Programme Groups
Assessment and modeling of concentrated flow erosion
Convener: R. Giménez  |
Co-Conveners: Gordon  , E. Taguas  , J. Casalí  , M. James
Temporal dynamics and effects of changes in land use on soil properties and processes
Convener: A. Paz-González  |
Co-Conveners: A. Schwen  , A. M. Tarquis  , D. Or  , W. Durner  , A. Gobin
Models and scaling: Assessing impact of climate change and land management on erosion and sediment dynamics
Convener: S. Keesstra  |
Co-Conveners: E. Nadal Romero  , M. Kirkby  , M. Seeger  , J. A. Gómez  , A. M. Tarquis  , N. J. Kuhn  , J. P. Nunes  , J. C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo  , S. Beguería  , P. Lionello  , E. Taguas
Dynamics of soil surface characteristics (including physical and biological soil crusts): consequences on soil functioning and role of climate and land use change
Convener: O. Cerdan
Poster Summaries & Discussions: PSD4.8 |
Cutting across the soil-water field: A way to make new flowers blooming or the risk of sitting on the fence?
Convener: N. Romano  |
Co-Conveners: M. Vanclooster  , K. G. J. Nierop  , S. Doerr  , S. Dekker
Understanding Fire Phenomena in the Earth System Using Interdisciplinary Approaches
Co-Conveners: G. Rein  , A. C. Scott
Connectivity in water and sediment dynamics: how do we move forwards? (co-organized)
Convener: A. Parsons  |
Co-Conveners: S. Keesstra  , R. Pöppl  , D. Dunkerley
Coupled Physical and Chemical Transformations Affecting the Performance of GeoSystems (co-organized)
Convener: H. Holländer  |
Co-Conveners: J. M. Soler  , G. Kosakowski
Effects of forest cover loss and land use change on erosion, sediment dynamics and ecosystem health (co-organized)
Co-Convener: P. Owens
Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires: models, theory, and reality (co-organized)
Convener: M. Pereira  |
Co-Conveners: R. Trigo  , M. Penning de Vries  , L. Clarisse  , Boschetti
Poster Summaries & Discussions: PSD19.13 |