HS – Hydrological Sciences
Programme Group Chairs: Gerrit H. de Rooij, Jan Szolgay, Niko Verhoest, Marnik Vanclooster, Alin Andrei Carsteanu, Wouter Buytaert, Elena Toth, Laurent Pfister, Robert J. Abrahart, Steffen Birk, Stan Schymanski, Miriam Coenders-Gerrits, Marcel van der Perk
- HS1 – General Hydrology
- HS2 – Catchment hydrology
- HS3 – Hydroinformatics
- HS4 – Hydrological Forecasting
- HS5 – Water Management, Operations and Control
- HS6 – Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
- HS7 – Precipitation and Climate
- HS8.1 – Subsurface Hydrology – General sessions
- HS8.2 – Subsurface Hydrology – Groundwater
- HS8.3 – Subsurface Hydrology – Vadose zone hydrology
- HS9 – Erosion, sedimentation and river processes
- HS10 – Ecohydrology, Limnology, and Estuaries
- HS11 – Short Courses
- HS12 – Co-sponsored sessions from other divisions
ML1 Alfred Wegener Medal Lecture by Edouard Bard |
Conveners: Donald B. Dingwell , Günter Blöschl |
/ Wed, 10 Apr, 12:15–13:15
/ Room R1
ML2 Arthur Holmes Medal Lecture by Sierd Cloetingh |
Conveners: Donald B. Dingwell , Günter Blöschl |
/ Tue, 09 Apr, 12:15–13:15
/ Room R1
ML18 John Dalton Medal Lecture by Michael Roderick |
Convener: Gerrit H. de Rooij |
/ Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00
/ Room R1
ML19 Henry Darcy Medal Lecture by Georgia Destouni |
Convener: Gerrit H. de Rooij |
/ Thu, 11 Apr, 19:00–20:00
/ Room R6
HS1.1 Innovative techniques and unintended use of measurement equipment |
Convener: Rolf Hut | Co-Conveners: Theresa Blume , Willem Luxemburg , Steven Weijs |
/ Attendance Mon, 08 Apr, 17:30–19:00
/ Red Posters
HS1.4 Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data Assimilation |
Convener: Matthieu Masbou | Co-Conveners: Clemens Simmer , Karsten H. Jensen |
Programme Group Scientific Officer: Laurent Pfister
HS2.2 Hydrological extremes: from droughts to floods |
Convener: Alberto Viglione | Co-Conveners: Attilio Castellarin , Jan Szolgay , Lena M. Tallaksen , Gregor Laaha |
HS2.3 Monitoring Strategies: temporal trends in groundwater and surface water quality and quantity |
Convener: Hans Peter Broers | Co-Conveners: Brian Kronvang , Frans van Geer |
HS2.4 Observational hydrology: Recent development in isotope and other tracer methods |
Convener: Christine Stumpp | Co-Convener: Markus Weiler |
HS2.5 Large scale hydrology |
Convener: Florian Pappenberger | Co-Conveners: Dan Rosbjerg , Hannah Cloke , Chong-Yu Xu , David Hannah |
HS2.6 Hydrological change: Regional hydrological behaviour under transient climate and land use conditions |
Convener: Stefan Hagemann | Co-Conveners: Axel Bronstert , Harald Kunstmann |
HS2.10 Understanding catchment response: from changing states to changing behaviors |
Convener: Daniele Penna | Co-Conveners: Ilja van Meerveld , Luisa Hopp |
HS2.11 Mountain Hydrology: Monitoring and modeling of snow |
Convener: Juraj Parajka | Co-Conveners: Michael Lehning , Cécile Ménard |
HS2.13 Decadal flood risk changes |
Convener: Luis Mediero | Co-Conveners: Alberto Viglione , Andrea Kiss |
HS2.14 Measuring and modelling surface water – groundwater interactions |
Convener: Harald Hofmann | Co-Conveners: Ian Cartwright , Luisa Stellato |
HS3.1 Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence, systems analysis and optimisation |
Convener: Robert J. Abrahart | Co-Conveners: Elena Toth , Dimitri Solomatine |
HS3.2 Geostatistics for space-time analysis of hydrological events |
Convener: Gerald A Corzo P | Co-Convener: Mikhail Kanevski |
HS3.3 Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology |
Convener: Attilio Castellarin | Co-Conveners: Jan Seibert , Ann van Griensven , Paolo Paron , Martinus van den Berg |
HS4.2 Hydrological forecasting: challenges in uncertainty estimation, data assimilation, post-processing and decision-making |
Convener: Robert Moore | Co-Conveners: Albrecht Weerts , Henrik Madsen |
HS4.5 Hydrology for decision-making: the value of forecasts, predictions, scenarios, outlooks and foresights |
Convener: Jan Verkade | Co-Conveners: Hessel Winsemius , Ana Iglesias |
Programme Group Scientific Officer: Wouter Buytaert
HS5.1 Assessment and management of water resources in the Mediterranean |
Convener: Jan Friesen | Co-Conveners: Ana Iglesias , Micha Werner , Ralf Ludwig |
HS5.2 Hydrological,hydrochemical and hydroecological monitoring for water resources management in continental areas |
Convener: Sergey Chalov | Co-Conveners: Daniel Karthe , Jerker Jarsjö |
HS5.3 Advances in Modeling of Coupled Hydrologic-Socioeconomic Systems |
Convener: Greg Characklis | Co-Conveners: Saket Pande , Julien Harou , Manuel Pulido-Velazquez , Amaury Tilmant , Patrick Reed |
HS5.4 Design and Operation of Water Resource Systems: Computer Based Control and Optimization |
Conveners: Ronald van Nooijen , Niels Schuetze | Co-Conveners: Andrea Castelletti , Francesca Pianosi |
HS5.6 Stakeholders, public involvement and collaborative processes in hydrology research and water management |
Convener: Gemma Carr | Co-Convener: Tobias Krueger |
Programme Group Scientific Officer: Bob Su
HS6.1/OS4.9 SMOS: successfully completing 3-years nominal life time (co-organized) |
Convener: Susanne Mecklenburg | Co-Convener: Matthias Drusch |
HS6.2 Remote sensing of soil moisture |
Convener: Niko Verhoest | Co-Conveners: Yann Kerr , Patricia de Rosnay , Alexander Loew (deceased) , Susanne Mecklenburg , Matthias Drusch , Wolfgang Wagner |
HS6.3 High to coarse resolution remote sensing for operational hydrological applications |
Convener: Niko Verhoest | Co-Conveners: Ralf Ludwig , Annett Bartsch , Giuseppe Mascaro |
Programme Group Scientific Officer: Alin Andrei Carsteanu
HS7.3/CL2.12/NP1.4 Water, climate and health (co-organized) |
Convener: Hwa-Lung Yu | Co-Conveners: Andreas Langousis , Alin Andrei Carsteanu , Antarpreet Jutla , Alexander Kolovos |
HS7.5/NP8.4 Hydroclimatic stochastics (co-organized) |
Convener: Salvatore Grimaldi | Co-Conveners: Alin Andrei Carsteanu , Demetris Koutsoyiannis , Xiaolan Wang , Simon Michael Papalexiou |
HS8.1 – Subsurface Hydrology – General sessions
Programme Group Scientific Officers: Marnik Vanclooster, Steffen Birk
HS8.1.1 Subsurface flow, solute transport, and energy processes: Concepts, modelling, and observations |
Convener: Marnik Vanclooster | Co-Convener: Steffen Birk |
HS8.1.2 Hydrogeophysics: From non-invasive site characterization to improved process understanding |
Convener: Johan Alexander Huisman | Co-Convener: Peter Dietrich |
HS8.1.4/SSS2.11 Pore Scale Characterization and Upscaling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media (co-organized) |
Co-Conveners: Dani Or , S. Majid Hassanizadeh , Martin Thullner |
HS8.1.5 Groundwater Recharge: Water and solute transport through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater |
Convener: Stefano Barontini | Co-Conveners: Ulf Mohrlok , Mike Kirkby , Jay Jabro |
HS8.1.6 Fate and transport of biocolloids and nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems |
Convener: Constantinos V. Chrysikopoulos | Co-Conveners: Thomas Baumann , Markus Flury |
SM4.5/HS8.1.9 Imaging the shallow subsurface with seismic and other geophysical methods (co-organized) |
Convener: Lars Nielsen | Co-Conveners: Matthew Yedlin , Klaus Holliger , Hansruedi Maurer |
NP3.5/AS4.7/CL5.1/HS8.1.10 Geophysical Downscaling Methods (co-organized) |
Convener: Tobias Sauter | Co-Conveners: Douglas Maraun , Victor Venema (deceased) , Erika Coppola |
HS8.2.1 Stochastic groundwater hydrology |
Convener: Monica Riva | Co-Conveners: Alberto Guadagnini , Daniel Fernandez-Garcia , Xavier Sanchez-Vila |
HS8.2.2/IG13 Groundwater Dating: Applications and current problems (co-organized) |
Convener: Martin Kralik | Co-Conveners: Jürgen Sültenfuß , Roland Purtschert |
HS8.2.3 Fissured and karstified aquifers |
Convener: Tobias Geyer | Co-Conveners: Eric Zechner , Steffen Birk , Franci Gabrovsek |
HS8.2.4 Thermal processes and storage in shallow aquifers |
Convener: Peter Bayer | Co-Convener: Philipp Blum |
/ Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00
/ Red Posters
HS8.2.5 Freshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow |
Convener: Georg Houben | Co-Conveners: Eric Zechner , Thomas Graf , Leonard Stoeckl |
HS8.2.6 Groundwater resources in a changing environment |
Convener: Okke Batelaan | Co-Conveners: Martin Sauter , Joseph Guttman |
HS8.3.3/SSS2.13 Trace gases emissions from soils: Sources, mechanisms and process rates (co-organized) |
Convener: Lutz Weihermueller | Co-Conveners: Yakov Kuzyakov , Reinhard Well |
HS8.3.5/SSS2.15 The role of interfaces in flow and transport in porous media (co-organized) |
Convener: Peter Lehmann | Co-Conveners: Hans-Jörg Vogel , Insa Neuweiler |
HS8.3.6/SSS2.16 Hydrophobicity and temporal dynamics of soil physical properties (co-organized) |
Convener: Wolfgang Durner | Co-Conveners: Joerg Bachmann , Stefan Doerr , Jay Jabro |
SSS2.1/HS8.3.7 Soil infiltration: Methods, measurements, models and factors (co-organized) |
Convener: Jonay Neris | Co-Convener: Jay Jabro |
Programme Group Scientific Officer: Stan Schymanski
HS10.1 Lakes and inland seas |
Convener: Peter Zavialov | Co-Conveners: Jana Friedrich , Elena Roget |
HS10.2 Lakes and climate change – impacts, vulnerability, risk assessment and adaptation strategies |
Convener: Gerhard Soja |
HS10.3 Estuarine processes |
Convener: Andrea D'Alpaos | Co-Conveners: Hubert H.G. Savenije , Simon Mudd , Marco Toffolon |
HS10.4/SSS2.17 General Ecohydrology (co-organized) |
Convener: Keith Smettem | Co-Conveners: Nicola Montaldo , Murugesu Sivapalan , Vito Iacobellis , Salvatore Manfreda , Félix Francés , Gregory Egger |
HS10.5/SSS2.18 Peatland Hydrology (co-organized) |
Convener: Bärbel Tiemeyer | Co-Conveners: Michel Bechtold , Joseph Holden |
HS10.7 Interactions between surface water, groundwater, and the hyporheic zone |
Convener: Fulvio Boano | Co-Conveners: Jan Fleckenstein , Jörg Lewandowski , Mark Cuthbert , Stefan Krause |
SC4/HS11.1 How to write (and publish) a scientific paper in hydrology (co-organized) |
Conveners: Laurent Pfister , Miriam Coenders-Gerrits |
Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:00
/ Room R2
SC5/HS11.2 Meet the expert in hydrology - Round tables among young and established scientists (co-organized) |
Conveners: Laurent Pfister , Miriam Coenders-Gerrits |
Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:00
/ Room R2
BG2.6 Earth observation for monitoring the global energy, water and carbon cycles over land |
Convener: Jean-Christophe Calvet | Co-Conveners: Roselyne Lacaze , Gianpaolo Balsamo , Nuno Carvalhais |
BG2.17 Snow-shrub interactions: Exploring the hydrology, biochemistry and ecology of changing tundra ecosystems |
Convener: Cécile Ménard |
GI1.5 Open session on advances in Data, Methods, Models and Their Applications in Geosciences |
Convener: Sid-Ali Ouadfeul | Co-Convener: Leila Aliouane |
GM6.2/HS12.3/SSS11.1 Connectivity in landscape dynamics (co-organized) |
Convener: Anthony Parsons | Co-Conveners: David Dunkerley , Ronald Pöppl , Saskia Keesstra , Thomas Hoffmann , Nikolaus J. Kuhn |
NP4.1 Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences - Concepts, Methods and Applications |
Convener: Reik Donner | Co-Convener: Susana Barbosa |
SSS6.1 Hydrogeomorphic and Ecological Effects of Roads |
Co-Convener: Murat Demir |
SSS7.2/AS4.15/BG2.20/CL2.8/NH8.4 Soils and Human Health |
Convener: Eric C. Brevik | Co-Conveners: Teodoro Miano , Raúl Zornoza , M. Ángeles Muñoz , Vanessa Wong |
SSS8.1/BG2.22 Dissolved organic matter - linking soils and aquatic systems |
Convener: Karsten Kalbitz | Co-Conveners: Lars Tranvik , Boris Jansen |
SSS9.6/GM6.7/HS12.6 The impact of fire on soil properties, runoff generation and sediment transport (co-organized) |
Co-Conveners: Jonay Neris , Stefan Doerr , Artemi Cerdà |
SSS9.7 Validation and uncertainty in soil erosion modelling: achievements and challenges |
Convener: Manuel López-Vicente | Co-Conveners: Mike Kirkby , Jean Poesen , Mark Nearing |
SSS10.2 Soil and irrigation sustainability practices |
Convener: Leonor Rodriguez-Sinobas | Co-Conveners: Giuseppe Provenzano , Ricardo Serralheiro , Ruben Moratiel , Ana Maria Tarquis |