation
Katerina Dontsova

Plants and microorganisms derive mineral nutrients needed for their development and growth from dissolution of the minerals present in the soil. There is strong evidence that plants and microorganisms can increase the weathering and nutrient supply through active and passive mechanisms. However, biological weathering is challenging to quantify, particularly in natural systems, due to complex interactions between rock/parent material, hydrology of the site, and biota. Because of this, model experimental systems are often used to examine weathering in general and biological weathering in particular. This presentation focuses on several experiments that examined rock weathering as influenced by biota – non-vascular and vascular plants, free living microorganisms, and microorganisms in symbiotic relationships with plants – across different space and time scales from small mesocosm experiments to Landscape Evolution Observatory, a facility at the University of Arizona Biosphere 2 with three replicate 30 by 11 m hillslopes. The majority of these studies represent incipient weathering, where unweathered rock is used as a medium for plant growth. We will discuss evidence for biological weathering, partitioning of weathering products, and fluxes of CO2 related to weathering processes. Influence of natural succession and biological complexity on weathering will also be discussed.

How to cite: Dontsova, K.: Biological weathering in model systems across scales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21512,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kirstine Skov, Jez Wardman, Matthew Healey, Amy McBride, Tzara Bierowiec, Julia Cooper, Ifeoma Edeh, Dave George, Mike E. Kelland, Jim Mann, David Manning, Melissa J. Murphy, Ryan Pape, Yit A. Teh, Will Turner, Peter Wade, and Xinran Liu

Addressing soil nutrient degradation and global warming requires novel solutions. Enhanced weathering using crushed basalt rock is a promising dual-action strategy that can enhance soil health and sequester carbon dioxide. This study examines the short-term effects of basalt amendment on spring oat (Avena sativa L.) during the 2022 growing season in NE England. The experimental design consisted of four blocks with control and basalt-amended plots, and two cultivation types within each treatment, laid out in a split plot design. Basalt (18.86 tonnes ha −1 ) was incorporated into the soil during seeding. Tissue, grain and soil samples were collected for yield, nutrient, and pH analysis. Basalt amendment led to significantly higher yields, averaging 20.5% and 9.3% increases in direct drill and ploughed plots, respectively. Soil pH was significantly higher 256 days after rock application across cultivation types  (direct drill: on average 6.47 vs. 6.76 and ploughed: on average 6.69 vs. 6.89, for control and basalt-amended plots, respectively), likely due to rapidly dissolving minerals in the applied basalt, such as calcite. Indications of growing season differences in soil pH are observed through direct measurement of lower manganese and iron uptake in plants grown on basalt-amended soil. Higher grain and tissue potassium, and tissue calcium uptake were observed in basalt-treated crops. Notably, no accumulation of potentially toxic elements (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel) was detected in the grain, indicating that crops grown using this basaltic feedstock are safe for consumption. This study indicates that basalt amendments can improve agronomic performance in sandy clay-loam agricultural soil under temperate climate conditions. These findings offer valuable insights for producers in temperate regions who are considering using such amendments, demonstrating the potential for improved crop yields and environmental benefits while ensuring crop safety.

How to cite: Skov, K., Wardman, J., Healey, M., McBride, A., Bierowiec, T., Cooper, J., Edeh, I., George, D., Kelland, M. E., Mann, J., Manning, D., Murphy, M. J., Pape, R., Teh, Y. A., Turner, W., Wade, P., and Liu, X.: Initial agronomic benefits of enhanced weathering using basalt: A study of spring oat in a temperate climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1421,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alexandra Klemme, Tim Rixen, Moritz Müller, Justus Notholt, and Thorsten Warneke

Southeast Asian peatlands represent a globally significant carbon store. Recent land use changes destabilize the peat, causing increased leaching of peat carbon into rivers. Despite resulting high river organic carbon concentrations, field data suggests only moderate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from rivers. We offer an explanation for this phenomenon by showing that carbon decomposition is hampered by the low pH in peat-draining rivers, and we find that enhanced input of carbonate minerals increases CO2 emissions by counteracting this pH limitation. One potential source of carbonate minerals to rivers is the application of enhanced weathering, a CO2 removal strategy that accelerates weathering-induced CO2 uptake from the atmosphere via the dispersion of rock powder. The effect of enhanced weathering on peatland carbon stocks is poorly understood. We present estimates for the response of CO2 emissions from tropical peat soils, rivers and coastal waters to enhanced weathering induced changes in soil acidity. The potential carbon uptake associated with enhanced weathering is reduced by 18−60 % by land-based re-emission of CO2 and is potentially offset completely by emissions from coastal waters. These findings suggest that, in contrast to the desired impact, enhanced weathering may destabilize the natural carbon cycle in tropical peatlands.

How to cite: Klemme, A., Rixen, T., Müller, M., Notholt, J., and Warneke, T.: Destabilization of carbon in tropical peatlands by enhanced rock weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10324,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Laura Steinwidder, Lucilla Boito, Arthur Vienne, Jet Rijnders, Patrick Frings, and Sara Vicca

There are two main processes acting as carbon sinks for CO2 on land: Silicate weathering and photosynthesis. The former creates bicarbonates which can be stored in soils or leached out and stored in the oceans, the latter leads to the formation of plant tissue which can be stored as soil organic matter. Soils are thus at the foundation of both of these land sinks and could therefore play a crucial role in tackling climate change. Either via enhanced silicate weathering (acceleration of the naturally extremely slow weathering process by finely grinding silicate rock and applying it on soils) or via improved management of soil organic carbon stocks.

However, there are still knowledge gaps regarding both, the natural weathering process and, more notably, the enhanced weathering process:

  • Does the presence of plants (further) accelerate the weathering rates?
  • Does an active weathering process increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stability?
  • Is there an interaction effect between the weathering process, plants and SOC?

Addressing these questions is crucial to evaluate effectiveness and safety of enhanced silicate weathering. For example, increased weathering rates due to the presence of plants, could increase the climate change mitigation effect, while increased organic matter decomposition could drastically reduce the mitigation potential of enhanced silicate weathering.

In an enhanced weathering experiment we investigated weathering rates, mineralogical changes, inorganic and organic carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions. First findings provide evidence of bio-weathering; soil planted with maize displayed higher dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity concentrations as compared to unplanted soil. These findings are also supported by mineralogical analyses which revealed more pronounced changes in the mineral composition of planted treatments. So far, we have not only found compelling evidence of bio-weathering but we have also identified a potential connection between bio-weathering and SOC dynamics. Soil analyses showed that there was no clear change in SOC contents in planted pots. Unplanted pots, however, displayed an increase in SOC contents when silicates were added.

How to cite: Steinwidder, L., Boito, L., Vienne, A., Rijnders, J., Frings, P., and Vicca, S.: Climate change mitigation? Interactions between bio-weathering and soil organic carbon dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12216,, 2024.

Soil to Aquatic System
Virtual presentation
Shuang Zhang, Christopher Reinhard, Shaoda Liu, Yoshiki Kanzaki, and Noah Planavsky

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) is gaining prominence as a viable option among Carbon Dioxide Removal strategies, offering a sustainable way to reduce atmospheric CO₂ levels, along with additional benefits such as improved soil pH and nutrient release. However, a detailed understanding of how ERW affects river systems—a critical factor in assessing its net efficiency in consuming CO₂—is still lacking, impeding its broader acceptance as a consistent carbon management method. This study aims to bridge this gap using a comprehensive integrated approach that combines machine learning and numerical models, specifically targeting river systems in North America. A key element of our methodology is the implementation of an innovative dynamic river network model, designed to provide a thorough analysis of river responses to ERW application. Our research indicates relatively low carbon leakage in most river segments over a two-year period. Nevertheless, we also highlight significant spatial and seasonal variations in these responses, paving the way for a strategic plan to optimize ERW deployment by selecting the most suitable watersheds and optimal times for application.

How to cite: Zhang, S., Reinhard, C., Liu, S., Kanzaki, Y., and Planavsky, N.: Tracking river responses to enhanced rock weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21731,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Salvatore Calabrese, Matteo Bertagni, Giuseppe Cipolla, Leonardo V. Noto, and Amilcare Porporato

Enhanced weathering (EW) is a promising strategy for sequestering CO2 by amending cropland and forest soils with crushed silicate materials. However, current model-based estimates suffer from numerous uncertainties resulting from the incomplete representation of the weathering process in soils and a lack of model-data comparisons. Here, we address this gap by improving and validating an ecohydrological and biogeochemical soil model that captures the EW dynamics in the upper soil layers. We present a systematic model-experiment comparison leveraging four experiments with different degrees of complexity, ranging from simple closed incubation systems to fully open mesocosm experiments. The comparison reveals an encouraging observation-model agreement for the primary variables of interest, such as rock alkalinity release and CO2 sequestration. The comparison also demonstrates that the weathering rates consistently fall below those of flask dissolution experiments, underlining the need to update mineral weathering rate formulations in soils. As measurements from field trials become available, further model-data comparisons will help refine the model in support of large-scale EW deployments.

How to cite: Calabrese, S., Bertagni, M., Cipolla, G., Noto, L. V., and Porporato, A.: Carbon sequestration uncertainties: bridging the model-data gap for enhanced weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9664,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kirsty Harrington, Gideon Henderson, and Robert Hilton

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) - the addition of crushed alkaline rocks onto agricultural land - has emerged as a promising approach for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Evaluating the global and UK CDR potential and environmental implications of ERW prior to widespread implementation is essential. Accurate quantification of CDR via ERW requires an understanding of the baseline CO2 flux due to existing natural and anthropogenic influences on weathering. Understanding these baseline weathering fluxes is also important for predicting the capacity of UK rivers to accommodate additional material from ERW, because natural weathering controls river geochemistry.  However, uncertainty exists regarding baseline values and their variability across UK catchments, which have varying lithological, climate, and anthropogenic influences. In this study, we quantify the annual baseline CO2 consumption due to natural weathering in the UK using historical river geochemical data, and a geochemical inversion technique to separate fluxes derived from weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks.

Results reveal that baseline silicate and carbonate weathering contributes up to 6.3 Mt CO2 yr-1 as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to UK rivers combined. Within this total, silicate weathering, vital for long- term carbon removal, contributes up to 1.3 Mt CO2 yr-1. Normalising the CDR by catchment area highlights significant variability across the UK, with Midlands and southeastern catchments exhibiting the highest weathering CO2 yields. Increased DIC from baseline weathering in southeastern catchments brings riverine calcite saturation close to saturation thresholds. Consequently, these heightened weathering rates are expected to limit the rivers’ capacity to accommodate additional DIC from ERW. Conversely, our findings suggest that Midlands catchments may offer optimal conditions for ERW implementation- displaying favourable weathering conditions and increased riverine storage capacity to store ERW by-products. Therefore, the suitability of a catchment for ERW application hinges on achieving a balance between favourable weathering conditions and adequate riverine capacity for surplus weathering products. Consequently, a uniform approach to EW implementation may be unsuitable for widespread use in the UK. Instead, we propose a catchment specific approach, involving calculations of the potential river chemistry impacts based on intended spreading rate and arable land area.  Although more demanding, this ensures the safe implementation of ERW without compromising riverine chemical thresholds.

The baseline weathering CDR (6.3 MtCO2 yr-1) aligns with the lower end of that proposed achievable through widespread ERW implementation across the UK (6 -30 Mt CO2 yr-1)1. If this anticipated CDR is achieved and evenly distributed within UK rivers as DIC, the background riverine DIC flux would at least double. However, given the heterogenous distribution of arable land, our findings suggest that catchments with extensive arable land may experience a substantial DIC flux from ERW. This flux, especially in regions with high baseline values, could trigger carbonate precipitation, potentially reducing CDR potential by 16- 27%2.


1Kantzas et al (2022) ‘Substantial Carbon Drawdown Potential from Enhanced Rock Weathering in the United Kingdom’, 2Harrington et al (2023), Implications for the Riverine Response to Enhanced Weathering to CO2 Removal in the UK,


How to cite: Harrington, K., Henderson, G., and Hilton, R.: Comparing Potential Carbon Dioxide Removal Fluxes from Enhanced Rock Weathering with Baseline Fluxes in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12948,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gregory Jones, Athanasios Paschalis, and Bonnie Waring

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) utilizing basalt in forest ecosystems has emerged as a potentially scalable strategy for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the context of anthropogenic climate change. Despite a robust theoretical understanding of weathering processes across geological timescales, a critical lack of empirical ERW data exists for assessing its efficacy in climate mitigation at relevant timescales. Here, we present the first large-scale, replicated field trial of ERW coupled with tree planting at an afforestation experiment in mid-Wales. The factorial experimental design integrates basalt application and tree functional types (broadleaf vs. coniferous), examining key parameters such as soil pore water pH, alkalinity, soil respiration and aboveground tree biomass. By employing novel sampling techniques, we quantify ERW extent, providing nuanced insights. Over the first three years, initial observations highlight nutrient cycling perturbations post-basalt addition, offering immediate insights into ERW effects in a forested ecosystem. To mechanistically elucidate these observations, we introduce a novel ERW module within the Tethys-Chloris ecohydrological model framework, integrating a microbially explicit soil biogeochemical component. This integrated model aims to provide a robust foundation for understanding how ERW dynamics influence ecosystem carbon sequestration and guide best sampling practices.

How to cite: Jones, G., Paschalis, A., and Waring, B.: Scaling up enhanced rock weathering: field trials and ecohydrological modelling in a temperate forest , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11347,, 2024.

Life Cycle Assessment and MRV
On-site presentation
Francesco Pietro Campo, Mario Grosso, and Stefano Caserini

In addition to rapid emissions reduction, different Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) processes are required to be deployed in the order of many Gt y-1 for limiting the global temperature increase to the ambitious target set by the Paris Agreement.

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) and River Alkalinity Enhancement (RAE) are CDR approaches that mimic and accelerate the natural process of rock weathering. These processes remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it permanently in the sea in the form of bicarbonates, thanks to the spread of grinded alkaline materials (e.g., limestone, slaked lime or dolomite) in different environments, e.g., on croplands or in rivers.

The use of limestone or dolomite involves a long time for their dissolution, which can be accelerated by reducing the size of the particles in the order of micrometres. Alternatively, using slaked lime (SL) decreases the energy requirement for grinding because SL dissolution is faster at larger particle size than limestone. On the other hand, the production of SL causes unavoidable process CO2 emission and energy consumption during the calcination (i.e., the thermal decomposition of limestone into lime).

Here, a process that produces decarbonized SL for ERW or RAE is analyzed. It consists of the use of renewable electric energy for the calcination of limestone and of the storage of CO2. Two alternative CO2 storage systems are considered: geological storage and marine storage in the form of bicarbonates. The former is more studied and currently deployed with an annual global capacity of about 50 MtCO2 per year. However, geological storage has some drawbacks, such as the long time required for the identification of a formation suitable for storage, and a high financial risk because of the money loss in case the formation will result unsuitable. Furthermore, suitable geological formations are unevenly geographically distributed in the world and the long-term sustainability of the injection rate is uncertain. The latter storage approach, still in the first phases of the development, consists of the formation of bicarbonates by reacting CO2 from the calcination with seawater. Then, part of the decarbonized SL is used for balancing the pH, so a carbon-enriched marine solution with the same pH of the seawater is released. Unlike geological storage, this storage methodology is modular with certain and constant injection rate and can be deployed in every site near the coast.

The potential environmental impacts of the process with the two different CO2 storage technologies are analyzed through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. In addition to climate change, 15 impact categories are assessed according to the Environmental Footprint method implemented in Simapro software. The impacts are calculated on the basis of the mass and energy balance of the processes.

The limitations of the LCA methodology for assessing the overall environmental impacts of these processes will also be investigated. In particular, the lack of an impact category able to assesses the potential river environment remediation or the contrast to ocean acidification when the added alkalinity reaches the sea.

How to cite: Campo, F. P., Grosso, M., and Caserini, S.: Assessment of potential environmental impacts of an Enhanced Rock Weathering process for carbon dioxide removal in the form of bicarbonates by means of Life Cycle Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15982,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christina Larkin, Matthew Clarkson, Philip Swoboda, Tom Reershemius, T. Jesper Suhrhoff, Cara Maesano, and James Campbell

Terrestrial enhanced weathering (EW) is a promising emerging carbon dioxide removal technique which involves the acceleration of natural weathering processes via the deployment of crushed rock feedstocks, typically Ca- and Mg-rich silicates, in soils. While models predict this has the potential to remove multiple gigatonnes of CO2 annually1,2, as an open-system pathway, the measurement (monitoring), reporting, and verification (MRV) of carbon removal and storage is challenging3. We will review the current literature showing the state-of-play of different methods for monitoring EW, as well as outlining links between industry, regulation and academia. Additionally, we outline a set of enhanced weathering carbon definitions in order to align academic studies and emergent industry in this area with the established voluntary carbon offset market. 

We will discuss two main pathways for measuring EW, one focused on solid phase measurements4 and the other on the aqueous phase3,5. Additionally, gas phase measurements have been deployed to understand CO2 fluxes, but are dominated by short-term organic carbon cycling. We emphasise that, although there is complexity in tracing EW CDR in the natural field environment, established literature validates existing approaches, and each measurement approach has strengths and limitations. The complexity inherent in EW is navigable through redundant measurement strategies and well designed experiments, which we highlight are crucial in the nascent stages of the EW industry.

1Taylor, L. L. et al. Nat. Clim. Change 6, 402–406 (2016)

2Beerling, D. J. et al. Nature 583, 242–248 (2020)

3Clarkson, M. O. et al. preprint EarthArXiv (2023)

4Reershemius, T., Kelland, M.E., et al.. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2023) 

5Larkin, C. S. et al. Front. Clim. 4, (2022).

How to cite: Larkin, C., Clarkson, M., Swoboda, P., Reershemius, T., Suhrhoff, T. J., Maesano, C., and Campbell, J.: Alignment of industry, regulation and academia for quantification of carbon dioxide removal by enhanced weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17266,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X1

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 12:30
Chairperson: Harun Niron
Noga Moran, Yonaton Goldsmith, and Eyal Wurgaft

Reducing CO2 emissions is crucial for mitigating climate change and its environmental impacts. A promising strategy for CO2 reduction involves enhancing limestone dissolution in seawater by reacting it with industrial CO2 waste gas to form dissolved bicarbonate, which prevents the CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. This process of limestone dissolution and atmospheric CO2 reduction occurs naturally over time-scales of 105 – 106 years and serves as “Earth's thermostat”. Enhancing this natural process could serve as an efficient way to remove man-made atmospheric CO2. To adapt this process to perform at industrial scales and rates suitable for mitigating climate change it is essential to scrutinize limestone dissolution rates and assess the parameters governing this process under controlled laboratory conditions. To assess the potential of limestone dissolution rates and characterize the conditions required to maximize dissolution rates and CO2 removal, we constructed a versatile benchtop reactor that mimics the natural limestone dissolution process and allows for experimenting with different materials and dissolution conditions. This experimental setup affords control over gas and recycled gas flow rates, as well as the mineralogy and grain size of the utilized limestones—parameters known to influence dissolution rates. The reactor is a 22 x 110 (cm) circular tube filled with a limestone medium. A continuous stream of seawater and CO2 gas is introduced into the reactor where it reacts with the limestone. An air pump recycles CO2 gas from the reactor head-space, in order to enhance the efficiency of CO2 dissolution in seawater. Excess gas and seawater are removed continuously from the reactor, creating an open, through-flowing system. The system is monitored online using temperature, pCO2 and pH meters. Total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and Calcium concentrations of the sea water in the reactor are sampled throughout the experiments and measured offline. To identify the parameters that achieve maximum limestone dissolution rates we performed experiments under different grain sizes, gas to seawater flows ratio, and recycled gas flow rate. Comparing our findings with previous studies reveals that a significant amount of limestone dissolution occurred in our system, leading to alkalinity enhancement in the sea water and removal of CO2. In the presentation, we will discuss the effects of the different parameters on the final total dissolution rate and suggest the set of parameters that maximize the limestone dissolution rate.

How to cite: Moran, N., Goldsmith, Y., and Wurgaft, E.: Maximizing limestone dissolution rate and alkalinity enhancement in an open-system benchtop reactor , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5560,, 2024.

Uncertainty quantification in the Isometric enhanced weathering (EW) protocol and its application across carbon removal pathways
Ella Holme, Jing He, Chris Podgorney, Mark Pullin, Kevin Sutherland, and Rebecca Tyne
Ci-Jian Yang, Chun-Wei Tseng, Chiu-Hsien Wang, Xinye Shi, and Chi-Wang Tsui

A novel geoengineering technique aims to counteract global warming caused by anthropogenic CO2 through artificially enhanced silicate weathering, achieved by the dissolution of olivine. Unlike other geoengineering concepts, CDR (carbon dioxide removal) techniques not only mitigate ocean acidification but also efficiently draw down atmospheric CO2. Models predict that we can sufficiently enhance silicate weathering enough for it to be a useful CDR strategy. The models typically rely on kinetic rate constants derived from benchtop experiments conducted under conditions far from equilibrium. Hence, empirical field demonstrations are crucial to validate the effectiveness of enhanced silicate weathering. Here, we implement additional olivine (Mg2SiO4) fertilization in three plots with the same dimensions but various forest forms, grassland, Chinese fir, and mixed woodlands. The olivine doses were equivalent to 200 tons ha-1 in this study. Combining monthly samplings of runoff chemistry with hourly runoff measurement, this study aims to delineate the chemical weathering flux. Preliminary findings reveal the concentration of Si4+,Mg2+, and Ca2+ within runoff at varying soil depths and forest forms. Specifically, in the Chinese fir plot, the concentration of Si4+ increased from 5.58 to 17.47 mg L-1 within the initial three months, subsequently diminishing to 5.54 mg L-1 after one year. Conversely, the grassland exhibited a decline from 4.20 to 2.46 mg L-1 in the same period. For mixed woodlands, Si4+ concentration elevated from 4.16 to 10.87 mg L-1 at three months, followed by a reduction to 5.54 mg/L after one year. The concentrations of Si4+ within the 30 to 85 cm depth exhibited minimal variation, fluctuating between 5–8 mg L-1. The initial concentrations of Mg2+ for the Chinese fir, grassland and mixed woodlands were 2.70, 0.19, and 1.19 mg L-1, escalating to 2.90, 1.76, and 2.14 mg L-1, respectively. Correspondingly, initial Ca2+ concentrations were 42.87, 37.13, and 24.07 mg L-1, increasing to 147.70, 49.40, and 45.58 mg L-1, subsequently declining to 21.70, 7.04, and 11.78 mg L-1. The observed trends suggest that nutrient deficiency in experimental plots prompts preferential Mg uptake by plants upon excess olivine addition, resulting in the release of Ca. These insights imply that olivine fertilization necessitates a minimum of three months and persists for at least 30 months in our case. Disparities in concentrations at different depths underscore the predominance of weathering in surface layers. While silicate weathering is more pronounced in forests compared to grasslands, excessive Mg addition may disrupt the equilibrium in plant nutrient uptake.

How to cite: Yang, C.-J., Tseng, C.-W., Wang, C.-H., Shi, X., and Tsui, C.-W.: Olivine Fertilization for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Field Demonstrations and Insights in Diverse Forest Ecosystems in a Tropical Monsoon Climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7456,, 2024.

Amanda Stubbs, Faisal Khudur, John MacDonald, Linzi McDade, and Mark Friel

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a recognized carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that uses crushed silicate rock (e.g., basalt) to capture atmospheric CO2, offering co-benefits such as improved soil health and increased crop production [1]. One of the main disadvantages of ERW includes the production of energy needed to crush and transport rocks to their application site [2]. Basalt quarries might be capable of removing CO2 on-site by optimizing the management of their quarry fines. This approach would reduce transport-related emissions while repurposing valuable and previously underutilized material. To test this possibility, basalt and dolerite fines from Breedon’s Orrock Quarry and Tarmac’s Cairneyhill Quarry in Scotland are used as potential feedstocks for on-site CDR, respectively. These samples show initial evidence of on-site weathering as secondary minerals are present in some areas of the fines at both the quarries. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) on these samples corroborates field observations as 0.75% and 1.76% CO2 were detected at Orrock and Cairneyhill, respectively. It is estimated that 10 kg CO2/ t Orrock fines and 23 kg CO2/ t Cairneyhill fines have been sequestered passively. Based on the CaO and MgO content, the carbonation potential is 190 kg CO2/ t Orrock fines and 160 kg CO2/ t Cairneyhill fines. Due to the challenge of accessing this potential under ambient conditions, it's essential to evaluate various on-site basalt management practices. To test this, ex-situ, column-based experiments were performed in the following manner. Fines from both sites were placed into columns with varying thicknesses (1 cm and 5 cm) and grain sizes (bulk and <75 μm). These columns were then subjected to ambient UK conditions (10 °C, 0.04% CO2) in an environmental chamber and intensified carbonation conditions (50 °C, 20% CO2) in a CO2 incubator. Both sets of experiments were in place for three months, with monthly water addition to facilitate natural wetting and drying. Secondary precipitates were visible on the surface of bulk fines from both sites regardless of thickness or chamber conditions with mass increases up to 0.5 g by the end of experiments. Sieved Orrock fines (<75 μm) in the CO2 incubator exhibit secondary precipitation, irrespective of sample thickness, displaying white patches on the surface and mass increases up to 1.5 g. Energy dispersive spectroscopy reveals that calcite has begun to fill in the pore spaces. Under ambient conditions, the bulk fines generally have the most significant carbon increase at greater depths, while the sieved fines show the greatest carbonation on the surface. This research has important implications for how fines are managed at quarries in the context of CO2 sequestration and may offer new opportunities for removing CO2 on-site at quarries.

[1] Beerling, D.J. et al., 2020. Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands. Nature, 583(7815): 242-+. [2] Edwards, D.P. et al., 2017. Climate change mitigation: potential benefits and pitfalls of enhanced rock weathering in tropical agriculture. Biology Letters, 13(4).

How to cite: Stubbs, A., Khudur, F., MacDonald, J., McDade, L., and Friel, M.: Potential for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal in mafic quarries via enhanced rock weathering of basalt fines, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12257,, 2024.

Arne Irmai, Maximilian Berndsen, Rauno Baese, and Katharina Alms

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas emitted by human activity, and reducing its presence in the atmosphere is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. The building and construction sector is responsible for a significant proportion of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions. According to the “2022 Global Status Report for Building and Construction”, the sector accounted for approximately 37% of global CO2 emissions in 2021.  Reducing the carbon footprint of building materials is a challenging task, as some process-related CO2 emissions are unavoidable. The industry is currently developing methods to mitigate these emissions by capturing CO2 from flue gas streams. In this study, we investigate an alternative approach to reducing the carbon footprint of building materials by incorporating olivine into building materials such as façade plaster.

In nature, CO2 is removed from the atmosphere through silicate weathering and stored over geological time scales as carbonate minerals. Incorporating olivine powder into building materials exposes the mineral to increased weathering conditions, which is expected to accelerate the process of CO2 sequestration. Façade plaster is advantageous because it covers large areas of building walls that are in direct contact with the atmosphere. The method is similar to the original idea of enhanced weathering, where crushed olivine is spread over large areas of land. However, the crucial distinction is that olivine-based façade plaster is a marketable product, making its implementation more appealing.

In collaboration with Knauf Gips KG, two test stands were constructed to expose olivine-containing façade plaster to natural and accelerated weathering conditions. Knauf Gips KG is a company that specialises in drywall and flooring systems, plaster, and facades, and produced the olivine-plaster used in the experiments. This plaster is exposed to ambient weathering conditions for 12 months at an outdoor test stand. Rainwater runoff is collected and analysed for dissolved species. The fluid analyses are used to identify potential ecological hazards resulting from olivine weathering, such as the release of heavy metals into the environment. In addition to the outdoor test stand, laboratory experiments are conducted to accelerate weathering by exposing the olivine-plaster to a constantly moist CO2 atmosphere. The composition of the water and atmosphere is monitored throughout the experiment. Mineralogical and structural changes of the plaster samples are analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The extent of CO2 mineralisation will be assessed based on mass balance calculations with the experimental reactants and their products. This contribution reports interim results from the outdoor test stand after a 6-month period and presents the results of laboratory experiments on olivine and plaster alteration.

How to cite: Irmai, A., Berndsen, M., Baese, R., and Alms, K.: Enhanced weathering in building materials: Capturing CO2 with olivine-based façade plaster, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15573,, 2024.

Anezka Radkova, XinRan Liu, Tzara Bierowiec, Erin Chen, Ifeoma Edeh, Amy Frew, Matthew Healy, Lucy Jones, Amy Mc Bride, Mel Murphy, Robert Palmer, Kirstine Skov, Utku Solpuker, Will Turner, Villa de Toro Sanchez, Peter Wade, Jez Wardman, and Jim Mann

Basalt Enhanced Weathering as a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technology accelerates natural weathering, enhancing the CO2 removal from the atmosphere. The main objective of the ongoing field trials in Scotland and the UK is to combine geochemistry modelling with in-field measurement to most accurately quantify CO2 sequestration. To measure the weathering signal in the field, we track changes in indicators such as soil inorganic carbon (SIC), soil organic carbon (SOC), exchangeable cations, trace/immobile elements, and soil biomass. Pore water analysis is critical for directly quantifying CO2 sequestration. Bicarbonate in soil pore water is a  CO2 removal indicator, as it forms through the reaction of silicate minerals with dissolved CO2 during the initial weathering process. We analyze pore water for pH, alkalinity, Electrical Conductivity (EC), major cations, and anions. This task can be challenging due to sampling issues, the absence of rainfall, and the time-sensitive nature of alkalinity measurements. Analyses of pore water chemistry rely on the ability to separate water from solids with minimal modification of its chemistry. Rhizon samplers and ceramic lysimeters are commonly used for pore water extraction. They may not be ideal for parameters like pH and alkalinity due to certain limitations, such as degassing of dissolved gases, and biases in molecule diffusion through the membrane. In response, we are testing a centrifuge method for pore water sampling from basalt amended fields. In the initial trial, statistical significance tests were conducted to compare the pH and total alkalinity between control plot and Treatment 126 t/ha in both centrifuge and rhizon samples, revealing a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in values within the centrifuge samples. However, no significance was observed in the rhizon samples. We present the results of ongoing tests from different treatments and soil types conducted to investigate whether centrifuge would be a suitable method for pore water sampling and alkalinity measurement for the enhanced weathering field trials.

How to cite: Radkova, A., Liu, X., Bierowiec, T., Chen, E., Edeh, I., Frew, A., Healy, M., Jones, L., Mc Bride, A., Murphy, M., Palmer, R., Skov, K., Solpuker, U., Turner, W., de Toro Sanchez, V., Wade, P., Wardman, J., and Mann, J.: Application of an Innovative Centrifuge-Based Soil Pore Water Sampling Method in Basalt Enhanced Weathering Field Trials., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20843,, 2024.

Ruadhan Magee, Maurice Bryson, Leo Hickey, Christos Chondrogiannis, Katie O'Dea, David van Acken, and Frank McDermott

In this study, we investigate the use of milled returned concrete as an enhanced weathering soil amendment, on two arable fields in County Wexford, Ireland. The applied concrete consists of portlandite (Ca(OH)2) cement with limestone (CaCO3) aggregate. The high cation concentration and rapid weathering kinetics of both components indicate good potential for carbonic acid neutralisation and atmospheric CO2 removal as soil-water dissolved bicarbonate (HCO3-). In spring 2023, prior to crop planting (oats and barley), both trial fields were divided into two sections. Milled returned concrete was applied to a ‘treatment’ section while no concrete was applied to a ‘control’ section. All other farming practices (ploughing, tilling, sowing and fertilisation) were equivalent across control and treatment. Twelve suction-cup lysimeters were installed in each field (6 control and 6 treatment) to collect soil-water samples across the growing season and the concentrations of bicarbonate, major cations and anions were measured to assess carbon removal. Preliminary results indicate that where nitrate (NO3-) levels are low in concrete amended sites, bicarbonate concentrations are elevated above control. However, where soil-nitrate levels are high, weathering liberated cations are balanced by nitrate, and bicarbonate production is suppressed. Our findings highlight the importance of fertiliser management for optimising CO2 removal outcomes of enhanced weathering.

How to cite: Magee, R., Bryson, M., Hickey, L., Chondrogiannis, C., O'Dea, K., van Acken, D., and McDermott, F.: Concrete as a soil amendment for carbon capture: learnings from year one of an enhanced weathering field trial in County Wexford, Ireland., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21707,, 2024.

Rob Rioux, Fengchao Sun, Wyatt Tatge, Quinn C. Zacharias, William Miller-Brown, James B. Shanley, Noah Planavsky, Peter A. Raymond, and James Saiers

Enhanced Mineral Weathering (EMW), a Carbon Dioxide Removal approach, is of growing interest to scientists and practitioners due to its scalability, low technological demand, and co-benefits to farmers and soil health. Enhanced Silicate Weathering (ESW) is distinguished from EMW by grinding silicate rocks (e.g., basalt) into dust and applying it across a landscape, primarily agricultural land. After application, the silicate minerals react with carbonic acid (H2CO3) present in rainwater and soil pore water to generate weathering products such as base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+), alkalinity, trace elements (Al, Fe, Mn), and clays. These weathering products are used by plants or transported from the land to surface water. These weathering products influence streamwater chemistry by increasing in-stream pH, salinity, and alkalinity, which may worsen water quality and impair aquatic ecosystem function. Previous research has described the adverse water quality impacts of increased stream pH, salinity, and alkalinity at the continental scale across North America. The sources driving this change in freshwater quality have been identified as road salt, agricultural lime, and strong acids derived from anthropogenic activities (e.g., fertilizer and acid mine drainage). We are interested in understanding how ESW deployed at large scales may contribute to ongoing changes in freshwater quality. Here, in a small agricultural watershed in Northeastern Vermont, United States, we monitor water quality pre- and post-application of basalt at high-frequency intervals at two stream locations (measuring temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, and CDOM). In addition, we collected weekly baseflow water samples and stormwater samples across 19 rain events. All water samples were measured for a suite of chemical parameters, including DOC, alkalinity, major anions, cations, trace elements, and water isotopes. We analyze this data through multiple lenses, estimating changes to water quality, describing concentration-discharge dynamics, and analyzing aquatic ecosystem response via community respiration.

How to cite: Rioux, R., Sun, F., Tatge, W., Zacharias, Q. C., Miller-Brown, W., Shanley, J. B., Planavsky, N., Raymond, P. A., and Saiers, J.: Influence of Enhanced Silicate Weathering on Streamwater Quality: A Watershed Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-756,, 2024.

Investigating terrestrial biogeochemical responses to enhanced rock weathering for carbon capture in a whole-watershed experiment
quinn zacharias, Robert Rioux, Fengchao Sun, Wyatt Tagte, Marshall McCall, Dula Wereti, Alexander Polussa, Peter Raymond, Noah Planavsky, and James Saiers
Juliette Glorieux, Yves Goddéris, Sylvain Kuppel, and Pierre Delmelle

Applied regionally to cropland soils, enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) is advocated as a viable technology for enhancing the consumption of atmospheric CO2, while also providing ancillary benefits to soil fertility and crop growth. However, important uncertainties remain regarding the short- and long-term effects of silicate addition on weathering rate and soil properties. To address this issue, we adapted and used the reactive transport model WITCH1 to simulate weathering in a tropical soil (Oxisol) amended annually with 50 t ha-1 of crushed basalt over five years. We monitored the changes in the soil chemical properties, primary and secondary mineralogy and CO2 consumption rate over a 10-year period. The modelling results confirm that the instantaneous CO2 consumption rate increases with basalt application. Basalt weathering increases the pH of the soil solution, from acidic to alkaline values, and releases Ca, Mg and K in solution, thus serving as a plant nutrient source. We also found that allophanes may form in the Oxisol in response to dissolution of the basalt’s glass and plagioclases. As evidenced in volcanic soils, allophanes typically exhibit a significant potential for organic carbon stabilisation. The formation of allophanes in the Oxisol treated with basalt may improve aggregation processes, water retention and hydraulic conductivity, but may decrease phosphate availability further. Our modelling study highlights that the intentional application of basalt to a tropical soil affects various soil properties significantly. The short and long-term impacts of these changes on soil functioning will need to be assessed.

1Goddéris et al., 2006. GCA 70:1128-1147

How to cite: Glorieux, J., Goddéris, Y., Kuppel, S., and Delmelle, P.: Reactive transport modelling reveals changes in properties of tropical soils subjected to enhanced silicate weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-928,, 2024.

Ye Lim Park, Junge Hyun, Yejee Ok, and Gayoung Yoo

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) is a method for capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turning it into inorganic carbon, which is then stored in soil or oceans. While ERW is typically acclaimed for its influence on inorganic carbon cycling, its interactions with soil organic carbon (SOC) - mainly formed through biological processes like plant and microbial activity - are less explored. This study aims to investigate the impact of ERW application on SOC dynamics, particularly through modifications in microbial activity. We tested two hypotheses: (1) The change in soil pH and micro-nutrient levels by ERW amendments could boost soil microbial activity, which then accelerate breakdown of easily decomposable SOC, and 2) Higher labile SOC content could increase SOC stabilization within soil aggregates or bound to minerals, which further contribute to an increase in long lasting SOC stock by ERW. In this study, to analyze SOC dynamics under the influence of ERW, we applied olivine, a common ERW material, to soil and conducted a four-month pot experiment with alfalfa. After experiment, soil samples from each pot were analyzed using size and density fractionation to distinguish SOC into four forms: light fraction carbon (LFC), particulate organic carbon in macroaggregates (Macro_oPOC), particulate organic carbon in microaggregates (Micro_oPOC), and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC). Additionally, to assess microbial activity, we measured microbial biomass carbon (MBC), extracellular enzyme activities (three hydrolases and two oxidases) associated with C decomposition, and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), thus providing insights into microbial processes influenced by ERW. As a result, the increased soil pH and supply of minerals from ERW are expected to boost microbial activities, potentially leading to a higher rate of labile SOC decomposition. This could result in decreases in LFC and Macro_oPOC and increases in both Micro_oPOC and MAOC. This research underscores the multifaceted role of ERW in carbon management strategies, demonstrating its potential not only in mitigating climate change through inorganic carbon sequestration but also in influencing SOC sequestration.

How to cite: Park, Y. L., Hyun, J., Ok, Y., and Yoo, G.: Impact of Enhanced Rock Weathering on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics through Microbial Activity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2598,, 2024.

Yejee Ok, Junge Hyun, Ye Lim Park, and Gayoung Yoo

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) is emerging as a promising Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) strategy. While existing research predominantly measures dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) to evaluate CDR effects, the significance of plants and their influence on soil organic carbon (SOC) within the ERW process remains underexplored. Our study aims to investigate the impact of ERW amendments on SOC sequestration when applied to soils with planted vegetation. The variation in SOC sequestration due to ERW depends on factors such as the composition of ERW materials, soil conditions, and the presence of plants and microorganisms. Under these interactions, stable SOC storage for at least several decades needs to be considered a CDR effect, although the increase in plant growth may not be considered a CDR effect due to the short carbon storage time. Additionally, we propose the inclusion of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, particularly N2O emissions resulting from microbial activity changes, in our comprehensive CDR Index. Here, we suggest a comprehensive CDR Index for ERW, encompassing direct effects on SIC and DIC, indirect impacts on SOC, and N2O fluxes. To thoroughly investigate the CDR impact of ERW materials, we assessed the CDR Index for two distinct ERW materials: natural rock and industrial by-product silicate. Our four-month pot experiment involved control and two ERW amendments(olivine and blast furnace slag) alongside two planting scenarios(with alfalfa and without plants). We hypothesize that the CDR effect calculated using our comprehensive CDR Index will differ from that calculated using only DIC or SIC measurements. We anticipate significant increases in SIC and DIC for treatments, particularly with blast furnace slag due to its composition. In the plant-involved treatments, we anticipate both higher SIC, as plants accelerate weathering with their acidic exudates, and increased SOC, indicating improved plant growth and subsequent carbon sequestration. Variations in N2O fluxes are also anticipated with different ERW amendments. Initial data from three weeks shows significant DIC increases with blast furnace slag and modest increases with olivine. Greater plant biomass was observed in treatments compared to control, suggesting varied biological impacts. Throughout the remaining four-month experiment, we aim to document changes in SIC, DIC, SOC, and differences in N2O fluxes. These results are anticipated to vary based on the type of amendment and the planting options. This research is expected to underscore the significance of the biological effect in a comprehensive CDR assessment and contribute to identifying the most effective conditions for CDR with ERW when considering biological impacts. The findings are expected to guide future research and the implementation of ERW strategies, contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Ok, Y., Hyun, J., Park, Y. L., and Yoo, G.: Assessing the Impact of Enhanced Rock Weathering on Soil Biological Interactions with Comprehensive Carbon Dioxide Removal Index, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2602,, 2024.

Harun Niron, Laura Steinwidder, Jet Rijnders, Lucilla Boito, and Sara Vicca

Enhanced Weathering (EW) is a promising negative emissions technology for atmospheric CO2 removal, particularly in agricultural setups. Spreading silicate rock powder, such as basalt, over extensive agricultural lands not only sequesters CO2 but also provides essential nutrients like K, Mg, and Fe to crops. However, the efficiency of carbon sequestration in this system varies strongly, posing a challenge to widespread adoption, particularly among stakeholders like farmers.

Climate change intensifies weather extremes, exacerbating crop drought and heat stress, with detrimental effects on production. To address these challenges, the use of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), such as Bacillus subtilis, emerges as a nature-based strategy. In addition to inducing stress resistance, B. subtilis possesses Fe and P solubilizing features, potentially enhancing EW rates. Indeed, our previous study demonstrated B. subtilis efficacy in accelerating basalt weathering by increasing Ca, Mg, and Fe dissolution in bare soil.

In a maize mesocosm experiment combining B. subtilis, basalt, and water content as variables, we observed a significant impact of B. subtilis on plant biomass in treatments, while basalt showed no major effect. In treatments with reduced irrigation, plants that were amended with basalt and B. subtilis displayed elevated leaf chlorophyll levels and improved nitrogen balance compared to plants that were not amended with B. subtilis. Across both high and low watering conditions, plants amended with basalt and B. subtilis exhibited enhanced photosynthetic activity and improved stomatal regulation. These findings suggest a promising added effect of PGPR B. subtilis to basalt-based EW for efficient crop health management under varying environmental conditions. This synergy has the potential to address the challenge of variable carbon sequestration efficiency and can provide a robust basis for improving crop health under diverse settings.

How to cite: Niron, H., Steinwidder, L., Rijnders, J., Boito, L., and Vicca, S.: Exploring the Synergy of Enhanced Weathering and Rhizobacteria in Sustainable Agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16303,, 2024.

Assessment of the potential of different alkaline minerals to mitigate ocean acidification and sequester CO2
Jakob Rønning and Carolin Löscher
Lucilla Boito, Laura Steinwidder, Patrick Frings, Arthur Vienne, Jet Rijnders, Jasper Roussard, and Sara Vicca

Besides rapid and deep greenhouse gas emission reductions, atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal strategies (CDRs) will be necessary to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. A promising CDR is Enhanced rock Weathering (EW), deployed on croplands. So far, most research focused on lab-based weathering and sequestration rates, but these might differ substantially in field settings, where biota may have a strong effect on EW processes (e.g., via bio-weathering). Additionally, these studies are mostly short-term, thus limiting our knowledge on the long-term effects of silicate addition on croplands.

Here, we set up a mesocosm experiment to quantify the carbon (C) sequestration of EW and how this is affected by biota. The experiment consisted of soils applied with basalt and combinations of corn and/or earthworms. It spanned over two growing seasons, for a total duration of 16 months. We measured i) Soil CO2 Efflux (SCE) , ii) porewater and leachate water alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), pH and other elemental chemistry, and iii) soil pH and elemental chemistry in order to determine weathering rates.

Our data shows that basalt had a different effect on SCE in the two growing seasons. In both seasons, the effect of basalt depended on plant presence, though in two different directions. In the first growing season, basalt increased emissions significantly compared to controls, but only when plants were present. In contrast, during the second growing season basalt significantly decreased SCE over time compared to controls, but only in absence of plants. Here, there was no effect of basalt on SCE whenever plants were present. These contrasting results suggest an initial stimulation of SCE (“pulse”) due to basalt application, especially prominent in the presence of plants and possibly involving changes in soil organic carbon dynamics. These findings highlight the need for long-term studies that outlast that initial “pulse” and elucidate the fate of organic carbon in order to accurately quantify the CDR potential of EW, as well as the role of biota therein.

How to cite: Boito, L., Steinwidder, L., Frings, P., Vienne, A., Rijnders, J., Roussard, J., and Vicca, S.: Feeling the “pulse”: long-term studies are key to understanding carbon dynamics in bio-weathering, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9670,, 2024.

Christos Chondrogiannis, Katie O’Dea, Maurice Bryson, Ruadhan Magee, and Frank McDermott

Weathering, the breakdown of rock into its elements, is a carbon sequestering process and a significant component of the Earth’s long-term carbon cycle. As rock is weathered, atmospheric CO2 reacts with elements released, forming bicarbonates. These compounds are transported to the ocean where they are stored for thousands of years.

The above mechanism has garnered much attention in recent years for its use as a potential negative emissions technology to advance efforts in climate change mitigation. Enhanced weathering (EW) aims to accelerate carbon sequestering reactions of rock weathering by applying crushed rock onto vegetated surfaces. It’s also believed this practice could provide secondary benefits of improving crop yields and soil conditions. A variety of rocks, such as basalt and olivine, have been applied to different crops all over the world in an attempt to test their potential as a CO2 removal technique and natural fertilizer.

This study aims to build upon previous attempts by employing a novel material, crushed concrete. Concrete is abundant in fast-weathering minerals such as portlandite and amorphous calcium silicates, making it an ideal candidate for EW. By harnessing the same bicarbonate forming and carbon sequestering reactions but using a waste by-product of the construction industry, the sustainability and circularity of EW technology could be further increased.

In this study, crushed concrete was applied to fields of oat (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Co. Wexford, Ireland, during the spring growing season. Physiological (chlorophyll fluorescence and stomatal conductance) and morphological (dry mass and plant height) parameters were measured through multiple stages of the plant growth to assess the impact of concrete application on crop health and yield. Our results showed an increase in the dry mass (specifically seed dry mass) of barley, suggesting that barley may benefit from concrete application. No significant changes were observed in oat. Our results suggest that concrete does not negatively impact crop yields and could even improve yields in certain crop species.

How to cite: Chondrogiannis, C., O’Dea, K., Bryson, M., Magee, R., and McDermott, F.: Concrete application in enhanced weathering: Investigating the effect of concrete on barley and oat under field conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11274,, 2024.

Simon Redfern, Shang Ma, Yiwen Zhang, Zhaofeng Ouyang, and Chin-Hsien Cheng

As part of a study of enhanced rock weathering in tropical lowland soils in an agricultural setting we are embarking on an assessment of the role of ERW in urban farming scenarios. Here, we present an evaluation of key agricultural settings in which quantification may be best achieved. In the context of Singapore, which has an ambition of domestic production of 30% of its nutritional needs by 2030, this must include urban farming. We assess development of methods for geochemical analysis of cation mobility due to weathering in urban farming substrates. We have developed a matrix of key factors in enhancing soil and likely carbon drawdown; validation and testing of existing models. Finally, we conduct assessment of implications for agricultural productivity and economic viability.

How to cite: Redfern, S., Ma, S., Zhang, Y., Ouyang, Z., and Cheng, C.-H.: Enhanced Rock Weathering and Climate Mitigation: Prospects in Urban Farming , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20871,, 2024.

Xavier Dupla, Romane Claustre, Emma Bonvin, Iris Graf, Claire Le Bayon, and Stéphanie Grand

Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a promising carbon dioxide removal technology that consists in applying ground silicate rock on agricultural soils. ERW efficiency is based on the carbon dioxide sequestration associated with the chemical weathering of silicate minerals. On top of carbon sequestration, this chemical weathering can most notably raise the soil pH and release nutrients, thereby potentially improving soil fertility. Despite these possible cobenefits, potential drawbacks such as heavy metal pollution or soil structure damage have also been raised. Yet to our knowledge, these potential effects of ERW on soil fertility have not been simultaneously investigated.

This field trial assessed the impact of ERW on biological, physical, and geochemical dimensions of soil fertility. Overall, basalt addition had a predominantly positive to neutral effect on soil fertility. The majority of soil properties showed no significant change either 1 month or 1 year post basalt application. Nevertheless, our study highlighted a significant increase in earthworm biomass, soil respiration and sodium concentration as early as 1 month post application. These changes, suggestive of rapid initial weathering processes, require further investigation before enhanced rock weathering can be considered a viable and secure carbon dioxide removal technology.

How to cite: Dupla, X., Claustre, R., Bonvin, E., Graf, I., Le Bayon, C., and Grand, S.: Assessing the biogeochemical impacts of terrestrial enhanced rock weathering on soil fertility, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20481,, 2024.

Khushboo Gurung, Benjamin Mills, and Dongyu Zheng

The emergence of land plants and their expansion across the Earth's surface has helped shape the climate of the Phanerozoic. Land plants are a major contributor to global photosynthetic biomass which in turn influences atmospheric CO2 and O2 levels. They also amplify continental weathering processes, which are a critical component of many global biogeochemical cycles. The inclusion of spatially-resolved vegetation within climate-biogeochemical models that predict paleo-CO2 and O2 levels can create a more accurate picture of the paleo-Earth [Gurung et al., in revision], however these applications have been limited by the availability of climate model simulations at high time resolution, which makes continuous spatial modelling difficult. Here, we use a new machine learning approach [Zheng et al., in revision] to build a 1-Myr climate emulator for the SCION climate-biogeochemcial model, and couple this to a deep-time vegetation model [FLORA; Gurung et al., 2022]. This allows us to re-run the plant colonisation of the land over the Paleozoic in detail and to view the global impact of changes in land occupation and productivity between early and more complex plants. By integrating simplified evolutionary and competition dynamics into the model, we can compare the effects on weathering, carbon burial and climate to help us better understand the dynamics that influence the expansion of plants and the resulting long-term Earth system changes.

Gurung et al., Climate windows of opportunity for plant expansion during the Phanerozoic Nat Comms 13 (2022)

How to cite: Gurung, K., Mills, B., and Zheng, D.: Assessing the spatial expansion of plants in an Earth System model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15291,, 2024.

Yikai Liu, Qiusong Chen, Maria Chiara Dalconi, Luca Valentini, Xinyi Yuan, Simone Molinari, Yunming Wang, and Gilberto Artioli

Using industrial solid waste to capture CO2 by mineral carbonation is considered one of the promising technologies to prevent waste disposal while combating global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Especially, the carbonation reaction is spontaneous and the carbonated products are relatively stable; thus, mineral carbonation is an effective means of stabilizing CO2 and valorizing industrial solid waste. Previous estimations report that a 4.02 Gt per year mitigation potential can be facilitated through CO2 mineralization of industrial solid waste. However, existing estimates do not take into account the impacts of unfavorable impurities, which have broad uncertainty and variability due to different industrial processes and ore sources. The existence of certain impurities might influence the rate of the carbonation reaction and therefore, the amount of CO2 captured and carbonates formed. For instance, some elements (e.g., Pb, Cd, and Mn in mine tailings) can enhance the CO2 capture capacity due to the precipitation of heavy metal carbonates. While some organics (e.g., organic matter in sludge) and anions (e.g., phosphates in phosphogypsum) can influence the carbonation reactions negatively. Especially, the questionable releasing behavior of these potentially toxic elements can bring about new environmental issues when the deposited body reaches groundwater or aquifer resources. Therefore, in this work, we have attempted to clarify the roles of impurities in the mineralization process and the afterward usage period, including the accelerating or retarding effects of impurities in carbonation and the leaching behavior of potentially toxic elements. Industrial solid wastes from different sectors, such as typical mine tailings (e.g., copper mine tailings and nickel mine tailings), industrial by-products (e.g., phosphogypsum, fly ash, red mud, and coal gasification slag), and construction and demolition waste, are used for accelerated and atmospheric carbonation at ambient temperatures. Our study reveals that although mineralization and in-stu storage could turn industrial solid wastes into a global carbon mitigation sink, unfavorable impurities may curb abatement potential.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Dalconi, M. C., Valentini, L., Yuan, X., Molinari, S., Wang, Y., and Artioli, G.: Role of unfavorable impurities in CO2 mineralization process of industrial solid waste: Uncertainties in decarbonization potential , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-972,, 2024.

Building scientific and industry consensus on a monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) protocol for enhanced weathering (EW) in agriculture
Jonathan Lambert, Kevin Sutherland, Ella Holme, Rhys Savage, Neil Hacker, and Isometric Science Team