Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions

SPM – Splinter Meetings


The Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP, http://www.volmip.org) is a protocol-driven international initiative focusing on a multi-model assessment of climate models' performance under strong volcanic forcing conditions (Zanchettin et al., 2016).
Its main objective is to assess to what extent responses of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system to the same applied strong volcanic forcing are robustly simulated across state-of-the-art coupled climate models and identify the causes that limit robust simulated behavior, especially differences in their treatment of physical processes.
At the planned meeting, we plan to present an overview of the current status of VolMIP (analysis from CMIP6/VolMIP output, papers in preparation) and aim to discuss with the broader scientific community possible future pathways including new approaches and experiments.

Convener: Claudia Timmreck | Co-conveners: Davide Zanchettin, Myriam Khodri
Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Tue, 12:45

Meeting of delegates from GEO*8 network:

Convener: Alex/ander Rudloff
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Tue, 14:00

Get together with the moisture tracking community to explore potential for future collaborations and comparison studies.

Convener: Imme Benedict | Co-conveners: Chris Weijenborg, Jessica Keune
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Tue, 16:15

We have been running a early researcher virtual academy for EJP-SOIL, which focus's on the achieving the 4 per mil target through soil carbon sequestration. We want to run a live workshop on how to write a great paper and how to reach our target audience. We will also talk about other mediums such as podcasts.

Convener: Rebecca Hood-Nowotny
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 12:45

Come and meet with colleagues and friends, and perhaps make a contribution going forward, to the International Lithosphere Program Coordinating Committee for East Antarctica.

Convener: Anya Reading
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 12:45

The Executive Committee of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) is holding an on-site Executive Committee Meeting (by invitation only).

Convener: Achim A. Beylich
Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Tue, 12:45

Green Deal Data Space Foundation aims at fostering an international cross-sectoral Community of Practice, which will shape and constitute the future Green Deal Data Space through the provision and use of data. In this Splinter meeting, we want to introduce the work and activities leading towards the creation of Green Deal Data Space and bring together a group of stakeholders representing, preferably the whole or at least a relevant part of, the value chain, including service and data providers, data brokers, and the future users of the data space to inform them and discuss future collaboration.

Public information:

Connecting the Dots: Technical, Providers and User Perspectives on the Green Deal Data Space

Join us in this Splinter meeting that will introduce the work and activities leading towards the creation of Green Deal Data Space and provide a forum for stakeholders to engage in lively discussions about the benefits and challenges of this initiative.

You'll have the opportunity to explore and discuss the technical requirements and user and provider needs for GDDS, collaborate with experts and peers from across the value chain, and contribute your own ideas and requirements for the best possible outcome.


  • Green Deal Data and Service Providers
  • Data brokers
  • Potential Future Users of the Data Space
  • Representatives of relevant Projects and Initiatives 


  1. Welcome
  2. The Road towards the functional GDDS
  3. From User Needs to Provider Solutions: Co-creating the GDDS
  4. The Tech Behind the GDDS: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges

 All topics include Q&A and open Discussion.

Convener: Magdalena Brus
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 10:45

The objective of this splinter meeting is to present in detail the global and regional burned area products developed within the ESA FireCCI project (their characteristics, advantages and limitations), and to request feedback from current and potential end users regarding usability of the products and requirements for future improvements of these datasets and new developments.

Convener: M. Lucrecia Pettinari
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 16:15

The meeting is open to all interested to the activities of the Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories GEO initiative. We will discuss: scientific achievements at the Supersites, future capacity building events, fundraising, and governance.

Convener: Stefano Salvi
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 16:15

A meeting for users of the open-source Elmer/Ice finite-element ice-flow model to discuss and present latest developments and research perspectives.

Convener: Samuel Cook
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 12:45

DeepSoil 2100 is a network for whole-ecosystem warming experiments. The aim of DeepSoil 2100 is to bring together researchers working on long-term experiments (‘2100’ because IPCC scenarios run until 2100), whole ecosystem manipulations (warming down to 1 m with or without other manipulations such as water and carbon dioxide concentrations), and studying responses of plants, soil biogeochemistry, ecology, etc.


Convener: Michael W. I. Schmidt
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Tue, 16:15

It is a meeting of participants in the HORIZON-CL3-2021-DRS-01 Project 101073957 “The HuT - The Human-Tech Nexus: Building a Safe Haven to cope with Climate Extremes”. The meeting is intended as a discussion to be held at the end of the week, after most of the EGU sessions have ended, centered around the following question: What did EGU23 highlight for the ongoing and upcoming activities of The HuT?

Convener: Michele Calvello
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Fri, 10:45

The EU supported FlyRadar project aims to develop the method and the first prototype of a low mass joint GPR + SAR radar facility for a future Martian drone. Such an instrument would survey shallow ice, lava caves, and general stratigraphy of Mars in the top 20-30 m of the subsurface. During the meeting the project and its scientific background are presented as well as future perspectives for the community to be discussed.

Convener: Akos Kereszturi
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Tue, 14:00

The ordinary meeting of the governing bureau of International Lithosphere program. The meeting will review the status of ILP: https://ilp.nju.edu.cn/main.htm

Convener: Hans Thybo | Co-conveners: Mian Liu, Qin Wang
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Tue, 14:00

ILP (International Lithosphere Program) has a tradition to present and discuss its activities during the EGU GA. The meeting will include presentation of this year's Burov medal and Flin-Hart award.

This meeting is open to all interested participants. More information is available at https://ilp.nju.edu.cn/main.htm

Public information:

The meeting will begin at 17.30 and continue until 20.00 with a break mid-way. Everyone interested in the activities of ILP is invited to participate.

Convener: Hans Thybo | Co-conveners: Qin Wang, Mian Liu
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Tue, 16:15

Alongside the 2023 EGU General Assembly, a meeting of the joint Working Group/Commission of the International Association of Geomorphologists and the International Geographical Union on "Geomorphology and Society" will take place.
During this meeting, planned activities and possible participation in research calls will be discussed.

Convener: Sven Fuchs
Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Tue, 12:45

We have conducted a systematic review of detection and attribution literature to inform the Climate Change Committee’s upcoming UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA4).
This covers the detection and attribution of weather and climate changes in the UK, relevant to specific Climate Impact Drivers, as well as societal, infrastructural, economic, and biodiversity impacts associated with these.
We have also identified where there are notable gaps, including those that can and cannot be closed with existing data and/or attribution techniques.
In this meeting, we will discuss the latest literature in this area and welcome attendance of those with expertise across the field of detection and attribution.
This will ensure that we have considered all relevant information and studies in order to present the most up-to-date findings and thus make informed recommendations ahead of CCRA4.

Convener: Dann Mitchell | Co-convener: Regan Mudhar
Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Tue, 12:45

This session invites E-OBS users to come into contact with the E-OBS developers. The meeting is open to ask questions regarding the different E-OBS datasets and variables, the underlying station data and the gridding methods. We specifically invite users to share their research and experiences. Do you have feedback on using the E-OBS datasets? Please come and share this with us and the community to further improve this dataset.

Convener: Else van den Besselaar
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 16:15

This session invites E-OBS users to come into contact with the E-OBS developers. The meeting is open to ask questions regarding the different E-OBS datasets and variables, the underlying station data and the gridding methods. We specifically invite users to share their research and experiences. Do you have feedback on using the E-OBS datasets? Please come and share this with us and the community to further improve this dataset.

Convener: Else van den Besselaar
Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 14:00

We will provide an update on stage 2 of the Marine Ice Sheet Ocean Model Intercomparison project (MISOMIP2), and invite feedback from the ice+ocean modelling community on the proposed experimental protocol and timeline. Anyone with an interest in ice, ocean or ice-ocean simulations of the polar regions is welcome to attend.

Convener: Jan De Rydt | Co-conveners: Nicolas Jourdain, Ralph Timmermann, Yoshihiro Nakayama
Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Tue, 12:45

Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G) Executive Board Meeting

Convener: Michael Zemp
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 12:45

This meeting will bring together representatives from environmental research infrastructures and similar initiatives to discuss common challenges and the potential opportunities for addressing them through coordination and collaboration.

Convener: Helen Glaves
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Tue, 10:45

This meeting will bring together representatives from environmental research infrastructures (RIs) located around the world with the aim of identifying common challenges and developing ideas for collaborative efforts to address them.

The outcomes of this meeting will be a a set of suggestions for future initiatives that will include a pooling of combined knowledge and effort to address the common challenges (both technical and cultural) faced by the regional and global RIs.

Convener: Helen Glaves
Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 14:00

The EURO-FRIEND Project 3 aims at identifying and understanding hydrological variability across different spatial and temporal scales.

The research activities regroup into five thematic working groups:
A) Tipping Point in Hydrology
B) Machine learning in Hydrology
C) Compound risks in Hydrology
D) Attribution of Hydrological Extremes
E) Data Survey

During this splinter meeting, we will review the latest advances of the group, identify emerging challenges (hot topics), and discuss potential funding sources (research grant, PhD, etc...).

This meeting is open to existing members of the EURO-FRIEND Project-3 and scientists from diverse disciplines wishing to join our discussion (and the group).

Convener: Bastien Dieppois | Co-conveners: Michelle Newcomer, Nilay Dogulu, Stephan Dietrich
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 16:15

The meeting has the scope of collecting the realistic user requirements for a future gravity mission, that uses quantum technology on board the satellite. The gravity satellite is sensitive to fine mass variations, that occur in the atmosphere, on the earth surface or inside earth from the earth surface to the nucleus, due to many different processes. Mass variations and their detection are relevant for instance to hydrology, glaciology, the modeling of tectonic movements and processes and the earthquake cycle, to volcanology and the modeling of mantle fluxes. We will give a short introduction to the expected quantum gravity satellite performances and improvements compared to the satellite GRACE-Follow-On, and then collect the user requirements for the detection of the gravity field in terms of signal sensitivity, and spatial and temporal resolution, as well as applications of satellite gravimetry. The users can formulate their requirements in terms of their own discipline, we will try to translate them in terms of the corresponding gravity field. The replies of the audience will contribute to consolidate the assessment of user requirements for satellite gravimetry.

Convener: Carla Braitenberg | Co-conveners: Annette Eicker, Juergen Kusche, Christina Strohmenger
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 12:45

NFDI4Earth addresses digital needs of Earth System Sciences. Earth System scientists cooperate in international and interdisciplinary networks with the overarching aim to understand the functioning and interactions within the Earth system and address the multiple challenges of global change. NFDI4Earth is a community-driven process providing researchers with FAIR, coherent, and open access to all relevant Earth System data, to innovative research data management and data science methods.
During the Splinter Meeting we will review the latest advances of the NFDI4Earth activities and discuss emerging challenges. Furthermore, there will be the opportunity to discuss individual points and exchange ideas in preparation of the NFDI4Earth Plenary in June 2023 and of course, to come into contact with each other due to the fact that the initiative comprehends a wide spread of partners within the national and international Earth System Science community.
This meeting is open to all existing members and participants of the NFDI4Earth consortium.

Convener: Jörg Seegert | Co-convener: Ivonne Anders
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Wed, 12:45

For over a decade, the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) has been providing free in-situ soil moisture data. The ISMN consists of over 72 networks and 2800 stations spread across the globe. The services provided by ISMN has greatly contributed to validating and improving global satellite soil moisture products, earth-surface as well as hydrological models. For continuing improvement of the ISMN, it is essential that users and data providers of soil moisture observation engage in participatory discussion to identify the success, challenges and provide recommendations that would benefit the wider community. This meeting therefore aims at engaging the soil moisture scientific community (data users and providers) on improving exchange of soil moisture data; sharing information about operationalization of research databases; and to demonstrate connections to other world water data centres federated within the Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H).

Organizer(s): Tunde Olarinoye, Fay Boehmer, Kasjen Kramer, Wolfgang Korres, Irene Himmelbauer, Daniel Aberer, Wouter Dorigo, Matthias Zink, Stephan Dietrich

Convener: Tunde OlarinoyeECSECS | Co-conveners: Kasjen Kramer, Irene HimmelbauerECSECS, Daniel Aberer, Wouter Dorigo
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 16:15

The meeting will explore a wide range of key research (and policy) questions for blue carbon, carbon stored in marine and coastal ecosystems. This is a casual discussion about understanding adaptation and mitigation processes within marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems.

Therefore, we see blue carbon as an opportunity to contribute to global carbon reduction and climate change mitigation objectives.

We invite researchers to work on:
1. Carbon uptake capabilities of marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems
2. Functions of the marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems
3. Comparison between coastal and terrestrial ecosystems by remote-sensed and in-situ observational, experimental, conceptual, and modeling approaches
4. Spatial and temporal changes of coastal ecosystems (marine, small islands, and coastal areas) in the past, present, and future

Convener: Bora LeeECSECS | Co-convener: Himlal Baral
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 12:45

Discussion of future of the initiative.

Convener: Björn Guse
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 12:45

The EPOS VOLCanological Thematic Core Service aims for collaboaration and harmonization with other international data services, within WP3 of the EPOS Sustainability Phase project. This meeting is to contribute to materializing such harmonization and eventually interoperability.

Convener: Kristin Vogfjord
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Tue, 16:15

A chance for the Tektonika editorial board and core team to meet, and discuss the first year of the journal's life, current challenges and future plans.
Will be followed by a social evening open to all interested in the journal and diamond open access publishing.

Convener: Lucia Perez-Diaz
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 16:15

The main goal of this splinter meeting is to gather the “Heliophysics” international community, experts in space plasma physics throughout the solar system, including the Sun, the solar wind, the planets and small bodies. The main focus will be to address the big questions, the common underlying processes in this discipline and to discuss the scientific interests of the community. We will also discuss possible funding and application opportunities for space missions and technology development.

Convener: Lina Hadid | Co-convener: Charlotte Götz
Fri, 28 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Fri, 12:45

The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field campaign took place in winter 2021/2022 in Fairbanks, Alaska, to investigate the dynamics, microphysics and chemistry of Arctic wintertime air pollution. We invite the participants and those interested in ALPACA to join this data analysis meeting with a focus on the UAF farm site, where vertical observations took place.

Convener: Julia Schmale
Fri, 28 Apr, 12:45–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Fri, 12:45

This meeting will be a follow up of session EOS2.4. Yet everyone interested in improving hydrology education is welcome to join.
In this meeting we will further discuss hydrology teaching practices for a new era and how to setup a position paper and joint research and development agenda.

Convener: Martine RuttenECSECS
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Thu, 10:45

The side meeting aims are to provide an informal forum to network and exchange information on ongoing and planned laboratory, field and modelling activities in the wider realm of the chemistry, physics and biology of polar surface interactions and links to climate. Short updates will be provided by international activities with a focus on this interdisciplinary field, including The Cryosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry (CATCH), Air Pollution in the Arctic: Climate, Environment and Societies (PACES), QuIESCENT Arctic, and Biogeochemical Exchanges at Sea Ice Interfaces (BEPSII), but also from anyone who is seeking or offering relevant opportunities for scientific collaboration.

Convener: Markus Frey | Co-conveners: Georgia SotiropoulouECSECS, Jacqueline Stefels
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 12:45

This splinter meeting is open to anyone interested in founding a Heat Health Early Career Network. This session will be an open space to discuss the needs and aspirations of this research community. We are also interested in how we can help each other with collaborations and the potential to grow the field.

Convener: Chloe Brimicombe | Co-conveners: Evan De SchrijverECSECS, Eunice Lo, Laura Suarez-GutierrezECSECS
Wed, 26 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 12:45

The editorial team of Earth System Science Data (ESSD) would like to engage in an open discussion with authors, readers and the public about recent developments within the data journal in particular as well as data publishing guidelines and best practices in general. Anyone is welcome to attend and share feedback about their experience and expectations when it comes to open research data.

Convener: Kirsten Elger
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Tue, 14:00

Copernicus Publications as the publisher of all EGU journals would like to invite Early Career Scientists (ECS) across all disciplines to engage in an active discussion about needs and wishes of ECS in academic OA publishing.

We want to hear your ideas and thoughts about what to keep, what to drop, what to improve in our publishing workflows or journal policies.

Copernicus Publications aims to engage in an eye to eye exchange with the next generation of researchers and, as a possible tangible outcome of this meeting, would like to form a standing group of ECS challenging us to constantly innovate and improve.

We invite anyone to join, listen and reflect, however the microphone will be mostly reserved for ECS.

Convener: Johannes Wagner | Co-convener: Thies Martin Rasmussen
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Fri, 10:45

CalvingMIP is a recently launched ice shelf calving model intercomparison project. We present here initial results from participating models as well as invite further discusion about the direction of the project.

Convener: Jim Jordan
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 16:15

Effectively engaging with the policymaking process and achieving policy impact requires a set of competences that are rarely covered in formal university education or doctoral programmes.

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has outlined 27 science for policy competences that researchers can develop and created a self-assessment tool that researchers can use to find their strengths as well as areas that they would like to improve.

During this Splinter Meeting, researchers will be guided through the self-assessment tool by one of its creators, Lene Topp. While it is recommended that participants attend the Short Course "SC3.13 What are Science4Policy competences" prior to this Splinter Meeting, it is not essential.

Conveners: Chloe Hill, Lene Topp
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 10:45

Scientists can engage with policy on many different levels – from the local city level all the way up to intergovernmental processes and treaties! With so many options, how do scientists who want to engage in policy decide where to dedicate their time? And once they decide, how do they start engaging?

This round table discussion will introduce you to experts who have worked across the spectrum of governance levels. They will compare the benefits of working on different scales and also talk about some of the pitfalls and challenges. Join us to find out what it’s really like to interact with local politicians and how it feels to be sitting in a meeting that dictates global climate targets!

Convener: Chloe Hill
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 14:00

Join us for an interactive session that will support you in communicating your science in a meaningful and ethical way.

Experts from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission will give you tailored advice and practical feedback that you can implement to successfully navigate the policy world and connect more deeply with citizens.

Participants are encouraged to come with examples from their research or current projects and be ready to join in on the discussion! Participation in the prior "SC3.12 Beyond SciComm 101" session is encouraged but not essential.

Convener: Chloe Hill
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Thu, 10:45

This splinter meeting will provide you with the opportunity to give direct feedback on the European Union's Research Funding Framework Programmes.

This discussion will be hosted by those working within the European Commission and with the funding frameworks.

Convener: Chloe Hill
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Tue, 16:15

Welcome to Urland, a beautiful country that has recently discovered a large shale gas deposit that could be used to diversify and secure its energy supplies while also providing much needed employment to the local people! A recent application made by Drilling & Co to exploit this resource looks like a promising opportunity and they have already made a risk assessment. But is this enough evidence to base a decision on? That’s up to you to decide!

This simulation game will allow you to explore policymaking concepts, practice science-advisory skills, relate to stakeholders on the science-policy interface, and see multiple perspectives. During the simulation, you will be given a character to play who has specific aims and motivations that are either driven by their own personal values or their professional position. This will be followed by a reflection on real-life policymaking and how the session’s key take home message can be applied when dealing with science advisory processes.

Convener: Chloe Hill
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 10:45

Breakout session for continental scientific drilling programme GRIND-ECT (Ediacaran-Cambrian transition).

Convener: Fred Bowyer
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Thu, 16:15

Meeting of the members of the Executive Committee of ORFEUS (http://www.orfeus-eu.org/) - Part 1.

Convener: Carlo Cauzzi
Tue, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Tue, 19:00

Meeting of the members of the Executive Committee of ORFEUS (http://www.orfeus-eu.org/) - Part 2.

Convener: Carlo Cauzzi
Wed, 26 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 19:00

In this session, we want to meet up with a handful of EU funded projects who are all working on Multi-(hazard) risk. These projects are in different stages and have some overlap in their goals. This meeting would allow the scientists involved in these projects to align them better and learn from and build on each other's work.

Convener: Marleen de Ruiter
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 14:00

A user meeting for all users of the ASPECT geodynamical code.

Convener: Jeroen van Hunen
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Tue, 10:45

The ACROSS project culminated years of planning with a comprehensive field campaign conducted in summer 2022. To complement presentations on data collected during the campaign, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss ACROSS related topics and identify next steps to address them.

Convener: Christopher Cantrell
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 19:00

We will report on the status of AdriaArray – a seismic experiment to cover the Adriatic Plate and its actively deforming margins by a dense broad-band seismic network. We will discuss the time schedule, participating institutions, mobile station pools, maps of temporary station distribution, station coverage, data transmission and access. We will also report on the outcomes of the AdriaArray meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3. - 5. April 2023.

Convener: Petr Kolínský | Co-conveners: Carlo Cauzzi, Thomas Meier
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 19:00

The International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) is a well-established persistent identifier for physical objects, with more than ten million samples registered across the globe. IGSNs are managed by a federated, non-profit organisation (IGSN e.V.). In October 2021, IGSN e.V. and DataCite entered a strategic partnership.

In this splinter meeting, we will introduce the upcoming changes and opportunities and invite an exchange of existing best practices for using IGSN to identify samples.

Questions we want to address at this meeting are: What does the new partnership mean for me as a researcher? What are the solutions of active IGSN agents, and what would be the steps for newly starting IGSN registration services? We welcome everyone interested in learning more about the digital curation of physical samples and ways to obtain IGSNs.

Convener: Kirsten Elger
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Thu, 12:45

This meeting will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the latest progress and the remaining challenges with regard to the development of the multi-functional open source GIS simulation model for granular avalanches, debris flows, and cascading landslide processes (r.avaflow). I will particularly focus on new functionalities for the simulation of slide-type processes, layered flows and slow-moving flows as well as on an interface for VR visualization of the simulation results. Everybody interested in the field of mass flow simulation is cordially invited to the meeting. If you are using r.avaflow and would like to give a brief presentation about your work within this splinter meeting, please directly contact the convener. Note that there will be no lunch provided at the meeting.

Convener: Martin Mergili
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Thu, 12:45

The Drought in the Anthropocene research network connects scientists that aim to gain a better understanding of the feedbacks between drought and human society at different scales.
As the IAHS Panta Rhei scientific decade comes to an end, the Drought in the Anthropocene research network is reinventing itself. In the last ten years, the DitA network was centred around 6 science questions, and during this meeting we grab the opportunity to refresh them and also mirror them to policy support questions.

Convener: Marthe Wens
Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Thu, 08:30

The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) had two succesful topics for the last decades (PUB and Panta Rhei). Now we have an open discussion on the next topic and search for feedback on the Concept Note, and volunteers for leading Actions and work clusters.

Convener: Berit Arheimer
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 10:45

Come and say hola!
Either if you are already a member or want to know more about GeoLatinas, spend some time with us and connect with our community.
All EGU attendees are welcome to this informal networking space.

Public information:

Come and say hola!

Whether you already are a member or want to know more about GeoLatinas, spend some time with us and connect with our community.
All EGU attendees are welcome to this informal networking space.

Convener: Adriana Guatame-Garcia
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Wed, 10:45

A meeting to inform the community on opportunities for scientific collaborations based on the SMHI HYPE models and data; from historical, forecasts to climate projections.

Public information:

Welcome to this session where we highlight the opportunities for collaborative research on the HYPE hydrological models and applications. We have a host of interesting presentations on current developments, collaborations, results and impacts from the Arctic (Arctic-HYPE), European (E-HYPE) and global models (WWH). 

Also in the line up are invited talks by distinguished research partners from across the globe, who will be sharing their experience on model applications at different scales and domains, analyses from HYPE results, as well as open source community co-development of the model code.

Prof. Martyn Clark (USask) wraps up the presentation sessions with a keynote on "International community of  practice on hydrological modelling" and we are led into a lively discussion session thereafter by Prof. Berit Arheimer (SMHI) with "Opportunities for research collaboration, partner roles and expectations".

We invite you to also join our subsequent session (SPM61) on Thursday 27th April from10:45–12:30 in room 2.42. The hands-on session will introduce users to running the HYPE model and also trying out the open source HYPE-tools suite of applications.

Download the full session agenda under session assets/materials.

Convener: Emiola Gbobaniyi
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Wed, 14:00

A meeting to inform about opportunities for scientific collaborations and hydrological data from the World Wide HYPE model (WWH); from historical, forecasts to climate projections.

Convener: Peter Berg
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 10:45

This meeting seeks to explore methods across the branches of the geosciences to best deliver relevant and applicable scientific knowledge and training to stakeholders to meet their industry-specific needs. This may include BSc- or MSc-level training and industry-focused apprenticeships alongside shorter professional development courses and modules tailored to address the different major challenges in the geosciences today.

We are interested in exploring and sharing both experiences in delivering degree-level and industry-focused training, and diverse approaches which have been successful for this, across the breadth of the EGU community. We welcome all who are interested in discussing professional education and development in the geosciences, including early career members.

Convener: Chris McCloskey
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Wed, 16:15

This meeting is dedicated to discuss project advances and next steps.

Convener: Elisabeth Blanc
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 19:00

Discussing the Panta Rhei synthesis.

Convener: Heidi Kreibich
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 14:00

This on-site splinter meeting will build on the outcomes of discussions arising from the PS division session PS8.1, as well as PS4.1, & PS4.2. We envision that this splinter meeting will feature lively debates and critical analyses of new models that tie together disparate viewpoints. This splinter session will also motivate participation in the poster sessions the following day (Thursday). After the splinter session, groups will gather for dinner to continue talking.

Convener: Nader Haghighipour | Co-convener: Stephen J. Mojzsis
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 16:15

This meeting will provide an overview of the ISVOLC project, recently funded by the Icelandic Research Fund. The project investigates the effects of climate change induced ice-retreat on seismic and volcanic activity, utilising a selection of key active volcanoes and seismic zones in Iceland.

Convener: Michelle Parks
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 10:45

Climate change represents one of the defining societal challenges of the 21st century. However, climate action is inadequate across the board in responding to this challenge. Both in terms of mitigation and adaptation, measures currently taken by society fall short of what is required to ensure a safe and healthy environment, today or in the future. This results in extreme weather events causing damages and losses around the globe, and the prospect of worsening impacts and unsafe living conditions in the future because of insufficient emissions reduction commitments by countries. This shortfall in climate action has led citizens to take up legal action, to either receive compensation for suffered climate damages, or force decision makers to commit to the necessary emissions reductions.

In this splinter meeting, we invite a discussion on how to bridge the gap between the legal practice of climate change litigation and the geosciences. Starting with an overview of what the latest research says about the scientific evidence used in climate litigation, we will then open the discussion to address how new scientific methods can support legal efforts, and inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives on how to integrate geoscience insights in climate change litigation. This will include questions of climate change and impact attribution, responsibility, human rights, and burden sharing of efforts that link beyond disciplinary boundaries.

Convener: Rosa Pietroiusti | Co-conveners: Inga Menke, Wim ThieryECSECS, Friederike Otto, Petra Minnerop
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Fri, 08:30

Following the approval of the new Science and Implementation Plan of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme, the event will discuss the next steps required for the realisation of the plan. The specific topics to be discussed include:
-Near Real Time exchange of atmospheric composition data.
-Implementation of new WMO data policy.
-Activities related to translation of research to operations -GAW role in WMO GHG Monitoring Infrastructure and required research support.
-QA/QC procedures in WMO regulation.
The meeting is open to all the members of the GAW community and interested partners.

Public information:

Following the approval by the World Meteorological Organization Executive Council of the new Science and Implementation Plan of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW), the event will discuss the next steps required for the realisation of the plan.

  • Implementing new SIP (priorities for the 1st year) (30’)
  • Strengthen coordination of atmospheric composition measurement and data infrastructure (60’) (with 15’ break)
  1. GAW integration in WIS 2.0
  2. Open data policy
  3. Integration of GAWSIS into OSCAR
  4. NRT data exchange (final users)
  5. GAW areas that could migrate or are already operational
     Break (15’)
  • Requirements and network design for Atmospheric Composition applications including GHG (coordination with GCOS as an example), SDS-WAS & GAFIS (Coordination with WIPPS) (40’)
  • Miscellaneous topics received for discussion (e.g. Capacity Development) (20’)
Convener: Sergi Moreno
Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Mon, 10:45

This will be an open discussion on where the science of climate adaptation stands in Europe and how science can guide the societal transformation need to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Come and join experts in the field and those working on these topics inside the European Commission to have your say and hear about exciting new projects!

Convener: Chloe Hill
Mon, 24 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Mon, 12:45

The time for climate action is now. Science is critical in shaping the policies and actions to tackle the global climate change challenge,” said Chair of the IPCC Hoesung Lee.

Scientist Rebellion is an international movement of scientists and scholars who are extremely concerned about the climate and ecological crisis and believe the scientific community has the responsibility to step up and join the forefront of the climate movement.
Unless those who are best placed to understand this crisis behave according to the emergency we live in, we cannot expect the public to do the same.
The latest IPCC report notes “Any further delay in concerted action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.”
We believe that we must expose the reality and severity of the climate and ecological emergency through nonviolent direct actions, including civil disobedience.

In this Splinter meeting we would like to share how we work and what we do. If you want to have a chat with some of us to see if this is a network you would like to join, feel free to stop by at this informative splinter meeting organized by EGU participants who are also member of Scientist Rebellion.
If you would like to participate in a community-wide discussion about different perspectives of climate activism, do not miss the town hall meeting TM12 "Science and Climate activism (part 1): Community debate" on Tuesday at 7 pm in Room L2.

Convener: Marthe Wens
Fri, 28 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Fri, 12:45

The aim of this splinter meeting is to have a short report on the UPFLOW project and start a brainstorm with the European community on future European OBS initiatives and on how to improve OBS experiments. From early-stage planning, pre- and post-processing, to publishing data reports and sharing final outputs. So far exchange between different institutes and projects has been limited. We want to encourage the exchange of knowledge in the European OBS community, improve current practices and develop new strategies which could ease challenges for future OBS projects.

Convener: Maria TsekhmistrenkoECSECS
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 19:00

We would like to have a meeting of the members of the DataWave project (https://datawaveproject.github.io/team/) present at the EGU where we would discuss progress in using machine learning for the parameterization of atmospheric gravity waves.

Convener: Ulrich Achatz
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Mon, 14:00

ECRA is an association of 23 leading European research institutions. It’s objective is to bring together, expand and optimise expertise in climate research through a bottom-up approach. The initiative is a platform for joint research planning by sharing existing national research capacities and infrastructures. The Splinter meeting is intended to touch base with the ECRA community, launch the new website and present the most recent work plan towards the upcoming General Assembly in March 2024.

Convener: Ralf Ludwig | Co-conveners: Sissi Knispel de Acosta, Peter Braesicke
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 10:45

Join the ESMValTool community meeting to learn more about using the ESMValTool for analyzing climate (model) data. There will be a demo of the tool for those who do not know the tool yet and several core developers will be present to answer any questions you may have. More information about the tool and the community around it is available at https://www.esmvaltool.org.

Convener: Bouwe Andela | Co-conveners: Lisa Bock, Axel Lauer, Valeriu Predoi, Klaus Zimmermann
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 10:45

Policy briefs are concise, accessible documents that aim to communicate the practical implications of research to a particular policy audience and provide them with solutions to a specific issue. Although policy briefs are just one method to communicate information to a policy audience, they can be a valuable communication tool when effectively written and disseminated.

This Splinter Meeting will be run in the form of an interactive workshop. Participants will be given provided with tips and tools to create their own policy brief as well as interactive exercises to work on with other attendees and the session’s leaders.

Participants are requested to bring along one of their (single-authored or collaborative) publications to use during the workshop. If attendees do not yet have any publications, they may bring along an article authored by someone else that they are familiar with.

Convener: Chloe Hill
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Fri, 10:45

- A group of ISMC members will be gathered to discuss ISMC opinion/position paper in terms of representing soil processes in Earth System Models.

- We will also discuss how ISMC can contribute to EU Soil Observatory

- ISMC consortium for the HORIZON Europe calls and COST-ACTION

Convener: Yijian Zeng
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Tue, 10:45

Gliders and profiling floats provide extended geospatial and temporal coverage for oceanic turbulence data collection. Rockland Scientific will provide updates on hardware and software systems for in-situ turbulence data processing and transmission, as well as recent developments of new microstructure sensor solutions and post-processing tools.

Convener: Romain Tricarico
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 10:45

Discussion and informal exchange of recent experiences on newly explored scientific fields and review procedures.

Convener: Andreas Langousis
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Thu, 19:00

First impressions matter. An engaging abstract (or summary) encourages readers to move on to the rest of the research article. Conversely, a poorly written abstract can cause readers to lose interest. This interactive session will provide techniques for writing a clear and concise abstract that captures a reader’s attention early on. In addition, a range of examples will help illustrate how to distill the essence of your article into an effective mini narrative. The session is suitable for researchers at all levels, but those early in their careers are especially welcome to attend. Feel free to bring along an abstract that you would like to work on!

Convener: Lewis Collins
Mon, 24 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Mon, 12:45

The competition for research grants is getting fiercer by the day. Although this varies considerably by discipline and funder, success rates of 10 to 20 percent are not uncommon. To increase your chances of success, it is imperative that you clearly convey the rationale, approach, and significance of the proposed research. This, in turn, requires understanding and responding to the funder’s expectations and evaluation criteria. This interactive session will provide top-level advice for developing a compelling research grant proposal. Using some examples, it will focus on achieving a clear narrative and an effective structure. The session is suitable for researchers at all levels, but those early in their careers are especially welcome to attend. Feel free to bring along a proposal that you are working on or even simply an idea that you would like to crystallize!

Convener: Ninad Bondre
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Tue, 10:45

Are you using the Julia language for your data analysis or interested in trying it out? We will a give a short overview into the Julia Geo package ecosystem and where to start your Julia journey. We would like to discuss what people are using Julia for, what tools they use in their work and what packages and tools are still missing.

For more information on the JuliaGeo ecosystem see https://juliageo.org/

Convener: Felix Cremer | Co-convener: Nora Linscheid
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Mon, 14:00

Content may well be king, but the value of presentation cannot be underestimated for ensuring that a scientific paper is read and understood, and eventually has an impact. This interactive session will provide tools for shaping a clear and coherent scientific narrative that conveys what motivated the research, how it was carried out, what was found, and why that is important. Once a paper is written, the next job is to get it published so that your findings reach an audience that is most likely to benefit from it. This is easier said than done given both the increasing volume of research and the ever-expanding landscape of scientific journals: it requires a strategic approach to publishing. The session will briefly discuss how to approach the choice of a journal and editorial processes, among other things. The workshop is suitable for researchers at all levels, but those early in their careers are especially welcome to attend. Feel free to bring along a paper that you are working on!

Convener: Lewis Collins
Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 08:30

The meeting aims at defining the frame of a Research Infrastructure (RI) that could act as a single point of contact for all users interested in airborne(manned/remotely piloted)/balloonborne exploratory, mobile, deployable observing systems across all areas of the Earth system - atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, solid Earth, surface. Proposed project duration is 36 monhs.
By means of this RI, the users should gain an easy and overall view of the European scientific flight capabilities (planes and payloads).

Convener: Francesco Cairo
Wed, 26 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 19:00

In-person meeting for the Joint Body on the Status of Mountain Snow Cover (JB-SMSC). This Joint-Body is a collaboration between International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), and the WMO Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW). We shall use this meeting to collaborate and discuss with the various involved scientists, which are also at EGU at this time.

Convener: Michael Matiu
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 08:30

IMTECC: Integrated systems and analysis of urban Mobility for climate-neutral and susTainable Cities in Europe and China

Convener: Alexander Baklanov
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Tue, 10:45

FOCI: Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts

Web-site: http://project-foci.eu

Twitter: @ProjectFOCI / https://twitter.com/ProjectFOCI

Public information:

All interested are welcome to join this FOCI Splinter Meeting! 

FOCI: Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts

Web-site: http://project-foci.eu 

Convener: Alexander Baklanov
Tue, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Tue, 19:00

Finalisation of the landmark paper

Convener: Tobias Karl David WeberECSECS
Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Mon, 10:45

Meeting for EGU Division Policy Officers and Points of Contact to discuss common issues and policy-relevant themes.

Convener: Chloe Hill
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 08:30

ClimXtreme & compound events study group in Germany and adjucent areas. The meeting aims at bringing together the study group in order to advance the research on the topic.

Convener: Elena Xoplaki
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 14:00

Meeting of the ESPL Advisory Board members attending the EGU meeting.

Convener: Stuart Lane
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 16:15

A meeting for those involved with the International collaboration between Japan and EU on quantum space gravimetry data exploitation.

Convener: Stella Strataki
Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 08:30

As ECS is part of our ongoing efforts to promote geoscience research and education. We are interested in organizing division fieldwork activities at the European Geosciences Union (EGU). However, before proceeding with any concrete plans, we believe it is important to assess the level of interest from our community, particularly the Early Career Scientists (ECS). Therefore, we are seeking to collect feedback from the ECS community to better understand their needs and preferences regarding fieldwork opportunities. We believe that by involving the community in this process, we can ensure that any division fieldwork activities organized by the EGU will be relevant, engaging, and beneficial to all involved. Come and bring your ideas and comments on how your ideal fieldwork at EGU could be!

Convener: Giorgia Stasi