Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions

GMPV – Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Programme Group Chair: Holly Stein

GMVP1 – New and interdisciplinary approaches and applications in geochemistry

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Max Wilke, Giulia Consuma


Isotope geochemistry holds the key to understanding fluid-mineral-(melt) interaction and associated geochemical evolution of the Earth’s lithosphere. Recent advances in the isotopic analysis of geological materials have led to significant improvements in analytical precision and resolution, and the widespread employment of an ever-expanding array of isotopes. Similarly, the past decade has seen renewed interest in the use of ‘tried-and-tested’ isotopic systems in novel applications and diverse geodynamic settings. As such, innovative application of isotope geochemistry has the potential to provide profound insights into processes including hydrothermalism, ore-genesis, crustal deformation and alteration, subsurface geological storage, and the long-term cycling of volatile elements on Earth.
This broad session will bring together scientists at the forefront of high and low-temperature geochemical research to explore the diversity of available approaches and techniques. We invite contributions employing stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry to provide fresh insight into processes of fluid-rock interaction, deformation and metamorphism in any facet of the solid Earth system. We also welcome contributions involving novel isotopic systems and/or unconventional bulk and in-situ analytical techniques, strategies and methodologies.

Convener: Veronica PeverelliECSECS | Co-conveners: Kristijan Rajič, Rebecca Robertson, William Osborne, Kristian Drivenes

Coastal and lagoon environments are dynamic systems where terrestrial, marine and atmospheric processes interact to create unique geochemical conditions. Sediment composition here is influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors, including climate change, pollution, land-use change, and the accumulation of marine debris and microplastics. These changes affect not only sediment chemistry but also geochemical cycles and overall ecosystem health. In particular, marine litter and microplastics can disrupt geochemical processes, thereby affecting coastal and lagoon biota and their adaptive responses. This session invites geochemists, geomorphologists, and environmental scientists to explore how sediment geochemistry drives ecosystem development in these areas. The session will present case studies that explore the link between sediment geochemistry and ecological outcomes, with a focus on the role of microplastics in coastal lagoons. Innovative methodologies will be presented, as well as predictive models linking these changes to future environmental trends. By combining insights from geochemistry, marine debris research and environmental sciences, this session highlights the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced technologies. These approaches are crucial for understanding the complex impacts of natural and human activities on coastal ecosystems, supporting better environmental risk assessment, and promoting resilience in coastal lagoons.

Convener: Elena Marrocchino | Co-conveners: Joana Buoninsegni, Rosa Molina Gil, Francisco Asensio-Montesinos

The operation of the terrestrial heat engine manifests geologically in ceaseless mass transfer between lithological reservoirs, under the action of tectonic and surface processes. Sedimentary Provenance Analysis is a broad and interdisciplinary field aiming to track these transfers and reconstruct Earth’s evolution on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales by studying detrital mineral grains. This encompasses the geodynamic evolution of mountain belts, paleogeographic reconstructions, changes in climatic conditions, and the tectono-magmatic-metamorphic evolution of planet Earth from the Hadean to present.

Tackling such topics requires disentanglement of inherently convoluted signals, calling for the application of multiple classical and novel methods of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary petrology as well as the statistical treatment of large datasets. This includes, for instance, (i) novel developments in in-situ geo- and thermochronology including double- and triple-dating of single U-hosting grains, and β-decay systems accessed by reaction-gas mass spectrometry (e.g., Lu-Hf and Rb-Sr); (ii) multivariate discrimination of grains from the same mineral species by using flexible algorithms (including machine learning) applied to the major-element, trace-element, and isotopic composition of single grains; (iii) petrological methods such as inclusion assemblages in detrital single grains and elastic thermobarometry; and (iv) statistical methods disentangling differences and patterns in large datasets of multi-proxy provenance data like Generalized Procrustes Analysis or three-way Multidimensional Scaling.

This session welcomes contributions that highlight methodical advances applicable in the interdisciplinary field of Sedimentary Provenance Analysis as well as studies that rely on such methods to tackle problems and answer questions on any temporal and spatial scale, with particular emphasis on bridging micro to macro to planetary scales.

Co-organized by SSP3
Convener: Jan SchönigECSECS | Co-conveners: Chris Mark, N. Keno Lünsdorf, Laura Stutenbecker

Our comprehension of petrological processes across a wide range of scales relies on measurable effects observed in a final state—compositional zoning of minerals, residual stresses around inclusions, and reaction textures—while their underlying causes remain inaccessible. Consequently, our approach to understanding these processes is intrinsically related to the solution of inverse problems, which are central to various disciplines such as geodynamics, petrology, geochronology, and petrochronology.
However, the inherent complexity, heterogeneity, and often incomplete nature of petrological data such as diffusion models, age distributions and thermobarometric determinations can result in multiple interpretations of the same process. This is characteristic of inverse problems with no unique solution (so-called ill-posed problems), which differ from the well-posed problems that have a unique solution as encountered in other scientific fields. In ill-posed problems, models are highly sensitive to even minor input data variations. To address these challenges, geoscientists intuitively integrate diverse data sources and methodologies such as modeling, experimental simulations, field observations, and geochemical analyses to narrow the range of potential solutions and reduce the degrees of freedom in complex geoscientific problems.
We invite contributions utilizing numerical, experimental, and natural observations to quantify the nature and rates of petrological and geological processes across various spatial and temporal scales. We are particularly interested in studies addressing the non-uniqueness of the interpretation of processes within a broad spectrum of fields, including, but not limited to, petrology, geodynamics, geochronology, and petrochronology. Our session welcomes research focused on the assessment of uncertainties in modeling within the geosciences, such as those involving numerical, thermodynamic, mechanical, experimental, analog, and geochemical simulations.
By exploring these diverse areas, collaboration and discussion will advance the methods used to address the challenges of non-unique geoscientific problems and improve our collective ability to interpret and model Earth's dynamic processes.

Co-organized by GD10
Convener: Simon SchornECSECS | Co-conveners: Mattia L. Mazzucchelli, Dominik Sorger

Minerals are formed in great diversity under Earth surface conditions, as skeletons, microbialites, speleothems, or authigenic cements, and they preserve a wealth of geochemical, biological, mineralogical, and isotopic information, providing valuable archives of past environmental conditions. Interpretion of these archives requires fundamental understanding of fluid-rock interaction processes, but also insights from the geological record.

In this session we welcome oral and poster presentations from a wide range of research of topics, including process-oriented studies in modern systems, the ancient rock record, experiments, computer simulations, and high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. We intend to reach a wide community of researchers sharing the common goal of improving our understanding of the fundamental processes underlying mineral formation, which is essential to read our Earth’s geological archive.

Co-organized by BG5/GMVP1
Convener: Patrick Meister | Co-conveners: Michael E. Böttcher, Sally Potter-McIntyre, Patricia Roeser
HS8.1.6 EDI

Redox-sensitive multi-contamination scenarios in freshwater systems present unique challenges, particularly when contaminants require simultaneous but opposite redox conditions for effective remediation. This session focuses on the complexities and innovative solutions for managing co-contamination where one contaminant requires oxidation while another requires reduction—a scenario that represents one of the most challenging tasks in environmental remediation. Topics of interest include:

• Mechanistic insights into the simultaneous oxidation-reduction (redox) processes required for the effective treatment of co-contaminated freshwater systems.
• Advanced strategies for spatial or sequential redox manipulation to manage contaminants with conflicting redox requirements, such as the simultaneous reduction of nitrates and oxidation of organic contaminants or heavy metals.
• Novel materials and technologies (e.g., redox-active media, bioreactors, and nanomaterials) designed to achieve controlled redox environments for selective contaminant removal.
• Integrated modeling and monitoring approaches to predict and manage the complex interactions between redox processes and contaminant behaviour.
• Case studies showcasing real-world applications and the challenges faced in designing and implementing such complex remediation strategies.
This session seeks to engage researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in discussions on advancing the science and technology of redox-sensitive co-contamination management. Join us to explore novel approaches, share experiences, and collaborate on solutions for one of the most difficult tasks in environmental remediation.

Co-organized by GMVP1
Convener: Ritusmita Goswami | Co-conveners: Manish Kumar, Tushara Chaminda, Durga Prasad Panday, Aseem Saxena

The quest to identify optimal methodologies for the observation of geological and environmental processes at the Earth's surface and for analyzing related data presents a significant challenge for numerous researchers. The spatial and temporal dimensions of a given process, along with the selected observational scale, can profoundly influence the comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon in question. Additionally, the unique structural characteristics of geochemical data, which detail the composition of the matrices employed, often obscure meaningful relationships among elements, leading to misleading correlations.
The primary objective of this session is to facilitate a comparative analysis of various methods, encompassing both cutting-edge monitoring and data processing techniques, to offer a real-time assessment of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the diverse approaches presented. Researchers utilizing geochemical data for the assessment of the impact of human activities on the environment or for exploration purposes are encouraged to participate in this session.
While studies focusing on individual matrices are welcomed, research that derives insights from integrated plans involving multiple matrices, including biological ones, is particularly sought after.
Contributions that emphasize data processing techniques utilizing multivariate analysis, machine learning, geostatistics, and other spatial or non-spatial analytical methods are especially encouraged, particularly when they address the compositional nature of geochemical data.

Co-organized by GMVP1
Convener: Stefano Albanese | Co-conveners: Chengkai Qu, Wen SUN, Maurizio Ambrosino, Annalise Guarino

Sitting under a tree, you feel the spark of an idea, and suddenly everything falls into place. The following days and tests confirm: you have made a magnificent discovery — so the classical story of scientific genius goes…

But science as a human activity is error-prone, and might be more adequately described as "trial and error", or as a process of successful "tinkering" (Knorr, 1979). Thus we want to turn the story around, and ask you to share 1) those ideas that seemed magnificent but turned out not to be, and 2) the errors, bugs, and mistakes in your work that made the scientific road bumpy. What ideas were torn down or did not work, and what concepts survived in the ashes or were robust despite errors? We explicitly solicit Blunders, Unexpected Glitches, and Surprises (BUGS) from modeling and field or lab experiments and from all disciplines of the Geosciences.

Handling mistakes and setbacks is a key skill of scientists. Yet, we publish only those parts of our research that did work. That is also because a study may have better chances to be accepted for publication in the scientific literature if it confirms an accepted theory or if it reaches a positive result (publication bias). Conversely, the cases that fail in their test of a new method or idea often end up in a drawer (which is why publication bias is also sometimes called the "file drawer effect"). This is potentially a waste of time and resources within our community as other scientists may set about testing the same idea or model setup without being aware of previous failed attempts.

In the spirit of open science, we want to bring the BUGS out of the drawers and into the spotlight. In a friendly atmosphere, we will learn from each others' mistakes, understand the impact of errors and abandoned paths onto our work, and generate new insights for our science or scientific practice.

Here are some ideas for contributions that we would love to see:
- Ideas that sounded good at first, but turned out to not work.
- Results that presented themselves as great in the first place but turned out to be caused by a bug or measurement error.
- Errors and slip-ups that resulted in insights.
- Failed experiments and negative results.
- Obstacles and dead ends you found and would like to warn others about.

Knorr, Karin D. “Tinkering toward Success: Prelude to a Theory of Scientific Practice.” Theory and Society 8, no. 3 (1979): 347–76.

Co-organized by BG0/EMRP1/ESSI4/GD10/GI1/GI6/GM11/GMVP1/PS0/SM2/SSS11/ST4
Convener: Ulrike ProskeECSECS | Co-conveners: Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Daniel Klotz, Nobuaki Fuji, Jonas Pyschik

This session is open to all contributions in biogeochemistry and ecology where stable isotope techniques are used as analytical tools, with foci both on stable isotopes of light elements (C, H, O, N, S, …) and new systems (clumped and metal isotopes). We welcome studies from both terrestrial and aquatic (including marine) environments as well as methodological, experimental and theoretical studies that introduce new approaches or techniques (including natural abundance work, labelling studies, modeling).
Results from the successful EGU sessions on the ‘Application of Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences’ that took place earlier have been published in several special issues of Organic Geochemistry and Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies.

Co-organized by GMVP1
Convener: Michael E. Böttcher | Co-conveners: Kirstin Dähnke, Anne-Désirée Schmitt, Gerd Gleixner

GMPV2 – Experimental and analytical advances in mineralogy and rock-forming processes

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Max Wilke, David Dolejs


Mineralogy is the cornerstone of many disciplines and is used to solve a wide range of questions in geoscience. This broad session offers the opportunity to explore the diversity of methods and approaches used to study minerals and how minerals behave and evolve in their many contexts. Also, we will address issues that involve the use and development of spectroscopic techniques and the relevant ab initio simulations beyond current applications in metamorphic and magmatic petrology applied to the Earth and other planetary bodies.
We welcome contributions on all aspects of mineralogy, including environmental, soil science, metamorphic, plutonic, deep Earth, planetary, applied mineralogy, and so on. All approaches are welcome: analytical, experimental and theoretical.

Convener: Jannick Ingrin | Co-conveners: Melanie J. Sieber, Stylianos Aspiotis, Mara Murri, Marta Berkesi

Microstructural information is commonly underutilised in igneous and metamorphic petrology, yet often resolves decades-long debates in our disciplines. A rock’s texture (e.g., crystal numbers, sizes, shapes, zonation, orientation, and arrangement) preserves information about magmatic and/or metamorphic conditions acting on that rock during its geologic history. Conditions include cooling and heating rates, crystallisation regime, timing and duration, location and mechanisms of nucleation and crystal growth, fluid fluxes and speciation at depth and the extent and mechanisms of deformation. Studies of microstructural and textural features achieve even greater impact when multiple, spatially correlated datasets are integrated to extract petrological information. Microstructural and textural data sets are particularly informative when combined with in situ geochemical data (e.g., elemental maps) and field data (e.g., hyperspectral data).
In this session, we welcome contributions focusing on the application of microstructural analyses to solve problems in igneous and metamorphic petrology. We seek studies that showcase the development and integration of new microstructural and analytical techniques, such as studies combining traditional (e.g., universal stage) and modern (e.g., EBSD and/or numerical tools for quantitative petrology such as XMapTools) methods, studies focused on advances in 3D and 4D imaging, and numerical modeling involving microstructural and/or textural development. We also encourage contributions that combine microstructural analysis with results from other disciplines in order to better and more broadly solve petrological problems.

Convener: Zoja Vukmanovic | Co-conveners: Charlotte Gordon, Silvio Ferrero, Martin Mangler, Thomas Griffiths
HS8.1.2 EDI

Dissolution, precipitation and chemical reactions between infiltrating fluid and the rock matrix alter the composition and structure of the rock, either creating or destroying flow paths. Strong, nonlinear couplings between the chemical reactions at mineral surfaces and fluid motion in the pores often lead to the formation of large-scale patterns: networks of caves and sinkholes in karst areas, wormholes induced by the acidization of petroleum wells, porous channels created as magma rises through peridotite rocks. Dissolution and precipitation processes are also relevant in many industrial applications: carbon storage or mineralization, oil and gas recovery, sustaining fluid circulation in geothermal systems, the long-term geochemical evolution of host rock in nuclear waste repositories or mitigating the spread of contaminants in groundwater.

With the advent of modern experimental techniques, these processes can now be studied at the microscale, with a direct visualization of the evolving pore geometry, allowing exploration of the coupling between the pore-scale processes and macroscopic patterns. On the other hand, increased computational power and algorithmic improvements now make it possible to simulate laboratory-scale flows while still resolving the flow and transport processes at the pore scale.

We invite contributions that seek a deeper understanding of reactive flow processes through interdisciplinary work combining experiments or field observations with theoretical or computational modeling. We seek submissions covering a wide range of spatial and temporal scales: from table-top experiments and pore-scale numerical models to the hydrological and geomorphological modelling at the field scale.

Co-organized by ERE5/GMPV2
Convener: Piotr Szymczak | Co-conveners: Linda Luquot, Flore Rembert

GMPV3 – Low-temperature metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Richard Palin, Silvio Ferrero


This session examines serpentinization processes across various geological settings, from Earth's deep ocean floors to the surfaces of extraterrestrial bodies. We seek contributions that: (i) explore the role of serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal systems in the origin of life, focusing on early Earth conditions, such as hydrothermal vents and hyperalkaline springs, where the unique chemistry of serpentinites may have fostered prebiotic chemistry and the emergence of primitive life forms; (ii) aim to understand the physical properties of serpentinites, such as their rheology and magnetism, and how these properties influence mechanical and tectonic processes, including subduction dynamics in forearcs, mantle wedge hydration, fluid flow mechanisms, and the interplay between serpentinization and hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges and continental-ocean transitions; (iii) investigate the role of serpentinites in Earth’s volatile geochemical cycles, from mid-ocean ridges to subduction processes, examining the role of fore-arc serpentinization, high-pressure devolatilization in volatile cycling, and redox processes, and their implications for arc volcanism and deep-Earth volatile recycling; (iv) explore the roles of serpentinites in hydrogen production across environments, including low-temperature serpentinization and its role in hydrogen production, crucial for sustaining microbial life, and the generation of geologic hydrogen as a potential energy source and its societal impact; (v) consider the broader implications of serpentinization on other planetary bodies, where similar processes might occur, potentially supporting life beyond Earth.

Contributions from various fields, including geodynamics, geochemistry, biochemistry, and geology, are welcome, incorporating theoretical, experimental, and natural examples. We encourage studies that address the intersection of serpentinization with broader planetary and astrobiological contexts, providing insights into the feedback mechanisms between serpentinization, hydrothermal budgets, and geological evolution in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments.

Co-organized by BG7/PS2
Convener: Carlos J. Garrido | Co-convener: Marta Pérez-Gussinyé

Both metamorphic reactions and deformational processes dissipate energy throughout the Earth. Tectonic deformation contorts rocks, changing mineral shapes and promoting the formation of localised structures like shear/compaction bands, shear zones or pseudotachylytes along slip surfaces. At the same time, metamorphic reactions transform rocks both systematically over entire orogens (e.g. Barrow zones) or preferentially in local high-strain structures. Many examples exist wherein the interaction and feedback between metamorphic and deformation processes have been clearly observed, such as changes in deformation mechanisms in response to mineral reactions. What remains a subject of discussion is exactly how they act together and how we formally describe deforming and reacting rocks.

As a community, we are slowly approaching an agreed upon formal framework to describe the relationship between metamorphism and deformation. In order to construct a testable and robust model, multiscale observations from field studies, laboratory experiments, and theoretical work are needed. This session will illuminate our most recent advances in understanding the thermal-hydrological-mechanical-chemical feedbacks operating in reacting and deforming rocks. We aim to draw a holistic picture of the various lines of evidence for how deforming and reacting rocks operate.

Therefore, we invite contributions based on experimental and/or natural deformation studies that document the dynamic link between metamorphism and deformation. Contributions may address, but are not limited to, topics related to the effect of stress on metamorphic reactions, the feedback between reaction and rheology, and/or how dynamic transport properties influence fluid-assisted deformation and reaction.

Convener: Berit SchwichtenbergECSECS | Co-conveners: James Gilgannon, John Wheeler, Sascha Zertani

Fluid-rock interactions play a pivotal role in shaping crustal dynamics and influencing subsurface engineering processes. From the shallow sedimentary rocks down to the deep magmatic and metamorphic rocks, fluids govern aspects such as deformation localization, earthquake genesis, and the emergence of metamorphic reactions and rheological weakening. In most cases, there is a dynamic feedback between fluids, deformation and metamorphism at all scales. Fluids are critical not only for creating robust models of the solid Earth but also for advancing subsurface engineering endeavors like geothermal energy recovery, hydrogen storage and extraction as well as permanent carbon storage.
As we navigate through the ongoing energy transition, enhancing these interactions for maximum geo-resource efficacy is a vital priority. The legacy inscribed within rock records paints a vivid picture of intricate interplay between mineral reactions, fluid flow and deformation—testaments to the often-intense nature of fluid-rock interactions.
This session aims to draw the current picture of the advances and challenges, whether conceptual, methodological, or experimental when considering the role of fluid-rock interactions. We invite contributions that utilize an array of methodologies, ranging from natural observations, microstructural assessments, and geochemical analyses to rock mechanics, all intertwined with modelling techniques. This modelling can span from ab initio simulations to continuum scale simulations, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of fluid-rock/mineral interactions. Contributions that harness the power of artificial intelligence and its subsets are particularly encouraged.

Co-organized by EMRP1/GMPV3
Convener: Francesco Giuntoli | Co-conveners: Sarah Incel, Oliver Plümper, Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe

Shallow upwelling of the upper mantle is a key process in plate tectonics, allowing seafloor spreading, and enabling the formation of the ocean crust by decompression melting. Normally, the upper mantle is inaccessible beneath the crustal layer, so we rely on exposure along major faults, where dredge and submersible samples, and IODP drilling enables study of this important layer in the Earth.
IODP Expedition 399, in 2023, set a new record for drilling to depth of more than 1.2 km into upper mantle lithologies at the Atlantis Massif, 800 metres north of the Lost City vent field. Recovering mostly serpentinised depleted harzburgites, with dunite veins and gabbroic intrusions this hole provides new insights into the magmatic, hydrothermal and tectonic evolution of the upper mantle along slow-spreading ridges.. We expect this session to showcase initial results from Expedition 399, as well as providing an opportunity for comparison with other locations, particularly from near-ridge environments.
We encourage contributions from scientists working on abyssal peridotites including previous IODP holes, and on the chemistry of peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems. Topics could include (1) the mechanisms for exhumation of mantle rocks, including deformation processes; (2) partial melting and melt transport in the upwelling mantle, and the relationship to crustal melts and gabbroic intrusions; (3) alteration of peridotites and gabbros during exhumation, including mineral alteration mechanisms and kinetics, and the impact of fluid-rock interaction on vent fluid chemistry, rheology and rock mechanics; (4) the diversity and extent of the shallow and deep biosphere associated with fluid-rock interaction in the exposed upper mantle.

Co-organized by BG7/GMPV3
Convener: Andrew McCaig | Co-conveners: Esther Schwarzenbach, Fengping Wang, Rebecca Kühn

The presence and migration of fluids in the lithosphere can be caused by natural mechanisms (e.g. meteoric water percolation, melt degassing, dehydration metamorphic reactions) or by industrial activities (e.g. ore deposit exploitation and energy production). Subsurface fluids interact with the rock matrix, triggering or enhancing numerous geological processes in the crust and lithosphere. For example, the presence of fluids can lead to rocks’ stress changes and reactivate pre-existing faults, therefore generating earthquakes. Fluids also play a crucial role in the development of magmatic processes and have a remarkable environmental impact. In the lithospheric mantle, fluids can cause a drastic reduction in rock viscosity and favor mechanisms of delamination, or be a key factor in the generation of intraslab earthquakes during subduction. In this view, accurate analyses of fluid properties and reliable reconstructions of source-reservoir systems become of paramount importance for a realistic assessment of crustal and lithospheric features and evolution. In recent years, innovative methods and technologies for reconstructing the 4D physical and chemical variations of fluid-filled porous media gave an important contribution to the comprehension of fluid-rock interaction systems, with a remarkable impact on the assessment of seismic, volcanic and industrial hazards.
This session deals with the main results obtained in the study of fluid-host rock interactions within the crust and lithosphere. Particular attention will be paid to the development and application of integrated, multi-parametric and multi-disciplinary approaches to imaging and tracing crustal fluids in volcanic, tectonic and industrial exploitation environments. The session will focus on innovative research, field studies, modeling aspects, theoretical, experimental and observational advances in detecting and tracking fluid movement and/or pore fluid-pressure diffusion in different regions around the globe, and analyze their correlation with an increase/decrease in natural and anthropogenic hazards. We welcome contributions on advances in seismic monitoring, modeling of fluid-induced crustal and lithospheric evolution, geochemical analyses, tomographic studies, volcanological analyses of fluid effect on eruption styles and frequency, and physical and/or statistical analyses to identify specific seismicity patterns. The session also encourages contributions from Early Career Scientists.

Co-organized by GMPV3/SM7
Convener: Alessio LavecchiaECSECS | Co-conveners: Grazia De Landro, Kristóf Porkoláb, Serena Panebianco, Alexander Koptev

GMPV4 – High-temperature metamorphism and orogenic processes

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Jörg Hermann, Thea Hatlen Heimdal


Unveiling the processes that occur in cratons, orogenic belts, subduction zones, and other geodynamic systems requires a diverse plethora of observations made at scales ranging from outcrops down to the nanometer. Metamorphic petrology can now make use of a wide range of
state-of-the-art techniques in microbeam analysis and mass spectrometry, as well as new approaches in thermodynamic modelling to image, and to constrain and model the processes that drive petrological, chemical and mechanical changes in metamorphic rocks. Further insight into such processes can now be obtained following recent developments in machine learning. These diverse approaches pave a new road for data-driven discovery.

This session celebrates new approaches and achievements in the study of metamorphic processes. We welcome presentations that use field, numerical and (micro-)analytical techniques to gain new insights into the timing, duration and rates of metamorphic processes across geological settings on Earth and other rocky planets.

Convener: Francesca Piccoli | Co-conveners: Matthijs Smit, Guillaume Bonnet, Alissa Kotowski, Tom Raimondo

Subduction is one of the most important manifestations of plate tectonics on Earth and is the primary vector for mass transfer from Earth’s surface to its interior. The subduction of sediments and hydrated oceanic lithosphere is a critical step in the whole Earth cycle of elements, leading to secular variations in the chemistry of the mantle and exosphere. The slab is not a closed system: Metamorphic reactions with depth, such as those involving dehydration and melting, result in an open system redistribution of fluid- and melt-mobile elements from the slab. Partitioning of mobile from immobile elements in the slab dictates which elements recycled back to surface reservoirs through volcanic arcs and those which are subducted into the lower mantle. This session focuses on the mechanisms, timing, and consequences of the metamorphic and igneous processes that drive mass-transfer between the slab, mantle wedge, and arc. We invite contributions from petrology, geochemistry, and isotope geology that are aimed at deciphering micro to macro scale processes in the slab and arc to reconstruct geochemical cycles at convergent margins.

Convener: Jesse Walters | Co-convener: Jie Dodo XuECSECS

Volatiles (e.g., H2O, CO2, Cl, F, S) play a fundamental role in Earth’s dynamic systems and profoundly contribute to the well-being and sustainability of life, making our planet unique. This is largely because volatiles influence planetary scale processes, including those that connect Earth’s deep and surface systems, such as melting, mineral stability and element mass transfer. These global cycles involve an efficient transfer of volatiles from our planet’s surface to its interior via subduction zones, mobilization by melts and fluids, and eventually emission to the atmosphere via volcanism. Volatiles may also be stored in the mantle, and possibly be re-mobilized.
The investigation of volatiles in melts and fluids through novel and multi-disciplinary approaches continues to yield important insights into the inner workings of our planet. This session aims to gather contributions from scientists involved in the broad spectrum of volatile cycles, with a focus on the principal carriers of these elements: melts and fluids. We welcome contributions from the different fields of petrology and geochemistry, via investigations of natural samples and experimental studies.
We particularly invite contributions on: i) deep volatile cycles of H2O, CO2, halogens and S; ii) volatile mobilization and transfer during subduction in COHNS fluids and silicate melts; iii) volatiles in metasomatic processes; iv) volatile properties in fluids and melts ; v) volatile storage in the lithospheric mantle; vi) volatile emissions and storage in volcanic systems.

Convener: Alessia Borghini | Co-conveners: Carla Tiraboschi, Sally Gibson, Bruna B. Carvalho, Andrea Maffeis

The early Earth experienced significant transitions from magma oceans to proto-lithosphere and eventually to the formation of tectonic plates as we know them today. These transformative changes have shaped Earth into a habitable planet. However, tectonic modes, timing, and conditions of metamorphic crustal processes during the Archean remain poorly understood. Uncertainties largely stem from limited preservation of the ancient metamorphic rock record. Yet, Archean cratons worldwide serve as unique natural laboratories, offering researchers the opportunity to study these processes by integrating traditional fieldwork and high-precision drone imaging with both established and novel in-situ analytical techniques.

We invite contributions to this session that probe the secrets of Archean metamorphic rocks by integrating metamorphic petrology with structural and microstructural analysis, in-situ petrochronology, thermodynamic modelling, geochemistry, geophysics and geodynamic modelling. These approaches will help elucidate metamorphic and deformation histories and provide new insights into the processes governing the early Earth.

Convener: Dominik SorgerECSECS | Co-conveners: Silvia Volante, Thomas Mueller

The reconstruction of deformation and metamorphic history through space and time provides key information about the geodynamic evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere. However, these contexts are sometimes strongly affected by the interaction with melt/fluid, by rocks' rheological behaviour and by their geological framework. Thus, establishing (micro)structural and (petro)chronological links between these processes is the best tool to constrain the Pressure, Temperature, time, Deformation and Composition (P-T-t-D-X) history of geological areas from the grain scale to the lithospheric scale.
The continuous advancement of high-resolution analytical techniques in structural geology and petrochronology enables us to investigate processes ranging from nano- to lithospheric-scale responses. We aim to provide a forum for geologists dealing with and contributing to unravelling geological issues using a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach. This session welcomes contributions that integrate the results of traditional and innovative analyses with cutting-edge analytical techniques (e.g., EBSD, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, APT, TEM, µ-CT tomography, and Raman Spectroscopy) addressing the comprehension of local and regional settings.

Solicited authors:
Sascha Zertani
Co-organized by GD7/GMPV4
Convener: Stefania CorvòECSECS | Co-conveners: Alessandro Petroccia, Alessia Tagliaferri, Clément Herviou

Classic models predicting a depth that separates brittle deformation in the upper crust from a region below in which deformation is dominated by ductile processes have long been outdated. In fact, the deformation behavior of Earth’s lithosphere is more complex and brittle and ductile processes may interact throughout the lithosphere. In the rock record, brittle deformation may be expressed as features ranging from micro-fracturing of mineral grains up to seismic ruptures (e.g., pseudotachylytes) or large-scale faults, and ductile deformation is typically expressed as shear zones ranging from millimeter to kilometer scales. Factors known to determine whether strain is accommodated by brittle and/or ductile processes include, but are not limited to: material properties (e.g., grain size, composition), strain rate, strain incompatibilities, pressure-temperature conditions, the availability of fluids, and rock modification by metamorphic reactions.
The multitude of possible factors determining the deformation style in the lithosphere make a comprehensive understanding of the deformation behavior of Earth’s lithosphere challenging. In this session we aim to tackle the complex topic of lithospheric deformation by combining observations from natural rocks with those from experimental and numerical studies.

Co-organized by GD7/GMPV4
Convener: Sascha ZertaniECSECS | Co-conveners: Anna Rogowitz, Giovanni Toffol, Friedrich Hawemann

Continental rifting is a complex process spanning from the inception of extension to continental rupture or the formation of a failed rift. This session aims at combining new data, concepts and techniques elucidating the structure and dynamics of rifts and rifted margins. We invite submissions highlighting the time-dependent evolution of processes such as: initiation and growth of faults and ductile shear zones, tectonic and sedimentary history, magma migration, storage and volcanism, lithospheric necking and rift strength loss, influence of the pre-rift lithospheric structure, rift kinematics and plate motion, mantle flow and dynamic topography, as well as break-up and the transition to sea-floor spreading. We encourage contributions using multi-disciplinary and innovative methods from field geology, geochronology, geochemistry, petrology, seismology, geodesy, marine geophysics, plate reconstruction, or numerical or analogue modelling. Special emphasis will be given to presentations that provide an integrated picture by combining results from active rifts, passive margins, failed rift arms or by bridging the temporal and spatial scales associated with rifting.

Co-organized by GD5/GMPV4/SSP3
Convener: Frank ZwaanECSECS | Co-conveners: Carolina Pagli, Ameha Muluneh, Sylvie Leroy, Giacomo Corti

The goal of this session is to reconcile short-time/small-scale and long-time/large-scale observations, including geodynamic processes such as subduction, collision, rifting, or mantle lithosphere interactions. Despite the remarkable advances in experimental rock mechanics, the implications of rock-mechanics data for large temporal and spatial scale tectonic processes are still not straightforward, since the latter are strongly controlled by local lithological stratification of the lithosphere, its thermal structure, fluid content, tectonic heritage, metamorphic reactions, and deformation rates.

Mineral reactions have mechanical effects that may result in the development of pressure variations and thus are critical for interpreting microstructural and mineral composition observations. Such effects may fundamentally influence element transport properties and rheological behavior.
Here, we encourage presentations focused on the interplay between metamorphic processes and deformation on all scales, on the rheological behavior of crustal and mantle rocks, and time scales of metamorphic reactions in order to discuss
(1) how and when up to GPa-level differential stress and pressure variations can be built and maintained at geological timescales and modeling of such systems,
(2) deviations from lithostatic pressure during metamorphism: fact or fiction?
(3) the impact of deviations from lithostatic pressure on geodynamic reconstructions.
(4) the effect of porous fluid and partial melting on the long-term strength.
We, therefore, invite the researchers from different domains (rock mechanics, petrographic observations, geodynamic and thermo-mechanical modeling) to share their views on the way forward for improving our knowledge of the long-term rheology and chemo-thermo-mechanical behavior of the lithosphere and mantle.

Co-organized by GMPV4/TS5
Convener: Yury Podladchikov | Co-conveners: Lucie Tajcmanova, Shun-ichiro Karato, Evangelos Moulas, Leni Scheck-Wenderoth

The Alps are an orogen that offers an exceptional natural laboratory to study the evolution of mountain-building processes from short- to long-term and small- to large-scales, including the evolution of plate margins from rifting to subduction, inheritance from previous orogenic cycles, ophiolite emplacement, collision and (ultra)high-pressure rock exhumation, and upper-plate and foreland basin evolution.

Advances in a variety of geophysical, geochronological, geochemical and geological fields provide a rich and growing set of constraints on the crust-lithosphere and mantle structure, tectonics and geodynamics of the entire mountain belt.

We invite contributions from different and multi-disciplinary perspectives ranging from the Earth’s surface to the mantle, and based on geology (tectonics, petrology, stratigraphy, geo- and thermochronology, geochemistry, paleomagnetism and geomorphology), geophysics (seismotectonics, seismic tomography and anisotropy) and geodesy and modelling (numerical and analogue). The aim is for contributions to provide new insights and observations on the record of subduction/exhumation/collision; pre-Alpine orogenic stages; the influence of structural and palaeogeographic configuration; plate/mantle dynamics relationships; coupling between deep and surface processes.

Co-organized by GMPV4/TS2
Convener: Alexis Plunder | Co-conveners: Marco Giovanni Malusa', Stefan Markus Schmalholz, Eline Le Breton, Irene Molinari

The Caribbean region is an ideal natural laboratory for studying long- to short-term deformation processes along plate boundaries. Indeed, the Caribbean plate has been individualized since at least 140 Ma and its boundaries are still deforming today. Earthquakes in the Caribbean are a stark reminder of the dangers posed by active deformation along the densely populated boundaries of the Caribbean plate, where vulnerability is often extremely high. Over the past decades, these boundaries have been the focus of extensive international research, providing new insights into the geodynamics of the region and the broader geological processes occurring in subduction and strike-slip zones. This includes studies on fluids, seismicity, deformation partitioning, and mantle dynamics, as well as the reorganization of plate boundaries in response to changes in plate kinematics—such as suturing, the migration, extinction, or initiation of volcanic arcs, and deformation or vertical movement.

Co-organized by GMPV4
Convener: Mélody Philippon | Co-conveners: Sylvie Leroy, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, Eric Calais, Jose-Luis Granja-Bruña

It is becoming clear that Wilson Cycle processes including rifting, drifting, inversion, and orogenesis are more complex than standard models suggest. In this first of two sessions, we explore new understandings of Wilson Cycle processes from the onset of extensional reactivation/rifting, through to breakup and mature ocean drifting. In rifted margins and oceans, observations and models showcase the significance of inherited geological structures, lithospheric rheology, time-dependence, surface processes, magmatism, obliquity, and geometry in processes of rifting, drifting, and extensional reactivation. However, our understanding of the role and interaction of these factors remains far from complete. Unexpected discoveries, such as continental material far offshore (e.g., at the Rio Grande Rise), wide-magmatic rifted margins (e.g., the Laxmi Basin), and ROMP (Rifted Oceanic Magmatic Plateau), continue to challenge conventional models and exemplify the need for further work on Wilson Cycle processes.

This session will bring together new observations, models, and ideas to help understand the complex factors influencing extensional reactivation, rifting, and drifting during the Wilson Cycle. Works investigating time-dependence, inheritance, plate kinematics, strain localisation, magmatism, obliquity, interior plate deformation, driving forces, sedimentation, surface processes, lithospheric/crustal structure, and the interaction/feedback between processes controlling the Wilson Cycle are therefore welcomed to this session.

Contributions from any geoscience discipline, including but not limited to geophysics, marine geosciences, seismology, ocean drilling, geochemistry, petrology, plate kinematics, tectonics, sedimentology, field and structural geology, numerical and analogue modelling, or thermo/geochronology etc., are sought. We particularly encourage cross-disciplinarity, innovative studies, spanning different spatio-temporal scales, and thought-provoking ideas that challenge conventions from any and all researchers, especially including students.

Co-organized by GMPV4/TS7
Convener: Jordan J. J. PhetheanECSECS | Co-conveners: Zoltán Erdős, Julie Tugend, Alexander L. Peace, Scott Jess

Crust forms as a consequence of planetary differentiation and recycling processes. On Earth, differentiation processes have led to the formation and modification of felsic, evolved crust over time and provide a window into the complexity of crust from the Archean to the present. Near-surface interaction with the biosphere, internal differentiation by tectonic, igneous and metamorphic processes, and recycling into the mantle constantly change the composition of Earth crust. However, we have a limited understanding of the formation, differentiation, and stabilization of the Earth's lower crust and the transition zone between that and the mantle. Recent studies on exposed deep crust, including ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) terrains and the crust–mantle transition, as well as drilling initiatives (such as ICDP-DIVE) are adding novel insights and a new dimension to our understanding of planetary crust evolution and its control on physical properties, redox conditions, volatile elements and georesources such as critical minerals and natural hydrogen. In addition, deep crustal environments may host a range of microbial life that interacts with the chemistry of the crust and influences biogeochemical cycles. We invite submissions aimed at understanding crust-forming and modification processes, using any geological, geophysical, geochemical, geochronological, microbiological datasets and/or geodynamic modelling with the aim of elucidating the 4D evolution of crust on Earth and beyond.

Co-organized by GMPV4
Convener: Marco VenierECSECS | Co-conveners: Kim Lemke, Alexia Secrétan, Junjian Li, Luca Ziberna

Subduction zones generate numerous natural hazards, including volcanism, earthquakes and tsunamis, and shape the landscape through a series of processes lasting from seconds to millions of years. Their dynamics are driven by complex feedbacks between stress, strain, rock transformation and fluid migration along and across the plate interface, from shallow to deep environments. Despite their utmost importance, the intricate time-sensitive thermo–hydro–mechanical–chemical (THMC-t) processes remain largely puzzling. This is essentially due to the complexity of integrating observations across multiple spatial, magnification and temporal scales (from the nanoscale and the grain boundary size to the plate interface, and from seconds to millions of years).

Our session aims, therefore, at gathering recent advancements in observatory techniques, monitoring and high-resolution imaging of i) the plate interface kinematics, ii) the accretionary wedge, iii) the subducting slab, and iv) the mantle wedge in active and fossil subduction interfaces. This includes studies from a wide range of disciplines, such as seismology and geodesy, geodynamics, marine geosciences, field-based petrology and geochemistry and microstructure, rock mechanics and numerical modelling. We particularly encourage initiatives that foster collaboration between communities to achieve a comprehensive understanding of subduction systems through space and time.

Co-organized by GD4/GMPV4
Convener: Marianne Conin | Co-conveners: Paola Vannucchi, Mathilde Radiguet, Thomas P. Ferrand, Marco Scambelluri

GMVP5 – Building economic ore deposits

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Ferenc Molnár, Niki Wintzer, Mathias Burisch-Hassel


Mineral deposits represent principal sources of metallic and non-metallic raw materials for our society. The implementation of new climate policies and the rise of green energy production and use will trigger an unprecedented demand for such resources. Formation of economic commodities requires component sequestration from the source region, transport, and focusing to structural and/or chemical barriers. These enrichment processes typically involve magmatic, hydrothermal, weathering or metamorphic events, which operate in diverse geodynamic settings and over various time scales. The scope of this session is to collect insights from diverse areas of mineral exploration, field, analytical or experimental studies of mineral deposits as well as resource characterization and extraction. We invite contributions from fields of economic geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry to advance our understanding of ore-forming systems.

Convener: David DolejsECSECS | Co-convener: Niki Wintzer

Finding Disney’s little clownfish named NEMO in a vast ocean gives us a sense of scale when searching for new ore systems. Ore deposits are economic concentrations of metals that can be extracted at a profit. Thus, the definition of ore is defined by societal need, policy, and political climate. In this session, we put these downstream factors aside and ask the upstream question: Where are today’s critical metal concentrations, and when and how did they form? This knowledge is essential for exploration. In this session, we focus especially on ore-forming environments associated with W-Sn-Mo-REE and Au-Ag. Carbonatites, once an oddity in petrology, are now forefront as sources for REE in a greening economy. Ore systems featuring W-Sn-Mo are also REE carriers. The ability to directly date ore minerals and to place ore genesis in a terrane-scale time context has been groundbreaking for exploration and understanding ore genesis. This includes U-Pb dating of cassiterite and Re-Os dating of molybdenite. With an emphasis on carbonatite- and granite-related mineralization, we invite abstracts on ore deposits of any kind, and particularly where the time-space component has provided new or renewed understanding of ore formation and/or led to new discoveries in likely and unlikely environments.

Convener: Niki WintzerECSECS | Co-convener: Holly Stein

Fluid-rock interactions have a fundamental impact on the formation of ore minerals within ore deposits across a wide range of scales, particularly those of high economic value such as porphyry Cu-Au systems, orogenic Au deposits, volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, and alkaline and carbonatite REE-HFSE systems. Fluid-rock interaction also facilitates mobilization of metallic materials from the source zone to the deposit, leaving a significant footprint that aids in understanding how these metals are transported and concentrated to feed the deposit. At the nano- and microscales, these processes can be recorded by the formation of natural patterns in rocks, such as the dendritic patterns, banding patterns, crack patterns, mineralogical replacement, growth or deformation patterns. The regularity of these patterns elucidates the physio-chemical environment during fluid-rock interactions. At the meso- to macroscale, fluid-rock interactions are documented in alteration zones within rocks, where chemical reactions are evidenced by the distribution and character of mineral replacement, overgrowth, and hydrothermal alteration. These phenomena petrologically reflect the processes of elemental transfer and exchange during fluid-rock interactions that contribute to the formation of ore deposits. Such natural observations enable thermodynamic and dynamic simulations of the fluid-rock interaction processes associated with metal mobilization and responsible for ore formation, deepening our understanding of underlying mechanisms. Moreover, recent advances in machine-learning-assisted analytical techniques have significantly improved our ability to uncover hidden physiochemical relationships during spatial-temporal evolution of metal source rocks, ore minerals and deposit formation.
In this session, we invite multidisciplinary contributions that investigate fluid-rock interactions associated with ore formation and metal mobilization, using field work, microstructural and petrographic analyses, geochemistry and machine-learning techniques, thermodynamic modeling and numerical modeling.

Co-organized by TS8
Convener: Zhaoliang HouECSECS | Co-conveners: Kun-Feng Qiu, Clifford G. C. Patten, Haocheng Yu, Piotr Szymczak

Pyrite is the most common sulphide in the Earth’s crust and occurs in many different types of rock. Following many decades of research, the morphology, trace element and isotopic composition of pyrite can be used to reconstruct a range of bio- and geological processes across a broad spectrum of scales.
In the oceans, pyrite is the dominant sink for reduced sulphur and is intimately connected to biological pathways of sulphate reduction, meaning the formation and isotopic composition of pyrite can be used to reconstruct the redox architecture of ancient marine environments. As a major gangue mineral phase in hydrothermal ore deposits, the formation and geochemistry of pyrite can be used to investigate and potentially detect ore forming processes. At the other end of the life-cycle, the weathering of pyrite during acid mine drainage and subsurface geological storage is a major environmental concern.
This session will bring together scientists investigating pyrite across a range of physico-bio-geochemical conditions in various earth science disciplines e.g. nuclear waste, ore deposits or acid mine drainage. Our aim is to foster intradisciplinary knowledge transfer of experiences between different research areas. We invite contributions presenting geochemical field studies, in-situ and laboratory investigations of rocks and formations as well as numerical simulation studies within the given context.

Co-organized by GMVP5/OS3
Convener: Michael Kühn | Co-conveners: Alwina Hoving, Joseph Magnall, Daniel Smrzka

Critical raw materials are fundamental to supply industrial value chains, strategic sectors and to support the rapidly increasing demand for metals associated with the energy transition. Mineral exploration usually relies on drilling geophysical and, to a lesser degree, geochemical anomalies to identify and delineate ore deposits. This approach results in significant environmental impact and thus high exploration costs. Increasing deposit discovery rates requires a continuous effort to improve our understanding of ore formation processes. Such understanding is fundamental to increase the efficiency of exploration methods and minimize their environmental and social impacts.
In this session we invite the submission of studies that provide advances in the study of mineral deposits of magmatic, hydrothermal or sedimentary origin, as well as application of mineral exploration techniques. We particularly welcome those studies that have employed holistic, knowledge-driven methods such as the Mineral System Approach and that envisage mineral deposits as the successful interplay between a source, a pathway and a sink for metals in difference geological and geodynamic contexts. We further welcome studies that provide advancements in tracing the footprints and fingerprints of mineral deposits, such as geochemical and geophysical methods that enable translating the source-pathway-sink into efficient exploration criteria, or their integration in prospectivity models.

Co-organized by GMVP5, co-sponsored by SGA
Convener: Ana P. Jesus | Co-conveners: Matthew Jackson, Shenghong Yang

The first half of Earth’s history (Hadean to Paleoproterozoic) laid the foundations for the planet we know today. But how and why it differed and how and why it evolved remain enduring questions.
In this session, we encourage the presentation of new approaches that improve our understanding on the formation, structure, and evolution of the early Earth ranging from the mantle and lithosphere to the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere, and interactions between these reservoirs.
This session aims to bring together scientists from a large range of disciplines to provide an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field. This includes, but is not limited to, fields such as early mantle dynamics, the formation, evolution and destruction of the early crust and lithosphere, early surface environments and the evolution of the early biosphere, mineral deposits, and how possible tectonic regimes impacted across the early Earth system.

Co-organized by BG7/CL1.1/GMVP5/TS6
Convener: Ria FischerECSECS | Co-conveners: Jeroen van Hunen, Peter Cawood, Bing Xia, Desiree Roerdink

GMPV6 – Critical metals and minerals – formation, recovery, sustainability

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Giulia Consuma, Niki Wintzer, Mathias Burisch-Hassel


The transition to sustainable energy is driving unprecedented demand for critical raw materials (CRMs, as lastly defined by the European Union in 2020), which are essential for the operation and stability of numerous key industrial ecosystems, including batteries for electric vehicles and local storage, photovoltaic cells and efficient dynamos in wind turbines. As nations strive to secure these vital resources with the support of global initiatives such as the European Union’s Raw Materials Initiative, understanding their lifecycle, from initial exploration to their end-use, is crucial.

The primary challenges lie in the development of advanced technologies for locating and processing CRMs, as well as in mitigating their environmental and social impacts and securing the supply chain in a tense geopolitical context. This session will thus explore the entire value chain of CRMs, focusing on recent advancements in mineral exploration (including metallogenic models), sustainable production, extraction, and recovery procedures. Geoscientists will discuss interdisciplinary approaches for identifying and assessing mineral deposits across diverse geological settings, while also addressing environmental and ethical issues, including land degradation, water pollution, and community displacement.

We invite contributions that further examine the practical applications of CRMs, with emphasis on the logistics of transportation, processing, and supply chain management. Additionally, discussions on the geopolitical and economic implications of CRM export and supply dependencies are also encouraged. We underscore the importance of experimentation and modelling in optimizing CRM exploration, extraction and use, and the need for transparent communication among industry, policymakers, and the public.

This session therefore aims to equip participants with a holistic understanding of CRMs and their critical role in the global energy transition, while also navigating the complexities of environmental and ethical challenges.

Convener: Julien PerretECSECS | Co-conveners: Giulia Consuma, Sophie Decree, Giorgia Stasi, Joseph Brabin

The challenges posed by climate change require an inevitable ecological and digital transition that will increasingly require raw materials used in various high-tech applications. The EU remains almost completely dependent on external sources for many critical raw materials (CRM) and other raw materials (RM). To reduce this dependence, targeted interventions are therefore necessary and in this context the European Green Deal was adopted by the EU Member States which further strengthened the need to find a sustainable supply chain for CRM. In this framework, adopting a circular economy model has become essential to ensure resource sustainability, and the research focused on waste reuse and recycling is critical to support this effort.
Waste generated by mining and quarrying activities, and subsequent processing steps poses a variety of problems ranging from landscape and land use degradation to soil and water pollution, with repercussions on the biosphere. Therefore, in a circular economy context, it is essential to consider these materials not as waste but as potential resources, to help mitigate negative effects and contribute to a sustainable supply of resources. Indeed, these types of wastes contain substantial quantities of residual minerals, including CRM, and have the potential to become valuable mineral resources. Advances in innovative and technological processes now allow us to reduce, reuse and recycle these residues, promoting more sustainable exploitation practices. Beyond this, there are additional challenges associated with the exploration, characterization, recovery, reprocessing and testing of these recovered materials. Furthermore, it is crucial to develop realistic models for extractive waste to accurately assess the prospects for sustainable use.
The present session welcomes contributions on the following topics:
- Characterization of extractive waste, its interaction with the environment, and degradation processes;
- Development of technologies for exploration, extraction, and reprocessing of minerals within the context of extractive waste.
- Solutions for valorising extractive waste, with a focus on critical raw materials supply;
- Strategies for sustainable management of extractive waste;
- Tools and methodologies for environmental monitoring and risk assessment in active and inactive sites.

Convener: Antonello AquilanoECSECS | Co-conveners: Giovanna Antonella Dino, Carmela Vaccaro, Ferdinalda Nuvunga, Anna Luiza Ayres da Silva

Rising demand of critical raw materials in response to the global energy transition is pushing scientific research for exploration and sustainable exploitation of crustal ore deposits from which these commodities are extracted. Mineral targeting in many countries is progressively shifting the focus of exploration and research from brownfield (i.e., already surveyed districts) to greenfield (unexplored) sites, thus deriving an improved and broadened multidisciplinary understanding of the geological factors that lead to the formation and preservation of a metallogenic province. Multiple geologic processes operating over time and space predispose sectors of the Earth’s crust to develop metallogenic provinces through short-lived and transient mineralizing episodes, which usually constitute the final outcome of a dynamic system of mass and energy fluxes. Understanding each component of these mineral systems and linking them together through a holistic conceptual framework provides key understanding for predicting the locations of hidden mineral camps. This session welcomes interdisciplinary contributions that describe the geological and geochemical processes involved in the selective transfer of critical raw materials and their storage in the Earth’s crust, with special emphasis (but not limited to) in the European domain. Relevant disciplines may include, but are not limited to, mineral systems science and economic geology, mineral exploration, mineral chemistry, geochemistry and isotope geology, numerical modeling, and geometallurgy. Contributions related to empirical and experimental studies on metal transport in magmas and hydrothermal fluids are also welcome.

Convener: José Maria González-Jiménez | Co-conveners: ERWIN SCHETTINO, Néstor Cano, SANTIAGO TASSARA

The role of natural hydrogen (a.k.a. “geological”, or “white” hydrogen) as a potential major contributor to a decarbonized energy system in the future has sparked significant debate in recent years. Geological helium resources, independent of co-production with fossil fuels, have similarly attracted the attention of both scientists and industry professionals, especially when co-located with hydrogen.

To date, a truly interdisciplinary scientific understanding of the subsurface natural hydrogen/helium system is lacking, with knowledge being fragmented across disciplines, and exploration/assessment workflows in their infancy. This session aims to address key subsurface aspects of geological hydrogen/helium systems, soliciting contributions from a broad range of disciplines, covering solid earth geosciences, geochemistry, hydrology, remote sensing and soil system sciences. In particular, the session aims to address:

- Generation potential and migration/possible accumulation processes and fluid pathways
- Geological history of such systems through the Wilson cycle
- Source rock/origin and conversion kinetics, flux estimates and relation to emplacement/host environment through geological time
- Spatial characteristics of geological hydrogen/helium systems - distribution, 3D geometry and their activity through geological time.
- Measurement and instrumentation aspects to detect, characterize, and quantify source, fluxes, shallow subsurface interactions and surface leakage of H2 and He.
- Natural hydrogen/helium occurrences and recent discoveries

Co-organized by EMRP1/GD1/GI6/GMPV6/SSS5/TS8
Convener: Christian Heine | Co-conveners: Annick Loschetter, Meike Bagge, Rodolfo Christiansen

The growing demand for raw material, coupled with the need to reduce the environmental footprint of the resource sector, highlights the importance of accurately characterizing both primary (ore) and secondary (recycled) material streams.

Improved efficiency requires detailed resource data to (1) effectively concentrate and extract valuable materials, (2) minimize and manage waste, and (3) reduce the total energy consumption and CO2 footprint. Advances in digitalisation and automatisation offer solutions to these challenges, through robotic data-collection platforms, data-driven resource, and process modelling tools.

These technologies facilitate real-time, precise decision-making, improving the efficiency of exploration, mining, and recycling processes while contributing to a more sustainable circular economy.

This session will explore cutting-edge mineral exploration and resource characterisation tools, including techniques that integrate multi-scale, multi-source, and multidisciplinary approaches. These include, but are not limited to, X-ray sensors (e.g., XRF, XRT), spectroscopy and hyperspectral techniques, LIBS, electromagnetic, seismic, and potential-field geophysics, combined with machine learning, AI models, and efficient mechatronic solutions.

Topics of interest include:
- Field based and analytical approaches to understand and map resources at multiple scales (e.g. geophysical and/or geochemical mapping, isotopic characterization, digital outcrops and hyperspectral imaging);
- Non-destructive techniques, featuring core scanners, in-line sensor systems, and the use of ground-based and airborne sensors for precise and efficient resource identification and characterisation;
- Automated, real-time data processing that optimize ore sorting, processing, and recycling;
- Data-driven quantification and predictive modelling of mineral systems and contained resources;
- Innovative methods for data integration and visualization from diverse sources to enhance accuracy and efficiency of resource characterization.

By bringing together experts from various disciplines, this session aims to foster collaboration and inspire innovative approaches that will shape the future of sustainable resource exploration and management.

Co-organized by GI6/GMPV6
Convener: Giorgia StasiECSECS | Co-conveners: Giulia Consuma, Samuel Thiele, Margret Fuchs, Moritz Kirsch

Petrophysics and geomechanics have been critical tools in the exploitation of naturally occurring fossil fuels. Now that the world is transitioning away from fossil fuels towards sustainable energy and material sources, these same methods still have critical roles to play. The methods remain the same – it is only their applications that have changed, helping to drive the globe towards net zero and beyond. Conventional petrophysics and geomechanics are being applied to new challenges, ensuring that the wheel does not need reinventing.

The aim of this session is to explore and foster the contribution of petrophysics and geomechanics to improve development of sustainable energy and material resources in the transition to low-carbon energy and net zero.

Papers should show research or deployment involving theory, concept, measurement, modelling, testing, validation the deployment of petrophysics and/or geomechanics, from/across angström to basin scales, that has the potential for driving us towards net zero, including pore-scale processes that link fluid flow, geochemistry and geomechanical properties, and studies linking petrophysical and geomechanical properties across multiple scales.

Applications include, but are not limited to, (i) carbon capture and storage, (ii) subsurface energy storage, (iii) geothermal energy, (iv) non-carbon gas exploitation (e.g. helium and white hydrogen), (v) wind energy, (vi) hydroelectric energy, (vi) solar energy, (vii) battery storage for smoothing of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (IRES). In each case including provision of critical minerals (e.g., lithium, cobalt, neodymium), engineering and groundwater flow are included.

Approaches may include laboratory measurement, field studies, multi-scale imaging, pore-scale and DRM modelling, reactive flow, reservoir modelling, 3D quantification and dynamic simulation, fracture modelling, heat flow quantification and modelling, reservoir integrity cap-rock studies, quantitative evaluation of porosity, permeability or any other properties or approach.

Co-organized by ERE5/GMPV6
Convener: Paul Glover | Co-conveners: Wenzhuo Cao, Daniela Navarro-Perez, Ashley Stanton-Yonge, Roberto Rizzo

Critical raw materials are crucial for local and global economies in their pursuit of climate goals and societal and industrial needs. The high demand for these materials is set to boost mineral production by nearly 500% by 2050. Meeting these targets necessitates accessing more diffuse and lower-grade deposits, and sourcing materials from a wide variety of sources. To guarantee enough critical raw materials, there is a need for robust strategies for clean and smart exploration and extraction of primary and secondary resources (such as byproducts of other ores, and mine waste). Sourcing critical raw materials from primary ores, byproducts, and mining residues is an environmental subject but also an economic opportunity. Many techniques are developed to reduce the environmental footprint of metal sourcing and add value to mining wastes.
In this session, topics include:
• Exploration and extraction of critical raw materials as primary resources
• Sourcing of critical raw materials as byproducts (secondary resources) from common ores
• Revalorization of mine waste deposits (e.g., stockpiles & tailings) as secondary sources of critical raw materials
• Environmental aspects of extracting critical raw materials from primary resources
• Environmental and geotechnical innovations to address challenges related to mine waste facilities (revalorization and monitoring)
• Technological developments for sampling, characterization routines for ores and mine waste for enhanced resource and environmental assessment
• Innovative approaches for zero-waste mining and re-mining technologies, including geometallurgy and resource recovery
• The role of current regulations in shaping innovative solutions and promoting responsible extraction of critical materials from primary and secondary resources
• Multi-scale exploration of critical raw materials: innovative sensing techniques, automatization, and modeling of primary and secondary sources.
• Societal and economic challenges of opening new mines, and reactivating abandoned mines and waste facilities
• The role of AI and machine learning techniques across the mining life cycle

Co-organized by GMPV6
Convener: Adriana Guatame-GarciaECSECS | Co-conveners: Feven Desta, Sara Kasmaee, Hernan Flores

GMPV7 – Advances in igneous petrology

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Silvio Ferrero, David Dolejs, Adrian Finch


The dynamics of magmatic systems are driven by complex processes that span from deep mantle melt generation to surface eruptions. These processes involve complex melt-rock interactions, including melt generation in the upper mantle and lower crust, magma transport, differentiation, and emplacement in the crust, the genesis of energy and mineral resources, and volcanic extrusion with consequent hazards. Fluid-mechanical and thermo-chemical processes involving different phases (liquid melt, solid crystals, volatile fluids, and pyroclasts) emerge on sub-millimetre scales while influencing systems at the metre to kilometre scale. Understanding these processes requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining observations, experiments, and computational methods including forward and inverse modelling and machine learning.
Despite the crucial role of computational methods in integrating and interpreting data from various sources, there has been limited progress in establishing a dedicated community within volcanic and magmatic studies. This session aims to address this gap by focusing on computational approaches. We seek to bring together researchers working on forward and inverse modelling, machine learning, and other computational methods to foster a thriving community to complement well established observational and experimental communities.
We encourage contributions that explore the theory, application, and validation of computational approaches in the context of experimental and observational data. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multiphase flow dynamics
- Thermodynamics and phase equilibria
- Magma transport and storage
- Chemical and rheological melt-rock interactions
- Crystallization and degassing processes
- Energy and mineral resource genesis
- Magma-hydrothermal interactions
- Eruption dynamics and hazards
This session aims to provide a platform for in-depth technical discussions that are challenging to facilitate in broader multidisciplinary sessions, ultimately fostering a stronger computational community within volcanic and magmatic studies.

Co-organized by GD2
Convener: Tobias Keller | Co-conveners: Pascal AelligECSECS, Adina E. Pusok, Catherine Booth

Crystals offer crucial records of magmatic processes, allowing investigation of physico-chemical conditions during magma evolution and the magma pathways through Earth's mantle and crust. By analyzing crystal compositions and textures, it is possible to reconstruct the history of magma storage and transport, investigating specific processes, including fractionation, recharge, mixing, assimilation, and degassing.
Advances in geochemistry and experimental petrology have improved our ability to investigate intra-crystal details and to correlate crystal textures and compositions with specific processes. Trace element variations during crystal growth carry significant information about magma compositions and conditions. Also, increasingly precise geothermobarometric models constrain crystallization conditions. Stable and radioactive isotopic systematics are employed, in both single-crystal and intracrystalline studies, in the investigation of magma genesis and evolution, alongside traditional dating techniques. Chemical zoning of major and trace elements in crystals can be related to changes in specific magmatic environments and the diverse compositional populations detected in minerals can record different magma dynamics and processes. Innovative methodologies allow investigation of kinetics on crystallization in the context of laboratory experiments on cooling and decompression of basaltic and felsic magmas, under a wide set of magmatic conditions. Finally, crystals can be used as chronometers, yielding insights into the timescales of magma ascent to eruption. Techniques such as diffusion chronometry provide valuable information on the duration of different magmatic processes, making them crucial tools for volcanic monitoring and eruption forecasting.
This session proposes a comprehensive view of such “microscopic scale archives” from natural cases, numerical modelling and experimental works. We welcome contributions using cutting edge and/or more traditional approaches suitable for decoding all the information that can be extracted from crystals. Interdisciplinary works using one or more of the above mentioned aspects are particularly welcome.

Convener: Carlo PelulloECSECS | Co-conveners: Helena Albert, Chiara Maria Petrone

The session aims to bring together geoscientists to explore innovative, multidisciplinary approaches that are expanding the boundaries of our understanding of geomaterials, with an emphasis on silicate melts, glasses, and multiphase systems. Covering a spectrum of topics from volcanology to industrial processing, the session will showcase cutting-edge methodologies, advanced analytical techniques, and novel theoretical frameworks that are revolutionizing the study of igneous rocks and ceramics. Advances in synchrotron-based analysis, computational modeling, nanotechnology, interdisciplinary approaches, and non-conventional experimental methods in petrology and volcanology are key to unraveling the evolution (as a function of temperature and pressure) of multiphase systems (bubbles + crystals + melt) and their timescales, which are closely linked to the rheological, elastic, and mechanical properties of geomaterials. This session will provide an inclusive platform for discussing the current state and future perspectives of research in experimental geosciences, with a particular focus on integrating traditional approaches with new and emerging technologies.

Convener: Michele CassettaECSECS | Co-conveners: Emily Bamber, Fabrizio Di Fiore, Alessandro Pisello, Francesco Radica

The vast majority of minerals are enriched in various types of inclusions (solid, melt, and fluid). They represent key windows into Earth’s processes though time. Solid mineral inclusions preserve phase equilibrium data and pressure-temperature-composition conditions, revealing the formation history and source of their host minerals. Melt inclusions provide crucial information about magmatic evolution, recording pristine concentrations of volatiles that are usually lost during magma solidification and degassing during ascent. In the same way, fluid inclusions preserve the physical and chemical characteristics of fluids trapped within minerals during their formation, offering a direct record of the composition and evolution of the fluid phase in geological systems, essential for understanding fluid-rock interactions.

By integrating findings from petrology, mineral chemistry, and isotope geochemistry, this session aims to bring together researchers from various disciplines to explore the importance of all type of inclusions, contributing to our understanding of Earth’s composition and dynamic, whose expression at the surface are volcanic eruption and earthquakes. We invite contributions that investigate these topics across different tectonic settings, including but not limited to:
1) Contributions on the importance of understanding the pressure-temperature-composition-oxygen fugacity conditions (P-T-X-fO₂) and phase equilibria that control (ultra-)high-pressure phase relations based on mineral inclusions (e.g., diamond) that provide a unique window into deep and in part early mantle processes.
2) Research that investigates the evolution of magmatic and fluid processes through the analysis of melt/fluid inclusions trapped within minerals, with particular emphasis on investigating the behaviour of volatile components including stable and noble gases isotopes, and on reconstructing the main characteristics of the volcanic plumbing systems.
3) Studies on metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that constrain the role of fluids in mineral reactions and mass transfer, and their migration along faults and fractures, offering clues about the role of fluids in seismic activity.

Through this session, we aim to foster a multidisciplinary exchange of ideas that will advance our understanding of the potential of studying each type of inclusion and its applications in different geological contexts in the broader geodynamic framework.

Convener: Gabriele Carnevale | Co-conveners: Antonio Caracausi, Vincenzo Stagno, Hélène Balcone-Boissard, Sonja Aulbach

Significant breakthroughs in modern Earth Science research are closely tied to innovations in observational, analytical, and modeling methods. Over the past two decades, substantial progress has been made in microbeam analytical techniques, now widely employed across various disciplines within Earth Sciences. These advancements in micro-scale observation and analysis have greatly deepened our understanding of Earth's history and its complex geological processes. Recent rapid developments in chemical microanalysis, non-destructive imaging technology and the application of advanced petrological tools, such as thermodynamic calculators, have revitalized igneous petrology, placing it at the forefront of geological research once again. Additionally, the use of innovative experimental apparatus allows for controlled simulation of geological conditions, further enhancing our capacity to study igneous processes. Emerging AI methods, including machine learning and deep learning-based geobarometry, image segmentation, and classification, are proving invaluable for automating and refining data interpretation in volcano-magmatic dynamics. Furthermore, advanced modeling and statistical approaches are reshaping our ability to predict and model volcanic and magmatic processes with higher precision. We invite contributions that emphasize original research, new protocols, and technical innovations, especially those that integrate multiple techniques, interdisciplinary approaches, and cutting-edge modeling or experimental methods.

Convener: Lucia Pappalardo | Co-conveners: Gianmarco Buono, Lucia Mancini
GD3.1 | PICO

Dynamical processes shape the Earth and other rocky planets throughout their history; their present state is a result of this long-term evolution. Early on, processes and lifetimes of magma oceans establish the initial conditions for their long-term development; subsequently their long-term evolution is shaped by the dynamics of the mantle-lithosphere system, compositional differentiation or mixing, possible core-mantle reactions, etc.. These processes can be interrogated through observations of the rock record, geochemistry, seismology, gravity, magnetism and planetary remote sensing all linked through geodynamical modelling constrained by physical properties of relevant phases.

This session aims to provide a holistic view of the dynamics, structure, composition and evolution of Earth and rocky planets (including exoplanets) on temporal scales ranging from the present day to billions of years, and on spatial scales ranging from microscopic to global, by bringing together constraints from geodynamics, mineral physics, geochemistry, petrology, planetary science and astronomy.

Co-organized by GMPV7/PS1
Convener: Paul Tackley | Co-conveners: Gregor Golabek, Lena Noack, Paolo Sossi

The Earth’s mantle is a highly dynamic system, that exerts a key control on global scale tectonics and shapes the chemical composition of our planet.
Studies on ultramafic xenoliths, diamonds, exposed mantle sections, ophiolites, and primary melts have proven that the mantle is modally, texturally, and compositionally heterogeneous. Minerals and mineral-hosted inclusions in mantle-derived rocks from various geodynamic settings preserve a vast, but still incomplete record of multistage processes (e.g., melt extraction, deformation, melt/fluid-rock reactions, asthenosphere-lithosphere interactions and/or crustal recycling, possibly subduction-related). Unfortunately, the overlap of these processes makes it challenging to identify the single evolutionary stages, and the use of monodisciplinary approaches often limits our perspective in the interpretation.
To link micro-scale observations to large-scale geodynamic processes, petrological/geochemical models based on mineral and melt/fluid inclusions must be compared to data extracted from geophysics, thermodynamics, HP-HT experiments, and surface gaseous emissions.
With the aim to explore and discuss the new findings of the nature and spatial-temporal evolution of the Earth’s mantle, this session welcomes contributions from a broad range of disciplines, including - but not limited to - petrology, geochemistry of minerals, melt and fluid inclusions, thermo-oxy-barometry, experimental petrology, and thermodynamic modelling.

Co-organized by GMPV7
Convener: Federico CasettaECSECS | Co-conveners: Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Petros Koutsovitis, Andrea Luca Rizzo
GD2.3 | PICO

The origin and evolution of the continental lithosphere is closely linked to changes in mantle dynamics through time, from its formation through melt depletion to multistage reworking and reorganisation related to interaction with melts formed both beneath and within it. Understanding this history is critical to constraining terrestrial dynamics, element cycles and metallogeny. We welcome contributions dealing with: (1) Reconstructions of the structure and composition of the lithospheric mantle, and the influence of plumes and subduction zones on root construction; (2) Interactions of plume- and subduction-derived melts and fluids with the continental lithosphere, and the nature and development of metasomatic agents; (3) Source rocks, formation conditions (P-T-fO2) and evolution of mantle melts originating below or in the mantle lithosphere; (4) Deep source regions, melting processes and phase transformation in mantle plumes and their fluids; (5) Modes of melt migration and ascent, as constrained from numerical modelling and microstructures of natural mantle samples; (6) Role of mantle melts and fluids in the generation of hybrid and acid magmas.These topics can be illuminated using the geochemistry and fabric of mantle xenoliths and orogenic peridotites, mantle-derived melts and experimental simulations.

Co-organized by GMPV7
Convener: Igor Ashchepkov | Co-conveners: Sonja Aulbach, Natalia Lebedeva, NV Chalapathi Rao

Ocean island archipelagos are outstanding natural laboratories in which we can explore the complex interactions between tectonic, magmatic and mantle processes at a wide range of scales, from mantle-lithosphere interactions to outcrop (or smaller) level observations without forgetting the possible influence of interplay with external forcing. Within the Atlantic Ocean, several such sites exist, such as Iceland, the Azores or the Canaries, each with its own unique setting, dynamics and evolution.

This session aims to bring together contributions from geological, tectonic, geophysical, geodetic and geodynamic studies of the Atlantic Ocean islands and archipelagos. We particularly welcome contributions that might have a new perspective or methodological approach that aim to understand the recent
Icelandic rifting unrest and eruptions, the 2022 Sao Jorge Island (Azores) aborted eruption and the 2011-2012 El Hierro or 2021 La Palma eruptions in the Canary Islands.

We also welcome studies or datasets documenting past activity based on geological or geophysical approaches in/around eroded shield volcanoes across the Atlantic islands.

Co-organized by GMPV7/TS6
Convener: Jaime AlmeidaECSECS | Co-conveners: Pablo J. Gonzalez, Ana Ferreira, Stéphanie Dumont

This session welcomes all studies on Mars science and exploration. With many active missions, Mars research is as active as ever, and new data come in on a daily basis. The aim of this session is to bring together disciplines as various as geology, geomorphology, geophysics, and atmospheric science. We look forward to receiving contributions covering both past and present processes, either pure Mars science or comparative planetology (including fieldwork on terrestrial analogues), as well as modeling approaches and laboratory experiments (or any combination of those). New results on Mars science obtained from recent in situ and orbital measurements are particularly encouraged, as well as studies related to upcoming missions and campaigns (ExoMars, Mars Sample Return).

Co-organized by GM6/GMPV7
Convener: Ernst Hauber | Co-conveners: Ana-Catalina Plesa, Adrien Broquet, Barbara De Toffoli, Bart Root

The formation of magma storage zones and subsequent magma pathways towards the surface are crucial processes in driving a range of Earth’s magmatic phenomena, such as continental volcanism, volcanic arc development, and oceanic lithospheric generation at mid-ocean ridges. Both magma storage and propagation imply that magma makes its own space by deforming the host rock. Understanding the coupling between magma flow and host rock deformation has spurred a robust line of research on melt transport mechanisms, with the objective to unveil how the melt and the surrounding host rock of complex rheology interact, determining the structure of magma pathways and driving flow dynamics . Varying combinations of magma and host rheologies eventually give rise to diverse intrusive geometries, ranging from typical tabular dikes and sills to more complex non-tabular conduits and batholiths. It is a major challenge to theoretically or experimentally predict them in terms of magma emplacement mechanisms under a given melt-wall rheological combination. Furthermore, a comprehensive interpretation of volcanic and magmatic processes must account for variability in spatial and temporal scales, from microscopic crystals to kilometre-wide volcanoes and from “moments” to millions of years. This becomes particularly relevant when questioning how magmatic systems form a network, create pathways for melt migration, and eventually erupt to the surface. A direction of these studies shows the role of faults and shear zones as potential pathways for magma movement. However, faults can either aid or hinder magma ascent depending on stress orientation, permeability, and mechanical properties. We thus need to substantially refine the present knowledge about fault-driven magma migration and look for alternative models. This session aims to explore innovative methods, modelling techniques and case studies shedding light onto magmatic systems, with particular interest for the underlying mechanisms of magma storage formation, melt transport, modes of magma emplacement, and associated wall-rock deformation, including also application-oriented issues. We welcome contributions from experts in diverse directions, such as field analysis, InSAR, seismicity, seismic imaging, gravity and electromagnetic data, as well as experimental, analogue, numerical, and thermal modelling, with the objective to discuss the problems of magma dynamics and related subjects with an integrated approach.

Co-organized by GMPV7
Convener: Uddalak BiswasECSECS | Co-conveners: Daniele Maestrelli, Olivier Galland, Nibir Mandal

GMPV8 – Physical and chemical processes in volcanic systems

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Brendan McCormick Kilbride, Thea Hatlen Heimdal


The session deals with the documentation and modelling of the tectonic, deformation and geodetic features of any type of volcanic area, on Earth and in the Solar System. The focus is on advancing our understanding on any type of deformation of active and non-active volcanoes, on the associated behaviours, and the implications for hazards. We welcome contributions based on results from fieldwork, remote-sensing studies, geodetic and geophysical measurements, analytical, analogue and numerical simulations, and laboratory studies of volcanic rocks.
Studies may be focused at the regional scale, investigating the tectonic setting responsible for and controlling volcanic activity, both along divergent and convergent plate boundaries, as well in intraplate settings. At a more local scale, all types of surface deformation in volcanic areas are of interest, such as elastic inflation and deflation, or anelastic processes, including caldera and flank collapses. Deeper, sub-volcanic deformation studies, concerning the emplacement of intrusions, as sills, dikes and laccoliths, are most welcome. We also particularly welcome geophysical data aimed at understanding magmatic processes during volcano unrest. These include geodetic studies obtained mainly through GPS and InSAR, as well as at their modelling to imagine sources.

The session includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
• volcanism and regional tectonics;
• formation of magma chambers, laccoliths, and other intrusions;
• dyke and sill propagation, emplacement, and arrest;
• earthquakes and eruptions;
• caldera collapse, resurgence, and unrest;
• flank collapse;
• volcano deformation monitoring;
• volcano deformation and hazard mitigation;
• volcano unrest;
• mechanical properties of rocks in volcanic areas.

Convener: Michael Heap | Co-conveners: Valerio Acocella, Virginie Pinel, Sigurjon Jonsson, Thorbjorg Agustsdottir

Magma composition, eruptive frequency, and tectonic context are highly variable features of volcanoes. Within such contexts, volcanic volatiles play a key role in magma transport, and impact on the style and timing of volcanic eruptions. Gas chemical and isotopic compositions may change over time, reflecting variations in the magmatic feeding systems of volcanoes. As the magma rises from depth, the decreasing pressure allows volatile species to partition into the gas phase. Bubbles form, grow, and coalesce, and gases start to flow through the vesciculated magma. Eventually, fluid and gases reach the surface and are released into the atmosphere through soil degassing, fumarolic vents, or bubbling through a water surface, forming large plumes or explosive eruption columns.

Volcanic emissions can also have significant impacts on the terrestrial environment, atmospheric composition, climate, and human health at various temporal and spatial scales. For instance, sulfur dioxide emissions can cause acid rain and influence aerosol formation, and if an eruption column reaches the stratosphere, it causes global dimming and a lowering of the Earth’s surface temperatures that may last for years. Similarly, halogens can dramatically affect proximal ecosystems, influence the oxidation capacity of the troposphere, and alter the stratospheric ozone layer.

Understanding the physicochemical processes underlying volcanic eruptions has improved tremendously through major advances in computational and analytical capabilities, instrumentation and monitoring networks, thereby improving the ability to reduce volcanic hazards. This session focuses on all aspects of volcanic volatile degassing in the Earth’s system through case studies and theoretical and multidisciplinary approaches. We invite contributions discussing how novel measurement techniques, field measurements, direct and remote ground and space-based observations, and modeling studies of volcanic degassing can provide new insights into volcanic and atmospheric processes at local and global scales.
Finally, but significantly, we strongly encourage critical contributions that offer alternative explanations and viewpoints, willingness to consider new ideas supported by evidence, and with the potential to improve the ability to forecast eruptions.

Convener: Marco Liuzzo | Co-conveners: Nicole Bobrowski, Jonas Kuhn

Fluid flow in the Earth’s crust is driven by pressure gradients and temperature changes induced by internal heat and is associated with structural and geochemical processes in the basement and sedimentary basins. Groundwater, hydrothermal brines and gases circulating in the subsurface interact across different tectonic and geological settings. Under near-lithostatic conditions, fluids and rocks may be expelled at-surface, featuring a variety of geological phenomena ranging from hydrothermal systems to sedimentary and hybrid volcanism and cold seeps onshore and offshore. These vertical fluid flow expressions are characterised by complex geochemical reactions where life can adapt to thrive in extremely harsh environments, making them ideal windows to study the deep biosphere. Several works have demonstrated that CO2- and CH4-dominated vents played a key role in the evolution of our planet and the cycles of life during several geological eras. Similar structures on other planets are promising sites for exploration where habitable niches could have been present. Elevated pore pressures in deep reservoirs make piercements ideal natural laboratories to capture precursors of seismic events and dynamically triggered geological processes. Yet, the geochemical and geophysical processes associated with the evolution of these vertical fluid flow features and piercements remain poorly understood.
This session welcomes contributions from communities working on magmatic and sedimentary environments and interacting domains on Earth and in the Universe using geophysical, geochemical, biological, microbial, geological, remote sensing, numerical and laboratory studies to promote a better understanding of modern and paleo fluid-driven systems in the upper crust. We call for contributions from 1) investigations of tectonic discontinuities pre-existing geological structures; 2) the geochemical reactions occurring at depth and the surface, including micro- and biological studies; 3) geophysical imaging and monitoring of fluid flow systems; 4) experimental/numerical studies about fluid flow evolution; 5) studies of piercement dynamics related to climatic and environmental implications

Convener: Adriano Mazzini | Co-conveners: Matteo Lupi, Giuliana Panieri

Investigating the magmatic processes that control the physical and chemical evolution of magmas within volcanic reservoirs is essential for quantifying pre- and syn-eruptive conditions. Magmatic processes, such as magma crystallization, magma mixing and degassing control magma differentiation and rheology, which in turn influence the remobilization of crystal mushes and cold magmas stored within the crust, the formation of eruptible magmas, magma ascent dynamics, magma fragmentation and eruptive behaviour. Understanding these processes and their timescales is, therefore, crucial for managing the environmental and societal impact of volcanic eruptions.
The textural, chemical, and isotopic characteristics of eruptive products can be used to elucidate the inner workings of magmatic plumbing systems, as well as constrain pre- and syn-eruptive processes. Similarly, analytical/field observations, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling are useful tools for the investigation of magmatic systems. This information is of paramount importance for policymakers in charge of mitigating the risks associated with volcanic activity.
In this session we welcome a wide range of petrological, geochemical, geophysical and volcanological studies, based on natural, experimental, and numerical-based approaches, with the scope of providing insight into the magmatic processes which occur both at depth and during ascent towards the surface. We also encourage contributions that investigate the mitigation of hazards associated with volcanic activity. Interdisciplinary works that consider the close and complex interplay between magmatic processes, conduit dynamics, eruptive behaviour, and emplacement mechanisms are of particular interest.

Convener: Fabio Arzilli | Co-conveners: Eleonora Braschi, Giuseppe La Spina, Emily Bamber, Chiara Maria Petrone

A major societal application of volcanology is to give an early warning of volcanic activity to reduce risks to communities, and recognition that the volcanic plumbing system is active can alert to the possibility of an eruption. However, the processes that occur within the volcanic plumbing system prior to, during, and after volcanic eruptions are dynamic and complex, making attempts to understanding these processes challenging. Investigating plumbing system processes can thus lead to improved volcanic hazard assessment, and key to this endeavour is a multidisciplinary approach.
The dynamic processes operating within the volcanic plumbing system interlink on scales of millimetres to kilometres, occur at timescales from seconds to hundreds or thousands of years, and involve complex physics and chemistry at the interface between fluid and solid mechanics. Understanding these dynamics and linking the scales of processes throughout the heterogeneous transcrustal magmatic system is crucial to forecast its evolution towards eruption, and consequently providing accurate hazard and risk assessments.

This session targets scientists dealing with the physical, chemical and temporal evolution of volcanic plumbing systems by using field, geophysical or geodetic observations, theoretical or analytical models, petrological and geochemical constraints, and experimental or numerical methods. To trigger cross-disciplinary interactions, this session's aims are process-oriented and targeted at e.g.:
● studies of solidified, eroded volcanic plumbing systems, considering magma rheology and rock mechanics;
● pre-eruptive magma accumulation, mixing and migration in active volcanic plumbing systems;
● petrological, geodetic and geophysical reconstructions of pre-eruptive magma storage and ascent conditions, and their combination;
● simulations of magma storage, reservoir growth and/or transport using analogue and/or numerical modelling.

This session is associated with the IAVCEI commission on Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems (VIPS).

Co-sponsored by IAVCEI
Convener: Janine Kavanagh | Co-conveners: Claire Harnett, Alexandra Morand, Kate Williams

Hydrothermal systems exert crucial influence on volcanic hazards. For example, hydrothermal alteration can reduce the strength of edifice- and dome-forming rocks, increasing the likelihood of volcano spreading and flank collapse, and high pore pressures that develop within hydrothermal systems can promote phreatic/phreatomagmatic explosions and further increase volcano instability. On the other hand, hydrothermal systems also offer the opportunity to exploit minerals of economic interest, and their heat can be harnessed to produce energy. A detailed understanding of hydrothermal systems, fluid-rock interactions in hydrothermal systems, and the resulting effects of alteration, using multidisciplinary studies, is required to better anticipate the hazards posed, to exploit the economic opportunities they provide, and to execute engineering design. We invite diverse contributions dedicated to the characterisation, imaging, monitoring, and hazard/economic assessment of volcanic hydrothermal systems and associated fluid-rock interactions. Contributions can be based on fieldwork, laboratory work, modelling, or a combination of these approaches. Because understanding hydrothermal systems requires multidisciplinary, collaborative teamwork, we welcome contributions based on any subdiscipline (e.g., geology, geophysics, geochemistry, engineering) and using any technique or method (e.g., geological mapping, magnetic, gravity, and spectroscopic methods, laboratory experiments, gas monitoring, numerical modelling). We hope to have a diverse session in terms of both speakers and audience.

Convener: Claire HarnettECSECS | Co-conveners: Alexandra Kushnir, Marlene Villeneuve, Marina Rosas-Carbajal

A long-standing question about volcanic eruptions is what determines their intensity and duration. To provide a sensible answer, we need to reconcile observational data on erupted products and deposits, and geophysical and geochemical signals with magma dynamics at depth.
Volcanic plumbing system dynamics can be inferred using a variety of different methodologies, such as experimental petrology to derive magmatic chemical and physical properties and their evolution; field campaigns to determine eruptive mechanisms; monitoring data analysis and inversion to pinpoint magma movement; analog and numerical modeling to reproduce magma feeding system processes. Further, AI and machine learning algorithms are now widely used to boost the performances of each single method. Most often, single techniques can provide a range of plausible explanations for eruptive phenomena; combining different approaches, however, better constrains our interpretations. Interdisciplinary studies are often harder to generalize; on the other hand, they are very effective when applied to any specific volcano, also in terms of hazard and risk mitigation.
This session will showcase multidisciplinary studies of volcanic plumbing system processes, highlighting success stories as well as limitations and criticalities.

Convener: Chiara P Montagna | Co-conveners: Claudia D'Oriano, Jisoo Kim, Sebastien Valade

To truly understand the surface features and inner workings of a planet, its tectonic, volcanic, and seismic processes need to be thoroughly studied. To do so, many different methods exist including numerical and analogue modelling studies, lab experiments on rock rheology and environmental conditions, detailed geological mapping, and theoretical geophysical studies of a planet’s available data, such as topography and gravity. To further complement these studies, missions are an invaluable addition to gather data on the various planetary bodies of interest.

Indeed, from a mission perspective, we are set to learn a lot about planetary tectonics, volcanism, and seismicity in the coming decades as BepiColombo reaches Mercury to study its geology and tectonics, the VERITAS and EnVision missions will study the current tectonic and volcanic activity of Venus, and Dragonfly promises a wealth of seismological observations of Titan. As the recent InSight mission showed, these missions have the power to transform our understanding of a planetary system. Looking even more towards the future, it is also expected that seismology will return to the (farside of the) Moon with the selection of the Farside Seismic Suite on a commercial lander in the next few years and the Lunar Geophysical Network remains an encouraged mission concept for a future NASA New Frontiers call.

Here, we aim to bring together contributions that use a range of different methods (modelling, mapping, missions, etc.) to study the tectonics, volcanism, and seismicity of planetary bodies such that different communities may learn from each other in their quest to more thoroughly understand the workings of rocky and icy planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

Co-organized by GD3/GMPV8/SM3/TS7
Convener: Iris van ZelstECSECS | Co-conveners: Barbara De Toffoli, Alexander Stott

Volcanic seismicity is fundamental for monitoring and investigating volcanic systems' structure and underlying processes. Volcanoes are very complex objects, where both the pronounced heterogeneity and topography can strongly modify the recorded signals for a wide variety of source types. In source inversion work, one of the challenges is to capture the effect of small-scale heterogeneities in order to remove complex path effects from seismic data. This requires high-resolution imagery, which is a significant challenge in heterogeneous volcanoes. In addition, the link between the variety of physical processes beneath volcanoes and their seismic response (or lack of) is often not well known, leading to large uncertainties in the interpretation of volcano dynamics based on seismic observations. Considering all of these complexities, many standard techniques for seismic analysis may fail to produce breakthrough results.

To address the outlined challenges, this session aims to bring together seismologists, volcano and geothermal seismologists, wave propagation and source modellers, working on different aspects of volcano seismology including (i) seismicity catalogues, statistics and spatio-temporal evolution of seismicity, (ii) seismic wave propagation and scattering, (iii) new developments in volcano imagery, (iii) seismic source inversions, and (iv) seismic time-lapse monitoring. Contributions on controlled geothermal systems in volcanic environments are also welcome. Contributions on developments in instrumentation and new methodologies (e.g. Machine Learning) are particularly welcome.
By considering interrelationships in these complementary seismological areas, we aim to build up a coherent picture of the latest advances and outstanding challenges in volcano seismology.

Co-organized by GMPV8
Convener: Ivan Lokmer | Co-conveners: Chris Bean, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Arthur Jolly

GMPV9 – Active volcanism: hazards, monitoring, human response, mitigation and risk

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Chiara Maria Petrone, Anita Di Chiara


Petrological monitoring of active volcanoes, or the syn-eruptive study of volcanic products, is the only approach that allows direct and near real-time measurement of the physical-chemical properties of the magma that feeds an eruption. Collection of time-series of samples over the course of an eruption enables tracking temporal evolution of processes acting within the plumbing system and early detection of its changes. Overall, petrological monitoring enables: 1) tracking of variations in magma properties through time; 2) comparison with previous eruptions; 3) preliminary insight on the magmatic processes responsible for the observed eruptive phenomena; 4) possible forecast of the eruptive style, including the shift towards increasing or decreasing intensity of an eruption; 5) understanding the potential impact on human and animal health related to pollutants transported by ash.

Petrological investigations have had an increasing impact on the volcano monitoring framework over the past decades. However, there are still many challenges to ensuring an effective petrological monitoring structure. For example, there is not yet a widely acknowledged operative protocol to define the minimum analytical procedures to perform (i.e. componentry; external morphology; chemical composition; vesicularity and crystallinity); there are logistic difficulties related to field surveys for sample collection, especially in remote areas, and onsite infrastructure for sample preparation and analyses is commonly insufficient. On the other hand, thanks to advanced methodologies and technologies, it is possible to use new petrologic monitoring parameters (i.e. trace elements in matrix glasses and minerals; machine learning) capable of providing increasingly detailed and ready-to-use information to derive magmatic processes and capture small variations that can be considered precursors of changes in the eruptive style.

This session welcomes contributions from experiences related to petrological monitoring of active volcanoes, with particular attention to: (1) sampling strategies, also in collaboration with local communities and through the creation of mobile network tools; (2) new operating procedures that include the use of data obtained with new analytical tools; (3) integration of new practices into analytical protocols with innovations deriving from statistical methods and artificial intelligence; (4) operational forecasting implementation of petrologic monitoring results

Convener: Claudia D'Oriano | Co-conveners: Giuseppe Re, Heather Wright, Jorge Romero, Maurizio Petrelli

The monitoring of volcanic hazards through the combination of field observations, satellite data and numerical models presents extraordinarily challenging problems, from the identification and quantification of hazardous phenomena during pre-/syn-eruptive phases to the prediction of their impact in the assessment of risks to people and property. This session welcomes contributions that address unresolved issues related to the study and modelling of pre- and post-eruptive phenomena, including field and satellite data analysis, physico-mathematical formulations of natural processes, and numerical methods. Contributions that cross-reference efforts in traditional volcano monitoring with new technological innovations in statistical methods and artificial intelligence are encouraged. The objectives of the session include: (i) expanding knowledge of complex volcanic processes and their spatio-temporal dynamics; (ii) monitoring and modelling volcanic phenomena; (iii) assessing the robustness of models through validation against real case studies, analytical solutions and laboratory experiments; (iv) quantifying uncertainty propagation through both forward (sensitivity analysis) and inverse (optimisation/calibration) modelling for all kind of volcanic hazards; and (v) investigating the potential of machine learning techniques to process multidisciplinary data in developing a better understanding of volcanic hazards.

Convener: Gaetana Ganci | Co-conveners: Benoît Smets, Sophie Pailot Bonnètat, Annalisa Cappello

Volcanoes release tephra, gases and aerosols into the atmosphere during both eruptive and quiescent activity. Volcanic degassing exerts a dominant role in forcing the style and timing of volcanic eruptions. Emissions range from silent exhalation through soils to astonishing eruptive clouds injecting tephra, aerosols and gas into the atmosphere. Strong explosive eruptions pose critical hazards on the ground and in the air and represent one of the most important natural driver of climate variability at annual-multidecadal timescales. Persistent quiescent degassing and low-magnitude eruptions, on the other hand, may impact on regional climate system. Through direct exposure and indirect effects, volcanic emissions may destroy the natural and built environment, influence local-to-regional air quality and seriously affect the biosphere and environment and, in turn, livelihoods causing socio-economic challenges. Tephra, aerosols and gas emissions are observed and monitored via a range of in situ direct and remote sensing techniques to gain insights into both the subterranean-surface processes and quantify the extent of their impacts. Inverted data are then used to tune models of subsurface and atmospheric/climatic processes as well as laboratory experiments and to validate and interpret satellite observations. This session focuses on the state-of-the-art and interdisciplinary science concerning all aspects of volcanic tephra, aerosols and gas emissions and their impacts on societies, the environment and climate. We invite contributions on all aspects of volcanic plumes science, their observation, modelling and impacts. We welcome contributions that address hazard assessment and impacts from volcanic degassing both in crises and at persistently degassing volcanoes. This session is organized under the auspices of the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling.

Convener: Pasquale Sellitto | Co-conveners: Giuseppe G. Salerno, Stefano Corradini, Corinna Kloss, Thomas Aubry

Robust multi-platform approaches are essential in thermal studies within active geothermal and volcanic environments, spanning various spatial and temporal scales. The proposed session's aim is to integrate thermal data from several platform, including satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in-situ sensors, and laboratory analyses encouraging the integration of the thermal data with other multiparametric datasets. The session will highlight the synergies between different environmental process scales and the technological advancements in data acquisition and numerical modeling. Special emphasis will be placed on pioneering studies that introduce new methods or enhance numerical modeling and integrated systems for monitoring areas affected by geothermal and volcanic activity. These initiatives are crucial for advancing our ability to predict and manage the natural risks associated with these dynamic environments. In conclusion, this interdisciplinary approach is aimed at enhancing our predictive capabilities and developing more effective strategies for managing natural phenomena in geothermal and volcanic settings, improving response strategies and predictive capabilities for these dynamic environments.
We invite contributions from several of disciplines, including remote sensing, applied geophysics, geothermics, volcanology, geochemistry.

Co-organized by ERE5/GMPV9
Convener: Gianluca Gola | Co-conveners: Raffaele Castaldo, Maddalena Perrini, Cristina Pauselli, Elif Balkan-Pazvantoglu

Volcanoes are complex systems capable to cause catastrophic impacts. Understanding, modelling and forecasting volcanic hazards is challenging because they encompass a wide range of processes from grain to flow scales, whose complexity often require a multidisciplinary approach to quantitatively model them. In fact, there is always a need for the development of robust and reliable models for forecasting volcanic hazards, both syn- and post-eruptive.
Syn-eruptive hazards include gravity-driven flows (e.g., pyroclastic density currents, rock avalanches), volcanic plumes and gas emission and dispersion, which can all be theoretically described by computational fluid dynamics, and experimentally modelled. But application of experimental and numerical modelling results to large-scale natural processes is often not straightforward due to scaling issues and simplifications of the modelled systems.
Uncertainty management is a central issue in volcanic hazard analyses and a plethora of statistical methods have attempted to quantify uncertainty in both hazard modelling and eruption forecasting. The data underlying models for both eruption occurrence and hazard propagation are multi-scale, multi-dimensional and nonlinearly correlated, and often not representative of the volcano's potential behaviour. Additional knowledge is often required to manage causal links, and to extrapolate outside of the perceived bounds of existing data.
Post-eruption, understanding the origin, transport and emplacement mechanisms of volcanic deposits is fundamental for accurately reconstructing accumulation histories of ancient and modern volcano-sedimentary records, thus helping to assess future hazards and their potential economic impacts. Many knowledge gaps in these records could be reduced by bringing together multidisciplinary specialists and methods, combining classical field-based work with novel laboratory modelling approaches.
The session aims at advancing volcanic hazard estimation and response through multidisciplinary approaches, including:
• A better description of uncertainty in volcanic hazard estimates through the use of statistical, analogue, surrogate and synthetic data,
• Field studies of volcanoclastic features in sedimentary records,
• Analysis of the short- and long-term downstream effects of volcanic events on active landscapes (landslides, lahars, re-sedimentation, flooding etc.).
• New developments in statistical, experimental and computational modelling.

Co-organized by GMPV9
Convener: Fabio Dioguardi | Co-conveners: Melody Whitehead, Alexis Bougouin, Jacopo Selva, Mark Bebbington

When a volcano erupts, providing information on hazardous volcanic phenomena, their effects, and the eruption's duration is crucial. However, eruptions are complex phenomena governed by interactions of many processes, which are often nonlinear and stochastic. Numerous uncertainties in the involved parameters make precise predictions of specific events in time and space usually unattainable; that is, volcanic eruptions can be intrinsically unpredictable. Despite these limitations, significant progress has been made in forecasting volcanic hazards and, in specific circumstances, in making predictions. Improvements in forecasting are closely related to the wealth of data from enhanced monitoring techniques, such as satellite observations, and tremendous advances in computing power. This has led to the increased use of data-driven approaches, including artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, to address volcanic hazards. Machine learning, a type of AI in which computers learn from data, is gaining importance in volcanology not only for monitoring purposes (i.e., in real time) but also for hazard analysis (e.g., modeling tools). Looking to the future, AI models can be combined with physical constraints to bridge the gap between data-driven methods and physical modeling, thereby increasing the interpretability of AI predictions. This offers an alternative approach to dealing with the strongly nonlinear and time-dependent character of volcanic phenomena. Several hybrid strategies, utilizing growing computational resources, are currently being developed to achieve greater flexibility and full synergy between numerical physics-based simulations, machine learning, and data-driven approaches. This multidisciplinary session invites contributions focusing on enhancing traditional ground-based volcano monitoring systems through technological innovation in satellite remote sensing and computational methods, integrating deep-learning, data-driven approaches, and physics-based simulations, to better understand and forecast volcanic hazards.

Co-organized by GMPV9, co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Ciro Del Negro | Co-conveners: Alessio Alexiadis, Eleonora Amato, Federica Torrisi

One of the major goals in volcanology is to improve our understanding of the processes that lead to volcanic eruptions, as well as those that occur during the eruptive events. The rate of mantle melting, the volatile content in primary melts, and the intracrustal accumulation and transfer of fluids and melts play a major role in modulating the evolution of volcanic activity over time. Moreover, they affect the magnitude and style of eruptions, regardless of the geodynamic context in which a volcanic system forms. These processes can be assessed through geochemical (fluids and rocks analyses) and petrological monitoring. Few eruptions worldwide (e.g. the 2021 La Palma and the 2020-2022 Mt. Etna eruption) allowed geologists to perform real-time monitoring and systematic sampling of gases, lava and/or tephra before and throughout the duration of an eruption. This approach helps to reconstruct magmatic processes and follow ongoing magmatic dynamics almost in a sequential and chronologically accurate way.
The syn-eruptive geochemical and petrological monitoring is carried out following well-defined procedures developed to rapidly produce datasets that, integrated with information from other monitoring techniques, help understanding the magmatic processes driving volcanic phenomena. These findings can be complemented with more extensive studies that require additional time and produce other datasets, aimed at investigating detailed aspects of pre-eruptive and eruptive processes. Overall, geochemical and petrological monitoring activities are highly challenging, but critical for understanding the evolution of ongoing volcanic crises, identifying mid/long-term precursors of future eruptions and providing robust scientific tools to support the decisions of the Authorities responsible for crisis management.
Our intent is to enhance the dialogue among scientists, who are the ‘providers’ of geochemical, petrological and other multidisciplinary data/results, and Decision-Makers, who are the primary ‘users’ of this information during a volcanic crisis. The aim is to leverage the experience gained from past or ongoing eruptions and unrest crises to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of geochemical and petrological monitoring of volcanic eruptions, and to define guidelines and best practices to apply in order to fulfil the requests of Decision-Makers for the management of a volcanic crisis.

Co-organized by GMPV9
Convener: Ilenia Arienzo | Co-conveners: Rosa Anna Corsaro, M. Aulinas, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Stefano Ciolli
NH2.7 | PICO

Tephra pose significant hazards to human health, infrastructure, and the environment, especially in regions surrounding active volcanoes. Assessing tephra hazards requires knowledge of the physical processes governing tephra generation, dispersal, and fallout, obtained through a multidisciplinary approach that combines field observations, experimental data, and computational models. For instance, field measurements play a critical role in gathering real-time and post-event data on tephra fallout, particle size distribution, and deposit thickness, providing ground-truth data that helps refine models. Recent developments in remote sensing and drone technology are also enhancing the time and spatial resolution as well as the accuracy of tephra transport and deposition processes. Meanwhile, analog experiments offer controlled environments to simulate eruptive processes, plume dynamics, and wind interactions, shedding light on the behavior of tephra during different eruption phases. These experiments allow us to improve our comprehension of ash aggregation and sedimentation processes such as Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities (SDGIs). Numerical modeling, driven by field and experimental data, allows for detailed simulations of tephra dispersal and fallout under various eruption scenarios and atmospheric conditions. Advances in computational power and algorithm development are improving the precision of models, allowing us to tackle challenging physical factors such as unsteadiness, particle-turbulence interactions, variable entrainment, thermal disequilibria, ash aggregation, and compressibility. Models enable better forecasting of ash cloud trajectories and deposition patterns. Models also assist in risk assessments, providing insights into potential impacts on aviation, agriculture, and urban areas. This session welcomes any contribution and advances on the aforementioned points related to tephra hazards, potentially emphasizing the synergy between fieldwork, analog experiments, and numerical modeling.

Co-organized by GMPV9
Convener: Simon ThivetECSECS | Co-conveners: Jonathan Lemus, Allan Fries
NH10.5 EDI

All the forecasts are connected to some level of uncertainty. When the forecast is applied to natural hazards, existing uncertainty may become critical, as significant changes in the forecasts may play a major role in the definition of risk reduction actions.

While this is pervasive across all natural hazards, significantly different approaches have been defined in the different disciplines of Earth Sciences, both in the definition of methods to quantify uncertainty, and in the selection of specific communication strategies for decision-makers or for the general public. Indeed, the need of accounting for and communicate uncertainty, coupled with the capacity of developing adequate models to this aim, strongly influenced how and at which level uncertainty has been included and communicated in forecasting models.
This session is dedicated to foster cross-discipline exchange of existing experiences as well as ongoing efforts in the quantification, communication, and use of uncertainty in decision-making along the different disciplines of Earth Sciences.

Co-organized by GM3/GMPV9/HS13/NP5
Convener: Jacopo Selva | Co-conveners: Alberto Viglione, Samantha Engwell, Raffaella Russo, Enrico Baglione

GMPV10 – Mantle-core fingerprints at Earth's surface - the connections

Sub-Programme Group Scientific Officers: Richard Palin, Ferenc Molnár


Vertical motions of the Earth’s lithosphere away from an isostatically compensated state provide a powerful lens into the dynamic behavior of the sublithospheric mantle. These motions can now be monitored geodetically at unprecedented precision. At the same time, geological records provide invaluable spatial-temporal information about the history of vertical lithosphere motion, for instance through provenance, stratigraphic and other proxies. Altogether, the combination of geodetic and geologic observations provide extraordinary opportunities to constrain deep earth processes in geodynamic forward and inverse models of past mantle convection. The challenges of using Earth's surface records to better understand deep Earth processes involve (1) signal separation from other uplift and subsidence mechanisms, such as isostasy and plate tectonics, and (2) different spatial resolutions and scales between models and observables.

In this session, we aim to bring together researchers interested in the surface expression of deep Earth processes from geodetic to geological time scales using multi-disciplinary methods, including (but not limited to) geodetic, geophysical, geochemical, geomorphological, stratigraphic, and other observations, as well as numerical modeling. We welcome studies that tackle challenges and address questions surrounding mantle convection and its surface manifestation in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. Studies using a multidisciplinary approach are particularly encouraged.

Co-organized by G3/GM7/GMPV10/TS6
Convener: Yi-Wei ChenECSECS | Co-conveners: Roland Pail, Hans-Peter Bunge, Anke Friedrich, Beth Kahle

The plate tectonics theory satisfactorily explains ~90% of the Earth’s volcanism, attributing it to convergent or divergent plate boundaries. However, the origin of significant amounts of anomalous volcanism within both continental and oceanic plate interiors (i.e. intraplate volcanism) as well as regions of excessive magmatism along ridges (i.e. Iceland), are not directly related to plate boundary processes, such as subduction or ridge extension. A variety of models have been developed to explain the origins of this enigmatic magmatism (e.g. mantle plumes, edge-driven convection etc.). Improvements in instrumentation, numerical modelling, the temporal and spatial resolution of data as well as the development of new techniques, have allowed us to better understand mantle dynamics and the Earth’s interior. Re-evaluation, refinement, and creation of new models for the origin of intraplate/anomalous magmatism have also provided better insights on deep mantle processes and shed light on the complex interactions between the Earth’s mantle and surface. Understanding what triggers magmatism unrelated to plate boundary processes is critical to understand the evolution of Earth’s mantle through time, especially before the initiation of plate tectonics and when supercontinents dominated, as well as for understanding magmatism on other planetary bodies in the solar system and beyond. This session aims to facilitate new understandings of intraplate and anomalous magmatism by bringing together diverse ideas, observations, and approaches from researchers around the globe.
We therefore welcome contributions dealing with the origins and evolution of intraplate or anomalous magmatism using a variety of approaches and techniques to tackle outstanding questions from any field, including: petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, isotope geochemistry, geophysics, geodynamics, seismology, and more. This session brings together scientists from any and all backgrounds who work on intraplate/anomalous magmatism using any approach, enhancing discussion and collaboration between disciplines.

Co-organized by GMPV10
Convener: Martha PapadopoulouECSECS | Co-conveners: Jordan J. J. Phethean, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Matthew J. Comeau, Lara Kalnins

Subduction drives plate tectonics, generating the major proportion of subaerial volcanism, releasing >90% seismic moment magnitude, forming continents, and recycling lithosphere. Numerical and laboratory modelling studies have successfully built our understanding of many aspects of the geodynamics of subduction zones. Detailed geochemical studies, investigating compositional variation within and between volcanic arcs, provide further insights into systematic chemical processes at the slab surface and within the mantle wedge, providing constraints on thermal structures and material transport within subduction zones. However, with different technical and methodological approaches, model set-ups, inputs, and material properties, and in some cases conflicting conclusions between chemical and physical models, a consistent picture of the controlling parameters of subduction-zone processes has so far not emerged.

This session aims to follow the subducting lithosphere on its journey from the surface down into the Earth's mantle and to understand the driving processes for deformation and magmatism in the over-riding plate. We aim to address topics such as: subduction initiation and dynamics; changes in mineral breakdown processes at the slab surface; the formation and migration of fluids and melts at the slab surface; primary melt generation in the wedge; subduction-related magmatism; controls on the position and width of the volcanic arc; subduction-induced seismicity; mantle wedge processes; the fate of subducted crust, sediments, and volatiles; the importance of subducting seamounts, LIPs, and ridges; links between near-surface processes and slab dynamics and with regional tectonic evolution; slab delamination and break-off; the effect of subduction on mantle flow; and imaging subduction zone processes.

With this session, we aim to form an integrated picture of the subduction process and invite contributions from a wide range of disciplines, such as geodynamics, modeling, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, and seismology, to discuss subduction zone dynamics at all scales from the surface to the lower mantle, or in applications to natural laboratories.

Co-organized by GMPV10/TS2
Convener: Ágnes KirályECSECS | Co-conveners: Michaël Pons, Antoniette Greta Grima, Jeroen van Hunen, César R. Ranero