Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions

SM – Seismology

Programme Group Chair: Alice-Agnes Gabriel

SM1 – General Seismology


The most general seismology session welcomes a diverse array of presentations on recent local, regional, and global earthquakes, including significant earthquake sequences. It also highlights recent advancements in characterizing Earth's structure through various seismological methods.

Convener: Alice-Agnes Gabriel | Co-convener: Philippe Jousset

SM2 – Computational, Theoretical and Data-Intensive Seismology


Computational earth science often relies on modelling to understand complex physical systems which cannot be directly observed. Over the last years, numerical modeling of earthquakes provides new approaches to apprehend the physics of earthquake rupture and the seismic cycle, seismic wave propagation, fault zone evolution and seismic hazard assessment. Recent advances in numerical algorithms and increasing computational power enable unforeseen precision and multi-physics components in physics-based simulations of earthquake rupture and seismic wave propagation but also pose challenges in terms of fully exploiting modern supercomputing infrastructure, realistic parameterization of simulation ingredients and the analysis of large synthetic datasets while advances in laboratory experiments link earthquake source processes to rock mechanics.

This session aims to bring together modelers and data analysts interested in the physics and computational aspects of earthquake phenomena and earthquake engineering. We welcome studies focusing on all aspects of seismic hazard assessment and the physics of earthquakes — from slow slip events, fault mechanics and rupture dynamics, to wave propagation and ground motion analysis, to the seismic cycle and inter seismic deformation — and studies which further the state-of-the art in the related computational and numerical aspects.

Convener: Alice-Agnes Gabriel | Co-conveners: Jean Paul Ampuero, Hideo Aochi, Federica Paglialunga, Harsha Bhat

Over the last decade, a flurry of machine learning methods has led to novel insights throughout geophysics. As wide as the applications are the data types processed, including environmental parameters, GNSS, InSAR, infrasound, and seismic data, but also downstream structured data products such as 3D data cubes, earthquake catalogs, seismic velocity changes. Countless methods have been proposed and successfully applied, ranging from traditional techniques to recent deep learning models. At the same time, we are increasingly seeing the adoption of machine learning techniques in the wider geophysics community, driven by continuously growing data archives, accessible codes, and software. Yet, the landscape of available methods and data types is difficult to navigate, even for experienced researchers.

In this session, we want to bring together machine learning researchers and practitioners throughout the domains of geophysics. We aim to identify common challenges connecting different tasks and data types and formats, and outline best practices for the development and use of machine learning. We also want to discuss how recent trends in machine learning, such as foundation models, the shift to multimodality, or physics informed models may impact geophysical research. We welcome contributions from all fields of geophysics, covering a wide range of data types and machine learning techniques. We also encourage contributions for machine learning adjacent tasks, such as big-data management, data visualization, or software development in the field of machine learning.

Co-organized by ESSI1/NP4
Convener: Jannes MünchmeyerECSECS | Co-conveners: Josefine Umlauft, René Steinmann, Léonard Seydoux, Fabio Corbi

In recent decades, observational seismology has advanced rapidly due to expanding computational capabilities and the increasing volume of seismic data. In addition to the standard seismicity dataset, new data obtained through methods such as Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) or Large-N nodal arrays present new challenges for the seismological community while opening up numerous applications and increasing the potential for subsurface investigation and analysis.

The combination of big datasets, advanced monitoring instruments, and innovative processing techniques is driving breakthroughs in various seismology fields. Machine learning-based methods for seismic data analysis can now detect more earthquakes than traditional methods, greatly improving the detection of smaller earthquakes and revealing previously hidden patterns in earthquake behavior. Additionally, full-data-driven and waveform-based methods have enhanced our ability to image the Earth's crust with high resolution.

However, automated processing approaches can introduce errors or biases if uncertainties are not carefully quantified, emphasizing the need for uncertainty assessment as a crucial area of future research. This session aims to promote new methods for analyzing large datasets either in offline playback mode or in (near) real-time, to study seismic activity on different length scales and in various tectonic environments, and to encourage methods for more robust error-uncertainties analysis, therefore leading to a more solid evaluation of research outcomes.

We encourage contributions not only focusing on classical seismicity analysis techniques such as event detection, location, magnitude, and source-mechanism estimation but also encourage submissions on innovative instrumental and theoretical applications. Finally, the contributions can cover a broad spectrum of topics, including automated seismic observatory procedures, geothermal exploitation, EGS and CSS monitoring, and studies ranging from laboratory to regional scales.

Convener: Matteo BagagliECSECS | Co-conveners: Katinka Tuinstra, Francesco Grigoli, Rebecca M Harrington

Seismological and Geophysical research consistently uses sophisticated tools for data analysis, modelling, and interpretation. Evidently, the rapid development and diversification of research software pose challenges in maintaining code quality, ensuring comprehensive documentation, achieving reproducibility of results, and enabling uninterrupted workflows comprising various tools for seamless data analysis. As researchers increasingly rely on complex computational tools, it becomes essential to address these challenges in scientific software development, to avoid inefficiencies and errors and to ensure that scientific findings are reliable and can be built upon by future researchers.
We welcome contributions that introduce software tools/toolboxes and their real-world applications, showcasing how they have advanced the field, providing practical insights into the development/application process. Additionally, we seek presentations that discuss methodologies for software testing, continuous integration in software projects, upgrades and deployment. Moreover, we are looking for case studies demonstrating the successful implementation of these tools in various seismological/geophysical problems and how these can bring value to the community.
Sharing of resources, toolboxes, and knowledge is encouraged to improve the overall quality and (re)usability of research software. We encourage the inclusion of demonstrations to showcase usability and functionality examples, as well as videos to illustrate proposed workflows. Videos and other resources can be added as supplementary material and will be available after the conference. Depending on the technical setup and the time available, we will also support live demonstrations for the on-site participants.
We warmly invite seismologists, geophysicists, software developers, and researchers to participate in this session and share their insights, experiences, and solutions to elevate software development standards and practices in our field. Join us to contribute to and learn from discussions that will drive innovation and excellence in seismological and geophysical research.

Co-organized by SM2
Convener: Kostas Leptokaropoulos | Co-conveners: Stefania Gentili, Angeliki Adamaki, Monika Staszek

Sitting under a tree, you feel the spark of an idea, and suddenly everything falls into place. The following days and tests confirm: you have made a magnificent discovery — so the classical story of scientific genius goes…

But science as a human activity is error-prone, and might be more adequately described as "trial and error", or as a process of successful "tinkering" (Knorr, 1979). Thus we want to turn the story around, and ask you to share 1) those ideas that seemed magnificent but turned out not to be, and 2) the errors, bugs, and mistakes in your work that made the scientific road bumpy. What ideas were torn down or did not work, and what concepts survived in the ashes or were robust despite errors? We explicitly solicit Blunders, Unexpected Glitches, and Surprises (BUGS) from modeling and field or lab experiments and from all disciplines of the Geosciences.

Handling mistakes and setbacks is a key skill of scientists. Yet, we publish only those parts of our research that did work. That is also because a study may have better chances to be accepted for publication in the scientific literature if it confirms an accepted theory or if it reaches a positive result (publication bias). Conversely, the cases that fail in their test of a new method or idea often end up in a drawer (which is why publication bias is also sometimes called the "file drawer effect"). This is potentially a waste of time and resources within our community as other scientists may set about testing the same idea or model setup without being aware of previous failed attempts.

In the spirit of open science, we want to bring the BUGS out of the drawers and into the spotlight. In a friendly atmosphere, we will learn from each others' mistakes, understand the impact of errors and abandoned paths onto our work, and generate new insights for our science or scientific practice.

Here are some ideas for contributions that we would love to see:
- Ideas that sounded good at first, but turned out to not work.
- Results that presented themselves as great in the first place but turned out to be caused by a bug or measurement error.
- Errors and slip-ups that resulted in insights.
- Failed experiments and negative results.
- Obstacles and dead ends you found and would like to warn others about.

Knorr, Karin D. “Tinkering toward Success: Prelude to a Theory of Scientific Practice.” Theory and Society 8, no. 3 (1979): 347–76.

Co-organized by BG0/EMRP1/ESSI4/GD10/GI1/GI6/GM11/GMVP1/PS0/SM2/SSS11/ST4
Convener: Ulrike ProskeECSECS | Co-conveners: Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Daniel Klotz, Nobuaki Fuji, Jonas Pyschik

SM3 – Seismic Instrumentation and Infrastructure


Fibre optic based techniques allow probing highly precise point and distributed sensing of the full ground motion wave-field including translation, rotation and strain, as well as environmental parameters such as temperature at a scale and to an extent previously unattainable with conventional geophysical sensors. Considerable improvements in optical and atom interferometry enable new concepts for inertial rotation, translational displacement and acceleration sensing. Laser reflectometry using both fit-to-purpose and commercial fibre optic cables have successfully detected a variety of signals including microseism, local and teleseismic earthquakes, volcanic events, ocean dynamics, etc. Significant breakthrough in the use of fibre optic sensing techniques came from the new ability to interrogate telecommunication cables to high temporal and spatial precision across a wide range of environements. Applications based on this new type of data are numerous, including: seismic source and wave-field characterization with single point observations in harsh environments such as active volcanoes and the seafloor, seismic ambient noise interferometry and seismic building monitoring.

We welcome contributions on developments in instrumental and theoretical advances, applications and processing with fibre optic point and/or distributed multi-sensing techniques, light polarization and transmission analyses, using standard telecommunication and/or engineered fibre cables. We seek studies on theoretical, observation and advanced processing across all solid earth fields, including seismology, volcanology, glaciology, geodesy, geophysics, natural hazards, oceanography, urban environment, geothermal applications, laboratory studies, large-scale field tests, planetary exploration, gravitational wave detection, fundamental physics. We encourage contributions on data analysis techniques, novel applications, machine learning, data management, instrumental performance and comparison as well as new experimental, field, laboratory, modeling studies in fibre optic sensing studies.

Convener: Shane Murphy | Co-conveners: Gilda Currenti, Philippe Jousset

The oceans cover about 71% of the Earth's surface. Yet, our understanding of the oceanic crust and mantle primarily relies on seismic data from continents or islands. Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) are powerful tools for revealing the intricate details of the Earth's sub-oceanic interior, but large-scale OBS deployments remain challenging due to technical, logistical, and financial hurdles.

Over the past two decades, various OBS arrays and other passive ocean-bottom geophysical instruments, such as geodetic and magnetotelluric sensors, have been deployed globally. This led to fascinating new discoveries worldwide, from exciting earthquake phenomena (e.g., slow slip events) to new constraints on subduction processes, mantle plumes, ridges, transform faults, thermal heterogeneity and volatile cycling. However, despite technological advances and improved data processing techniques, significant challenges persist. For example, the sharing and application of best practices for OBS deployments, data preprocessing and formatting is still limited. Many processed data sets are not released for years (if at all), limiting the long-term impact and sustainability of data from these expensive, often publicly-funded projects.

We invite contributions from the global ocean-bottom geophysics community to share their knowledge, experiences and scientific findings. We welcome contributions on all aspects from instrumentation development, experiment design, data processing and analysis (e.g., software, machine learning tools), to new scientific results (e.g., tomography, receiver functions, ambient noise studies, earthquake source analysis, active source imaging, etc). We encourage contributions in all relevant areas, such as from seafloor environmental sensors (e.g., using submarine fibre cables), magnetotellurics, geodesy, ocean acoustics, oceanography and marine biology.

Convener: Maria TsekhmistrenkoECSECS | Co-conveners: Ana Ferreira, Takehi Isse, Roberto Cabieces, Afonso Loureiro
SM3.3 | Poster session

Seismological infrastructures are evolving according to modern user demands. In addition to providing access to traditional seismometer data and associated products, they now must support novel datasets, applications and workflows, which require the adoption of new, modern data management policies and strategies. Providing multidisciplinary and data-intensive applications requires complex and integrated use cases that are FAIR, acknowledging all contributions at various stages and scaling up with the increasing numbers of users and volumes of data.
This session welcomes all contributions related to data collection, curation and provision from modern seismic network deployment, operation, management and delivery of downstream waveform data products, at local, regional and global level. This includes: (a) best practice for seismic inventory and data management; (b) integration of new data types and communities (for example DAS systems, large-N instrumentation, OBS, GNSS products, environmental monitoring, gravity, infrasound instruments, rotational sensors); (c) development, testing, and comparison of emerging strategies (e.g. machine learning) and software tools for earthquake monitoring, in particular for real-time applications; (d) delivery of technical and scientific seismological and multidisciplinary data products; (e) integration of recorded seismological data in computational workflows and digital twins. The session aims to provide a forum to present and discuss challenges in all aspects of data management from the perspective of network operators as well as users who focus on leading-edge use cases with interdisciplinarity and advanced computing. Contributions about proposed extension of existing formats and services as well as new ones that enable integration of new and exotic data are welcome. Promoted by ORFEUS and Earthscope, this session facilitates seismological data exchange, discovery and usage, and promotes open science through data openness and FAIRification.

Convener: Carlo Cauzzi | Co-conveners: Jerry Carter, John Clinton, Angelo Strollo, Chad Trabant

To truly understand the surface features and inner workings of a planet, its tectonic, volcanic, and seismic processes need to be thoroughly studied. To do so, many different methods exist including numerical and analogue modelling studies, lab experiments on rock rheology and environmental conditions, detailed geological mapping, and theoretical geophysical studies of a planet’s available data, such as topography and gravity. To further complement these studies, missions are an invaluable addition to gather data on the various planetary bodies of interest.

Indeed, from a mission perspective, we are set to learn a lot about planetary tectonics, volcanism, and seismicity in the coming decades as BepiColombo reaches Mercury to study its geology and tectonics, the VERITAS and EnVision missions will study the current tectonic and volcanic activity of Venus, and Dragonfly promises a wealth of seismological observations of Titan. As the recent InSight mission showed, these missions have the power to transform our understanding of a planetary system. Looking even more towards the future, it is also expected that seismology will return to the (farside of the) Moon with the selection of the Farside Seismic Suite on a commercial lander in the next few years and the Lunar Geophysical Network remains an encouraged mission concept for a future NASA New Frontiers call.

Here, we aim to bring together contributions that use a range of different methods (modelling, mapping, missions, etc.) to study the tectonics, volcanism, and seismicity of planetary bodies such that different communities may learn from each other in their quest to more thoroughly understand the workings of rocky and icy planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

Co-organized by GD3/GMPV8/SM3/TS7
Convener: Iris van ZelstECSECS | Co-conveners: Barbara De Toffoli, Alexander Stott

SM4 – Earthquake Sources, Deformation and Faulting (incl. seismotectonics, geodynamics, earthquake source physics)


This session will focus on investigations about the physics of earthquakes – fast and slow. On the one hand contributions deal with imaging and numerical simulations of earthquake physics. On the other hand we solicit studies towards a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes.

We invite abstracts on works to image rupture kinematics and simulate earthquake dynamics using numerical method to improve understanding of the physics of earthquakes. In particular, these are works that aim to develop a deeper understanding of earthquake source physics by linking novel laboratory experiments to earthquake dynamics, and studies on earthquake scaling properties. For instance assessing the roles fluids and heterogeneities play in influencing, directing, or obstructing the behavior of slow earthquakes and how they impact rupture mechanics. Other works show progress in imaging earthquake sources using seismic data and surface deformation measurements (e.g. GNSS and InSAR) to estimate rupture properties on faults and fault systems. Especially for slow earthquakes we look for technological innovations, showcasing cutting-edge tools and methodologies that boost our proficiency in detecting, analyzing, and understanding slow earthquakes.

We want to highlight strengths and limitations of each data set and method in the context of the source-inversion problem, accounting for uncertainties and robustness of the source models and imaging or simulation methods. Contributions are welcome that make use of modern computing paradigms and infrastructure to tackle large-scale forward simulation of earthquake process, but also inverse modeling to retrieve the rupture process with proper uncertainty quantification. We also welcome seismic studies using data from natural faults, lab results and numerical approaches to understand earthquake physics.

Convener: Henriette Sudhaus | Co-conveners: Qing-Yu Wang, Job Arts, Yuval Tal

Slip on faults can occur in several different modes – as earthquake stick-slip, interseismic creep, transient aseismic slip, or postseismic afterslip. Some faults or regions may show multiple of these behaviours, and interactions between them can have important implications for hazards – transients can trigger mainshocks, mainshocks can trigger afterslip, areas of fault creep can act as barriers to fault slip.

We welcome submissions that constrain and investigate fault slip using geodetic data, such as GNSS, InSAR, creepmeters, strainmeters or repeat-pass lidar, using seismic data, through analysis of earthquake waveforms, repeating earthquakes, microseismicity or aftershocks, and/or by models constrained by such data. We are particularly interested in studies that combine diverse data types, that resolve multiple modes of slip on the same fault, and/or that detail interactions between different slip modes.

Convener: Gareth Funning | Co-conveners: Daniel Gittins, Lidong Bie

Slow earthquakes, frequently observed in subduction zones, intermittently dissipate tectonic strain within the brittle-ductile transition zone. Their close relationship to the seismogenic megathrust emphasizes their significance in understanding the stress dynamics of the megathrust events. Yet, debates about their mechanisms, scaling properties, and interplay with rapid earthquakes remain. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, advanced observational methods, and sophisticated modeling, this session attempts to bring together the diversity of works associated with several aspects listed below, to broaden our understanding and encourage discussions:

Underlying Mechanisms: Investigating the micro-mechanics, frictional behaviors, rupture dynamics, and temperature and pressure conditions initiating and driving slow slip events
Scaling Relationships: Decoding the scaling of slow earthquakes across time, space, and energy dimensions, offering insights into their core dynamics
Technological Innovations: Showcasing avant-garde tools and methodologies that boost our proficiency in detecting, analyzing, and understanding slow earthquakes
Interplay between Slow and Fast Earthquakes: Probing into the seismic cycle, their mutual impacts, and potential warning signs exhibited by diverse seismic phenomena
Influences of Fluids and Heterogeneities: Assessing the roles these elements play in influencing, directing, or obstructing the behavior of slow earthquakes and how they impact rupture mechanics

We invite contributions that span from detailed laboratory experiments to the vast scales of volcanic and tectonic research; from varied geological and geophysical observations to imaging and modeling, including but not limited to seismic and geodetic, all insights are valued. In alignment with this session's overarching theme, we particularly welcome abstracts that elucidate the ties between slow and fast earthquakes, studies on aseismic processes, and on the recent powerful earthquakes in the Nankai Trough in 2024.

Convener: Wei Peng | Co-conveners: Marco Maria Scuderi, Yuji Itoh, Mariano Supino, Qing-Yu WangECSECS

Many regions of the Earth, from crust to core, exhibit anisotropic fabrics which can reveal much about geodynamic processes in the subsurface. These fabrics can exist at a variety of scales, from crystallographic orientations to regional structure alignments. In the past few decades, a tremendous body of multidisciplinary research has been dedicated to characterizing anisotropy in the solid Earth and understanding its geodynamical implications. This has included work in fields such as: (1) geophysics, to make in situ observations and construct models of anisotropic properties at a range of depths; (2) mineral physics, to explain the cause of some of these observations; and (3) numerical modelling, to relate the inferred fabrics to regional stress and flow regimes and, thus, geodynamic processes in the Earth. The study of anisotropy in the Solid Earth encompasses topics so diverse that it often appears fragmented according to regions of interest, e.g., the upper or lower crust, oceanic lithosphere, continental lithosphere, cratons, subduction zones, D'', or the inner core. The aim of this session is to bring together scientists working on different aspects of mechanical anisotropy to provide a comprehensive overview of the field. We encourage contributions from all disciplines of the earth sciences (including mineral physics, seismology, magnetotellurics, geodynamic modelling) focused on mechanical anisotropy at all scales and depths within the Earth.

Co-organized by EMRP1/SM4
Convener: Manuele Faccenda | Co-conveners: Tuna Eken, Judith Confal, Brandon VanderBeek

SM5 – Real-time and Time-dependent Seismology


Interferometric techniques turn seismic networks into observatories continuously monitoring the Earth’s dynamic processes, including time-varying structures, volcanic and hydrologic activity, and ocean-solid Earth interactions. The application of these techniques has expanded to signals beyond ocean microseismic noise, capturing seismic energy from other natural and anthropogenic sources.

Great strides have been taken in obtaining high-resolution images of seismic velocity and other elastic/rock physics properties, identifying and quantifying the sources of various ambient noise wave types, and interpreting seismic property variations. However, challenges persist, such as using signals from suboptimally situated sources like urban noise or ambient noise body waves from localized storms, interpreting the seismic ambient field’s polarization, and analyzing ambient noise amplitudes for elastic effects and anelastic attenuation. Additionally, the spatial localization of seismic property changes and the implementation of spatial wavefield gradient measurements using advanced sensors, such as fiber optic or rotational sensors, present ongoing challenges.

This session invites discussions on recent advances in ambient noise seismology and seismic interferometry, including both theoretical and numerical developments, as well as novel applications and observational studies. We welcome studies on topics including, but not limited to, ambient seismic sources, ocean wave quantification through ambient noise, urban seismic noise, interferometric imaging, monitoring subsurface properties, and assessing subsurface deformation under both internal (e.g., earthquake, volcanic, slow movements, etc.) and external forces (e.g., tidal effects, environmental effects, anthropogenic effects, etc.). Additional topics of interest include spatial sensitivity studies for imaging and monitoring under diverse source conditions, quantification of site effects, amplification, and attenuation, AI-based signal processing, and interdisciplinary applications of seismic interferometry.

Convener: Qing-Yu WangECSECS | Co-conveners: Peter Makus, Pilar Sánchez Sánchez-Pastor, Fabrizio Magrini, Yang Lu

Our planet is shaped by a multitude of physical, chemical and biological processes. Most of these processes and their effect on the ground’s properties can be sensed by seismic instruments – as discrete events or continuous signatures. Seismic methods have been developed, adopted, and advanced to study those dynamics at or near the surface of the earth, with unprecedented detail, completeness, and resolution. The community of geophysicists interested in Earth surface dynamics and geomorphologists, glaciologists, hydrologists, volcanologists, geochemists, biologists or engineering geologists interested in using arising geophysical tools and techniques is progressively growing and collaboratively advancing the emerging scientific discipline Environmental Seismology.

If you are interested in contributing to or getting to know the latest methodological and theoretical developments, field and lab scale experimental outcomes, and the broad range of applications in geomorphology, glaciology, hydrology, meteorology, engineering geology, volcanology and natural hazards, then this session would be your choice. We anticipate a lively discussion about standing questions in Earth surface dynamics research and how seismic methods could help solving them. We will debate about community based research opportunities and are looking forward to bringing together transdisciplinary knowledge and mutual curiosity.

Topical keywords: erosion, transient, landslide, rockfall, debris flow, fracturing, stress, granular flow, rock mechanics, snow avalanche, calving, icequake, basal motion, subglacial, karst, bedload, flood, GLOF, early warning, coast, tsunami, eruption, tremor, turbidity current, groundwater, soil moisture, noise, dv/v, HVSR, fundamental frequency, polarization, array, DAS, infrasound, machine learning, classification, experiment, signal processing.

Co-organized by CR6/SM5
Convener: Josefine UmlauftECSECS | Co-conveners: Małgorzata Chmiel, Janneke van Ginkel, Fabian Lindner, Michael Dietze

SM6 – Seismic Imaging (from near-surface to global scale, incl. methodological developments)


This session will cover applied and theoretical aspects of geophysical imaging, modelling and inversion using active- and passive-source seismic measurements as well as other geophysical techniques (e.g., gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic) to investigate properties of the Earth’s lithosphere and asthenosphere, and explore the processes involved. We invite contributions focused on methodological developments, theoretical aspects, and applications. Studies across the scales and disciplines are particularly welcome.

Among others, the session may cover the following topics:
- Active- and passive-source imaging
- Full waveform inversion developments and applications
- Advancements and case studies in 2D and 3D imaging
- DAS imaging
- Interferometry and Marchenko imaging
- Seismic attenuation and anisotropy
- Developments and applications of multi-scale and multi-parameter inversion
- Joint inversion of seismic and complementary geophysical data

Co-organized by GI4
Convener: Laura Gómez de la PeñaECSECS | Co-conveners: Milena Marjanovic, Andrzej Górszczyk, Pascal Edme, Marta Neres

Seismic attenuation, which integrates the study of scattering and absorption phenomena, is a physical process that significantly influences the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth, from crust to core, and within planetary bodies. It is also a crucial measurement used in ground motion and seismic source modelling, as well as in hazard assessments. Through the last 40 years, advances in theoretical and computational models, alongside improvements in rock physics measurements, have greatly enhanced our understanding of the physical processes causing and increasing seismic attenuation. Once coupled with the deployment of seismic arrays better suited to measuring seismic amplitudes, these improvements have led to outstanding attenuation tomography models, which give us unprecedented insight into the structure of the crust, mantle, and core. Today, we can distinguish between coherent and incoherent contributions to seismic attenuation, allowing us to apply techniques developed in atmospheric and nuclear physics to measure and image attenuation at all Earth scales.
This session will bring together experts in the field of seismic attenuation. The session will focus on:
• Theoretical and open-source computational advancements in understanding and modelling viscoelastic wave propagation, including seismic scattering and seismic absorption, in heterogeneous media;
• Techniques that utilise seismic attenuation to eliminate trade-offs in seismic source measurements;
• Understanding the impact of seismic attenuation on earthquake ground motion as a function of both distance and frequency;
• Measurements and data processing techniques to obtain total, scattering and intrinsic attenuation parameters within rocks, crustal faults and fractures, and planetary bodies;
• Research linking seismic attenuation to the conversion of energy into other forms, such as heat, especially in the context of geothermal resources and volcanic hazard assessment;
• Tomographic methods using seismic attenuation, scattering, and absorption as attributes, including in combination with seismic velocity, to understand and interpret the Earth's structure and dynamics.

Co-organized by EMRP1
Convener: Luca De Siena | Co-conveners: Lian-Feng Zhao, Mirko Bracale, Aybige Akinci

Studying the Earth's crust is challenging due to its complex composition, thermal properties, and structural variability. Both active and passive seismic approaches enable the imaging of subsurface structures across various scales and the extraction of information on crustal properties (e.g., elastic properties, density, porosity, presence of fluids, and variations in temperature and pressure). Recent advancements in sensor technologies, increased computing capacity, and the application of machine learning in Earth sciences have deepened our understanding of geological processes at multiple scales.
This session shall promote the exchange of experiences using cutting-edge active and passive seismic techniques, or their combinations, to image and characterize both deep and shallow physical properties and structures of the lithosphere. We welcome contributions that utilize novel methods to enhance imaging resolution across various scales, as well as studies that integrate diverse datasets—such as gravimetric, magnetic, geochemical, petrological, and drill logging data—to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the lithosphere. We particularly encourage submissions from underrepresented scientific regions, Early-Career researchers, and those involved in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives.

Convener: Henrique Berger RoisenbergECSECS | Co-conveners: Irene Menichelli, Matthew Agius, Simona Gabrielli, Anne Obermann

Geophysical imaging techniques are widely used to characterize and monitor structures and processes in the shallow subsurface. Methods include active imaging using seismic, (complex) electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, and ground-penetrating radar methods, as well as passive monitoring based on ambient noise or electrical self-potentials. Advances in experimental design, instrumentation, data acquisition, data processing, numerical modeling, open hardware and software, and inversion push the limits of spatial and temporal resolution. Nonetheless, the interpretation of geophysical images often remains ambiguous. Persistent challenges addressed in this session include optimal data acquisition strategies, (automated) data processing and error quantification, spatial and temporal regularization of model parameters, integration of non-geophysical measurements and geological/process realism into the imaging procedure, joint inversion, as well as the quantitative interpretation of tomograms through suitable petrophysical relations.

In light of these topics, we invite submissions concerning a broad spectrum of near-surface geophysical imaging developments and applications at different spatial and temporal scales. Novel developments in the combination of complementary measurement methods, machine learning, and process monitoring applications are particularly welcome.

Convener: Florian Wagner | Co-conveners: Veronica Pazzi, Ellen Van De Vijver, James Irving, Frédéric Nguyen

Geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage and hydrogen storage all have a key role to play in the energy transition in Europe and abroad. Affordable geophysical prospection methods are however urgently needed to reduce subsurface uncertainty, de-risk drilling and ensure safe operation of new projects. In recent years, passive seismic imaging methods have progressively shown their potential as a low-cost exploration alternative, especially in complex geological environments and where the required drilling depths exceed the maximum resolvable imaging depth with conventional active seismic methods. In this session, we invite abstracts that propose advancements in methodology and modeling for applications to shallow subsurface imaging, as well as case studies demonstrating the performance and usefulness of passive seismic imaging and how they can be integrated in the industry exploration workflow. We invite all contributions from all passive seismic disciplines, including ambient-noise and earthquake-based approaches.

Convener: Clément EstèveECSECS | Co-conveners: Genevieve Savard, Claudia Finger, Simone Pilia, Katrin Löer

Volcanic hazards and risk mitigation are central to the field of global geoscience. Volcanoes have far-reaching impacts on human societies and the environment. Despite their significance, volcanic systems remain among the most complex and challenging environments to study due to their inaccessibility. Our understanding of their internal structures, eruption history, and the volumes and recurrence intervals of eruptions or collapses is still limited.
In recent years, seismic imaging has become a powerful tool for investigating volcanic systems. This technique offers valuable insights into volcanic plumbing systems, their eruptive products, and associated mass-wasting deposits across various spatial and temporal scales. Advances in seismic tomography have enabled detailed imaging of volcanic plumbing systems at crustal level, revealing features such as trans-crustal mush zones and shallow, melt-rich magma reservoirs. Additionally, high-resolution reflection seismic surveys have provided detailed images of the shallow regions of volcanic systems, allowing for the study of volcanic edifice architecture, the geometry of dyke and sill intrusions, and the mapping of pyroclastic flow deposits and related mass-wasting events. Seismic imaging also offers critical information about past collapse events and the current stability of volcanic structures. By integrating seismic imaging techniques across different scales, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of volcanic systems, which is essential for improving risk assessments.
This session invites submissions that utilize earthquake and controlled-source seismic data (both land and marine) combined with various imaging techniques to study active or ancient volcanic systems. Contributions focused on volcanic arcs, mid-ocean ridges/rifts, and intra-plate volcanoes are all welcome.

Convener: Jonas PreineECSECS | Co-conveners: Milena Marjanovic, Jens Karstens, Michele Paulatto, Janire Prudencio

SM7 – Crustal Fluids and Seismicity (incl. induced & triggered seismicity, volcano seismology


Volcanic seismicity is fundamental for monitoring and investigating volcanic systems' structure and underlying processes. Volcanoes are very complex objects, where both the pronounced heterogeneity and topography can strongly modify the recorded signals for a wide variety of source types. In source inversion work, one of the challenges is to capture the effect of small-scale heterogeneities in order to remove complex path effects from seismic data. This requires high-resolution imagery, which is a significant challenge in heterogeneous volcanoes. In addition, the link between the variety of physical processes beneath volcanoes and their seismic response (or lack of) is often not well known, leading to large uncertainties in the interpretation of volcano dynamics based on seismic observations. Considering all of these complexities, many standard techniques for seismic analysis may fail to produce breakthrough results.

To address the outlined challenges, this session aims to bring together seismologists, volcano and geothermal seismologists, wave propagation and source modellers, working on different aspects of volcano seismology including (i) seismicity catalogues, statistics and spatio-temporal evolution of seismicity, (ii) seismic wave propagation and scattering, (iii) new developments in volcano imagery, (iii) seismic source inversions, and (iv) seismic time-lapse monitoring. Contributions on controlled geothermal systems in volcanic environments are also welcome. Contributions on developments in instrumentation and new methodologies (e.g. Machine Learning) are particularly welcome.
By considering interrelationships in these complementary seismological areas, we aim to build up a coherent picture of the latest advances and outstanding challenges in volcano seismology.

Co-organized by GMPV8
Convener: Ivan Lokmer | Co-conveners: Chris Bean, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Arthur Jolly

Seismicity often exhibits complex spatio-temporal and moment release patterns that deviate from the traditional occurrence of isolated mainshock-aftershocks sequences. Earthquake swarms, intense foreshock activity, and sequences of doublets or triplets of comparable large magnitude earthquakes are observable across all tectonic settings, albeit more frequently in volcanic regions. These sequences exemplify complex seismic processes that do not conform with the conventional laws of earthquake occurrence, such as Båth, Omori-Utsu, and Gutenberg-Richter laws. The absence of definitive laws governing these sequences highlights the challenge faced by the geophysical community in understanding the underlying physical processes. Potential triggering mechanisms could include local increases of the pore-pressure, loading/stressing rate due to aseismic rupture processes (like creep and, slow slip events), magma-induced stress changes, earthquake-earthquake interaction or a combination of those. New generation of enhanced high-resolution earthquake catalogs obtained through the application of machine learning, template matching, and double difference techniques, now enable us to investigate complex sequences and their triggering mechanisms with unprecedented resolution. Furthermore, local or global studies of earthquake swarms and complex sequences, ideally approached through a multidisciplinary perspective that involves deformation, geophysical imaging of the crust, geology, and fluid geochemistry, are crucial for advancing our insights on the physics of triggering mechanisms.

This session aims at bringing together studies of earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences across tectonic settings and scales. We welcome contributions that focus on the characterization of earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences in terms of spatio-temporal evolution, frequency-magnitude analysis, scaling properties, aseismic transients, as well as laboratory and numerical modeling simulating the mechanical condition yielding to swarm-like and complex seismic sequences. The overarching objective is to bring together studies from different tectonic settings in order to acquire and share knowledge concerning the physical processes that contribute to the occurrence of such complex seismic sequences.

Convener: Federica Lanza | Co-conveners: Francesco Maccaferri, Luigi Passarelli, Gesa Petersen

Numerous cases of induced/triggered seismicity resulting either directly or indirectly from injection/extraction associated with anthropogenic activity related to geo-resources exploration have been reported in the last decades. Induced earthquakes felt by the general public can often negatively affect public perception of geo-energies and may lead to the cancellation of important projects. Furthermore, large earthquakes may jeopardize wellbore stability and damage surface infrastructure. Thus, monitoring and modeling processes leading to fault slip, either seismic or aseismic, are critical to developing effective and reliable forecasting methodologies during deep underground exploitation. The complex interaction between injected fluids, subsurface geology, stress interactions, and resulting fault slip requires an interdisciplinary approach to understand the triggering mechanisms, and may require taking coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes into account.
In this session, we invite contributions from research aimed at investigating the interaction of the above processes during exploitation of underground resources, including hydrocarbon extraction, wastewater disposal, geothermal energy exploitation, hydraulic fracturing, gas storage and production, mining, and reservoir impoundment for hydro-energy. We particularly encourage novel contributions based on laboratory and underground near-fault experiments, numerical modeling, the spatio-temporal relationship between seismic properties, injection/extraction parameters, and/or geology, and fieldwork. Contributions covering both theoretical and experimental aspects of induced and triggered seismicity at multiple spatial and temporal scales are welcome.

Co-organized by EMRP1/SM7
Convener: Vanille Ritz | Co-conveners: Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Alessandro Verdecchia, Hongyu Yu, Rebecca M Harrington

The presence and migration of fluids in the lithosphere can be caused by natural mechanisms (e.g. meteoric water percolation, melt degassing, dehydration metamorphic reactions) or by industrial activities (e.g. ore deposit exploitation and energy production). Subsurface fluids interact with the rock matrix, triggering or enhancing numerous geological processes in the crust and lithosphere. For example, the presence of fluids can lead to rocks’ stress changes and reactivate pre-existing faults, therefore generating earthquakes. Fluids also play a crucial role in the development of magmatic processes and have a remarkable environmental impact. In the lithospheric mantle, fluids can cause a drastic reduction in rock viscosity and favor mechanisms of delamination, or be a key factor in the generation of intraslab earthquakes during subduction. In this view, accurate analyses of fluid properties and reliable reconstructions of source-reservoir systems become of paramount importance for a realistic assessment of crustal and lithospheric features and evolution. In recent years, innovative methods and technologies for reconstructing the 4D physical and chemical variations of fluid-filled porous media gave an important contribution to the comprehension of fluid-rock interaction systems, with a remarkable impact on the assessment of seismic, volcanic and industrial hazards.
This session deals with the main results obtained in the study of fluid-host rock interactions within the crust and lithosphere. Particular attention will be paid to the development and application of integrated, multi-parametric and multi-disciplinary approaches to imaging and tracing crustal fluids in volcanic, tectonic and industrial exploitation environments. The session will focus on innovative research, field studies, modeling aspects, theoretical, experimental and observational advances in detecting and tracking fluid movement and/or pore fluid-pressure diffusion in different regions around the globe, and analyze their correlation with an increase/decrease in natural and anthropogenic hazards. We welcome contributions on advances in seismic monitoring, modeling of fluid-induced crustal and lithospheric evolution, geochemical analyses, tomographic studies, volcanological analyses of fluid effect on eruption styles and frequency, and physical and/or statistical analyses to identify specific seismicity patterns. The session also encourages contributions from Early Career Scientists.

Co-organized by GMPV3/SM7
Convener: Alessio LavecchiaECSECS | Co-conveners: Grazia De Landro, Kristóf Porkoláb, Serena Panebianco, Alexander Koptev

SM8 – Seismic Hazard (earthquake forecasting, engineering seismology, seismic and multi-hazard assessment)


Earthquakes are one of the most impactful natural phenomena responsible for many losses of life and resources. To minimize their effects, it is important to characterize the seismic hazard of the different areas, understanding the variables involved. To better estimate the seismic hazard, earthquake source(s) and seismicity need to be better understood. Moreover, local site conditions have to be characterized to produce a reliable model of the ground shaking in the sites of interest. The goal of this session is to understand what are the cutting-edge studies on the topics of seismic hazard, site effect, and microzonation.

In this session, studies related to the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome:
● Seismic hazard analysis
● Seismic source characterization
● Characterization of seismicity in seismic hazard analysis
● Ground motion prediction analysis
● Site effect and microzonation
● Earthquake-induced effects (e.g. lLiquefaction and landslide)
● 1D, 2D, and/or 3D nNumerical site effect modelingmodelling in 1D, 2D, and/or 3D medium
● Soil-structure interaction and analysis
● New approaches in seismic hazard characterization
● Machine learning for seismic hazard, site effect, and microzonation

Co-organized by NH14
Convener: Simone Francesco FornasariECSECS | Co-conveners: Deniz Ertuncay, Veronica Pazzi, Arianna Cuius, Elif Türker

The introduction of epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) models has been a milestone in statistical seismology. Since then, several updated versions have been introduced to include more and more refined spatial and temporal effects, such as non-stationary background rate, injection-rate driven modeling, etc.; however, while they succeed in forecasting the occurrence of small to moderate magnitude events, the abrupt strong shocks are beyond their scope; moreover, mid- and long-term forecasts are poorly informative. Agreement is growing in the scientific community that statistics and seismic-based information are not enough, and physics-based techniques supported by an interdisciplinary approach to seismic hazard are required for achieving skilful forecasts.

This session is devoted to new research in the field of physics-based stochastic modeling of natural and induced earthquakes also with the support of integrated, multidisciplinary methods, with special attention to major events.

Our session is focused on new methods, integrated approaches, and analyses for
making statistical earthquake forecasts more and more skillful. Research works about the following topics are especially welcome:
- Stochastic modeling of seismic sequences (ETAS and other methods).
- Applications of geodesy for the assessment of the seismogenic potential and short- to long-term earthquake forecasting.
- Statistical characterization and physical reconstruction of paleoseismic records and long-term recurrences of large earthquakes.
- Investigation of the relationships between tectonics and large earthquakes occurrences.
- Mapping fluids flow in the brittle crust and their relationship with natural and induced seismicity.
- Modeling swarm-like seismic activity using stochastic and physics-based techniques.
- Crustal stress modeling using different methods (moment tensors, b-value …).
- Applications of moment tensors to seismic hazard and forecasting of tensorial properties of seismicity.
- Established and new techniques for statistical seismology and their impact on forecasting (declustering, relocalization of events, catalogue homogenization, …).
- Numerical simulations for large earthquake scenarios.
- Physics-enhanced AI-driven modeling of earthquake occurrence and monitoring crustal stability conditions.
- Short-term extreme-event and aftershocks forecasting.

Convener: Giuseppe PetrilloECSECS | Co-conveners: Eleftheria Papadimitriou, Ilaria Spassiani, Matteo Taroni, Davide Zaccagnino

In the last twenty years, dense accelerometer networks have been installed worldwide. The recorded data show that the local geology can strongly affect the ground motion by augmenting the site amplification, the duration of the signal, and the spatial variability of local site effects. In certain cases, when the ground motion is strong enough, the material may develop large deformations that alter the physical properties of the medium reducing the shear modulus, increasing the damping, producing liquefaction and permanent displacements among other things. These phenomena are the so-called nonlinear site effects.

Concomitantly, numerical simulations of wave propagation have exponentially increased in the last years, mainly due to the increasing computer power and the development of greatly optimized codes. This makes possible to  tackle  more complex problems,  and in some  cases,  to  go  to higher  frequencies.

In spite of these advances, there are still some problems to be solved, and one of them is the media characterization, this is, the velocity model at different scales that will control the wave propagation. In particular, we lack of a detailed description of the shallow geology that may strongly affect the high frequency ground motion due to the geometry of the local structures,  and  the  rheology  of  the  material  when  strong  motion could  trigger  nonlinear  soil response and pore pressure excess. The combination of these processes definitely influences the resulting ground motion at the Earth’s surface, and more importantly, its uncertainty. This session aims to present studies related to these research subjects, from field data analyses (site response studies), numerical simulations, case studies from recent events, high frequency attenuation (kappa), spatial variability of ground motion (including microzonation studies) and new results using new observables (e.g. DAS data) and/or emerging methods from AI to analyze large ground motion databases to develop proxies to predict site response.

Convener: Fabian Bonilla | Co-convener: Fabrice Cotton

Urban areas are usually founded on sedimentary basins where the amplification of strong ground motion poses significant risks to residents and infrastructures. The intensity of such ground shaking is a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by various factors related to site and source characteristics. Physics-based ground motion modelling is nowadays becoming a standard procedure to predict and understand complex ground shaking by using detailed 3-D Earth models. However, the potential of such modelling to advance seismic hazard analysis hinges on factors such as their accuracy, flexibility (e.g., meshing capabilities), and accessibility (e.g., software efficiency).

This session aims to explore the complex basin effects on ground motions and associated seismic hazards through physics-based simulations. Topics of interest include advancements in characterizing basin structure at local and regional scales, high-frequency and high-fidelity 3D numerical simulation, propagation of uncertainties on the basin geometrical and mechanical properties into surface ground motion, complex interaction between near-fault ruptures and basin seismic response.

We seek topics that explore techniques to incorporate variable-resolution features such as surface topography, small-scale heterogeneity, and frequency-dependent anelastic attenuation into ground motion simulation as well as methods to integrate multi-scale features such as fault damage zones, near-surface weathering layers, geotechnical data, and other geophysical and geological information. We further invite studies that showcase the application of such complex velocity, attenuation, and structural models in seismic hazard assessment. We encourage submissions based on conventional approaches as well as innovative methods using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Convener: Afifa Imtiaz | Co-conveners: Maria Koroni, Ebru Bozdag, cecile cornou

The CTBT's International Monitoring System (IMS) uses a global network of seismic, hydroacoustic, and infrasound sensors, as well as air sampling of radionuclides, to detect nuclear tests worldwide. By using atmospheric transport modelling (ATM), a link between a radionuclide detection and a possible source region can be estimated. On-site inspection (OSI) technologies utilize similar seismo-acoustic methods on a smaller scale, as well as geophysical methods like ground penetrating radar and geomagnetic surveying, to identify evidence of a nuclear test. This session invites contributions on Nuclear-Test-Ban Monitoring using either IMS or OSI instrumentation, data or methods. This can be either in the context of explosion monitoring of actual or historic events or by taking into account fictitious scenarios like the National Data Centre Preparedness Exercises (NPE).

Moreover, any contributions to the civil or scientific use of IMS data are welcome. Civil applications include disaster risk reduction through early warning or hazard assessments for earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Earth science applications encompass analyses on different natural or anthropogenic sources as well as studies about climate change, ocean processes, solid earth structure, and atmospheric circulation. This session furthermore invites studies on the enhancement of small-scale seismic velocity and regional seismic travel-time models as well as the modeling of acoustic wave propagation, ATM of radionuclides, and contributions regarding the data fusion of various technologies. Finally, contributions are encouraged on the application of machine learning in event detection, localization, discrimination, and monitoring.

Co-organized by AS4
Convener: Christoph Pilger | Co-conveners: Maria-Theresia Apoloner, Anne Tipka, Ehsan Qorbani Chegeni

The assessment of the earthquake hazard and risk and the enhancement of the society’s resilience is greatly dependent on the knowledge of impact data sets of past earthquakes. For earthquakes that occurred in the historical period such data sets could be based on various types of historical documentation and in addition on geological observations and possibly on archaeological evidence. After the establishment and gradual improvement of macroseismic scales the earthquake impact data sets are translated to macroseismic intensity with the use of several methods and techniques. In the modern period the collection of macroseismic observations and the assignment of intensities has been expanded to the so-called citizen seismology. These new achievements are of significance to advance the methods that may contribute to the assignment of macroseismic intensities to historical earthquakes.
This session is devoted to the advancement of methods and techniques that may contribute to the compilation, storage and elaboration of impact data sets useful for the intensity characterization of historical earthquakes as well as for seismic hazard and risk assessment purposes. Welcomed to this session are also similar studies focusing on the collection and elaboration of impact data sets for other earthquake-related natural hazards, e.g. tsunamis and landslides, with the aim to help the assessment of hazards and risks.

Co-organized by OS4/SM8
Convener: Gianfranco Vannucci | Co-conveners: Ioanna TriantafyllouECSECS, Laura Gulia