Europlanet Science Congress 2022
Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain
18 – 23 September 2022
Europlanet Science Congress 2022
Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain
18 September – 23 September 2022
Small bodies from the active Main Belt to the Oort cloud and beyond


Small bodies from the active Main Belt to the Oort cloud and beyond
Conveners: Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Thomas Müller, Xian Shi | Co-conveners: Alessandra Migliorini, Aurelie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Michael Küppers, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Noemi Pinilla-Alonso, Jessica Agarwal, Yoonyoung Kim
| Mon, 19 Sep, 10:00–11:30 (CEST), 15:30–18:30 (CEST)|Room Manuel de Falla, Tue, 20 Sep, 10:00–13:30 (CEST)|Room Manuel de Falla
| Attendance Mon, 19 Sep, 18:45–20:15 (CEST) | Display Mon, 19 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 21 Sep, 11:00|Poster area Level 2

Session assets

Discussion on Slack

Orals: Mon, 19 Sep | Room Manuel de Falla

Chairpersons: Thomas Müller, Michael Küppers
Session I: TNOs
Mario De Pra, Noemi Pinilla-Alonso, Ana Carolina Souza Feliciano, Charles Schambeau, Brittany Harvison, Josh Emery, Dale Cruikshank, Yvonne Pendleton, Bryan Holler, John Stansberry, Vania Lorenzi, Thomas Muller, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Nuno Peixinho, Michele Bannister, and Rosario Brunetto

The discovery of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) marked an important milestone in the understanding of the outer Solar System. Due to their environmental conditions, these objects could preserve the most pristine materials that were present on the protoplanetary disk. Studies focused on understanding TNOs physical and dynamical properties can be used to probe planetary formation processes and the subsequent solar system dynamical evolution that followed the formation era.

Nowadays, above 3,000 TNOs have been detected, including four large ones that receive the official designation of dwarf-planets. Analysis of TNOs revealed a compositionally and dynamically diverse population. However, despite all the progress in the last decades, much is still unknown about the composition of the TNOs.

The recently launched James Webb Space Telescope (launched on December 25, 2021) will provide a powerful tool to investigate the TNOs surface composition, where all prior instrumentation has fallen short. The NIRSpec instrument onboard JWST will provide high-quality data that will surpass the quality of the data available by orders of magnitude. DiSCo-TNOs, lead by the Florida Space Institute, is the only large program approved by JWST for the study of the Solar System. With it, we aim to assess the relative ratio of water ice, complex organics, silicates, and volatiles on the surface of a large sample of TNOs. This information is vital to improving models of the formation of our Solar System and other planetary systems. In this talk we present the scope of the DiSCo program, and the tools that are being developed to extract the maximal information from the data. We pay special attention to the compositional modeling technique that uses an implementation of a nested sampling algorithm for Bayesian inference of the abundances and grain sizes distribution of the materials present on TNOs surfaces.


How to cite: De Pra, M., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Souza Feliciano, A. C., Schambeau, C., Harvison, B., Emery, J., Cruikshank, D., Pendleton, Y., Holler, B., Stansberry, J., Lorenzi, V., Muller, T., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Peixinho, N., Bannister, M., and Brunetto, R.: Discovering the Surface Composition of TNOs (DiSCo-TNOs) with the James Webb Space Telescope, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1196,, 2022.

Pablo Santos-Sanz, Noemí Pinilla-Alonso, John Stansberry, Bryan J. Holler, Altair R. Gomes Junior, Bruno E. Morgado, José Luis Ortiz, Bruno Sicardy, Nicolás Morales, Mónica Vara-Lubiano, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Josselin Desmars, Mike Kretlow, Damya Souami, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Julio Camargo, Gustavo Benedetti-Rossi, Flavia L. Rommel, René Duffard, and Marcelo Assafin

The stellar occultation technique is a very powerful tool to obtain the size and shape of Solar System bodies with high accuracy [6]. Size determination allows to obtain geometric albedos and, in the case of binary/multiple objects, even the mass density can be derived [3]. Satellites, atmospheres, and rings can also be detected and characterized [1,2,3]. The observation of stellar occultations produced by Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Centaurs with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) offers a unique possibility to extend our knowledge of these bodies [4] by providing key information on the body's ability to retain volatiles, surface thermal properties, roughness, porosity, etc.

We will present our Target of Opportunity (ToO) program [5] accepted within Heidi Hammel's JWST Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO), dedicated to observing stellar occultations by trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) and distant dwarf planets or particularly interesting centaurs (such as the ringed centaurs Chariklo [1] or Chiron [2]). Predictions of such events visible from JWST are challenging due to the chaotic motion of the space telescope around the Lagrange 2 (L2) point. Statistically, we expect there to be approximately a 50% chance of such an occultation of a star brighter than K=19 by a numbered TNO observable from JWST in Cycle 1. We will discuss the possible candidates for Cycle 1 occultations that we have identified so far. As JWST station-keeping maneuvers are executed, the list of possible occultations and their uncertainties will be revised. Very accurate relative astrometry will be performed using the latest releases of the Gaia catalog for particularly promising occultation events through established ground-based programs. Suppose a stellar occultation event is confirmed through such an astrometric revision to have a predicted impact parameter less than 3 times the estimated target radius and to have a 1 sigma uncertainty in prediction less than 2 times the target radius. In that case, the ToO observation will be triggered. JWST station-keeping and trajectory-prediction operations have been studied in the context of stellar occultations by solar system bodies [4]. The accuracy of the trajectory predictions is adequate to support this triggering mechanism up to roughly 30 days before an occultation event: the ToO response time is set to 14 days, the minimum value for a non-disruptive ToO.

The observations will be made with NIRCam and the F070W and F277W filters. These filters were chosen to maximize the flux from the star while minimizing the reflected flux from the TNO or Centaur. This filter combination could change based on the properties of the occulted star and the occulting TNO/Centaur. Other technical aspects and updates on this project will be provided during the presentation.

Acknowledgments. We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish grant AYA-RTI2018-098657-J-I00 “LEO-SBNAF” (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the “Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa” award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709). Funding from Spanish projects PID2020-112789GB-I00 from AEI and Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía PY20-01309 is also acknowledged. Part of this work has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 (2014-2020/ERC Grant Agreement no. 669416 “LUCKY STAR”). M.V-L. acknowledges funding from Spanish project AYA2017-89637-R (FEDER/MICINN).


[1] Braga-Ribas et al., Nature 508, 72 (2014)

[2] Ortiz et al., A&A 576, id.A18 (2015)

[3] Ortiz, Santos-Sanz et al., Nature 550, 219 (2017)

[4] Santos-Sanz et al., PASP 128, 959 (2016)

[5] Santos-Sanz, JWST Proposal. Cycle 1, ID. #1271

[6] Sicardy et al., Nature 439, 52 (2006)

How to cite: Santos-Sanz, P., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Stansberry, J., Holler, B. J., Gomes Junior, A. R., Morgado, B. E., Ortiz, J. L., Sicardy, B., Morales, N., Vara-Lubiano, M., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Desmars, J., Kretlow, M., Souami, D., Braga-Ribas, F., Camargo, J., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Rommel, F. L., Duffard, R., and Assafin, M.: Unveiling the Kuiper belt from the JWST through stellar occultations, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-362,, 2022.

Viktória Kecskeméthy, Csaba Kiss, Róbert Szakáts, András Pál, Gyula M. Szabó, László Molnár, Krisztián Sárneczky, József Vinkó, Róbert Szabó, Gábor Marton, Anikó Farkas-Takács, Csilla Kalup, and László L. Kiss

Earlier reviews of trans-Neptunian light curves reported mean rotation periods of P = 7-8 h (Duffard et al., 2009), and it was also found that the binary trans-Neptunian population rotates slower (Thirouin & Sheppard, 2014), and objects in the cold classical population have larger variability and rotate slower than the non-cold classical TNOs (Benecchi et al., 2013,Thirouin & Sheppard, 2019). While ground-based observations have obvious limitations in detecting long-period light curves the K2 mission of the Kepler Space Telescope allowed long (up to ~80 days), uninterrupted observations of many Solar system objects, including main belt asteroids, Hildas, Jovian trojans, and also the irregular satellites of giant planets. Light curves were also published for a few, selected trans-Neptunian objects based on K2 observations (see Kiss et al., 2020, for a summary). A common outcome of the studies of larger samples, across all dynamical classes, was the identification of an increased number of targets with long rotation periods compared to previous ground-based studies. A similar trend is observed among the data of nearly 10 000 main belt asteroids obtained by the TESS Space Telescope (Pál et al., 2020), and asteroids with long rotation periods were identified in other surveys like the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), the Zwicky Transient Facility (Erasmus et al., 2021) and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (Hanus et al., 2021). 

We have collected the K2 trans-Neptunian object observations between Campaigns C03 (November 2014 -- February 2015) to C19 (August -- September, 2018), which includes 67 targets. Due to the faintness of our targets the detectability rate of a light curve period is ~57 %, notably lower than in the case of other small body populations, like Hildas or Jovian trojans. We managed to obtain light curve periods with an acceptable confidence for 36 targets; the majority of these cases are new identifications. We were able to give light curve amplitude upper limits for the other 31 targets. Several of the newly detected light curve periods are longer than ~24 h, in many cases close to ~100 h, i.e., slow rotators.

There is a very significant difference between the rotation rates of the LCDB and K2 TNO samples (Figs. 1 and 2). The mean LCD spin frequency is 2.71 c/d (8.8 h), while it is 0.87 c/d (27.6 h) in the K2 sample which is more similar to the K2 Hilda and Jovian Trojan spin frequency distrbutions. Thirouin & Sheppard (2019) obtained 9.48±1.53 h and  8.45±0.58 h mean rotation periods for the cold classical and the non-cold classical TNOs. Our mean values for the same dynamical groups (but using different targets) are notably longer: 1.21+1.58-0.63 c/d (19.83 h) and 0.83+1.81-0.23 c/d (P=28.91 h), respectively. The K2 mean frequency is higher than that of the K2 Jovian Trojans and Hildas, but we could not detect the very long period targets that were observed in these other K2 samples.  

Figure 1: frequency distribution of asteroids. The cyan, magenta, green and blue colours represent the TNOs in the LCDB and Jovian trojans, Hildas and TNOs from K2, respectively.

Figure 2: Frequency as a function of absolute magnitude. Big circles with error bars mark the median values standard deviations for the different samples. The horizontal dashed lines mark the spin frequencies of fast, slow, and very slow rotators (Pravec et al., 2002).  

While there are only three objects with D>500 km in our sample, there are a number of objects -- both with and without detected light curve periods -- that fall in the 300≤D≤500 km transitional zone where asphericity -- hence light curve amplitude -- is expected to drop assuming a single rotating body, assuming main belt composition. Main belt asteroids are already almost extinct in this size range, and so are Centaurs -- for these bodies irregular shapes are expected in most cases. 

While the general trend is that larger objects have smaller light curve amplitudes among TNOs -- a trend followed both by our sample and the LCDB TNOs -- there are a considerable number of TNOs with high asphericity in the 300≤D≤500 km size range. This contradiction could be resolved if TNOs had higher-than-expected compressive strength and become spherical for sizes larger than their main belt counterparts, and remain 'irregular' in the 300≤D≤500 km range. However, their general low density and high porosity point against this scenario. A notable fraction of contact or semi-contact binary systems in which the members themselves are in hydrostatical equlibrium could produce a population of high-amplitude light curves in this size range (Lacerda et al., 2006, 2014). As some authors pointed out, contact binaries may be very frequent, especially in the plutino population (Thirouin & Sheppard, 2018,2019). The long term stability of such systems against their tidal evolution, however, should be investigated to answer the reliability of this assumption. Finally, spherical (rotationally flattened) bodies with large albedo variegations could also explain the observed amplitudes. While the general expectation in most TNO light curve studies was a double peak light curve, in our sample most light curves were found to be single-peak, after comparing the single-peak and double-peak solutions.

Fgiure 3: Light curve amplitude versus the estimated size of the targets in our sample. The region between the vertical dashed lines mark the irregular-to-spherical transition size range in the main belt. Blue and red symbols mark the K2 targets and K2 upper limits, small grey symbols correspond to main belt asteroids. Large gray symbols represent the theoretical maximum light curve amplitudes the of large main belt objects if it was solely caused by the elongated shape of a body with homogeneous albedo.

How to cite: Kecskeméthy, V., Kiss, C., Szakáts, R., Pál, A., Szabó, G. M., Molnár, L., Sárneczky, K., Vinkó, J., Szabó, R., Marton, G., Farkas-Takács, A., Kalup, C., and Kiss, L. L.: Rotational properties of Kuiper belt objects as seen by the K2 mission, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-677,, 2022.

Laura Buchanan, Megan Schwamb, Wesley Fraser, Michele Bannister, Michaël Marsset, Rosemary Pike, JohnJ Kavelaars, Susan Benecchi, Matthew Lehner, Shiang-Yu Wang, Nuno Peixinho, Kathryn Volk, Mike Alexandersen, Ying-Tung Chen, Brett Gladman, Stephen Gwyn, and Jean-Marc Petit

Beyond the orbit of Neptune lies a sea of small icy bodies known as the Kuiper belt. The surfaces of these Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) have remained relatively unprocessed since their formation as a consequence of their distance from the Sun. This means that we can investigate their formation conditions in the early Solar System by studying their surfaces today. Generally, the small and most numerous KBOs are quite dim (r mag > 22), and so it is difficult to study their surfaces spectroscopically. Instead, we can use broadband photometry to take effectively very low-resolution spectra of their surfaces.

When studied spectroscopically, the surfaces of smaller KBOs have generally shown very flat and featureless spectra within certain wavelength ranges. This means that broadband photometry (within those wavelength ranges) can reveal enough information to characterise the optical and near-infrared spectral slopes of these planetesimals. The Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (Col-OSSOS) has obtained optical and near-infrared broadband photometry of a sample of 92 KBOs, at unprecedented precision (~ ±0.03 mag in optical wavelengths). These broadband surface colours allow small, dynamically excited KBOs to be characterised into a bimodal colour distribution (as with previous colour surveys), along with the identification of potentially outlying surface colours.

As a side effect of Col-OSSOS’s observing technique we have a sample of objects with repeated optical colours, and some repeated near-infrared colours. We also have taken additional optical photometry of a small sample of KBOs with outlying surface colours. This allows us to investigate the possibility of photometric variation across multiple epochs for this sample of objects. Col-OSSOS observed sequential broadband filters on timescales less than the typical periods of small KBOs. Therefore, we can simultaneously fit a linear lightcurve and photometric colours to our photometry and potentially rule out lightcurve effects causing photometric variations. This means that differing colours across multiple epochs implies either differing surface composition, or that our approximation of linear brightness variability across the observing sequence is invalidated. We will present this sample and discuss implications for the spectrovariable population within the Kuiper belt.

How to cite: Buchanan, L., Schwamb, M., Fraser, W., Bannister, M., Marsset, M., Pike, R., Kavelaars, J., Benecchi, S., Lehner, M., Wang, S.-Y., Peixinho, N., Volk, K., Alexandersen, M., Chen, Y.-T., Gladman, B., Gwyn, S., and Petit, J.-M.: Exploring Variability within the Col-OSSOS Sample, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-936,, 2022.

Youngmin JeongAhn, Hong-Kyu Moon, Myung-Jin Kim, and Young-Jun Choi

We report a multi-opposition discovery of 17 Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) with the Chilean node of the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet-CTIO) which has a 1.6 m wide-field optical telescope covering 2x2 square degree field of view. The first survey observations were made with 4 fields around (RA,DEC = 197.6°, -7.9°) every other day from April 5 to April 15, 2019, and recovery observations were carried out every year since then. More than half of the 17 objects were not initially observed in 2019 but were discovered in later years. The observed R magnitudes of discovered TNOs are from ~22 to ~24 and their H magnitudes are estimated to be from 6.6 to 8.5. Of the 17 TNOs, two objects, 2021 GU122 and 2022 GV6, have been found to be detached objects with perihelion distance greater than 40 AU. 2022 GV6 has an estimated semi-major axis of 110 AU and is currently passing near its perihelion. Most objects have current heliocentric distance around 40 AU but one object, 2022 FA7, is at ~ 50 AU. In addition to the 17 multi-opposition objects, 7 more single-opposition objects received their provisional designations by Minor Planet Center. This marked the first TNO discovery in South Korea although the telescope itself is located overseas.

How to cite: JeongAhn, Y., Moon, H.-K., Kim, M.-J., and Choi, Y.-J.: Trans-Neptunian Object discoveries at KMTNet-CTIO, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-338,, 2022.

Marc Costa-Sitjà, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, José Luis Ortiz, Nicolás Morales, Pablo Santos-Sanz, and Mónica Vara-Lubiano

We have carried out a long term photometric analysis of time series images of the trans-Neptunian object (TNO) 2008 OG19 with which we have refined its physical properties from its long-term variability.

Photometric Analysis

The first detailed analysis of 2008 OG19 was carried out by [1] using rotational light-curves from 2014 and 2016 from which a volume-equivalent diameter, a rotation period (P), a triaxial ellispoidal shape model, and a density were estimated.

We have used 1,314 images covering a time-span of six years (2014-2021), obtained with the Sierra Nevada 1.5-m telescope and the Calar Alto 1.2-m telescope, both in Spain, in order to build yearly rotational light-curves for 2008 OG19. To refine the rotation period estimation of 2008 OG19, we have combined the whole set of data and applyed the lomb periodogram [2] and the Phase Dispersion Minimization techniques [3] resulting in P = 8.72565 +/- 0.0008 hr. The resulting rotational light-curve can be seen in Figure 1.

Long-term variability

By folding the light-curves with the refined period, we have been able to see an increase of the amplitude of the rotational light-curve. This increase is due to a change in the aspect angle, that allows to estimate the orientation of 2008 OG19 rotational axis as seen in Figure 2. Using the largest rotational light-curve amplitude and assuming hydrostatic equilibrium we have updated its triaxial ellispoid model and its density.


Figure 1: 2008 OG19 rotational light-curves folded to P = 8.72565 h. Observational data are represented by color points with each color indicating a different observational night. The black dashed line represent the Fourier series fit.

Figure 2: Model of the amplitude given by the fit to the observational data using b/a = 0.643 in blue (best fit). Other pole solutions are possible with different values of the b/a such as the red model. The gray line represents 2008 OG19 aspect angle given by the best fit. The magenta points with error bars are the observational data from this work.

[1] E. d. M. Fernández-Valenzuela, Physical properties of transneptunian objects and centaurs; Ph.D. thesis, University of Granada, Spain, 2017.
[2] N. R. Lomb, Least-squares frequency analysis of unequally spaced data, Astrophysics and Space Science 39 (1976) 447–462. doi:10.1007/BF00648343.
[3] R. F. Stellingwerf, Period determination using phase dispersion minimization, ApJ 224 (1978) 953–960. doi:10.1086/156444.2


How to cite: Costa-Sitjà, M., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Santos-Sanz, P., and Vara-Lubiano, M.: Long-term photometric analysis of the trans-Neptunian object 2008 OG19, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-610,, 2022.

Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, José Luis Ortiz, Nicolás Morales, Emmanuel Jehin, Artem Burdanov, Julien de Wit, Marin Ferrais, Mónica Vara-Lubiano, Rafael Morales, Mike Kretlow, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Alvaro Alvarez-Candal, René Duffard, András Pál, Csaba Kiss, and Róbert Szakáts

Hi’iaka is the largest satellite of the dwarf planet Haumea, with an estimated area-equivalent diameter of 300 km (Fernández-Valenzuela et al., 2021). It is the best studied satellite in the trans-Neptunian region. Its rotational light-curve was observed with Hubble, for which an approximate rotation period of 9.8 h was obtained (Hastings et al. 2016). The system is very peculiar because it stands out from all other TNO-binary systems. While all other known satellites are thought to be synchronous, Hi’iaka’s rotation period is fast compared to the 49 days that takes to complete an orbit around Haumea. Therefore, the study of Haumea-Hi’iaka system yields important information about the formation processes of the whole Haumea’s system, which includes another moon (Brown et al. 2006), a ring (Ortiz et al. 2017) and a family of objects (Brown et al. 2007).

Our group has been observing Haumea since its discovery, compiling a large database of images since around 20 years ago. Using this set of images we have obtained high accuracy astrometric measurements of the photocenter of the Haumea-Hi’iaka system. We have applied a similar procedure as in Ortiz et al. (2017) to disentangle the position of Haumea from the contribution of Hi'iaka, but for a much larger time span as mentioned above. Therefore, we have been able to determine more accurate orbits for Haumea and Hi'iaka.

Additionally, we have carried out two specific observational runs of several days in order to obtain the rotational phase of Hi’iaka at that moment of the two stellar occultations that occurred last year (in April 2021). We used the 1.23-m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory, the Artemis telescope at Teide Observatory and the 1.5-m telescope at Sierra Nevada Observatory to acquire images of the unresolved system. The resulting photometry of these images give rise two rotational light-curves of Haumea in 2021 and 2022. We fitted a fourth-order Fourier function, which represents Haumea’s body-shape contribution to the rotational light-curves. From this fit, we took the residuals of the observational data and searched for periodicities within them. We obtained a rotation period in agreement with the estimations in Hastings et al. (2016), but much more accurate. These residuals, when folded to the resulting period, provide Hi’iaka’s rotational light-curve. The amplitude obtained for Hi’iaka’s rotational light-curve is 0.015 mag, which agrees with the expected signal induced in Haumea’s rotational light-curve when accounting for a variable source as that produced by Hi’iaka, i.e., considering the rotational light-curve obtained in Hastings et al. (2016). We have not detected a change in the amplitude of Hi’iaka’s rotational light-curve when comparing our data, taken in 2021 and 2022, with those from Hastings et al. (2016), taken in 2010. This means that the obliquity of Hi’iaka must be close to 90º in its orbit around Haumea.


Brown et al. (2006), The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 639, Issue 1, pp. L43-L46.

Brown et al. (2007), Nature, Volume 446, Issue 7133, pp. 294-296.

Fernández-Valenzuela et al. (2021), AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #53, id. 503.05. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 53, No. 7 e-id 2021n7i503p05.

Hastings et al. (2016), The Astronomical Journal, Volume 152, Issue 6, article id. 195, 12 pp.

Ortiz et al. (2017), Nature, Volume 550, Issue 7675, pp. 219-223.

How to cite: Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Jehin, E., Burdanov, A., de Wit, J., Ferrais, M., Vara-Lubiano, M., Morales, R., Kretlow, M., Santos-Sanz, P., Alvarez-Candal, A., Duffard, R., Pál, A., Kiss, C., and Szakáts, R.: Hi’iaka’s physical and dynamical properties using long-term photometric data, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-406,, 2022.

Mike Kretlow, José Luis Ortiz, Bruno Sicardy, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Josselin Desmars, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Nicolás Morales, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Yucel Kilic, Bruno Morgado, Gustavo Benedetti-Rossi, Julio Camargo, Flavia L. Rommel, Mónica Vara-Lubiano, René Duffard, Marcelo Assafin, Altair Ramos Gomes Júnior, Damya Souami, Roberto Vieira-Martins, and Álvaro Álvarez-Candal and the 2002 TC302 occultation team

Centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are considered to be among the most pristine members of our solar system and carry plenty of information on the physical and dynamical processes that shaped our solar system.

Here we report the occultation observation of the star Gaia EDR3 133768513079427328 (G: 11.7 mag, R: 11.3 mag) by the TNO (119951) 2002 TC302 on November 11, 2021. The shadow path was predicted to cross central Europe and USA. We received a total of 57 observations reports, with at least 19 positive detections and 25 miss reports (no event detected).

2002 TC302 is a high-inclination (i ~ 35°) TNO in a 2:5 resonance with Neptune, orbiting the Sun in an average distance of about 55 au. The radiometric diameter from Herschel and Spitzer thermal observations is 584.1 (+106.5, -88.0) km [1], while the analysis of a multi-chord stellar occultation observed on 28 January 2018, combined with light curve data, revealed an area-equivalent diameter of 499.6 ± 10.2 km [2]. From our preliminary elliptical profile fit of the 11 November 2021 occultation observations we derived a projected area-equivalent diameter of 500.3 ± 2.5 km, which is consistent with the above mentioned value from the previous stellar occultation in 2018. The 2018 and 2021 occultation diameters are significant (about 84 km) smaller than the radiometric diameter, which might be even larger (D ~ 643 km) after a reanalysis of the Herschel data [3]. This discrepancy might indicate the existence of an unresolved satellite, but other possibilities are being considered as well [see also 2,3].

Acknowledgments: We acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709). Funding from Spanish projects PID2020-112789GB-I00 from AEI and Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía PY20-01309 is acknowledged. Part of the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 (2014-2020/ERC Grant Agreement no. 669416 “LUCKY STAR”). M.V-L. acknowledges funding from Spanish project AYA2017-89637-R (FEDER/MICINN). P.S-S. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-RTI2018-098657-J-I00 “LEO-SBNAF”.

[1] S. Fornasier, E. Lellouch, T. Müller, et al., A&A, 555 (2013) A15.
[2] J. L. Ortiz, P. Santos-Sanz, B. Sicardy, et al., A&A, 639 (2020) A134.
[3] J. L. Ortiz, and the 20-coauthor team, EPSC2020-686,, 2020.

How to cite: Kretlow, M., Ortiz, J. L., Sicardy, B., Braga-Ribas, F., Desmars, J., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Morales, N., Santos-Sanz, P., Kilic, Y., Morgado, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Camargo, J., Rommel, F. L., Vara-Lubiano, M., Duffard, R., Assafin, M., Ramos Gomes Júnior, A., Souami, D., Vieira-Martins, R., and Álvarez-Candal, Á. and the 2002 TC302 occultation team: The 11 November 2021 multi-chord stellar occultation by trans-Neptunian object (119951) 2002 TC302, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-172,, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairperson: Jessica Agarwal
Session II: Comets
Rosita Kokotanekova, Michael S. P. Kelley, Carrie E. Holt, Cyrielle Opitom, Silvia Protopapa, Matthew M. Knight, Tim Lister, Michele T. Bannister, Colin Snodgrass, and Alan Fitzsimmons

The discovery of long period comet C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) announced in June 2021 quickly suggested an inactive nucleus with an absolute magnitude of HV = 7.8 mag [1], which implied a diameter between 130 and 260 km assuming geometric albedos between 2% and 8%. Immediate follow-up observations with our Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) Outbursting Objects Key project (LOOK) [2] as well as with SkyGems Namibia [3] revealed that the comet was active at 20.18 au. Evidence was quickly found that C/2014 UN271 had been active since 2018 and possibly even active at the time it was first observed in 2014 (at 29 au) [4,5]. After the discovery announcement, follow-up observations with ALMA and HST determined that Bernardinelli-Bernstein has a cometary albedo (0.033 ± 0.009) and an effective diameter of 137 ± 17 km, distinguishing it as the largest observed Oort-cloud comet [6,7].

Prior to the observations of C/2014 UN271, the most distant comet discoveries were C/2010 U3 and C/2017 K2, which were made between 15 and 20 au, but for which pre-discovery images indicate activity beyond 20 au [8,9]. C/2014 UN271 was significantly brighter than those comets at the same distance, which provided an exceptional opportunity to characterize its very distant comet activity close to 20 au. In this presentation we will report the results of our observing program with FORS2 on ESO’s 8-meter VLT in July and August 2021. The VLT/FORS data are interpreted in combination with targeted observations with the 4.1-m SOAR and the long-term monitoring campaign with 1-m facilities within the LOOK Project [10,11]. 

The multi-facility long-term photometric monitoring of C/2014 UN271 enabled our team to identify three outbursts between June and September 2021, indicating that the comet's optical brightness was dominated by cometary outbursts during the VLT observing run. Our VLT/FORS2 multi-band imaging and spectroscopic observations allowed us therefore to characterize the comet’s outburst in terms of spectral slope and coma morphology, including arc-like features. We will also present our efforts to characterize the comet’s short-term variability and rotation period.  


References: [1] [2] Kokotanekova, R., et al. (2021), ATel, 14733 [3] [4] [5] Farnham, T. (2021), ATel, 14759 [6] Lellouch, E. et al. (2022) A&,659, L1, 8 [7] Hui, M.-T., et al. (2022) ApJL, 929, 1, L12, 7 [8] Hui, M.-T., et al. (2019) AJ 157 [9] Jewitt, D. et al. (2021) AJ 161, 188 [10] Lister et al., submitted [11] Kelley et al., submitted.

How to cite: Kokotanekova, R., Kelley, M. S. P., Holt, C. E., Opitom, C., Protopapa, S., Knight, M. M., Lister, T., Bannister, M. T., Snodgrass, C., and Fitzsimmons, A.: Observations during a 20-au outburst of the largest observed Oort-cloud comet C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein), Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-989,, 2022.

Giovanni Munaretto, Pamela Cambianica, Gabriele Cremonese, Marco Fulle, Walter Boschin, Luca Di Fabrizio, Avet Harutyunyan, Linda Podio, and Claudio Codella


Comets are the leftovers from the formation of the Solar System. Understanding their composition allow us to investigate the physical and chemical processes occurring at the early stages of its formation. In this contribution we analyze high resolution spectra of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) obtained with the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS-N) echelle spectrograph at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). C/2020 F3 was discovered on 27 March 2020 as a long-period comet, the brightest one observed in the northern hemisphere since the Hale-Bopp in 1997. Its remarkable brightness offered a unique opportunity to investigate its composition through high-resolution spectroscopy, which is otherwise challenging on these targets due to their usual faintness. Our observations already allowed the identification of 4488 cometary emission lines belonging to C2, C3, CN, CH, NH2, Na I and [OI] [1]. We here follow up the molecular identifications by characterizing the gaseous environment of C2020/F3 through the analysis of the molecules’ production rates.

Dataset and Methods

We analyze one HARPS-N spectra of C/2020 F3 obtained on 26 July, at a heliocentric distance of 0.72 AU, covering the wavelengths between 383-693 nm at a spectral resolving power of 115000. We reduced the spectrum by performing absolute calibration, sky subtraction and dust-continuum normalization using IRAF routines and observations of the spectrophotometric standard HR5501 and the solar analog Land 107-684. The calibrated spectra were used in combination with the identified line identification [1] to measure the fluxes of given bands of molecules CN (388.3 nm band), C2 (516.5 nm band), C3 (405.0 nm band), NH2 (577.4 nm band) and OI (630.0 nm line). For each emission line or band, the flux was measured in IRAF through a fit of multiple gaussian profiles, centered at the catalog wavelengths. Cometary production rates are then estimated using a Haser model [2] which parameters were derived from literature studies (e.g., [3])


We estimate production rates of Q[CN]=2.2*1026 , Q[C2]=2.28*1026 , Q[C3]=2.15*1027 and finally Q[NH2]=1.08*1027 . We estimate a H2O production rate of Q[H2O]=2.89*1029 , using the OI emission line at 630 nm, therefore assuming that all the flux of this line comes from dissociation of water. Our estimate is in agreement with independent estimates from the SOHO/SWAN instrument[4]. A detailed analysis of the production rate and their comparison with other comets will be presented at the conference.


[1] P.Cambianica, et al., 2021, A&A, 656, A160.

[2] Haser, L. 1957Bull. Soc. R. Sci. Liege, 43 (1957), pp. 740-750

[3] Langland-Shula, L., Smith, G. H.,2011, Icarus, Volume 213, Issue 1, 2011, 280-322, 0019-1035

[4] M. R. Combi et al 2021 ApJL 907 L38

How to cite: Munaretto, G., Cambianica, P., Cremonese, G., Fulle, M., Boschin, W., Di Fabrizio, L., Harutyunyan, A., Podio, L., and Codella, C.: Production rates of comet C2020/F3 (NEOWISE) from high resolution spectroscopy, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-360,, 2022.

Qasim Afghan, Geraint H. Jones, Oliver Price, and Andrew J. Coates

Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) displayed a highly structured dust tail, exhibiting the most prominent dust tail features visible from Earth since Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) in the Southern Hemisphere and Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) in the Northern Hemisphere. Using images taken by the amateur astronomer community, this dust tail is analysed using the Finson-Probstein model. The comet’s position in the sky in amateur images is calculated using an open source algorithm [1], the position and exact time then calculated, and the dust tail is simulated. This modelled dust tail structure is then projected and overlaid onto the comet image to directly compare and identify similarities and discrepancies between the model and the image. Using the novel analysis method of mapping the image to a plot of dust grain beta against ejection time[2], tail structures can be more easily identified, analysed and tracked over time (where beta is the ratio of force due to solar radiation pressure and that due to the sun’s gravity).

Dust tail structures such as syndynic bands and striae (near-parallel linear features) have been identified and characterised in terms of dust ejection time and dust beta values. These structures are tracked over time, and compared to the analysis of similar structures seen in C/2006 P1 (McNaught) [2]. There are some clear differences between the two comets, particularly in the alignment and arrangement of their striae, most likely due to different heliospheric conditions during each comet’s perihelion passage.   

These results, all based on amateur observations, provide a thorough description of Comet NEOWISE’s dust tail to contribute to the collection of cometary dust tail profiles currently available. This will enable convenient comparison between comets in the future, and will eventually enable population studies on cometary dust tails and their features. Due to the comet’s very high activity, it also exhibited a rarely seen tail of neutral sodium atoms. This sodium tail has also been parameterised in this work, with an estimated ionization lifetime of the sodium atoms of 17 hours ± 2 hours.



[1] Lang, Dustin, David W. Hogg, Keir Mierle, Michael Blanton, and Sam Roweis. 2010.” Blind Astrometric Calibration of Arbitrary Astronomical Images”. The Astronomical Journal 139 (5): 1782-1800. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/139/5/1782.

[2] Price, Oliver, Geraint H. Jones, Jeff Morrill, Mathew Owens, Karl Battams, Huw Morgan, Miloslav Drückmuller, and Sebastian Deiries. 2019. "Fine-Scale Structure In Cometary Dust Tails I: Analysis Of Striae In Comet C/2006 P1 (Mcnaught) Through Temporal Mapping". Icarus 319: 540-557. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.013.

How to cite: Afghan, Q., H. Jones, G., Price, O., and J. Coates, A.: Structural analysis of the dust tail of Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3), Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-895,, 2022.

High resolution optical spectroscopic comparison of a short period and long period comet
Krishnakumar Aravind, Kumar Venkataramani, Shashikiran Ganesh, Thirupathi Sivarani, Devendra Sahu, and Athira Unni
Mathieu Vander Donckt, Manuela Lippi, Sara Faggi, and Emmanuel Jehin

We will present our observations of the bright comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) with the newly upgraded CRIRES+ high resolution IR spectrometer mounted on the ESO VLT in Paranal, Chile. C/2021 A1 is a long period comet that reached perihelion on January 3, 2022, at 0.62 AU from the Sun. It is one of the brightest comet of recent years, reaching a visual magnitude of 3 close to perihelion (Seiichi Yoshida's webpage).

Originating from the cold Oort Cloud were it spent most of its dynamical lifetime, C/2021 A1 has presumably experienced little transformation or activity, keeping a pristine memory of the chemistry of the protoplanetary disk at the place where it formed. The sublimation of the nucleus volatile ices during its close approach to the Sun was an unique opportunity to have a glimpse at C/2021 A1 composition through the fluorescence of the species in its coma. We observed the comet with CRIRES+ for three nights close to its perihelion at 0.62 AU between December 28, 2021, and January 3, 2022, and derived the production rates of several parent volatiles including H2O, CH4, C2H6, H2CO and CH3OH. During the period of observation, the proximity to the Sun triggered a series of outbursts in C/2021 A1 (Jehin et al, 2022), enhancing the release of material in the coma and ultimately leading to the disintegration of the comet. The observations were made nodding on sky to subtract telluric features in the spectra, and the spectra were later corrected for atmospheric absorption (dominant in the NIR region) and wavelength calibrated by an atmospheric transmittance model computed with the ESO MOLECFIT software (Smette 2015). A flux reference star was also observed to calibrate the target's flux. The chemical composition of the comet will be compared to other comets from the same and other dynamical groups. The ongoing effort to build a chemical taxonomy of comets (A’Hearn et al., 1995; Dello Russo et al., 2016; Lippi et al., 2021) and compare it to the established dynamical classification underlies the need to better constrain the chemical composition of an increasing number individual comets. 

The high resolution IR spectrometer CRIRES+ is an upgrade of the CRIRES spectrometer into a cross-dispersed spectrograph, increasing the simultaneously covered wavelength by a factor 10 (Dorn et al, 2020). It has been available at the VLT since October 2021, offering a resolving power up to 100000 with a 0.2'' slit between 1 and 5 µm. This first observation of a comet with CRIRES+ will also serve to demonstrate its capabilities to target such objects in the IR.

How to cite: Vander Donckt, M., Lippi, M., Faggi, S., and Jehin, E.: The NIR chemical composition of C/2021 A1(Leonard) at perihelion from CRIRES+ at the VLT, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-685,, 2022.

Samuel Grant, Geraint Jones, Christopher Owen, and Lorenzo Matteini

As the solar wind encounters a comet, ionized gas released from the nucleus propagates away from the Sun with the wind, forming the ion tail of the comet that can stretch for multiple astronomical units. The transport of cometary material antisunward of the comet provides opportunities to measure the cometary composition and plasma interactions at a significant distance from a comet’s nucleus. Serendipitous crossings by spacecraft of comets’ ion tails is a surprisingly commonplace occurrence, but can go unnoticed, as any measured plasma fluctuations can be small.

Using the measured flow of the solar wind at the spacecraft, we can estimate the motion of the solar plasma upstream of the spacecraft, and compare this trajectory with the locations of known comets. This method can uncover previously unnoticed ion tail encounters and predict future encounters.

In December 2021, while comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) traversed the ecliptic plane, sunward of the spacecraft Solar Orbiter, the spacecraft was immersed in the comet’s ion tail. This encounter was predicted using a range of estimated solar wind velocities to estimate the motion of solar wind plasma to the spacecraft. A wealth of data was collected during the encounter, including results from multiple instruments that support the prediction. We present data returned from the SWA and magnetometer instruments, providing information on the structure of the induced magnetotail. Additionally, images of comet Leonard’s ion tail from other spacecraft during the encounter provide a uniquely complete picture of the tail crossing.


Fig: Orbital configuration of comet Leonard and Solar Orbiter on 18th December 2021, during which Solar Orbiter was immersed in the ion tail of comet Leonard. 

How to cite: Grant, S., Jones, G., Owen, C., and Matteini, L.: The Prediction of, and Results from Solar Orbiter's encounter with Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard)., Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1106,, 2022.

Philippe Rousselot, Sarah Anderson, Alexander Alijah, Benoît Noyelles, Emmanuël Jehin, Damien Hutsemékers, Cyrielle Opitom, and Jean Manfroid

1. Introduction

C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) was a surprising comet. Detected on September 7, 2016 by Pan-STARRS it showed an unusual composition when it became a bright comet at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. It developed a coma at large (~6 au) heliocentric distance and observations showed that it had a highly unusual composition: no water molecules (or OH radical) could be detected, and the abundances of the usual radicals (CN, C2, C3) were unusually low, with a surprising coma composition dominated by CO, CO2 and N2 molecules with bright CO+ and N2+ emission lines in the visible range. A high CO production rate of about 1029 molecules s-1 was measured (Biver et al. 2018; Wierzchos & Womack 2018) as well as a high CO2 production rate (CO2/CO=1.1 from Opitom et al. 2019), and a high ratio N2/CO varying between 0.06 and 0.09 (Biver et al. 2018; Cochran & McKay 2018a,b; Opitom et al. 2019; Venkataramani et al. 2020).

The detection of such bright N2+ emission lines in this comet highlighted the necessity of a good modeling of the N2+ fluorescence spectrum in comets. The high-quality spectra published by Opitom et al. (2019) provided a good opportunity to test such a model. This model also permits to compute the fluorescence spectrum of the 14N15N+ species, leading to the possibility of future measurements of the 14N/15N isotopic ratio in the N2 molecules, one of the main constituant of the solar nebula.

2. Observations

The spectra used for this work have been obtained with the UVES spectrograph mounted on the ESO 8.2 m UT2 telescope of the VLT. Three different observing nights have been used, corresponding to February 11, 13 and 14, 2018. One single exposure of 4800 s of integration time was obtained during each night and we used a 0.44” wide slit, providing a resolving power R~80,000. The slit length was 8” corresponding to about 14,500 km at the distance of the comet (geocentric distance of 2.4 au). The average heliocentric distance was 2.76 au. Opitom et al. (2019) describe in more details the data processing.

From the 2D spectra having a spatial extension of 30 rows, each of them corresponding to a different cometocentric distance, we extracted different 1D spectra for each night. These spectra were then averaged for similar cometocentric distances allowing a detailed comparison of these spectra at different cometocentric distances, the furthest one corresponding to 2x4 rows at the two extremities of the slit (i.e. at a cometocentric distance varying between 4800 and 6600 km).

3. Modeling the N2+ fluorescence spectrum

We developed a new fluorescence model for modeling our observational spectra. The transition involved in this spectrum is the first negative group, i.e. the B2Σu+ → X2+Σg+ electronic transition with the (0,0) bandhead appearing near 3914 Å. We considered the first three vibrational levels (v = 0; 1; 2) for both X2+Σg+ and B2Σu+ state, each of them with all the rotational levels from N = 0 to 40.

N2+ having no permanent dipole moment, the pure rotational and vibrational transitions are forbidden (or have a very low probability, through quadrupolar transitions, not taken into account in our model). For that reason it takes a long time for this species to reach its fluorescence equilibrium because it needs a few tens of absorption / emission cycles between the X2+Σg+ and B2Σu+ states to reach this equilibrium. A comparison of the spectrum obtained on the nucleus with the one obtained at the edges of the slit revealed clear differences due to different rotational relative populations. For that reason we decided to model the N2+ fluorescence spectrum with a Monte-Carlo simulation. Such a computational method allows to compute a spectrum at different times from an initial relative population distribution. Our model starts with a Boltzmann relative population distribution of 80 K (representing an estimate of the kinetic temperature in the inner coma) and uses 10,000 s of evolution time.

We managed to explain satisfactorily the observed N2+ emission spectrum. Fig. 1 presents a close up view around the (0,0) bandhead. This work, presented in more details in Rousselot et al. (2022) also allowed to compute accurate fluorescence efficiencies.


Figure 1: Comparison of the observed VLT UVES spectrum of comet C/2016 R2 (blue) obtained at the ends of the slit with our N2+ model (red).

4. 14N15N+ fluorescence spectrum

Our modeling of the N2+ fluorescence spectrum can be used to compute the 14N15N+ fluorescence spectrum, leading to the possibility of measuring the 14N/15N isotopic ratio in N2 molecules. We will present such a spectrum as well as a search for this isotopologue in the C/2016 R2 spectra. Such comets are rare but future observations will reveal other comets similar in composition to C/2016 R2. With future observing facilities now under construction (such as the ESO ELT) 14N/15N measurements for N2 molecules will probably become possible, leading to new constraints on this isotopic ratio.



Biver N., et al., 2018, A&A 619, A127

Cochran A. L. & McKay, A. J. 2018a, ApJ, 856, L10

Cochran A. L. & McKay A. J., 2018b, ApJ, 854, L20

Opitom C., et al. 2019, A&A, 624, A64

Rousselot P., et al., 2022, A&A, in press

Venkataramani K., et al., 2020, MNRAS, 495, 3559

Wierzchos K. & Womack M. 2018, AJ, 156, 134

How to cite: Rousselot, P., Anderson, S., Alijah, A., Noyelles, B., Jehin, E., Hutsemékers, D., Opitom, C., and Manfroid, J.: Modeling of N2+ and 14N15N+ fluorescence spectrum in comets, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-596,, 2022.

Sarah Anderson, Philippe Rousselot, Benoît Noyelles, Cyrielle Opitom, Emmanuël Jehin, Damien Hutsemékers, and Jean Manfroid

Introduction: Radio observations of long-period comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) revealed that it was remarkably depleted in water (Biver et al. 2018). The spectrum was instead dominated by bands of CO+ and N2+, rarely seen in such abundance in comets before (Cochran & Mckay 2018). Understanding the nature of this comet would allow us to investigate key features in the timeline of planetesimal formation.

By measuring the observed emission fluxes of the observed N2+ in C/2016 R2's spectrum, ionic ratios of N2+/CO+ in the coma were estimated to be between 0.06 (Cochran & Mckay. 2018), Opitom et al. 2019) and 0.08 (Biver et al. 2018). This would be the same ratio for N2/CO since ionization efficiencies of N2 and CO are similar at 1 au for quiet Sun (Huebner et al. 1992).

C/2016 R2 provides a unique opportunity to set a baseline for identifying N2 in cometary spectra. By using the Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) mounted on the 8.2 m UT2 telescope of the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope (ESO VLT) observations, we can constrain the properties of N2 in the cometary coma and establish new Haser scalelengths in order to determine the N2 production rate, which we present here.


Observations: The observations of C/2016 R2 used in our work were collected on 2018 February 11, 13, and 14 with UVES. All observations were made when the comet was near its perihelion distance of 2.6 au, at 2.76 and 2.75 au. A full description of the observations and data reduction can be found in Opitom et al. (2019).


Methods: We aim to fit the observed flux with a Haser profile (Haser (1957)), providing an analytical solution to the column density of parent- and daughter-species in the coma along the line of sight. N2+ being an ion, the Haser model will be restricted to an area near the coma. The UVES slit covers ~6500 km on either side of the nucleus, a narrow region in which ions should be undisturbed by the solar wind.


CN scalelengths and Production Rate: We first fit a Haser profile on the CN emissions to ensure scalelengths can properly be determined from our data. We created a synthetic CN model evaluated by interpolation from a spectrum calculated by Zucconi (1985). This model is then convolved by the response of our instrument, with an FWHM of 0.06 Å. For each night of 11, 13, and 14 Feb, the CN lines are identified and summed along the spectroscopic slit. The total flux measured for CN over the entire spectrograph and averaged over the three nights of observation was 2.1x10-15 erg/s/cm2. The flux intensities are then averaged again over their cometocentric distances so as to allow for a proper fit of the Haser model.

By using a X2 test, we estimate the best fit of the Haser model to the observed intensity profile and determine the scalelengths of both the parent- (HCN) and daughter- (CN) species in the coma of C/2016 R2. We found lp = 1.3 x 104 km and ld = 2.8 x 105 km (scaled to 1 au using an rh2 law) as shown on Fig. 1. With g = 3.52 x 10-2 photons/s/molecule at 1 au (Schleicher et al. 2010), we estimate a production rate of Q(CN) = (9.8±0.5) x 1024 mol/s.


N2+ scalelengths and Production Rate: The production rate was estimated via relative ratios with g =7 x 10-2 photons/ion/s from Lutz et al. (1993) by Wierzchos (2018) as Q(N2) = (2.8 ±0.4) x 1027 mol/s and by McKay (2019) as Q(N2) = (4.8 ± 1.1)x1027 mol/s. It can be inferred from Biver et al. (2018) to be ~8.5 x 1027 mol/s for a Q(CO) = 1.1 x 1029 mol/s. These results are first re-calculated with the most recent g factor from Rousselot et al. 2022. With g =4.90 x 10-3 photons/mol/s at 1 au, prior measurements of the N2+ production rates become Q(N2) = 4.6x1027 mol/s (Wierzchos & M. Womack 2018), =8.0x1027 mol/s (McKay et al. 2019), and 1.4x1028  mol/s (Biver et al. 2018).

We limit the identification process to the 3885.5 Å to 3915.0 Å interval to further avoid contamination by the CN emission lines. We explore this interval with the X2 test and find new scalelengths of lp = 2.8 x 106 km and ld = 3.8 x 106 km scaled to 1 au (see Fig. 1). These values are within the expected range estimated from the rate coefficients. However, at this scale, multiple pairs of scalelengths could be selected for N2+ with an equally good fit. We thus have a large uncertainty on the production rate.

Using g = 5.41 x 10-3 photons/mol/s (at rh) for the (0,0) band between 3885.5-3915.0 Å and FTOT = 1.0 x 10-14 erg/s/cm2, we find Q(N2)=(8 ±1) x 1027. With Q(CO) ~ 1.1 × 1029 molecules.s-1, N2/CO = 0.07, consistent with observed intensity ratios.

Figure 1: The best fit of the Haser model for CN (top, purple, compared to other fits using scalelengths from literature) and N2+ (bottom, blue).



A’Hearn et al., 1995) ICARUS 118, 223A

Biver N., et al., 2018, A&A 619, A127

Cochran A. L. & McKay, A. J. 2018a, ApJ, 856, L20

Cochran A. L. & McKay A. J., 2018b, ApJ, 854, L10

Haser L., 1957, BSRSL 43 740H

Huebner W.F., Keady J.J., & Lyon S.P., 1992, ApSS 195 1H

Lutz B.  et al., 1993, ApJ 03 402-411

McKay A. J., et al., 2019, AJ, 158, 128

Opitom C., et al. 2019, A&A, 624, A64

Raghuram S. et al. 2020, MNRAS 501 3 4035-4052

Rousselot P., et al., 2022, A&A, in press

Schliecher D.G., 2010, AJ 140 973S,

Venkataramani K., et al., 2020, MNRAS, 495, 3559

Wierzchos K. & Womack M. 2018, AJ, 156, 134

Wyckoff S. &  Wehinger P. A. 1976, ApJ 204 604W

Zucchoni J.M. & Festou M.C. 1985, AA 150 180Z

How to cite: Anderson, S., Rousselot, P., Noyelles, B., Opitom, C., Jehin, E., Hutsemékers, D., and Manfroid, J.: The N2 Production Rate in C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS), Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-538,, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Yoonyoung Kim, Mario De Pra
Session III: Active Asteroids
Léa Ferellec, Colin Snodgrass, and Cyrielle Opitom

I - Introduction

Main Belt Comets (MBCs) display comet-like dust-release while occupying asteroid-like orbits in the Main Asteroid Belt (2AU<a<2.5AU). Asteroids and comets have long been perceived as two very distinct populations, initially formed within and beyond the snowline respectively, then split into separate reservoirs. However, the recent discovery of icy objects in the Main Belt, as well as of other active asteroids and inactive comets, blurs the physical, dynamical and observational boundaries between comets andasteroids and indicates it is rather a continuum.


So far no direct detection of gas has been made due to the low gas production rates in MBCs, but dust features of various strengths have been observed. Several mechanisms unrelated to outgassing can lead to apparent activity in asteroids, such as impacts or rotational instability. Therefore, to be recognised as an MBC, an active asteroid must display recurring activity (a tail and/or coma) during multiple passages at perihelion.

Sonnett et al. (2011) previously estimated the MBC to asteroid ratio to be <1:400 in the Main Belt. So far 8 objects have shown recurring activity, and sublimation is a possible driver of activity for a few more candidates (approximately 20 objects in total) (Jewitt & Hsieh 2022). Hence it is challenging to study and characterize such a small population.

Focusing on the Outer Main Belt (a>2.82AU) where most MBCs are found, Kim et al. (2018) showed that the longitudes of perihelion ϖ of MBCs and MBC candidates known at the time were clustered around that of Jupiter (ϖJ»15°). They concluded that, if this is a real feature of MBCs, these comets would more likely be discoverable in the northern fall night sky.



II - Methods

Using this hypothesis as a criterion, we conducted an imaging survey to search for new active asteroids and MBCs. We selected a sample of 530 Outer Main Belt asteroids with longitudes of perihelion 0°<ϖ<30, and the activity of which would likely be observable if they were MBCs (apparent magnitude, closeness to perihelion, etc.). These objects were observed between 2018 and 2020 using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope (La Palma, Spain) and a Sloan-r filter.

We developed an automated pipeline to reduce and analyse our data using tail and coma detection methods adapted from those developed by Sonnett et al. (2011). The tail detection method aims to detect an excess of brightness in one direction around the asteroid. An example is given in Figure 1. The coma detection method builds a frame-specific Point Spread Function (PSF) using neighbouring stars and an artificial coma-profile, then compares them to the asteroid to look for fuzziness. An example is given in Figure 2.



III – Results and perspectives

We reproduced the statistical study of Kim et al. (2018) taking into account more recent discoveries of active asteroids and MBCs (as summarised by Jewitt & Hsieh, 2022) and report that the clustering of longitudes of perihelion persists, which supports our approach a posteriori.

Out of our 549 observations (some asteroids having been observed multiple times), the pipeline was successfully applied to 291 asteroids that did not have any close neighbouring star biasing the analysis. For the remaining objects the pipeline performed the data reduction and produced deep images of the asteroids that we manually reviewed.

Among our targeted sample of objects, we report no detection of activity from the pipeline, nor from visual inspection of the remaining frames. For comparison, we applied the same procedure to random stars and random asteroids on our frames, and saw no difference in the distributions of activity detection levels. We will present our results and statistical conclusions on the MBC population. In the future, our research group intends to implement a similar pipeline to apply these methods to other data, in particular those from the Vera C. Rubin observatory.



Figure 1 - a: Asteroid 105073 observed on 10/11/2018. b: Illustration of the tail detection method developed by Sonnett et al. (2011). We compare the median brightness of each red segment to the local background flux (median in the cyan annulus). The top-right diagram represents the relative brightness of the segments. Here, the brightest segment is in the South-West direction. We then perform the same study on neighbouring stars to evaluate whether such brightness levels seem atypical given the quality of the frame. In this example, the asteroid happens to be crossing a background star. The star appears trailed as we stacked multiple exposures, giving it the aspect of a tail.


Figure 2 - Example of the coma detection method adapted from Sonnett et al. (2011), applied to asteroid 105073 observed on 10/11/2018. a: Thumbnail of the asteroid. b: PSF constructed from 12 neighbouring stars. c: Simulated coma profile built by convolving a 1/r profile with the PSF. We then fit a linear mix of the PSF and the coma profile to the image of the asteroid. In this case the best fit had a proportion of coma <10-4. d: Residue of the fit (image a subtracted to the best fit result).




We acknowledge contributions from Alan Fitzsimmons (Queen’s University, Belfast, UK) and Henry Hsieh (Planetary Science Institute, Honolulu, US), as well as observers Richard Smith (Queen’s University, Belfast, UK), Daniel Gardener (Institute for Astronomy, Edinburgh, UK) and Hissa Medeiros (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain).




David Jewitt and Henry H. Hsieh. The Asteroid-Comet Continuum. arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2203.01397, March 2022.

Yoonyoung Kim, Youngmin JeongAhn, and Henry H. Hsieh. Orbital Alignment of Main-belt Comets. 50:201.04D, October 2018.

Sarah Sonnett, Jan Kleyna, Robert Jedicke, and Joseph Masiero. Limits on the size and orbit distribution of main belt comets. Icarus, 215:534–546, October 2011.



How to cite: Ferellec, L., Snodgrass, C., and Opitom, C.: A targeted search for Main Belt Comets, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-925,, 2022.

Maria Mastropietro, Henry Hsieh, Yoonyoung Kim, and Jessica Agarwal

Main-belt comets are objects orbiting in the main belt, they have near-surface ice, supposed to be water ice, and it is surprising, because water ice is unstable against sublimation at the surface temperatures of asteroids at the distance of the main belt. This water content is important to better understand the thermal and compositional history of our Solar System, to place constraints on protosolar disk models, and to probe a potential primordial source of terrestrial water.

The main-belt asteroid 324P/La Sagra has been confirmed as main-belt comet by showing repeated dust emission activity during at least two subsequent perihelion passages. The nature of the dust emission in MBCs suggests that it is most likely driven by the sublimation of water ice.

We present photometric analysis of archival data of the main-belt comet 324P/La Sagra from different telescopes: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), Very Large Telescope (VLT), Gemini North Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), New Technology Telescope (NTT), Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT).

We find the absolute R-band total magnitude and the estimated total dust mass of the object to be consistent with published results. We also confirm that the activity during the 2015 perihelion passage has significantly decreased compared to the previous perihelion passage in 2010 (Fig. 1). We analysed data in the period December 2011 - April 2019. We also study the recent activity of the main-belt comet 324P/La Sagra at the 2021 perihelion passage, to search for more changes that should provide insight into the evolution of MBC activity over time. Additionally, we measure the dust trail brightness profile of the main-belt comet 324P/La Sagra. From the debris trail brightness profile, we constrain the size of the largest particles that gas drag is able to lift, which is diagnostic of the sublimation rate. Understanding the ice content of outer main-belt asteroids is crucial to constrain the distribution of volatiles in the early solar system and the formation and subsequent evolution of planetesimals.



Figure 1: Absolute magnitudes measured in the central aperture of 324P as a function of orbital position. Circles refer to our analysis of archival data, while triangles are from the literature. After perihelion, the magnitude stabilises around a constant value (18.4 mag in R-band) near a true anomaly of 120°, indicating that dust production has ceased and that dust has left the immediate environment of the nucleus due to solar radiation pressure. An absolute magnitude of 19 measured at true anomaly of -150° indicates that the nucleus could be strongly elongated and be correspondingly faint during part of its rotational lightcurve.

How to cite: Mastropietro, M., Hsieh, H., Kim, Y., and Agarwal, J.: Activity of the Main-Belt Comet 324P/La Sagra, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1211,, 2022.

Yoonyoung Kim, David Jewitt, Jessica Agarwal, Max Mutchler, Jing Li, and Harold Weaver
Active asteroid P/2020 O1 has an orbit in the middle asteroid belt (a = 2.647 AU) that may define the innermost extent of the asteroid belt where objects retaining water ice can be found, or the "ice line". Beyond the ice line, many asteroids may contain subsurface ice, including main-belt comets, which orbit in the asteroid belt but exhibit comet-like sublimation-driven dust emission.
We present Hubble Space Telescope observations of P/2020 O1 taken to examine its development for a year after perihelion. We find that the mass loss peaks at ~0.5 kg s-1 in 2020 August and then declines to nearly zero over four months. The protracted nature of the mass loss (continuous over 180 days), its onset near perihelion, its termination at true anomaly ~60°, and the dust velocity proportional to the inverse square root of the particle size are compatible with a sublimation origin. Time-series photometry provides tentative evidence for extremely rapid rotation of the small nucleus (effective radius ~420 m). Ejection velocities of 0.1 mm particles are comparable to the 0.3 m s-1 gravitational escape speed of the nucleus, while larger particles are released at speeds less than the gravitational escape velocity. These properties are consistent with the sublimation of near-surface ice aided by centrifugal forces.
While sublimation provides the most plausible explanation for the activity, we need additional observations to demonstrate the expected recurrence of activity at subsequent perihelia. P/2020 O1 will next reach perihelion in 2024 August. If the activity is repetitive near perihelion and water ice sublimation is thus confirmed, P/2020 O1 would be the icy asteroid with the smallest known semimajor axis (highest temperature), setting new bounds on the distribution of ice in the asteroid belt. This would allow us to extend the ice line inward by ~0.12 AU, increasing the number of main-belt asteroids with potentially surviving ice content by a factor of 1.4.

How to cite: Kim, Y., Jewitt, D., Agarwal, J., Mutchler, M., Li, J., and Weaver, H.: Active Asteroid P/2020 O1: Constraining the Ice Line in the Main Asteroid Belt, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-28,, 2022.

Jessica Agarwal, Yoonyoung Kim, David Jewitt, Max Mutchler, Harold Weaver, and Stephen Larson

The binary main-belt comet 288P is peculiar both because of its comet-like activity and because of its unusual system properties, combining near-equal component sizes with a wide separation of about 100 times the primary radius. The system likely formed by rotational disruption after YORP spin-up and subsequently widened, possibly by radiative or outgassing torques.
We present Hubble Space Telescope data obtained in 2021 while 288P re-approached perihelion and activity re-kindled. The data show a developing dust tail. We constrain the time of activity onset and investigate whether one or both components were active, which is key to understanding whether the splitting was the cause of the activity.

How to cite: Agarwal, J., Kim, Y., Jewitt, D., Mutchler, M., Weaver, H., and Larson, S.: Re-activation of main-belt comet 288P in 2021, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-379,, 2022.

Bojan Novakovic, Debora Pavela, Henry Hsieh, and Dusan Marceta


Active asteroids are small solar system bodies, having at the same time the orbital characteristics of asteroids but showing the physical characteristics of comets, including coma and tail-like appearance. A subpopulation of active asteroids that have sublimation as the main source of activity is known as main-belt comets (MBCs, [6]). The MBCs could be a key to tracing the origin and evolution of volatile materials in the asteroid belt and could help our understanding of the protoplanetary disk process and planetary formation. The number of known MBCs is, however, still relatively small. For this reason, the characterisation of new objects is of considerable importance.

This work analyses active asteroid (248370) 2005QN173, (aka 433P). Its activity was recently discovered by Fitzsimmons et al. [4] in the images collected by the Asteroid-Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS;[11]). Based on the recurrent activity, Chandler et al. [3] suggested that activity is sublimation-driven, making asteroid 248370 a main-belt comet. Aiming to constrain possible activity mechanisms further, we performed photometric observations of 248370. Our primary goals are to quantify the activity level variation and determine the rotation period. The activity changes could help better understand what is driving the activity. Similarly, the rotation period provides a clue on a possible mass shedding due to rotational instabilities. Furthermore, we also analysed its dynamical stability in order to get insights into the past orbit evolution. Finally, we investigated its possible association with asteroid families.


Observations of the 248370 were collected on 2021 October 5/6 from the Astronomical station Vidojevica (C89), using a 1.4 m Milanković telescope. All images were made in standard Johnson-Cousin R-filter.

Figure 1: Field of view for one of the images of the active asteroid 248730.


Image processing, measurement, light curve construction and period analysis were done using procedures incorporated into the MPO Canopus2 [10]. In particular, the period analysis is performed using the Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris et al.[5].

Unfortunately, we were not able to find a unique rotational period solution. Instead, we derived two possible periods of 2.7±0.1 and 4.1±0.1 hours. The corresponding light-curve amplitudes computed after correcting for the effect of coma are 0.28 and 0.58 mag, respectively. An example of the obtained light-curve of 248370, along with a fit corresponding to the period solution of 2.7±0.1 h, is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2:  The phased plot for the period of 2.7±0.1 h.

We also calculated the rotational fission critical limit for a strengthless triaxial ellipsoid [8] for the light-curve solutions. It turns out that both periods are shorter than the critical limit, suggesting that rotation mass shedding could be partly responsible for the observed activity.


The activity level is constrained by estimating the length of the tail, Ad/An ratio, and Afρ parameter of 248370. The projection of the tail onto the sky, estimated from the composed image, extends approximately 4 arcmins from the nucleus. This length corresponds to a physical extension of about 264,000 km, about a factor 3 shorter than estimated by Hsieh et al. [7] from their observations made closer to the perihelion.

The estimated scattering cross-section of ejected near-nucleus particles and the underlying nucleus is Ad/An = 1.3. It also confirms that the activity level is fading as the object moves further from the perihelion but at a modest rate of only 0.006 mag/day.

Afρ is the ratio between the effective cross-section of comet grains in the field of view and the area of that field [1]. From our observations, we obtained a value of Afρ = 10.8. Compared to the values obtained by Hsieh et al. [7], the parameter has constantly decreased since the perihelion passage. All these findings are consistent with the sublimation-driven activity.


The dynamical analysis has shown that 248370 is a dynamically unstable object, residing in 11/5 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. Its Lyapunov time is only about five kyr, further suggesting that the object is highly unstable. This implies that 248370 is not residing at its current orbit for a very long time but instead migrated into the resonance, probably due to the Yarkovsky effect, within the maximum last 100 Myr.

Despite the orbit instability, we found that 248370 likely belongs to the Themis asteroid family, making it possibly a fourth main-belt comet associated with this group. Moreover, 248370 is also within reach of a young sub-family of the Themis family, namely the 288P cluster, which is also associated with its namesake main-belt comet 288P [9].


The level of the activity trend is consistent with sublimation driven activity in active asteroid 248370. However, the most likely spin period solutions are both below the critical limit for rotational mass shedding. Therefore, this mechanism could also play a role in the object’s coma and tail production. This brings some similarities between 248370 and binary MBC 228P [2]. The situation is especially intriguing as the two objects are close in the orbital space and might both originate from the same collisionally disrupted parent body.


[1] A’Hearn M. F., Schleicher D. G., Millis R. L., Feldman P. D.,Thompson D. T., 1984, AJ, 89, 579

[2] Agarwal J., Kim Y., Jewitt D., Mutchler M., Weaver H., Larson S., 2020, A&A, 643, A152

[3] Chandler C. O., Trujillo C. A., Hsieh H. H., 2021, ApJ, 922, L8

[4] Fitzsimmons A., Erasmus N., Thirouin A., Hsieh H. H., Green D., 2021, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams

[5] Harris A. W., et al., 1989, Icarus, 77, 171

[6] Hsieh H. H., Jewitt D., 2006, Science, 312, 561

[7] Hsieh H. H., et al., 2021, ApJ, 922, L9

[8] Jewitt D., Weaver H., Mutchler M., Li J., Agarwal J., Larson S., 2018, AJ, 155, 231

[9] Novaković B., Hsieh H. H., Cellino A., 2012, MNRAS, 424, 1432

[10] Warner B., 2021, BDW Publishing

[11] Tonry J. L., et al., 2018, PASP, 130, 064505

How to cite: Novakovic, B., Pavela, D., Hsieh, H., and Marceta, D.: Characterisation of active asteroid (248370) 2005QN173, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-83,, 2022.

Jian-Yang Li, Xiao-Duan Zou, Scott C. Mest, Stefan E. Schröder, Stefano Mottola, and Jeffrey S. Kargel

Introduction: Results from the Dawn mission showed us an aqueously altered cryovolcanic world of Ceres, maybe a relict Ocean World [1, 2]. Geological studies suggested brine-driven features, including the cryovolcanic dome Ahuna Mons [3] and the Cerealia and Vinalia Faculae, which are carbonate- and chloride-rich evaporites [4] formed from brine extrusion with evidence of recent activity [5]. In addition, the Haulani crater is among the youngest impact features on Ceres [6], potentially excavating relatively fresh, volatile-rich subsurface materials with distinctly bright and blue spectral characteristics [7]. In this study, we focus on the spectrophotometric properties of the geologically young features, aiming to characterize Ceres’s regolith evolution and better understand the cryovolcanic processes. Here we report the preliminary results of the Haulani crater (latitude  -3º to 14º, longitude 0º to 20º) and Ahuna Mons regions (latitude -17º to -3º, longitude 308º - 322º).

Data: We used the multiband images of Ceres collected by the Dawn Framing Camera with pixel scales <150 m/pixel and calibrated them to radiance factor (RADF) following [8, 9], including infield straylight removal for all color images. The scattering backplanes were calculated with the USGS ISIS software using the high-resolution digital terrain models from the Planetary Data System [10].  The alignment between the backplanes and the corresponding images was checked and adjusted. For each region, we defined four regions of interest (ROIs; Fig. 1) based on the geological context. Our photometric modeling was performed independently for each ROI in each of the seven color filters.

Figure 1. ROI of the Haulani crater region (left) and the Ahuna Mons region (right).

Photometric Modeling: We adopted the five-parameter version of the Hapke model as used by [11]. Without data at phase angles <20º, we assumed an amplitude parameter B0=1.6 and a width parameter h=0.06 for the shadow-hiding opposition effect [12]. The other three parameters, including the single-scattering albedo (SSA), asymmetry factor, g, of the single-term Henyey-Greenstein function for the single-particle phase function, and the roughness parameter are free for fitting. The best-fit model parameters were retrieved in a least-χ2 sense following [11]. Fig. 2 shows the spectra of the best-fit parameters. Overall the relative root-mean-squared, which is defined as rel.RMS=√[Σ(rmeasure-rmodel)2/N]/<rmeasure>, with rmeasure and rmodel being the measured and modeled reflectance, respectively, N being the number of data points, and <rmeasure> being the average measured reflectance, is 4-9%, compared to 4-6% of the global model [11], suggesting a reasonably good fit. The similar results for the background ROIs in all bands in the two regions indicate consistent model fitting across all ROIs. However, the 0º roughness parameter retrieved for the Ahuna Mons ROI in some bands is probably problematic, as also indicated by the relatively high model RMS for this ROI.

Figure 2. Modeled Hapke parameters for all ROIs in the Haulani crater region (a) and the Ahuna Mons region (b).

A comparison of all ROIs suggests that: 1) The photometric properties in the Haulani crater region are more diverse than those in the Ahuna Mons region. 2) The albedo spectra of all ROIs show a spectral feature centered in the 750 nm filter with varying characteristics. The nature of this feature is unclear. We further calculated the spectral slopes of the SSA and the g-parameter (excluding 440 nm) to quantify the color and phase reddening of all ROIs.

Conclusion and Discussion: Our results suggest that these ROIs likely form a trend, with the Haulani crater floor and Ahuna Mons as exceptions (Fig. 3). The apparent trendline of roughness vs. SSA is opposite of what was usually observed in asteroids caused by multiple scattering into shadows. What this trend means to Ceres’s regolith is still under investigation. On the other hand, the Haulani crater floor material is clearly below the trendline. Ahuna Mons is below the trendline, but the fitted 0º roughness is dubious. Fig. 3b shows that the trendline is primarily formed by the ROIs in the Haulani crater region. The points of the Ahuna Mons region ROIs cluster near the background. The Haulani crater floor and Ahuna Mons are clearly out of the trendline. Given the much younger geological age of the Haulani crater region of ~2 Ma [6] than that of the Ahuna Mons region (~200 Ma for Ahuna Mons [3], ~600 Ma for Yalode ejecta [13]), if the trendline represents an evolutionary sequence, then the corresponding timescale is around several Ma.

Figure 3. Roughness parameter vs. SSA for all ROIs at all bands (a) and the spectral slope of the g-parameter vs. that of the SSA (b). The dashed lines represent eye-balled trendlines.

We note that our results presented here are preliminary. The statistical significance of the trendline needs to be further accessed from the model uncertainties. But overall, such an evolutionary trend is in line with the previous results about the regolith evolution caused by the devolatilization of ice-rich materials near young craters [14, 15].

Acknowledgments: This research is supported by NASA Grant #80NSSC21K1017 and partially by the SSERVI16 Cooperative Agreement (#NNH16ZDA001N), SSERVI-TREX.

References: [1] Hendrix, A.R., et al., 2019, Astrobiology 19, 1; [2] De Sanctis, M.C., et al. 2020a, SSR 216, 60; [3] Ruesch, O., et al., 2016, Science 353, 1005; [4] Raponi, A., et al., 2019. Icarus 320, 83; [5] De Sanctis, M.C., et al. 2020b, Nature Astron. 4, 786; [6] Krohn, K., et al., 2018, Icarus 316, 84; [7] Schröder, S.E., et al., 2017, Icarus 288, 201; [8] Schröder, S.E., et al., 2013, Icarus 226, 1304; [9] Schröder, S.E., et al., 2014, Icarus 234, 99; [10] Roatsch et al. 2017, DAWN-A-FC2-5- CERESLAMODTMSPG-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System; [11] Li, J.-Y., et al., 2019, Icarus 322, 144; [12] Helfenstein, P., Veverka, J., 1989, In: Asteroids II, 557; [13] Crown, D.A. et al. 2018, Icarus 316, 167; [14] Stephan, K., et al., 2017, GRL 44, 1660; [15] Schröder, S.E., et al., 2021, Nature Comm. 12, 274.

How to cite: Li, J.-Y., Zou, X.-D., Mest, S. C., Schröder, S. E., Mottola, S., and Kargel, J. S.: Spectrophotometric Properties of Geologically Young Regions on Ceres, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-96,, 2022.

Orals: Tue, 20 Sep | Room Manuel de Falla

Chairpersons: Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Aurelie Guilbert-Lepoutre
Session IV: 67P/Rosetta
Martin Hilchenbach, Oliver Stenzel, and Henning Fischer

The COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA) instrument on board ESA's Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko has collected and analysed dust particles in the inner coma from August 2014 to September 2016 between 1.25 and 3.8 AU solar distance and 4 to 1000 km off the comet nucleus. The dust particles were identified with optical microscopy and analysed with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The elemental composition of the dust particles collected and analysed with SIMS is heterogeneous for the mineral forming elements within a factor of 2. The potential relation between optical properties and dust particle elemental ratio of carbon and silicon has been studied. 

How to cite: Hilchenbach, M., Stenzel, O., and Fischer, H.: Elemental Composition and Optical Properties of Cometary Dust Particles in the Coma of Comet 67P, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-482,, 2022.

Marius Pfeifer, Jessica Agarwal, and Raphael Marschall

During the visit of the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) on the spacecraft took several image sequences of 67P’s nucleus that highlight its activity against the dark backdrop of space. Especially during the later phase of the mission when 67P was outbound from perihelion and its activity ceasing, Rosetta was able to record sequences from less than 100 km away, which resulted in m-sized resolutions at the distance of the nucleus. At this distance, thousands of point-source-like particles can be distinguished from the diffuse coma.

Following Agarwal et al. (2016), who successfully tracked such particles manually, we developed a fully automated tracking algorithm (Pfeifer et al. 2021) which we have now applied to several datasets and performed an in-depth analysis of the results.

We for example selected sub-sets of particles and extrapolated their 2D-trajectories in the image plane back in time to relatively confined areas on the nucleus. Assuming that the particles originated from the identified location and that they have not moved too far away from it, we can estimate their distance to the spacecraft and thus their (projected) dynamics and size distributions.

In particular, we can compare the measured accelerations to a (simplified) version of the particle’s equation of motion:

where ⃗a is the particle acceleration, mp, the particle mass, ⃗ FG the nucleus gravity, ⃗ FD the gas drag, G the gravitational constant, M the nucleus mass, d the particle-nucleus distance, ⃗nG the gravity unit vector, CD the drag coefficient, mg the mass of a water molecule, ng the gas number density, ρp the particle density, ⃗vg the gas and ⃗vp the particle velocity, and r the particle radius. By fitting this equation to our data we try to constrain the parameters that go into it.

We present our latest results from tracking mostly dm-sized particles that were recorded by OSIRIS near the surface of comet 67P in December 2015 and January 2016. While the particle dynamics themselves already present new information, the properties that we can derive from them also help us to better understand the gas flow and other circumstances at the time of the observed activity.



We acknowledge the operation and calibration team at MPS and the Principal Investigator Holger Sierks on behalf of the OSIRIS Team for providing the OSIRIS images and related datasets. OSIRIS was built by a consortium of the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Germany; the CISAS University of Padova, Italy; the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France; the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucia, CSIC, Granada, Spain; the Research and Scientific Support Department of the European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Nether- lands; the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, Madrid, Spain; the Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid, Spain; the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala University, Sweden; and the Institut für Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Germany. The support of the national funding agencies of Germany (DLR), France (CNES), Italy (ASI), Spain (MEC), Sweden (SNSB), and the ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the Rosetta Sci
ence Ground Segment at ESAC, the Rosetta Missions Operations Centre at ESOC and the Rosetta Project at ESTEC for their outstanding work enabling the science return of the Rosetta Mission.
MP and JA acknowledge funding by the ERC Starting Grant No. 757390 Comet and Asteroid Re-Shaping through Activity (CAstRA). JA acknowledges funding by the Volkswagen Foundation.



Agarwal, J., A’Hearn, M. F., Vincent, J.-B., et al. 2016, MNRAS, 462, S78
Pfeifer, Marius, Agarwal, Jessica, & Schröter, Matthias. 2022, A&A, 659, A171

How to cite: Pfeifer, M., Agarwal, J., and Marschall, R.: Dynamics of dm-sized Particles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-814,, 2022.

Minjae Kim, Thurid Mannel, Jeremie Lasue, Andrea Longobardo, Mark Bentely, and Richard Moissl

Comets are thought to have preserved dust particles from the very beginning of Solar System formation, providing a unique insight into intricate processes like dust growth mechanisms. The Rosetta mission offered the best opportunity to investigate nearly pristine cometary dust particles of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. In particular, among the three in-situ dust instruments, the MIDAS (Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System) atomic force microscope collected cometary dust particles with sizes from hundreds of nanometres to tens of micrometres on dedicated targets and recorded their 3D topographic information and related parameters (Bentley et al. 2016a). However, the straightforward dust collection strategy, i.e., simply hitting the collection targets, leads to an unknown degree of collection alteration (Mannel et al. 2016; Bentley et al. 2016b).

We aim to understand dust alteration during collection and determine which structural properties of the MIDAS dust particle remained pristine. An exhaustive dust particle catalogue for MIDAS is created, containing 3494 dust particles with (meta)data. Among these particles, we carefully select 1082 particles that are eligible for a more extensive structural investigation. First, we generate sophisticated dust maps showing the distribution of the selected dust particles on the collection targets and investigate dust clustering, i.e., determination of which of the particles stem from a single parent particle that fragmented upon the collection impact. Additionally, in the collaboration with Longobardo et al. in preparation, we use an algorithm to determine from which cometary source regions which MIDAS particles were stemming (Longobardo et al. 2020). Next, we develop MIDAS particle shape descriptors such as aspect ratio (i.e., height of the particle divided by the square root of area; Lasue et al. 2019), elongation, circularity, convexity, and particle surface/volume distribution. Furthermore, we compare the structure of the MIDAS dust particles and the clusters to those found in the laboratory experiments (Ellerborek et al. 2017) and by COSIMA/Rosetta (Langevin et al. 2016). Finally, we combine our findings to calculate a pristinity score for MIDAS particles and determine the most pristine particles and their properties.

Fig 1. 3D dust coverage map of target 13

We find there is only a weak trend between shape descriptors and cometary source regions, cluster morphology, and particle characteristics such as size and particle morphology. For example, particles ejected from smooth or rough terrain are similar in their investigated shape properties, which implies dust particle activity such as dust ejection, partial dry out, and recycled dust material are not responsible for the structure of particles at the micrometre scale. Furthermore, the aspect ratio distributions suggest that the subunits of different cluster types are similar in their shape and composition. Thus, the different cluster morphologies detected by MIDAS are not created by a change in subunit properties, but rather by different impact velocities, a result in good agreement with the finding of laboratory experiments (Ellerbroek et al. 2017) and simulations (Lasue et al. 2019). Next, the types of clusters found in MIDAS show good agreement (Ellerbroek et al. 2017), however, there are some differences to those found by COSIMA (Lasue et al. 2019). Furthermore, our pristinity score shows that almost half of MIDAS particles suffered severe alteration by impact, which indicates dust alteration was inevitable with the given dust collection strategy. Consequently, only ~ 20 particles were rated 'moderately pristine' particles, i.e., they are not substantially flattened by impact, not fragmented, and/or not part of a fragmentation cluster. The microphysical properties of pristine cometary materials are established in this study and can be translated into properties of laboratory analogue materials for future study to understand comets and early Solar System processes.

How to cite: Kim, M., Mannel, T., Lasue, J., Longobardo, A., Bentely, M., and Moissl, R.: Primitiveness of cometary dust collected by MIDAS on-boardRosetta, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-3,, 2022.

Tobias Kramer and Matthias Läuter

The Rosetta mission to comet 67P/C-G provided a detailed view of the near nucleus environment of an active Jupiter family comet. The continuous monitoring of the gas pressure with the ROSINA experiment at the location of the Rosetta spacecraft in combination with the images of the dust environment acquired by the OSIRIS cameras allows one to test different hypotheses about the origin of the dust and gas emissions. In addition the orbital elements and the rotation axis and spin rate of the nucleus are affected by the gas release.

The dust and gas emission around the nucleus of comet 67P/C-G displays a very repetitive pattern in time and space [1,2], with additional short-lived (< 30 min) localized outbursts of activity, in particular around perihelion [3].

We present an overall assessment of the gas emission of comet 67P/C-G based on (i) connecting the ROSINA gas measurements to surface activity and (ii) based on the observed changes in the orbital and rotational state vector [4,5], including the 2021/22 MPEC data set for the astrometry.

One important tool is our use of a detailed shape-based model to constrain the gas and dust emission. We describe two limiting cases for which analytic solutions of the gas field are obtainable: (1) a rarefied gas emission with non-interacting gas flows and (2) an incompressible flow field. We discuss their implications for the dust lift-off from the surface of the nucleus. We estimate the velocity of the dust propelled by the gas from the Coriolis deflection. The deflection and dust velocity is accessible from the OSIRIS data by looking at the curvature of the observed dust streams.

We systematically discuss uncertainties in the data analysis and point out open questions regarding the choice of boundary and initial conditions for the modeling of the coma around the nucleus. The surface composition of the nucleus in terms of 14 volatiles for 67P/C-G is shown as surface distribution maps [6,7], which provides a baseline for the comparison with other comets and active gas and dust emitting objects.


1. Kramer, T. & Noack, M. On the Origin of Inner Coma Structures Observed by Rosetta during a Diurnal Rotation of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. ApJL 823, L11 (2016).

2. Kramer, T., Noack, M., Baum, D., Hege, H.-C. & Heller, E. J. Dust and gas emission from cometary nuclei: the case of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Advances in Physics: X 3, 1404436 (2018).

3. Vincent, J.-B. et al. Summer fireworks on comet 67P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462, S184–S194 (2016).1. Kramer, T. & Noack, M. On the Origin of Inner Coma Structures Observed by Rosetta during a Diurnal Rotation of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. ApJL 823, L11 (2016).

4. Kramer, T. et al. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko rotation changes derived from sublimation-induced torques. Astronomy & Astrophysics 630, A3 (2019).

5. Kramer, T. & Läuter, M. Outgassing-induced acceleration of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy & Astrophysics 630, A4 (2019).

6. Kramer, T., Läuter, M., Rubin, M. & Altwegg, K. Seasonal changes of the volatile density in the coma and on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, S20–S28 (2017).

7. Läuter, M., Kramer, T., Rubin, M. & Altwegg, K. The Ice Composition Close to the Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. ACS Earth Space Chem. acsearthspacechem.1c00378 (2022) doi:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00378.


How to cite: Kramer, T. and Läuter, M.: The near nucleus gas and dust environment around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-281,, 2022.

Sonia Fornasier, Van Hong Hoang, and Eric Quirico

We present the most extensive catalog of exposures of volatiles on the nucleus of  comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from observations acquired with the OSIRIS imaging system on board the Rosetta mission.  We have analyzed medium and high-resolution images acquired with the Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) of OSIRIS at different wavelength in the 250-1000 nm range, investigating images from 109 different color sequences taken between August 2014 and September 2016, and covering spatial resolution from a few m/px to 0.1 m/px.

Exposure of volatiles are usually brighter than the comet dark terrain, and characterized by a neutral to moderate spectral slope in the visible range, which has been proven to be associated with a local enrichment in water ice thanks to joint observations carried out with the OSIRIS cameras and the VIRTIS visible and near infrared imaging spectrometer [2]. We applied the following methodology to identified exposure of volatiles on the 67P nucleus: bright spots exposing volatiles should both be brighter (at least 50%) than the comet dark terrain, and should have a neutral to moderate spectral slope values in the visible range (535 -882 nm) range. The spectral slope values has been chosen lower than 12%/(100 nm), but usually bright spots have spectral slope much lower than 8%/(100 nm).

Our analysis considerably expands by a factor of 10 the catalogue of bright spots previously identified (about 70  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) on the comet, and produces the most extensive catalogue with more than 700 entries of exposure of  volatiles on 67P nucleus. For each bright spot we compute its surface, its precise location of the nucleus, its spectral slope, and its lifetime, and for some the estimated water ice abundance using geographical mixtures of the comet dark terrain and water ice. This lifetime of bright spots was estimated as the time in which a bright spot remains visible in different observing sequences. This estimation is of course biased by the observing frequency-conditions, thus the real lifetime is usually longer than the one reported. Volatiles may survive exposed to the surface for a period varying from a few days, to several months. Longer durations are usually found for water ice exposed after cliff collapse or formation of new scarps, exposing the underlying water-rich material.

Bright spots could be found isolated on the nucleus surface or grouped in a cluster, usually at the feet of cliffs. Isolated bright spots are observed in different type of morphological terrains, including smooth surface, on the top of boulders or close to irregular structures. Several of them are clearly correlated with the cometary activity, being the sources of jets or appearing after an activity event [7]. Even if numerous bright spots are detected, the total surface of exposed water ice is about 84000 m2, that is 0.16% of the total 67P nucleus surface. This confirms that the surface of comet 67P is dominated by refractory dark terrains, while ice only occupies a tiny fraction

We also noticed an evolution of the spectral slope values, with the presence of several bright spots having negative slope only in the post-perihelion images, while during and pre-perihelion slopes values were close to zero or moderately positive. There is also a clear difference in the areal distribution of the bright spots pre- and post-perihelion. While bright spots have a larger median surface of about 5 m2 in the pre-perihelion images, most of them have surfaces lower than 1-2 m2 post-perihelion, clearly indicating that high spatial resolution is mandatory to identify exposure of volatiles on cometary surfaces. Our results on the bright spots area support the findings of Ciarniello et al. [8] and Fulle et al. [9] who deduced that the bright spots on comets are exposure of the primordial water-ice-enriched blocks (WEB) forming, together with the refractory matrix, cometary nuclei, and whose dominant size is of the order of 0.5-1 m. WEBs should be formed of water ice rich pebbles mixed with drier material, and exposed to the nucleus surface when the cometary activity erodes the dust mantle.

The fact that the majority of the bright spots are sub-meter sized is thus in agreement with

these predictions and with the radar measurements the 67P comet provided by CONSERT, which indicate that the nucleus is homogeneous up to scales of a few meters [10].



 [1] Pommerol et al., 2015, A&A 583:A25; [2] Barucci et al., 2016, A&A 595, id.A102; [3] Deshapriya et al., 2016, MNRAS 462, S274  [4] Fornasier et al., 2016, Science 354, 1566; [5] Deshapriya et al. 2018, A&A 613, id.A36; [6] Oklay et al., 2017, MNRAS 469, S582, [7] Fornasier et al., 2019, A&A 630, A13; [8]  Ciarniello et al., 2022, Nat. Astron. [9] Fulle et al., 2020, MNRAS 493, 4039; [10] Ciarletti et al., MNRAS 469, S805

How to cite: Fornasier, S., Hoang, V. H., and Quirico, E.: Extensive catalogue of exposures of volatiles on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet nucleus revealed from the OSIRIS cameras onboard the Rosetta mission, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-109,, 2022.

Andrea Longobardo, Minjae Kim, Boris Pestoni, Hervé Cottin, Carsten Guttler, Stavro Ivanovski, Thurid Mannel, Sihane Merouane, Giovanna Rinaldi, Martin Rubin, Cecilia Tubiana, Vladimir Zakharov, Prasanna Deshapriya, Fabrizio Dirri, Mauro Ciarniello, Vincenzo Della Corte, Marco Fulle, Ernesto Palomba, and Alessandra Rotundi


The ESA Rosetta mission orbited the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet (hereafter 67P) for two years and its results are providing important clues to understand activity processes on comets.

The goal of the ISSI International Team “Characterization of 67P cometary activity” is two-fold:

  • Retrieval of the activity of different regions of 67P’s surface during different time periods.
  • Identification of the main drivers and the effects of cometary activity, via revealing the link between cometary activity and illumination/local time, dust morphology and composition, and surface geomorphology.

Goal #1 has been reached by tracing the motion of dust particles detected in the coma back to the nucleus surface.

Goal #2 accomplishment is in progress by means of data fusion of different instruments onboard the Rosetta spacecraft.


The Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) [1] measured speed and momentum of fluffy and compact dust particles. We assumed radial motion, constant dust acceleration up to a 11 km altitude and constant speed above that height, to retrieve the source region of each dust particle detected in the coma [2]. We obtained that fluffy and compact dust distributions correlate on the surface, but not in the coma due to the different speeds of the two dust categories. Dust ejection is also correlated with solar illumination. Fluffy particles are more abundant in rough terrains [3], according to models which predict that they are embedded within pebbles [4].

Traceback is under study also with a different approach, based on retrieving ejection probability maps of detected dust particles [5].

Data Fusion

GIADA vs VIRTIS. We related dust ejection rates of different surface regions, as retrieved by GIADA, and spectral indicators of water ice exposure measured by the Visible InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) of Rosetta, such as the shortward shift of the 3.2 mm absorption band center and infrared spectral slope flattening [2]. The observed correlation between these parameters (Figure 1) indicates that ejection of dust comes from water ice-rich regions.

Figure 1. Observed correlation between number of fluffy particles ejected from each 67P surface region and observed infrared slope flattening. Each symbol identifies a different geomorphological region of 67P.


GIADA vs MIDAS. The Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System (MIDAS) detected and measured physical properties of micron-sized particles. In principle, it provides complementary information with respect to GIADA, which detected mm-sized particles.

We retrieved the number of parent particles hitting the MIDAS targets by applying two different methods [7,8]. Independently of the used approach, we obtained that the dust flux ratio between the two instruments is temporally constant. This suggests that the small particles detected by MIDAS are fragments of larger particles, as those detected by GIADA.

The combination of MIDAS data and our traceback algorithm revealed that the physical properties (size, density, flatness) of compact dust are homogeneous across 67P’s surface (Figure 2). Indicators of dust pristinity were defined [8] and suggested that pristinity is correlated with size (being small particles more pristine) but not with the ejecting region evolution degree.

Figure 2. Flatness distribution of dust particles detected on different MIDAS target (each target corresponds to a defined exposition period). Distributions are very similar.


GIADA vs ROSINA. ROSINA-COPS (Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis - COmetary Pressure Sensor) detected icy particles as pressure peaks [9]. The GIADA-ROSINA data fusion allows us to associate icy and dust particles and to retrieve the icy particle source regions.

Currently, a moderate correlation between icy and dust fluffy dust particles was found. The work is in progress.

Conclusions and future perspectives

. We found that fluffy dust particles are more abundant on rough terrains, in agreement with their lower evolution degree and to comet formation models. Physical properties of compact dust are similar across the comet surface. The relation between dust and icy particles is under study.

Future activities include:

  • Analysis of the COSIMA mass spectrometer data [10], which observed dust composition variations. COSIMA-GIADA data fusion will allow understanding if they are related to different surface terrains.
  • Analysis of OSIRIS images, which show bright patches on the comet surface, corresponding to frost enrichments and having different composition and morphology [11]. OSIRIS images combined with GIADA and ROSINA data will help in characterizing these peculiar regions.
  • Laboratory activity aimed at simulating and interpreting the different photometric behavior of rough and smooth terrains [12] at the dust scale


[1] Della Corte, V. et al. (2014), Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 3, 1, 1350011-110; [2] Longobardo, A. et al. (2019), MNRAS, 483, 2, 2165-2176; [3] Longobardo, A. et al. (2020), MNRAS, 496, 1, 125-137; [4] Fulle, M. and Blum, J. (2017), MNRAS, 492, 2, S39-S44; [5] Ivanovski, S.L. et al. (2017), EPSC, 708; [6] Bentley, M.S. et al. (2016), Nature, 537, 7618, 73-75; [7] Longobardo, A. et al. (2020), EPSC, 1044; [8] Kim, M. et al. (2022), EGU abstract; [9] Pestoni, B. et al. (2022), EPSC, this session; [10] Hilchenback, M. et al. (2019), EPSC, 900; [11] Dehapriya, J.D.P. et al. (2018), EPSC, 1166; [12] Longobardo, A. et al. (2017), MNRAS, 469, 2, S346-S356.


This research was supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) within the ASI-INAF agreement I/032/05/0 and by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) through the ISSI International Team “Characterization of cometary activity of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet”.

M.K. and T.M. acknowledge funding by ESA project "Primitiveness of cometary dust collected by MIDAS on-board Rosetta" (Contract No. 4000129476).


How to cite: Longobardo, A., Kim, M., Pestoni, B., Cottin, H., Guttler, C., Ivanovski, S., Mannel, T., Merouane, S., Rinaldi, G., Rubin, M., Tubiana, C., Zakharov, V., Deshapriya, P., Dirri, F., Ciarniello, M., Della Corte, V., Fulle, M., Palomba, E., and Rotundi, A.: Characterization of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko cometary activity, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-459,, 2022.

Nicholas Attree, Jessica Argawal, Laurent Jorda, Oliver Groussin, Raphael Marschall, Riccardo Lasagni Manghi, Paolo Tortora, and Marco Zannoni

Comets, thought to be amongst the most primordial of Solar System objects, are distinguished by their activity, i.e. the insolation driven ejection of gas and dust from their surfaces. The exact mechanisms of the outgassing and dust ejection remain an important open question in planetary science, relating as it does to the structure, composition, and thermophysical properties of the surface material. Various thermophysical models (see e.g. [1,2,3]) have been proposed to explain the activity seen by Rosetta at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, with these often compared to the total outgassing rate. Another directly observable effect of the activity, however, is the resultant non-gravitational force and torque on the cometary nucleus, which can alter its trajectory and rotation state. Understanding the effect of non-gravitational forces on the dynamics of a particular comet therefore gives us a powerful additional tool to investigate its activity and surface properties.

Here we present the latest work in an ongoing project, testing various activity distributions in an effort to fit the combined Rosetta outgassing, trajectory, and rotation data. We test a number of different activity distributions over the surface of the comet by varying the Effective Active Fraction (EAF) of facets on a shape model, relative to a pure water-ice emission. We investigate different spatial patterns in EAF, and attempt to correlate them to physical features on the cometary surface. In addition to the changes in rotation period examined in [4], we also compute changes in the rotation axis, using a method based on [5] in order to compare with the observations. This provides an additional constraint on the spatial distribution of activity. Trajectory information, in the form of Earth-to-comet range, is also compared with a recent re-analysis of Rosetta radio-tracking data [6].

We are able to achieve a reasonable fit to the combined Rosetta data by parameterising EAF in terms of the different geological unit types on 67P (Fig. 1). This will have important implications for understanding how activity works on the different types of surface observed on cometary nuclei, including ‘rough’, ‘smooth’, ‘dusty’ and ‘rocky’ surface morphologies. The objective here is to constrain the shape of the activity curve on these various surfaces that a more detailed thermal model must produce in order to fit the data. We are in the process of implementing these more advanced thermal models [1,3] in our code, and will present results of an analysis of the non-gravitational forces and torques generated by [1].

Fig. 1. Peak Effective Active Fraction over the surface of 67P for a model fit to geological unit types.


  • How comets work. Fulle, M. Blum, J., Rotundi, A., 2019. ApJ Letters, 879:L8 (3pp).
  • Near-perihelion activity of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. A first attempt of non-static analysis. Yu. Skorov, H. U. Keller, S. Mottola and P. Hartogh. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 494, Issue 3, May 2020, Pages 3310–3316
  • On the activity of comets: understanding the gas and dust emission from comet 67/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s south-pole region during perihelion. B. Gundlach, M. Fulle, J. Blum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 493, Issue 3, April 2020, Pages 3690–3715
  • Constraining models of activity on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with Rosetta trajectory, rotation, and water production measurements. N. Attree, L. Jorda, O. Groussin, S. Mottola, N. Thomas, Y. Brouet, E. Kührt. Astronomy & Astrophysics 630, A18
  • Kramer, T., Laeuter, M., Hviid, S., et al. 2019. A&A, Volume 630, id.A3, 11 pp.
  • Lasagni Manghi R., Zannoni M., Tortora P., Kueppers M., O'Rourke L., Martin P., Mottola S., et al., 2020, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19173

How to cite: Attree, N., Argawal, J., Jorda, L., Groussin, O., Marschall, R., Lasagni Manghi, R., Tortora, P., and Zannoni, M.: Constraints on comet thermal models from Rosetta at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-5,, 2022.

Mauro Ciarniello, Marco Fulle, Andrea Raponi, Gianrico Filacchione, Fabrizio Capaccioni, Alessandra Rotundi, Giovanna Rinaldi, Michelangelo Formisano, Gianfranco Magni, Federico Tosi, Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Maria Teresa Capria, Andrea Longobardo, Pierre Beck, Sonia Fornasier, David Kappel, Vito Mennella, Stefano Mottola, Batiste Rousseau, and Gabriele Arnold

Remote sensing data of comets 9P/Tempel 1 and 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P hereafter) indicate the occurrence of water-ice-rich spots on the surface of cometary nuclei [1-5]. These spots are up to tens of metres in size and appear brighter and bluer than the average surface at visible wavelengths.

In addition, the extensive observation campaign performed by the Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS, [6]) and the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS, [7]) during the Rosetta escort phase at 67P revealed a seasonal cycle of the nucleus colour. This is characterised by blueing of the surface while approaching perihelion followed by progressive reddening and restoral of the original colour along the outbound orbit. The temporal evolution of the colour has been interpreted in previous studies as the result of increasing exposure of water ice at smaller heliocentric distances [8, 9], however, an explanation of such seasonal cycle in the context of a quantitative cometary activity model was not yet been provided.

Recently, in [10] we showed that the seasonal colour cycle observed on comet 67P is determined by the occurrence of the above-mentioned water-ice-rich spots (referred to as Blue Patches – BPs –, given their colour). This can be explained in the context of activity models [11, 12] of pebble-made cometary nuclei [13], i.e. in terms of nucleus surface erosion induced by H2O and CO2 ices sublimation, driving the cometary activity.

According to the scenario proposed in [10] (Fig. 1), the presence of the BPs is due to the exposure of subsurface sub-metre-sized Water-ice-Enriched Blocks (WEBs) thanks to surface erosion triggered by CO2 sublimation ejecting decimetre-sized chunks [12]. The WEBs are composed of ice-rich pebbles (dust-to-ice mass ratio δ=2, [14]), embedded in a matrix of drier pebbles (δ>>5) forming most of the nucleus. Once exposed to illumination as BPs, the WEBs are eroded by water-ice sublimation ejecting sub-cm dust [11]. By means of dedicated spectral and thermophysical modelling, we match the nucleus colour temporal evolution measured by the VIRTIS Mapping channel in the 0.55-0.8 µm spectral range. In doing this, we take into account the competing effects of CO2- and H2O-driven erosion that expose and remove the BPs, respectively, and are seasonally modulated by the insolation conditions, primarily depending on the heliocentric distance.

The new nucleus model proposed in [10], implying an uneven distribution of water ice in cometary nuclei, reconciles the compositional dishomogeneities observed on comets (the BPs) at macroscopic (up to tens of metres) scale, with a structurally homogeneous pebble-made nucleus at small (centimetre) scale, and with the processes determining the cometary activity at microscopic (sub-pebble) scales.

Figure 1. 67P surface gets bluer approaching perihelion as a consequence of the progressive exposure to sunlight of subsurface WEBs (from Figure 4 in Ciarniello et al., 2022, Nature Astronomy, The comet nucleus is made of two types of pebbles, both including refractories and CO2 ice, with different water ice content: pebbles with high content of H2O ice form the WEBs, while H2O-ice-poor pebbles represent the rest of the nucleus. CO2 ice is stable beneath the CO2 sublimation front at depths >0.1 m [12]. Approaching perihelion, the CO2 ice sublimation rate increases, eroding the surface by chunk ejection and exposing the WEBs. Once exposed, WEBs lose CO2 and are observable as BPs. Water-ice sublimation erodes the BPs ejecting sub-cm dust from their surface and preventing the formation of a dry crust [11]. The BPs survive until their water-ice fraction is sublimated, producing the observed surface blueing. Please refer to ref. [10] for complete details.


[1] Sunshine, J. M. et al. (2006) Science 311, 1453–1455.

[2] Filacchione, G. et al. (2016) Nature 529, 368–372.

[3] Raponi, A. et al. (2016) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 462, S476-S490.

[4] Barucci, M. A. et al. (2016) Astron. Astrophys. 595, A102.

[5] Oklay, N. et al. (2017) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 469, S582–S597.

[6] Coradini, A. et al. (2007) Space Sci. Rev. 128, 529–559.

[7] Keller, H. U. et al. (2007) Space Sci. Rev. 128, 433–506.

[8] Fornasier, S. et al. (2016) Science 354, 1566–1570.

[9] Filacchione, G. et al. (2020) Nature 578, 49-52.

[10] Ciarniello, M. et al. (2022) Nat. Astron. doi:10.1038/s41550-022-01625-y.

[11] Fulle, M. et al. (2020) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 493, 4039–4044.

[12] Gundlach, B. et al (2020). Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 493, 3690–3715.

[13] Blum, J. et al. (2017) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 469, S755–S77.

[14] O’Rourke, L. et al. (2020) Nature 586, 697–701. 


We thank the Italian Space Agency (ASI, Italy; ASI-INAF agreements I/032/05/0 and I/024/12/0), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France), and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR, Germany) for supporting this work. VIRTIS was built by a consortium from Italy, France and Germany, under the scientific responsibility of IAPS, Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali of INAF, Rome, which also led the scientific operations. The VIRTIS instrument development for ESA has been funded and managed by ASI (Italy), with contributions from Observatoire de Meudon (France) financed by CNES and from DLR (Germany). The VIRTIS instrument industrial prime contractor was former Officine Galileo, now Leonardo Company, in Campi Bisenzio, Florence, Italy. Part of this research was supported by the ESA Express Procurement (EXPRO) RFP for IPL-PSS/JD/190.2016. D.K. acknowledges DFG-grant KA 3757/2-1. This work was supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) through the ISSI International Team "Characterization of cometary activity of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet". This research has made use of NASA’s Astrophysics Data System.

How to cite: Ciarniello, M., Fulle, M., Raponi, A., Filacchione, G., Capaccioni, F., Rotundi, A., Rinaldi, G., Formisano, M., Magni, G., Tosi, F., De Sanctis, M. C., Capria, M. T., Longobardo, A., Beck, P., Fornasier, S., Kappel, D., Mennella, V., Mottola, S., Rousseau, B., and Arnold, G.: Seasonal evolution unveils the internal structure of cometary nuclei, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-105,, 2022.

Daniel Müller, Kathrin Altwegg, Jean-Jacques Berthelier, Michael Combi, Johan De Keyser, Stephen Fuselier, Boris Pestoni, Martin Rubin, and Susanne Wampfler

Vincent et al. (2016) studied a 3-month period surrounding comet 67P’s perihelion passage in August 2015. They detected and characterized 34 different dust outbursts with the Rosetta cameras. The sudden and brief release of dust of such transient events is characterized by a short lifetime. In their study, Vincent et al. (2016) estimated the source location of the observed outbursts. They were almost entirely on the Southern hemisphere and mostly located close to morphological boundaries of 67P. Thus, a link between morphology and the outbursts is assumed. In addition, these authors also approximated the local time since sunrise on the surface for each outburst event. Their result suggests that outbursts either appeared when the local surface is at its maximum daily temperature and subsurface volatiles produce an outburst, or when the Sun just began to shine onto the surface, thus inducing large temperature gradients and thermal cracking of the surface. In addition, Vincent et al. (2016) proposed that collapsing cliffs are the third mechanism triggering such events. However, the in-situ composition of the dust or gas released by the outbursts has not been studied yet, even though this might largely improve the knowledge about the underlying mechanisms generating such events.

In this work, knowing the source locations of the outbursts observed in Vincent et al. (2016), the gas composition in the coma after such events is studied by analysing ROSINA/DFMS mass spectrometry data and possible release mechanisms are discussed. A correlation in terms of angular separation of the sub-spacecraft latitude and longitude and the source location of the dust outburst is needed, as the gas speed is much faster than the observed dust outburst. Furthermore, Rosetta was mostly not directly above the source region during the actual camera observations. Only later or before, as the comet rotated, did Rosetta overfly the source location. Due to this time difference between the observation and the measurement of these dust events and thus the spread of the ejected gas, a distinct field of view needs to be defined in order decide whether the measured gas originated from the outburst source location or not. Consequently, it is possible that several outburst locations overlap with the same peaks in the gas ratios, making it difficult to differentiate a detection. In addition, as the outbursts were very short-lived appearances and thus mostly only detected in one image, the flow direction could not be determined making it impossible to partly decrease the field of view. Thus, a careful evaluation of each peak and its measurement configuration is necessary.

Figure 1 shows gas abundance ratios for CO2, CO, CH4, C2H6, CH3OH, and C3H8 compared to H2O for the outburst from 2015-07-26 20:22:42. For all depicted ratios, several peaks were measured at the time Rosetta flew over the outburst source location. This indicates that a larger amount of CO2, CO, and different organic species compared to H2O has been released by the outburst. It is possible that pockets of these species were buried just below the comet’s surface. Our findings show, that some features are already seen before the observed outburst itself, indicating a possible leakage of such gases creating such an event. Still, it is yet unknown whether these gases were responsible for the outbursts to appear or whether they were just released by the outburst as a by-product.


Vincent, J.-B. et al., 2016, MNRAS, 462, S184–S194,

How to cite: Müller, D., Altwegg, K., Berthelier, J.-J., Combi, M., De Keyser, J., Fuselier, S., Pestoni, B., Rubin, M., and Wampfler, S.: Rosetta/ROSINA DFMS view of the summer fireworks on comet 67P, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-517,, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Jean-Baptiste Vincent
Session V: 67P and other comets (continued)
Daniel Gardener and Colin Snodgrass

Comets are the primitive building blocks of the Solar System. In order to understand the extent of the pristine nature of comets, we must understand the mechanisms that affect their surfaces and comae – their activity.

Activity can be tracked in a variety of ways, such as observing dust production in the coma and tail. We can study the activity in a quantitative way through photometry of the reflected sunlight, as flux is proportional to the reflecting area of the dust lifted off the comet by its activity. Activity varies from comet to comet so we must try to distinguish whether these differences in activity are because of ageing or reflect primordial differences. Ageing refers to effects that have chemically or physically altered the nucleus since its formation and may cause a change in the activity. The most obvious of which is the production of comae and tails, caused by escaping gas and dust lifted off the surface of the comet. Other signs of activity include outbursts, where material is suddenly ejected into the coma, causing an immediate and rapid brightening in telescopic observation.

All processes that physically and chemically alter a cometary nucleus can be regarded as ageing. The ageing processes are too slow and irregular to become detectable during a single observation. When comets are observed over a number of Solar System returns some changes can be detected (Meech & Svoren 2004). As such, that evolution of comets is best studied on a statistical basis.

Distinguishing the effects of ageing from primordial differences is important since the wide range of formation scenarios should imply significantly different observational qualities. Once the differences are established, it will allow us to use the comets as time capsules of the chemical and physical conditions in the early Solar System.

67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is a Jupiter-family comet that was the target of the Rosetta mission, the first mission to successfully orbit and land a probe on a comet. This mission was accompanied by a large ground-based observing campaign, the photometry from the campaign had been calibrated approximately by Snodgrass et al. (2017) but we present a more rigorous and accurate calibration.

We have developed a pipeline to calibrate and measure photometry of comet 67P during its 2016 perihelion passage, making use of all visible wavelength imaging collected across a wide range of facilities. The pipeline calibrates the brightness to a common photometric system (Pan-STARRS 1) using background stars in the field via the calviacat program (Kelley & Lister 2019).

The pipeline has been successfully applied to our entire data set of 67P imaging. The compiled light curve of the r-band observations are presented in Figure 1. The results follow predictions based on observations in previous orbits (Snodgrass et al. 2013) and show no obvious deviations, indicating that 67P doesn’t show significant changes due to ageing from orbit-to-orbit.

We will present results of a search for small-scale variation in activity that could be related to outbursts measured in situ by the spacecraft (Vincent et al. 2016). From manual inspection of the light curve we have identified one significant outburst, shown in Figure 2. This corresponds to an outburst seen in the comet coma morphology on the morning of 22 August 2015 by Boehnhardt et al. (2016). The date and time of this event corresponds to an outburst seen by the NavCam instrument onboard Rosetta (Vincent et al. 2016). However morphological differences and descrepancies between the estimates of the origin location make it difficult to draw a definitive connection between these two events. But it also unlikely that these outubursts are completely unconnected to this larger morphological change, perhaps these small outbursts were contributing to some unseen larger activity event.

We have placed constraints on these small-scale outbursts and their detectability from Earth-based observations and we constrain how well global activity measures relate to local changes on the comet nucleus. The lessons learned from Rosetta can be applied to the wider comet population, many of which will never be visited directly and only ever observed from the ground.

Figure 1: The r-band light curve of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured within a 10,000 km aperture.

Figure 2: Light curve of signs of an outburst with the underlying trend removed. A sudden increase in brightness with a fall off typical of outburst is seen on and after the night of 22 August 2015, marked by the dot-dashed line. This corresponds to a morphological change in the coma seen by Boehnhart et al. (2016).


Boehnhardt H. et al., 2016, MNRAS, 462, S376
Kelley M., Lister T., 2019, mkelley/calviacat, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2635840
Meech K. J., Svoren J., 2004, in Comets II. Univ. of Arizona, Tuscon, pp 317–335
Snodgrass, C. et al., 2013, A&A, 557, A33
Snodgrass, C. et al., 2017, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 375, 2016024
Vincent, J.-B. et al., 2016, MNRAS, 462, S184

How to cite: Gardener, D. and Snodgrass, C.: Searching for Outbursts in the Ground-Based Photometry of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-591,, 2022.

Selma Benseguane, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Jérémie Lasue, Sébastien Besse, Arnaud Beth, Björn Grieger, and Maria Teresa Capria



Circular depressions and alcoves were observed on the surface of some JFCs visited by spacecrafts: 81P/Wild 2 (Brownlee et al., 2004), 9P/Tempel 1 (Belton et al., 2013), 103P/Hartley 2 (Syal et al., 2013), and 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko (Vincent et al., 2015). These features are characterized by different shapes and sizes ranging from few tens to few hundreds of meters (Ip et al., 2016). Several studies investigated the thermal processing in relation to their formation and evolution (Guilbert-Lepoutre et al., 2016), and found that recent thermal activity in the inner solar system orbits is not sufficient to carve them. Ip et al. (2016) found that the size frequency distribution of the depressions on 67P, 81P and 9P has the same power law distribution, implying that they might have the same origin and formation mechanism. Dynamical simulations show that the thermal history of 81P and 9P is likely shorter than 67P’s and 103P’s, suggesting a younger surface. In this work, we investigate the thermally-induced evolution of depressions at the surface of 81P, 9P, 103P, and 67P under each of their current illumination conditions.



For these four nuclei, we select more than 10 surface features (i.e. depressions or alcoves). From their shape models, we select multiple facets on different sides of each feature (plateaux, bottom and walls) and consider the complete thermal environment for each facet, including self-heating and shadowing, either by neighboring facets or due to the complex global morphology of the nucleus. We compute the energy input for each facet during a full recent orbit, with a time step of 8 min. The total energy received at the surface is used as an input of a 1D thermal evolution model, which accounts for heat diffusion, phase transitions (sublimation of various ices and crystallization of amorphous water ice), gas diffusion, erosion, and dust mantling (Lasue et al., 2008). The thermal behaviour of each surface feature is investigated in detail.



  • We find that self-heating can be important in deep pits and steep cliffs of 67P and 81P (~65% and ~30% of the total energy input, respectively). In comparison, it is very low for 9P and 103P’s (<10%), where surface features are shallower.
    • Plateaux tend to erode more than the shadowed bottoms of sharp features, found on 67P and 81P: i.e. circular depressions become shallower with time. On 9P and 103P, erosion is more uniform since depressions are already shallower (as in the southern hemisphere of 67P). Overall, sharp depressions are likely erased by cometary activity.
    • Erosion sustained after the multiple perihelion passages is not able to carve depressions with the observed size and shape. It is therefore very unlikely that current illumination conditions were able to carve them.
    • We have, however, performed our simulations with a uniform set of thermo-physical parameters for all facets. Therefore, we cannot exclude that local or regional heterogeneities may yield different erosion rates.
    • A comparison between simulation outcomes for all nuclei allows to consider 103P as having the most altered surface. 9P could be an intermediate state. 81P would thus represent the least altered, or best preserved surface of these nuclei. Finally, 67P display a variety of surface ages, with areas as preserved as 81P, and a southern hemisphere as altered as 9P.



This study is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 802699). We gratefully acknowledge support from the PSMN (Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique) of the ENS de Lyon for the computing resources. We thank the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESAC) and the European Space Astronomy Centre faculty council for supporting this research.



Belton, M. J., Thomas, P., Carcich, B., et al. 2013, Icarus, 222, 477
Brownlee, D. E., Horz, F., Newburn, R. L., et al. 2004, Science, 304, 1764
Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Rosenberg, E. D., Prialnik, D., & Besse, S. 2016, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S146
Ip, W.-H., Lai, I.-L., Lee, J.-C., et al. 2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 591, A132
Lasue, J., De Sanctis, M. C., Coradini, A., et al. 2008, Planetary and Space Science, 56, 1977
Syal, M. B., Schultz, P. H., Sunshine, J. M., et al. 2013, Icarus, 222, 610
Vincent, J.-B., Bodewits, D., Besse, S., et al. 2015, Nature, 523, 63


How to cite: Benseguane, S., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Lasue, J., Besse, S., Beth, A., Grieger, B., and Teresa Capria, M.: Evolution of circular depressions at the surface of JFCs, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-256,, 2022.

The convex shape of the nucleus of 162P/Siding-Spring
Abbie Donaldson, Colin Snodgrass, Rosita Kokotanekova, and Agata Rożek
Matthew M. Dobson, Megan E. Schwamb, Susan D. Benecchi, Anne J. Verbiscer, Alan Fitzsimmons, Luke J. Shingles, Larry Denneau, Aren N. Heinze, Ken W. Smith, John L. Tonry, Henry Weiland, and David R. Young

The phase curve of a small Solar System object shows the change in the object’s reflectance at different Sun-object-observer (phase) angles, and the shape of the phase curve is determined by the physical properties of the object’s surface. Analysing phase curves of small Solar System objects such as Kuiper belt objects (KBOs), Centaurs, and inert Jupiter-family comets (JFCs) can also probe the composition and regolith structure of their surfaces, and by comparing these across populations of objects, can reveal possible evolutionary connections between them.


The phase curve of an object can be significantly altered from its nominal shape if the object has undergone epochs of cometary activity during the time across which observations were taken. Furthermore, Centaur activity takes the form of outgassing in between long periods of quiescence, differing significantly from the activity exhibited by JFCs, which is more continuous and strongly coupled to heliocentric distance. As a result, Centaur activity may be difficult to identify from their phase curves if there are large time-intervals between observations. However, if observations are taken at sufficiently high cadence to isolate these outbursts, phase curves can be used to detect and analyse cometary activity out to distances where any coma may not be visible to Earth-based observations. This technique can help shed light on the mechanism responsible for the activity exhibited by Centaurs, which is presently not fully understood, and which is also an important step in understanding cometary evolution in the Solar System.


Obtaining such high cadence observations over multiple apparitions for phase curve analysis is difficult to achieve due to limited availability of telescope observation time, the large baseline of observations required, and the challenges of ground-based observing (poor weather and the limited observability of targets throughout the year). To circumvent these difficulties, many previous studies of phase curves augment their datasets by collating photometry obtained from different sources (Alvarez-Candal et al., 2016; Ayala-Loera et al., 2018; Alvarez-Candal et al., 2019). These additional data are often obtained with heterogeneous methods of image processing and data analysis, which might introduce systematic errors in the resulting phase curve. The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) survey (Tonry et al., 2018a,b) has accumulated serendipitous observations of several bright KBOs, Centaurs, and JFCs, having observed the visible sky over a 2-day cadence, to a limiting magnitude of ~19.5 in two wide-band filters since it first began observations in 2015. ATLAS offers an opportunity to study the phase curves of these objects populated with large datasets and thus use them to search for epochs of cometary activity.


Using data from the Haleakalā and Mauna Loa telescopes of the ATLAS 4-telescope survey, we analyse the phase curves of the bright KBOs, Centaurs, and JFCs visible to ATLAS with datasets large enough that we do not need to include additional data from potentially heterogeneous sources, thereby reducing potential systematic errors. Our sample of 18 bright KBOs, JFCs and Centaurs visible to ATLAS span semimajor axes of 5.7 au ≤ a ≤ 67.9 au, absolute magnitudes of −1.1 < HV < 13.3. Each object has on average 181 (c-filter) and 463 (o-filter) data points, exceeding the values of previous studies (Rabinowitz et al., 2007; Schaefer et al., 2009; Alvarez-Candal et al., 2016; Ayala-Loera et al., 2018; Alvarez-Candal et al., 2019), and which sample most of the phase angle range observable from Earth.

Figure 1: From Dobson et al. (2021), ATLAS Phase Curves of (2060) Chiron in c-filter (upper plot) and o-filter (lower plot), with data from most recent apparition indicated as black triangles. Black lines represent linear best fits to data.

We present our findings on using ATLAS phase curves with their advantage of unprecedentedly large datasets to search for instances of cometary activity exhibited by our sample of KBOs, JFCs and Centaurs since 2015. Notably, we discover a recent brightening of the Centaur (2060) Chiron (Dobson et al. 2021), as seen in Figure 1, which despite the lack of detected coma, is indicative of either an outburst or enhanced activity.






We made use of the ATLAS Forced Photometry Server to obtain our Centaur and KBO photometry.

This work has made use of data from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (AT- LAS) project. ATLAS is primarily funded to search for near earth asteroids through NASA grants NN12AR55G, 80NSSC18K0284, and 80NSSC18K1575; byproducts of the NEO search include images and catalogs from the survey area. The ATLAS science products have been made possible through the contributions of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, the Queen’s University Belfast, the Space Telescope Science Institute, the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), and the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Chile.





Alvarez-Candal, A., Ayala-Loera, C., Gil-Hutton, R., et al. 2019, MNRAS, 488, 3035, doi:


Alvarez-Candal, A., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Ortiz, J. L., et al. 2016, A&A, 586, A155, doi:


Ayala-Loera, C., Alvarez-Candal, A., Ortiz, J. L., et al. 2018, MNRAS, 481, 1848, doi:


Dobson, M. M., Schwamb, M. E., Fitzsimmons, A., et al. 2021,
Research Notes of the AAS, 5, 9, doi:


Rabinowitz, D. L., Schaefer, B. E., & Tourtellotte, S. W. 2007, AJ, 133, 26, doi:


Schaefer, B. E., Rabinowitz, D. L., & Tourtellotte, S. W. 2009, AJ, 137, 129, doi:


Tonry, J. L., Denneau, L., Heinze, A. N., et al. 2018a, , 130, 064505, doi:


Tonry, J. L., Denneau, L., Flewelling, H., et al. 2018b, ApJ, 867, 105, doi:


How to cite: Dobson, M. M., Schwamb, M. E., Benecchi, S. D., Verbiscer, A. J., Fitzsimmons, A., Shingles, L. J., Denneau, L., Heinze, A. N., Smith, K. W., Tonry, J. L., Weiland, H., and Young, D. R.: Using Phase Curves from ATLAS to Search for Cometary Activity in the Solar System, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-878,, 2022.

Anastasios Gkotsinas, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Sean Raymond, and David Nesvorny


Jupiter-family Comets (JFCs) is a cometary population with a rich evolutionary history. Originating from the Kuiper Belt and the scattered disk, they evolve in the giant-planet region, where they spent a considerable amount of time as Centaurs, before reaching Jupiter-crossing orbits through a series of close encounters with the giant planets [1]. The recent observations of long-distant cometary activity (e.g. [2]), alongside with the existence of active Centaurs [3] suggest the possibility of thermal processing during their journey towards their current positions in the inner solar system. In this study we seek to investigate this potential thermal processing from the moment a comet leaves its reservoir and throughout its evolution in the giant-planet region, until its ejection from the solar system.


We use a sample of 276 simulated JFCs successfully representing the orbital distribution of JFCs, taken from a N-body simulation tracking the orbital evolution of the giant planets and a large number of small bodies of the outer planetesimal disk [4]. We apply a 1D thermal evolution model [5] on every simulated JFC in order to resolve the heat diffusion equation and obtain the temperature distribution in their interiors. Simplifications are adopted in order to overcome the complexity imposed by the different timescales of the thermal and dynamical processes involved. Special consideration is given to the thermal conductivity, key parameter of the thermal evolution model, to assess its influence in the simulation's results.


The stochastic nature of the trajectories towards the inner solar system results in a pattern of long-lasting periods of heating, randomly spread out over the simulated JFCs lifetimes. As a consequence significant subsurface layers are heated, providing the conditions for substantial alterations to take place. Free condensed hypervolatile species are mostly concerned, as temperatures allowing their sublimation can be found down to the innermost parts of the nucleus in the majority of the objects in our sample. Layers extending several tenths of meters below the surface are also liable to lose primordial condensed moderately-volatile material, while the front of amorphous water-ice is expected to withdraw by a few meters as well.


This study suggests that for any typically observed JFCs, activity is very likely triggered from already processed subsurface layers, indicating the necessity to account for the entire evolutionary history in order to interpret current observations in a broader context.


This study is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 802699). We gratefully acknowledge support from the PSMN (Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique) of the ENS de Lyon for the computing resources.

Example of the temperature distribution for the first 200m below the surface for a simulated JFC, after leaving the Kuiper Belt (panel (a): orbital evolution given by an averaged semimajor axis), for three different values of the thermal conductivity (panels (b) to (d): 5.4 10-3, 5.4 10-4 and 5.410-5 Wm-1K-1) respectively.

How to cite: Gkotsinas, A., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Raymond, S., and Nesvorny, D.: On the thermal processing of Jupiter-family Comets, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-201,, 2022.

Rodrigo Leiva

A stellar occultation occurs when an object (an asteroid, trans-Neptunian object, Centaur) passes in front of a distant star, blocking its light momentarily. The occultation technique allows deriving accurate positions, sizes, and shapes of small solar system objects. The accuracy of the predicted path of the occultation shadow has improved significantly in the last decade, increasing the number of viable targets for study via stellar occultations. The improvement is due mainly to the availability of an accurate astrometric catalog provided by the Gaia mission. In practice, the primary source of uncertainty in the predictions is the uncertainty in the occulting object ephemerides.

The analysis of stellar occultation measurements can be challenging in cases where there is photometry with a low signal-to-noise ratio, a short duration of the event, low temporal or spatial sampling, or a combination of those. Also, we need to account for cases with multiple occulting objects, and multiple occulted stars or combined detection of the same objects at different epochs. In these cases, we can have model parameters with significantly correlated uncertainties and where it is not trivial to discriminate between different models, requiring a rigorous quantitative approach. Last but not less, we need to account for the influence of the model a priori assumptions on the derived parameter values and uncertainties.

Bayesian statistics allow for analysis of these challenging cases, providing posterior probabilities for the object(s) size, shape, and orientation parameters and quantitative comparison of different possible models.

I have adopted a Bayesian approach for analyzing occultations measurements, including multi-epoch detections, single and multi-station detections, single and double objects, and occulting single and double stars.

I will present the application of the approach to the analysis of stellar occultation by Trans-Neptunian objects and Centaurs, exemplified by interesting cases from different projects and collaborations, both published or in the process of publication, including the ringed Centaur (10199) Chariklo, the extreme TNO (541132) Leleākūhonua, the small Centaurs 2014 YY49 and (591376) 2013 NL24, the binary TNO (523764) 2014 WC510, and the retrograde Centaur (342842) 2008 YB3 [1, 2, 3, 4].



1. Strauss, Leiva, Buie et al. 2021. PSJ, 2, 1, 22.

2. Leiva, Buie, Keller et al. 2020. PSJ, 1, 2.

3. Buie, Leiva, Keller et al. 2020. AJ 159, 5.

4. Leiva, Sicardy, Camargo et al. 2017. AJ 154, 4.

How to cite: Leiva, R.: On the Bayesian analysis of stellar occultation by small solar system bodies, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-669,, 2022.

Krzysztof Langner and Przemysław Bartczak


GAIA mission astrometric data for stars in Solar System neighbourhood allow us to find a probable past and future stellar flybys at distance lower than 3000 au (for example HD 7977 flyby 2.5 million years ago). However the distance and geometry of such flybys have large relative uncertainties and it is possible that flybys at a distance of several hundreds of astronomical units have happened in recent past. We performed the numerical analysis of very close stellar flyby investigating different flyby geometries and distances. In the analysis we simulated the dynamics of planets and Kuiper Belt minor bodies during the passage of a Sun-like star using the Rebound n-body simulator software. Using the past flyby of HD 7977 star as a reference we assumed the star with mass close to the mass of the Sun and relative velocity of tens of km/s.

Before analysing the effect of star passage on minor bodies we decided to check the impact on the orbits of giant planets. We discovered that flybys at distance greater than 300 au change the eccentricity of giant planets by less than 0.01 and the semimajor axis by less than 0.1 au. This allows us to ensure that such close flyby can have small effect on planets and not disturb the stability of Solar System and therefore they could happened in the past. The probability of significant disturbance of planetary orbits grows when the minimal star-Sun distance is smaller, but even for extremely close distances (about 100 au) in most cases it is possible to find specific geometry of flyby where planetary orbits are not heavily changed.

Kuiper Belt and scattered disc simulation

In order to investigate the effect of stellar flyby on Kuiper Belt objects, we simulated the synthetic, randomly generated population of minor bodies with semimajor axis greater than 30 au. We checked the statistical properties properties of orbital elements of this population after the close flyby. The results shows that flyby at 3000 au will not create significant change in the orbital parameters of this objects. However the closer passages do affect the population and may create various statistical effects on the population.

Last years the analysis of the orbital parameter of most distant Solar System objects shows the significant perihelion direction clustering. This leads to the formulation of the Planet Nine hypothesis by Batygin et al. In this model, the orbital characteristic of distant objects is explained by the existence of an undiscovered massive planet that orbits the Sun at a distance of about 1000 au. Our simulations also included scattered disc objects including distant bodies with the semimajor axis equal to several hundreds of astronomical units. We want to show if the very close star passage can be used as an alternative explanation of the orbital properties of distant bodies. We also checked what would be the possible effect of a star flyby on hypothetical Planet’s Nine orbit.


Our simulation shows that there is possibility of a close stellar flyby which do not disturb the planetary system affecting its stability, but such flyby can affect the minor body population, especially the distant part of the Kuiper Belt. This possibility should be taken into account in modelling the outer Solar System minor body population.

How to cite: Langner, K. and Bartczak, P.: The effect of close stellar flybys on the distant minor body population., Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-401,, 2022.

Dorothea Bischoff, Bastian Gundlach, and Jürgen Blum

In the past, it has been controversially discussed how pristine or primordial the comets of the Solar Systems are. Here we present an overview of our understanding of their formation and evolution from dust and ice grains in the solar nebula towards the small bodies we observe today. The first phase is given by the agglomeration of dust and ice grains in the protoplanetary disk until mm- to cm-sized aggregates (“pebbles”) form, which cannot grow further due to the bouncing barrier. The formation of planetesimals is then caused by the gentle gravitational collapse of a concentrated pebble cloud. The formed planetesimals undergo different evolutionary phases, in which they can be altered by radiogenic heating and by mutual collisions. Radiogenic heating can lead to differentiated planetesimals, in which the volatiles are redistributed inside the bodies. Differentiation can be avoided if the planetesimals are relatively small or were formed late. Concerning collisional evolution, we define three types of impacts: sub-catastrophic, catastrophic, and super-catastrophic collisions, which differ in the degree of thermal and mechanical alteration of the bodies. After these phases of our model, the evolution ends with five types of small bodies, and we further discuss which of them can be regarded as comets, using their observed physical properties. Comparing these results with empirical data from comets, in particular from the Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, conclusions about comet formation and evolution are drawn and open questions are highlighted. This work shall also shed light on possible observation methods that could be used to further constrain comet formation.

How to cite: Bischoff, D., Gundlach, B., and Blum, J.: The formation and evolution of planetesimals towards comets – an overview, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-18,, 2022.

Miriam Fritscher and Jens Teiser

The initial process of planetesimal formation is the coagulation of micrometer-sized solid particles. In the inner regions of a protoplanetary disk, silicate dust is the dominant material. Further out beyond the corresponding snow lines, various other volatile compounds condense and serve as additional building material for planetesimals. The most frequent compounds are H2O, CO2 and CO.

Since the coagulation behavior largely depends on the properties of the building material, an understanding of these properties is essential to comprehend the first steps in planetesimal formation. To provide a systematic analysis on this, we conducted experiments on the collision behavior and the mechanical properties of CO2-ice agglomerates, consisting of micrometer-sized particles.

Collisions of agglomerates with sizes of 10 µm to 150 µm are analyzed to investigate the collision behavior. The coagulation is studied at temperatures around 100 K and a pressure of 1 mbar with impact velocities of up to 3.4 m/s. The collisional outcome is analyzed regarding the events of sticking, bouncing or fragmentation. Below impact velocities of 0.1 m/s sticking is observed. Above 0.1 m/s the particles bounce inelastically, with a maximum coefficient of restitution of 0.5 only. For velocities higher than 1 m/s fragmentation of the agglomerates sets in. The three velocity ranges are shown in fig. 1. The experiments indicate that the collision behavior of CO2-ice agglomerates is similar to that of silicate agglomerates with a comparable grain size distribution [Fritscher M., Teiser J., 2021, ApJ, 923, 134].

Fig. 1: Coefficient of restitution ϵ for sticking (lighter blue dots) and bouncing events (darker blue dots) and fragmentation strength μ (red triangles) depending on the impact velocity [Fritscher M., Teiser J., 2021, ApJ, 923, 134].


To examine the mechanical properties of CO2 ice, the well-established method of the Brazilian test is used. For varying volume fillings between 0.35 and 0.54, the splitting tensile strength is determined. As can be seen in fig. 2 it follows a power law, with values between 2·104 Pa and 105 Pa. The effective surface energy is derived from the measured splitting tensile strength as 0.060±0.022 J/m2. The surface energy depending on the volume filling is shown in fig. 3 [Fritscher M., Teiser J., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 3754].


Fig. 2: Tensile strength σ depending on the volume filling Φ [Fritscher M., Teiser J., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 3754].

Fig. 3: Surface energy γ depending on the volume filling Φ [Fritscher M., Teiser J., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 3754].

For silicates simulation methods and models exist, describing aggregate collisions and the evolution of dust in protoplanetary disks. The collision experiments show that these models can also be applied to collisions of CO2-ice agglomerates, when scaled properly with the surface energy. Therefore, we conclude that the growth processes known for silicate dust also apply for CO2 ice, including growth barriers as the bouncing barrier or the fragmentation barrier.



Fritscher, M. and Teiser, J. (2021). The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 923, Issue 2, id. 134, 9 pp. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac2df4

Fritscher, M. and Teiser, J. (2022). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 512, Issue 3, pp. 3754-3759. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac676

How to cite: Fritscher, M. and Teiser, J.: Particle growth beyond the CO2 snowline – dynamic and mechanical properties of CO2 ice, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-231,, 2022.

Display time: Mon, 19 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 21 Sep, 11:00

Posters: Mon, 19 Sep, 18:45–20:15 | Poster area Level 2

Boris Pestoni, Kathrin Altwegg, Vincenzo Della Corte, Andrea Longobardo, Daniel Müller, Alessandra Rotundi, Martin Rubin, and Susanne Wampfler

The Rosetta mission of the European Space Agency has enabled a deep study of the nucleus and coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P). Four instruments onboard the Rosetta spacecraft sensed coma particles ejected from the nucleus of 67P: the Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust Accumulator (GIADA; Della Corte et al. 2014), the COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA; Kissel et al. 2007), the Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System (MIDAS; Riedler et al. 2007), and the COmet Pressure Sensor (COPS; Balsiger et al. 2007). GIADA, COSIMA, and MIDAS were developed specifically for the study of cometary dust. COSIMA and MIDAS are sensitive only to refractories, GIADA is sensitive to refractories and (semi-)volatiles. On the other hand COPS is a gas density and pressure sensor that unexpectedly perceived the sublimating volatile fraction of cometary particles (Pestoni et al. 2021a,b). Since COPS measured a different component than the other three instruments, a comparison of the results of the latter is particularly worthy. In this study, we investigate correlations among the particle detections of COPS and GIADA.

The two COPS gauges – the nude gauge (hereafter NG) and the ram gauge (hereafter RG) – detected 6.7e4 and 73 dust particles, respectively. GIADA subsystems led to the identification of 2110 compact particles, 3159 fluffy fragments arose by the fragmentation of 277 parent particles, and 4e-7 kilograms of mass coming from nanogram dust particles (Della Corte et al. 2019). It has been found that NG detections are correlated solely with GIADA parent particles, meaning that fluffy particles have both a volatile and a refractory part. Parent particles are fragmented by the spacecraft potential (Fulle et al. 2015). Consequently, the NG may not have observed intact parent particles, but one or more fluffy fragments reaching COPS remained unresolved within time resolution of the instrument. The diameters of equivalent water ice spheres calculated from the values of the density increases measured by the RG and the NG (60-850 nm assuming a density of 1 g cm−3; Pestoni et al. 2021a,b) are comparable to the sizes of the subunits of the fractal particles detected by MIDAS (52-183 nm; Mannel et al. 2019).



Balsiger, H., Altwegg, K., Bochsler, P. et al. 2007, Space Sci. Rev., 128, 745

Della Corte, V. et al. 2014, JAI, 3, 1, 1350011-110

Della Corte, V., Rotundi, A., Zakharov, V., et al. 2019, A&A, 630, A25

Fulle, M., Della Corte, V., Rotundi, A., et al. 2015, ApJ, 802, L12

Kissel, J., Altwegg, K., Clark, B. C., et al. 2007, Space Sci. Rev., 128, 823

Mannel, T., Bentley, M. S., Boakes, P. D., et al. 2019, A&A, 630, A26

Riedler, W., Torkar, K., Jeszenszky, H., et al. 2007, Space Sci. Rev., 128, 869

Pestoni, B., Altwegg, K., Balsiger, H., et al. 2021a, A&A, 645, A38

Pestoni, B., Altwegg, K., Balsiger, H., et al. 2021b, A&A, 651, A26

How to cite: Pestoni, B., Altwegg, K., Della Corte, V., Longobardo, A., Müller, D., Rotundi, A., Rubin, M., and Wampfler, S.: A multi-instrument analysis of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma particles: COPS vs. GIADA, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-971,, 2022.

Giovanna Rinaldi, John W. Noonan, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, Andrea Longobardo, Alessandra Migliorini, Mauro Ciarniello, Andrea Raponi, Gianrico Filacchione, and Fabrizio Capaccioni

Cometary outbursts are well-known and offer a valuable window into the composition of comet nuclei with their forceful ejection of dust and gas that reveals interior components of the comet. Understanding how different types of outbursts influence the observed dust properties and volatile abundances is necessary to better interpret what signatures can be attributed to primordial composition and what features are the result of processing. As such, it is an important task best undertaken with a multi-instrument approach.

During the period between July and November 2015, the Rosetta spacecraft had monitored the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/CG). This period encompassed the passage at perihelion (August 2015) resulting in the most active part of its orbit. The Visible InfraRed the Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) [1] and the ALICE ultraviolet spectrograph, [2] onboard Rosetta observed and detected a series of transient events associated with outburst [Fig. 1]. Previous Alice observations of outbursts have revealed a range of compositions and emission processes within these periods of increased activity. H2O, CO2, CO, and O2 were all indirectly observed within outbursts via emission from the daughter products H, C, and O, identified in the spectra as the first three members of the H I Lyman series, O I  multiplets at 1152, 1304, and 1356 Å, and weak multiplets of C I  at 1561 and 1657 Å [3]. VIRTIS detected and characterized the dust properties of the outburst in terms of light curve, color, and dust mass loss in the VIS and IR wavelength range. The aim of this work is to take advantage of the capabilities of two instruments to analyze the dust and gas coma trends during these transient events in the perihelion and post-perihelion period.

Alice and VIRTIS observe two outbursts on November 7, 2015, displaying both gas and dust components.  

The gas components show different gas emission characteristics. The outburst B was approximately twice as strong, with respect to the outburst A [Fig. 2], based on the intensity of atomic emissions, which is inverse of the VIRTIS-M measured dust radiances. VIRTIS-M observations of the dust component show that outburst A had a maximum radiance larger than outburst B [Fig. 3]. Alice outburst spectra show the transient events characterized by a different CO2/H2O and O2/H2O ratio as determined from spectral modeling and different ob-served O I 1356/O I 1304 Å ratio. In cases where dissociative electron impact excitation on O2 or CO2 is dominant, we would expect the O I 1356/O I 1304 Å ratio greaten than 1, while if dissociative electron impact occurs on H2O, this value would be less than 1 [5, 10]. Outburst B contained more CO2 and O2, while outburst A was relatively richer in H2O. Elevated CO2 content could indicate a more pristine surface origin (i.e., fracture deepening) and the subsequent activity was sustained for over two hours.

The outbursts are characterised by a sudden increase of the dust radiance continuum, fol-lowed by a gentle decrease lasting a few minutes to tens of minutes. The VIRTIS observations show two kind of outbursts. The first type is characterize by a strong color gradient values in the dust continuum with respect to the surrounding coma and the second type doesn’t show colour difference [4,5,7]. The outburst colour sequence in the VIS and IR show a colour gradient pattern which seems correlated to the intensity of the dust radiance within the outburst [7,8]. The first type of outburst shows a VIS colour behaviour reaching the bluer values of 6±1.4 % /100 nm and returning to the pre-outburst value of about 14 % /100 nm [4,5]. The IR continuum emission is also characterised by high colour temperatures of about 600 K and a bolometric albedo of 0.6 [5]. Colour temperatures of 600 K thus reveals the presence of very small grains (less than 100 nm) in the outburst material. The bright grains in the ejecta could be silicate grains, implying the thermal degradation of the carbonaceous material, or icy grains. The rapid increase in radiance at the start of an outburst event is not due primarily to an increase in the number of existing dust particles, but rather to the release of small and bright silicate or icy particles with a high geometric albedo and a filling factor between 1.3 and 5.0 % [4,5]. For the second type of outburst, we found no clear evidence of different reddening values in the dust continuum with respect to the surrounding coma. The reason is probably that this is a faint outburst and the signal from the background coma dominates, so the colour of the outburst is not measurable.  The VIS dust color is around 13.1% /100 nm [4,5,7].

Nearly 30 new outbursts observed by VIRTIS have been identified and have corresponding Alice UV spectra. Following the successful characterization of the 7 November outbursts we will apply the same methodology to the full pre/post-perihelion sample. By increasing the sample size by a factor of nearly 15 we will be able to more rigorously understand the link between gas intensity and outburst composition and explore the correlation between dust colour and outburst strength.

References: [1] Coradini, A. et al. (2007), SSR 128, 1-4, 529-555; [2] Stern, S. A., Slater, D., Scherrer, J., et al. 2007, SSRv, 128, 507; [3] Feldman, P. D., A’Hearn, M. F., Feaga, L. M., et al. 2016, ApJL, 825, L8.[4] Bockelee-Morvan D., et al., 2017, MNRAS, 469, S443; [5] Rinaldi, G., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Ciarniello, M., et al. 2018, MNRAS, 481, 1235; [6] Fornasier, S., Hoang, V. H., Hasselmann, P. H., et al. 2019b, A&A, 630, A7; [7] Noonan, J. G., Rinaldi, S. A., Feldman, P. D., et al. 2021, AJ, 162, 4

How to cite: Rinaldi, G., Noonan, J. W., Bockelée-Morvan, D., Longobardo, A., Migliorini, A., Ciarniello, M., Raponi, A., Filacchione, G., and Capaccioni, F.: Analysis of Gas–Dust Outbursts Observed at 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko., Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-509,, 2022.

Dealing with a changing surface: lessons learned from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Xiao-Duan Zou, Kris Becker, Jian-Yang Li, Eric Palmer, Robert Gaskell, and Deborah Domingue
Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Sandor Kruk, Ellen Schallig, Michael Kueppers, Sébastien Besse, Claudia Mignone, Mark Bentley, David Heather, Samuel Birch, and Bruno Merín

Comets are generally considered to be relatively pristine objects, having spent most of their existence at large heliocentric distances where there is not enough energy to significantly transform these objects. Comets, therefore, offer a window into the early Solar System; their physical and chemical properties reflect the conditions in their formation environment [1]. 

Yet, most comets that have been visited by spacecraft are small-period comets that circle the Sun in 10 years or less, meaning that their surface is no longer as pristine as we would need to investigate their origins, having been modified by several processes such as impacts, sublimation, dust deposition and explosive outbursts over many orbits around the Sun. To learn about the early Solar System, we need to understand these evolution processes and recover the original conditions, and this requires building an exhaustive catalog of all types of changes that may have taken place, as well as the timeline of this evolution. 

ESA's Rosetta mission at comet 67P provides the perfect data set for such a task [2]. Having monitored the comet's surface for two years, across perihelion, Rosetta witnessed a handful of large-scale changes such as cliff retreat, the deflation of smooth terrains and the transport of large size blocks. A whole lot more took place on smaller scales: a careful examination of selected high-resolution images has shown thousands of changes on a 1-10 meter scale, including the formation of small pits, impacts, rolling and bouncing boulders. The most significant changes have been presented in several publications [3-9], as well as the connection between morphological evolution and activity [10,11]. However, more than 5 years after the end of the mission, we still lack a complete description of changes at all scales. This is a challenging task, because most transformations are small (meter-size or less), which means the associated surface features occupy only a few pixels in the high-resolution images returned by Rosetta (OSIRIS NAC [12]).

Over the last years, we have started to systematically analyze images from different epochs, and developed specialized algorithms to assist in the detection of surface changes [13]. The results are promising, but only a subset of the data was analyzed, as the algorithm requires images to be co-aligned, a much time consuming step. In order to speed up the process and analyze the full surface, we have enlisted the help of thousands of comet enthusiasts through a citizen science project steered by ESA and Zooniverse. Volunteers are viewing pairs of OSIRIS images of the same region of the comet, taken before and after the perihelion passage, and we ask them to identify whether they see significant modifications between the two images, marking the areas that display changes in the two images with purposely-designed tools. Volunteers are also asked to label the type of change in the images.

This will produce maps of changes and active areas on the comet’s surface, with labels for each type of change, from the visual inspection of many volunteers, enabling us to associate activity with surface modifications and thus develop new models linking the physics of comet activity to observed changes like lifted boulders and collapsed cliffs.

The database created from this citizen science project will also be used to verify the results given by the change detection algorithm, and will provide an excellent training set for potentially new machine learning efforts.

The project launched on the 5th of May 2022 and several thousands of classifications have already been performed by the first volunteers. We will monitor this collaborative work over the coming months and report on the first results at EPSC in September 2022.

Rosetta Zoo project:



[1] Weissman et al, SSR (2020); [2] Taylor et al, MNRAS (2017); [3] Groussin et al, A&A (2015); [4] El Maarry et al, Science (2017); [5] Vincent et al, MNRAS (2017); [6] Birch et al, MNRAS (2017); [7] Pajola et al, NatAstro (2017); [8] Birch et al, GRL (2019); [9] Vincent et al, EPSC (2019); [10] El Maarry et al, ISSI/SSR (2020); [11] Vincent et al, ISSI/SSR (2020); [12] Keller et al, SSR (2007); [13] Vincent et al, EPSC (2021)

How to cite: Vincent, J.-B., Kruk, S., Schallig, E., Kueppers, M., Besse, S., Mignone, C., Bentley, M., Heather, D., Birch, S., and Merín, B.: Rosetta Zoo: finding changes on comet 67P, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-494,, 2022.

Long-term monitoring of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 from Lulin observatory
Zhong-Yi Lin
Aurelie Guilbert-Lepoutre and Anastasios Gkotsinas

1- Context

Jupiter-family Comets are continuously replenished from their outer solar system reservoirs. Before they enter the inner solar system, they spend a significant amount of time as Centaurs. This dynamical cascade between populations, and the individual orbital track that these icy objects follow, can entail some extensive modifications of their internal structure and composition (Gkotsinas et al. 2022). In this context, the transient population of Centaurs is a key target for understanding progenitors of JFCs. In particular, studying the origin of cometary activity amongst Centaurs is relevant for constraining the overall evolution and stratification pattern of JFC nuclei. Recently, Sarid et al. (2019) reported the existence of a specific dynamical pathway which appears to facilitate the transition between the Centaur and JFC populations. Through forward dynamical modeling, they inferred that the majority of objects which eventually become JFCs should leave the Centaur population through this gateway. As a corollary, objects currently observed on gateway orbits should likely transition into JFCs in the near future. As such, they would represent compelling targets to investigate how dynamical and thermal evolution alters comet nuclei before they become JFCs. 

In this work, we provide an independent look at the transition from Centaurs to JFCs, with a specific emphasis on the gateway region. We use the population of JFC dynamical clones produced by Nesvorny et al. (2017), studied in detail by Gkotsinas et al. (2022), in order to constrain the thermal structure of objects as they transition from Centaurs to JFCs. Eventually, we want to assess the relevance of this region to the populations of active objects, their physical properties as they cascade from the outer solar system, and the onset and development of activity in the giant planet region.

2- Methods

We uses the simulation outcomes of the coupled thermal and dynamical evolution of JFC clones by Gkotsinas et al. (2022). We consider a sample of 350 JFC dynamical clones generated from simulations performed by Nesvorny et al. (2017). Coupling the thermal evolution of these clones to their orbital evolution is made through a 1D thermal evolution model derived from Guilbert-Leputre et al. (2011). Assumptions are made to overcome the complexity arising from the very different timescales involved in the evolution on our long timescales. 

3- Results

Among the 350 clones, we find that 191 objects reach the gateway region at least once in their lifetime (54.6%). Of those, 73 were Centaurs prior to entering the gateway (i.e. 20.9% of the overall clone population), while 102 objects (29.1%) were previously JFCs. In other words, these clones had already transitioned from Centaurs to JFCs without going through the gateway, which they entered then later during their lifetime. An additional 16 clones (4.6%) were coming from Jupiter-crossing orbits. As reported by Sarid et al. (2019), we find that multiple distinct passages through the gateway (for clones which do reach that region) are usually possible: on average, our clones enter 7 to 8 times in the gateway. Overall, when we constrain the origin of clones the first time they reach the gateway, we find that strictly speaking, our population has only 20.9% of Centaurs which actually go through the gateway prior to becoming JFCs for the first time. Since 159 clones (45.4%) never go through the gateway at any point of their lifetime, we find that most Centaurs (79.2%) transition to the JFC population outside of the gateway region. 

We find some statistically significant differences in the thermal processing of the two sub-populations, i.e. clones passing through the gateway vs. clones reaching JFC orbits without ever entering the gateway in their lifetime. We find that objects are more processed on their first entrance in the gateway than the rest of Centaurs, when they transition to JFC orbits outside of the gateway. This is mainly due to the fact that more than half of these objects (102 clones or 53.4% of objects going through the gateway) have already been close to the Sun on JFC orbits, prior to reaching the gateway. These clones are thus more processed on average than those of Centaur origin. Clones of 29P and LD2 experience a variety of timescales of residency in the giant planet region, and of evolutions in orbital elements. This inevitably entails a diversity in thermal processing, especially when clones spend significant periods on orbits with relatively small perihelion distances.  

4- Perspectives

This study suggests that the gateway as defined by Sarid et al. (2019) might not be as significant as primarily thought. The activity of gateway Centaurs reflects the composition and structure inherited from their previous stages of evolution, which includes a JFC phase for a significant fraction of them. As such, the pattern of outgassing could arise from a layer substantially altered prior to current observations. Depending on thermophysical parameters, compositions, and other poorly constrained properties, it is however entirely possible that the effects of such thermal processing could be limited to a modest near-surface layer. From a statistical point of view, there is a ~50% chance that gateway Centaurs could be significantly altered, and only ~20% chance that their activity would be representative of a "pristine" (i.e. less altered) body. Given these results, we believe that some caution ought to be applied when claiming that gateway Centaurs and their activity patterns are representative of what most JFCs experience. Moreover, since the vast majority of active Centaurs are currently found outside of the gateway, we believed that studying the onset and development of activity in the giant planet region should not be restricted in any way.  



This study is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 802699). We gratefully acknowledge support from the PSMN (Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique) of the ENS de Lyon for the computing resources.



Gkotsinas et al. (2022) ApJ, 928, 43

Guilbert-Lepoutre et al. (2011) A&A, 529, 71

Nesvorny et al. (2017) ApJ, 845, 25

Sarid et al. (2019) ApJ Letters, 883, 25

How to cite: Guilbert-Lepoutre, A. and Gkotsinas, A.: Centaurs transitioning to JFCs: thermal and dynamical evolution, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-879,, 2022.

Eva Lilly, Peter Jevčák, and Charles Schambeau

Centaurs are small bodies orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune that were scattered inwards from their sources in the trans-Neptunian region, and which will eventually feed the JFC population. A small fraction of Centaurs display comet-like activity, of which the drivers and triggers are not well understood. The range of heliocentric distances where the active Centaurs have been observed, and their median lifetime in the region, suggest this activity is neither driven by water-ice sublimation, nor entirely by super-volatiles. Here we present a dynamical study of 55 active Centaurs and high-perihelion JFCs and compare their dynamical behaviors to those of more than 260 known inactive objects in the region. Our results show there is a common feature present in the orbital evolution of active bodies - a sudden rapid decrease in semi-major axis aligned with decrease in eccentricity, which typically occurred less than several hundred years in the past. This 'a-dip', is in most cases not correlated with a substantial change in perihelion distance, and with a few exceptions it is not present in the orbital history known inactive Centaurs. Our thermodynamical modeling suggests the sudden decrease in semi-major axis could act as a trigger for the cometary activity on Centaurs due to the rapid change of thermal environment. Moreover, the lag between the a-jump and some recently observed active Centaurs could be used to constraint the volatiles and processes driving the cometary activity beyond the orbit of Jupiter. We have identified fourteen Centaur candidates with no observed prior periods of activity for possible future outbursts based on their recent a-dips, which are similar in magnitude to those observed in other active Centaurs and distant JFCs. These objects should be targets of high interest for observational activity monitoring.

Figure 1: Comparison of the a-dips observed in orbital history of several known active Centaurs (left) compared to (right) a-dips of the identified inactive Centaurs – possible candidates for future outbursts. The dotted lines on the right panel show typical fluctuation of semi-major axis in the vast majority of inactive Centaurs.

How to cite: Lilly, E., Jevčák, P., and Schambeau, C.: The Semi-major Axis Dips as the Activity Triggers in Centaurs and Distant Jupiter Family Comets, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1265,, 2022.

Chrystian Luciano Pereira, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Marcelo Emilio, Bruno Eduardo Morgado, Josselin Desmars, Bruno Sicardy, Jose Luis Ortiz, Roberto Vieira-Martins, Hely Cristian Branco, Marcelo Assafin, Julio I. B. Camargo, Altair Gomes-Jr, and Flavia Luane Rommel and the Echeclus team

Centaurs are small objects of the Solar System with orbits between Jupiter and Neptune (5.2 AU < q < 30 AU) (Jewitt 2009), being an important population due to the presence of cometary activity (about 13% of Centaurs shows cometary activity) (Bauer et al. 2008). However, after the discovery of ring systems orbiting Chariklo (Braga-Ribas et al. 2013) and Haumea (Ortiz et al. 2017) and the proposition of a ring around Chiron (Ruprecht et al. 2015; Ortiz et al. 2015), we wonder if these structures are common around the small bodies or if specific conditions are necessary for their formation and maintenance (Sicardy et al. 2020). Discovered in March 2000, the active Centaur 174P/Echeclus (60558) has an equivalent diameter estimated in 59 ± 4 km (Bauer et al. 2013) and 64.6 ± 1.6 km (Duffard et al. 2014), and showed cometary activity on different occasions: December 2005 (Choi & Weissman 2006), May 2011 (Jaeger et al. 2011), August 2016 (Miles 2016), and December 2017 Kareta et al. (2019). To determine the main body’s size and shape and investigate whether material ejections during the outbursts could have fed possible rings or a shell of diffuse material around Echeclus, we predicted and observed stellar occultations by this Centaur in 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Stellar occultations by Echeclus were predicted using the Gaia DR2 catalog and NIMA ephemeris (Desmars et al. 2015). The prediction map of the 2019 October 29 event put the shadow’s path over South America, but all the telescopes that participated in this campaign missed the occultation path, providing five negative chords. The 2020 January 22 event is also predicted to pass over South America, resulting in two positive and four negative chords. Finally, we predicted the last event over Japan in 2021 January 19, resulting in one positive and ten negative chords.

With the positive detections of 2020, we fit an ellipse with an equivalent diameter of 59 ± 4 km to the edges of the chords. The resulting ellipse has a semi-major axis a’ = 36 km and oblateness ε′ = 0.325. From the rotational light curves (Rousselot et al., 2021), we note that 2020 stellar occultation occurs near the maximum absolute brightness. Thus, the surface seen during the occultation event was close to the maximum possible. So we were able to compare the ellipse fitted to the chords to the 3D model and pole orientations proposed by (Rousselot et al. 2021). By propagating the Echeclus rotation, we compare the 3D model to the 2021 stellar occultation, where we rule out some of the proposed pole solutions due to the close negative chord. We also fitted the 3D model to the chords, obtaining the triaxial dimensions of Echeclus as a × b × c = 36.5 × 28.0 × 24.5 km, resulting in an area-equivalent diameter of Dequiv = 61.8 ± 0.6 km, which is in agreement with the area-equivalent diameters presented in the literature.

We used all three event data sets to look for sudden drops in flux (evidence of confined material) or shallow and extensive drops (evidence of coma). The best light curves in terms of spatial resolution and SNR were: La Silla/NTT in 2019, which covered about 7,000 km in the sky plane; SOAR in 2020, covering 14,000 km in the sky plane and Okazaki/Japan in 2021, which covered about 9,000 km in the sky plane. With these light curves, we determined lower limits for detection for apparent opacity at the 3σ level as 0.145, 0.189, and 0.258, respectively. In addition, limits for the equivalent width were also determined for these three data sets, with values of 0.19 km for La Silla/NTT, 0.36 km for SOAR, and 0.18 km for Okazaki.

Acknowledgments: C.L.P. is thankful for the support of the CAPES scholarship. The following authors acknowledge the respective CNPq grants: F.B-R 309578/2017-5; J.I.B.C. 308150/2016-3 and 305917/2019-6; F.L.R. CAPES scholarship. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and the National Institute of Science and Technology of the e-Universe project (INCT do e-Universo, CNPq grant 465376/2014-2). ARGJr acknowledges FAPESP grant 2018/11239-8.


Bauer, J. M., Choi, Y.-J., Weissman, P. R., et al. 2008, PASP, 120, 393
Bauer, J. M., Grav, T., Blauvelt, E., et al. 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, 773, 22
Braga-Ribas, F., Sicardy, B., Ortiz, J. L., et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 26
Choi, Y.-J. & Weissman, P. 2006, in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 38, 37.05
Desmars, J., Camargo, J. I. B., Braga-Ribas, F., et al. 2015, A&A, 584, A96
Duffard, R., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Santos-Sanz, P., et al. 2014, A&A, 564, A92
Jaeger, M., Prosperi, E., Vollmann, W., et al. 2011, IAU Circ., 9213, 2
Jewitt, D. 2009, AJ, 137, 4296
Kareta, T., Sharkey, B., Noonan, J., et al. 2019, AJ, 158, 255
Miles, R. 2016, CBET, 4313
Ortiz, J. L., Duffard, R., Pinilla-Alonso, N., et al. 2015, A&A, 576, A18
Ortiz, J. L., Santos-Sanz, P., Sicardy, B., et al. 2017, Nature, 550, 219
Rousselot, P., Kryszczyńska, A., Bartczak, P., et al. 2021, MNRAS, 507, 3444
Ruprecht, J. D., Bosh, A. S., Person, M. J., et al. 2015, Icarus, 252, 271
Sicardy, B., Renner, S., Leiva, R., et al. 2020, The Trans-Neptunian Solar System, 249

How to cite: Pereira, C. L., Braga-Ribas, F., Emilio, M., Morgado, B. E., Desmars, J., Sicardy, B., Ortiz, J. L., Vieira-Martins, R., Branco, H. C., Assafin, M., Camargo, J. I. B., Gomes-Jr, A., and Rommel, F. L. and the Echeclus team: Recent results of stellar occultations by (60558) Echeclus, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-557,, 2022.

Non-gravitational parameters of the comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
Ireneusz Wlodarczyk
Emmanuel Jehin, Manuela Lippi, Damien Hutsemékers, Jean Manfroid, Mathieu Vander Donckt, and Philippe Rousselot

The long-period comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) was discovered in 2017 at a large heliocentric distance of 16 au (Wainscoat et al. 2017). Pre-discovery images from 2013 show that K2 was even active at a record distance of ~24 au from the Sun (Jewitt et al. 2017) well beyond the snow line, indicating that, most probably, CO and CO2 ices - the most abundant species after water - might drive its activity. CO was indeed detected in K2’s coma in the sub-mm range at a heliocentric distance of 6.7 au (Yang et al. 2021) and K2 was claimed to be a CO-rich comet.

Detecting comets at such large distances is becoming more frequent, but it is still a rare occasion to study a well preserved comet surface coming directly from the Oort Cloud or on a several million years orbit, and especially if it is of a rare type. 
K2 will reach its perihelion on 2022 December 19 (Rh=1.8 au, Δ=2.5 au) and become a bright target in automn with good observing conditions from the Southern hemisphere. We have started an observing campaign on May 8 (Rh=3.2 au), 2022 with UVES at the ESO VLT to obtain high resolution and good SNR optical spectra to characterize the detailed coma composition of its daughter species before and after K2 perihelion. We report here about the first epochs before perihelion.

UVES was setup with a slit width of 0.45" (length of 10") to provide a resolving power of 80.000, and we selected two different settings (DIC#1 346/580 and DIC2 437/860) to cover the whole optical range (304-1040 nm) at each epoch in only two long exposures on the same night. These spectra will allow us to compare K2 - characterized by its unusual distant activity - to other well studied comets in the optical and particularly using the same instrument since 20 years by the Liège comet team. These spectra will allow us to measure the detailed composition of its coma: the production rates of the daughter species (OH, CN, C2 etc.) to check among other things if the comet is a C-chain depleted or normal comet (A'Hearn et al. 1995), to link those production rates with those from the parent species observed in the IR (see CRIRES+ poster by Lippi et al.), to search for CO+ and CO2+ lines to check if K2 is a CO-rich comet like the unique CO-N2-rich blue comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) (Opitom et al. 2019), to measure the ratio of the [OI] lines to estimate the CO/H2O ratio (Decock et al. 2015), and if the comet is bright enough to measure the isotopic ratios of the light elements (12C/13C and 14N/15N from the CN isotopologues), to measure the ortho- to para- ratio of NH2, and search for faint FeI and NiI lines which are a new and puzzling component of the cometary coma (Manfroid et al. 2021).

How to cite: Jehin, E., Lippi, M., Hutsemékers, D., Manfroid, J., Vander Donckt, M., and Rousselot, P.: Pre-perihelion high resolution optical spectroscopy of the long period comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) with UVES at the VLT, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1071,, 2022.

Said Hmiddouch, Emmanuel Jehin, Youssef Moulane, Abdelhadi Jabiri, Mathieu Vander Donckt, and Zouhair Benkhaldoun

We report on the results of a long photometry and monitoring of comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), hereafter 17K2, with the TRAPPIST telescopes [1]. 17K2 is an Oort cloud comet discovered by the Pan-STARRS survey in 2017 [2], at a large heliocentric distance of 16 au. The comet was later identified in archival imagery to be active at 23.8 au from the Sun, the second most distant discovery of an active comet [3]. It has been claimed that 17K2 is a rare CO-rich comet [4]. We started observing 17K2 with TRAPPIST-North on October 25, 2017 using broad-band filters when the comet was at 15 au from the Sun with a magnitude of 18. We started collecting broad and narrow-band images [5] with TRAPPIST-South on September 9, 2021 (rh=5.4 au) when the comet became visible and bright from the southern hemisphere. The comet will reach its perihelion on December 19, 2022 at rh=1.8 au, and we will monitor its activity on both sides of perihelion. As writing this abstract, we detected emission of CN, C2, and C3 radicals as well as the dust continuum in four bands. By fitting the observed gas profiles with Haser model [6] after subtraction of the dust continuum, we derived the gas production rates for a different detected species. From the continuum and broad-bands images, we computed the Afρ parameter, and a dust production proxy [7]. In this work, we will show the magnitude evolution of this comet over 4 years (2017-2022), as well as the gas and dust activity for several months as a function of heliocentric distances.

[1] E. Jehin et al. 2011, The Messenger, 145, 2-6.
[2] Kaiser, N., Aussel, H., Burke, B. E., et al. 2002, Proc. SPIE, 4836, 154.
[3] Meech, K. J., Kleyna, J. T., Hainaut, O., et al. 2017, ApJL, 849, L8
[4] Yang, B., Jewitt, D., Zhao, Y., et al. 2021, ApJL, 914, L17
[5] Farnham, T. L., Schleicher, D. G., A’Hearn, M. F. 2000, Icarus, 147, 180
[6] L. Haser. 1957, Bulletin de l’Acad ́emie Royale de Belgique, Vol. 43, 740-750.
[7] Michael F. A’Hearn et al. 1984, The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 89, 579-591.

How to cite: Hmiddouch, S., Jehin, E., Moulane, Y., Jabiri, A., Vander Donckt, M., and Benkhaldoun, Z.: Monitoring the activity and composition of comet C/2017K2 (PanSTARRS) with TRAPPIST telescopes, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-593,, 2022.

Manuela Lippi, Mathieu Vander Donckt, Emmanuel Jehin, Sara Faggi, and Geronimo Luis Villanueva

We present high resolution spectra of comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) (hereafter 17K2), obtained using the upgraded high resolution spectrometer of the VLT, CRIRES+. We will show our findings in the (2.8 – 5.3) μm range, searching for primary volatiles (e.g., H2O, HCN, NH3, CO, C2H6, CH4, ...) and studying their evolution as the comet approach the Sun. 17K2 is a long period comet, very active already at record heliocentric distances of 16 au, and represents a unique opportunity to study the composition of a mostly unaltered comet.

Comets formed from the material surrounding the proto-Sun about 4.6 billion years ago, and after their formation they were scattered into their current reservoirs [1,2], where the frozen nuclei have preserved most of the chemical and mineralogical properties linked to their formation site until today. Probing the chemical diversity in comets may thus unveil the processes that were in effect within the mid-plane of our proto-planetary disk, and test the hypothesis that comets may have contributed in delivering water and prebiotics to the early Earth [3].

Among other techniques, the composition of active comets can be studied from ground based telescopes using high resolution spectroscopy in the infrared (IR - 3 to 5 μm), where it is possible to observe emission lines produced by solar-pumped fluorescence of primary species, i.e., molecules released directly from the nucleus. High spectral and spatial resolutions are necessary to resolve different molecular species in the spectra, to study their distribution within the coma and to separate emission lines of the comet from their counterpart in the atmosphere.

Comet 17K2  is in excellent observing conditions in 2022, allowing infrared high resolution studies. The comet shows already activity, probably driven by CO and other hyper-volatiles that can sublimate at distances from the Sun larger than 5 au [4,5]. Discovered in 2017 at about 16 au from the Sun [6], it is most likely entering the inner solar system for the first time, and its observation offers a unique opportunity to study its mostly unaltered material.

We will present the results obtained from different spectra acquired using CRIRES+ at ESO-VLT at various epochs. We acquired comprehensive high-resolution spectra of the comet as it progressively moved towards the Sun, with the goal of monitoring the evolution of sublimating material with the heliocentric distance. In particular, we have granted time at the beginning of May, beginning of July, and end of August 2022, with the Sun-17K2 distance varying from about 3.5 to 2.3 au. In this heliocentric range, the comet is crossing the CO to H2O ice sublimation regime [7].

Data are reduced using custom semi-automated procedures (see [8] and references therein) that allow a fast analysis of the spectra. Spectral calibration and compensation for telluric absorption are achieved by comparing the data with highly accurate atmospheric radiance and transmittance models obtained with PUMAS/PSG [9]. Flux calibration is obtained using the spectra of a standard star observed closely in time with the comet, and reduced with the same algorithms. Production rates and relative abundances (i.e. mixing ratios with respect to water) of different primary species in the coma are obtained using state-of-the-art fluorescence models (see for example [10] and [11]).

The molecular abundances found in this comet will be compared to reference median values retrieved for the comet population [12] and with the abundances found in other Oort Cloud Comets.

References: 1. Gomes, R., et al., 2005, Nature, 435, 446 – 2. Morbidelli, A., et al., 2007, AJ, 134, 1790 – 3. Mumma, M. J., Charnley, S.B. 2011, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astroph., 49 – 4. Jewitt, D., et al., 2019, AJ, 157, 65 – 5. Yang, B., et al., 2021, ApJL, 914, L17 – 6. Wainscoat, R. J., et al., 2017, CBET, 4393, 1 – 7. Jewitt, D., et al., 2007, Protostars and Planets V. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, 863 – 8. Lippi, M., et al., 2020, AJ, 159, 157 – 9. Villanueva, G. L., et al., 2018, JQSRT, 217, 86 – 10. Villanueva, G. L., et al., 2012b, JQSRT, 113, 202 – 11. Villanueva, G. L., et al., 2011b, JGRE, 116, E08012 – 12. Lippi, M., et al., 2021, AJ, 162, 74.

How to cite: Lippi, M., Vander Donckt, M., Jehin, E., Faggi, S., and Villanueva, G. L.: The volatile composition of comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-836,, 2022.

Alain Jody Corso, Vania Da Deppo, Silvio Giordano, Salvatore Mancuso, Giuseppe Nisticò, and Marco Romoli
  • Introduction

In the last two decades, space-based solar observatories turned out to be very suitable for comet research. Visible images taken by coronagraphs such as SOHO-LASCO C2/C3 or STEREO-SECCHI have allowed to discover and study many comets, almost all belonging to the “near-Sun comets” family [1]. Many comets have been also observed in the HI Lyman-α spectral line by the SOHO/ SWAN radiometer [2] or with the SOHO-UVCS spectrometer [3], allowing the study of their dynamical evolution of water production rates. Such observations can be of great interest also in solar physics, since a comet passing through the Sun’s corona acts as a probe to estimate the plasma parameters at each point along its path, which is a useful complement to remote sensing.

Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) is a long-period comet (LPC) which reached its perihelion at au on 2022 January 3. Serendipitously, the Metis coronagraph [4] onboard on ESA Solar Orbiter mission had the opportunity to perform the simultaneous imaging of this comet in linearly polarized visible light (VL) and in the ultraviolet (UV) around the HI Lyman-α (121.6 nm) spectral line, during a temporal window of about 12 hours, from 19.00UT on December 15 to 7.00UT on December 16 (see Figure 1). Such observations constitute the first-ever concurrent images of an LPC in such two spectral ranges, allowing the simultaneous study of the dust and neutral hydrogen coma.


Figure 1: Orbital configuration during the comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) observation.


The Metis coronagraph

Metis is the coronagraph onboard SolO and it has been conceived to acquire images of the solar corona both in linearly polarized visible light (VL, 580–640 nm) and narrow-band (±10 nm) ultraviolet (UV) around the HI Lyman-a (121.6 nm) spectral line. Metis is the first coronagraph able to perform such simultaneous observations.

The instrument is designed to image the structure and dynamics of the full solar corona in an annular FoV covering the range from 1.6° to 2.9°, with 20” angular resolution in VL channel and about 80” in UV. Owing to the eccentricity of the spacecraft orbit, the heliocentric distances imaged are from 1.6 to 3.1 solar radii at minimum perihelion distance (0.28 au), up to the range from 6.0 to 12.0 solar radii when the spacecraft is around 1.0 au. A sketch of the ray trace of the two channels of the Metis coronagraph, i.e. the UV and VL, is given in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Metis layout. On the top: the UV path. On the bottom: the VL path [5].


First images

Figure 3 reports a composite image of the comet observations. Visible images were used to determine the comet brightness during the observations, monitoring the presence of an eventual outburst (or eventual outbursts), moreover, they allow to track the direction and determine the length of the comet tail. Starting from the UV image, the coma irradiance profile has been fitted by using a Haser model, as described in [6]. This allowed estimating the water production rate as well as the cometary nucleus radius. The comparison of both images gives an estimation of the hydrogen and dust coma dimension.

Figure 3: Composite image of the Metis observation of comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard). On the left: the VIS channel; on the right: the UV channel.



The observation of comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) has demonstrated as Metis coronagraph on board the Solar Orbiter mission is a suitable tool for studying comets. For the first time, with Metis coronagraph, a comet has been simultaneously observed both in the visible and in the UV at the H I Lyman-α wavelengths, allowing to study at the same time both the dust and neutral hydrogen coma. For this reason, a dedicated observational program with the aim of identifying possible transits inside the instrument FoV of known or unknown comets is starting up. For instance, some sungrazing comets have been already detected in Metis images and it is under definition the observation of the periodic comet 96P/Machholz which will transit in the instrument FoV in January 2023. Finally, future observations of sungrazing comets, whether “foreseen” or ‘by chance’, will give some insights to probe the properties of the inner corona of the Sun [7].



Solar Orbiter is a space mission of international collaboration between ESA and NASA, operated by ESA. Metis was built and operated with funding from the Italian Space Agency (ASI), under contracts to the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and industrial partners. Metis was built with hardware contributions from Germany (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie through DLR), from the Czech Republic (PRODEX) and from ESA.



[1] Jones G.H. et al, Space Science Reviews volume 214, 20 (2018).

[2] Bertaux et al., 1995.

[3] Bemporad, A. et al., Planetary and Space Science 55(9), 1021-1030 (2007).

[4] Antonucci et al, A&A 642, A10 (2020).

[5] Fineschi, S. et al., Exp. Astron. 49, 239-263 (2020).

[6] Mancuso, S., A&A, 578, L7 (2015).

[7] Nisticò et al., ApJ, submitted.

How to cite: Corso, A. J., Da Deppo, V., Giordano, S., Mancuso, S., Nisticò, G., and Romoli, M.: Observation of comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) with Metis coronagraph on board the Solar Orbiter mission, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-901,, 2022.

Sarah Anderson, Jean-Marc Petit, Benoît Noyelles, Olivier Mousis, and Philippe Rousselot

Introduction: Radio observations of long-period comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) revealed that a spectrum remarkably depleted in water (Biver et al. 2018) and dominated by bands of CO+ and N2+, the latter of which rarely seen in such abundance in comets before (Cochran & Mckay 2018). Understanding the dynamic history of this comet is thus of essential importance to understanding the timeline of planetesimal formation in our Solar System. However, tracking the motion of such a small object backward with any degree of certainty is made impossible by the inherently chaotic nature of its motion due to frequent close encounters with the gas giants.

Two studies have independently estimated the possible origin of this comet from building blocks formed in a peculiar region in the Protoplanetary Disk (PPD), near the ice line of CO and N2. Mousis et al. (2021) found that R2’s peculiar N2/CO ratio could be replicated by agglomeration from particles near the N2 and CO icelines (~10-15 au) while CO/H2O ratio would remain deeply depleted inward of the CO iceline. Price et al. (2021) find that the ideal location for the objects to form is beyond a more distant CO iceline. However, this would indicate that more CO-rich comets should exist than previously observed.


Methods: We explore the fates of comets formed from these building blocks using a numerical simulation of early Solar System formation and track the dynamics of these objects in the Jumping Neptune scenario (Nesvorny et al. 2015). We start with Jupiter, Saturn, and three ice giants (Deienno et al 2017). The planetary evolutions meet criteria of similarity with the Solar System today.

We fill the disk between 4 au and 50 au with massless comet facsimiles or ‘clones’. Using a modified SWIFT numerical integrator we track a pre-recorded evolution of the giant planets (J.-M. Petit et al. 1999) and evolve our system over 100 Myr for 5 initial conditions with 50000 clones per set. Our simulations count a clone as lost if it reaches beyond 10,000 au as we do not have the ability to estimate the effects of the galactic tidal forces. 

Figure 1: Percentage of clones lost per formation location for each of the five scenarios. The gray zone indicates the limitation of our simulation. The blue zone indicates the N2/CO enrichment zone as predicted by Mousis et al. (2021), while the overlaid green zone indicates the location of the ideal CO/H2O enrichment zone.


Figure 2: Percentage of clones formed between 8 and 11 au lost over the 100 Myr simulation time, with time given in log scale.

Results: We examine the final orbital elements of each clone, identified by its initial semi-major axis. Within the first 5 Myr, over a third of all clones are ejected from the Solar System. A significant loss of clones occurs before Jumping Neptune at ~10 Myr: after this time, the area around the giant planets is entirely cleared.

We examine the percentage of clones ejected in our simulations for each 1 au annulus (Fig. 1).  Over 95% of the clones are ejected before the end of the 100 Myr between 4 and 10 au. This number drops to 90% around 12 au. Beyond 40 au – the current location of the Classical Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt – contains objects that do not move far from where they are formed. The behavior of these clone sets is consistent between scenarios.

On average, each simulation loses 75% of its clones by 100 Myr, losing 90% of all clones formed in the 8-20 au range, 97% of all clones formed in the 8-10 au range, and ~80% in the 20-30 range. Consistently they lose 96% of all comets formed between 10-11 au. If we narrow that region to 8-11 au, we find that 60% of clones formed in this region are ejected in the first 1 Myr and 90% after 10 Myr, as seen in Fig. 2.

The majority of objects formed between Saturn and the N2 iceline are ejected early in the simulation so that even by the time the Jumping Neptune scenario happens, the clones are already gone. This could explain the lack of comets rich in N2 and depleted in H2O: they were formed in a very narrow region, and that region was unstable due to Jupiter and Saturn. Another factor would be the rapidity at which this reservoir depleted. This would similarly explain the lack of CO-rich comets: while they would form near their iceline, this area empties rapidly due to the influence of giant planets.

With only on average ~0.4% of the total remaining comet population having formed in the region identified by Mousis et al. (2021), the odds of finding one are incredibly low. However, we should consider the possibility that many of these surviving comets may have lost their bulk hypervolatile species in the billions of years since their formation, or even within the timeframe of our simulation (Lisse et al. 2022).

Further numerical simulations are required in order to investigate the behavior of these comets beyond 10,000 au. If these comets are indeed ejected from the Solar System, it would be a likely explanation for the composition of interstellar visitors, such as interstellar comet 2I/Borisov, which was measured to have CO/H2O between 35%-173%, significantly higher than the average cometary values for the Solar System, though not as high as comet R2.



Biver N. et al. 2018, A&A 1432-0746

Bodewits D. et al. 2020, Nature Astro 4 867

Cochran A.L. and  Mckay A.J. 2018, ApJ 854L10C

Cordiner M.A.  et al. 2020, Nature Astro 4 861

Deienno R. et al. 2017, AJ, 153:153

Lisse, C. M. et al. 2022, Vol. 2678, LPI Contributions, 2045

Mousis O. et al. 2021, PSJ 2 72

Nesvorny D. et al. 2015, AJ 150, 73

Opitom C. et al. 2019, A&A A64 14

Petit J.-M. et al. 1999, Icarus 141:367

Portegies Zwart S. et al. 2021, A&A 652 A144

Price E.  et al. 2021, ApJ 913 9P


How to cite: Anderson, S., Petit, J.-M., Noyelles, B., Mousis, O., and Rousselot, P.: Volatile-rich comets ejected early during Solar System formation, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-521,, 2022.

Outgassing of cometary analogues
Konrad Kossacki, Marcin Wesołowski, and Sławomira Szutowicz
Gregor Golabek and Martin Jutzi

In the early solar system radiogenic heating by 26Al and collisions are the two prominent ways expected to modify the internal composition of icy planetesimals, building blocks of comets, by removing highly volatile compounds like CO, CO2 and NH3. However, observations indicate that
even large comets like Hale-Bopp (R ≈ 35 km) can be rich in these highly volatile compounds [1].
Here we constrain under which conditions icy planetesimals experiencing both internal heating and collisions can retain pristine interiors [2]. For this purpose, we employ both the state-of-theart finite difference marker-in-cell code I2ELVIS [3] to model the thermal evolution in 2D infinite
cylinder geometry and a 3D SPH code [4] to study the interior heating caused by collisions among icy planetesimals. For simplicity we assume circular porous icy planetesimals with a low density (≈ 470 kg/m3) based on measurements for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko [5].
For the parameter study of the thermal history we vary (i) icy planetesimal radii, (ii) formation time and the (iii) the silicate/ice ratio. For the latter we keep the mean density fixed and change the porosity of the icy planetesimal. For the impact models we use porous, low-strength objects and
vary (i) target and (ii) projectile radii, (iii) impact velocity as well as (iv) impact angle. Potential losses of volatile compounds from their interiors are calculated based on their critical temperatures taken from literature [6]. Our combined results indicate that only small or late-formed icy planetesimals remain mostly pristine, while early formed objects can even reach temperatures high enough to melt the water ice. These results have strong implications for the formation time and initial size of comets, Kuiper belt objects and active asteroids.

[1] Morbidelli & Nesvorný, In: The Trans-Neptunian Solar System. 25–59 (2019). [2] Golabek & Jutzi, Icarus 363, 114437 (2021). [3] Gerya & Yuen, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 163, 83-105 (2007). [4] Jutzi, Planet. Space Sci. 107, 3–9 (2015). [5] Sierks et al., Science 347, 1044 (2015). [6] Davidsson et al., Astron. Astrophys. 592, A63 (2016).

How to cite: Golabek, G. and Jutzi, M.: Modification of icy planetesimal interiors by early thermal evolution and collisions, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1038,, 2022.

Mónica Vara-Lubiano, Mike Kretlow, Nicolás Morales, Gustavo Benedetti-Rossi, Flavia Rommel, José Luis Ortiz, Bruno Sicardy, Roberto Vieira-Martins, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Julio Camargo, Yucel Kilic, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Bruno Morgado, Altair Ramos Gomes Jr., Álvaro Álvarez-Candal, Jean Lecacheux, Marcelo Assafin, Rene Duffard, and Damya Souami and the 2000 YW134's occultation team

Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are considered remnants of the solar system formation, and the study of their physical and dynamical properties gives clues about its origin and evolution [1]. A fraction of this population of small bodies is in the form of Trans-Neptunian Binaries (TNBs), firstly discovered two decades ago [2]. Our interest in them has grown since then, as the study of their mutual orbits can lead to a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the protoplanetary disk. Besides, Trans-Neptunian Binaries offer the opportunity to determine the masses of the bodies with great accuracy, which opens the door to determine their bulk densities. On the other hand, stellar occultations permit us to obtain the sizes and shapes of TNOs with accuracies that can almost reach the precision of the measurements from a spacecraft visit. This technique also enables the detection of secondary features like atmospheres, satellites, or rings [3, 4, 5]. So the study of stellar occultations by TNBs leads to the determination of the size, shape, mass, and bulk density of these bodies with unbeatable accuracy.

In this work, we report the first multichord stellar occultation by the TNO (82075) 2000 YW134 and its satellite S/2005 (82075) 1, which took place on 2022 February 23rd over the Gaia EDR3 star 627356458358636544 (mV ~ 17.1 mag). The prediction was based on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory orbit solution JPL#24 [6, 7], which was updated afterward using astrometric data from the 1.5m telescope at Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN, Granada, Spain) and the 1.23m telescope at Calar Alto (CAHA, Almería, Spain).

Seventeen observing sites participated in the event, which resulted in seven positive chords (five on the main body and two on the satellite), eight negative chords, and two sites that could not observe due to bad weather or technical issues.

We fitted an ellipse to the extremities of the positive chords to derive the projected equivalent diameters of the two bodies. The position of the satellite was closer to the nominal JPL ephemeris than that of the main body. On the other hand, the preliminary derived lower limit for the equivalent projected diameter of the satellite is twice the previously estimated size [8]. We are currently analyzing photometric data to combine all the observations to provide an accurate portrait of this binary system.


[1] Morbidelli, A., Levison, H. F., & Gomes, R. 2008, ed. M. A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, D. P. Cruikshank, A. Morbidelli, R. Dotson, 275

[2] Veillet, C. et al. 2002, Nature, Volume 416, Issue 6882, pp. 711-713

[3] Ortiz, J. L., Sicardy, B., Braga-Ribas, F., et al. 2012, Nature, 491, 566

[4] Braga-Ribas, F., Sicardy, B., Ortiz, J. L., et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 26

[5] Ortiz, J.L., Santos-Sanz, P., Sicardy, B., et al. 2017, Nature, 550, 7675, pp. 219-223



[8] Stephens, Denise C.; Noll, Keith S.; 2006, AJ, 131, 2, pp. 1142-1148

How to cite: Vara-Lubiano, M., Kretlow, M., Morales, N., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Rommel, F., Ortiz, J. L., Sicardy, B., Vieira-Martins, R., Santos-Sanz, P., Braga-Ribas, F., Camargo, J., Kilic, Y., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Morgado, B., Ramos Gomes Jr., A., Álvarez-Candal, Á., Lecacheux, J., Assafin, M., Duffard, R., and Souami, D. and the 2000 YW134's occultation team: The first multichord stellar occultation by the trans-Neptunian Binary (82075) 2000 YW134, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1048,, 2022.

Jose L. Ortiz, Nicolas Morales, Monica Vara-Lubiano, Mike Kretlow, Bruno Sicardy, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Estela Fernandez-Valenzuela, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Josselin Desmars, Rene Duffard, Julio Camargo, Damya Souami, Yucel Kilic, Flavia Rommel, Roberto Vieira-Martins, Marcelo Assafin, Álvaro Álvarez-Candal, Bruno Morgado, Guga Benedetti-Rossi, and Altair Gomes-Junior and the Chaos occultation team

Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) are important solar system bodies that carry valuable information on the first stages of our solar system and its evolution. The TNO named (19521) Chaos (formerly known as 1998 WH24) is a large object, presumably in the 600-km size range judging by its approximate absolute magnitude and assuming a typical geometric albedo for a TNO. This is a comparable size to that of the three largest asteroids in the main asteroid belt. Therefore, it is an important body to study and characterize through stellar occultations and through other techniques. On October 20th, 2020, a three-chord stellar occultation was recorded by our team (Vara-Lubiano et al. 2021) within the context of the Lucky Star international collaboration* on stellar occultations by TNOs and other outer solar system bodies, and recently, on January 14th, 2022, another stellar occultation by Chaos has been recorded, whose main preliminary results will be presented. In this case 24 sites participated in the campaign. There were 8 positive detections and 3 near misses. The analysis of this occultation combined with the previous one and with photometry data obtained along 17 years (within our own TNO observing program) will be presented. We expect to derive an accurate size and shape as well as an accurate geometric albedo, which can be compared with radiometric measurements. We also expect to provide constraints on the spin axis orientation. The fact that no satellite around Chaos has been discovered so far means that we do not know the system mass so we cannot infer a bulk density for the body to compare with hydrostatic equilibrium computations, but we can derive other useful constraints.

*Lucky Star (LS) is an EU-funded research activity to obtain physical properties of distant Solar System objects using stellar occultations. LS collaboration agglomerates the efforts of the Paris, Granada, and Rio teams. 

How to cite: Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Vara-Lubiano, M., Kretlow, M., Sicardy, B., Santos-Sanz, P., Fernandez-Valenzuela, E., Braga-Ribas, F., Desmars, J., Duffard, R., Camargo, J., Souami, D., Kilic, Y., Rommel, F., Vieira-Martins, R., Assafin, M., Álvarez-Candal, Á., Morgado, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., and Gomes-Junior, A. and the Chaos occultation team: The Trans-Neptunian Object (19521) Chaos as seen from stellar occultations and photometry observations, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-520,, 2022.

Elke Pilat-Lohinger, Birgit Loibnegger, and Maximilian Zimmermann


In this numerical study we show the effect of the stellar encounter of Gliese 710 on comets moving outside Neptune’s orbit. Depending on the distance of the stellar passage our study indicates the orbital changes of 54 – 180 million comets. To study such a huge amount of cometary orbits we split the area from 35 au to 100000 au into six shells consisting of 9 - 30 million small bodies each. After the stellar passage, the perturbations are clearly visible in the semi-major axis – eccentricity plane  of the cometary reservoir. Each shell shows a “V-type” structure indicating a branch of inward moving objects and an outward directed branch that may create interstellar objects.


Recent observations showed that the Sun will experience a close fly-by of the K-type star Gliese 710 in about 1.36 Myrs. It has been shown that Gliese 710 will cross the Oort cloud at a distance between ~4300 and ~12000 au (Berski and Dybczynski 2016; Bailer-Jones et al. 2018; De la Fuente Marcos and De la Fuente Marcos 2018). When crossing the cometary reservoir of the solar system the K-type star with 0.6 solar mass will scatter comets on high eccentricity orbits.  

Motivated by this observation we studied the influence of this stellar fly-by for different distances of the stellar passage i.e., at 4000 au, 8000 au, and 12000 au using N-body simulations (Pilat-Lohinger et al. 2022, Loibnegger et al. 2022). The comets were distributed randomly in the various shells. They show the strongest perturbations for objects close to the trajectory of Gliese 710. Moreover, comets with semi-major axes smaller than the fly-by distance remain unaffected.

Numerical Set-up and Method

Using the recently developed GPU based N-body code of M. Zimmermann (2021) we studied up to 180 million testparticles in the outer solar system. The comets were distributed in different “layers” around the Sun and the 4 giant planets: A flat disk from 35 to 5000 au (i < 1°), a flared disk from (5000 to 10000 au (i < 45°) and a spherical cloud between 10000 and 100000 au (0° < i < 180°). Initial eccentricities of the comets were always less than 0.1. The fly-by time of Gliese 710 is about 20000 yrs, where we used the velocity of a K-type star from Rickman et al. (2008).


Our simulations of the stellar fly-by show a “V-type” structure in the (a,e)-plot of the comets as displayed in Figs. 1 and 2 for the different shells. Thus, the passage of a star creates two branches of comets: an inward pointing branch which may transport comets towards the inner solar system and an outward pointing branch which may create interstellar objects. Note that the inward pointing branch indicates  higher eccentricities than the outward pointing branch, especially in the shells of the spherical cloud.


More details of this study will be published soon.


This research was funded in whole by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [P33351-N]. The simulations were performed on the VSC3 and VSC4 (projects 71637 and 71686).


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How to cite: Pilat-Lohinger, E., Loibnegger, B., and Zimmermann, M.: Dynamical Evolution of TNOs after a stellar encounter, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-1165,, 2022.

Nicolás Morales, José Luis Ortiz, Rafael Morales, Estela Fernández-Valenzuela, Pablo Santos-Sanz, René Duffard, Mike Kretlow, and Mónica Vara

We have analyzed our database with thousands of images including trans-Neptunian dwarf planets. This images have been obtained since 2005 within our own observing programs to derive absolute photometry at different wavelength bands. We have used specifically designed tools that take into account color terms to derive accurate photometric transformations by taking advantage of the latest Gaia EDR3 photometry [1] for the reference stars in our images. With this remarkable 16-year time span we derive accurate absolute magnitudes and phase slopes in order to analyse trends along the years. Our observing program has mainly used the 1.5-m telescope at Sierra Nevada Observatory in Spain and the 1.23-m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory in Spain but also includes other telescopes such us the TNG or the WHT at La Palma Observatory, Spain. Using some archive images we have also been able to extend the available time span.

We will present our preliminary analysis and results of the long term evolution of some of the physical properties for the dwarf planets Haumea, Makemake and Eris.



We acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709).
Funding from Spanish projects PID2020-112789GB-I00 from AEI and Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía PY20-01309 is acknowledged. Part of the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 (2014-2020/ERC Grant Agreement no. 669416 “LUCKY STAR”). M.V-L. acknowledges funding from Spanish project AYA2017-89637-R (FEDER/MICINN). P.S-S. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-RTI2018-098657-J-I00 “LEO-SBNAF”.


[1] M. Riello , F. De Angeli , D. W. Evans et al. A&A 649, A3 (2021)

How to cite: Morales, N., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, R., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Santos-Sanz, P., Duffard, R., Kretlow, M., and Vara, M.: Absolute photometry of the transneptunian dwarf planets in a long time span, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-664,, 2022.

Róbert Szakáts, Csaba Kiss, András Pál, Thomas Müller, Jochen Greiner, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Gábor Marton, José Luis Ortiz, Nicolas Morales, Rene Duffard, and Petra Sági

Eris is currently the most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar system, it has one known satellite, Dysnomia (Brown & Schaller 2007; Holler et al. 2020). There have been several attempts trying to identify the rotation period of Eris from visible ground based measurements which resulted in a wide range of possible values (Duffard et al., 2008). Here we present some new light curve data of Eris, taken with ∼1m-class ground based telescopes, with the GROND instrument at the 2.2m MPG/ESO telescope La Silla, and also with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

Observations of Eris with GROND were made in 3 nights in August 2010. Auxiliary ground based photometry data of Eris from five telescopes were obtained in irregular intervals between 2005 and 2020 (see table 1.) TESS observed Eris in Sector 30 with its Camera 1 and CCD 3. A significant portion of the light curve data had to be excluded due to Eris’ encounter with nearby background sources which left a dominant feature in the background-subtracted image. We note that due to the limited length of the TESS light blocks (2.3 d and 6.6 d) it was not possible to detect light curve periods in to order or close to the orbital period (15.78 d).



For most of the ground-based measurements we used our night-averaged values for the 1.5m, La Hita and CA2.2m data), except for the GROND measurements, for which we used the all the individual data points. In addition, we also considered previously published data, including ground-based data from Carraro et al., 2006 and Duffard et al., 2008, and the SWIFT satellite data from Roe et al., 2008.

We assumed that i) the light curve amplitude is the same in any of the photometric bands used and ii) the light curve can be described by a simple sinusoidal variation. With these assumptions each model light curve can be described by four parameters: a light curve amplitude, period, phase-shift, and an offset from the photometric zero point. We allowed a different offset for each measurement block even if the data were taken by the same instrument and filter combination (1.5m measurements) due to the year-long gaps between the measurement blocks. We chose an amplitude A and period P, and determined the best fitting light curve phase using a Levenberg–Marquardt minimization algorithm. We expect that the best-fitting period-amplitude values provide the lowest C(P,A) values. We searched the period range P ∈ [1d, 15.88 d], where 15.88 d is the orbital period of Dysnomia, and it would correspond to a synchronised rotation. The C(P,A) contour map shows two minima, one at P ≈ 8 h, and A ≈ 0.05, and another at P ≈ 11.5 h, and A ≈ 0.08. To check the robustness of this result, we repeated the process by modifying the photometric data points by adding a random value with normal distribution and repeating the fitting process several times for the whole data set. The same two minima popped up in all cases. TESS data favours a rotation period of 59.420±0.527 h (See Figure 1.), while ground based data is more compatible with a synchronous or nearly synchronous rotation (See Figure 2.).

We inspected the colours calculated from the GROND photometry and compared our results to previous values from the literature (Table 2). The optical colours (B-V, V-R, R-I) are in good agreement with previous colours, but the J-H colour from GROND is different from the ones in the literature. Also, we can see a big scatter in those. (See Table 2.)

One possible explanation can be, that there is a big CH4 feature on the surface of Eris, which has strong absorption lines  in H band, and it can change the NIR colour, but not the optical ones. To confirm this, more long-term optical and NIR measurements are needed. Finally, we use the simple tidal evolution code by Hastings et al. (2016) to calculate the evolution of the satellite orbit (only the semi-major axis in this approximation) and the spin evolution of Eris and Dysnomia. Although the spin period of Eris is not well defined yet, it is an interesting question whether the possible rotation periods of Eris – ranging from a few hours to the orbit-synchronous state – are feasible in terms of tidal evolution, using the current knowledge on the system components.

How to cite: Szakáts, R., Kiss, C., Pál, A., Müller, T., Greiner, J., Santos-Sanz, P., Marton, G., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Duffard, R., and Sági, P.: On the rotation of the dwarf planet (136199) Eris, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-824,, 2022.

John Robert Brucato, Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Silvia Pagnoscin, Giovanni Poggiali, Marco Ferrari, Simone De Angelis, Maria Elisabetta Palumbo, Giuseppe Baratta, Vito Mennella, Daniele Fulvio, Ciprian Popa, Giovanni Strazzulla, and Carlotta Scirè

Introduction: Ceres is the largest object of the Solar System main belt with a complex geological and chemical history, which experienced extensive water related processes and geochemical differentiation [1]. Ceres’ surface is characterized by dark materials, phyllosilicates, ammonium-bearing minerals, carbonates, water ice, and salts. In addition to a global presence of carbon-bearing chemistry, local concentration of aliphatic organics has been detected by Dawn mission [2]. The mission, thanks to the data collected by the Italian instrument VIR [3], showed clear evidence of a high amount of aliphatic organic material on the surface of Ceres [4, 5, 6]. This has raised new questions about the origin and preservation of this material, especially when considering its high estimated abundance (Fig 1).

We started a series of laboratory studies on physicochemical evolution of organic material interacting with minerals thought to be present on Ceres. The goal is to understand the transformations induced on these samples by processing with ultraviolet radiation.

Fig. 1 Ceres spectra of the organic-rich area in Ernutet crater (label “Organics”); of a background organic-poor area from a region southeast of Ernutet (label “Background”); and Occator bright material (label “Carbonate”) [4].

Results: In this study, we mixed organic material with a mixture of minerals considered a spectral analog of the Ceres surface. Specifically, we mixed undecanoic acid and solid material made of serpentine, magnetite, carbonate and ammonium bearing montmorillonite with a ratio of 1:80 (organic:mineral).

Diffuse FTIR reflectance spectra were acquired in vacuum. Spectra of simulant are resembling the Ceres surface composition (Fig. 2) organic rich area, even if the proportions between the bands of clays, carbonates and organics are not the same as seen on Ceres. We irradiated the sample in the vacuum chamber at room temperature using an UV lamp to simulate the solar radiation. The photon flux was 2.75x1017 ph. cm-2s-1 in the 200-400 nm spectral range as measured through a single monochromator Spectro 320 spectrometer. The simulant was irradiated at increasing fluence up to irradiation time of about 7 hours and the degradation process was monitored in real time with FTIR spectroscopy by measuring the changes in the spectral features (band areas). In Fig. 4 the reflectance spectra of the simulant as prepared and after UV irradiation at 180, 2280, and 21180 s are showed. The bands area of NH3 at 3 μm and aliphatic CH2/CH3 at 3.4 μm are decreasing as the irradiation fluence increases with time.

Fig. 2 Average spectrum of Ceres Ernutet organic-rich ares (black) compared to laboratory simulant (blue). Spectra are normalized at 2.6 μm.

Each band area, which is proportional to the number of functional groups, was evaluated at different irradiation time and the degradation rate was obtained by fitting the band areas vs irradiation time using an exponential function. This method permits to determine the degradation cross section of each band, which is the probability that chemical bonds are broken by UV radiation. In particular, for the aliphatic band at 3.4 μm it was possible to obtain the degradation cross section of the whole band, 5.85x10-21 cm2. and of every single band component distinguishing between CH2 and CH3 bonds behavior under irradiation.

In presence of mineral simulant, the degradation rate of aliphatic compounds extrapolated to the estimated UV flux at the surface of Ceres gives a half-lifetime of 215 days. This result coupled with resurfacing process time scale of million years could justify the absence of detectable organics on most of the Ceres’ surface. However, this result would not be able to explain the presence of organics in the organic-rich area in Ernutet crater. Furthermore, as can be seen from Fig. 3, UV radiation not only degrades the CH bonds but also affects the NH bonds present in the ammoniated silicates. In this latter case the degradation cross section for the whole band is 2.05x10-21 cm2 which is responsible of a less effective photodegradation process giving a degradation half-lifetime of about 613 days. This result also seems to be in contrast with the ubiquity of the presence of ammoniated silicates on Ceres. We have to recall that the experiments reported in this work have been done at room temperature. It is not excluded that photoprocessing at cryogenic temperature typical of Ceres surface can be less effective further reducing the degradation cross sections of CH and NH bonds.


Discussion: As showed by VIR, the ammoniated band is ubiquitous on Ceres, which is in contrast with the fact that we expected the ammoniated band to be completely degraded. However, photodegradation acts on the first molecular layers of the surface exposed to the radiation.

Furthermore, the visible and near infrared spectra detected by VIR are diffused by the first millimeters of the surface at a depth that cannot be affected by UV radiation. Therefore, the spectra are a combination of processed superficial material and underlying layers of the Ceres surface, which may retain the primitive characteristics of material rich in organic. However, it should be noted that in addition to UV, the surface is constantly bombarded by solar energetic particles (SEP) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR). This radiation also has the effect of breaking chemical bonds such as UV photons, but penetrating meters into the surface can alter deeper layers. These results suggest that there must be a resurfacing mechanism able to expose organic rich material that acts on a much shorter time scale than the geological one.

Fig. 3 Diffuse reflectance spectra of the simulant as prepared (0 s) and after UV irradiation at 180, 2280, and 21180 s.


Acknowledgements: This work is supported by INAF Main Stream program, grant “Evolution and alteration of organic material on Ceres”.


[1] De Sanctis et al., 2016, Nature 536, 54–57

[2] Marchi et al., 2019, Nature Astr. 3, 140-145

[3] De Sanctis et al., 2011, Space Science Reviews 163, 329-369.

[4] De Sanctis et al., 2017, Science 355, 719-722

[5] Pieters et al., 2018, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53 (9), 1983-1998

[6] De Sanctis et al., 2019, MNRAS 482 (2), 2407–2421

How to cite: Brucato, J. R., De Sanctis, M. C., Pagnoscin, S., Poggiali, G., Ferrari, M., De Angelis, S., Palumbo, M. E., Baratta, G., Mennella, V., Fulvio, D., Popa, C., Strazzulla, G., and Scirè, C.: Photoprocessing of Organic Material on Ceres: Laboratory Studies on Chemical Evolution of the Inner Dwarf Planet, Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18–23 Sep 2022, EPSC2022-580,, 2022.