Programme Groups
CL – Climate: Past, Present, FutureCL1 – Past climates CL2 – Present climate CL3 – Future climate CL4 – Tools for climate studies CL5 – Climate communication CL0
Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future (including Hans Oeschger Medal Lecture)
Convener: Denis-Didier Rousseau |
Co-Convener: Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Modelling paleoclimates from the Cretaceous to the Holocene (including Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture)
Convener: Masa Kageyama |
Co-Conveners: Dan Lunt , André Paul , Rachel Flecker , Louis François , Liselotte Diester-Haass
Polar continental margins and fjords - glacial and climatic evolution in the Cenozoic
Convener: Fabio Florindo |
Co-Conveners: Michele Rebesco , Matthias Forwick , Jan Sverre Laberg , David Harwood , Angelo Camerlenghi , Berit Oline Hjelstuen
Quaternary palaeoenvironments of Africa (co-organized)
Convener: Brian Chase |
Co-Convener: Stephanie Mills
Interglacial climate change - Learning from paleoclimate archives and models (co-sponsored by the IGBP project Past Global Changes (PAGES) and the FP7 project Past4Future)
Convener: Hubertus Fischer |
Co-Convener: Andy Ridgwell
INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records (INTIMATE) and the role of land/ocean/atmosphere interactions over the last 60,000 years
Co-Conveners: Paul Hughes , Sune O. Rasmussen
Advances in understanding Holocene climate variability and its impact on human society
Convener: Vasile Ersek
Multi-proxy investigations of climates of the last millennium (co-organized)
Convener: Mary Gagen |
Co-Conveners: Philip Jones , Michael Mann , Iain Robertson , Eduardo Zorita
The role of (sub)polar regions: modern dynamics, long-term trends and natural variability
Convener: Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz |
Co-Conveners: Marie-Alexandrine Sicre , Antoon Kuijpers , Kirsty Crocket , Peter Wadhams
Ocean climate viewed through deep-sea corals
Convener: Norbert Frank |
Co-Convener: Tina van de Flierdt
Advances in the development and application of terrestrial paleoclimate proxies
Convener: William D'Andrea |
Co-Convener: Raymond Bradley
Aeolian dust, initiator, player, and recorder of environmental change (co-organized)
Convener: Jan-Berend Stuut |
Co-Convener: Peter Knippertz
Ice-sheet and climate interactions
Convener: Philippe Huybrechts |
Co-Conveners: Thierry Fichefet , Andrey Ganopolski , Gilles Ramstein
Glacial landforms and palaeoclimatic interpretation
Convener: Stefan Winkler |
Co-Conveners: Lasafam Iturrizaga , Martin Kirkbride
Mediterranean Climate: from past to future
Convener: Piero Lionello |
Co-Convener: Clare Goodess
Global and regional sea level rise and variability (co-organized)
Convener: Svetlana Jevrejeva |
Co-Conveners: Anny Cazenave , Aslak Grinsted
Earth radiation budget, radiative forcing and climate change
Convener: Martin Wild |
Co-Conveners: Rolf Philipona , Paul Stackhouse
Circulation type classification and circulation regimes
Convener: Christoph Beck |
Co-Conveners: Andreas Philipp , Prof. Dr. Jucundus Jacobeit
Mid-latitude Cyclones and Storms: Diagnostics of Observed and Future Trends, and related Impacts (co-organized)
Convener: Gregor C. Leckebusch |
Co-Conveners: Joaquim G. Pinto , Uwe Ulbrich
Teleconnections: dynamics, predictability, impacts
Convener: Bo Christiansen |
Co-Conveners: Frank Kwasniok , Uwe Ulbrich , Maarten Ambaum , Julie Jones
Tropical Climate Variability and Teleconnections: past, present and future
Convener: Fred Kucharski |
Co-Conveners: Belen Rodríguez de Fonseca , Nerilie Abram , Teresa Losada , Javier Garcia-Serrano , Elsa Mohino , Irene Polo , Erin McClymont , Erica Hendy
Air-sea interactions from meso to regional scales within the tropics (co-organized)
Convener: Alban Lazar |
Co-Conveners: Marcus Dengler , Steve Woolnough
Solar and Geomagnetic Activity and Their Influences on the Earth's Weather and Climate
Convener: Jean Lilensten |
Co-Conveners: Sergei Avakyan , Thierry Dudok de Wit
Seasons and phenology: Evidence from observations, reconstructions, measurements and models (co-sponsored by USA-NPN, PAGES & ILEAPS)
Convener: This Rutishauser |
Co-Convener: Annette Menzel
Climate Change and Forest Health, Growth, and Dynamics
Convener: Fabrizio D Aprile |
Co-Convener: David Dunkerley
Land-climate interactions from models and observations: Implications from past to future climate
Convener: Bart van den Hurk |
Co-Conveners: Sonia Seneviratne , Philippe Ciais
Urban climate, urban heat island and urban biometeorology
Convener: Konstantinos Kourtidis |
Co-Convener: Koen De Ridder
Physical and biogeochemical feedbacks in the climate system and climate observations from space
Convener: Vladimir Alexeev |
Co-Conveners: Gerd A. Folberth , Gottfried Kirchengast , Joerg Schulz
IMBER/SOLAS special session. Sensitivity of marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles to global change
Convener: Baris Salihoglu |
Co-Conveners: Christoph Garbe , Emilie Brévière
Surface Waves and Wave-Coupled Effects in Lower Atmosphere and Upper Ocean
Convener: Alexander Babanin |
Co-Conveners: Miguel Onorato , Fangli Qiao
Ice deposits in caves: formation, evolution and climate-environment assessment
Convener: Valter Maggi |
Co-Conveners: Aurel Perşoiu , Christiane Grebe
Hydrological change: Regional hydrological behaviour under transient climate and land use conditions
Convener: Harald Kunstmann |
Co-Conveners: Stefan Hagemann , Axel Bronstert , Alexander Georgiadi , Mohsin Hafeez
ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling
Convener: Eric Guilyardi |
Co-Convener: Andrew Wittenberg
Decadal, seasonal and monthly forecasts (co-organized)
Convener: Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes |
Co-Conveners: Geert Jan van Oldenborgh (deceased) (deceased) , Mark A. Liniger , Stéphane Vannitsem
Extreme events induced by extreme weather and climate change: Evaluation and forecasting of disaster risk and proactive planning (co-organized)
Convener: Athanasios Loukas |
Co-Conveners: Maria-Carmen Llasat , Uwe Ulbrich
Hydrological change versus climate change (co-organized)
Co-Conveners: Manfred Mudelsee , Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Assessment of Weather-related Risk on Agricultural Production and Agribusiness (co-organized)
Convener: Ana Maria Tarquis |
Co-Conveners: NIcolas R. Dalezios , Anne Gobin , Marijn van der Velde
Climate, water and health (co-organized)
Convener: Andreas Langousis |
Co-Conveners: Alexander Kolovos , Alin Andrei Carsteanu
Probabilistic climate prediction on multi-decadal to multi-centennial time scales
Convener: Thomas Schneider von Deimling |
Co-Conveners: James Annan , Reto Knutti
Geoengineering techniques and what does volcanic activity tell us?
Convener: Olivier Boucher |
Co-Conveners: Hauke Schmidt , Simone Tilmes , Claudia Timmreck
Stochasticity and Statistical Physics in Climate Dynamics (co-organized)
Convener: Michael Ghil |
Co-Convener: Valerio Lucarini
Climate Data Homogenization and Climate Trend/Variability Assessment
Convener: Xiaolan Wang |
Co-Conveners: Petr Stepanek , Enric Aguilar
Regional Climate Modeling and impacts
Convener: Filippo Giorgi |
Co-Conveners: Ashraf Zakey , Raymond Arritt
Modelling and Understanding Geophysical Systems as Complex Networks (co-organized)
Convener: Reik Donner |
Co-Conveners: Jürgen Kurths , Wolfgang Schwanghart , Tobias Heckmann
International Collaboration and Integration Strategies for Climate and other Geosciences Informatics (co-organized)
Convener: David Arctur |
Co-Conveners: Monique Petitdidier , Sandro Fiore , Mohan Ramamurthy
Geodesy and natural and induced hazards: Progress during 30 years of the WEGENER initiative (co-organized)
Convener: Susanna Zerbini |
Co-Convener: Mustapha Meghraoui
Advances in Quaternary Geochronology
Convener: Geoff Duller |
Co-Conveners: Irka Hajdas , Thorsten Kiefer , Andreas Lang
Stable isotopes as tool in (paleo-)climate studies (co-organized)
Convener: Rolf Siegwolf |
Co-Conveners: Martin Werner , Attila Demény , Mathieu Daëron , Erik Kerstel , Alain Veron , Claude Hillaire-Marcel , Martin Frank
Major achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling (co-organized)
Convener: Ruediger Stein |
Co-Conveners: Ursula Röhl , Thomas Wiersberg
Uncertainty in Environmental Data and Models
Convener: Dan Cornford |
Co-Conveners: Stefano Nativi , Edzer Pebesma , Gerard Heuvelink
Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences - Concepts, Methods & Applications
Convener: Reik Donner |
Co-Convener: Susana Barbosa
Marine and Terrestrial proxies: development and reconstructions.
Convener: Lennart de Nooijer |
Co-Conveners: Kai G. Schulz , Daniela Schmidt , Darren R. Gröcke , André F. Lotter , Stuart Robinson , Jung-Hyun Kim
Molecular proxies for studying biogeochemical changes in the environment
Convener: Klaas G.J. Nierop |
Co-Conveners: Boris Jansen , Ian Bull , Claudio Zaccone , Teodoro Miano , Luca Bragazza
Earth System Modeling: Strategies and Software
Convener: Reinhard Budich |
Co-Convener: Dan Lunt
Geophysical Downscaling Methods
Convener: Tobias Sauter |
Co-Conveners: Victor Venema (deceased) (deceased) , Douglas Maraun , Erika Coppola
Modern Climate Science Education and Communications (co-organized)
Convener: Klaus Grosfeld |
Co-Convener: Annette Ladstaetter-Weissenmayer