Programme Groups
HS – Hydrological SciencesHS1 – General Hydrology HS2 – Catchment hydrology HS3 – Hydroinformatics HS4 – Hydrological Forecasting HS5 – Water Management, Operations and Control HS6 – Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation HS7 – Precipitation and Climate HS8 – Subsurface Hydrology HS8.1 – Subsurface Hydrology – General sessions HS8.2 – Subsurface Hydrology – Groundwater HS8.3 – Subsurface Hydrology – Unsaturated Zone HS9 – Erosion, sedimentation and river processes HS10 – Ecohydrology, Limnology, and Estuaries HS11 – Short Courses HS12 – Co-sponsored sessions from other divisions
Visionary session on the next Hydrological Decade
Convener: G. H. de Rooij |
Co-Convener: A. Montanari
Innovative techniques and unintended use of measurement equipment
Convener: R. Hut |
Co-Conveners: T. Blume , W. Luxemburg
Metrics, measures and objective functions in Hydrology
Convener: U. Ehret |
Co-Conveners: E. Zehe , H. Gupta , C. Perrin , S. Seibert , D. E. Reusser
Chinese River Basins: Advances in Hydrological Science and Engineering
Convener: Y. He |
Co-Conveners: F. Pappenberger , D. Y. Manful , H. Cloke
Observational hydrology: Recent developments in distributed sensing techniques and experimental catchments
Convener: H. Bogena |
Co-Convener: M. Weiler
Hydrology and remote sensing for monitoring, modelling and improve the management of urban and rural water systems
Convener: G. Di Baldassarre |
Co-Conveners: J. Neal , M. Maglionico , G. J.-P. Schumann , F. Pappenberger , P. Matgen
Mountain Hydrology: Monitoring and modeling of snow (merged with Sub-arctic hydrology)
Convener: J. Parajka |
Co-Conveners: M. Lehning , C. Ménard , H. Dahlke
Hydrological extremes: from droughts to floods
Convener: A. Viglione |
Co-Conveners: L. M. Tallaksen , G. Laaha , A. Castellarin , J. Szolgay
Monitoring Strategies: temporal trends in groundwater and surface water quality and quantity
Convener: H. P. Broers |
Co-Conveners: B. Kronvang , F. van Geer
Observational hydrology: Recent development in isotope and other tracer methods
Convener: C. Stumpp |
Co-Convener: M. Weiler
Experimental design and measurement techniques in surface water/groundwater interaction studies
Convener: H. Hofmann |
Co-Convener: L. Stellato
Hydrological change: Regional hydrological behaviour under transient climate and land use conditions
Convener: S. Hagemann |
Co-Conveners: H. Kunstmann , A. Bronstert
Hydrology of temporary streams and basins
Convener: M. Kirkby |
Co-Conveners: M. Sivapalan , F. Gallart , R. Moussa
Water quality at the catchment scale: Advances in measuring and modeling nutrient, sediment, and contaminant fluxes
Convener: B. Schmalz |
Co-Conveners: M. Rode , A. Wade , Y. van der Velde , S. Sauvage
Water quality at the catchment scale: monitoring and modeling of micropollutants
Convener: P. Seuntjens |
Co-Conveners: C. Stamm , S. Reichenberger , T. Scheytt , T. Licha
Catchment Similarity and Organisation
Convener: S. Archfield |
Co-Conveners: T. Wagener , A. Castellarin , B. McGlynn , E. Zehe , U. Ehret , U. Scherer
Improving hypothesis testing in hydrology
Convener: F. Fenicia |
Co-Conveners: D. Kavetski , M. Clark
Stable isotopes in geosciences - open session, including blocks of special attention (co-organized)
Convener: P. De Groot |
Co-Conveners: A.-V. Bojar , E. Kerstel , J. Smit , D. R. Gröcke , P. Negrel , E. Petelet-Giraud
Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence and systems analysis
Convener: R. J. Abrahart |
Co-Conveners: E. Toth , D. Solomatine , See
Geostatistics for space-time analysis of hydrological events
Convener: G. A. Corzo P |
Co-Convener: M. Kanevski
Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology
Convener: P. Paron |
Co-Conveners: A. Castellarin , A. van Griensven , J. Seibert
Flash floods: processes, forecasting and risk management (co-organized)
Convener: M. Borga |
Co-Conveners: G. T. Aronica , G. Blöschl , J. Szolgay , J. Gourley
Hydrological forecasting: challenges in uncertainty estimation, data assimilation, post-processing, real-time control and decision-making
Convener: R. Moore |
Co-Conveners: A. Weerts , N. Voisin , H.-J. Hendricks Franssen , D. Schwanenberg
Ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasting for improved risk management: across scales and applications (co-organized)
Convener: M.-H. Ramos |
Co-Conveners: F. Pappenberger , Brown , S. J. van Andel , Y. He , G. Mascaro
Drought and water scarcity: hydrological monitoring, modeling and forecasting
Convener: E. Toth |
Co-Conveners: G. T. Aronica , J. Vogt , A. Loukas
Why predict? The value of prediction in hydrological sciences and policy
Convener: J. Verkade |
Co-Conveners: A. Iglesias , H. Winsemius
Assessment and management of water resources: Adapting to drought and water scarcity in tropical, dryland, and Mediterranean countries
Convener: J. Friesen |
Co-Conveners: W. Buytaert , M. Werner , A. Iglesias
Advances in Modeling of Coupled Hydrologic-Socioeconomic Systems
Convener: G. Characklis |
Co-Conveners: S. Pande , J. Harou , M. Pulido-Velazquez , A. Tilmant
Models and computational methods for management and optimization of controlled water resources systems
Conveners: R. van Nooijen , N. Schuetze |
Co-Conveners: A. Castelletti , Young , F. Pianosi , P. Bayer , T. Wöhling
Climate Change and Impact on Drinking Water Supply
Convener: B. Cencur Curk |
Co-Conveners: A. Busuioc , H.-P. Nachtnebel
Catchment science, management and stakeholder participation
Convener: M. Wilkinson |
Co-Conveners: P. Quinn , G. Carr , A. Castelletti , T. Krueger
Hydrological, ecological, geomorphic and economic implications of Mountain Resort Development
Convener: C. de Jong
The Third Pole Environment - Observation and modelling of hydrometeorological processes in high elevation areas
Convener: Y. Ma |
Co-Conveners: B. Su , F. Zhang
Remote sensing of soil moisture
Convener: W. Wagner |
Co-Conveners: N. Verhoest , A. Loew (deceased) , P. de Rosnay , S. Mecklenburg , Drusch , Y. Kerr
Assimilation of remote sensing data for distributed land surface modeling
Convener: V. Pauwels |
Co-Conveners: E. Wood (deceased) , W. Crow
High to coarse resolution remote sensing for operational hydrological applications
Convener: N. Verhoest |
Co-Conveners: A. Bartsch , R. Ludwig , G. Mascaro
Climate Data Bias-Correction and Homogenization and Climate Trends and Variability Assessment (co-organized)
Convener: X. Wang |
Co-Conveners: E. Aguilar , W. Dorigo , P. Stepanek , M. Schroeder , R. de Jeu , D. Fernández Prieto , R. Roebeling
Precipitation: from measurement to modelling and application in catchment hydrology
Convener: R. Uijlenhoet |
Co-Conveners: A. Langousis , C. Onof , A. Berne , P. Burlando , T. Bellerby , G. Grossi , A. A. Carsteanu
Precipitation uncertainty and variability: observations, ensemble simulation and downscaling (co-organized)
Convener: R. Deidda |
Co-Conveners: T. Bellerby , G. Grossi , A. Langousis , X. Wang , S. Vogl , P. Laux
Climate, water and health (co-organized)
Convener: A. Langousis |
Co-Conveners: A. Jutla , A. Kolovos , A. A. Carsteanu
Climate, Hydrology and Water Infrastructure (co-organized)
Convener: D. Koutsoyiannis |
Co-Conveners: M. Mudelsee , J. de Lima , X. Wang
Hydroclimatic stochastics (co-organized)
Convener: S. Grimaldi |
Co-Conveners: D. Koutsoyiannis , A. A. Carsteanu , X. Wang
Subsurface flow, solute transport, and energy processes: Concepts, modelling, and observations
Convener: S. Birk |
Co-Conveners: M. Vanclooster , P. Bayer
Hydrogeophysics: From non-invasive site characterization to improved process understanding
Convener: J. A. Huisman |
Co-Conveners: P. Dietrich , G. Cassiani
Parameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology
Convener: O. Ippisch |
Co-Conveners: H.-J. Hendricks Franssen , J. Vrugt , T. Wöhling
Groundwater Recharge: Water and solute transport through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater
Convener: U. Mohrlok |
Co-Conveners: M. Kirkby , T. P. A. Ferre , M. Bakker , S. Barontini
Fate and transport of biocolloids and nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems
Convener: C. V. Chrysikopoulos |
Co-Conveners: T. Baumann , S. M. Hassanizadeh , M. Flury
Characterizing contaminant fate in the subsurface using physical, chemical, microbial and isotopic tools
Convener: M. Elsner |
Co-Conveners: C. Stumpp , J. Jabro
Stochastic groundwater hydrology
Convener: M. Riva |
Co-Conveners: A. Guadagnini , D. Fernandez-Garcia , X. Sanchez-Vila
Groundwater Dating: Applications and current problems (co-organized)
Convener: M. Kralik |
Co-Conveners: J. Sültenfuß , R. Purtschert
Fissured and karstified aquifers
Convener: T. Geyer |
Co-Conveners: E. Zechner , S. Birk , F. Gabrovsek
Sedimentary basins as active fluid circulation systems
Convener: D. Hindle |
Co-Conveners: S. Attinger , A. Niemi , E. Luijendijk
Freshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow
Convener: G. Houben |
Co-Convener: H. Holländer
Coupled Physical and Chemical Transformations Affecting the Performance of GeoSystems (co-organized)
Convener: H. Holländer |
Co-Conveners: J. M. Soler , G. Kosakowski
Groundwater resources in a changing environment
Convener: O. Batelaan |
Co-Conveners: M. Sauter , J. Guttman
Monitoring and modelling transfer processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum across scales
Convener: N. Romano |
Co-Conveners: R. Angulo-Jaramillo , M. Javaux , M. van der Ploeg
Trace gases emissions from soils: Sources, mechanisms and process rates
Convener: L. Weihermueller |
Co-Convener: Y. Kuzyakov
The role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media
Convener: P. Lehmann |
Co-Conveners: I. Neuweiler , H.-J. Vogel
Morphodynamics of Rivers and Estuaries: Sediment Budgets, Monitoring Techniques and Process Dynamics (co-organized)
Convener: A. Winterscheid |
Co-Convener: G. Erkens
Effects of forest cover loss and land use change on erosion, sediment dynamics and ecosystem health (co-organized)
Co-Convener: P. Owens
Sediment transfers and travel times in catchment systems
Convener: M. van der Perk |
Co-Conveners: U. Scherer , E. Petticrew , S. Keesstra , W. Blake
Estuarine processes (co-organized)
Convener: M. Toffolon |
Co-Conveners: H. H. G. Savenije , S. Mudd
Land-water interaction at the river basin scale: ecohydrology approaches to understanding the impact of upstream processes on downstream estuarine and coastal ecosystems
Co-Convener: Coles
Geological and hydro-biogeochemical feedbacks shaping habitats and biodiversity in terrestrial systems (co-organized)
Convener: D. Or |
Co-Conveners: G. Berberich , A. Hildebrandt , P. D. U. A. Glasmacher
The role of rainfall and soil water in shaping land-vegetation-atmosphere interactions
Convener: K. Smettem |
Co-Conveners: F. Francés , S. Manfreda , N. Montaldo , M. Sivapalan , V. Iacobellis , Egger , D. Or , J. Vanderborght , M. Coenders-Gerrits , O. G. Terranova , E. Morin , J. Friesen , P. Llorens , A. Hildebrandt , D. Dunkerley
Interactions between surface water, groundwater, and the hyporheic zone
Convener: S. Krause |
Co-Conveners: J. Fleckenstein , F. Boano , M. Cuthbert , J. Lewandowski
Environmental and anthropogenic change affecting catchments and groundwater-dependent ecosystems (co-organized)
Convener: S. Schymanski |
Co-Conveners: S. Fatichi , B. Klöve , S. Manfreda , M. Sivapalan , C. Stumpp
Short Course: Hydrological Analysis in R (co-organized)
Conveners: D. E. Reusser , W. Buytaert
Glacial retreat: implications for microbial ecology and biogeochemistry
Convener: T. J. Battin |
Co-Convener: B. Sattler
Modelling and upscaling of CO2 storage sites
Convener: T. Kempka |
Co-Conveners: H. Class , M. Dentz , A. Niemi , J. Carrera
Geophysical imaging of CO2 geological storage sites
Convener: S. Lüth |
Co-Conveners: S. Buske , C. Juhlin
Preparatory activities for the scientific utilisation of the GMES Sentinel satellites constellations including Cal/Val activities of their optical instruments.
Convener: M. Berger |
Co-Conveners: J. Aschbacher , H. Mortimer
Geomorphological maps - indispensable tool in geomorphology
Convener: W. Schwanghart |
Co-Conveners: J.-C. Otto , T. Heckmann
Connectivity in water and sediment dynamics: how do we move forwards? (co-organized)
Convener: A. Parsons |
Co-Conveners: S. Keesstra , R. Pöppl , D. Dunkerley
Quantifying fluvial channel processes - New and innovative multidisciplinary approaches
Convener: K. Norton
Morphodynamics of steep mountain channels (co-organized)
Convener: F. Brardinoni |
Co-Conveners: J. Turowski , D. Rickenmann , A. Recking
Braided rivers: insights from new monitoring and modelling techniques
Convener: N. Surian |
Co-Convener: A. Recking
Sedimentary source-to-sink fluxes and sediment budgets
Convener: A. A. Beylich |
Co-Conveners: F. Brardinoni , K. Laute
Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors
Convener: M. Stancheva |
Co-Conveners: A. Baas , G. Anfuso , H. Tõnisson
Flood risk and uncertainty (co-organized)
Convener: G. T. Aronica |
Co-Conveners: H. Apel , G. J.-P. Schumann
ICT-based hydrometeorology science and natural disaster societal impact assessment (co-organized)
Convener: A. Parodi |
Co-Conveners: N. Rebora , G. Craig , D. Kranzlmueller , M. Schiffers
Heavy-metal contamination of the environment
Convener: J. A. Holden |
Co-Conveners: B. D. Malamud , S. Czarnecki
Urban soils and the urbanization impacts
Convener: S. Pariente |
Co-Conveners: T. Nehls , A. Ferreira , T. Steenhuis
Assessment and modeling of concentrated flow erosion
Convener: R. Giménez |
Co-Conveners: Gordon , E. Taguas , J. Casalí , M. James
Models and scaling: Assessing impact of climate change and land management on erosion and sediment dynamics
Convener: S. Keesstra |
Co-Conveners: E. Nadal Romero , M. Kirkby , M. Seeger , J. A. Gómez , A. M. Tarquis , N. J. Kuhn , J. P. Nunes , J. C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo , S. Beguería , P. Lionello , E. Taguas
Cutting across the soil-water field: A way to make new flowers blooming or the risk of sitting on the fence?
Convener: N. Romano |
Co-Conveners: M. Vanclooster , K. G. J. Nierop , S. Doerr , S. Dekker
Combat desertification and soil degradation in arid and humid environments and assess impacts on ecosystem services – approaches and solutions.
Convener: E. van den Elsen |
Co-Conveners: J. de Vente , A. Ferreira , R. Hessel
Where does all the Pyrogenic Organic Matter go? Its Fate in Soils, Water and Sediments
Convener: C. Santin |
Co-Convener: S. Doerr
Ecology and Erosion
Convener: A. Cerdà |
Co-Conveners: M. Kirkby , S. Manfreda , J. Mataix-Solera , V. Arcenegui , P. Dlapa
Soil and irrigation sustainability practices
Convener: L. Rodriguez-Sinobas |
Co-Conveners: G. Provenzano , A. M. Tarquis , R. Moratiel
Modeling the experiment, experimenting the models - combining rain and wind to soil erosion
Convener: M. Seeger |
Co-Conveners: T. Iserloh , Basaran , A. Cerdà , W. Fister , D. Gabriels , N. J. Kuhn , J. de Lima , J. B. Ries
Flow Properties of Transforming Porous Media (co-organized)
Convener: R. Toussaint |
Co-Convener: D. Koehn
Fractures, faults and fluid flow: from observations to mechanisms (co-organized)
Convener: N. De Paola |
Co-Conveners: D. Koehn , F. Renard , F. Balsamo , M. Arndt
Temperature observations in the subsurface: contributions to climate sciences, soil sciences, permafrost, glaciology, hydrology, and heat flow studies
Convener: V. Rath |
Co-Conveners: J. Noetzli , F. González-Rouco , J. Safanda