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Programme Groups

PSD – Poster Summaries & Discussions

CR – PSD - Cryospheric Sciences
TS – PSD - Tectonics & Structural Geology
SSS – PSD - Soil System Sciences
SM – PSD - Seismology
ERE – PSD - Energy, Resources and the Environment
OS – PSD - Ocean Sciences
NP – PSD - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
CL – PSD - Climate: Past, Present, Future
AS – PSD - Atmospheric Sciences
GD – PSD - Geodynamics
GM – PSD - Geomorphology
G – PSD - Geodesy
GI – PSD - Geosciences Instrumentation & Data Systems
SSP – PSD - Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Palaeontology
HS – PSD - Hydrological Sciences
PS – PSD - Planetary & Solar System Sciences
IG – PSD - Isotopes in Geosciences: Instrumentation and Applications
NH – PSD - Natural Hazards
BG – PSD - Biogeosciences
ST – PSD - Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
GMPV – PSD - Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
ESSI – PSD - Earth & Space Science Informatics

CR –  PSD - Cryospheric Sciences
CR8.10 - Mountain snow cover and avalanche formation
Convener: J. Schweizer  | Co-Conveners: D. McClung , Kronholm , A. van Herwijnen 
PSD1.4 – CR8.10 - Mountain snow cover and avalanche formation
CR1.90 - Modeling, measurements and applications of snow stratigraphy and microstructure
Convener: S. Morin  | Co-Convener: H. Löwe 
PSD1.5CR1.90 - Modeling, measurements and applications of snow str[…]
TS –  PSD - Tectonics & Structural Geology
TS2.4/HS8.1.8 - Fractures, faults and fluid flow: from observations to mechanisms
Convener: N. De Paola  | Co-Conveners: F. Balsamo , F. Renard , D. Koehn , M. Arndt 
PSD2.1TS2.4/HS8.1.8 - Fractures, faults and fluid flow: from obser[…]
TS10.1 - Geodynamic, tectonic and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean: from Dinarides to Turkey
Convener: L. Le Pourhiet  | Co-Conveners: A. Okay , D. J. J. van Hinsbergen 
PSD2.10TS10.1 - Geodynamic, tectonic and paleoenvironmental evoluti[…]
TS9.5/G3.5/GD8.6/GM3.6/GMPV6.20/SM3.5 - Crustal faulting and deformation processes observed by InSAR, GPS and modelling techniques
Convener: T. R. Walter  | Co-Conveners: R. Malservisi , R. Lanari , F. Zucca 
PSD2.12TS9.5/G3.5/GD8.6/GM3.6/GMPV6.20/SM3.5 - Crustal faulting and[…]
TS9.4 - Geophysical methods in the service of Structural Geology
Convener: S.-A. Ouadfeul  | Co-Conveners: L. Aliouane , A. Khalil 
PSD2.13TS9.4 - Geophysical methods in the service of Structural Geo[…]
SSS –  PSD - Soil System Sciences
SSS5.10 - Dynamics of soil surface characteristics (including physical and biological soil crusts): consequences on soil functioning and role of climate and land use change
Convener: O. Cerdan 
PSD4.8SSS5.10 - Dynamics of soil surface characteristics (includin[…]
SSS9.2 - Soil de-pollution and changing organic management systems
Convener: P. Burauel  | Co-Convener: Munch 
PSD4.9SSS9.2 - Soil de-pollution and changing organic management s[…]
SSS4.1 - Digital soil mapping: novel approaches and sensing techniques to the prediction of key soil properties
Convener: U. Werban  | Co-Conveners: P. Dietrich , G. Grandjean , H. Bartholomeus , U. Koedel , H. Reuter 
PSD4.10SSS4.1 - Digital soil mapping: novel approaches and sensing […]
SSS7.6 - Movement and Fate of eroded soil organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems
Convener: N. J. Kuhn  | Co-Conveners: T. Quine , K. Van Oost 
PSD4.10SSS7.6 - Movement and Fate of eroded soil organic matter in […]
SSS11.3 - Soil and irrigation sustainability practices
Convener: L. Rodriguez-Sinobas  | Co-Conveners: A. M. Tarquis , G. Provenzano , R. Moratiel 
PSD4.10 – SSS11.3 - Soil and irrigation sustainability practices
SSS12.1 - Teaching Soil Science or how to teach that dirt is fascinating
Convener: A. Jordán  | Co-Conveners: J. Liddicoat , L. M. Zavala , D. Badía-Villas 
PSD4.10SSS12.1 - Teaching Soil Science or how to teach that dirt is[…]
SSS11.8 - Cotton production practices impacts soil quality
PSD4.11 – SSS11.8 - Cotton production practices impacts soil quality
SSS11.2 - Soil Management for Sustainable Agro food Systems
Co-Conveners: Crawford , Amoros , P. White 
PSD4.12 – SSS11.2 - Soil Management for Sustainable Agro food Systems
SSS7.3 - Where does all the Pyrogenic Organic Matter go? Its Fate in Soils, Water and Sediments
Convener: C. Santin  | Co-Convener: S. Doerr 
PSD4.13SSS7.3 - Where does all the Pyrogenic Organic Matter go? Its[…]
SSS11.3 - Soil and irrigation sustainability practices
Convener: L. Rodriguez-Sinobas  | Co-Conveners: A. M. Tarquis , G. Provenzano , R. Moratiel 
PSD4.14 – SSS11.3 - Soil and irrigation sustainability practices
SM –  PSD - Seismology
SM1.4/G6.2/GI1.6 - Integrating large-scale European Research infrastructures for solid Earth Sciences: from data centers to core services
Convener: M. Cocco  | Co-Conveners: R. Carbonell , C. Thomas , F. Boler 
PSD5.2SM1.4/G6.2/GI1.6 - Integrating large-scale European Research[…]
SM3.4/TS9.10 - Active seismic investigations of the Earth's crust
Convener: A. Malehmir  | Co-Convener: S. Buske 
PSD5.5SM3.4/TS9.10 - Active seismic investigations of the Earth's […]
SM3.2 - In QUEST of seismic models for sources and Earth's structure
Co-Convener: L. Gualtieri 
PSD5.7SM3.2 - In QUEST of seismic models for sources and Earth's s[…]
SM3.10/EMRP2.10/ERE5.5 - Seismo-electromagnetic conversions: observations, theory and modelling
PSD5.8SM3.10/EMRP2.10/ERE5.5 - Seismo-electromagnetic conversions:[…]
SM1.3/GI1.7 - Improving seismic networks performances: from site selection to data integration
Convener: D. Pesaresi 
PSD5.9SM1.3/GI1.7 - Improving seismic networks performances: from […]
SM3.1/AS4.20 - Research and Development in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
Convener: D. A. Becker  | Co-Conveners: M. Kalinowski , L. Ceranna , D. Brown , Y. Jia 
PSD5.10SM3.1/AS4.20 - Research and Development in Nuclear Explosion[…]
ERE –  PSD - Energy, Resources and the Environment
ERE1.6 - Deep geothermal energy – exploration, exploitation, characterisation and modelling
Convener: B. Hahne  | Co-Convener: H. Milsch 
PSD6.4ERE1.6 - Deep geothermal energy – exploration, exploitatio[…]
ERE2.4 - Modelling and upscaling of CO2 storage sites
Convener: T. Kempka  | Co-Conveners: M. Dentz , A. Niemi , H. Class , J. Carrera 
PSD6.7 – ERE2.4 - Modelling and upscaling of CO2 storage sites
ERE1.8 - Aspects of Biomass utilization from Forests and other Resources
Convener: V. J. Bruckman  | Co-Convener: V. Parravicini 
PSD6.8ERE1.8 - Aspects of Biomass utilization from Forests and oth[…]
ERE1.6 - Deep geothermal energy – exploration, exploitation, characterisation and modelling
Convener: B. Hahne  | Co-Conveners: D. Bruhn , G. Blöcher , I. Nardini 
PSD6.9ERE1.6 - Deep geothermal energy – exploration, exploitatio[…]
ERE2.1 - Long-term storage of CO2 in geological systems: Results from laboratory studies
Convener: A. Amann-Hildenbrand  | Co-Convener: A. Busch 
PSD6.11ERE2.1 - Long-term storage of CO2 in geological systems: Res[…]
ERE1.1 - Energy, Resources & the Environment
Convener: M. Kühn  | Co-Convener: H. Held 
PSD6.12 – ERE1.1 - Energy, Resources & the Environment
OS –  PSD - Ocean Sciences
OS4.3 - Ocean Remote Sensing
Convener: A. Alvera-Azcárate  | Co-Conveners: G. Han , S. Mecklenburg , N. Reul , Drusch 
PSD7.2 – OS4.3 - Ocean Remote Sensing
OS2.3 - Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling and observations
Convener: A. Sánchez-Arcilla  | Co-Conveners: S. Carniel , J. Wolf , E. Stanev 
PSD7.6OS2.3 - Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling […]
OS3.1 - 'Sensitivity of marine ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and carbon uptake to global change'.
Convener: B. Salihoglu  | Co-Conveners: A. V. Borges , C. Robinson , C. Garbe 
PSD7.9OS3.1 - 'Sensitivity of marine ecosystems, biogeochemical cy[…]
OS4.6/EOS3 - Ocean Science Outreach and Education
Convener: V. Rosmorduc  | Co-Conveners: De Staerke , M. Srinivasan 
PSD7.10 – OS4.6/EOS3 - Ocean Science Outreach and Education
OS1.4 - The Southern Ocean and its Role in the Global Climate System
Convener: Y. H. Park  | Co-Conveners: K. J. Heywood , R. Timmermann 
PSD7.11OS1.4 - The Southern Ocean and its Role in the Global Climat[…]
OS1.6 - Ocean dynamics and Air-sea interactions within the tropics
Convener: A. Lazar  | Co-Convener: M. Dengler 
PSD7.12OS1.6 - Ocean dynamics and Air-sea interactions within the t[…]
OS2.1 - Open Session on Coastal and Shelf Seas
Convener: J. van der Molen  | Co-Conveners: H. E. de Swart , G. Shapiro 
PSD7.14 – OS2.1 - Open Session on Coastal and Shelf Seas
OS1.2 - The North Atlantic: natural variability and global change
Convener: M. Rhein 
PSD7.16OS1.2 - The North Atlantic: natural variability and global […]
OS5.2 - Surface Waves and Wave-Coupled Effects in Lower Atmosphere and Upper Ocean
Convener: A. Babanin  | Co-Conveners: M. Onorato , F. Qiao 
PSD7.17OS5.2 - Surface Waves and Wave-Coupled Effects in Lower Atmo[…]
OS2.4 - Upwelling events, coastal-offshore exchange processes and their impact on the marine ecosystem under changing climate conditions
Co-Conveners: A. Lehmann , J. Hopkins 
PSD7.18OS2.4 - Upwelling events, coastal-offshore exchange processe[…]
NP –  PSD - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
NP1.2 - Open session on Nonlinear Inversion in Geophysics
Convener: S.-A. Ouadfeul  | Co-Convener: L. Aliouane 
PSD8.1 – NP1.2 - Open session on Nonlinear Inversion in Geophysics
NP3.2 - Geophysical Extremes: Scaling representations and their applications
Convener: A. Bunde  | Co-Conveners: A. A. Carsteanu , A. Langousis , S. Lennartz-Sassinek 
PSD8.2NP3.2 - Geophysical Extremes: Scaling representations and th[…]
NP4.2 - Satellite time series analysis
Convener: R. Lasaponara  | Co-Convener: A. Lanorte 
PSD8.3 – NP4.2 - Satellite time series analysis
NP3.4/BG2.23/SSS1.7 - Scaling, Nonlinearity, and Complexity in soils
Convener: A. M. Tarquis  | Co-Conveners: Perrier , M. Marani , C. W. Mueller , Kravchenko , R. M. Lark , R. E. Falconer , M. Steffens , R. Viscarra Rossel 
PSD8.4NP3.4/BG2.23/SSS1.7 - Scaling, Nonlinearity, and Complexity […]
NP6.6 - Magnetic reconnection and turbulence in Space, Laboratory and Astrophysical Systems
Convener: G. Lapenta (deceased) 
PSD8.5NP6.6 - Magnetic reconnection and turbulence in Space, Labor[…]
NP8.2 - Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modelling in Geosciences
Convener: B. Nadiga  | Co-Conveners: D. Schertzer , J. Duan , C. Franzke 
PSD8.6NP8.2 - Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modelling in Ge[…]
NP7.2 - Wind-wave-current interactions, internal waves in stratified media and ocean mixing
Convener: P. Fraunie  | Co-Convener: V. Rey 
PSD8.7NP7.2 - Wind-wave-current interactions, internal waves in st[…]
NP6.4/PS9.4 - Solar wind and astrophysical turbulence and shocks
Convener: L. Sorriso-Valvo  | Co-Convener: J. M. Redondo 
PSD8.8NP6.4/PS9.4 - Solar wind and astrophysical turbulence and sh[…]
CL –  PSD - Climate: Past, Present, Future
CL0 - Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future
Convener: D.-D. Rousseau  | Co-Convener: M.-A. Sicre 
PSD9.1 – CL0 - Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future
CL1.1 - Progress in understanding Neoproterozoic pan-glaciations (potential Snowball Earth episodes) (posters only)
Convener: A. Voigt  | Co-Convener: Y. Donnadieu 
PSD9.2CL1.1 - Progress in understanding Neoproterozoic pan-glaciat[…]
CL1.13 - Decadal to millennial scale climate variability
Convener: M.-S. Seidenkrantz  | Co-Conveners: A. Svensson , A. Kuijpers , M.-A. Sicre , S. O. Rasmussen , M. Faurschou Knudsen 
PSD9.3 – CL1.13 - Decadal to millennial scale climate variability
CL1.17/EG1 - Reconstructing the climate of the last two millennia (including Hans Oeschger Medal Lecture)
Convener: J. Luterbacher  | Co-Conveners: E. Zorita , L. von Gunten , F. González-Rouco 
PSD9.4CL1.17/EG1 - Reconstructing the climate of the last two mill[…]
CL5.3/HS6.7 - Climate Data Bias-Correction and Homogenization and Climate Trends and Variability Assessment
Convener: X. Wang  | Co-Conveners: P. Stepanek , E. Aguilar , W. Dorigo 
PSD9.5CL5.3/HS6.7 - Climate Data Bias-Correction and Homogenizatio[…]
CL4.5/OS1.8 - Global and regional sea level rise and variability: from past to future
Convener: S. Jevrejeva  | Co-Conveners: A. Cazenave , A. Grinsted 
PSD9.6CL4.5/OS1.8 - Global and regional sea level rise and variabi[…]
CL4.8/BG2.22 - Climate Change: Carbon Cycle, Mortality, Growth, and Shift of Forests
Convener: F. D Aprile  | Co-Convener: D. Dunkerley 
PSD9.7CL4.8/BG2.22 - Climate Change: Carbon Cycle, Mortality, Grow[…]
CL4.9/AS1.4 - Synoptic climatology methods and applications
Convener: C. Beck  | Co-Conveners: A. Philipp , P. D. J. Jacobeit 
PSD9.8 – CL4.9/AS1.4 - Synoptic climatology methods and applications
CL2.3 - Urban climate, urban heat island and urban biometeorology
Convener: K. Kourtidis  | Co-Convener: K. De Ridder 
PSD9.10CL2.3 - Urban climate, urban heat island and urban biometeor[…]
AS –  PSD - Atmospheric Sciences
AS1.2 - Numerical weather prediction, data assimilation and ensemble forecasting
Convener: H. Ólafsson  | Co-Convener: J.-W. Bao 
PSD10.1AS1.2 - Numerical weather prediction, data assimilation and […]
AS1.10 - The global monsoon system: variability and dynamics
Convener: J. Li  | Co-Conveners: A. Turner , P. Terray 
PSD10.2 – AS1.10 - The global monsoon system: variability and dynamics
AS1.21 - Quantitative precipitation forecasting in complex terrain: Results of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) and other campaigns
Convener: V. Wulfmeyer  | Co-Conveners: M. Rotach , P. Di Girolamo , M. Dorninger , A. Behrendt 
PSD10.3AS1.21 - Quantitative precipitation forecasting in complex t[…]
AS3.5 - Aerosol Chemistry and Microphysics (General Session)
Convener: M. Kalberer  | Co-Conveners: U. Krieger , F. Pope 
PSD10.4 – AS3.5 - Aerosol Chemistry and Microphysics (General Session)
AS2.1 - Air-Land Interactions (General Session) (co-sponsored by iLEAPS)
Convener: A. Ibrom  | Co-Convener: T. Foken 
PSD10.5AS2.1 - Air-Land Interactions (General Session) (co-sponsore[…]
AS2.3 - Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chemical Processes Including Atmosphere-Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI)
Convener: W. Neff  | Co-Conveners: G. Heinemann , A. Jones , V. F. McNeill , Argentini , P. Anderson , T. Bartels-Rausch 
PSD10.6AS2.3 - Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chem[…]
AS4.4/BG2.16 - Boreal forest chemistry and physics
Convener: J. Williams  | Co-Convener: T. Petäjä 
PSD10.8 – AS4.4/BG2.16 - Boreal forest chemistry and physics
AS4.8 - Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies
Convener: A. Le Pichon  | Co-Conveners: L. G. Evers , T. Kvaerna 
PSD10.10 – AS4.8 - Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies
AS4.5/BG2.17/CL2.6 - Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions: From Emission to Atmospheric Particles and Climate
Convener: B. Bonn  | Co-Conveners: M. Boy , S. M. Noe 
PSD10.11AS4.5/BG2.17/CL2.6 - Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions: Fro[…]
AS3.2 - Halogens in the Troposphere
Convener: R. von Glasow (deceased)  | Co-Conveners: R. Sander , R. Volkamer , L. Carpenter , A. Saiz-Lopez , J. Plane 
PSD10.12 – AS3.2 - Halogens in the Troposphere
GD –  PSD - Geodynamics
GD3.1/GM3.7/SM4.4/TS1.6 - Plate kinematics, mantle convection, paleogeography and sea level
Convener: D. Müller  | Co-Conveners: G. Laske , H.-P. Bunge , S. Brune , M. Seton , G. Helffrich 
PSD11.3GD3.1/GM3.7/SM4.4/TS1.6 - Plate kinematics, mantle convectio[…]
GD4.1/GMPV6.16 - Mid-ocean ridge processes and their consequences: melting and melt extraction from a heterogeneous mantle
Co-Convener: A. Stracke 
PSD11.4GD4.1/GMPV6.16 - Mid-ocean ridge processes and their consequ[…]
GD4.2/SM2.8/TS5.3 - Evolution of the North and South Atlantic, adjacent continents, and passive continental margins, in general
Convener: P. D. U. A. Glasmacher  | Co-Conveners: R. B. Trumbull , H.-P. Bunge , P. Japsen , L. Scheck-Wenderoth , F. Guillocheau 
PSD11.5GD4.2/SM2.8/TS5.3 - Evolution of the North and South Atlanti[…]
GD5.1/GMPV6.2/SM2.2/TS6.5 - Subduction dynamics from surface to deep mantle
Convener: S. Buiter  | Co-Conveners: F. Funiciello , J. van Hunen 
PSD11.6GD5.1/GMPV6.2/SM2.2/TS6.5 - Subduction dynamics from surface[…]
GD6.1/GMPV6.13/SM4.5 - Whole mantle and transition zone structure, dynamics and evolution: multidisciplinary perspectives
Convener: P. Tackley  | Co-Conveners: J. H. Davies , C. Thomas 
PSD11.7GD6.1/GMPV6.13/SM4.5 - Whole mantle and transition zone stru[…]
GD8.1/TS9.6 - Recent advances in computational geodynamics
Convener: B. Kaus  | Co-Conveners: M. Dabrowski , A. Popov 
PSD11.8 – GD8.1/TS9.6 - Recent advances in computational geodynamics
GD2.5/GMPV6.12/SM4.3/TS10.9 - The tale of Laurasia cratons: new geophysical and geochemical evidence from Europe, Siberia, Greenland, and North America
Convener: I. M. Artemieva  | Co-Convener: M. Kopylova 
PSD11.10GD2.5/GMPV6.12/SM4.3/TS10.9 - The tale of Laurasia cratons: […]
GD8.2/GMPV6.6/TS9.7 - Long-term rheological behavior of the lithosphere inferred from observations and models at laboratory and geological time and spatial scales
Convener: E. Burov  | Co-Conveners: A. Watts , L. Jolivet , Y. Podladchikov 
PSD11.11GD8.2/GMPV6.6/TS9.7 - Long-term rheological behavior of the […]
GD2.3/GMPV6.8/SM3.6/TS9.8 - Heat flow and thermal regime of the lithosphere: Deep and surface processes
Convener: A. Vaughan  | Co-Conveners: I. M. Artemieva , I. Rogozhina , N. Kusznir 
PSD11.12GD2.3/GMPV6.8/SM3.6/TS9.8 - Heat flow and thermal regime of […]
GM –  PSD - Geomorphology
GM5.1 - Aeolian Processes and Landforms
Convener: J. Nield 
PSD12.4 – GM5.1 - Aeolian Processes and Landforms
GM4.4/BG1.8 - Biophysical processes: from biological soil crusts to macro process
Co-Conveners: J. Turowski , M. Stoffel , S. Rice , S. Lane 
PSD12.5GM4.4/BG1.8 - Biophysical processes: from biological soil cr[…]
GM2.4 - Complexity and nonlinearity in Earth surface processes Concepts, methods and applications
Convener: M. Keiler  | Co-Conveners: A. Temme , A. Lang , D. Karssenberg 
PSD12.6GM2.4 - Complexity and nonlinearity in Earth surface process[…]
GM2.2 - Digital Landscapes: Quantitative Interrogation and Use to Examine Geomorphic Processes
Convener: J. K. Hillier  | Co-Conveners: D. Mason , P. Tarolli , P. Passalacqua , S. Conway 
PSD12.7GM2.2 - Digital Landscapes: Quantitative Interrogation and U[…]
GM7.2/HS9.2 - Morphodynamics of Rivers and Estuaries: Sediment Budgets, Monitoring Techniques and Process Dynamics
Convener: A. Winterscheid  | Co-Convener: G. Erkens 
PSD12.8GM7.2/HS9.2 - Morphodynamics of Rivers and Estuaries: Sedime[…]
GM6.2/HS9.6/SSS5.21 - Connectivity in water and sediment dynamics: how do we move forwards?
Convener: A. Parsons  | Co-Conveners: D. Dunkerley , S. Keesstra , R. Pöppl 
PSD12.9GM6.2/HS9.6/SSS5.21 - Connectivity in water and sediment dyn[…]
GM10.1/PS2.9 - Planetary Geomorphology
Convener: S. Conway  | Co-Convener: M. Balme 
PSD12.10 – GM10.1/PS2.9 - Planetary Geomorphology
GM2.2 - Digital Landscapes: Quantitative Interrogation and Use to Examine Geomorphic Processes
Convener: J. K. Hillier  | Co-Conveners: D. Mason , P. Tarolli , P. Passalacqua , S. Conway 
PSD12.11GM2.2 - Digital Landscapes: Quantitative Interrogation and U[…]
G –  PSD - Geodesy
G5.1 - Observing and understanding Earth rotation variability and its geophysical excitation
Convener: F. Seitz  | Co-Convener: D. Salstein 
PSD13.1G5.1 - Observing and understanding Earth rotation variabilit[…]
G4.1 - Gravity field research - data acquisition - processing and - interpretation
Convener: B. Meurers  | Co-Conveners: M. Kaban , H.-J. Götze , C. Braitenberg 
PSD13.2G4.1 - Gravity field research - data acquisition - processin[…]
GI –  PSD - Geosciences Instrumentation & Data Systems
GI3.4 - From Artefact to Historical Site : Geoscience and Non-Invasive Methods for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Convener: N. Masini  | Co-Conveners: L. Eppelbaum , M. Alvarez de Buergo , F. Soldovieri 
PSD14.1GI3.4 - From Artefact to Historical Site : Geoscience and No[…]
GI2.1/AS4.6 - Atmospheric and Meteorological Instrumentation
Convener: J. Vivekanandan  | Co-Conveners: M. Rose , C. Waldmann , J. Reuder , M. A. Lange 
PSD14.3 – GI2.1/AS4.6 - Atmospheric and Meteorological Instrumentation
GI3.5 - Electromagnetic sensing techniques and geophysical methods for critical and transport infrastructures monitoring and diagnostics
Convener: J. Dumoulin  | Co-Conveners: F. Soldovieri , L. Bigagli 
PSD14.4GI3.5 - Electromagnetic sensing techniques and geophysical m[…]
GI1.1 - Open Session on Geoscience Instrumentation
Convener: H. Svedhem  | Co-Conveners: W. Schmidt , J.-L. Josset , V. Korepanov 
PSD14.5 – GI1.1 - Open Session on Geoscience Instrumentation
SSP –  PSD - Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Palaeontology
SSP4.2 - Palaeoclimate records from speleothems: analytical techniques, proxies, and application (sponsored by IAS)
Convener: D. Scholz  | Co-Conveners: D. Hoffmann , H. Stoll 
PSD15.3SSP4.2 - Palaeoclimate records from speleothems: analytical […]
SSP4.10 - Larger foraminifera: biostratigraphy, biogeography and field applications (sponsored by PalAss)
PSD15.4SSP4.10 - Larger foraminifera: biostratigraphy, biogeography[…]
HS –  PSD - Hydrological Sciences
HS2.10 - Experimental design and measurement techniques in surface water/groundwater interaction studies
Convener: H. Hofmann  | Co-Convener: L. Stellato 
PSD16.1HS2.10 - Experimental design and measurement techniques in s[…]
HS5.8 - Catchment science, management and stakeholder participation
Convener: M. Wilkinson  | Co-Conveners: T. Krueger , P. Quinn , A. Castelletti , G. Carr 
PSD16.2HS5.8 - Catchment science, management and stakeholder partic[…]
HS5.6 - Climate Change and Impact on Drinking Water Supply
Convener: B. Cencur Curk  | Co-Conveners: A. Busuioc , H.-P. Nachtnebel 
PSD16.3 – HS5.6 - Climate Change and Impact on Drinking Water Supply
HS4.6 - Why predict? The value of prediction in hydrological sciences and policy
Convener: J. Verkade  | Co-Conveners: H. Winsemius , A. Iglesias 
PSD16.4HS4.6 - Why predict? The value of prediction in hydrological[…]
HS8.2.1 - Stochastic groundwater hydrology
Convener: M. Riva  | Co-Conveners: A. Guadagnini , D. Fernandez-Garcia , X. Sanchez-Vila 
PSD16.6 – HS8.2.1 - Stochastic groundwater hydrology
HS10.7 - Interactions between surface water, groundwater, and the hyporheic zone
Convener: S. Krause  | Co-Conveners: J. Fleckenstein , F. Boano , J. Lewandowski , M. Cuthbert 
PSD16.9HS10.7 - Interactions between surface water, groundwater, an[…]
HS4.1/GM7.8/NH1.7 - Flash floods: processes, forecasting and risk management
Convener: M. Borga  | Co-Conveners: J. Szolgay , G. Blöschl , J. Gourley , G. T. Aronica 
PSD16.11HS4.1/GM7.8/NH1.7 - Flash floods: processes, forecasting an[…]
HS5.5 - Models and computational methods for management and optimization of controlled water resources systems
Conveners: R. van Nooijen , N. Schuetze  | Co-Conveners: Young , A. Castelletti , F. Pianosi , P. Bayer , T. Wöhling 
PSD16.12HS5.5 - Models and computational methods for management and […]
HS3.3 - Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology
Convener: P. Paron  | Co-Conveners: A. Castellarin , J. Seibert , A. van Griensven 
PSD16.13 – HS3.3 - Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology
HS8.1.3 - Parameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology
Convener: O. Ippisch  | Co-Conveners: J. Vrugt , H.-J. Hendricks Franssen , T. Wöhling 
PSD16.14HS8.1.3 - Parameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data A[…]
HS8.2.5 - Sedimentary basins as active fluid circulation systems
Convener: D. Hindle  | Co-Conveners: A. Niemi , S. Attinger , E. Luijendijk 
PSD16.15HS8.2.5 - Sedimentary basins as active fluid circulation sys[…]
HS10.1 - Lakes and inland seas
Convener: P. Zavialov  | Co-Conveners: J. Friedrich , E. Roget 
PSD16.16 – HS10.1 - Lakes and inland seas
HS10.3 - Land-water interaction at the river basin scale: ecohydrology approaches to understanding the impact of upstream processes on downstream estuarine and coastal ecosystems
Co-Convener: Coles 
PSD16.17HS10.3 - Land-water interaction at the river basin scale: ec[…]
PS –  PSD - Planetary & Solar System Sciences
PS1.2/AS4.21/ST6.1 - Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to study the Solar System and beyond.
Convener: M. Barthelemy  | Co-Conveners: C. Simon Wedlund , H. Lamy , F. Snik , S. Bagnulo 
PSD17.1PS1.2/AS4.21/ST6.1 - Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to st[…]
PS2.2 - Venus
Convener: H. Svedhem  | Co-Convener: D. Titov 
PSD17.2 – PS2.2 - Venus
PS3.1 - Outer planet satellites with an atmosphere
Convener: A. Coustenis  | Co-Conveners: G. Orton , S. K. Atreya , J.-P. Lebreton 
PSD17.3 – PS3.1 - Outer planet satellites with an atmosphere
PS3.3 - Rings and icy satellites
Convener: L. Spilker  | Co-Conveners: H. Hussmann , S. K. Atreya , A. Coustenis 
PSD17.4 – PS3.3 - Rings and icy satellites
PS6.1 - Exoplanets: formation, dynamics and processes
Convener: D. Winterhalter  | Co-Conveners: J. Cho , Segura 
PSD17.5 – PS6.1 - Exoplanets: formation, dynamics and processes
PS7.1 - Experimental and theoretical simulations
Conveners: L. Colangeli , J. Martín-Torres  | Co-Conveners: R. Ziethe , K. Seiferlin , Sears 
PSD17.6 – PS7.1 - Experimental and theoretical simulations
IG –  PSD - Isotopes in Geosciences: Instrumentation and Applications
IG4 - Isotopes and Isoscapes as Tool for Forensic Provenancing
Convener: W. Meier-Augenstein 
PSD18.1IG4 - Isotopes and Isoscapes as Tool for Forensic Provenanci[…]
NH –  PSD - Natural Hazards
NH1.11/AS4.16/CL2.4 - Hazard Risk Managment in Agriculture and Agroecosystems
Convener: A. M. Tarquis  | Co-Conveners: N. R. Dalezios , A. Gobin , M. Ruiz-Ramos , van der Velde 
PSD19.1NH1.11/AS4.16/CL2.4 - Hazard Risk Managment in Agriculture a[…]
NH1.4/AS4.14 - Lightning: physics, detection and atmospheric effects
Convener: Y. Yair  | Co-Conveners: S. Soula , H. D. Betz , Y. Takahashi , C. Price 
PSD19.2NH1.4/AS4.14 - Lightning: physics, detection and atmospheric[…]
NH2.1 - Modeling of Volcanic Hazards (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture)
Convener: S. Charbonnier  | Co-Convener: C. Bonadonna 
PSD19.3NH2.1 - Modeling of Volcanic Hazards (including Arne Richter[…]
NH5.1 - New developments in tsunami science and in mitigation of tsunami risk, including early warning
Convener: S. Tinti  | Co-Conveners: H. Hébert , I. Didenkulova 
PSD19.5NH5.1 - New developments in tsunami science and in mitigatio[…]
NH5.5 - Storm Surges and coastal areas: extreme events, damages, and risk
Co-Conveners: D. Rybski , J. Jensen 
PSD19.8NH5.5 - Storm Surges and coastal areas: extreme events, dama[…]
NH5.3/NP 7.3/OS2.6 - Nonlinear Dynamics of the Coastal Zone
Convener: I. Didenkulova  | Co-Convener: E. Pelinovsky 
PSD19.9 – NH5.3/NP 7.3/OS2.6 - Nonlinear Dynamics of the Coastal Zone
NH5.6 - Sea hazards and ship operations
Convener: E. Bitner-Gregersen  | Co-Convener: A. Toffoli 
PSD19.10 – NH5.6 - Sea hazards and ship operations
NH5.7/ESSI1.7 - Architecture of Future Tsunami Warning Systems
Convener: J. Wächter  | Co-Conveners: S. Tinti , K. Watson 
PSD19.11NH5.7/ESSI1.7 - Architecture of Future Tsunami Warning Syste[…]
NH7.3/AS4.3/BG2.25/ESSI1.8/NP4.6/SSS5.24 - Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires: models, theory, and reality
Convener: M. Pereira  | Co-Conveners: R. Trigo , M. Penning de Vries , L. Clarisse , Boschetti 
PSD19.13NH7.3/AS4.3/BG2.25/ESSI1.8/NP4.6/SSS5.24 - Spatial and tempo[…]
NH8.2 - Medical Geochemistry: processes occurring between geological materials and human/biological interfaces
Co-Convener: Randazzo 
PSD19.15NH8.2 - Medical Geochemistry: processes occurring between ge[…]
NH9.1 - Natural Catastrophe Risk Assessment: Integrating Public Private Academic Partnerships into Applications and Decision Making
PSD19.19NH9.1 - Natural Catastrophe Risk Assessment: Integrating Pub[…]
NH9.7 - Vulnerability assessments in natural hazard and risk analysis
Convener: S. Fuchs  | Co-Conveners: T. Glade , Birkmann 
PSD19.21NH9.7 - Vulnerability assessments in natural hazard and risk[…]
NH6.2 - Snow avalanche dynamics including interaction with structures, hazard mapping and risk management
Co-Conveners: E. Surinach , T. Faug 
PSD19.24NH6.2 - Snow avalanche dynamics including interaction with s[…]
NH9.2 - Social capacity building: an emerging field of research and practice for Europe
PSD19.25NH9.2 - Social capacity building: an emerging field of resea[…]
NH9.9 - Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas
Convener: E. Petrova  | Co-Convener: E. Krausmann 
PSD19.26NH9.9 - Natural hazard impact on technological systems and u[…]
NH9.10 - Incorporating spatio-temporal variability into risk management
Convener: C. Neuhold  | Co-Conveners: S. Fuchs , C. Aubrecht 
PSD19.27NH9.10 - Incorporating spatio-temporal variability into risk[…]
NH8.1 - Heavy-metal contamination of the environment
Convener: J. A. Holden  | Co-Conveners: B. D. Malamud , S. Czarnecki 
PSD19.28 – NH8.1 - Heavy-metal contamination of the environment
PSD19.29 - Storm surges, coastal flooding and erosion: extreme events, damage and risk
Co-Conveners: D. Rybski , F. J. Mendez , J. Jensen , R. Nicholls , Zanuttigh 
PSD19.29PSD19.29 - Storm surges, coastal flooding and erosion: extre[…]
NH3.12 - SafeLand Project and other research on effects of global change on spatial and temporal patterns of landslide risk
Convener: F. Nadim  | Co-Conveners: J. Corominas , Picarelli , Cascini 
PSD19.30NH3.12 - SafeLand Project and other research on effects of g[…]
NH9.8/EOS9 - Geoethics and natural hazards: communication, education and the science-policy-practice interface
Convener: S. Peppoloni  | Co-Conveners: J. Wasowski , E. Lindquist , Reitan , S. W. Kieffer , G. Devoli 
PSD19.31NH9.8/EOS9 - Geoethics and natural hazards: communication, e[…]
NH5.2 - Extreme Sea Waves
Convener: E. Pelinovsky  | Co-Conveners: C. Kharif , A. Slunyaev 
PSD19.32 – NH5.2 - Extreme Sea Waves
BG –  PSD - Biogeosciences
BG2.15 - Biotic interactions and biogeochemical processes
Convener: M. Bahn  | Co-Conveners: C. Preston , M. Reichstein , Bardgett , S. Quideau 
PSD20.1 – BG2.15 - Biotic interactions and biogeochemical processes
BG3.2 - Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture)
Convener: H. Thomas  | Co-Convener: A. V. Borges 
PSD20.3BG3.2 - Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shel[…]
BG5.2 - Environmental, socio-economic and climatic changes in Northern Eurasia and their feedbacks to the Global Earth System
Convener: P. Groisman  | Co-Convener: D. Schepaschenko 
PSD20.4BG5.2 - Environmental, socio-economic and climatic changes i[…]
BG6.2 - Calcification in marine organisms: ocean-acidification and proxy-development studies (including Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal Lecture)
Convener: L. de Nooijer  | Co-Conveners: K. G. Schulz , A. Meibom 
PSD20.5BG6.2 - Calcification in marine organisms: ocean-acidificati[…]
BG6.3/CL5.14/SSP5.4 - Micropaleontology: a key to modern and ancient environments
Co-Convener: A. Sluijs 
PSD20.6BG6.3/CL5.14/SSP5.4 - Micropaleontology: a key to modern and[…]
BG3.1 - Oxygen depletion in land-locked, coastal and open ocean systems of the present and past – driving mechanisms, impacts and recovery
Convener: C. P. Slomp  | Co-Conveners: J. Middelburg , A. Boetius 
PSD20.7BG3.1 - Oxygen depletion in land-locked, coastal and open oc[…]
BG2.3 - Patterns and drivers of GHG assimilation and release in natural and agricultural ecosystems
Convener: L. Montagnani  | Co-Conveners: P. Smith , W. L. Kutsch , M. Wattenbach , L. Merbold , P. Stoy , C. Brümmer , D. Zanotelli 
PSD20.8BG2.3 - Patterns and drivers of GHG assimilation and release[…]
ST –  PSD - Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
ST1.5 - 3D structure and physical nature of the global heliosphere
Convener: V. Izmodenov  | Co-Conveners: P. Wurz , H. Fichtner 
PSD21.5ST1.5 - 3D structure and physical nature of the global helio[…]
ST5.1/NH1.10/PS5.5 - Space Weather and its Effects on Terrestrial and Geo-Space Environments: Science and Applications
Convener: V. Pierrard  | Co-Conveners: H. Rothkaehl , N. B. Crosby 
PSD21.6ST5.1/NH1.10/PS5.5 - Space Weather and its Effects on Terres[…]
ST1.1 - Open session on the Sun and heliosphere
Convener: V. Bothmer  | Co-Convener: O. Malandraki 
PSD21.9 – ST1.1 - Open session on the Sun and heliosphere
ST2.4/PS5.4 - Terrestrial and planetary magnetotails and their response to variable upstream conditions
Convener: E. Tanskanen  | Co-Conveners: R. Nakamura , C. Jackman 
PSD21.10ST2.4/PS5.4 - Terrestrial and planetary magnetotails and the[…]
ST1.3 - Particle acceleration mechanisms in solar system plasmas: observations and theory
Convener: A. Retinò  | Co-Conveners: H. Kucharek , O. Malandraki 
PSD21.11ST1.3 - Particle acceleration mechanisms in solar system pla[…]
GMPV –  PSD - Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
GMPV3.1 - Mineral growth and dissolution: Recent developments in the understanding of fluid-mineral processes (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture)
Convener: E. Ruiz-Agudo  | Co-Conveners: A. Putnis , C. V. Putnis 
PSD22.1GMPV3.1 - Mineral growth and dissolution: Recent development[…]
GMPV2.1/GD2.7/SM4.2/TS1.4 - Geochemical, petrological and physical discontinuities in the lithospheric mantle: supporting evidence and hypotheses for their origin
Convener: I. Ashchepkov  | Co-Convener: J. van Hunen 
PSD22.3GMPV2.1/GD2.7/SM4.2/TS1.4 - Geochemical, petrological and ph[…]
GMPV1.2/GD5.3/TS6.6 - Subduction processes: geochemical inputs and outputs (co-sponsored by the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)) (including AGU Kuno lecture)
Convener: C. Chauvel 
PSD22.4GMPV1.2/GD5.3/TS6.6 - Subduction processes: geochemical inpu[…]
GMPV4.2/TS4.9 - Volcanoes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy
Convener: V. Acocella  | Co-Conveners: G. Puglisi , S. Jonsson , T. R. Walter 
PSD22.6 – GMPV4.2/TS4.9 - Volcanoes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy
GMPV4.10/GM2.7 - Spatio-temporal perspectives on volcanological processes and volcanic landforms
Co-Convener: B. Székely 
PSD22.7GMPV4.10/GM2.7 - Spatio-temporal perspectives on volcanologi[…]
GMPV4.7 - Physics and dynamics of magma ascent, emplacement, eruption and deposition in volcanic systems
Convener: O. Galland  | Co-Conveners: J. Sekajugo , S. Burchardt , G. Gisler , G. A. Douillet , E. Holohan 
PSD22.8GMPV4.7 - Physics and dynamics of magma ascent, emplacement,[…]
ESSI –  PSD - Earth & Space Science Informatics
ESSI1.2/OS4.7 - Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science
Convener: G. M. R. Manzella  | Co-Convener: D. M. A. Schaap 
PSD23.1ESSI1.2/OS4.7 - Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Scienc[…]
ESSI1.4 - New Data Paradigms, Modeling, and International Collaboration Strategies for Earth System Sciences (including Ian McHarg Medal Lecture)
Convener: D. Arctur  | Co-Conveners: D. Lunt , M. Ramamurthy , M. Petitdidier , S. Fiore , K. Lehnert 
PSD23.2ESSI1.4 - New Data Paradigms, Modeling, and International Co[…]
ESSI1.6 - Laser Scanning: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, and Infrastructures in Geosciences
Convener: B. Höfle  | Co-Conveners: B. Székely , N. Pfeifer 
PSD23.3ESSI1.6 - Laser Scanning: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, and Inf[…]
ESSI2.4 - Full lifecycle of data and large scale data analytics
Co-Conveners: P. Fox (deceased) , S. Fiore , D. Arctur , G. Aloisio 
PSD23.4ESSI2.4 - Full lifecycle of data and large scale data analyt[…]
ESSI2.5 - Metadata and Data Models, and Markup Languages
Convener: A. Woolf  | Co-Conveners: P. Diviacco , S. Cox , L. Bigagli , J. Blower 
PSD23.5 – ESSI2.5 - Metadata and Data Models, and Markup Languages
ESSI2.12 - Real Use of Standards and Technologies - Live Demonstrations
Convener: J. van de Vegte  | Co-Conveners: M. Santoro , D. Arctur 
PSD23.6ESSI2.12 - Real Use of Standards and Technologies - Live Dem[…]
ESSI2.9 - Intelligent geo-Information Management in the Future Internet
Co-Conveners: S. Nativi , W. Schmidt 
PSD23.7ESSI2.9 - Intelligent geo-Information Management in the Futu[…]
ESSI2.10 - Earth science on Cloud, HPC and Grid
Convener: H. Schwichtenberg  | Co-Conveners: P. Mazzetti , M. Petitdidier 
PSD23.8 – ESSI2.10 - Earth science on Cloud, HPC and Grid