CR – Cryospheric Sciences
Programme Group Chair: Carleen Tijm-Reijmer
- CR1 – The State of the Cryosphere: Past, Present, Future
- CR2 – lce sheets, ice shelves and glaciers
- CR3 – Sea, Lake and River Ice
- CR4 – Frozen ground, debris-covered glaciers and geomorphology
- CR5 – Snow and ice: properties, processes, hazards
- CR6 – Instrumental and paleo-archive observations, analyses and data methodologies in the cryospheric sciences
- CR7 – The Cryosphere in the Earth system: interdisciplinary topics
- CR8 – Short courses, Outreach, Communication
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Daniel Farinotti, Maaike Izeboud
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Daniel Farinotti, Maaike Izeboud
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Kirsty Langley, Luisa von Albedyll
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Carleen Tijm-Reijmer, Lindsey Nicholson
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Daniel Farinotti, Cristina Pérez-Guillén
CR6 – Instrumental and paleo-archive observations, analyses and data methodologies in the cryospheric sciences
Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Lindsey Nicholson, Luisa von Albedyll